IRC log for #uphpu on 20111212

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16:34.22mindjujutalk about netsplit weekend
16:34.44josePHPagodayeah, craziness
16:35.15josePHPagodamindjuju: my son has really enjoyed playing minecraft with your son.
16:35.55mindjujui've actually been studying for finals all weekend, not much fun :(
16:35.57*** join/#uphpu carmony (
16:35.59mindjujuthat ends tomorrow though
16:36.45josePHPagodagood luck on those
16:37.21*** join/#uphpu TuxToaster (~TuxToaste@
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16:49.31beandoghows it going mindjuju
16:49.32mindjujuwhen are your finals beandog?
16:49.33beandogdid you finish finals
16:49.57mindjujui was going to take both this morning, but decided on 1, next one at 5p
16:50.15mindjujuso far i got an 88, not the A i wanted on the final, but oh well
16:50.20beandogwhich class
16:50.24mindjujumaybe a q will be thrown out
16:51.15mindjujuthe dog was asking questions about MS expression wysiwg
16:51.51beandognow I wanna know what questions you missed
16:52.03beandog"What is CSS an abbreviation for?"
16:52.10mindjujui had to install MS expressions on my computer!
16:52.14ibotCSS DVD security lock see for more information, or cascading style sheets, or or and for some great tips, or
16:52.19beandogmindjuju: whats that
16:52.38mindjujuit's MS 's web coding app
16:52.55mindjujubut the teacher was asking stupid quextions in the view like, what is the tab called to see CSS code
16:53.04mindjujuand how do you create a new site in MS expressions
16:53.10mindjujustuff you HAD to have it installed to see
16:53.11macnewboldso there are details of a specific crappy (optional) tool that are in your final?
16:53.14macnewboldhow retarded
16:53.31macnewboldhold your head high, mindjuju - you took the moral high road by not installing the junk
16:53.33mindjujuyeah, was VERY pissed, he had 2 whole sections on it
16:53.46beandogmindjuju: what?  that sounds horrible
16:54.03macnewboldunless the point of the class is specifically to learn that tool, he shouldn't be testing on it.
16:54.13mindjujui know, i'm thinking of arguing that point
16:54.23mindjujuclass REALLY taught coding badly
16:54.44mindjujuwe had to do embedded CSS for half the class
16:54.52mindjujuwhy teach it wrong?
16:55.04mindjujui axe you, why teach it wrong and against industry standards?
16:55.17mindjujuhow difficult is it to link to a .css file in a web page?
16:55.34raifbotchanges carmony's permissions to 0777 and tells the world.
16:55.36beandogI always forget how to do it
16:55.50carmony$lart TuxToaster
16:55.51raifbotgives TuxToaster a "free" copy of Windows and then charges double for "Upgrades".
16:56.02mindjujuthere was some other stupid stuff he did in the class
16:56.06mindjujutotal waste of time
16:56.15DexterTheDragonmindjuju: but then they have to teach the diff between relative and absolute paths, file system and server paths
16:56.32beandogmindjuju: well you can do one of two things ... complain and see about getting it fixed, or be glad you're done and never take anything from that prof again
16:56.40mindjujuyeah, i got docked 2 points for using absolute paths
16:57.10mindjujuteacher's pref was for relative
16:57.15mindjujuyeah, i love this stuff
16:57.36mindjujupuh lease
16:59.23beandogbtw, anyone know any good resources in utah for ged?
16:59.25beandognot for me
16:59.38mindjuju~dict catheter
17:00.13beandog~beat mindjuju with a waste pipe
17:00.13ibotACTION beats mindjuju with a waste pipe with a dripping-wet & less-than-fresh fish
17:00.16TuxToastereh, there are some advantages to relative paths... but usually not big unless there's a chance of the site getting moved to a subfolder or something
17:00.53mindjujubeandog, we've got a white elephant Christmas party this Friday at work, i'm going to buy a catheter and put some mineral oil/yellow water in it
17:01.19mindjujuseal both ends, and you've got a little wave machine, LOVE IT
17:02.02mindjujuthe catch is, it has to be see-through or it's moot
17:02.11mindjujuand surprisingly, or perhaps no, most of them aren't
17:02.25mindjujui did find this one,
17:02.41tierramindjuju: wow, that is retarded (re: CSS final)
17:03.07mindjujuand figured out the 1100cc is roughly 32 fl oz, so that should be big enough
17:03.11mindjujutierra, no doubt
17:03.29tierrayou should definitely contest that if it was a general CSS class and not specifically for teaching that tool
17:05.25Bikerdan@mindjuju: You should put a hand warmer in the bottom of the box to make sure it's nice and warm when they open it...  Just for the extra effect :)
17:05.58mindjujufunny you say that, i was trying to figure out how to keep it warm
17:06.35mindjujuoh man!  that's one of my finest ideas for white elephant
17:06.35BikerdanI aim to please :)
17:06.49mindjujui might just make one for me to have at my desk
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17:54.59raifbotChuck Norris was in all 6 Star Wars movies............... As The Force.
