IRC log for #uphpu on 20111129

00:04.06mgearyanyone know of a command line font conversion tool? i need to create a TrueType font from a Postscript font. I could swear i used to have a converter, but can't find it now
00:04.17*** join/#uphpu Bikerdan (~Bikerdan@
00:13.08mgearyah, fondu, i think
00:23.47*** part/#uphpu nickdc (~NCrandall@
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15:25.03raifbotthrows tierra's poor little doggy off a cliff.
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15:47.46carmonygood morning :)
15:54.01josephscottmindjuju: this might be helpful for your environment :
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16:12.17MonnokAm i missing something? Does chrome not have a net panel in its version of firebug?
16:13.06josephscottit's called 'Network' in chrome
16:13.58Monnokah, yes some forum is telling me that too...
16:17.59mindjujujosephscott, VERY interesting
16:20.25josephscottnot sure if you'd used freetds or something for linux <-> sql server, that looked like another option
16:21.13mindjujuwe're using freetds for php<->sql
16:21.34mindjujubut we found that freetds has issues with special chars, and have had to look at something else
16:22.15mindjujuthe sad thing about that link is that it appears to be for c/c++, are apps are written in java/php
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16:25.40josephscottwould be worth reaching out to the group at MS though, see if they've got something planed for java/php
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16:32.30maheliousi was looking into that a month or two ago.  seem to remember two pdo libraries for mssql
16:32.46maheliousone was based on sybase drivers and depended on freetds
16:34.16maheliousthe other (PDO_SQLSRV) was independent of freetds, but was fairly strict about lining a specific pdo driver up with whatever vers of sql server youre running
16:36.21josephscottmahelious: I think those are windows only drivers
16:36.52eggyknap$weather 84637
16:36.52raifbot3eggyknap - 0,2current weather for 84637 - Clear 26f / -3c Humidity: 85% Wind: N at 0 mph
16:37.22josephscott$weather 84092
16:37.22raifbot3josephscott - 0,2current weather for 84092 - Clear 28f / -2c Humidity: 80% Wind: N at 0 mph
16:39.50josephscottblame google
16:49.01mindjuju~seen xtrementl
16:49.10ibotxtrementl <> was last seen on IRC in channel #uphpu, 20d 17h 56m 30s ago, saying: 'mindjuju: that's pretty awesome'.
16:49.10macnewboldgoogle is probably using noaa too
16:49.14macnewboldput up your own weather station i guess?
16:52.00fungus$weather Rio, Brazil
16:52.00raifbotfungus - sorry, I couldn't get weather data for Rio, Brazil
16:52.06fungus$weather Rio
16:52.07raifbotfungus - sorry, I couldn't get weather data for Rio
16:53.37fungus$weather Rio de Janeiro
16:53.38raifbot3fungus - 0,2current weather for Rio de Janeiro - Mostly Cloudy 77f / 25c Humidity: 78% Wind: SE at 7 mph
16:54.43mindjuju$weather north pole
16:54.43raifbotmindjuju - sorry, I couldn't get weather data for north pole
16:57.04josephscott$weather north pole, alaska
16:57.05raifbot3josephscott - 0,2current weather for north pole, alaska - Light snow -11f / -24c Humidity: 77% Wind: N at 0 mph
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17:01.57influxI read that Facebook imposes a 420-character limit on descriptions for shared content on walls, but I'm running into a 301-character limit.
17:02.26influxAre any of you aware of a reason or of reasons for that?
17:02.40influxpossible reason(s)
17:18.58unumthat's an interesting number for it to stop at
17:19.12unumI guess 420 isn't special either
17:19.30mindjujuinflux, link to a picture, it's worth a 1000 words
17:20.38Utah_Daveyou should all get back to wrok!!!
17:23.36influxmindjuju: I would, but I don't know how this company would feel about something like that.
17:23.49mindjujui was kidding influx
17:31.44influxmindjuju: Sorry. I left my funny hat at home.
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17:35.48*** topic/#UPHPU by wps -> Big thanks to C7 for our hosting
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17:38.37wpsCenter 7
17:38.59wpsmoved the server to the bluffdale data center last night
17:39.06beandogwhere's bluffdale
17:39.12wpsC7 is shutting the orem one down
17:40.01influxBig thanks to my C7 for supporting my head.
