IRC log for #uphpu on 20120321

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00:35.51herlosomebody needs to work on their complaints ^^
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14:09.21influx$lart 6am wake-up
14:09.21raifbotaccelerates a free AOL cd to 50,000 rpm and lets 6am wake-up feel it.
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15:00.57captbrogersSo I have to say that OpenVZ may not be that great of an option for servers, I'm thinking of moving back to Xen
15:02.26*** join/#uphpu mahelious (
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15:45.32ibotsays "boot to the head" and knocks seant23 over
15:46.00mgearyseant23? i think i may have interviewed seant23 once...
15:46.12seant23Ya buddy
15:46.14seant23a while ago
15:46.21mgearythought so. You still in PC?
15:46.31seant23Probably everybody in Utah has at least once...
15:46.39seant23Nah, I'm out at Franklin Covey now a days
15:46.46seant23in west valley
15:47.16mgearydo you know Curtis Morley?
15:47.35seant23I do contract work here, mostly just hang out in there developer cave
15:47.42mgearyright on
15:58.08*** join/#uphpu captbrogers (~brian@
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16:26.23romanoviccaptbrogers: i assume you are on OpenVZ at ThrustVPS?
16:27.26captbrogersYeah, I think I'll stay with ThrustVPS, just change to Xen
16:27.52romanovicwhat problems have you had?
16:28.10captbrogersHigh load times and after a little research it seems to be the kernel version is to blame
16:28.22captbrogersPlus I was having some trouble with IPTables
16:28.32captbrogersFound out I do like that much control
16:34.59mindjuju~apb tierra
16:34.59ibotACTION calls Tim to rough up tierra
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16:53.29captbrogersThis silence is too dang much!
16:53.31raifbotThere used to be a street named after Chuck Norris, but it was changed because nobody crosses Chuck Norris and lives.
16:53.47mindjujuif you want something to talk about, talk about tierra's bday
16:54.08captbrogersWill there be cake and balloons for lunch?
16:54.40mindjujuvirtual cake maybe ;)
16:54.50captbrogersI was promised that once before...
16:54.53captbrogersIt didn't end well.
16:55.12mindjujuha, very true
16:55.19mindjujuturned out the cake was a lie
16:55.32captbrogersIt was, but I got a cool gun out of it. And some science got done as well
16:59.08mindjujuHL:3 is a lie, a metaphorical carrot to keep us interested in Valve software, i'm beginning to believe it will never arrive, expectations too high, unrealistic anything short of our dreams will be a let down
17:00.03josePHPagodamindjuju: it is similar to the cake
17:00.08josePHPagodain many ways
17:05.44maheliousim sure HL:3 will come out right after HL:2Ep3
17:18.12maheliousso, teenage mutant ninja turtles from outer space.
17:19.10josePHPagodamahelious: i don't know what you are talking about.  Aren't they mutants?
17:19.39maheliousapparently michael bay got film rights.  he's decided they are mutants.  but also aliens.
17:19.50josePHPagodamutant aliens...
17:19.52josePHPagodaseems... excessive
17:20.00josePHPagodai guess all we'll see are baysplosions
17:20.04maheliousim hoping bart simpson shows up to spraypaint the entire thing pink.
17:20.08josePHPagodaalso, what about the rat guy?
17:21.34josePHPagodathis just seems broken
17:21.40josePHPagodano ooze?
17:21.46NoCoolName_TomAlien ooze.
17:21.49maheliousalien rats and alien turtles.  apparently the good guys are some federated alliance of ninja planets?
17:23.06captbrogersSo it looks like when Verizon sent out that last update for my Droid X to put it on 2.3.4, they did something that locked the phone up to prevent it being rooted. Any version I try to flash it to causes errors on bootloader and I can't do anything other than put it back at the latest
17:23.11NoCoolName_TomIt's okay though, because the turtles are going to be tough, edgy, funny, and completely loveable.
17:23.29josePHPagodaand won't have shells
17:23.34josePHPagodacuz, alien turtles don't have shells
17:23.42josePHPagodaheck, why even be turtles
17:23.49josePHPagodai mean, TAMT
17:24.06josePHPagodawhat am I supposed to abreviate it as
17:24.30josePHPagodacaptbrogers: that sucks
17:24.59maheliousi liked "teenage alien interstellar ninja turtles" myself
17:28.37mindjujuas long as they don't mess with donatello, we'll be fine
17:32.05maheliousthe potential is rich.  "im an inventor carrying a weapon the director can't distinguish from a phallis.  look, i made a smart-bomb out of a toothpick, rubberband and paperclip!"