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17:58.39mindjujudoesn't SOPA get settled this week?
18:04.49ninnypantsmindjuju: but I sure hope it doesn't pass
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18:08.37mindjujuninnypants, that's a funny article, i hadn't read it before
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18:09.39ninnypantsyeah kinda messy that someone's own content is being taken down by record labels
18:09.49ninnypantsmindjuju: who is that?
18:11.27ninnypantsahh ok that's who I thought it might be
18:11.56mindjujuyeah, he's twittered his status on it like 5 times in the last week
18:12.02mindjujui guess a ton of us keep buggin' him
18:12.17maheliousI'd like Chaffetz more if he would man up and run against Orrin in '12
18:12.39mindjujugrrr, that orrin
18:13.06beandogI don't know much about politics, but I know he's a twit.
18:13.21mindjujumahelious, you know orrin is a co-sponsor on SOPA/PIPA
18:13.26maheliousno, unfortunately hes very smart.
18:13.36mindjujuand he's taking campaign contributions from MPAA, lots of it
18:13.47maheliousmindjuju:  if a corporation is buying legislation, Orrin seems to be their go to guy
18:14.15mindjujui'm trying to pin down exact amounts
18:14.41beandogmindjuju: there's websites that have that stuff
18:14.50beandogtrack all the donations to political peeps
18:14.53mindjujuyeah, but i'd like to have it better documented
18:15.01mindjujui want to see xamples before I quote it
18:15.08beandogmindjuju: study for your final!
18:15.12mindjujui should be
18:15.17beandogno abolute paths for you!
18:15.17mindjujustop talking about Orrin!
18:15.28mindjujuhe makes me mad!
18:15.38beandogoh, mindjuju, you love it.
18:16.36beandoghow big of a filesystem can I make fat32
18:17.17maheliousi think max partition for fat 32 is around 32GB.
18:17.42beandogoh well
18:17.50beandogwhen is windows going to support ext3? :C
18:17.55mahelioustechnically you can make it larger with the right tools, but it starts to fall apart when you fill it up
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18:38.42mindjuju_i've got a box that allows for hot-swap SATA drives, the OS on the box is linux, i'm trying to figure out how to actually make hot swap work.  the drives are for a backup system (just a bunch of scripts cobbled together), should I write something in that mounts / unmounts the drives?
18:38.49mindjuju_i'm not having a bunch of luck on google
18:40.29mindjuju_fungus, herlo ^^
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19:04.02fungusmindjuju_, unmount, swap drives, rescan scsi devices, mount
19:05.39mindjuju_sounds good, i'm going to upgrade my scripts to rdiff-bk (something herlo recommended) and include that in the process
19:05.41mindjuju_thx fungus
19:10.40beandog~swap mindjuju_
19:10.46beandogah man
19:10.54beandog~trade mindjuju_
19:10.54ibotACTION trades mindjuju_ up for a paper clip
19:11.51mindjuju_thx fungus!
19:11.56mindjuju_oops, thx beandog!
19:12.18beandog$27 for an 8gb usb stick?  isn't that a bit much?
19:12.18TuxToaster~trade ibot
19:12.18ibotACTION trades ibot up for a paper clip
19:12.28TuxToasterbeandog: yes
19:12.57TuxToasterSeems like you should be able to get an 8GB for less than $20 I believe
19:13.05beandogthat's my biggest requirement
19:13.34mindjuju_~coupon beandog
19:13.44beandogoh you guys
19:13.46TuxToasterI personally loved my Lexar Firefly, their 8GB runs about $12 on NewEgg
19:13.48mindjuju_~give beandog a coupon for USB jump drive
19:13.48ibotACTION gives a coupon for USB jump drive to beandog
19:13.48mahelious8GB for $30 sounds high, but i guess it depends on form-factor and latency.
19:14.00beandogmahelious: it's pretty
19:14.25TuxToasterbeandog: link?
19:14.53maheliouspersonally i have a usb card reader (microSD) on my keychain.  i like that i can upgrade the flash card from time to time, but keep the same device
19:15.13mindjuju_sounds like good idea
19:16.12beandogoh whoops I just found the same on for $10
19:16.14beandogn/m TuxToaster
19:16.36beandogoh wait, that's not prime
19:16.37beandogscrew that!
19:16.46mindjuju_looks pretty cheap, prolly smells badly whilst operating
19:16.55mindjuju_possibly making curious sounds when backing up
19:16.56beandogthere's the $27 one
19:17.08beandogmindjuju_: I already have a bunch of these, different sizes
19:17.18mindjuju_i'm just teasing
19:17.38beandogwow 16gb is $1 more
19:17.47beandogno prime!
