IRC log for #uphpu on 20110806

00:10.56raifbotjosephscott your number is : 962,779,652
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16:07.20herlomindjuju: ping
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20:38.28*** join/#uphpu Jacob_Kerr (
20:41.59Jacob_KerrHey guys I have a large system at this new job I aquired. This system needs allot of work the db does not have proper normalization and all the code is a mess. I want to restructure the entire thing and make it all Object Oriented. My new employer really would like  me to do it a little at a time but the way it's seem to be setup it feels like I would have to do it all at once but that could takre months. Any suggestions? Is the
20:41.59Jacob_Kerrre anyway I can maybe do it peice by piece and have 2 systems up when an update etc. is made to one db I cuold have queries to update the other. Are those store procedures? Thinking outloud. What's the best way to restructure a system?
20:45.48Jacob_KerrAny suggestions on a program I can use to display all my objects. What I mean is I want to setup a nice layout of all my objects and their child objects. Or setup something that will display the entire modal for the new system the db and code will reflect on this modal.
20:48.27*** join/#uphpu dharmatech (
20:49.01Jacob_KerrNot existing modals but a layout for coming up with a very well organized structure for the new system that I can go over with my employer and perfect.
20:51.35Jacob_KerrThinking if I was to restructure the system I would duplicate it, place in test environment and then first normalize the database and all it's data then fix all the queries in the code to work with the new db then start to slowly move everything into objects. What do you guys think? LOL I know lotz of txt here.
20:53.06Jacob_KerrNote: this system benefits from MVC practive and being Object Oriented do to the fact that it is always expanding and will be offering many third party solutions in the future so I believe it's needed.
22:05.43*** join/#uphpu Lone_Wanderer (
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