IRC log for #uphpu on 20110520

00:00.54fungus$suggest joseph wants
00:00.55raifbotfungus suggestions for 'joseph wants' : joseph wants to read, joseph wants, joseph wants divorce mary, col joe wants to know
00:01.01romanovicmgeary: pong
00:51.10*** join/#uphpu undertakingyou (
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00:57.40*** join/#uphpu ninnypants1 (
01:08.27*** join/#uphpu wps (~wps@
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01:08.42wps~seen mac
01:08.46ibotmac <> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-linux, 120d 12h 41m 26s ago, saying: 'hey someone knows if there is a nand android build that supports autofocus while recording a video?'.
01:08.48wps~seen macnewbold
01:08.48ibotmacnewbold <> was last seen on IRC in channel #uphpu, 4h 54m 6s ago, saying: 'beandog: pong'.
01:15.30*** join/#uphpu cro (
01:18.51*** join/#uphpu josephscott (
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01:34.05*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (~David@
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02:05.32*** join/#uphpu dharmatech (
02:22.01*** join/#uphpu influx (
02:33.17raifbotChuck Norris played who will blink first, with a mirror. And he won
02:34.09raifbot"The only thing we have to fear is Chuck Norris himself." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
02:35.05ninnypants1evening influx how're things at SR?
02:42.53Utah_Dave~lart josephscott
02:42.53ibottakes out josephscott with the trash
02:44.41ninnypants1how goes
02:44.51influxIt goes well.
02:45.02influxThings are going well at SR. What's up?
02:45.33influxHow are you?
02:46.38ninnypants1pretty good
02:47.07ninnypants1haven't been out to the shop lately
02:47.31influxYeah. I was wondering about that.
02:47.37influxThings with the New Mexico crew going well, I hope.
02:48.35influx(I'm going to attempt an upgrade of the Zen Cart install and then install a module that should help the shippers save some time.)
02:48.51influx(In an hour or two.)
02:49.02*** join/#uphpu jtsnow (~jtsnow@VDSL-151-118-129-181.DNVR.QWEST.NET)
02:49.08ninnypants1yeah super busy with new mexico stuff
02:49.19ninnypants1lost the bid for though...
02:49.22influxAnything new to you?
02:49.26influxThat's too bad.
02:49.46ninnypants1nah wp-e-commerce still sucks ;)
02:49.59ninnypants1did some cool one pages sites lately though
02:50.27influx:D May I see?
02:50.38ninnypants1gonna try to do that tumblr theme this weekend if rapture doesn't get me that is
02:50.59ninnypants1the other hasn't launched yet I'll pm it to you
03:05.10*** join/#uphpu undertakingyou (
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03:19.34influxHow does MySQL treat the second of two values used with BETWEEN?
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03:49.27raifbotChuck Norris doesn't have to do anything for a Klondike bar
03:49.48*** join/#uphpu wps (~wps@
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03:50.24*** topic/#UPHPU by wps -> Utah PHP Users Group |
04:19.29*** join/#uphpu undertak1ngyou (
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14:36.07influxninnypants: ping
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15:03.30raifbotWhen Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn't lifting himself up, he's pushing the Earth down.
15:03.52raifbotChuck Norris once stabbed a knife with a human being.
15:04.03ninnypantshola influx
15:04.18raifbotChuck Norris doesn't have to do anything for a Klondike bar
15:12.30*** join/#uphpu mgeary (~mgeary@
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15:24.57*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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15:43.10mp_xmmorning all. i'm in search of a non-US shell to test a geoip redirect. anybody have an offshore account and wouldn't mind giving me a few moments to help me out with a test?
15:50.57mgearymp_xm: ask romanovic-afk
15:53.01mp_xmwill do, thanks
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15:57.10macnewboldmp_xm: i know some off shore open web proxies i've used, but not offshore shell :-/
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16:01.06mgearyitimber2: is in Kansas. That's offshore, isn't it?
16:07.16itimber2for some reason, I thought that Linode had a location in London, and that you could specify where you would like to be hosted
16:07.25itimber2and they offer shell access
16:07.32itimber2but I cannot find the info now
16:08.28DexterTheDragoncan get amazon ec2 instances around the globe
16:09.58mp_xmthat's a good idea. i think i have this sorted with just a simple proxy though.
