IRC log for #uphpu on 20120504

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02:04.18carmonyhey :)
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07:07.33mindjujuanybody around?
07:12.27herlomindjuju: yes?
07:13.04mindjujuhi herlo, i've read the man on rm and it doesn't offer provisions for deleting on a wildcard
07:13.09mindjujuhow does one approach this?
07:13.42herlomindjuju: read globbing in bash
07:14.06herlothis should be helpful
07:16.02herlomindjuju: globbing doesn't just apply to ls or rm. It's a standard way of identifying files across any command for files. cp, mv, and many others too.
07:16.24mindjujuyeha, was having probs with mv first
07:16.33mindjujuthen thought i would just jump to the chase with rm
07:20.22herlounderstanding globbing is the first thing you need to do before you really can do any of the operations above with any sort of power.
07:22.43herlookay, so tell me what this command does after reading the article
07:22.47herlorm *png
07:23.29mindjujuexpands the pathname
07:24.47herlono, tell me what it does
07:25.13herloI'm not asking you to tell me what the globbing does, I'm asking you to tell me what would happen if you ran that command
07:30.17mindjujusorry about delay herlo, had boss on other line
07:30.51mindjujuso rm *png will remove all png files
07:31.08mindjujuwell, anything with png i think
07:31.13mindjujuso png..jpg ?
07:31.55herloif you examine it closely, it will remove all files that start with anything and end in exactly 'png'. This includes files named 'png'
07:32.16herlobut png..jpg would not work because it doesn't end in 'png'
07:32.26herlomindjuju: does that make sense?
07:32.43herlok, so next question
07:32.47herlowhat if I typed this
07:33.03herlomv /home/clints/*c?jpg /tmp/
07:33.07herlowhat does this command do?
07:33.40herlomindjuju: ^^
07:34.05mindjujuthat would move any files in /home/clints/ where the file ends with cX.jpg where X is any 1 charcter?
07:34.30herloexactly, where would it move them?
07:34.40mindjujuoh to /tmp
07:34.52herlookay, so last question
07:34.58herlowhat if I ran this command?
07:36.05herlols [0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]
07:36.46mindjujulist any file that is ######### where # is a digit
07:36.56herlolook closer
07:37.09mindjujuoh there is a hyphen in there
07:37.17herlomore than one, in fact?
07:38.25mindjujuoh yeah, there are 2
07:38.35mindjujuso i wonder why my comamnd didn't work
07:39.06herlomindjuju: okay, but what does that pattern look like to you?
07:39.22mindjujulooks kind of like a ssn
07:39.44herloor a phone number?
07:39.56herlo801-333-4567 perhaps
07:40.09herlothat might be one of the files that would be listed, no?
07:40.36herloso let's do this the other way now
07:41.35herlohow would you recursively copy files that start with x and end in tar.gz to your home directory. Try to use as many shortcuts and globbing characters as possible. Don't go overboard though.
07:41.35mindjujuso, there is this
07:41.48mindjujumv *conflicted* /backup/tempPH/  /tmp/
07:41.59herlomindjuju: bear with me for a minute
07:42.03herlothis will help you
07:45.17herlomindjuju: ??
07:45.27mindjujussry im here
07:46.01mindjujubut i see you're trying to teach a larger lesson
07:46.05mindjujuso i'll stop ;)
07:46.13herlomindjuju: let's wait a second here. :) I will address that shortly.
07:46.34herloso let me ask again
07:46.38herlohow would you recursively copy files that start with x and end in tar.gz to your home directory. Try to use as many shortcuts and globbing characters as possible. Don't go overboard though.
