IRC log for #uphpu on 20111028

00:12.37*** part/#uphpu mgeary (~mgeary@
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14:51.47mindjuju__i can't believe in the time it took to run grab some toner, beandog showed up and left
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15:14.09_clint_carmony: I went to your presentation on optimizing/profiling your php apps, and it was awesome. I like JetProfiler, but it is pricey. Is there something less cool and cheaper that you would recommend?
15:14.48carmony_clint_: they have their trial version
15:14.49carmonythat is okay
15:14.59carmonyI'm tempted to write one
15:15.23_clint_Can I get enough info from the trial version? Put it on git-hub and I'll contribute :-)
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16:17.55mindjuju__sup beandog
16:18.05beandogmindjuju__: Im going to check out a Methodist church today
16:18.07beandogI'm so stoked
16:18.22macnewboldparticular purpose in mind?
16:18.28beandogyouth ministry
16:18.53beandogbasically, more working with teenagers, but in a spiritual capacity as well
16:20.18mindjuju__career path change or a step to it?
16:20.42beandogmindjuju__: step to it
16:20.46beandogit'll take me years to get my LCSW
16:20.56beandogso, I'd like to get some experience in in the meantime
16:21.07mindjuju__beandog - i've been wanting to show you this for a LONG time
16:21.22mindjuju__and this one
16:21.29mindjuju__lolcats in spanish!  who knew?
16:22.02mindjuju__macnewbold is spanish speaker ^^
16:22.09ibottotal count of lol on #uphpu: 2974.  Top 3: carmony -- 432 (14.5%), SunSparc -- 398 (13.4%), TuxToaster -- 367 (12.3%)
16:22.23macnewboldme gustan los lolgatos
16:22.38mindjuju__carmony is spanish speaker ^^ lolcats in spanish
16:23.05carmonylol, spanish eh?
16:23.18beandogthis is awesome
16:23.26carmonyLOL, Gatiposa...
16:23.27beandogmacnewbold: lol, lolgatos
16:25.29mindjuju__srry mgeary, i'm not finding lolcats in german
16:25.56josephscott~x en es lolcats
16:26.00beandogmacnewbold: lol
16:26.13josephscott~x en es funny cats
16:26.32beandogmindjuju__: you just changed my life for the better
16:26.33macnewbold~x es en gatos graciosos
16:26.47macnewbold~x es en gatos chistosos
16:27.01macnewbold~x es en lolgatos
16:27.12macnewbold~ibot, muy bien
16:27.27josephscott~x es en $lart macnewbold
16:27.29raifbottakes a rusty axe and swings it violently, taking macnewbold's head off.
16:27.50macnewbold~roulette $roulette
16:27.50ibotACTION watches $roulette pull the trigger: BANG!
16:28.10macnewbold~x es en $roulette
16:28.46macnewbold~x es en $chuck-fact
16:28.48raifbotChuck Norris can squeeze orange juice from a banana
16:30.01carmonythe only thing that doesn't work well in lolcats in spanish is its not as easy to "mispell" things and spell them how they sound
16:30.10carmonybecause in spanish, the way it is written is the way you pronouce it
16:30.30beandog~rain on carmony's parade
16:37.38mindjuju__beandog - did you see this one?
16:37.59beandogthat is awesome
16:39.04beandogI knew my spanish speaking skills would come in handy someday
16:39.08beandogThis is that day.
16:46.49TuxToaster(just noticed someone mentioned my name earlier :P)
16:46.58josephscottreally?  I don't think I lol that often, or at least I don't mention it here :-)
16:47.08josephscott~x es en $lart TuxToaster
16:47.09TuxToasternah, you just have checked the stats a couple times :P
16:47.10beandog~lolstats josephscott
16:47.10raifbottakes large quantities of Krispy Kream donuts and stuffs them one after another down to tuxtoaster's throat until to tuxtoaster puts on 150lbs.
16:47.20Utah_Davemindjuju__: what class do you like to play in TF2?
16:47.41TuxToastermmmm..... Krispy Kreme..... *drools*
16:48.00beandogcake donuts++
16:48.53mindjuju__utah_dave - mainly pyro because i don't usually have a ton of time to play
16:48.58mindjuju__want to jump in and do something fast
16:49.12mindjuju__if i have tons of time, i'll do spy
16:49.22mindjuju__cause then you have time to recon and coordinate with others
16:49.37mindjuju__what about you?
16:53.45Utah_DaveI just barely finished the tutorials!   :)
16:54.08mindjuju__we should play together
16:54.18Utah_Daveheck yeah!
16:55.53ibottf2 is probably a game developed by Valve. It's awesome.
