IRC log for #uphpu on 20101206

03:14.00*** join/#uphpu cro (
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17:19.35carmony_goooooooooooood morning
17:19.47mindjuju~lart carmony_
17:19.47iboteats carmony_'s liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti
17:19.56carmony_~lart mindjuju
17:19.56ibotshoots mindjuju in his sleep
17:20.21carmony_+1 for ironic random selections
17:20.34carmony_hows it going victor?
17:21.06mindjujutiff thinks i have pneumonia and i've got 10 more days of school including finals, but other than that, i'm doing well thnx!
17:21.08mindjujuhow about you?
17:21.36jsmithmindjuju: You're saying that breathing is important for school?
17:22.18mindjujunot really
17:22.20mindjujuit helps
17:30.34carmony_ouch, tough on feeling sick. I'm doing alright. Some never-ending-sidework is kicking my butt pretty hard
17:30.39carmony_but I'm surviving
17:31.56mindjujuDtD, how rude!  i LOVE tim burton
17:34.14*** join/#uphpu TuxToaster (
17:34.24josephscottno that was spot on
17:34.27mindjujuyeah, i know that feel
17:34.39mindjuju~lart josephscott
17:34.39ibotteaches josephscott the basics, including how to RTM
17:36.03josephscottmaybe if I write the same code over and over again with different names people will pay me lots of money ;-)
17:38.01josephscott~lart tim burton
17:38.01ibotsquishes tim burton like a bug
17:38.07mindjujublasphemy !
17:38.45mindjujuamerican cinema isn't know for its depth.  if you want to make a billion dollars, you have to do tons of cgi and explosions
17:39.06mindjujutake a look at avatar, saw 5 minutes on HBO and it was pochantas done with CGI
17:39.13jsmithWhat's the current "dollars per explosion" ratio?
17:39.49mindjujuaction movie formula = scantly clad buxom babe, fast car, 1 explosion per 5 minutes of cinema, roll credits
17:39.59*** join/#uphpu itimber (
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17:40.35mindjuju(saw the last 20 minutes of transformers 2 (haven't seen any of the first and just that of the 2nd, and that pretty much is everything on that movie)
17:43.07TuxToasteranyone here familiar with lighttpd?
17:44.28mindjujui think josephscott maintains an academic interest, other than that, i don't know of anybody else in here that has used it
17:45.32josephscottI haven't looked at lighttpd in quite awhile, mostly nginx with the occasional Apache
17:45.49TuxToasteryeah I need to look at nginx a bit
17:46.19mindjujui got nginx working on a centos box
17:46.20josephscottnginx is awesome
17:46.24mindjujuit works great
17:46.31TuxToasterbeen a fan of light for a while, but hitting an issue this morning where our load balancer sends the original client IP in a weird header
17:46.41TuxToasterand light doesn't seem to forward the header to PHP. :/
17:47.31TuxToasterit's on a production server, so switching web servers isn't going to be an option, unless it's back to apache. lol
17:48.02macnewboldanyone know someone who would be interested in a paid internship position doing sysadmin/QA/webdev stuff in the Park City area?
17:48.37*** join/#uphpu thebigdog (
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17:54.20*** join/#uphpu PoeticIntensity (~jason@
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18:02.40mindjujutron soundtrack comes out tomorrow
18:03.00PoeticIntensityright on....  Lots of daft punk?
18:03.11mindjujuall daft punk
18:04.47PoeticIntensitySo, mindjuju ....
18:04.51PoeticIntensityI made a purchase over the weekend...
18:05.02PoeticIntensitysince you're into electronica..
18:05.12PoeticIntensityI'm making my foray into the world of electronic music creation.
18:05.23PoeticIntensity(for the studio)
18:05.31PoeticIntensityever heard of the Korg Radias?
18:06.54mindjujui know Korg makes keyboards/pianos, i'm guessing some kind of synth?
18:07.22*** join/#uphpu bhosie (c054abaa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:07.32PoeticIntensityYeah.... It's regularly 900 bones, but I found one on ebay for 500...
18:07.40PoeticIntensityI'm pretty excited to learn how to use it...
18:07.43PoeticIntensity(once I get it)
18:08.03mindjujulike this one?
18:08.35PoeticIntensityif you click the title, there's an mp3 of samples...
18:08.38PoeticIntensityI'm listening to it right now...
18:08.52PoeticIntensitykind of interesting.
