IRC log for #uphpu on 20110810

00:01.02ninnypantsyou use getDocumentNamespaces then you use what it returns from that as the namespace
00:01.46ninnypantsso something like $namespaces = getdocnamespace(); $attr = attributes($namespaces[0]);
00:01.54ninnypantssomething like that but real code
00:04.11skinnerok, i'll see if that works
00:06.42ninnypantsskinner: any luck?
00:07.13skinnerdoesn't look like it works
00:07.23skinnergetdocnamespace returns:
00:07.30ninnypantscan you pastebin your code?
00:07.37mgearyhey folks. Another OT question: what's the drop-dead simplest way to get a very non-technical Windows user to place a downloaded application onto their Desktop? On a Mac you can download a dmg file that auto-mounts and opens a window that can allow you to just drag the file to an alias of the Desktop folder, but i don't think Windows has an equivalent
00:08.12ninnypantsmgeary: like install to the desktop?
00:08.20mgearyninnypants: ideally without an installer, but yes
00:08.31ninnypantsor just have a shortcut on the desktop
00:08.55mgearyhere's the thing. A client who has some VERY non-technical people is having us build a tiny executable that does nothing more than launch a website when clicked
00:09.22mgearyso we've got a download screen where people can download this launcher widget, but they're worried that after people download it, they won't know how to get it onto their desktops
00:09.25ninnypantsoh well they can just drop the .exe on the desktop and it'll run there
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00:09.45mgearyninnypants: apparently there is some concern that that action may be too challenging
00:09.51ninnypantsand if it's in the download folder they can just drag it to their desktop
00:10.22skinnerninnypants: ^
00:10.31redroythis is funny
00:12.04skinneri would say half of windows users aren't aware of what they've even downloaded, let alone WHERE on their PC.... :)
00:13.54redroyhaha, seriously, this is cracking me up
00:13.58mgearybut is there any way to make it more brain dead?
00:14.12mgearyredroy: you mock my pain
00:14.51redroyI'm trying not to, it's just too funny
00:14.53skinnermgeary: Why a .exe?
00:15.03skinnerwhy not just a shortcut on the desktop right to the website?
00:15.05redroyI'm saving this chat
00:15.19ninnypantsmgeary: skinner is right whynot an auto bookmark link or something?
00:15.30mgearyskinner: because, again, the client feels that giving someone instructions on how to do that will be too challenging for some users
00:15.48mgearyninnypants: they don't want a bookmark, they want something on the desktop that users can click
00:15.57skinnerwhat I mean is, create a text file
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00:16.12skinner(with a .url for the exension)
00:16.34skinner[InternetShortcut] URL=
00:16.44skinnerthey can then download that file and put it on the desktop
00:16.50skinnerthen it's not a .exe
00:17.01skinnerwindows treats it as a shortcut to the website
00:17.02ninnypantsskinner: a .exe would allow you to include an image like the favicon or something
00:17.35mgearyskinner: but that doesn't solve the problem of helping the dumb user place the file on the desktop
00:17.47ninnypantsmgeary: I don't know that there is a simpler way than dragging it from the download folder to the desktop
00:17.50skinner~stab dumb windows users
00:17.50ibotACTION runs at dumb windows users with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut.
00:18.34ninnypantsskinner: did my comments on your code work once you fixed the errors the lack of a comment syntax created?
00:21.50skinnerit looks like it did work....
00:22.30skinnerI think I get it now
00:22.47ninnypantswell I gotta run later
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14:12.39*** topic/#UPHPU is UPHPU | Utah PHP Users Group | it's supernovia bday today
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14:12.53carmony~lart ibot
14:12.53ibotsquishes carmony like a bug
14:13.09Utah_DaveHmm. It's purchasing time here at work.  I'm not sure if I know of any new tech books I want
14:13.56carmonyI know of a good book I'd like if you want to buy it and donate it to the Carmony Charity... ;)
14:14.17carmonywhat was it called... book... pro... something..... MacBook Pro I think it was...... ;D
14:17.59ninnypants1mornin all
14:19.44Utah_Davecarmony: he he. that would be nice.  