16:10.28wpsis this bad practice?
16:10.37wps$_POST['animal'] = 'cow';
16:10.48wpsadding to or editing the _POST array?
16:11.25*** join/#uphpu beandog (
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16:12.33mgearywps: i can see why you'd ask, but i don't think there's any real difference in doing that, and in copying $_POST over to an array and doing it there
16:12.33macnewboldwps: i wouldn't say it's common practice, but i can see circumstances where it makes some sense. When you do that, does $_REQUEST automatically update too? If not you might want to update both.
16:13.15wpsgood question about _REQUEST
16:14.33itimber2a thought on pulling $_POST to another array, and doing it there…. you'd probably double the memory consumption on that data at that point
16:14.43itimber2rather than using memory that's already tied up
16:15.42redroyJust wanted to remind everyone that tomorrow is the end of the world… so all your php issues are moot.
16:16.40macnewboldhe didn't mention how he knows that tomorrow is the end of the world - they announced that all the python folk have decided to switch to ruby instead
16:16.47*** join/#uphpu mastergunns (~mastergun@
16:18.47croMore likely that all the ruby folks would go over to Java.
16:19.00mgearytalk about swimming upstream
16:21.08itimber2I've been hearing good things about Cold Fusion
16:21.20mgearyheh. that was my first serverside programming language
16:21.20croLOL :-D
16:21.27mgearyColdFusion 3
16:22.17mgearysad thing is, there appear to be a lot of government contracts that want you to use CF. I suspect that's because it's technically a J2EE platform
16:22.23mgearybut meh
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16:28.40itimber2any flex devs in the house?
16:28.46mgearyi dabble
16:29.03mgearybut haven't actually *created* a Flex project myself. I've only ever hacked on projects other people created
16:29.17itimber2I do dev work for a guy that was asking
16:29.25itimber2want me to pass your info along?
16:29.43mgearyoh, this is to take on some contract work?
16:30.05influxitimber2: After that point, would the consumption go down by half?
16:30.13mgearyactually our Flash/Flex capacity is pretty full at the moment. I'm looking for someone myself
16:30.22itimber2right on
16:30.53itimber2influx…. I would think it would if you unset() one of the two arrays
16:34.05beandogunset doesn't always reduce memory usage
16:34.33beandogit's a bit freaky that way.
16:38.29itimber2and I'm not an expert
16:38.33itimber2by any means
16:38.44itimber2just pointing out that it would store that data 2x
16:39.12influxI'd never thought about it, that's all.
16:41.34itimber2beandog: is there a better way to collect that memory?
16:49.37*** join/#uphpu jtsnow (
16:57.17skinner$8ball are you a liar?
16:57.17raifbotskinner - Ask again later.
17:02.34mgeary~seen SunSparc
17:02.45ibotsunsparc <> was last seen on IRC in channel #uphpu, 17h 26m 59s ago, saying: 'Up Up and Away!!!'.
17:03.01mgearylooks like SunSparc got in on the Rapture early
17:03.13mgearyand here i have this Chocolate Müsli for him
17:12.08skinner$8ball is the rapture tomorrow?
17:12.09raifbotskinner - You may rely on it.
17:13.54josephscott$suggest rapture
17:13.55raifbotjosephscott suggestions for 'rapture' : rapture, rapture 2011, rapture ready, rapture party, rapture lyrics, rapture index, rapture watch, rapture may 21, rapture definition, raptured
17:15.35*** join/#uphpu ninnypants1 (
17:30.08itimber2Chocolate Müsli vs. Early Rapture
17:30.28itimber2*considers the options
17:31.02*** mode/#UPHPU [+v itimber] by ChanServ
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17:53.13mgearyi know, right?
17:53.40skinnerWait....the raptor is tomorrow? They can open doors you was proven in the documentary Jurassic Park....
17:53.44skinner....those poor people...
17:53.57mgearythat's why i have round knobs instead of handles
17:55.07skinnerI'm going to start practicing my "Clever girl" quote with the proper accent
17:58.58Utah_Dave"Hey, I know this! It's Unix!"