19:17.57mindjuju_prime rox
19:18.03TuxToasterbut double space for $1?
19:18.12beandoganybody wanna root my phone for me?
19:18.21TuxToasterwhat's the benefit of it being prime if you get free shipping anyways?
19:18.25TuxToaster(i.e. if it's over $25
19:18.47beandogTuxToaster: free 2 day air
19:18.49mindjuju_oh talking about rooting, do you still have that soft mod kit i gave you beandog, i want to softmod the lst xboxen i have
19:18.59mindjuju_if you don't its ok, since i gave it to you
19:19.01beandogmindjuju_: no, bu t I have a ton of xbox stuff
19:19.19TuxToastermy xbox hasn't been started up in a long time
19:19.26beandogthese were super hard to dig up, or I had to go through stinky filesharing sites
19:19.26TuxToasterbringing back some memories there :-)
19:19.35beandogso I threw it all up in a public directory just to spite everyone
19:20.27mindjuju_i don't think it's on the part of xbins that they didn't want it out
19:20.32mindjuju_i think it was from MS
19:20.32beandogmindjuju_: I totally bricked that one xbox you gave me :C
19:20.49mindjuju_that's ok, i'm sure it makes a nice dust collector
19:20.54beandogI had to go in and play around
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19:20.55beandogle sigh.
19:20.57beandogbig mistake
19:21.10beandog"I wonder what this does ...  oh, that bricks the machine"
19:21.11mindjuju_oh well, life goes on, no?
19:21.20skinner(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
19:21.21beandogyah, in fact, I'm looking at building a new HTPC
19:21.29beandogthere is a super hawt mini-itx I wanna get
19:21.48mindjuju_have link; will look
19:21.50beandoglemem see if I can find it
19:22.07TuxToasterbeandog: have you looked at They have some slick stuff too
19:22.16TuxToaster(if that's not where you're already looking)
19:22.24beandogTuxToaster: that's one of those sites that it is dangerous for me to spend time on
19:22.49beandogmen have died for less
19:23.11beandogcheck out this sexy beasat
19:23.11TuxToasterI actually bought some stuff from them a couple years ago to put a carputer in my car
19:23.12funguslol, that's a pretty low bar to set
19:23.21beandogsuper so want
19:23.21TuxToasterbut... haven't actually installed it as of yet.
19:23.28beandogfanless! \o/
19:23.32beandogbluray playback! \o/
19:23.37mindjuju_i want a carputer
19:23.37beandognvidia! \o/
19:24.00mindjuju_TuxToaster, does yours have some kind of monitor?
19:24.11maheliousis that....hdml?
19:24.13TuxToasteryeah I've got one of the voodoo cases that looks like an amp and a 7" touchscreen
19:24.15beandog^^ mini-itx specs
19:24.18maheliouson a $200 chipset?
19:24.41beandogwhats hdml
19:25.09TuxToasterI need to get a different monitor though. Apparently if I get the 8" liliput I can take it out of the bezel and it will fit perfectly in the factory stereo spot in my dash, or so I'm told
19:25.19maheliousits how i type hdmi when i have the flu  ;)
19:25.42TuxToasterhopefully will get around to working on it this spring now that I have a garage to keep my car in :-)
19:25.50TuxToastermahelious: lol
19:25.59beandogmahelious: oh, yah, even my old one has that
19:26.14beandogmahelious: with VDPAU playback, it means you can decode MPEG2/MPEG4 on the hardware
19:26.25beandogmahelious: My current HTPC runs a 35W CPU ... it's so sexy nice :D
19:26.29mindjuju_~decode beandog
19:26.31TuxToasterbeandog: wow, that one is a nice setup
19:27.48TuxToasterwhat amazes me is I bought my stuff back in July of '09 or so. And the specs aren't really that much different than what's available today.
19:28.27beandogjust gets much faster
19:28.46TuxToasteryeah, I think mine was a dual atom 1.6
19:28.55TuxToasterprobably a slower FSB
19:28.57beandogatom procs are nice
19:29.10beandogmy netbook runs it, and it's fast enough to do all the basic home user stuff
19:30.34beandogI better get back to what the boss has been bugging me about for a week.
19:30.39TuxToaster~distract beandog
19:30.39ibotACTION flounces her blonde hair and saunters past beandog with a cold beer in her hand.  "Hello, sailor!  Wanna go for a ride?"
19:30.40beandogwhatever it was.
19:30.52TuxToasterhmm. that's just awkward.
19:31.04beandogI know.  I totally wanted a warm beer.
19:37.23mindjuju_i wonder if it is possible to have a carputer that has bluetooth that my android could control
19:37.30mindjuju_need to look that up tomorrow
19:38.04TuxToastermindjuju_: most likely.