14:20.27Utah_DaveThey still won't let us get mac laptops.  Basically it comes down that they are too "cool" and surely are waste fraud and abuse
14:20.54Utah_Davebut we can order a Dell laptop maxed out with every awesome thing they have.
14:21.21carmonythats not too bad
14:23.35Utah_DaveI'm looking forward to them.  250 gig SSD, 8 gigs ram, upgraded video card.
14:24.00herloUtah_Dave: probably because they are waste, fraud and abuse :)
14:24.19herloUtah_Dave: re: mbp
14:26.20carmonyI really like my mbp :P
14:27.00Utah_DaveThe new Macbook Airs look really nice.
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14:28.41herloyes, they look nice, but unless you run OSX full-time, the Apple tax is too much for me
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14:30.05carmonyok, speaking on laptops
14:30.20carmonyI'm thinking about getting a netbook
14:30.57herloI've read that the acer's are pretty nice
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15:05.31raifbotpushes the wall down onto macnewbold whilst whistling innocently.
15:06.26macnewbold~greet TuxToaster
15:06.27ibotACTION dumps a bucket of cold oatmeal on TuxToaster
15:06.35TuxToasternice one
15:06.39macnewboldhow's it going?
15:07.13macnewboldi hear through the grapevine you're downtown now? things working out well there?
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15:10.38TuxToasterso far pretty good :-)
15:12.17TuxToasterit's been a very welcome change for sure
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15:17.07mgearyanyone here use VirtualBox for Windows emulation?
15:17.24mindjujuon a mac, yes
15:17.39mindjujui have a GD using virtualbox > WinXP
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15:17.52mindjujushe's Mac OS X (someVersionHere)
15:18.22mgearyi've got the same thing, but i'm trying to get Win 7 installed. Ideally, i plan on duplicating my XP image so i can still boot into XP when needed
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15:19.17mgearybut my hard drive is too small for Win 7. I can't create a new disk, because my Win7 is an upgrade, so it needs XP to be there first, so i'm trying to figure out if there's a way to increase the disk size of my existing instance
15:19.49mindjujumgeary, if i recall correctly, win7 has some kind of voodoo that detects running in VM and doesn't allow or rigs it in some way
15:19.56mindjujui think it has to do with licensing
15:19.58mgearyoh yeah? :/
15:20.14mindjujui read about it a while back, but never run into the situation myself
15:20.24mindjujuabout the hdd increase, i've never found a way to do so
15:20.43mindjujui've always had to either tack on another virtual hdd or start fresh with a new hdd
15:21.37mindjujufungus got me onto virtualbox, he may know different
15:22.59fungusmgeary, yes it's possible to extend a windows drive in a VM
15:23.23mgearyfungus: do you know of any problems upgrading XP to Win7 in VirtualBox?
15:23.32fungusIf you are trying to extend the C: drive, it's a bit painful since you can't extend a system drive while it's running
15:23.53fungusNope, I've never upgraded winxp to win7, only fresh installs
15:24.23fungusThere is a trick you can use to extend the C: drive though
15:25.08mgeary ?
15:25.39fungusthat might work too.
15:26.23fungusI usually just clone the drive, boot, attach the copy as a second drive, extend that one, reboot with the extended copy
15:26.42mgearyi'm game for that
15:26.46mindjujuoh that's wise
15:26.59mgearyhow do you extend the copy?
15:27.08DexterTheDragonmgeary: VBoxManage modifyhd filename.vdi --resize 46080
15:28.46fungusThen while booted you use "diskpart" in windows to extend the partition/filesystem
15:29.06mgearyDexterTheDragon: are you saying i can just do that without having to clone and mount, like fungus is saying?