16:57.15mindjuju__...totally wrong about the iphone... totally
16:57.23mindjuju__i can't believe this exists
16:57.40mindjuju__YEAH! it's coming for android!
16:57.43mindjuju__i must have!
16:58.24mindjuju__oops, this is the link
17:05.17mgearymindjuju__: that's because Germans know that cats are vile creatures
17:05.41mindjuju__i totally concur, we have a family dog, but still, lolcats can be funny :)
17:06.16josephscottare lolcats still cats?  or have they elevated to a separate level of oddity?
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17:25.12mgearywe've got some neighbors, of whom i'm quite fond, who have (it seems) at least 3 cats. They are often in our yard and when we say, "hey,  your cat was in our yard", they roll their eyes, shrug, and say, "heh. Yeah, crazy cats, eh?"
17:25.24mgearymakes me want to kick those dang cats
17:25.40mgearyit's actually illegal to let your pets roam
17:25.56mgearyit's also illegal (in Provo, at least) to own more than 2 cats
17:26.06mindjuju__actually, i think it's hardly being a bad neighbor to tell your neighbors to not let their pets roam your yard
17:26.21mindjuju__i often chased after neighbors who let their dogs poop my yard
17:26.25mgeary"heh. crazy cats, who can control them, eh?"
17:26.31mindjuju__often approaching the situation like:
17:26.45mindjuju__[handing them a small plastic bag] here I've got this for you
17:27.53mindjuju__i wouldn't make a big deal of it, just correction when due
17:27.53mgearyyeah, that doesn't really work for cats
17:28.10mgearyit's not their poop that bothers me
17:28.26mindjuju__well, i'm more meaning though, the act of correction is neighborly
17:28.29mindjuju__or can be
17:28.50mindjuju__but i wouldn't make it confrontational
17:29.47mgearyi'll just nonconfrontationally give them their cat's head in a baggie
17:30.55mindjuju__you know though mgeary
17:31.08mindjuju__there is one way i've heard of that might be fun
17:31.24mgeary"Trying to handle and contain a stray cat is even more dangerous than handling a stray dog. We have humane traps available here at the shelter. We will require a $75.00 returnable deposit for the use of the trap. After the cat is trapped, call us (352-4450 during business hours) and we will respond and remove the cat or you are welcome to bring the trap and cat here to the shelter. If the cat has ID, we will notify the owner and when they redeem the cat we wi
17:31.25mgearyadvise them of their obligation as a pet owner. If the cat is impounded again, the owner will likely receive a citation for "animal running at large" and be required to appear in court. Cats with no ID will be held for a minimum of three days, in hopes that the owner will identify and redeem their pet."
17:32.03mindjuju__I remember reading once about a man in a similar situation who created a motion tracking device using a spare computer, a water sprinkler and Python
17:32.33mindjuju__i'm going to see if i can find it again
17:34.38PoeticIntensityI love cats :)
17:34.46mindjuju__~lart pi
17:34.46ibotinstalls a bad bootloader on pi and turns pi into a brick
17:35.10mindjuju__here is one that is insta-fix(tm) but who knows about python -
17:35.23PoeticIntensityJust out of honest curiosity (and a bit of advocacy), what about cats being in your yard don't you like, mgeary ?
17:35.41mindjuju__oh i don't know, IT'S HIS YARD
17:36.05mindjuju__[his yard]
17:36.07unumI get to implement an other materialized view, but this time in mysql
17:36.25PoeticIntensityhmmm.... I don't get it.
17:37.05mgearyPoeticIntensity: i don't like their "i'm just gonna hang out right here" attitude; i don't like that they kill anything they can; i am very allergic to them;
17:37.27stderr-cats and dogs, living together... MASS HYSTERIA
17:37.28mgearybut what i really don't like is when cat owners think it's okay to let their cats just roam
17:37.38PoeticIntensityheh... you'd hate me.
17:37.39mgearyif you want to keep a cat on your property, power to you
17:37.41mindjuju__[his yard]
17:37.53PoeticIntensityI think it's abusive to keep cats inside.
17:38.04mgearyPoeticIntensity: well, you're misinformed ;)
17:38.04PoeticIntensitymakes em' weird.
17:38.11mgearydude, they're CATS
17:38.16mgearythey're already weird
17:38.26PoeticIntensitywhat am I misinformed about?
17:38.32PoeticIntensityand yes... they're weird.
17:38.50mgearycheck any human society website and it will tell you that cats need to be conditioned to live inside
17:39.00unumwe always petted and played with our neigbors cat when it came over
17:39.06PoeticIntensityyeah... me too.
17:39.10PoeticIntensitycats are born hunters.