19:38.24TuxToaster~mourn raifbot
19:38.24ibotACTION lights some candles for raifbot
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19:39.35josephscott$8ball is everything ok?
19:39.36raifbotjosephscott - Very doubtful.
19:39.42josephscott$8ball what about now?
19:39.43raifbotjosephscott - It is decidedly so.
19:43.23TuxToasterhad to finish warming up
19:44.19beandogmindjuju_: finals!
19:50.38mindjuju_perhaps i should study?
19:55.41beandogonly if you want a good job
20:01.17jsmithmindjuju_: Naw, minecraft is supposedly much more fun than studying...
20:01.27mindjuju_shush you!
20:01.31mindjuju_don't tempt me!
20:01.38jsmithmindjuju_: I already did.
20:01.47jsmithmindjuju_: And I distracted you as well -- two points for me :-p
20:01.59mindjuju_block jsmith
20:04.20beandogI think mindjuju_ is just asking for temptation by staying on here
20:08.19TuxToaster$lart mindjuju_
20:08.20raifbotbeats mindjuju_ senseless with a 50lb Unix manual.
20:14.07beandogI totally wanna see a 50lb unix manual
20:15.07TuxToasterwould have really been timely if he were studying Unix for his finals
20:15.19beandoginstead of some crapalicious windows app
20:16.03josephscottI bet you the old DEC manuals totaled well over 50 pounds
20:16.24josephscotttheir VMS and TruUnix docs where verbose to say the least
20:16.34TuxToasterI know many of IBM's used to come in 3 ring binders
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20:16.48TuxToasterand they'd send addendum packets so you could replace sections as they were updated
20:16.54josephscottI recall the VMS manuals had something like 30 volumes, in the large 3 ring binders
20:17.07josephscottyep, DEC would the same thing
20:18.40ninnypantsIsaac Newton’s Personal Notebooks Go Digital:
20:20.29ninnypantsahh the format is disappointing wish you could just download a pdf instead of only single images
20:28.43carmonygah, I need to do my slides :P
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20:54.03beandogjosephscott: whats so great about redis
20:55.56josephscottthey took the simplicity of memcached and took the next natural steps
20:56.32josephscottbeing able to store data types (sorted arrays, hashes)
20:56.52josephscottdo operations on that data inside redis
20:57.08josephscottcome to carmony's presentation, I'm sure he'll cover it :)
20:57.54carmonybasically they took the concept of memcached, but added a few more features that make it so much more powerful, and still keep the super high performance
21:01.05TuxToasterI really need to look at using Redis on my current stuff
21:01.06josePHPagodaredis is nice
21:01.15josePHPagodait can also "persist" to the disk
21:01.17josePHPagodawhich is nice
21:01.25josePHPagodaso you can have it occassionaly flush to the disk (it does it in a lazy manner)
21:02.11beandogIve never even worked with memcached, so I'm not following
21:03.22carmonymacnewbold: hrm, have we posted about the presentation on the website?
21:03.31macnewboldmemcached is basically a big associative array
21:03.41macnewboldyou give it a key and some data and it stores it
21:03.49macnewboldthen you ask about the key later, and it can give you back the data
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21:04.54josePHPagodaand it does it very very very quickly
21:05.03TuxToasterbeandog: what macnewbold said, except the key is that with both the idea is they allow you to store and retreive data in memory
21:05.17josePHPagodamemcache doesn't apply anything to disk, it does it all in memory
21:05.21beandogmacnewbold: intresting
21:05.29josePHPagodaso you consume a lot of ram, and when you run out of ram, it just discards the oldest
21:05.46TuxToasterreally useful for loading things like say lists of countries or config settings and such
21:06.44josePHPagodaor, if used properly, sessions
21:06.58josePHPagodabut you still need to store sessions in the "slow" backend
21:07.09josePHPagodaso you don't lose them if something goes wrong with your memcache
21:08.01josePHPagodabut don't use it for storing info
21:08.06josePHPagodause it for cacheing info
21:15.58BikerdanIf you need something like memcache that is persistent, you can check out Membase / Couchbase.  It's basically Memcache using a persistent backend.  All of the front end api stuff is the same.  It's supposedly just as fast as well...
21:19.39josePHPagodaredis also can flush to disk
21:32.12BikerdanI'm a little scared of redis...
21:32.26BikerdanI went to a presentation on redis at MySQL Con.
21:33.13BikerdanThe presenter basically complained about all of the problems they had with it and how they worked around the problems.   Seriously... I wasn't sure if the presentation was supposed to get me hyped up or psyched out....
21:34.11josephscottwhat sort of problems/work around did then run into?  perhaps it wasn't a good choice for the problem they were trying to solve
21:34.54BikerdanI believe that most of the problems were around them using virtual memory.