15:29.26fungusThat command just makes the virtual disk bigger
15:30.25DexterTheDragonthe clone and mount probably makes it easier to extend the ntfs partition
15:30.27fungusclone you disk,  extend one disk with that command, boot normal disk, attach extended disk
15:31.05fungususe diskpart to extend filesystem on secondary extended disk, then shutdown, change VM to only use extended disk.  Done
15:31.42fungusAnd you have a backup in case things go wrong.
15:31.57mgearyi've got a larger XP disk in Parallels already, so i'll try it with that first and see how the Win7 upgrade goes
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15:40.10carmonyhrm... acers huh?
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15:42.37herlocarmony: acer has some nice netbooks, yes
15:43.08herlobut if you want something else, there are other good ones from most brands these days...
15:44.09carmonyinexpensive is what I'm looking for :P
15:44.19carmonyI just don't want to spring for a macbook air
15:47.43herloright, acer is a good price point
15:47.57herloI think they have some at office depot and best buy if you wanna try them out
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16:33.15jacob_kerrHey guys. Does this query look OK?
16:33.29jacob_kerrSELECT * FROM tours JOIN users ON tours.userID = users.userID
16:33.29jacob_kerrJOIN brokerages ON users.brokerageID = brokerages.brokerageID WHERE tours.tourTypeID = 16 OR tours.tourTypeID = 17
16:34.28jacob_kerrsry for posting code here :(. Will use pastebin nxt time.
16:36.09skinnerYou getting an error with it?
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16:38.27jacob_kerrNo errors just short some rows but this DB is a mess it could be because some of the tours are not tied to a user as they should be.
16:39.00jacob_kerrI guess the question is I am not sure if you can join on data being pulled from a JOIN proceeding it.
16:41.14jacob_kerrnvm I figured it out some users do not have a brokerage so I need a left join or something :)
16:41.26jacob_kerrthat why I was short 162 results.
16:42.27skinnergood job :)
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16:57.34jacob_kerrHey with that query what I really want is the user to only show once and to show a count for each maching tour. What I am getting now is a result for every matching tour and duplicate user info.. *Scratching Head*
16:58.01jacob_kerruser ordered this tour 32 times.
16:59.22jacob_kerrnvm I'm just going to setup 2 queries LOL.
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17:07.45jacob_kerrQuick question. The following query returns all users with have ordered a certain tour in my db. With the query I have now it is showing the same user over again if they order the specified tour more then once. How can I set this query up to only show the user once and a count of how many time they have ordered a certain tour?
17:07.49jacob_kerr :)
17:09.27TuxToasterjacob_kerr: you'll always have that if it's a one-to-many relationship
17:10.18jacob_kerrSo there's no way around it because the normalization may not have been setup right?
17:10.57TuxToasterwell, it's not that it wasn't set up right per se, it just depends on the data you're querying.
17:11.37TuxToasterif you say you want to SELECT * FROM users and JOIN brokerages ON users.brokerageID but there could be 10 brokerages for one user
17:11.56TuxToasteryou'll get the user record 10 times, each with the corresponding brokerage details
17:12.17jacob_kerroh I'm just using my joins wront then.
17:12.30TuxToasterso your best bet to avoid the unnecessary traffic would be to query the user details separately if you need them, and then to limit how much data you're pulling from the users table
17:13.00TuxToastersuch as SELECT users.ID,, brokerages.* FROM users LEFT JOIN brokerages...
17:13.17TuxToasterso that way for each result you get the user's ID and name, but not the entire record
17:13.32jacob_kerrK I c.
17:13.43TuxToasteror you could leave out the user columns entirely if you don't need them for that particular query
17:14.18TuxToasterbut most likely you would want something to know which user that record goes with, unless the query is using a WHERE or something to limit to a particular user
17:16.40jacob_kerryeah the query I had works. Only thing I need to change some how is getting the user info to only show once then show a count for the tour ID like this user has order 4 tour with tour id 7 and 6 tours with the tour id 13.
17:22.05ibotslaps influx upside the head with a wet fish
17:23.41jacob_kerrDISTINCT may help with this?
17:23.54jacob_kerrthen COUNT also?
17:27.56stderr-Morning, gents.