07:47.59mindjujucp -R x*.tar.gz /home/v
07:48.03mindjujuoh wait
07:48.15mindjuju01cp -R ./x*.tar.gz /home/v01
07:49.12mindjujuwell i think you could do this too
07:49.23mindjuju01cp -R x*.tar.gz ~/v01
07:49.47herlooh, I could not see the output there
07:50.00herlosorry, hang on. I'll read it again... looks almost black here
07:50.23herloI would have done something similar, here's mine
07:50.34herlocp -r x*.tar.gz ~
07:50.49herlo~ is the shortcut for my homedir
07:51.09herlomindjuju: okay, so let's start to address your question about mv. It's clear you get globbing
07:51.23herloI wnat to use cp first though
07:51.43herlomindjuju: from the man page, I see this
07:51.45herlocp [OPTION]... SOURCE... DIRECTORY
07:53.21mindjujuhey, quick side question are . and ./ the same thing?
07:53.26herlowhat this says is, run copy, specify options, multiple if desired (like -r -v -A, etc), then specify the sources, again multiple if desired, and finally the destination directory where the copied files/directories will end up
07:53.39herlo. and ./ are not necessarily the same thing
07:54.57herlomindjuju: understanding the cryptic nature of usage statements is very important.
07:55.18mindjujui prolly need to reread book on bash
07:55.35herlopossibly, but this stuff isn't necessarily related to bash
07:55.43herloevery shell does these things similarly
07:56.12herlomindjuju: so to give context to my statement above, what does the ... mean?
07:57.22mindjujuback 2 directories
07:58.00herloin usage examples, it means 'one or more'
07:58.31herloso if you typed cp x.png y.jpg ~clints/Pictures/, what would that do?
07:59.29mindjujucopy x.png and the y.jpg files to /home/clint/clints/Pictures ?/
08:00.35herlopretty close anyway. i think you didn't mean to put 'clint' in their, but it makes sense
08:00.44herloeverything else is correct
08:01.01herlomindjuju: so let's compart that to your mv command from above.
08:02.02herloso what does this say then?
08:02.03herlomv *conflicted* /backup/tempPH/  /tmp/
08:02.53mindjujui wanted it to say that it shold move any file that has the letters conflicted found contiguoulsy anywhere in the filename
08:03.04herlok, what else?
08:03.12mindjujufrom tempPH to tmp
08:03.27herlowhere does *conflicted* get moved?
08:03.58mindjujuto /tmp folder
08:04.27herloso what about this
08:04.34herlomv *conflicted* /backup/tempPH/*  /tmp/
08:04.38herlowhat is different?
08:05.38mindjujumaybe i was saying check the folder name /backup/tempPH
08:05.45mindjujufor *conflicted ?
08:05.51herlono, you were originally on the right track
08:06.16herloso let me explain the difference betwene the two. You are very close. In this case semantics are *extremely* important.
08:06.30herlomv *conflicteD* /backup/tempPH/ /tmp
08:06.54herlothis says, move both *conflicteD* and the directory tempPH inside /backtup to /tmp
08:07.15herlowhat you get then is /tmp/*conflicted* and /tmp/tempPH/* inside this directory
08:07.27herlomv *conflicteD* /backup/tempPH/* /tmp
08:07.47herlothis says move both *conflicteD* and everything inside /backup/tempPH/ to /tmp
08:08.11herloso it would look like /tmp/*conflicted* and /tmp/<whatevercontentwasinsidethetempPHdir>
08:08.19herlomindjuju: does this help clarify?
08:08.29mindjujuyes it does
08:08.45herloso what if did this?
08:09.04herlomv /var/lib/* /var/log/* /var/lock/* /tmp
08:09.23herloand compare it with
08:09.31herlomv /var/lib/ /var/log/ /var/lock/ /tmp
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08:10.14mindjujufrom what you said today earlier, i think the first would copy just the files in the dir to /tmp where the second woud copy the folders?
08:11.08herlomindjuju: first would copy just the files in *each* dir, but yes. You are correct on the second.
08:11.27mindjujuoh yeah!
08:11.29herlobe very careful to understand the difference.
08:11.50herloyou can specify multiple sources, but only *one* destination.
08:12.03herlomindjuju: last question, then I need to go to bed. I hope this has been helpful.