17:43.05captbrogersjosePHPagoda, it really does. Especially when my wife doesn't think I could use an upgrade on my phone. Like the new Nexus
17:43.36captbrogersand wouldn't it be TMNA, or Teenage Mutant Ninja Aliens?
17:43.52josePHPagodacaptbrogers is right
18:04.59captbrogersAnyone have any idea why MySQL daemon would be a memory hog and slow down my system?
18:07.28*** join/#uphpu TuxToaster (
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18:13.07captbrogersMySQL just seems so dang slow, and I'm not sure if it is the host or my setup
18:17.40skinnerTo iterate through the keys of an array to do some  processing on them, one could do:
18:17.40skinnerforeach ($array as $key => $value) {
18:17.40skinnerBut is this considered cleaner?:
18:17.41skinnerforeach (array_keys($key) as $key) {
18:18.07skinnerthe first example I don't use the variable $value....
18:21.17BikerdanI would say that the second one makes it more clear that you're specifically doing something with the key and not the value.
18:21.35skinnerthanks Bikerdan
18:21.39BikerdanNo problem
18:22.09skinnerThat was one of those, "This looks right, I like it better, but I'd like some justification from someone else..." lol
18:22.22Bikerdan:)  Glad I could help
18:23.11BikerdanIn case you copy and paste, you probably meant array_keys($array) instead of array_keys($key).
18:23.26skinnerah yes
18:23.39skinnerI was just typing a quick example for irc
18:23.52BikerdanSorry to nitpic
18:23.56skinnerbut yes, array_keys($array)
18:24.13skinnerno worries, made me do a double take on my actual code so I don't break anything :)
18:24.25BikerdanI think that's the first time I've attempted to write that word... (nitpick)
18:24.44skinnernow my IDE is happy that I no longer have variables I'm not using
18:24.56BikerdanWhich IDE?
18:25.10BikerdanThat's what I use too.
18:25.49jtsnowAny tips on how to get Netbeans to not be so slow?
18:26.04skinnerRewrite it NOT in Java
18:26.06BikerdanIt helps to restart it periodically
18:26.10skinnerThat too
18:26.15jtsnowIt is slow from the start :P
18:26.25skinnerHow much RAM you has?
18:26.33BikerdanIt's not slow for me...
18:26.54skinnerIt only loads slightly slow for me
18:26.56BikerdanI have 8 gigs though.
18:27.01skinnerbut it's not slow running
18:27.04skinnerI have 8 GB too
18:27.15skinnerjtsnow: You could turn off the auto complete stuff
18:27.32skinnerand the doc on demand pop-up
18:27.47skinneras nice as they are, those slow it down
18:28.07BikerdanI would play around with turning off and on various features to see which ones make the most difference.
18:28.52BikerdanWhich version are you running jtsnow?
18:29.44BikerdanWhat color do you use for comments?
18:29.55BikerdanJust kidding.
18:30.13jtsnowI started using sublime text 2 about a month ago. Not sure I can go back to NetBeans, but there are some things I miss
18:30.32BikerdanI've been playing with sublime text 2 also.
18:30.47BikerdanIt's great for small things, but when working with big projects netbeans is much better.
18:30.50josePHPagodai'm from the future, i've been using sublime text 4 for months now
18:30.53raifbotputs xtrementl into a headlock and administers a mighty noogie, rubbing half of xtrementl's hair off.
18:31.20BikerdanWhich options ar checked in netbeans under options->editor->Code Completion?
18:34.05jtsnoweverything but Display Documentation... and Case Sensitive...
18:34.47BikerdanTry unchecking auto popup documentation window.
18:34.52BikerdanThat's a big one.
18:35.36BikerdanI only have Auto Popup Completion... and Show Deprecated... checked.
18:36.12jtsnowI'll give it a shot
18:36.37BikerdanUnder view->toolbars do you have memory checked?
18:36.57jtsnownot at the moment
18:37.05BikerdanCheck it and tell me what it says.
18:37.23BikerdanYou should have a new little graph at the top.
18:37.28BikerdanThat shows memory usage.
18:37.37BikerdanYou can click it to force garbage collection.
18:38.41maheliousTIL I can halve my ide's footprint by forcing garbage collection
18:38.59BikerdanThx :)
18:41.27BikerdanThat little tool also gives you a button where you can profile the IDE...  Might help figure out slowness.
18:43.53jtsnowyeah... right now it just locks up my machine trying to scan projects
18:44.09BikerdanHow many projects do you have open?