18:09.39mindjujucurious, no worky -
18:10.18PoeticIntensityhmm... I just downloaded it.
18:10.36PoeticIntensitythat's where I got it.
18:10.56mindjujuyup, that one works
18:11.00PoeticIntensityright on.
18:11.27PoeticIntensityI think I'm gonna use this little gem to augment orchestration for my clients who are interested in it...
18:11.37PoeticIntensityand then, of course, to create my own trance.
18:11.47mindjujunow you're talking
18:13.46TuxToasterso fwiw, I think installing pecl_http is going tobe the way to go for me.
18:14.22TuxToasterthe folk over in #lighttpd were not terribly helpful, but said that PHP should be receiving the custom headers just fine (I was understanding that it might not due to the fastCGI)
18:14.36TuxToasterso I looked on an apache box and sure enough, not seeing the true IP there either.
18:17.19PoeticIntensitymindjuju, thoughts on the samples?  They're not really 'songs', but the samples sound promising...
18:19.25PoeticIntensityanywho... I thought you'd appreciate that.
18:19.44mindjujusend trance samnples over when you start making stuff!
18:20.21PoeticIntensityyou'll be the first to hear em'!
18:20.28PoeticIntensity(or maybe 2nd)....
18:20.51PoeticIntensityI've got a friend over in a recording forum who makes some pretty cool stuff..  He's gonna be my mentor of sorts...
18:21.14mindjujuwhat does he produce?
18:21.22PoeticIntensitygettin' ya a link now.
18:22.05PoeticIntensitythat's the forum thread...
18:22.41PoeticIntensitysong link in first post.
18:23.40*** join/#uphpu cro (
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19:19.48josephscottback to the future game coming soon.  or was that the past?
20:00.33mindjujuanybody here ever used mod_fcgid ?
20:07.41mindjujujosephscott, you around?
20:07.49josephscottmindjuju: hi
20:08.13mindjujuhey, a couple days ago, you posted an online web tool that gave a report of why it took your page so long to come up
20:08.19mindjujui searched logs, but couldn't find it
20:08.24mindjujudo you remember doing this?
20:09.27mindjujuawesome!  that's it.
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20:48.07*** join/#uphpu jtsnow (~quassel@VDSL-151-118-130-166.DNVR.QWEST.NET)
21:02.18*** join/#uphpu beandog (~steve@
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21:06.38beandoghows it
21:15.46mindjujudoes an infrared thermometer work for telling human body temperature ?  hope it doesn't bake my brain every time i check my temp
21:20.03stderrit doesn't shoot infrared, it absorbs it.
21:20.12PoeticIntensitypersonally... I enjoy baked brains.
21:20.28mindjujustderr is too smart for his own good
21:21.03DexterTheDragon~bake mindjuju
21:21.03ibotACTION introduces mindjuju to Cheech and Chong
21:21.44stderr(and even if it did 'shoot' infrared, it wouldn't do anything to you.
21:22.22josephscott~infrared mindjuju
21:22.37josephscotthmm, need to teach ibot how to shoot infrared :-)
21:26.00stderrat any rate, it's less dangerous than putting a remote control to your head.  Since a remote control actually has a IR diode, and an IR thermometer just has a lens that detects heat.
21:27.05DexterTheDragonyou get a bit more infrared radiation from the sun
21:27.08stderrand I'd presume it isn't good for accurately testing human body temperature, since human body temperature isn't uniform, and is pretty sensitive in it's range.
21:27.31mindjujuyeah, i've noticed :)
21:28.29stderrDexterTheDragon: you probably get more IR from sitting close to a coworker.
21:37.16beandog~microwave DexterTheDragon
21:38.22DexterTheDragon~radiate beandog
21:38.31beandog~napalm DexterTheDragon
21:38.48DexterTheDragon~nuke beandog
21:38.48ibotACTION prepares 100 missle silos, and targets them at beandog ... B☢☢M!
21:40.06mindjujui've heard good things about fallout
21:42.14mindjujupreviews looked good for it
21:48.47DexterTheDragonstderr: after a fun bit of googleing I've come up with the following: the sun puts out about 537 watts of infrared at about 4.0 micrometers. The human body emits a guesstimate of 50 watts of infrared at about 12 micrometers.
21:48.55DexterTheDragonyay for useless trivia
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22:18.27*** join/#uphpu bhosie (~bhosie@
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23:29.54*** part/#uphpu mgeary (~mgeary@
23:47.36*** join/#uphpu sheri_ (

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