IRC log for #uphpu on 20120215

00:36.32*** join/#uphpu tjbell (~quassel@2001:1948:212:6010:601a:bc62:d7a6:3179)
01:32.16*** join/#uphpu cro (
02:38.12ibotsmacks mgeary up side the head with a clue-by-4
02:38.31SunSparc~rlart raifbot
02:39.05ibotwallops TuxToaster with a main rotation server that needs rehubbing. It won't take long
02:39.15SunSparcx ~rlart
02:39.38SunSparcx $rlart
03:29.02*** join/#uphpu opapo (
03:51.45*** join/#uphpu opapo_ (
04:22.23*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
04:22.28*** mode/#UPHPU [+o Utah_Dave] by ChanServ
04:25.29raifbotthrows jsmith-away's poor little doggy off a cliff.
04:25.38TuxToasterhmm, that's a new one
04:25.47TuxToaster$lart SunSparc
04:25.47raifbotmoos at SunSparc.
06:53.01*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
06:56.55ibotSince Mon Feb 13 18:02:22 2012, there have been 2 modifications, 77 questions, 0 dunnos, 0 morons and 51 commands.  I have been awake for 1d 12h 54m 33s this session, and currently reference 118383 factoids.  I'm using about 22564 kB of memory. With 0 active forks. Process time user/system 543.58/11.05 child 0/0
06:57.27SunSparcibot, what do you like to do in your free time?
13:18.01*** join/#uphpu cro (
13:50.21*** join/#uphpu sheri (
13:50.21*** mode/#UPHPU [+v sheri] by ChanServ
14:30.38*** join/#uphpu jtsnow (
14:30.38*** mode/#UPHPU [+v jtsnow] by ChanServ
14:54.09*** join/#uphpu eggyknap (~jtolley@
14:54.09*** join/#uphpu eggyknap (~jtolley@unaffiliated/eggyknap)
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15:03.08*** join/#uphpu jtsnow (
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15:17.43*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
15:17.44*** mode/#UPHPU [+o Utah_Dave] by ChanServ
15:20.33*** join/#uphpu opapo (~quassel@
15:35.03*** join/#uphpu Bikerdan (~Bikerdan@
15:36.43*** join/#uphpu kingsol (
15:36.44*** mode/#UPHPU [+v kingsol] by ChanServ
15:40.29*** join/#uphpu mahelious (
15:40.29*** mode/#UPHPU [+v mahelious] by ChanServ
15:42.00*** join/#uphpu macnewbold (~macnewbol@
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15:49.47carmonygood morning
15:50.14jsmithMorning carmony
15:50.46carmonyjsmith: gettin' ready to go to Czech Republic? :P
15:50.56jsmithcarmony: Leaving this afternoon
15:54.42*** join/#uphpu kingsol (
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15:55.07*** join/#uphpu kendsnyder (
15:58.21mgearyjsmith: ooh. i loved my visit there
15:58.28mgearygonna have any time for sightseeing in Prague?
15:59.22jsmithmgeary: Nope :-(
15:59.33jsmithmgeary: Work doesn't exactly let me play tourist on their nickel
16:00.14mgearybut surely you're not expected to work 12-24 hours a day
16:00.35jsmithRight, but I won't be in Prague
16:00.39jsmithI'll be in Brno
16:02.40*** join/#uphpu NoCoolName_Tom (~NoCoolNam@
16:03.55*** join/#uphpu clintberry (436e7496@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:23.20*** join/#uphpu captbrogers (~brian@
16:35.21*** join/#uphpu Monnok (~monnok@
16:35.21*** mode/#UPHPU [+v Monnok] by ChanServ
16:39.19*** join/#uphpu skinner (~David@
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16:43.32*** join/#uphpu ninnypants (
16:43.33*** mode/#UPHPU [+v ninnypants] by ChanServ
16:49.06*** join/#uphpu tjbell (~quassel@2001:1948:212:6010:451b:323a:68f5:e0cb)
16:52.02*** join/#uphpu sheri_ (
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16:54.35*** join/#uphpu john_anderson (~psychic@
16:56.39*** join/#uphpu fungus (
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17:11.09*** join/#uphpu xtrementl (
17:11.09*** mode/#UPHPU [+v xtrementl] by ChanServ
17:35.02influxMorning y'all.
17:38.07*** join/#uphpu kingsol (
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18:00.14*** join/#uphpu itimber (~Adium@
18:00.15*** mode/#UPHPU [+v itimber] by ChanServ
18:02.32clintberryHas anyone used the ssh2_scp_send function before in php?
18:23.30*** join/#uphpu sheri (
18:23.30*** mode/#UPHPU [+v sheri] by ChanServ
18:45.25romanovicDid you all see?  Looks like LiHjttEhZcwJomywCqU is hiring a VRiwTOXgHZmfCkWMN in New York
18:45.52maheliousthat on the jobs list?  ive noticed that getting a bit of spam the last week
18:46.09romanovicYeah... its the second or third i've noticed lately
18:53.01clintberryI didn't get the email. In fact, I haven't been receiving job emails lately
18:53.56mgearysorry, guys, i just accepted that job position
19:04.51captbrogersWell let us know how it goes
19:20.48maheliousI am curious, do you actually have skills in NEuTE2?  Can someone go to school for that?
19:30.36carmonyhey, its tjbell :)
20:01.10xtrementlisn't that eerie?
20:09.11romanovicanyone experienced issues in FF using play() and pause() on html5 videos?