18:44.38jtsnowit gets stuck at 75%
18:45.02BikerdanDo you possibly have some recursive symlinks or shortcuts or something?
18:46.15BikerdanI have 12 projects open... It usually only scans the projects when I first open a project or the IDE has been closed for a while.
18:46.37BikerdanIt can be slow during that time.  But once that passes, it's nice and snappy.
18:47.28jtsnowyeah, I've used it for ~2 years and never had it this slow
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18:49.04clintberryjtsnow: Sublime Text 2 ftw...
18:49.57BikerdanWish Sublime had something like Netbeans' Shift+Alt+0
18:50.29BikerdanI use it all the time.
18:50.33BikerdanCan't live without it.
18:51.43BikerdanPlus when I'm using PHP linter in sublime, it's extremely slow.
19:00.18ninnypantsI've never had Sublime run slow because if a linter but it will pop up and tell me it is for some reason
19:01.56*** join/#uphpu mindjuju_ (~mindjuju@
19:02.31clintberryBikerdan: what does that key do?
19:02.46BikerdanShift alt o?
19:02.56BikerdanIt's a find file feature.
19:03.01clintberrycontrol P
19:03.06clintberryin sublime text
19:03.15BikerdanYou just start typing part of a file name and it finds it wherever it is in any open project.
19:03.24clintberrysame functionality
19:03.29clintberrycommand P if you are hip
19:04.05ninnypantscntrl+r to find a function in a file
19:04.46clintberryand ctrl g to shortcut to a line :-)
19:07.14BikerdanCool.  Thanks clintberry!
19:07.22BikerdanAnd ninnypants.
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19:08.35ninnypantsoh and I found out the other day that you can create snippets with variables in them and editing one variable can edit multiple variables in the snippet
19:09.15BikerdanCan you do the equivalent of CTRL+click a class and have it jump to the definition?
19:09.38ninnypantsI think if you use a plugin you can
19:09.50ninnypantsI can't remember what it's called though
19:09.59ninnypantssomething like project recon
19:09.59clintberrysublime code intel
19:10.22clintberrybut for big projects (symfony2 projects) it isn't nearly as reliable as netbeans
19:11.43ninnypantssublime has a really handy console too
19:12.15ninnypantsthough I just found that if you use it to try to divide and get a % it just returns 0 so 300 / 980 = 0
19:13.09clintberrydo 300.0/980.0
19:13.46clintberryIt is python, so it keeps them as integers unless you say otherwise. I guess that is same as PHP :-)
19:22.52ninnypantsphp has always converted to float for me
19:24.53Bikerdancan't get code intel to work....
19:25.28jtsnowI couldn't get code intel to work either when I tried it
19:28.28raifbotIn "ring around the rosie", Chuck Norris does not fall down.
19:28.45mindjuju_~lart chuck
19:28.45ibotlowers chuck's priority
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19:30.11TuxToaster$8ball can one really lower Chuck's priority?
19:30.11raifbotTuxToaster - As I see it, yes.
19:30.32TuxToaster$8ball are you just trying to make ibot feel better?
19:30.32raifbotTuxToaster - Better not tell you now.
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20:07.05SunSparcCheck it out, AWS is making PHP app deployment super easy with git:
20:08.28Utah_DaveSunSparc: yeah, that looks pretty cool.
20:09.06SunSparcUtah_Dave: I am thinking it will be a great tool for a big project I am currently working on.
20:13.01*** join/#uphpu ninnypants1 (
20:16.22carmonySunSparc: interesting
20:16.32SunSparccarmony: indeed
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20:33.42clintberryBikerdan: Sorry, I missed that. Is it giving you an error on code intel?
20:34.00BikerdanIt just doesn't respond... Like its not even enabled.
20:34.39clintberryso when you alt click on a function it doesn't put anything in the status bar?
20:35.34clintberryThat's strange. Let me look at my config and see why it is working for me
20:35.46clintberryyou are in a project folder, right?
20:36.06*** part/#uphpu captbrogers (~brian@
20:36.21BikerdanSo I was clicking on a Class name in a class xxx extends yyy declaration and nothing.
20:36.36BikerdanWhen I alt click on a function, the status bar says it's indexing.
20:37.41BikerdanTaking a really long time.
20:38.03clintberrythere you go
20:38.12clintberryso once it indexes, it should run faster
20:38.20BikerdanSo you can't alt click a class name?
20:38.42clintberryYou are supposed to be able to. Let me see if I can
20:39.04clintberryShoot, mine works. I wonder what the deal is
20:39.10clintberryalthough it chokes with namespacing
20:39.17BikerdanMaybe when it finishes indexing.