17:39.13unumI think he intentianally fed ours
17:39.28mgearyPoeticIntensity: so that's a good reason to let them roam??
17:39.34PoeticIntensitythat's one of em'.
17:39.42stderr-PoeticIntensity: to the collective benefit of the surrounding area
17:39.55stderr-Unless mgeary prefers hantavirus and various other deadly diseases
17:40.06PoeticIntensityyeah... our home (and our immediate neighbor's homes) are the only 3 homes that don't have problems with mice.
17:40.12mgearylike i say, you want cats on your property, be my guest
17:40.18mindjuju__i still can't believe we glossed over the fact that IT'S HIS YARD and he doesn't want them there
17:40.34mgearymindjuju__: that was kind of my #1 point, i guess i just didn't clarify well
17:40.35PoeticIntensitymindjuju__, .... I seriously don't get that.  What about birds?
17:40.42stderr-KILL EM
17:40.42PoeticIntensityor worms?
17:40.46stderr-KILL EM
17:40.47PoeticIntensityor .... insects?
17:40.55PoeticIntensityor... nature???
17:40.56stderr-this is why we need force fields, gentlemen, obviously.
17:41.04PoeticIntensity^5 stderr-
17:41.10unumI had crazy coworkers who thought cats HAD to be indoors
17:41.12stderr-you should need an airlock to enter your property
17:41.19stderr-PoeticIntensity: ^5
17:41.28mindjuju__it's one thing to have natural animals that run around, its an entire other to have your neighbor being neglectful and rude
17:41.32unumof course one is up to 7 the other is now up to 4 or 5 plus dogs....
17:41.41PoeticIntensitymindjuju__, sorry... I just don't see it that way.
17:41.53mindjuju__sure, and so you force your way onto mgeary
17:41.59PoeticIntensityI don't live near him.
17:42.00mgearyPoeticIntensity: that's because you're one of the offenders
17:42.13PoeticIntensityif he didn't want my cat in his yard, I'd gladly do everything I could to keep him off.
17:42.16PoeticIntensitymy neighbors love my cat.
17:42.19mindjuju__let your animals run free!  yipee, buy a yard and let them do so in your yard
17:42.22PoeticIntensityand their miceless yards.
17:42.27unumthe law is on mgeary's side, but since PoeticIntensity neighbors don't care it doesn't matter
17:42.34stderr-we have two neighbor dogs (extremely friendly) who crap in my yard all the time
17:42.38stderr-you know what I do?
17:42.41stderr-I freak out!
17:42.46unumstderr-: what does that have to with our conversation
17:42.48stderr-just kidding, I clean the poop up and pet the dogs
17:42.57unummgeary: has not said anything about the cats pooping on his lawn
17:42.57PoeticIntensitystderr-, ^5.
17:43.01mindjuju__and that's your choice on how to handle
17:43.02PoeticIntensitywe were in the same situation...
17:43.11PoeticIntensityI cleaned up the poop, cause the dog was awesome and my kids loved it.
17:43.16unumand if a neighbors dog came into my yard I'd have an issue
17:43.18mindjuju__mgeary is in his right to just ask for them not to be there
17:43.25unumbut cats are a completely different story
17:43.26stderr-sure it's his right
17:43.26PoeticIntensitysure... I'm not saying he isn't.
17:43.40PoeticIntensitybut calling me neglectful and rude isn't justified...
17:43.46PoeticIntensitywhen my neighborhood loves my cat.
17:43.47mindjuju__sure it is
17:43.48stderr-I'm just saying in the scheme of life there's probably bigger things to worry about
17:43.54PoeticIntensityand appreciates what he does for their yard.
17:44.01unumif PoeticIntensity neighbor's don't care he's not rude or negletful
17:44.24PoeticIntensityit's perfectly fine for mgeary to not want cats on his yard.
17:44.24mindjuju__stderr- , this isn't something that bothers you, that's cool, but mgeary is allergic to the cats
17:44.33stderr-I'm allergic to cats too.
17:44.40PoeticIntensitythank heavens I'm not.
17:44.40stderr-*hand pistols*
17:44.56mindjuju__i was in reference to how you handled the dog in your previous statement
17:44.57stderr-I still have 2.  I just deal with it.
17:45.04mindjuju__great for you
17:45.16mindjuju__so as to mgeary now
17:45.34mindjuju__1. it's his property, 2. there is a health condidtion
17:45.34stderr-I have a hard time believing a cat in your yard will trigger an allergic reaction
17:45.42stderr-and if it does, you probably _do_ need a force field
17:45.49PoeticIntensityI don't think he's in the wrong at all, I just was curious as to his reasons why he wants to cut a cat's head off....