18:09.47*** join/#uphpu SunSparc (
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18:10.13macnewboldshe says as she proceeds to "fly" through her directory structure drawn as boxes on the floor
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18:27.13mgearythat part makes my teeth hurt
18:29.44*** join/#uphpu NoCoolName_Tom (
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18:44.59carmonyso how was uphpu?
18:45.57josephscottlots of pizza!
18:46.22*** join/#uphpu beandog (~sdibb@gentoo/developer/beandog)
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18:46.25carmonywell that is always good :D
18:46.42carmonyI missed meeting the infamous wps
18:46.58beandoghow was the mtg
18:47.14beandogwas it full of hope and joy and wonder
18:48.42mgearyany joy? and joyness?
18:49.11beandog~bridge mgeary
18:49.26mgearySunSparc: you're back! How was the rapture?
18:49.57SunSparcmgeary: Glorious!
18:50.06mgearybut not good enough to stay?
18:50.18SunSparcNah, kind of boring.
18:50.47mgearySunSparc: i have some Choko-Müsli for you
18:51.41mgearyit's interesting. It's milk chocolate, rather than the dark chocolate i usually get. And there's a *lot* of chocolate pieces. It's almost too sweet, but it is tasty.
18:52.49beandog"Yes, let's activate Windows over the Internet now"
18:53.09beandogwho writes this stuff
18:54.07*** join/#uphpu NoCoolName_Tom (
18:54.15SunSparcbeandog: lol
18:54.25SunSparcObviously not Apple.  :)
18:55.29beandogI need lunch.
18:56.40SunSparcmgeary: How can I get some of that goodness from you?
18:56.47mgearySunSparc: see your PM
18:56.58SunSparcbeandog: I was thinking the same.  Hmmm... what am I in the mood for...
18:57.15beandogI want a hot dog at costco
18:57.18beandogbut I dont have any cash on me.
18:58.07macnewboldif you're near draper (or want to come see me) i'll give you hot dog monies
18:58.55SunSparcOooh, hot dog, makes me think of J Dawgs!
19:00.04beandogactually you know what sounds good
19:00.05beandogin n out
19:00.47beandogI loves me their choco shakes
19:01.46beandogthe real problem with going to lunch is I have to get up
19:01.48beandogand spend money
19:01.52beandogtwo major obstacles.
19:02.04SunSparclol, so true
19:03.20beandogshould I call back a recruiter that is basically just spamming me?
19:03.24mgearySunSparc: you didn't have the Spätzle?
19:03.36mgearygoing to Siegfried's and not having the Spätzle is just a shame
19:05.37SunSparcmgeary: I did not, it is true, that stuff is yummy.  Now I want to go back.  :)  I would eat there every day if I lived closerz.
19:05.55mgearyMarianne's was better, back in the day
19:06.15beandogwe need an in n out in slc
19:06.33SunSparcbeandog: There are no In'N'Out's in SLC?
19:06.42beandogdraper, bountiful
19:06.43beandogthat's it
19:06.44jsmithbeandog: Five Guys is better
19:06.50beandogfive guys doesn't have shakes though
19:07.10jsmithbeandog: Don't need 'em -- you get filled up on beef that's never been frozen!
19:07.15mgearybeandog: and Orem
19:07.22jsmithbeandog: and french fries that are served by the bag
19:07.23beandogpfft.  nobody goes to orem
19:07.26SunSparcI never heard of Marianne's.
19:07.41mgearySunSparc: it was awesome. Shut down prolly 20 years ago, though :(
19:08.01SunSparcmgeary: Shame. :(
19:08.52beandogfive guys is too far too
19:09.11beandogIt's a good day to starve
19:09.33SunSparc~feed beandog
19:09.33ibotACTION offers beandog some pizza
19:10.19mgearyyou know, i think i could possibly get behind a Jon Huntsman for President scenario... I respect some of Romney's credentials and experience, but he's been too disingenuous in pandering to the extremists in his party. I appreciate the Huntsman is taking a centrist position (at the moment)
19:11.02mgearyhowever, i still don't think a Mormon could ever get elected
19:11.18beandogOh ye of little faith
19:11.56beandogthat's why one isn't getting elected.