17:42.58josephscottthat was bone joke
17:43.04josephscotts/was/was a/
17:43.31wpswhut… a whut… a whut a whut a whut… I've got spirt… 
17:43.36wpsyeah… yeah… I've got spirit
17:43.54eggyknapGotta love anatomy jokes.
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18:27.32mindjujufungus, what's that thing you always say about many eyes?
18:27.53mindjujubugs shallow
18:27.56mindjujusomething like that
18:28.21beandogautonomy jokes write themselves
18:28.22beandoghar har har
18:28.54mindjujubeiber jokes write themselves too
18:29.15beandogmindjuju didn't get it
18:29.47mindjujuhands / anatomy write jokes
18:30.03DexterTheDragon~fail mindjuju
18:30.03ibotmindjuju: FAIL!
18:30.10beandognot anatomy
18:31.11mindjuju~tunafart beandog
18:31.12ibotACTION eats a week-old tuna sandwich with relish and walks over to beandog, leg raised, to let 'em rip.
18:36.39mindjujuthx fungus!
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19:12.35influxherlo: What's the trick to auto-completing commands that are at any point in a history?
19:12.47influxSay I want to run a particular thing again, but I don't want to type it all out again.
19:14.28BikerdanSorry... I'm not herlo.  Nevermind that.
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19:39.59beandogherlo: ping
19:40.01beandoger, actually
19:40.03beandogjsmith: ping
19:40.05beandog~unping herlo
19:58.02mindjuju~apb wps
19:58.02ibotACTION summons baby Lyssa to spray mace at wps
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20:03.51beandogthat's great
20:25.07jsmithbeandog: pong
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20:25.43beandogjsmith: do you use cronie
20:25.52jsmithbeandog: A bit... why?
20:25.54beandogfor cron daemon
20:26.01beandogI'm trying to make sure I've got the syntax right
20:26.04beandogit's not the same as vixie-cron
20:26.12beandogdoesn't seem to take the user as a variable on the crontab line
20:26.23beandogso * * * * root /bin/foo would be vixie-cron
20:26.32beandogcronie thinks root is part of the command though
20:29.19jsmithInteresting... I've never seen that syntax used for anacron
20:29.39jsmithor vixie-cron
20:29.52jsmithTypically, if I want a cronjob to run as a non-root user, I put it in that users crontab
20:30.40herlobeandog: what is the actual cron syntax you are using?
20:31.03herloalso beandog: the syntax for crond *is* the same as vixie cron
20:31.07herloit's just in a file
20:31.25jsmithherlo: Above he pasted "* * * * root /bin/foo"
20:31.26herlosomething like * * * * * [user] /path/to/script
20:31.43herlojsmith: indeed, but that was what he was using for vixie-cron, and it should work in crond
20:31.52herlojsmith: I was just wondering if he was using something different
20:31.53beandogthat's what is in default for cronie, which doesn't work
20:31.59beandogI had to edit it to remove root
20:32.05beandogthen it worked
20:32.25herlobeandog: is that in /etc/crontab?
20:32.33beandogthat is the default /etc/crontab
20:32.46beandoger, sorry, that's what I meant to say above, not cronie
20:32.55herloand I thought you were using /etc/cron.d not /etc/cron.{hourly,daily,weekly,montly} dirs
20:33.29beandogI'm not worried about /etc/cron.*
20:33.39herlobeandog: but you seem to be
20:33.48beandogno ......
20:33.53beandogI'm worried about the correct syntax
20:34.01beandogcrontab -e
20:34.04beandog* * * * /usr/bin/foo
20:34.07herlobeandog: oh, okay
20:34.10beandognot * * * * root /usr/bin/foo
20:34.18herloum, well crontab -e is specific to a user
20:34.21beandogSo, the default crontab that ships with Gentoo, is wrong
20:34.23herloso you wouldn't need to specify the user
20:34.30beandogGood point.
20:34.32herloI don't think so
20:34.50herlo/etc/crontab would have * * * * * [user] /etc/cron.daily
20:34.57herlofor each
20:35.00beandogone sec.