17:45.54mindjuju__well Dr. Stderr, have you examined the patient?
17:45.58mindjuju__have you examined the cats?
17:46.05mindjuju__what do you base your opinioin?
17:46.11stderr-I prefer the title Emperor, thank you.
17:46.35PoeticIntensitythat'd have to be one heckuva allergy to be triggered by dander in the left portion of your yard.
17:46.43mgearythe allergies encourage my dislike of cats. I don't have an allergic reaction when a cat is in my yard, though they have wandered into my house before
17:46.45stderr-I base my opinion coming from a family rife with cat allergies and the very nature of a cat allergy.
17:46.46mgearybut again, that's not the point
17:47.06stderr-I'm not saying mgeary doesn't have the right to keep cats off his yard.
17:47.07PoeticIntensity(tee hee... I haven't been in a flame war in a long time...  This is kind of fun!)
17:47.10mgearypoint is, i don't like cats, and neighbors' got no right to let their cat come on my yard
17:47.13PoeticIntensity(and about cats, no less!)
17:47.16mgearyPoeticIntensity: woot!
17:47.34PoeticIntensitymgeary, agreed.
17:47.42PoeticIntensityif ya don't like em', then neighbors should respect that.
17:48.03mindjuju__fairly said
17:48.05mgearyproblem is, you can't train a cat to roam, and NOT go to a particular place
17:48.21mgearyunless, as mindjuju__ says, that place has some sort of cat repellent
17:48.24PoeticIntensitybut they can't climb up sheet-metal fences.
17:48.30mgearybut, really, that shouldn't have to be MY problem
17:48.47mindjuju__would hate to have neighbor follow the law and just not let cats roam
17:48.51mgearyi would totally shoot them with a BB gun, if i didn't think i'd get PETA'd into jail
17:49.00stderr-mgeary: :\
17:49.12mgearya non-lethal shot, i mean, stderr-
17:49.13fungus~peta mgeary
17:49.13PoeticIntensityheh.. my cats throughout my life have been shot, killed, poisoned, run over, etc...
17:49.19unumthis is an interesting turn
17:49.25PoeticIntensityI just buy another kitten.
17:49.28stderr-a BB gun can be lethal in a variety of circumstances.
17:49.36unumI guess it's #utah where everyone thinks citizens should enforce the law
17:49.38stderr-of someone shot my cat with a BB gun I would escalate the situation.
17:49.41PoeticIntensityhistory has proven that true.
17:49.45mindjuju__sure, subject another animal to a situation that you know is fatal to them, pi,
17:49.49mindjuju__there's a great thought
17:49.54unumsure you're neighbors are breaking the law, but it's often up to neighbors to turn them in for it
17:50.00PoeticIntensitymindjuju__, may or may not be...
17:50.05PoeticIntensitybut man, they live a good life while they're alive.
17:50.23mgearyunum: yep. my nuclear option, really, will be to get the trap from the shelter and turn the cats in there
17:50.45PoeticIntensitymust be a seething hatred of cats, man...
17:50.48mgearyat which point the cat will be put down if it's not tagged, and the owner gets a reprimand and/or fine if it is tagged
17:50.50unummgeary: if the neighbors have ignored your nice requests that may be what you have to do
17:50.53mgearyPoeticIntensity: you have no idea
17:51.03mgearyi *really* don't like cats
17:51.08unumI can tell
17:51.17mgearynow, granted, i wouldn't swerve out of my way to hit one with my car
17:51.22mgearyi do respect life
17:51.26PoeticIntensitywell, that's nice.
17:51.30PoeticIntensityand proper.
17:51.31unumof course I HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE dogs, so I guess I can understand
17:51.35stderr-that's really a high bar for respect for life, mgeary
17:51.44mgearystderr-: thank you. i get that a lot
17:52.11PoeticIntensityman.... I'm just thinking...  What I would do if I actually had a neighbor with hatred like that.
17:52.21PoeticIntensitythat'd be tough.
17:52.26unumof course my hatred for dogs is like my hatred for guns, it's more the fanboys that I hate
17:52.43mindjuju__i love how this has turned to mgeary with the hatred
17:52.50mindjuju__he's never really struck me that way before
17:52.56PoeticIntensitywell... he's not hateful towards me...
17:52.59mindjuju__mgeary, you're the one with the problem
17:52.59stderr-I love all animals and all guns *hand pistols*
17:53.00PoeticIntensityhe's hateful toward cats.
17:53.03PoeticIntensitythat's been established.
17:53.13PoeticIntensitywe don't hate him.
17:53.19unumI've known people like that
17:53.20PoeticIntensitywhy are you turning it that way, mindjuju__ ?