21:35.32josePHPagodaBikerdan: they were doing it wrong then
21:35.32jtsnowI think virtual memory has been removed from Redis
21:35.43BikerdanThat's probably why...
21:36.25josePHPagodavirtual memory goes against all that redis is meant to be
21:36.37Bikerdanjosephpagoda: I take it you like redis?
21:36.51josePHPagodafor what it's good at
21:36.55josePHPagodathat's like asking me if I like forks
21:36.59josePHPagodaor spoons
21:37.01josePHPagodaor knives
21:37.03josePHPagodait really depends on what i'm doing
21:37.08BikerdanI LOVE FORKS!
21:37.11beandogwhat *are* you doing with forks?
21:37.24josePHPagodawell... i can tell you i'm not using them to help me drink water
21:37.28josePHPagodacuz forks suck
21:37.31BikerdanYeah... but if you don't like forkss, you'll try to use something else.
21:37.32josePHPagodaonce I was trying to get a drink
21:37.35josePHPagodathe fork didn't help me at all
21:37.44BikerdanEven when they would work.
21:37.45josePHPagodai even got a bigger, more scalable fork, and it still didn't help
21:37.45*** join/#uphpu drf23 (
21:37.51josePHPagodai don't see why ANYONE would use a fork
21:38.00macnewboldi like forks - they're great for making more processes
21:38.09josePHPagoda(i'm referring to real forks...)
21:38.14macnewboldso am i
21:38.25josePHPagoda(none of these newfangled virtual forks)
21:38.28macnewboldmy fork is realer than your fork
21:38.28BikerdanLaugh it up fuzzballs
21:38.49josePHPagodaBikerdan: does that make sense>
21:38.58josePHPagodawe actually use redis as part of our load balancer
21:39.03BikerdanYeah... Did you read my statement though?  Did that make sense?
21:39.14BikerdanSo you like it enough to use it.
21:39.18BikerdanThere are other tools...
21:39.31josePHPagodawe found redis to be the best match for what we were trying to accomplish
21:39.43BikerdanAnd it's worked for you?
21:39.45josePHPagodaand we are using it in a production environment
21:39.50josePHPagodavery well
21:39.52BikerdanEnough to be pleased with it.
21:39.53TuxToaster$8ball do you like redis?
21:39.53raifbotTuxToaster - Yes.
21:40.00TuxToaster$8ball how about memcached?
21:40.01raifbotTuxToaster - My sources say no.
21:40.02BikerdanThat's what I was asking when I said "like"
21:40.10TuxToasterthat settles it. lol
21:40.13josePHPagodawe use redis
21:40.30josePHPagodait acts as a data store for our load balancer routes
21:41.02BikerdanCool.  I still cannot believe that presentation... It was actually kinda sad....
21:41.16macnewboldyeah, that's lame
21:41.20macnewboldunless the talk is about magento
21:41.22josePHPagodai'm glad my presentation wasn't like that
21:41.26macnewboldthen it is just truthful
21:41.36josePHPagodaah, we had a decent sized magento implementation we had to fix
21:41.44josePHPagodafor the holidays
21:41.45BikerdanMagento... The shopping cart thing?
21:42.03josePHPagodamagento is kinda... weird
21:42.07josePHPagodaand slow
21:42.10josePHPagodaand bloated
21:42.15josePHPagodaand it doesn't like to use joins
21:42.18macnewbolds/kinda… //g;
21:42.24TuxToaster$lart magento
21:42.24raifbotacting on orders from an unspecified client drags magento into court suing for $200 million.
21:42.25josePHPagodaat elast, the last time I looked, so it tries to do joins in the codebase
21:42.39macnewboldother times it does a whole lotta joins
21:42.43beandoglol nice lart
21:42.47beandog$lart finals
21:42.47raifbotsmacks finals up side the head with a clue-by-4.
21:43.03macnewboldthe silly eav model they overused made it a terribly convoluted database
21:43.08TuxToastermix of cluebat and two-by-four
21:43.14josePHPagodathe most annoying thing is how the cache is wildly inefficient, unless you switch to memcache
21:43.27macnewboldthey should have only used eav for custom fields you add on, cause most people wouldn't have any
21:43.30josePHPagodaalso, it logs all sorts of useless stuff to the db, which causes higher load on the db with any real benefit
21:43.45josePHPagodaerr... *without any real benefit*
21:43.50BikerdanYeah... Is started to look into it once... it made me want to write my own from scratch.