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17:43.56TuxToasterjacob_kerr: sorry, didn't see your question. DISTINCT will only help if the entire record is a duplicate, so assuming you don't have more than one result for each being returned on the brokerages table then DISTINCT won't help much there.
17:44.45jacob_kerrK yeah distinct helped when ran on the user so it only showed the user once.
17:45.03jacob_kerrand the brokerage is tied to the user.
17:45.10jacob_kerreach user only has one brokerage.
17:46.37jacob_kerrIt seems to be working well.
17:46.46TuxToasterok that works
17:46.46jacob_kerrif ran on user does that seem right?
17:47.03jacob_kerrSweet im running with that :).
17:47.21jacob_kerrThese guys like you got the query yet..
17:47.24TuxToasterwonderful thing about queries, they're as dynamic as the data they are working with :-)
17:47.59TuxToasterI usually just tweak them until I get the results I'm after, there's not really one specific rule that fits everything.
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19:33.02mindjujutoo bad beandog isn't here,
19:33.12mindjujufail patent troll is fail
19:43.25TuxToasterwish they'd find that for others, like Lodsys
19:44.01TuxToastermindjuju: have you seen this?
19:45.02mindjujushouldn't there be a line from microsoft to google?
19:45.25mindjujuthat's pretty cool
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19:46.27TuxToasterprobably. They may be only dealing with hardware patents, though I don't see how Oracle fits in if that's the case
19:47.11TuxToasterthe little tiny one for Elan suing Apple is most likely over touch components, surprising they aren't suing more.
19:47.21Utah_Daveso true, XKCD, so true.
19:47.23DexterTheDragonOracle is suing over java
20:34.51mindjujuin light of the stock market this today (-500pts) i proudly present (100% no rick nor rebecca)
20:37.41josephscottthe fact that you keep putting that disclaimer on your links is not helping your link credibility :-)
20:38.19mindjujui wouldn't trust my own links without it
20:39.07herlomindjuju: I'm pretty happy
20:39.15herlomindjuju: mostly because I don't worry
20:39.25mindjujuhow apropos!
20:40.35josephscott$lart links
20:40.35raifbotwhacks links upside the head.
20:43.16maheliousjust out of curiosity, whats the line that has to be crossed before we start drawing blood from the fed?
20:43.35herlomindjuju: another related video for you (same guarantee)
20:44.05maheliousdo we wait until the stock market crashes? or until our congress goes bankrupt? or until we find we rally have no representation on the hill?
20:44.10herlobecause you 'can't touch this' market :)
20:44.59maheliouscause i dont think the middle east is the only place that needs a fresh start...
20:45.20herlomahelious: #utah wants to have you in there :)
20:45.29herlomahelious: they love discussing this stuff
20:50.28herlomindjuju: got another!
20:51.03mindjujuhavent' heard that song in a LONG time
20:51.18herlonot really related, other than they are on the referrals from youtube
20:51.25herloyeah, I know, long time!
20:54.28herloanother oldie, but goodie!
20:59.09mgearyhey, i need some iptables info
20:59.14mgearyi've never used it before, only ipfw
20:59.30mgearybut i need to add a rule to let mysql access in from my IP
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21:06.36stderr-mgeary: something like iptables -A INPUT -i <interface> -s -p tcp --destination-port 3306 -j ACCEPT
21:06.43herlomgeary: iptables -A/-I INPUT [4] -p tcp --dport 3306 -s -j ACCEPT
21:06.51mgearyawesome. thanks
21:07.05stderr-herlo: 2 late, chump
21:07.07herlostderr-: wow, I wouldn't have used the interface.
21:07.21stderr-just covering the bases
21:07.27mindjujufungus, do you know of a telnet client for iphone that you recommend?
21:07.41herlomindjuju: get a new phone :)
21:07.58mindjujui don't own an iphone, i have an android, it's for somebody else
21:08.00mindjujuthx fungus
21:08.11herlomindjuju: hehe
21:08.12herloI know
21:08.15fungusit's not free, but it's pretty good
21:08.23mgearydo i need to reload the firewall, or does the new rule take immediate effect?