19:12.02beandog~blame mgeary
19:12.02ibotACTION blames mgeary (and Canada) for all the evil in the world
19:12.02fungusThat reminds me.  I really want to see
19:12.20mgearyi want to hear the Fresh Air interview from yesterday on that
19:13.06beandogI gotta figure out what to do for lunch still
19:13.13beandogso far wasting time on FB isn't helping much.
19:13.30jsmithbeandog: Apollo Burger!
19:13.46jsmithbeandog: Where are you at?
19:14.01beandogI dunno
19:14.04beandogI think its called Millcreek
19:15.29jsmithbeandog: There's the greek deli on State Street
19:16.01*** join/#uphpu itimber1 (~Adium@
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19:17.21beandogIts so much easier to make a decision when I remember I'm broke.
19:17.48beandogmaybe I'll go to DI and look for change in the pants
19:21.40beandogI think tomorrow is the last weekend
19:21.41beandoggotta go
19:22.41*** join/#uphpu NoCoolName_Tom (
19:27.42beandogI wonder if they have jousts.
19:28.38beandogyahp they do
19:32.47beandogbest. show. evar.
19:33.23*** join/#uphpu jkr801 (
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19:58.46*** join/#uphpu jkr801 (~jkr801@
20:03.40josephscott$suggest cow
20:03.41raifbotjosephscott suggestions for 'cow' : cowboys stadium, cowtown marathon, cowboy chicken, cowboys, cowboy chow, cowboys red river, cowboys stadium tours, cowboys arlington, cowboy boots, cowboys and aliens
20:03.47influx$suggest cat
20:03.47raifbotinflux suggestions for 'cat' : cato, cats, catfish, caterpillar, cat daddy, catherines, catch 22, catholic, catfish movie, cathay pacific
20:04.02skinner$suggest suggest
20:04.02raifbotskinner suggestions for 'suggest' : suggest, suggestions, suggestion box, suggestion boxes, suggestive, suggested, suggest synonym, suggestibility, suggestopedia, suggest to friends
20:04.04mgeary$suggest a movie
20:04.05raifbotmgeary suggestions for 'a movie' : a movie script ending lyrics, a movie, a movie called the fence, a movie bruce conner, a movie a day, a movie script, a movie review, a movie in your mind, a movie script ending tab, a movie 1958
20:04.22mgearyraifbot: you're a sucky movie suggester
20:04.47josephscotthaha, it is suggestions based on the terms, not a specific question
20:04.50skinnerand he lies
20:04.59skinner$8ball your a liar right?
20:04.59raifbotskinner - Yes.
20:05.08josephscottblame it on google, they supply the suggestions ;-)
20:07.22mgeary~skinner google
20:07.22ibotACTION buries google in a giant waterfall... WHOOOOSH!
20:08.26skinnerWhen will the rapture happen?
20:08.29skinnerYou'll hear it the sound of a giant waterfall, they say...
20:08.39skinner~skinner rapture
20:08.39ibotACTION buries rapture in a giant waterfall... WHOOOOSH!
20:23.18influx$suggest who to lart
20:23.18raifbotinflux sorry, couldn't find any suggestions
20:28.06macnewbold$suggest chuck norris
20:28.06raifbotmacnewbold suggestions for 'chuck norris' : chuck norris, chuck norris jokes, chuck norris facts, chuck norris google, chuck norris wiki, chuck norris biography, chuck norris imdb, chuck norrisisms, chuck norris dead, chuck norris games
20:28.53*** join/#uphpu itimber (~Adium@
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20:48.21beandog$8ball should I bother working the rest of the day
20:48.21raifbotbeandog - Yes.
20:50.17skinner$8ball should I go to my meeting in 10 minutes?
20:50.17raifbotskinner - Signs point to yes.
20:50.37skinner$8ball can I go home after the meeting?
20:50.38raifbotskinner - Reply hazy, try again.
20:50.48beandog$8ball can I lart someone
20:50.48raifbotbeandog - Yes.