20:09.40romanovicI call video_element.pause(), and it does pause, but firefox processor usage hits the ceiling
20:39.53mahelious~lart firefox
20:39.53ibotstrangles firefox with a 9-pole serial cable
21:07.07maheliousugh.  reading about the state of web video makes me want to hit someone, like the Steves.
21:12.51maheliousthat may be the funniest thing ive seen this month.
21:13.53mahelious"if you have radon in your home and you smoke, stop smoking and don't worry about the radon."
21:14.22mahelious"t's never too late to reduce your risk of lung cancer. Don't wait to test and fix a radon problem. If you are a smoker, stop smoking."
21:20.31*** join/#uphpu Monnok (~monnok@
21:20.31*** mode/#UPHPU [+v Monnok] by ChanServ
21:25.22raifbotChuck Norris once got bit by a rattle snake........ After three days of pain and agony ..................the rattle snake died
22:01.23maheliousso this is what bothers me about  I get a project down and break it up into what I think are more or less equal chunks.  say, 5.
22:01.26carmonymindjuju: that is hillarious about those newsletters
22:02.00maheliousim whipping through the first few, and after knocking out 4 in 3 hours im feeling pretty confident in myself.
22:02.22maheliousthen the last one throws me for a complete loop, takes me two hours and my boss starts giving me the stink eye
22:02.37carmonymahelious: I know exactly what you mean
22:03.29maheliousguess i need to go read more spolsky
22:16.32mindjujuany senior PHPers looking for a change of venue, i've got a headhunter looking for 4 people at a couple locations, sounds like they are all contract and pay is DOE "up to" 95k
22:17.00mindjujui hate that "up to" stuff, so disingenuous
22:17.05carmonylol, yeah
22:17.10carmonyI say
22:17.22carmony"I'm worth every penny. Not interested? Thats okay."
22:18.04captbrogersI hate it when I see opening that under payment all that is listed is "DOE"
22:18.05macnewboldwe ought to all start replying to those, saying our salary requirements are "up to nnnK"
22:18.14mindjujui'm not sure why it is, but when ever i see that phrase, "up to" i always hear it as Billy Mays would say it
22:18.23macnewboldyeah, they're useless for determining if it's a waste of your time or not
22:18.43macnewboldI've seen ads for "senior" positions they're trying to fill for $50k,
22:19.52captbrogersI think the same. I had someone tell me to "look at it from the manager's point of view", I told him that my experience may be worth more to me than it is to an employer. And if an employer isn't willing to tell me what they're willing to pay, they can't get upset when I ask for way more than they budgeted for.
22:21.07captbrogersI also told him to quantify experience, is it years? I've spent five years doing include and echo statements in PHP, does that mean I can claim I'm a senior? Nope, so basing it on years is arbitrary. Someone may only have one year of experience but written an entire MVC framework to match the big ones
22:21.53captbrogersIt just got more and more frustrating because he wouldn't look at it from the developer's point of view but expected me to look at it from a managers.
22:22.11mindjujuthat reminds me of when flex came out and within like 3 months, there was requests for senior flex devs with 2 yrs experience
22:22.46macnewboldyeah, it's hilarious
22:23.01macnewboldwe're only now barely to a point where something like 12 years of PHP experience is even meaningful
22:23.17carmonyI've seen people ask for 5 years w/ degree, or 10 years w/o the degree, and I think "those extra 5 years vs the degree are not even close to being the same"
22:23.21macnewboldthe guys saying they've been web devs for over 20 years kinda crack me up
22:23.49captbrogersWell, knowing how to write HTML in 1991 was considered a "web dev" position
22:23.51herlomacnewbold: oh, but they have. it's 20 dog years
22:24.12captbrogersBack then it was something special
22:24.46macnewboldI've been doing html since 1994, does that mean i've been a webdev for 18 years?
22:25.16captbrogersOf course. And you are now considered a "guru" of web devs.
22:25.31influxmindjuju: Volt Denim?
22:25.32captbrogersI'm surprised you haven't merged your body with the essence of the internet
22:25.33macnewboldif "guru" gets me a raise, I'll take it :)
22:25.42influxmindjuju: s/Volt/Vault/
22:26.31mindjujuvault denim?
22:26.36carmonywow, this is pretty funny. I <3 the soup:
22:26.59influxmindjuju: Got a call from a HH about a position that sounded similar. High-end was 95k/yr. Contract-to-hire.
22:27.06influxSandy area.
22:28.07mindjujuyeah, sounds right
22:28.11mindjujui didn't ask, truthfully
22:28.26influxWas the HH from Intermountain Tech?
22:28.34mindjujui've always felt headhunters equal to leaches
22:29.02mindjujujust sit there feeding on ya
22:29.32mindjujuHH was from RHT
22:30.09mindjujui'd ask for kick backs from referrals, but then if the situation turned out bad, i'd feel guilty, etc, etc,
22:30.29mindjujuplus i like standing in a biased towards developer position
22:31.28carmonyI always tell people I'm open to hearing about new opportunities, but that my requirements are pretty high since I'm happy where I am at :P
22:33.02mindjujui think i'd have to buy up 2 monopoly games to have enough "cash" to pay carmony wage
22:33.18carmonylol, maybe just 1 1/2
22:35.15mindjujuoh yeah!  i'm getting me some Popeyes!  come to papa!
22:40.40mindjujuso on the HH, i asked for clarity on the DOE and he didn't have any other info, so contact me if you want, YMMV
22:44.52maheliousi have a contract to developer job atm, and i found out today it actually is turning into a full-time position by the end of the month.
22:45.27maheliousso there are a few good ones out there.  im as surprised as anybody.
23:22.34clintberrywhatever floats your boat, carmony :-)
23:29.31clintberrynice macnewbold

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