08:12.06herlowhat does this do?
08:12.32herlomv /tmp/bob /tmp/jane -- assuming that /tmp/jane doesn't exist
08:14.21mindjujui think it would mv bob to /tmp/jane as /tmp/jane/bob?
08:14.41herlo/tmp/jane does not exist, so it couldn't move it to a directory that doesn't exist
08:15.02mindjujuoh i thought it would ceate it
08:15.11herlothis is a rename
08:15.26herlomoves the file /tmp/bob to the file name /tmp/jane
08:16.11herloif /tmp/bob were a directory, the same thing would occur above, except /tmp/jane would just a be a directory.
08:16.43mindjujui think i need to spend some quality time with bash
08:17.44mindjujuthx herlo
08:18.01herloI think you need to really just think about how mv and cp work. You can consider looking at ls and rm too. This is where I'd start.
08:18.17herlomindjuju: oh, one other thing. You asked about . vs ./
08:18.35herloso quickly . is 'current dir'
08:18.39herlo.. is 'parent dir'
08:18.46herlonot different from DOS, right?
08:19.51herlomindjuju: ^^
08:21.24herloone of the distinctions between . and ./ is that when you use ./ you are likely going to be referring to something within the current directory. I think you may want to look up absolute vs relative pathing too for this
08:22.08herlomindjuju: the main point about bash is whatever you type, it wants to execute it
08:22.24herloif you type ./ - bash will try to find a file called and execute it
08:22.35herlothis is the most common use of ./
08:23.33herlonn mindjuju
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15:15.10raifbotwielding the mighty hammer of Thor, Mjölnir, I summon lighting to destroy ibot.
15:15.56macnewboldthat seemed to have some motivation behind it...
15:17.00maheliouseven raifbot is excited about the film.
15:17.05mahelious(it rocks!!!)
15:17.28Monnokyou saw it already?
15:23.18maheliousgoing to see it again this afternoon
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15:30.16raifbotblasts kendsnyder with a huge firehose then strangles kendsnyder with it.
15:30.34raifbotChuck Norris can strangle you with a cordless phone.
15:32.39macnewbold~strangle Monnok
15:32.39ibotACTION strangles Monnok with a mouse cord.
15:33.12ibotsomebody said win was <NightHawkTheSane> my phone autocorrects "pfft" to "orgy"
15:41.12ibotwell, win is <NightHawkTheSane> my phone autocorrects "pfft" to "orgy"
15:41.23mgearythat should be random
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15:50.52ibotfrom memory, win is <NightHawkTheSane> my phone autocorrects "pfft" to "orgy"
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15:59.39mgearywe've officially now broken the record for the number of times "orgy" was mentioned in a single day on uphpu
15:59.54mgearywhew, itimber, you sure missed something
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16:01.07itimberI guess I did
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17:07.13maheliousdecisions, decisions.  i brought left over papa murphys for lunch today, but just found out the company is pulling in Brick Oven for everybody.  and now just got an email from the company softball coach, he got mountain mikes for everybody today because we won our game last night.
17:07.23mgearythat's a no brainer
17:07.28mgearyBrick Oven trumps all others, imo
17:08.10BikerdanWhere do you work? (If you don't mind me asking)
17:10.55maheliousADP, in south jordan
17:11.52BikerdanADP is where you work?  Sounds like a great company.
17:12.44BikerdanThat's great.  Should be a t-shirt.
17:13.23macnewboldspeaking of great companies… we're hiring :-D </shameless plug>
17:13.42BikerdanAnd what makes your company so great?
17:19.41macnewboldgreat people, great food (free lunch every day), fun challenging projects
17:19.48macnewboldthe pay isn't bad either
17:19.56macnewboldsolid growth
17:27.01BikerdanAnd what company would this be?
17:30.39BikerdanYou can PM if you want.