20:50.51beandog~lart DexterTheDragon
20:50.51ibotdoes a little 'renice 20 -u DexterTheDragon'
20:50.53skinner$8ball can I just go home after the meeting?
20:50.54raifbotskinner - It is decidedly so.
20:51.06DexterTheDragon~dtdhit beandog
20:51.06ibotACTION stikes at beandog with the fire of the cat seizure knocks out beandog and injures pelaofeliz!
20:51.26beandogwe need a good friday afternoon argument
20:51.30beandogkeep things alive in here.
20:51.51skinnerIt's not wet outside
20:52.02beandogI can see the sky!
20:53.34beandogmy brain isn't coming up with anything.
20:54.20fungusRapture tomorrow... Go!
20:54.26beandogI'll just read some Calvin and Hobbes
20:55.01beandogfungus: meh, thats a boring topic
20:55.15beandoghardly controversial
20:56.32beandoghey fungus
20:56.35beandogyou wanna help me with some openvpn? :D
20:57.09fungusIf it's openvpn specific i'm quite weak.  But if it's routing, sure.
20:57.30beandogWell I just remembered I locked myself out of my box, anyway
20:57.58beandogIs there some way I could setup an openvpn test environment where I have two completely different subnets connecting to each other?
20:58.01beandoghow would I do that
20:58.02DexterTheDragonbeandog: are you even not locked out?
20:58.11beandogDexterTheDragon: whut?
20:58.23beandogDexterTheDragon: only when I'm physcially present
20:58.37beandogI really should make it standard procedure to run two ssh daemons or something
20:59.08beandogor just not tinker with my network.
20:59.13fungusor just make sure you are onsite for dangerous changes
21:00.46fungusyou can do nearly anything with OpenVPN in terms of routing.  
21:01.21beandogwell I dont see how i can really test it if I'm on the same subnet I need to test it from
21:01.32beandogthat didn't make any sense.
21:01.39beandoghow do I test a VPN setup if I'm already on the target subnet
21:01.42beandogthat's better worded.
21:02.19fungusUnless you are using a Bridged (tap) setup in openvpn, sure you can do that.
21:02.29beandogyah Im using tun
21:02.31beandogwhich is
21:02.36fungusIt'd work the same way it worked for you at home.
21:03.02fungusUnless openvpn is on the same machine as your NAT gateway, then it could be weird.
21:03.16fungusright, tun is routed.  tap is bridged
21:03.29beandogwhat does routed mean anyway
21:03.31beandogI understand bridge
21:03.56fungusit means your VPN clients are on a separate subnet from your LAN, and that subnet is routed to the LAN
21:04.37beandogWhy would you use a bridged one then?
21:04.54fungusThey can be simpler sometimes
21:05.00beandogI mean, what's the difference
21:05.05beandogaren't you on the same subnet either way?
21:05.20beandogI'm confused.
21:05.26beandogWhat would the difference be between the two then?
21:05.28fungusVPN clients are on a separate subnet from your LAN, and that subnet is routed to the LAN
21:05.39beandogwell thats weird.
21:05.45beandogOh, wait
21:05.46beandogHold on
21:05.50beandogbrain ... processing
21:06.14fungustraffic between the subnets must pass through a gateway(router)
21:06.24beandogfungus: does th at mean if I did routed I'd need to make sure my firewall accepts traffic from that secondary subnet that openvpn creates?
21:06.26fungusin the openvpn scenario, openvpn is the gateway
21:06.41fungusyes, that is correct
21:07.03beandogwell *that* might explain a few things ......
21:07.06fungusThat is why routed is a little harder to setup
21:07.49beandogfungus: because you need to make exceptions for a second subnet that magically appears randomly?
21:08.22fungusand your default gateway for the LAN subnet, needs to know where to send the traffic for your openvpn subnet
21:09.25fungusYou can avoid a lot of configuration steps if openvpn is the same device as your default gateway.
21:09.39fungusBut that is not always desirable.
21:09.48beandogfungus: well thats how it is right now
21:09.52beandogIm running IPFire on a box
21:10.08beandoghowever, i still have iptables running on boxes on the LAN
21:10.14beandogand they only accept stuff from the same subnet
21:10.18beandogwhich may explain why it wasnt working ...