21:43.51TuxToasterwould have been optimal if it had executed a killall magento
21:43.56TuxToasteror the chmod 777 magento
21:44.38tierraeav tables should be used sparingly, where it makes sense... I hate it when people use them for stuff that isn't actually metadata
21:47.23josePHPagodait's like using an application dictionary
21:47.29josePHPagoda(compiere and adempiere take that approach)
21:47.36josePHPagodamakes it extremely flexible, but not really high performance
21:53.55ninnypantsbut who really need performance from their store I hear Amazon makes their page load times as long as possible ;)
21:57.47TuxToastercome on, you only do a 30? 600 is where it's at.
21:58.24TuxToasterWith everyone into the retro kick now, you've got to really emulate the feel of a 2400 baud modem to make true geeks feel at home
21:59.22beandogTuxToaster: heh, have you seen the Muppets movie?
21:59.25MonnokHow about a sleep(30) for every request on the page?
21:59.38TuxToasterbeandog: not yet
22:01.04TuxToasterMonnok: things like that will ultimately end up in the user going to sleep.
22:01.27TuxToasterwhich could explain some certain phenomenon I've seen from time to time.
22:01.35mindjuju_i hate the song so much, i have to listen to it, at least 1x each year
22:01.40TuxToastermindjuju_: wow, that's an awesome final.
22:01.42TuxToastererr... wait.
22:01.43beandog~curse mindjuju_
22:01.43ibotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, mindjuju_ !
22:02.09beandog$lart compaq
22:02.09raifbotaccelerates a free AOL cd to 50,000 rpm and lets compaq feel it.
22:02.15josephscottmindjuju_: best christmas song ever:
22:02.37beandogthat lart was extremely fitting
22:03.21beandogjosephscott: what ... the ... crap
22:03.33beandog$ban josephscott
22:03.47beandogI cant look away
22:03.54TuxToasteryou'd think after that response you'd second think clicking the link
22:04.02beandogare you kidding?
22:04.15beandognon-mindjuju youtube links > mindjuju youtube links
22:04.45TuxToasteryeah, figured that one out
22:04.50josephscottit's pretty much the best video ever made
22:04.56beandogjosephscott: yahp
22:05.10TuxToasterI thought the "what ... the ... crap" above was because it was bad. (hadn't clicked it yet)
22:05.25beandogit's the next justin bieber
22:05.27beandogI kid you not.
22:06.20beandogI have to watch it again.
22:06.26mindjuju_calling somebody justin bieber, that's not an insult?
22:06.44TuxToasterwas just going to say, that doesn't sound like a good thing
22:07.23beandogTuxToaster: I mean, in the same way h e was discovered (youtube)
22:07.33beandogalthough I guess he isn't singing.
22:07.45beandogI love how he points to the tree.  that's hilarious
22:08.02mindjuju_justin bieber was discovered on youtube?
22:08.14mindjuju_you sure it wasn't Star Search?
22:09.28beandogmindjuju_: uh, I'm sure.
22:09.31TuxToasterit's YouTube, according to Wikipedia
22:09.37beandogI figured th at was common knowledge.
22:09.38josePHPagodait was a sad day in history is what it was
22:09.53mindjuju_im' curious how beandog knows so much about justin beber
22:09.54beandogyou can go back and see him singing on youtube at like 8 years old
22:09.57beandogmindjuju_: lol
22:10.02beandogI admit nothing.
22:10.14josePHPagodabeandog: i don't know if I can be your friend anymore...
22:10.23beandogwe were friends?
22:10.28josePHPagodai thought so.....
22:10.30mindjuju_ibot, beandog is also a belieber
22:10.30ibotokay, mindjuju_
22:10.32josePHPagodabut now....
22:10.39ibotfrom memory, beandog is the gentoo guru, or a wannabe racer. a skater. the enlightened one, or <3 Janeway, or a non-girl, or has a large intestine filled with mealworms, or a belieber
22:11.09ibotit has been said that mindjuju is sleeping with his left eye open, or insane, or a windows system administrator *GASP*, or the Prophet of Breakbeats, or sweat sexy hawtness, or a Texan, or wears his snuggie in the buff, or  has a thing for hawt sitcom moms, or likes ponicals, or listens to celine dijon.  DJ Nerd Magic, or can't tell toast from a pop-tart, or can beat a viper in a sedan
22:11.09josePHPagodaapparently, it doesn't know anything about me
22:11.23beandogToday a stain has been marked on my soul.
22:11.26mindjuju_that's true about my left eye, btw
22:11.52josePHPagodaso who was it during my presentation that had questions about pricing?
22:12.05josePHPagoda(i know it was a while ago, just never had a chance to talk w/ that person)
22:12.20mindjuju_oh, and I vehemently deny the part about snuggie in the buff
22:12.23TuxToaster~pity beandog
22:12.23ibotI pity da fool beandog!
22:12.37TuxToasterok, not quite the pity I was after.