17:53.25mindjuju__you should let all your neighbors cats deficate at will on your lawn
17:53.28mindjuju__and you should enjoy it
17:53.31mindjuju__and smile too
17:53.37PoeticIntensitythey do.
17:53.40PoeticIntensityand I don't mind.
17:53.43unumthe older ones use their pistols, the younger ones have the traps
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17:53.56unummindjuju__: I've never seen a cat deficate on a lawn
17:53.59PoeticIntensityI already said I had to clean up dog poop, and did it while enjoying my neighbor's dog.
17:54.08mindjuju__if the yard has dirt, they do
17:54.08PoeticIntensityalso... mindjuju__ cats clean up their poop.
17:54.12unumand I've always let my neighbor's cats use my flower beds
17:54.13PoeticIntensityyeah... and it's covered up.
17:54.18unumwhy wouldn't I?
17:54.24PoeticIntensityit helps the garden grow, for sure.
17:54.28mindjuju__sure, they bury it under the wood chips in public kids play area
17:54.35stderr-unum: if you had a pregnant woman working in the garden
17:54.38mindjuju__that's a great place for that
17:54.48unummindjuju__: mgeary has not mentioned any of those problems
17:55.21mindjuju__true, at this point i'm just responding to pi's assertions that the cat neatly packages its poo and finds the nearest reclaimation area to put it in nicely
17:55.28mindjuju__with the rubber gloves and all of that
17:55.30stderr-I just wish someone's turkey would cross into my lawn so I don't have to go up to Heber next spring during the turkey season to bag one
17:55.40unumstderr-: I know that's a concern, but since I've always been around cats it's not a problem for me or my wife
17:55.57PoeticIntensitymindjuju__, LOL HAHAH..... oh, man... I wish.
17:56.04stderr-unum: my wife and I took the necessary steps to protect her while she was pregnant but it wasn't a big deal.
17:56.06mindjuju__i've already turned on mgeary, he's wrong for having an opinion on the care of his yard, his home and for wanting his neighbors to abide by the laws
17:56.11PoeticIntensitythat'd save my kids finding nice treats in the dirt....
17:56.40stderr-hey, if you own a dog too, the cat poo problem solves itself.
17:56.49PoeticIntensity^5 stderr-
17:56.52PoeticIntensityI'm gonna go get a dog...
17:56.55PoeticIntensitythat's a great idea!
17:56.57stderr-just buy your dog some breath treets
17:57.04stderr-PoeticIntensity: ^5
17:57.25PoeticIntensitySo... what kind of dog is the most likely to eat cat crap?
17:57.34stderr-seriously, every dog I've owned eats cat poo like it's some special brand of beef jerky
17:57.41stderr-labs seem to have quite the affinity, PI
17:57.48PoeticIntensityhmm.... probably too big.
17:58.09mgearyit just keeps getting better and better
17:58.18PoeticIntensityman... I'm lovin' this.
17:58.31PoeticIntensityI never thought I'd be part of a flame-war involving cats in a PHP channel...
17:58.37unumwhat should have said instead of fanboys was it's the people who have to take them everywhere
17:58.47mindjuju__the sad thing is, it almost seems like you believe what you're saying PI
17:58.59PoeticIntensitymindjuju__, c'mon, man...
17:59.03PoeticIntensitymy neighbors LIKE my cat.
17:59.07stderr-mindjuju is like the white knight of cat haters everywhere.
17:59.15PoeticIntensitywhy in the world am I gonna concern myself about letting him outside?
17:59.29unumnext time I get a cat it will be an outside cat
17:59.37unumand I won't feel bad about it at all
17:59.46unumhopefully I won't have any cat hating neighbors
17:59.48PoeticIntensitythey've openly thanked me for letting him outside, because THEY HAVE NO MICE.
17:59.55mindjuju__it's not cats, or cat hating, it's the bigger issue
18:00.02mindjuju__he doesn't want it
18:00.05mindjuju__he doesn't agree
18:00.06unumgrowing up all the complaints were about our dog, not our cat
18:00.10mindjuju__you are forcing the issue on him
18:00.11macnewboldmgeary: fwiw, I think cats are classified differently than dogs for purposes of the "no roaming pets" laws - my understanding is that they're allowed to roam.
18:00.13PoeticIntensityall other neighbors in the surrounding area (outside my cats territory) have a horrible problem with mice.
18:00.19macnewboldbut you're right about only being allowed to have 2 in most cities
18:00.19mindjuju__that's what i'm fighing about
18:00.25mgearymacnewbold: nope. they're not, though it may vary by city
18:00.33unumbecause our dog wan a pain(she was after all a dog)
18:00.41stderr-mindjuju__: noone's forcing the issue on mgeary.
