IRC log for #uphpu on 20110428

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01:55.08raifbotAlthough it is not common knowledge, there are actually three sides to the Force: the light side, the dark side, and Chuck Norris.
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02:06.25raifbotChuck Norris uses tabasco as eye drops.
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05:55.10raifbotChuck Norris does simply walk into Mordor
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13:59.13carmonywho is trying out ubuntu 11.04? :P
13:59.39jsmithcarmony: I downloaded the second beta, but haven't even booted it yet
13:59.45jsmithcarmony: But I'm obviously biased :-p
14:00.10jsmithWho is trying out Fedora 15 beta?
14:00.37carmonyI'll be honest, I haven't tried out fedora in a long time :P
14:01.36jsmithYou might like it :-)
14:01.49jsmith<plug type="shameless/>
14:05.25carmonyI'll give it a shot :)
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14:47.16AndroUser-ping mindjuju
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15:31.37Utah_Davehas anyone used something like mongodb in a production PHP application?
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16:11.32raifbotChuck Norris was ordered to go to court once but the judge never showed up.
16:12.33utahcon_evertime I think I know .htaccess
16:12.38utahcon_I get a new curveball
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16:14.26utahconAnyone got some time to help?
16:14.29utahconThat is my htaccess
16:14.41utahconI have a site running at
16:14.55utahconand I have phpMyAdmin under
16:15.10utahconbut the htaccess is handing off the calls to the webroot (cake) install
16:15.57beandogutahcon: same for me
16:16.12beandogOne of these days Im gonna setup an ".htaccess by example" repository.
16:16.51jsmithbeandog: Why not make it today?
16:17.14utahconbeandog: wouldn't you think lines 12 & 13 would send it to my sub-dir?
16:17.20beandogjsmith: I guess I could.
16:17.29beandogI added it to my sysadmin todo list
16:17.44beandogutahcon: I dunno
16:17.56jsmithbeandog: If you don't do it today, you'll never just "find time" to do it :-)
16:17.59beandogthe syntax is lost on me
16:18.19beandogjsmith: normally I'd agree, but in this case, I'll get to it.
16:18.27josephscottutahcon: have you tried moving lines 12 and 13 up closer to the top?
16:18.29jsmithAwesome :-)
16:19.18beandogDoes anyone know a way to run msyql queries from the CLI besides piping them to mysql
16:19.35beandogIt seems odd mysql wouldn't have an argument for it
16:19.56beandogoh.  -e
16:19.59utahconjosephscott: I resorted to adding "RewriteRule ^mysqladmin - [L]" to the top
16:20.29beandogpsql > *
16:21.15beandogthere we go.  the order is particular.
16:21.34beandogutahcon: meh
16:21.49beandogand the cloud is just a server in virginia.
16:21.55beandog~quote carmony
16:22.00utahconno worries -- I haven't played there yet either
16:22.04beandogwhut the whut?
16:22.48carmonylol, what did I do this time? :P
16:23.10josephscottforget nosql, flat files are the future
16:23.30herloflat files ftw!
16:23.58jsmithherlo: Only if they're flat XML files :-p
16:24.45beandogI dont see why people get their panties in a knot about XML.  I like it.
16:24.56josephscott$lart XML
16:24.56raifbotnabs the moon and broadsides XML with the sea of tranquility.
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16:25.12herlobeandog: you enjoy the extra typing, as well, right?
16:25.20beandogherlo: what do you mean
16:25.21josephscottXML is the SOAP of file formats
16:25.36herlonot to mention the confusion of many many many directives nested inside each other
16:25.49beandogI like it.
16:26.09beandogIm going to go eat cookies for breakfast now
16:26.16beandogso your argument is invalid..
16:26.20herlojosephscott: java must be the SOAP of programming languages then :)
16:26.30josephscottpretty much
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16:27.41beandogwhats your guys take on ruby
16:27.46beandogI may have to learn me some.
16:27.53utahconNetBeans doesn't support it -- so neither do I :D
16:27.57mgearybeandog: "have to"?