22:12.46ibotsomebody said herlo was the best boardgamer ever, works for Guru Labs and generally reads good things his friends lend him
22:12.56ibotfrom memory, fungus is Kinda smelly, but grows on you, or a ASCII guru, or an Okra fan, or the new hawtness, or a hip, or gaga for Gaga
22:12.58mindjuju_hmm, that old
22:13.15beandogjosephscott: man I can't stop watching this
22:13.19beandogIve never even heard of t his song
22:13.21iboti heard josephscott is unknowable
22:13.46ibotIt's me
22:13.57Bikerdanponicals.... Sick....
22:14.00josePHPagoda~lart ibot
22:14.00ibotnukes josephpagoda with a single large nuke
22:14.07beandogBikerdan: lol
22:14.07josephscottI first heard that song probably 10 years ago, the wife and I always get a kick out of hearing it now
22:14.08josePHPagodait defends itself apparently
22:14.15beandogBikerdan: mindjuju brought up my little pony musicals in here
22:14.27TuxToaster$lart ibot
22:14.27raifbotwielding the mighty hammer of Thor, Mjölnir, I summon lighting to destroy ibot.
22:14.41beandoger, My Little Pony
22:14.48beandognot "my" little pony musicals ...
22:14.50TuxToaster$lart $lart
22:14.50raifbotdoes a little 'dpkg -P $lart' action.
22:14.55josephscottdid the email list archive on die?
22:15.15beandogmindjuju_: every comment you make on here today drops your grade by another letter.
22:15.24TuxToasterjosePHPagoda: shows up for me
22:15.47TuxToastererr, josephscott*
22:15.49beandogokay my turn:
22:15.57josePHPagodaTuxToaster: i appreciate the info, but I didn't ask
22:16.08mindjuju_for beandog
22:16.14josephscottTuxToaster: right, but I don't see anything recent
22:16.27josephscottmaybe we need a test message to make sure it is still alive
22:16.49TuxToasterOooh.... I see what you mean
22:17.16TuxToasterI'm guessing something might not be running. Last message was when Wade said it was being moved to C7
22:18.50mgearyanyone here use haproxy?
22:19.14mgearyi've been asked to troubleshoot a problem with some EC2 servers
22:19.20BikerdanIs it me or is this a little wierd... I get an email from a sales guy, that I've never met, and at the end of the email, right before his signature it says, "With thanks I remain yours truly,"
22:19.35mgearyi know next to nothing about the server set-up, but they're production machines and currently unhappy
22:20.20utahconany WP custom post type masters chilling in here today?
22:20.45mindjuju_bikerdan, i think that's from the recession
22:20.53mindjuju_people not usually in sales are getting jobs there
22:21.15mindjuju_i got a call from a sales guy who when discovering he was in sales, i told him to send me a list of products in an email
22:21.24Bikerdan?  What was he BEFORE the recession?... :{
22:21.32mindjuju_he screen captured the products page from their site, browser window and all and emailed it to me
22:21.33mindjuju_no joke
22:22.03BikerdanWhat's with the ,"yours truly" bit though?
22:22.07BikerdanSounds a little needy.
22:22.15utahconBikerdan: Is submissive.
22:22.22utahconerr... HE is submissive.
22:22.27utahconYou own him now. Enjoy!
22:22.48BikerdanI don't wanna own a guy....  Except at Quake 3
22:22.59BikerdanBut that's more of a Pwn
22:23.09utahconyou have low expectations, but I was raised in the South
22:23.15beandogI can see this conversation quickly deteriorating
22:23.19BikerdanSo was I...
22:23.25TuxToastermgeary: what's going on with it? I haven't really done a lot with haproxy directly
22:23.35BikerdanYours truly reminds me of what you'd say in a valentine card.
22:24.01utahconjosephscott: Any suggestions for WP custom types in the loop docs?
22:24.01mgearynot really sure, frankly, TuxToaster
22:24.06mgearyi'm getting 503 Service Unavailable: No server is available to handle this request. messages
22:24.41TuxToastermgeary: can you reach the web servers from the haproxy box?
22:24.50TuxToasterlike telnet port 80 on one that should be in the queue?
22:25.11TuxToaster503 would be if it thinks all of the nodes in the queue are down
22:25.21josephscottutahcon: ?
22:26.02mgearyTuxToaster: it's a wonky setup through RightScale
22:26.05mgearyand i'm just trying to even take stock of what's there
22:35.16utahconjosephscott: I am trying to make it so my custom post type hits the front page loop, I was hoping there was a better way than this:
22:35.31utahconThat seems like it would break other custom post types from showing up in the loop too
22:36.03utahconWas hoping there was a magically call for "all currently registered post types in the query" and then I could tack mine on
22:36.53josephscottI don't think there's a concept of 'all currently registered post types' from the loops point of view
22:37.05josephscottis something where you don't have control of the theme?