21:10.35beandogLemme go see if I can fix that then
21:13.03fungusDoes anyone really use Evolution for mail?
21:14.28beandoggosh, no, I can't stand that app
21:14.52beandogfungus: okay, so ... I still don't know a good way to test my VPN if I'm only connecting locally.
21:15.02beandoger, I'm on the same subnet, and behind the gateway
21:15.41fungusIt will override your local route with a route over the tunnel
21:15.55funguscompare routing tables before and after VPN connection
21:16.01beandoghow do I check them in OSX
21:16.03beandogis the question.
21:16.07fungussame as linux
21:16.10fungussame as bsd
21:16.15fungussame as windows
21:16.16beandogroute -n doesn't work
21:16.18fungusnetstat -r
21:16.27beandogoh, that one.
21:16.37fungusit works everywhere
21:16.51beandoggoogle agrees with you
21:19.12beandogWell I can still see services even though iptables is setup to only accept it from
21:19.17beandogshouldn't I *not* be seeing them?
21:19.49beandogman, I'm confused.
21:20.08skinner~skinner beandog's confusion
21:20.08ibotACTION buries beandog's confusion in a giant waterfall... WHOOOOSH!
21:22.40beandogI need a remote connection to test this with.
21:28.38fungusbeandog, jack into the public network.  
21:28.48beandogoh yah!
21:29.05beandogwould that work?
21:29.14fungusof course it would
21:33.34beandogoh my gosh fungus I love you
21:33.45beandogcan I date your daughter?
21:34.22*** join/#uphpu mahelious (
21:35.51DexterTheDragon~creepy beandog
21:42.48carmonyman, it is friday, huh?
21:45.27DexterTheDragontomorrow is saturday
21:47.11beandog~lart DexterTheDragon
21:47.11ibottakes large quantities of Krispy Kream donuts and stuffs them one after another down DexterTheDragon's throat until DexterTheDragon puts on 150lbs
21:47.23beandogthey say that as if that's a bad thing
21:48.13beandogOkay looks like I'll need to use tap if I want to use multicast for avahi anyway
21:48.14beandogle sigh.
21:48.29beandogor I could just tell our users tough noogies.
21:48.39beandogI wonder which one will go over better.
21:50.12beandogactually if I could get DNS working that'd probably be okay
22:04.17skinner$lart the itch inside the shoe of Skinner's left foot
22:04.17raifbotpours gasoline all over the itch inside the shoe of Skinner's left foot, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze.
22:04.40skinneraaaaaahhh, that's better
22:04.57skinneralbeit a little warm than I had hoped for
22:13.29*** join/#uphpu itimber (~Adium@
22:13.29*** mode/#UPHPU [+v itimber] by ChanServ
22:15.40*** join/#uphpu redroy (
22:16.28beandogmaybe its a tumor
22:25.05SunSparcIt's not a tumor.
22:26.46influxmaybe its a tumor
22:32.42*** join/#uphpu TuxToaster (
22:35.21macnewboldi've got a tumor.
22:35.29macnewboldso you guys aren't very funny.
22:37.39macnewboldj/k i really don't, but i can see how some people might not find it as amusing as it is intended.
22:37.45macnewboldhowdy TuxToaster - how are things?
22:38.02TuxToasterheya :-)
22:38.23TuxToasterjust got back from the Bahamas last night.
22:38.30macnewboldoh nice
22:40.11raifbotChuck Norris does simply walk into Mordor
22:44.01*** join/#uphpu Monnok (
22:47.28TuxToasterthis is one of those videos that I'm sure you have all seen at some point, but if not...
22:47.36TuxToasterthe drummer is awesome
22:53.42macnewboldwow, that's insane
22:59.42TuxToasterthere's a couple of others of them doing Wipeout and a few other songs too, but the guy is crazy.
22:59.50SunSparcMy brother just told me this one:  If you stare at the American flag long enough, a 3D image of Chuck Norris appears.
23:23.33SunSparcGood bye and good night.  See you boys on the other side of rapture...

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