16:28.00herlobeandog: ruby is nice
16:28.04beandogmgeary: I need to hack on gitorious
16:28.16mgearywell, stderr- likes ruby
16:28.21herlobeandog: just stay away from the abomination that is rails
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16:28.33beandogstderr- is right about everything
16:28.33beandogherlo: oh?  whats wrong with rails
16:28.37herlobeandog: you should look at gitolite and gitweb
16:28.44beandogI thought it was like super sexy popular
16:28.49herlobeandog: it's a big clusterf***
16:28.59herlobeandog: just my opinion
16:29.08beandogherlo: huh.  okay
16:29.09herlotheir directives are anything but clear
16:29.16beandog$8ball is rails any good
16:29.16raifbotbeandog - Concentrate and ask again.
16:29.27beandog$8ball am I going to get railroaded
16:29.28raifbotbeandog - As I see it, yes.
16:29.59beandogherlo: gitolite?
16:30.10herloplus, php isn't half bad if you know how to program...
16:30.10beandogIm gonna install redmine too
16:30.10herlobeandog: yes, gitolite
16:30.10beandogso we can search commits
16:30.15herloit's gitosis, lite (but not really)
16:30.24herlobeandog: wha?
16:30.32beandogherlo: what what
16:30.35herlobeandog: it's simple to setup and use
16:30.46beandogherlo: what were you whatting?
16:30.52beandogredmine is awesome.
16:30.55herlowhy use redmine when you can search commits with tools like gitweb or gitorious?
16:31.10beandoggitorious doesnt search commits.
16:31.46herlobeandog: whoa, really?
16:31.52beandogherlo: really really.
16:32.12beandogisnt that dumb?
16:32.23beandogthat is dumb.
16:32.24beandogOh well.
16:32.26beandogredmine ftw.
16:32.41herlobeandog: gitweb does
16:32.54skinnerThe e-mail of the species is more deadly than the mail.
16:33.21herlobeandog: to what end do you plan to use redmine? Just to search git commits?
16:33.35herloor do you plan to have multiple projects setup with it?
16:34.10herlogitweb has search :)
16:34.28herloand you can search more than just commits
16:34.37influxHow can some projects offer a community edition and have an enterprise (i.e. commercial) edition?
16:34.38beandogherlo: yes, and yes
16:34.51influxWhen open source is involved, that is.
16:34.56beandoginflux: dual licensing
16:35.01beandogLOTS of projects have dual licenses.
16:35.19influxIs it possible to dual license something that started out as an open source project?
16:35.28beandoginflux: if you own the copyright, yes
16:35.41beandogMySQL is a good example of dual licensing.
16:35.59beandogThere's projects that even release under like 3 or 4 licenses
16:36.03josephscott"good" being a relative term there
16:36.06herloseems silly
16:36.08beandogBSD || GPL-2 || public-domain || LGPL
16:36.09herlojosephscott: agreed :)
16:36.35beandogherlo: wow that is ugly.
16:36.46beandogwe need something pretty
16:37.09herlobeandog: what? gitweb?
16:37.23beandogherlo: yah
16:37.26herlobeandog: yes, because pretty beats out functional every time :/
16:37.56beandogherlo: if I have to stare at it all day, yes
16:37.58herlobeandog: it does have css, you know.
16:38.25influxCan I build on top of an OS project and keep rights to the new code? I mean, as long as I don't modify the OS code?
16:38.27beandogIm not gonna write some CSS
16:38.35josephscottI've been meaning to try out one of these days
16:38.37beandoginflux: depends on the license
16:38.53beandoginflux: be careful with GPL
16:38.57beandogThere are some real nutjobs out there
16:39.04beandogthat think that just USING gpl code means your code needs to be GPL
16:39.12beandogi.e., kernel whackos
16:39.12influxThat's what I'm afraid of.
16:39.15herloinflux: as long as all of your code is yours, you can license it and do whatever you like
16:39.19beandoginflux: but thats not the case
16:39.23beandoginflux: You can use GPL code all you want
16:39.32beandoginflux: the second you *modify* the GPL code, you need to release your changes.
16:39.49herloyes                 ^^
16:39.58DexterTheDragonbeandog: actually if you link against GPL your supposed to release your code GPL too
16:40.00beandogbut you can use it all you want.
16:40.10influxlink how?
16:40.10beandogDexterTheDragon: no, thats what the zealotry says.
16:40.17herloDexterTheDragon: link against??