21:08.26herlomindjuju: iThrowAwayYouriPhone :)
21:08.38herlomgeary: takes effect immediately
21:08.38mgearyalso, it's currently showing *after* DROP all, do i need to move it before somehow?
21:08.53herlomgeary: but you'll need to save it
21:09.05mgearydo i need to worry about the order?
21:09.11herlomgeary: yes, the -I INPUT 4 would insert the rule at nuber 4
21:09.22stderr-I used append, which put it at the bottom
21:09.28herlohaha, I win!
21:09.42mgearyokay, so do i need to remove it, or can i move it?
21:09.57herlomgeary: yes, delete -D and then -I
21:10.19herlomgeary: though if it is after the DROP rule, it really wont' do anything there
21:11.51mgearythanks. that seems to work
21:14.15raifbotChuck Norris ended the song that never ends
21:15.28raifbotjosephscott your number is : 109,492,939
21:16.14skinnerI got a job offer this morning. Company wants me to come there do do PHP, as well as learn C# and Java..... * sigh *.....dunno if I should take it....
21:16.22skinner*to do PHP
21:17.22herloew, Java!
21:23.12josephscott~slime herlo
21:23.19josephscotthmmm, guess not :-)
21:24.59SunSparciPhone terminal client, I use TouchTerm.  I will have to check out iSSH.
21:27.33fungusdefinitely do.  I've used touchterm too.  iSSH is a bit nicer.
21:27.45SunSparcGood to know.
21:29.20mindjujui wonder if iSSH knows that it has been endorsed by fungus?  that's like the good housekeeping seal of approval, 4 stars from consumer reports, 5 eggs at new egg, finger lickin' status at KFC
21:32.03herlomindjuju: but it's so fun!
21:33.05mindjujuit's the bittersweet of this job, i love where i work, i love what i do, i hate that one of the primary dbs is ms sql server 2k
21:33.12mindjujui've got project in works for major upgrade
21:39.11josephscottmindjuju: to a new version of ms sql ?
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21:44.26mindjuju@josephscott, yup
21:44.46josephscottnot sure if that would be considered an upgrade then, perhaps more of a lateral move :-)
21:45.05mindjujui just realized that in order to upgrade the php to 5.36, i've got to use the new ms php driver for ms sql, and that requires us upgrading to ms sql 2k5
21:45.15mindjujuso making this project jump a full order in complexity
21:45.41influxmack daddy make ya
21:45.42fridgesmthat's what you get for using ms sql :)
21:45.59mindjujui feel like evel kenevil and i'm eyeballing the grand canyon thinking i can jump it
21:46.19mindjujufridgesm: that decision was made long ago, wasn't a part of that
21:46.31mindjujuthough everything i do have 100% control over, i turn to OSS
21:46.53fridgesmmy brother is actually on the ms sql team :)
21:47.05fridgesmso I'm not really all that opposed to it
21:47.13mindjujudoes he give you the inside scoop on things?
21:47.39mindjujui had a friend of mine from high school that went on to code patches for MS, it was aswesome having him as c++ tutor
21:48.57fridgesmhe used to offer me the "latest build" whenever he came into town, but I just asked him if it would work on my Linux server
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22:33.16romanovicinflux: ouch
22:33.57influxYeah. No way that I can see of contacting the guy either.
22:34.14influxOther than twitter.
22:35.16romanovicyou could give him a post
22:36.20romanovic"Sweet idea! btw your webserver is broken. maybe fix that."
22:36.34influxOh, there's a contact form.
22:36.42fridgesmit appears to be MySQL that's broken, right?
22:36.54fridgesmcrashed table
22:38.04influxLooks that way to me.
22:38.31influxNm. I'm dumb. It's a comment form.
22:43.21stderr- Those scumbag rioters
22:46.58ninnypantslater all
22:47.23maheliousstderr-: lol
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Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.