18:00.53stderr-I'm not a cat fascist.
18:00.55unummacnewbold: depends on the city, murray actualy requires cats to be leashed
18:01.02stderr-I'm not the antagonist of the graphic novel Maus.
18:01.15mindjuju__when the neighbor lets cat free and doesn't do anything when mgeary complained, then it is a force
18:01.16PoeticIntensitymindjuju__, what does exaggerating a statement about a cat covering his poop have to do with mgeary's lawn?
18:01.19macnewboldunum: that's crazy :) i guess i'm glad i live in draper rather than murray.
18:01.35macnewboldour cats help keep the mice out of our cul-de-sac quite well
18:01.40mindjuju__he doesn't want the bloody cat on his lawn, why is that so hard to understand?
18:01.49PoeticIntensitysaid it before, I'll say it again - mgeary can hate cats, and he can even kill mine if he wants to, if it's on his property.
18:01.59unummacnewbold: I think it's only loosly enforced, but I know someone who got a ticket for it(as well as the one for his dog, which is why the animal controll officer was there)
18:02.02stderr-it's not hard to understand.  I think we all understand it quite well.
18:02.03PoeticIntensitybut I don't live near mgeary.
18:02.14mindjuju__oh good, that my part here is done
18:02.19PoeticIntensityyeah.... I'm on to talking about how to control cat poop by getting a dog.
18:02.36stderr-it's like free doggy snacks
18:03.00PoeticIntensityI'm interested now if Springville has an ordinance on cat-roaming.
18:03.01fungusmost dogs eat cat poo,  some dogs even eat dog poo
18:03.19PoeticIntensitycause a few are encroaching on my cat's territory....
18:03.27funguseven fewer dogs eat dog poo while it comes out of another dog.
18:03.52PoeticIntensity*wipes tears away*... oh my, that's hilarious.
18:06.57PoeticIntensityHey mgeary... how do you feel about mice?
18:07.06PoeticIntensityor rats..?
18:08.28mgearyPoeticIntensity: afaik, rats would be extremely unusual in UV. Mice, meh, i just trap 'em. Technically what we have aren't mice, they're mountain voles, but whatever
18:09.01PoeticIntensityright on.. I was just curious...  Sometimes ya just don't like what ya just don't like.
18:09.16mgearybesides, not just any cat could take on a tough rat. I don't see rat suppression as a significant issue in the cat question. At least, not around here
18:09.16PoeticIntensityand yeah... rats would be very unusual.
18:10.54stderr-ugh I'm gonna have to refactor all of this sprite code 9_9
18:13.00PoeticIntensitylooks like as of March of this year, anything considered a pest (and isn't human) can be shot and killed.
18:13.24PoeticIntensity(warning, photo of dead cat on this page)
18:13.39mgearyand who says i don't have political clout?
18:13.50PoeticIntensitythat includes dogs.
18:13.54mgearyWal*Mart is next!
18:14.04stderr-PoeticIntensity linking to a PETA page, well... I've seen it all.
18:14.26PoeticIntensityyeah....  but - hmm.... I could go either way on this bill...
18:14.34PoeticIntensityferal cats can become a problem, very fast.
18:14.50PoeticIntensitybut I don't *really* want someone to kill my cat.
18:14.55PoeticIntensityjust means I'll have to go get another one.
18:14.56fungusPI that bill didn't pass
18:15.00PoeticIntensityoh, right on.
18:15.10PoeticIntensityso... I guess ya can't kill em'.
18:15.18PoeticIntensitygot a link, so I can continue researching, fungus ?
18:16.21fungusit passed house once though.  That's pretty sad
18:16.21PoeticIntensityWHAT!?!?!? you didn't warn me of the hugely offensive "cat prancing" photo plastered on that page, fungus!!  I'm offended now.
18:16.35unumon state rep said it was common for farmers to put feral cats in a bag and drown them, and that's why he voted against henry's law
18:16.59unumpeta is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay extreme for me
18:17.05unumI'm more a human society kind of person
18:17.13funguspeta is way too extreme.
18:17.24ninnypantsPoeticIntensity: that bill didn't pass
18:17.33PoeticIntensityyeah, ninnypants, reading about it now
18:17.33fungusBut w/o extremes on both sides, it's hard to find the middle
18:17.47PoeticIntensitynah... I don't believe that, fungus
18:17.50fungusExamples:  Free Software, Repub vs Democrat
18:18.07PoeticIntensityextreme is pretty easily idenfitiable with or without the other side.
18:18.15PoeticIntensitywow... I can spell, too.