17:30.54mgearyhe's at Vivint
17:31.07macnewboldyes, i am
17:31.42BikerdanI actually have an interview set up for Tuesday... :)
17:31.59macnewboldBikerdan: good! it will be nice to meet you
17:33.30Bikerdan@macnewbold: PM?
17:33.40Monnokmacnewbold will be the short guy in glasses and a smile that is obviously smarter than your average person
17:34.41mahelioushuh. looks to be down.
17:34.56maheliouswell, i wasnt getting much work done anyhow.
17:37.09mgearyMonnok: and a smidgen of strawberry-covered waffles smeared on his shirt collar
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17:37.50Monnokyum, that sounds like something i shoulda made this morning
17:38.11Monnokthe waffles, not the macnewbold
17:39.58Monnoki wonder what the chances are of getting a babysitter for my youngest so we can go see Avengers tonight..
17:40.42Monnok$8ball Will I be able to see the Avengers tonight?
17:40.42raifbotMonnok - Outlook not so good.
17:41.29Monnokfor the answer secretly slamming an M$ product
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17:57.11PoeticIntensityHey-O, It's Friday!
17:58.21PoeticIntensityAny mod rewrite gurus out there?
17:58.37mgearynot a guru, but i've made enough mistakes to learn a couple of things
17:58.40mgearyfungus is a guru
17:59.17Monnokyeah but fungus is a guru on everything
17:59.39mgearynot true. He can't cook a steak worth beans
18:00.15MonnokWat? *heartbroken*
18:00.27mgearyand his taste in music runs squarely on the Gaga-side of the line ;)
18:00.33mgeary~rib fungus
18:00.33ibotACTION sharpens her elbows and jabs them playfully into fungus's ribs, "i'm just sayin'!"
18:01.18PoeticIntensityso, the short of it is....
18:01.32PoeticIntensityI have two sites that I need to mangle... :)
18:02.03PoeticIntensityand there's.... let's say... "commercial" (which actually is a whole other site)
18:02.28PoeticIntensityI need to make "commercial" appear like it's a subdirectory of - aka ""
18:02.35PoeticIntensityI have no access to apache's configs....
18:03.00PoeticIntensityso... I'm assuming the best way to go about doing this is through mod_rewrite.... but I'm not sure, and this is an area I've never dabbled in before..
18:03.01mgearysounds like you're actually going to be proxying
18:03.02BikerdanOn either site?
18:03.11mgearythey're on separate physical machines?
18:03.23PoeticIntensitywell... actually...
18:03.26mgearyi believe you're going to need to proxy
18:03.27PoeticIntensityno they're not.
18:03.47PoeticIntensitythey're going to be on the same machine, and I will know the paths to each site.
18:04.00mgearybut the content isn't static, right?
18:04.05PoeticIntensityoh no, very dynamic.
18:04.08mgearystill needs to be run through, e.g. php
18:04.15PoeticIntensityboth are php.
18:04.18PoeticIntensityboth are cakephp..
18:04.22mgearyyeah. i'll wait to see what fungus says, but i believe you're going to have to proxy
18:04.29PoeticIntensityboth are already built (or we wouldn't be in this quandry)
18:05.03mgearymacnewbold or jsmith might have an opinion...?
18:05.06BikerdanAre you able to put the code for each site where you want?
18:05.13PoeticIntensityyup... complete control over code.
18:05.18PoeticIntensityno control over apache.
18:05.45BikerdanSo can't you put commercial code in subdirectory of, then create a .htaccess file?
18:05.59PoeticIntensityI haven't actually tried just putting the commercial site as an actual subdirectory of, but I imagine that'd explode in all sorts of colorful ways...
18:06.00BikerdanAre .htaccess files allowed?
18:06.08mgearyoh, well if you can do that...
18:06.09PoeticIntensity.htaccess is accessible.
18:06.17PoeticIntensityHA!  he quit!
18:06.28PoeticIntensity(I just LOL'ed, in case anyone missed it)
18:06.36mgearyit was my mocking his music that pushed him over the edge
18:06.57PoeticIntensityoh, man.... music has been my lot in life the past few months...