16:40.23beandogDexterTheDragon: in basic terms, that basically means "using"
16:40.27beandoger yah
16:40.28herloDexterTheDragon: like use the .so or something??
16:40.32DexterTheDragonthats what the license says
16:40.38beandogDexterTheDragon: citation needed
16:41.10herloDexterTheDragon: which GPL version?
16:41.21josephscottbeandog: go back about 10 years and review MySQL, GPL and PHP conflict
16:41.23DexterTheDragonthe main one
16:41.45herloDexterTheDragon: that wasn't clear, which version?
16:41.47beandogmeh, I dont care.
16:41.58beandogI do not like GPL, personally
16:42.01influxI'll look at other license options too.
16:42.08beandogI release my stuff either public domain or BSD
16:42.16influxerr, licenses too*
16:42.21herloMIT is a good license to use
16:42.26josephscottthis is one of the areas (linking) where the LGPL comes in
16:42.27beandogMIT == BSD, tweaked
16:42.44herlojosephscott: right, which is why I asked...
16:42.51beandogThat's such BS
16:42.51DexterTheDragonok you have to release it under a "compatible" license, not only GPL
16:42.57beandogwth is linking
16:43.02beandogDoes that mean, if you build shared libs,  you're not?
16:43.07beandogbut static libs, you do?
16:43.14beandogWhat if you "include" code like php
16:43.16beandogis that linking?
16:43.17josephscottbeandog: fine to not like it, not ok to break it
16:43.21beandogwayyyyy too much ambiguity.
16:43.41herlobeandog: I really don't get why you dislike it so much?
16:43.43beandogJust look at nvidia-drivers to see how they get around it.
16:43.49beandogherlo: I dont mind software being free.
16:43.57beandogherlo: I just dont like people forcing stuff to be free.
16:44.02josephscottbuzz word limit hit! - free -
16:44.04beandogKind of invalidates the point of freedom.
16:44.16herlobeandog: I don't like people forcing stuff to *not* be free, like dual licenses
16:44.22beandogYour code can be open source!  As long as it uses our license.
16:44.40beandogherlo: thats optionally free.
16:44.53herlosure you do, you're still here
16:45.02beandogI know, but I'm stopping
16:45.05herlolol, k
16:45.23beandoginflux: dual-licenses is a common option.  Im not an expert on licensing, and I'm biased, so don't ask me.
16:45.59herloinflux: here's a list to get you started.
16:46.17beandogyah, Im sure theres guides out there
16:46.38beandogherlo: good point.
16:46.48beandogherlo: some distros are license agnostic (gentoo), some are purist (debian)
16:47.06influxbeandog, herlo: Danke.
16:47.25influxBiased or not, opinions are what I sought.
16:47.43influxThe decision is up to me, nej? ;D
16:48.06beandoginflux: josephscott was right though.  If you wanna read up on controversial topics, lookup php + mysql licensing, kernel binary blob licensing, nvidia kernel licensing
16:48.21beandogthats all I can think of.  Aside from CDDL fail.  Or just read the past 5 years of Groklaw.
16:48.38beandogjosephscott: speaking of which, have you seen the php mysqlnd driver?
16:48.46beandogDoesn't use MySQL code at all.
16:49.13josephscottyep, keep hoping they'll really push that
16:49.16influxAll this for an app I want to develop.
16:49.22influxHeh. It'll be worth it, I'm sure.
16:49.50josephscottbeandog: what I really want is for async support to get main lined for mysqlnd
16:50.47josephscotthaha, that will never happen
16:50.57beandogActually, at work, nobody uses anything close to intense queries, so my mysql admin stuff is pretty boring and basic here.
16:50.59beandogoh well.
16:51.06josephscotthowever, at least innodb is the default for new MySQL releases
16:51.30beandogman, you guys got me way distracted this morning.  What was I working on.
16:52.27DexterTheDragonbeandog: you asked us about ruby :P
16:52.34beandogDexterTheDragon: thats true.
16:52.57beandogits all my fault
16:53.24josephscottnew ubuntu release today?
16:53.41beandogI heard Unity sucks
16:53.49influxbeandog: What would you consider intense?
16:54.46beandoginflux: hmm good question.  Anything with regular expressions.  Or cross joins.  Or views.  Just anything beyond the basics of simple queries.