18:19.14fungusWhere would Open Source be w/o RMS
18:19.37PoeticIntensityahh... true.
18:19.49fungusw/o him, the "middle" would be much closer to Microsoft ideologies.
18:19.52PoeticIntensityI was just thinking of like... suicide bombers or serial rapists....
18:20.24ninnypantsthe problem with peta is that they're crazy and they don't help just take donations
18:21.00fungusThey do a lot of help, but do alot of harm too.
18:21.23ninnypantsI've very rarely seen any help from there
18:21.36fungusThe fact that we talk about PETA means they have done something important to get the topic talked about.
18:21.38ninnypantscan't think of the last time I've seen something where they didn't help
18:21.41PoeticIntensityyup... I've always considered peta very extreme.
18:21.55PoeticIntensityninnypants, I think you mean "did" help.
18:22.13ninnypantsyeah thanks PoeticIntensity
18:22.14PoeticIntensityI was just googling cat laws, when they came up.
18:22.25fungusPETA is part responsible for Utah's cruelty to animals law
18:22.59fungusPETA was part responsible for films to stop harming animals.
18:23.29PoeticIntensityPeta, to me, is like the religious cults of the day.
18:23.55ninnypantsfungus: didn' know that but that may have been before I got involved in rescue work
18:24.13ninnypantsmy issue with them is that they make animal welfare people look like nutters
18:24.23fungusninnypants, agreed
18:24.25ninnypantsthough many do a good job of that on their own
18:24.29fungusThey are nuts
18:24.34fungusPETA i mean
18:24.45ninnypantsyou'd be right on both accounts ;)
18:25.10ninnypantsbut yeah so I think in the long term PETA has done more harm than good
18:25.31fungusI disagree
18:25.38fungusPETA is a household name.
18:26.00ninnypantsyes but with a negative stigma
18:26.03fungusW/o them I don't think anyone would even talk about cruelty to animals
18:26.19fungusYes it's negative but it brings up the topic
18:27.31ninnypantswell gotta run but would love to discuss more fungus
18:27.51fungusPETA gets people talking about it, but the humane societies and such get the real work done.
18:29.38unumthat's true
18:31.10unumSo I'm a huge TR fan, and was reading "Wilderness Warrior"
18:31.29unumturns out his grandfather and uncle were founding board members of the ASPCA
18:31.45unumor what ever it's called
18:32.23unumTeddy Roosevelt
18:32.37fungusreally?  cool.
18:32.47unumhis father also founded what's now called(after a series of mergers) Chase bank
18:38.57carmonyany MLB fans here?
18:43.03mgearyMontana Land Bureau? I think they've done a great job
18:55.35unumI agree
18:55.46unumspeaking of things I HATE!!!!
18:55.53unumI really shouldn't use that word....
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19:01.28mgearythat's what you hate?
19:02.39unummaybe we should through a no NBA season party ;)
19:03.00mgearyi hope the season gets going soon. We've got some work contingent upon it
19:03.34unumthat sucks
19:04.03unumat my last job, conflict typically meant more work for us
19:04.16unumthough I don't think this would be one of those cases
19:06.19unumbut my last job was EVIL
19:27.00ibotThere is no chin under Chuck Norris Beard. There is only another fist
20:09.55*** join/#uphpu cro (
20:25.42mindjuju__utah_dave, you around?
20:46.43*** join/#uphpu ninnypants (~tyrel@
20:58.11Utah_Davemindjuju__: I'm back.
21:00.39mindjuju__remember how we talking about phone system woes?
21:00.58mindjuju__so now that we are at the peak of the holiday season and our phone lines are 100% maxed out
21:01.46mindjuju__for some reason, our phone server, whilst in distress, and at a frequency of 1 out of every phone calls is sending out a 410 packet to our sip trunk provider, tell them that our phone num has changed
21:02.03mindjuju__of course, the hpone num hasn't changed, but...
21:02.28mindjuju__soo, engineers are looking into it as we speak
21:02.47mindjuju__just part of the nuttiness of this phone system
21:03.14Utah_DaveSounds like it's not handling  being saturated correctly.
21:03.15mindjuju__i wish we'd have gone asterisk
21:04.14Utah_DaveYou can still add more capacity with an Asterisk server
21:04.51mindjuju__we don't have the employee infrastructure to handle it
21:05.23mindjuju__by the time they were trained and ready to use the phones, the season would be over
21:05.38mindjuju__though for next season, that might be a good thing
21:05.45mindjuju__would give us time to ramp it up, etc
21:05.51Utah_DaveOf course, you can obviously still have problems when using Asterisk.