22:37.21utahconhow would you go about having multiple custom post types show on the home page then? from the plugin POV
22:37.49josephscottprobably something like that filter you linked to
22:38.01josephscottalter the query so that in gets the additional type included
22:38.49utahconI will keep digging, thanks.
23:09.07ninnypantsutahcon: there should be a get post types function that will grab all the registered post types and you can make a black list of the ones you don't want included
23:13.53macnewboldfor your monday afternoon video viewing pleasure, enjoy:
23:18.03beandoghe didn't really take a drink
23:19.04tierramacnewbold: heh, nice
23:20.07TuxToastermacnewbold: lol
23:20.30TuxToasterI want to do some automation stuff to my house eventually
23:20.42macnewboldwps did his place not long ago
23:20.54mindjuju_there were no labeled guarantees that it wasn't a rickroll, so had to wait an appropriate amount of time to make sure vid was safe
23:20.55macnewboldhe gets all excited every time his house texts him that his garage door has been open >5min
23:21.18macnewboldmindjuju_: i considered putting a guarantee, but figured by this point i'd make it look more suspicious that way...
23:21.20TuxToasterdid he use vivint or something custom?
23:21.26macnewboldyeah, vivint
23:21.44TuxToasterhow customizable is it?
23:22.34macnewboldthere are a lot of things you can customize, but if you mean rooting the panel and running your own firmware, i don't think it does that
23:22.49macnewboldyou can customize all the alerts and such pretty easily
23:22.57macnewboldrules for time of day, event-based, etc.
23:23.08TuxToasteryeah, knowing me I'd probably build my own panel with a nix distro on a mini-ITX
23:23.18josePHPagodacan I have it release the hounds?
23:23.26macnewboldthe full package ties in doorlocks, lights, the security sensors, thermostat, and cameras
23:23.33TuxToaster* josePHPagoda presses the big red button
23:23.42TuxToaster*woof* *woof* in the distance
23:23.53macnewboldjosePHPagoda: yes, if your hounds are contained by one of the doorlocks
23:24.26TuxToastermacnewbold: anything for controlling blinds or curtains? Probably one of the key things I want to do involves a window that I want to shade at night
23:25.04macnewboldif you have something that can be plugged into an outlet, it is probably doable. The lamp/small appliance module turns power on and off to the outlet.
23:25.05TuxToasterbeen thinking I might be able to do it with an Arduino and a small motor or something
23:25.25TuxToasterright now I don't even have anything in the window, heh.
23:25.27macnewboldthere would probably be some Rube Goldberg ways too, say using a doorlock
23:26.07TuxToastercould be interesting
23:33.56mindjuju_TuxToaster, there are windows that do that
23:34.16mindjuju_you run a current through the window (Somehow) and it becomes opaque
23:35.18*** join/#uphpu cro (
23:43.37TuxToastermindjuju_: yeah I remember seeing those a while back
23:43.48TuxToasteror at least some similar ones, were LCD based I believe
23:45.45raifbotchops pelaofeliz in half with a free AOL CD.
23:46.07pelaofelizooh!  intestines!
23:47.12TuxToasterI think getting an arduino and some blinds or curtains to close would be cheaper than making the window smart glass
23:47.14josephscott$8ball can pelaofeliz be patched up?
23:47.14raifbotjosephscott - It is decidedly so.
23:47.34TuxToasterthough, I think the changing glass is a worthy competitor for geek cred
23:47.52beandogquick, get his wallet!
23:52.26raifbottakes out a cattle prod and gives pelaofeliz a good jolt.
23:52.49TuxToaster$8ball are you picking on pelaofeliz today?
23:52.49raifbotTuxToaster - Yes - definitely.
23:53.06TuxToaster$8ball can I go home now?
23:53.06raifbotTuxToaster - Outlook not so good.
23:53.21TuxToaster$8ball how about now?
23:53.21raifbotTuxToaster - Outlook good.
23:53.37TuxToasterpelaofeliz: lol
23:55.36josephscott80s video dating -
23:55.43josephscottwho comes up with this stuff?
23:56.36beandogwhy, are you looking to cash in?
23:56.46beandogbecause I have an amazing investment opportunity
23:57.00TuxToasterjosephscott: $8ball dating. enough said.
23:57.35TuxToaster$8ball does she love me?
23:57.36raifbotTuxToaster - It is certain.
23:58.07TuxToaster$8ball will she marry me?
23:58.07raifbotTuxToaster - Very doubtful.
23:58.18beandog$8ball do I have something in my teeth
23:58.19raifbotbeandog - My reply is no.
23:58.38TuxToastersee? quick and easy.
23:59.00beandog$8ball should I return this ring
23:59.00raifbotbeandog - You may rely on it.
23:59.43TuxToasterok, going home for real now. Ciao!

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