16:54.59beandogI am running replication though, so I guess that's fun.
16:55.16beandoginflux: queries that need optimizing
16:55.32beandogLike, break-the-server queries.
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16:59.20beandogSo, I figured out how to run command line statements
16:59.21beandogmysql -e
16:59.24beandogmysql -e $sql
17:04.46redroyIs there a way to do proxy with virtual hosts or aliases? So could I setup to proxy ?
17:06.39mgearyredroy: yes, you can use rewrite to proxy stuff
17:07.02mgearythough i've never tried doing what you're suggesting, so there may be some hitch
17:07.11carmonyjosephscott: lol, nice
17:07.18carmonyamazing how complicated it is
17:08.41fungusbeandog, you can also pipe SQL queries to mysql too.
17:09.04beandogfungus: yah that was my original approach.  no likey.
17:09.49beandogjosephscott: wow that is awesome
17:10.19redroymgeary, I've got it working with .htaccess mod_rewrite… So right now I have to setup the dns, add the domain as an alias and then add it to the mod_rewrite, I was hoping that I could handle it all with the alias/host setup and reduce my steps. But my apache skills are sub-par
17:10.47mgearyredroy: are both domains on the same server?
17:11.18mgearywell, then you ought to be able to do some sort of alias, i'dthink
17:11.33redroyThat's what I was thinking/hoping
17:11.33mgearywell, maybe not.
17:11.43mgearybecause alias works on the URI, not on the domain
17:11.55mgearybut maybe
17:12.28mgearyunder, have alias / /path/to/domain2/htdocs/
17:12.33mgearyhave you tried that?
17:13.44redroyand that would be in the virtual host correct?
17:14.27redroyOh wait, no, cause what I need is for it to "render" the page
17:14.46redroyso a better example would be
17:15.13redroywhere the framework uses mod_rewrite to pull about_us and get the proper content etc.
17:15.33mgearywell, an alias will still allow it to render
17:16.03ninnypantshey beandog
17:16.22beandogninnypants: what time is the adoption ?
17:16.55redroyso shouldn't it be 'alias' if I point it to the doc root it won't know what to render, no?
17:18.55beandogmindjuju: rawk, got my final grade for one class.
17:19.14beandognow I wanna see the syllabus for next semester courses ...
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17:20.20ninnypantsbeandog: Fri 2pm-7pm, Sat 9am-7pm, Sun 9am-? no sure on sundays end time
17:20.24mgearyredroy: well, i don't think that will work
17:20.26beandogninnypants: ah, thx mon
17:20.32beandogninnypants: are you going up for all those?
17:20.49beandogI swear, UVU had some place on the distance ed site that had their course descriptions and stuff ... cant find it now.
17:20.55beandogmaybe that was SLCC
17:21.18mgearyredroy: but i think i've only used alias to reroute static assets, so i'm not sure if there's a way to do what you want
17:22.01ninnypantsyup I'll be there all weekend
17:22.41ninnypantsbeandog: Dist Ed should I remember building it
17:23.56beandogninnypants: Im not seeing it.
17:23.58redroymgeary, well, I definitely appreciate your input so thank you. I'll keep digging and let you know if I find anything
17:26.16ninnypantsbeandog: heh guess that was a year ago and if I remember how the CMS/UVU worked it'l likely that it doesn't exist anymore
17:26.37beandogno big deal. I just have to wait like 5 more days and it'll be available
17:27.31beandogman what is up with the im spam all of a sudden
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17:50.22skinner$8ball should I eat at Paesan?
17:50.23raifbotskinner - It is decidedly so.
17:50.35skinner$8ball should I eat at Panda?
17:50.36raifbotskinner - As I see it, yes.
17:50.58mgearyugh. Panda
17:51.03mgearyi'll never eat there again
17:51.17mgearyPanda Express, that is
17:51.23xtrementlwhat'd you order?
17:52.06mgearybeef & broccoli
17:52.27xtrementlugh there's your problem
17:52.28mgearyencountered the nastiest, slimiest, most rancid piece of beef i ever... i don't want to think about it
17:53.58skinnerare you sure that one piece was meat....that it wasn't some of the broccoli?