20:35.22herloI know in the newer versions of fedora cronie defaults to a set so you don't have to even have those entries
20:36.55beandogHmm.  now I'm wondering who provides this crontab file.
20:37.25herloyeah, if only you had rpm and could do rpm -qf /etc/crontab :)
20:38.24beandogupstream doesn't ship with one
20:38.42herlooh, really?
20:38.55josephscott$lart mysql query optimizer
20:38.55raifbotbeats mysql query optimizer over the head with a microkernel.
20:38.57herlowow, kind of makes it hard to run crond I guess
20:39.12herlobeandog: it may be that it's not needed though
20:39.17beandogherlo: not that I can see
20:39.27beandogherlo: hard to know ... the documentation is non-existent
20:39.33beandogwhich makes me want to go back to vixie anyway
20:39.38beandogwell, there's man pages
20:39.47herloand google
20:39.53herlobut I bet it's not too prevalent yet
20:39.56beandogyah I couldn't find anything
20:40.23herlothat's one big problem with switching from one popular bit of software to a lesser known bit of software
20:40.31herloat least in the initial part
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20:40.53herlobeandog: the example I get is this for /etc/crontab
20:40.54herlo# *  *  *  *  * user-name  command to be executed
20:41.11beandogherlo: right, that's the example that everything else seems to use
20:41.15beandoger, syntax.
20:42.00herloI honestly haven't mucked with /etc/crontab though, since I only ever put scripts in /etc/cron.{hourly,daily,weekly,montly} or in crontab -e
20:42.21herlocrond runs the scripts on time for me
20:42.42herlobut if I want to run it at an arbitrary time, I use /etc/cron.d/{my_script}
20:42.54beandogherlo: it's irrelevant though whether it's in /etc/crontab or crontab -e
20:43.03beandogI'm talking about the syntax, not where it's put
20:43.11herlowell, it's a bit important
20:43.12beandogcronie's syntax != vixie's syntax
20:43.13beandogthat's throwing me off
20:43.46herlothe problem is that /etc/crontab has *nothing* to do with a users' cron
20:44.09herloso I keep thinking you want to talk about the system cron vs the user's cron
20:44.24beandogno, just syntax
20:44.28beandogI guess I'll use vixie instead
20:44.35beandogI was switching from fcron, fwiw
20:44.45herlooh, wow, never heard of fcron
20:44.53herloso in crontab -e it should just be
20:44.57herlo* * * * * script
20:45.06beandogherlo: for cronie, yes
20:45.20herloso what's the problem with that?
20:45.28jtsnowanyone use the phpredis library?
20:45.45herlojtsnow: ask carmony or josephscott, I bet they've dealt with it :)
20:46.36josephscottthere are a few of them out there last time I looked, I don't recall which one carmony is  using in production
20:47.45jtsnowcarmony, josephscott: Ever had apache processes continue running for a long time with open connections to Redis when using phpredis?
20:48.45josephscottI've never used it with apache, but my first guess would be a persistent connection setting
20:49.11josephscottare you using pconnect, popen ?
20:49.17jtsnowyes, pconnect
20:49.32josephscottthen it's doing what you asked
20:50.14carmonyyup, what josephscott said :)
20:50.19josephscotta persistent connection is going to stay open, instead of closing when a page request is done
20:50.48josephscottif you don't want that you should look at connect, open instead
20:51.42jtsnowyeah, I thought pconnect would save resources since the connections could be reused instead of opening a new connection for each request
20:52.28jtsnowran for about 3 weeks with no problems using pconnect, but suddenly server load is high due to so many apache processes
21:17.01*** join/#uphpu dharmatech (
21:19.21mindjuju<whisper>when responsible animal owners let their dogs go off the leash - </whisper>
21:20.04mindjujuyou really should learn to lighten up in your beliefs of not letting animals run free
21:20.13mgearyjeeze. 8 dogs?!