21:08.46Utah_Davemindjuju__: how many concurrent calls are you handling right now?
21:10.35Utah_DaveAt what point does the server start sending out the bad 410 packet?
21:11.47mindjuju__as far as i understand it, once the server is maxed out and it's still receiving requests for connection, that's when the server does the 410
21:12.02mindjuju__i wasn't really meaning for you to try to troubleshoot, was more giving an example of craziness
21:12.08Utah_Dave410 Gone: The user existed once, but is not available here any more.
21:12.11mindjuju__though we could try to work thorugh it if you want
21:12.58Utah_Davewell, I don't know anything about the current server you're using, so I'm sure their engineers would fix it much faster than I could.
21:13.10mindjuju__crazy though, huh?
21:13.40Utah_Dave410 is kind of a funny response to send.
21:14.19mindjuju__seems like maybe should send a 600 instead
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21:29.04Utah_Davemindjuju__: what's the name of your pbx, again?
21:34.59Utah_Davedo you guys use the CRM and all that stuff with it?
21:35.35Utah_Davedoes it pop up the incoming caller's account based off their phone number, etc
21:36.12mindjuju__it offers that now, but didn't when we first got it
21:38.06Utah_Davedoes it have standard sip phones? Do you know if  you can  have the phones log into any sip server?
21:38.25mindjuju__they are zulyts branded phones
21:38.32mindjuju__want me to dig up a model num?
21:40.11mindjuju__like this
21:44.15Utah_DaveThey look like they're standard sip.
21:44.23Utah_DaveAre you guys recording all these calls?
21:45.09jsmithmindjuju__: Ah, they're just Aastra phones :-)
21:45.49Utah_Davejsmith: :)  looks like it.    
21:54.55mindjuju__yup recording all calls
21:54.57mindjuju__is that bad?
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21:57.23Utah_DaveDepending on the set up, recording pounds your hard drives pretty hard. It lowers the total # of calls that the server can handle at once
21:57.53Utah_DaveBut I don't know how they set it up with your server. You might just be bumping into the license limit. The hardware might handle it just fine.
21:58.04ibotgives mgeary a "free" copy of Windows and then charges double for "Upgrades"
21:59.19Utah_Davemindjuju__: Does this appear to be a software/hardware limit you're running into, or is it licensing?
21:59.52mindjuju__hardware, feels like
22:00.22mgeary~cattorment Utah_Dave
22:00.23ibotACTION gathers cats from mgeary's neighbors, stderr, and PoeticIntensity, feeds them LSD-laced Ex-Lax, stuffs them in a bag, shakes the bag, and dumps the whole mess out in Utah_Dave's lap to enjoy
22:00.43mindjuju__oh man
22:01.02mindjuju__that's sure to upset some people
22:01.12mindjuju__and 'm staying out of it this time!
22:01.33raifbotreadies the nuke launcher and fires some rounds at romanovic-afk.
22:01.54Utah_Davemindjuju__: I'm pretty sure you could point those Aastra phones at an Asterisk server, unless they're super locked down.
22:02.23mindjuju__knowing these guys, there is nothing super about it, let's give it a shot!  i've got a spare phone!
22:04.15TuxToaster$lart #uphpu
22:04.15raifbotexecutes killall -KILL #uphpu.
22:04.26TuxToasterthat's one way to clear the room
22:06.10Utah_Davemindjuju__: can you get in to the phone configuration and see if you can change the sip server and user name and password?
22:07.59mindjuju__i'll have to try, i know there is an admin page i can access if i enter the phone password
22:20.26ninnypantsso my keyboard got ruined which should I get or
22:21.16mindjuju__they both look pretty cool
22:22.32Utah_Daveninnypants: I have the models professional silent
22:22.55ninnypantsUtah_Dave: I think we talked about it once
22:23.04ninnypantssounded pretty good
22:23.35ninnypantsI've heard good things about the deck as well and I think the deck may be a little quieter because of the key switches it has
22:24.47ninnypantsI think I might go with the Deck because I don't think I need a usb hub
22:25.52ninnypantsthough the font choice for the keys on the deck keyboard is horrible
22:26.10Utah_DaveI like my das, but I wish they had an ergonomic version
22:26.20Utah_Daveand had media keys
22:36.20Utah_Davemindjuju__: email me or call me if you need any other help!  time to go home. Plus, I'm kinda feeling under the weather.
22:45.13funguseww. The Deck keyboard is ugly
22:45.23fungusninnypants, buy the Das
22:48.48fungusThough I like my keyboard better.
22:51.10ninnypantsfungus: apple keyboards are awesome
23:50.58*** part/#uphpu mgeary (~mgeary@

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