17:56.23mgearyhey, does anyone else here use Dropbox? i think i can make a write-only dropbox (folder) available to the public, no? Anyone know how to do that?
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20:56.55mindjujui'm thinkin about installing Ubuntu 11 : Nutty Nugget, any comments pro or con?
21:02.00josephscottsometimes CREATE TABLE LIKE in MySQL is just super handy
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21:06.37jsmithmindjuju: Try the LiveCD, and then try the LiveCD for Fedora 15 (currently at Beta)
21:06.48jsmith<plug type="shameless"/>
21:10.46mindjujui should try fedora
21:10.53mindjujui've been in the habit of ubuntu
21:11.08herlojsmith: hehe, good work
21:11.51mindjujuwhat's the new version of fedora called?
21:11.55jsmithmindjuju: I'm not saying you should use it just because I'm the FPL... I'm just suggesting you try it
21:12.03jsmithmindjuju: Fedora 15 is "Lovelock"
21:12.06herlomindjuju: code name is lovelock
21:12.13jsmithmindjuju: Fedora 16 will be "Verne"
21:12.22herloshould have been 'beefy miracle'
21:12.30herlo~kill utahcon
21:12.30ibotACTION shoots a ionized fluxtachyon gun at utahcon
21:12.48herloyou threw off my groove!
21:12.57utahconyou shall live
21:12.58mindjujuso between fedora and ubuntu, fedora is going to use yum, yes?
21:13.43jsmithmindjuju: Aye...
21:13.52maheliousred hat, and its successors (fedora, centos, etc) use yum; debian and its successors (ubuntu, etc.) use apt
21:14.58herlomindjuju: just use 'yum -q' and you'll love yum :)
21:15.17mindjujuwell, i use yum now for centos
21:15.37herlo:) but it's better in Fedora
21:15.42mindjujuis it blasphemy to say that on the whole, yum seems similar to apt?
21:15.51herlono, it's the same concept
21:15.52mindjujuto the point i'm not sure of the difference
21:15.58mindjujuah good
21:16.02herlojust don't compare rpm to apt, that's an invalid comparision
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22:14.35beandogit's nice outside
22:15.01mindjuju~lart beandog
22:15.01ibot--purges beandog
22:15.13mindjujuyou heard it
22:15.22beandogheard it?
22:15.45mindjuju~gloveslap beandog
22:15.55beandogI wonder if I could work a 2nd part time job in Provo
22:16.08mindjujuoh dag, that is a faux pas of historic proportions
22:16.22beandogmindjuju: whats wrong
22:16.32beandogmindjuju: did someone pee in your cornflakes today
22:16.46mindjujujust looking for trouble
22:17.01beandogmindjuju: you missed our licensing debate earlier today
22:17.24mindjujudag!  i miss all the good conversations
22:17.35mindjujudon't say street cameras
22:17.39beandogoh I got the perfect one
22:17.43mindjujuor the DMCA
22:18.02mindjujuor hatch wanting to blow up peoples computers in defense of the DMCA
22:18.17*** join/#uphpu jtsnow (
22:21.44*** join/#uphpu wps (~wps@
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22:22.19beandogmindjuju: don't go read torrentfreak then
22:23.03*** join/#uphpu mindjuju (~mindjuju@
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22:23.25mindjujuwow, that was weird
22:23.42beandogmy plan worked
22:25.06mindjujui'm getting tired of ambulance chasers abusing class-action
22:25.19beandogmindjuju: lawyer up, baby!
22:25.20mindjujuand anybody goofy enough to sign a deal with the devil, uh, err, at&t, that's their bidness
22:25.21beandogdo something bout it
22:25.42mindjujui vote this lose - lose - lose
22:27.54*** join/#uphpu bhosie (~bhosie@
22:33.39ninnypantsmindjuju: what are you talking about ambulance chasers are what give lawyering a good name
22:33.47*** join/#uphpu bhosie (~bhosie@
22:35.48beandogoh, man
22:35.58beandogI have to have an actual mysql connection to run mysql_real_escape_string() ?