21:20.25mgearywell, still, this is America, dammit! Land of the FREE
21:20.33mindjujuyeah, they hunt mice and kill off little vermin and stuff
21:20.35mindjujutsk tsk
21:27.28ninnypants1why the heck would you ever let 8 dogs just roam near a trail
21:28.10herlomindjuju: ping
21:28.45*** join/#uphpu Monnok (~monnok@
21:28.51herlomindjuju: need some minecraft help
21:29.27herlomindjuju: ping again
21:52.37mindjujuDtD, you around?
21:52.44mindjuju~apb DtD
21:52.44ibotACTION summons Leland to find DtD
21:52.54DexterTheDragonmindjuju: settle down
21:53.21mindjujud00d, i just downloaded some good stuff
21:53.30mindjujui was going to send ya the link, but i think they pulled it down?
21:53.42mindjujuit was a post from dj baby anne though so se's the artist
21:53.52mindjujumaybe i'lld ropbox it to ya
21:55.41carmonyDexterTheDragon: nice facebook profile :P
21:56.13beandogherlo: sorry got sucked into a meeting
21:57.18*** join/#uphpu ninnypants1 (
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21:58.38DexterTheDragoncarmony: that was made by Shepard Fairey
21:58.48beandogherlo: I got confused because I assumed cronie syntax was same as fcron/vixie ... and got confused when my cron jobs weren't running.  So I wanted to verify I had cronie's syntax right, in removing the user it's running as in crontab lines ... which never made much sense to me anyway
21:58.51mindjujuDtD, try this
21:58.56beandoganyway, problem solved
21:59.02mindjujuit's posted by baby anne, so es legit
21:59.02beandogand the villagers rejoiced
21:59.25herlobeandog: cool
21:59.50*** join/#uphpu ninnypants1 (
22:00.01mindjujuhere is the abbrv version
22:00.08beandogherlo: it just took me a bit to figure it out, because in messages it was saying root^I/usr/bin/foo
22:00.44beandogsilly cron
22:00.50beandog~lart mgeary
22:00.50ibotkeeps mailing mgeary free America Online CDs until he drowns
22:01.00beandogI lol'd
22:01.47*** join/#uphpu ninnypants1 (
22:02.00herlobeandog: glad you got it working :)
22:02.54beandogunhappy cron = unhappy beandog
22:06.19mindjuju~give unhappy beandog a cookie
22:06.20ibotACTION gives unhappy beandog a home-baked lemon cookie to cheer him up.
22:09.26skinner~give beandog 16 gallons of internets
22:09.26ibotACTION gives 16 gallons of internets to beandog
22:09.37beandogI can use it to make eggnog
22:09.50herloooh, eggnog sounds yummy right now
22:09.58skinnerMmmmm, love the smell of hot eggnog internets in the morning
22:10.31mindjujueggyknap = mindjuju bane
22:10.42mindjujuoops, eggnog, not eggyknap!
22:11.36herlomindjuju: really?
22:16.40herlo <-- looks familiar, doesn't he?
22:16.55mindjujuwho dat?
22:17.53maheliousat first i thought that must have been from the early 90s.  why do we still publish that poorly?
22:18.22herlomahelious: what do you mean?
22:18.27herloare you referring to the layout?
22:18.35herlobecause you can still screw up a layout with good tools
22:19.09herloalbeit, I don't think the layout is that poor
22:21.44maheliousi still have a fedora 1 dvd that i downloaded from duke.  cant believe how quickly its grown
22:22.11ninnypantsanyone use google's custom search engine tool?
22:22.48ninnypantswondering if it has an api that I can use rather than having to put a search box into teh page
22:36.25DexterTheDragonninnypants: xtrementl might know
22:39.16xtrementlhave you looked here?
22:43.03jsmithIf anyone is looking for a work-from-home job doing awesome work in PHP and VoIP, please let me know.
22:43.30mindjuju~awesome jsmith
22:43.56jsmithIf I didn't already have the best job in the world, I'd consider this one :-)
22:44.22mindjujuis it working for jsmith Co. ?