18:07.03PoeticIntensitystudio work is going crazy...
18:07.08PoeticIntensity*shakes head*...
18:08.12PoeticIntensityany notions on whether it would be a bad idea to put an entire cakephp instance as a sub-directory to an existing cakephp instance?
18:08.22mgearyit ought to be fine
18:08.33PoeticIntensityI imagine that cake's rewrite would explode...
18:08.34BikerdanWordpress can operate just fine that way.
18:08.36PoeticIntensitybut... hey...
18:08.43PoeticIntensitymaybe I should just try it.
18:12.19PoeticIntensityso how you doin', anyway, mgeary ?
18:13.05PoeticIntensity(whoops.. wrong window)
18:14.54mgearyPoeticIntensity: not bad. I've been under the weather for a while, but am finally feeling like a human again
18:15.02mgearyrather than a sea cucumber
18:16.37PoeticIntensityoh, man... that sucs.
18:16.46PoeticIntensityI feel like a walking tank of caffeine...
18:17.13PoeticIntensity4 kids, wife pregnant.... working until midnight in the studio...
18:17.21PoeticIntensityall equals pretty much no sleep... ever.
18:17.34mgearysleep is overrated
18:17.44PoeticIntensityif it wasn't, I'd be dead.
18:18.00PoeticIntensitybut .... I think I could get used to feeling like a sea cucumber.
18:18.39PoeticIntensitymy wife saw it last night (which made the whole "sleep" thing last night even more of an impossibility)...
18:18.42PoeticIntensityshe said it was amazing.
18:18.46mgearygot a couple of 12yo boys who would cut off their arms to see it
18:18.55PoeticIntensityI bet!
18:21.05PoeticIntensity(thank you, Bikerdan and mgeary ... the site within a site seems to be working just fine)
18:24.58PoeticIntensityhow 'bout you, Bikerdan ..?  How's life treatin' ya?
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18:42.20mgearyi needs me one of those Marie Calendar's Chicken Pot Pies right about now...
18:54.42PoeticIntensitynom nom..... nommie....
19:25.18PoeticIntensityokay.... I might need some more mod_rewrite assistance... :|
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19:39.33carmony_webchat~carmony DexterTheDragon
19:39.33ibotcarmony threatens to blog negative things about DexterTheDragon unless DexterTheDragon apologizes.
19:40.12carmony_webchat~macnewbold clintberry
19:40.12ibotACTION wallops clintberry with a flip-flop
19:40.50clintberryHa, does mac wear flip-flops?
19:40.56clintberryif so, macnewbold++
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19:49.06macnewboldBikerdan: PM is fine any time
19:51.05fungusPoeticIntensity: Does the URL need to stay, or can u use a redirect?
19:51.57fungusRewrite can do either,  but cross site with non redirect might not work
19:52.57PoeticIntensityfungus, google was able to help me....  All is well.
19:53.07PoeticIntensitythanks for taking a look, though.
19:53.36PoeticIntensityyeah.... (and BTW, redirect wasn't allowable)
19:56.42macnewbolddoh, just missed clintberry
19:56.47fungusYeah didn't think it would
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20:17.57raifbotChuck Norris once went skydiving. He promised never to do it again. He said one Grand Canyon is enough.
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22:04.53clintberrycarmony somehow packed 100 people into a room for 35
22:04.55clintberrygetting hot in here
22:05.49funguslol, you going to start singing and taking off your clothes?
22:09.21clintberryha ha... nobody wants that. Not even my wife ;-)
22:12.37clintberryfungus: What session are you in right now?
22:13.38funguspython profiling
22:14.04fungusnot as many peeps, but cool stuff
22:14.31clintberryI think I will go to the python beginner class tomorrow. The profiling would be over my head since I am such a newb
22:15.02fungushehe, i grew up from php, quite a while ago.  :)
22:16.45mgearymost of us here could probably say the same
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