22:36.25beandogIll use mysql_escape_string instead
22:36.37beandog$ ./mysql_real_escape_string testing
22:36.37beandogPHP Warning:  mysql_real_escape_string(): [2002] No such file or directory (trying to connect via unix:///var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock) in /home/steve/.bin/mysql_real_escape_string on line 3
22:36.37beandogWarning: mysql_real_escape_string(): [2002] No such file or directory (trying to connect via unix:///var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock) in /home/steve/.bin/mysql_real_escape_string on line 3
22:36.37beandogPHP Warning:  mysql_real_escape_string(): No such file or directory in /home/steve/.bin/mysql_real_escape_string on line 3
22:36.39beandogWarning: mysql_real_escape_string(): No such file or directory in /home/steve/.bin/mysql_real_escape_string on line 3
22:36.42beandogPHP Warning:  mysql_real_escape_string(): A link to the server could not be established in /home/steve/.bin/mysql_real_escape_string on line 3
22:36.45beandogWarning: mysql_real_escape_string(): A link to the server could not be established in /home/steve/.bin/mysql_real_escape_string on line 3
22:36.49mgeary~lart beandog
22:36.49ibotexecutes killall -KILL beandog
22:36.54ibotspam is probably probably a preferred environment. SPAM; Shut up, You damn Vikings! SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM, or to destroy it, try spamassassin (spamd+spamc) and razor.
22:40.38josephscottcarmony: have you looked at/tried ?
22:41.13beandogthat was passed to me at work
22:41.26beandogthat is really gross
22:41.31mindjujuspidey sense says that link might be pranked
22:41.39beandogmindjuju: don't you trust me?
22:41.51beandog~mullet mindjuju
22:42.06beandogfine.  Im going back to my awesome programming.
22:42.41mindjujufishsticks don't belong in a burritto
22:43.30mgeary*fish* doesn't belong in a burrito
22:43.42beandogthats debatable.
22:43.48beandogI'd eat a tuna burrito
22:45.05mindjujui agree with mgeary
22:46.12beandog~asplode my head
22:46.12ibotmy head head asplode, k thx
22:46.42mindjujuwe've agreed on other things, btw
22:46.50mindjujulike importance of education
22:46.51mgearyi know. i'm just a drama queen
22:47.00mindjujuhows the new digs?
22:47.01beandogdrama or dancing?
22:47.06mindjujudid you get utopia?
22:47.11mgearydigs are great, no utopia yet
22:47.15mgearythey've dropped all kinds of balls
22:47.16beandogif you say dancing, then I get to play abba in my head
22:47.20mgearysay they're still a month out
22:47.33mindjujudag, the anticip
22:47.48mindjujuation's got to hurt
22:49.51mgearyeeh. Bono isn't exactly Agnetha
23:02.34raifbotChuck Norris does not get frostbite. Chuck Norris bites frost.
23:03.34*** join/#uphpu cro (
23:12.35raifbotChuck Norris doesn't mow his lawn, he stands on the porch and dares it to grow
23:13.09beandogWe just made  TIL page on our wiki
23:13.14beandog*a TIL page
23:16.59*** join/#uphpu redroy (
23:20.49raifbotDeath once had a near-Chuck Norris experience
23:20.55raifbotChuck Norris owns the greatest poker face of all-time. It helped him win the 1983 world series of poker despite him holding just a joker, a 2 of clubs, a 7 of spades, and a green number 4 from Uno and a monopoly ‘get out of jail free’ card.
23:20.55raifbotChuck Norris is so fast, he can run around the world and punch himself in the back of the head.
23:20.56raifbotChuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding.
23:24.05*** join/#uphpu macnewbold (~Adium@
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23:32.07*** part/#uphpu mgeary (~mgeary@
23:35.15mindjujuso beandog
23:35.20mindjujuwhat grade did you get?
23:35.30beandogIve only got one back so far
23:35.44mindjujuhappy with it?
23:38.41beandogyah I got an A
23:39.10beandogI could have gotten a perfect score in the class if I didnt slack.
23:39.22beandogI slacked way too hard on that one.
23:39.25mindjujuwhen do grades have to be posted by?
23:39.32beandogsometime next week
23:43.05mindjujuhow long should an IPSec preshared key be?
23:43.34fungusat least 32 chars IMHO
23:44.19mindjujuis there a max?
23:44.39fungusI don't think so
23:55.47*** join/#uphpu wps (~wps@
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