22:44.56jsmithNo, it'd be working for a friend of mine
22:45.03herlomahelious: I'd love to see what FC1 looked like. Didn't get into it until FC4
22:45.06jsmith(Who can't seem to find enough good PHP programmers)
22:45.13ninnypantsxtrementl: I hadn't seen that one found most of what I needed on this one though
22:45.24jsmithherlo: :-p
22:45.38herlojsmith: hehe, well there's that :)
22:45.46Nafaimust. resist. making. smart-alec. comment. about. PHP.
22:45.58herloI'd have to build up an i386 vm...
22:46.33herlooh, even x86_64, nice
22:46.57herlohaha, 3 discs
22:48.49jsmithherlo: Or, in particular, it looked like this:
22:49.26jsmithNostalgia isn't what it used to be...
22:49.34herlonever was
22:49.42herlowe just think it was :)
22:51.04maheliousmindjuju: yeah, godaddys been bugging me for the last month about that.
22:55.11*** join/#uphpu djedi_ (
23:07.22Utah_Davejosephscott: Do you have minute for a question?
23:07.32josephscottUtah_Dave: sure, what's up?
23:08.23Utah_Davein the "after_save" option in jeip, can I call a function I've created? Or do I have to create an anonymous function right there?
23:09.16Utah_DaveI have a "refreshdata()" function that I call in a couple .onclick triggers that works with buttons, I'd like to call that function once the data is saved.
23:09.39josephscottif it accepts a function you can do it either way
23:10.06josephscottjavascript will accept a function name, or an anonymous function
23:10.33Utah_Daveso would that line be   "after_save"  => refreshdata()
23:11.05macnewboldthat would call refreshdata(),
23:11.35macnewboldyou probably want "after_save" => 'refreshdata' (in php) or refreshdata (in js)
23:11.59macnewboldfunctionname rather than functionname()
23:12.21macnewboldif you have the parens on, it would set your after_save to the _result_ of refreshdata() rather than the refreshdata function itself
23:14.50Utah_DaveHmm.   It's still not executing refreshdata
23:14.58josephscottcorrect, similar to how a callback works in PHP, one example being array_map :
23:15.15josephscottUtah_Dave: I wouldn't rule out a bug in my code some where :-)
23:15.24josephscottanything show up error wise in the console?
23:16.46Utah_Davenothing is showing up in Chrome's javascript console
23:18.23Utah_Daveand nothing in firefox.
23:21.46Utah_Davejosephscott: here's that whole block.
23:22.11josephscottput quotes around refreshdata
23:22.21josephscottthe function name is a string
23:22.27josephscottoh, wait
23:22.29josephscottthat is PHP
23:22.38josephscottstill a string I guess
23:22.50Utah_DaveYeah, that doesn't work either way.
23:23.28Utah_DaveDoes it matter where the <script> is in the page?   The function is in a <script> block down at the bottom, not in the head
23:23.56josephscottas long as it is processed in the right order, doesn't matter in regards to footer or head
23:24.13josephscottperformance is better when JS is the last think in the HTML
23:24.32Utah_Davethat's what I thought.
23:26.19josephscottanything the PHP error logs?
23:30.05Utah_Davejosephscott: I should be able to do this, right?    "after_save"   => "function(){ alert('yes!'); };"
23:30.52Utah_Davethat's not working either.   Maybe I need to take a step back and see if something else isn't right.
23:31.04Utah_DaveEverything else is working.
23:31.27Utah_DaveI can click on the text, update it, it updates the database and displays the new data.  
23:32.01Utah_DaveI just can't get it to run that function once it's finished. That would be very nice.  Right now I have a button that the user can click to update the data totals.
23:39.23Utah_Davejosephscott: I think I got it, the after_save is an option to the eip function, not something to be returned in the json response.
23:39.28Utah_Davethat fixed it.
23:39.36josephscottoh, yep, that is true :-)
23:39.43Utah_Dave:)   I knew I was almost there.  Now it's working great!
23:39.50josephscottsorry, I wasn't paying enough attention
23:40.34Utah_Davethanks for helping talk my way through troubleshooting it.  I was sure I was just missing something simple, like reading the docs correctly.  :)
23:41.23josephscottglad it is working for you
23:42.25Utah_DaveYour code will now live forever in some deep dark corner of the government
23:44.37*** part/#uphpu skinner (~david@
23:46.11beandogin committee

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