20:39.28BikerdanHow long does yours take to index?
20:40.13clintberry10-30seconds. I make sure to set my ignore settings to not include caching directories, etc
20:40.33clintberryEither way, it seems too buggy
20:40.58clintberryit isn't like netbeans or eclipse that is instant and very accurate
20:41.18BikerdanWhat about debugging?
20:41.23BikerdanAnything available there?
20:41.32clintberryNot integrated :-)
20:41.45clintberrypretty big feature gaps still :-)
20:42.10clintberryI started building and integrated xdebug app for it. But it has been harder than I thought it would be
20:42.23clintberrystill a python newb
20:42.57BikerdanSo I guess its back to netbeans for the main stuff.
20:43.04BikerdanI do love a lot of things about sublime text
20:43.14BikerdanLike the multi cursor editing stuff.
20:43.27BikerdanAnd the high level code view.
20:43.36clintberryah man, someone beat me to it:
20:43.56clintberryBikerdan: Yeah, understandable. I can see how those time saving functions are necessary
20:44.12clintberryIt isn't quite there yet, but hopefully plugins will bring it there soon
20:45.24BikerdanYeah.  And it seems like they are integrating some of the better more common plugins.
20:45.31BikerdanLot's of potential.
20:46.34*** part/#uphpu skinner (~David@
20:47.29raifbotbrandishes Excalibur! "With this sword, I vanquish thee, opapo!" and lops off opapo's head.
20:48.03BikerdanLooks like netbeans 7.1 now includes a block select.  And it lets you type on multiple lines at the same time...  They just have to be in the same column.
20:50.59carmonyhehe, when looking up a question I had on Google, it took me to josephscott's blog :P
20:51.23josephscottthat happens to me sometimes as well :-)
21:01.20TuxToasterjosephscott: "I could swear I've run into this before"
21:01.25TuxToaster"I have."
21:10.22clintberrymindjuju: When do you decide on speakers for UtahOS Conference?
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21:48.52ninnypantssupernovia: you coming it WPSLC?
21:49.03supernoviaI think so
21:50.50josephscott~give supernovia some energy
21:50.50ibotACTION gives some energy to supernovia
21:51.12supernoviaAwe thanks.
21:52.08supernoviaand one for josephscott as well, if I could transport it there
21:52.13supernoviaand ninnypants
21:52.40josephscottwe've got two batches upstairs I've been snacking on today :-)
21:52.54supernoviaOh nice! I need to make more dough since I'm about out
21:53.25supernoviaWe can't bake them all up in batches here. Not enough of us.
21:53.29josephscottwe can't leave cookie dough around, we'd just eat it, so we have to cook them up to avoid the dough temptation
21:53.57supernoviasee, we're not as tempted by the dough
21:55.20josephscottI've come to identify my strengths and weaknesses
21:55.26*** join/#uphpu hhatfield (~hhatfield@
21:55.39josephscottI'm good about not buying them, because all I see are the $$s going out the door
21:55.49josephscottbut once they are in the house, all bets are off
21:56.00supernoviaMan, that's all I see ever, anyway. But they surely taste nice :)
21:56.15supernoviaSomeone has to let the $$ out.
22:05.13raifbotwielding the mighty hammer of Thor, Mjölnir, I summon lighting to destroy ibot.
22:05.29hhatfield~lart raifbot
22:05.29ibotstrangles raifbot with a 9-pole serial cable
22:08.52raifbotChuck Norris destroyed the periodic table because the only element Chuck Norris recognizes is the element of suprise
22:15.48hhatfield$8ball if a woodchuck chucked as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck, would they serve it at Chuck-a-rama?
22:15.48raifbothhatfield - Outlook not so good.
22:18.29hhatfield$8ball is StackExchange behaving poorly wrt the ZendFramework site proposal?
22:18.29raifbothhatfield - You may rely on it.
22:25.35josePHPagodahello everyone!
22:25.43josePHPagodai've got kind of a puzzling issue
22:28.16josephscott~solve josePHPagoda's issue
22:28.16ibotACTION grits her teeth while attempting to solve josePHPagoda's issue
22:29.09josePHPagodaibot... nice try
22:29.20josePHPagodaessentially, i'm getting the message at
22:29.25josePHPagodai'm trying to use redis for session storage
22:29.51josePHPagodai've got the redis extension installed (which you can see if you go to and magento is using it for cache
22:29.59josePHPagodabut i can't get things to work for using it for sessions
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