IRC log for #uphpu on 20100826

00:14.46*** part/#uphpu Dezertol (~toph@
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15:49.15ibotstabs macnewbold
15:51.20SunSparcDrawing blood so early in the day ibot?
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16:43.32mindjujuanybody recommend a wireless bridge?
16:43.42mindjujuerr, rather, which wireless bridge
16:46.03mindjujuactually, now that i think about it, it's prolly a question for utah_dave or jsmith-away
16:46.14mindjujubecause the other side of the bridge has a VOIP phone
16:56.53undertakingyouI will have to check that song out ^^^
17:16.50mindjujusup mgeary
17:17.55mindjujuhmm, i'd play "I did it my way" - frank sinatra (as one of the more common songs played at a funeral -- i'm told)
17:19.18*** join/#uphpu supernovia (~supernovi@
17:30.42undertakingyoumindjuju: it is, very very popular
17:31.18mindjujusee, so mgeary, nobody beats Frank, so checkmate
17:31.33mgearybleh. you could have at least done...
17:31.50mindjujucan't be frank though
17:31.56mindjujuhe's like Ace of Spades
17:31.58mindjujucan't be beat
17:32.06*** join/#uphpu beandog (~steve@gentoo/developer/beandog)
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17:32.07thebigdogmgeary: back to work ;)
17:32.20beandogmindjuju, this ones for you:
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17:32.34mindjujuoh i remember that one
17:32.41SunSparcmindjuju: I would consider the Golden Gate Bridge a wired bridge and the San Mateo bridge a wireless bridge.
17:33.10mindjujubeandog, that's a powerful one
17:33.33beandog"Where did you hear about Episode 1?"
17:33.36beandog"I learned it from you, dad!"
17:36.57beandogthat is awesome
17:37.08beandogIve gotta start a collection of PSAs
17:37.25mindjujuso, all things being equal, if i have a cisco wireless system up and running with cisco wireless access points and controllers,
17:37.39mindjujuwould any old bridge do, or would i need a cisco wireless bridge?
17:41.42Utah_Daveprobably any wireless bridge if cisco is running standard wifi stuff
17:42.00Utah_Davemindjuju: I would get any dd-wrt compatible router and install dd-wrt on it
17:42.13mindjujuutah_dave, any special consideration for VOIP?
17:42.53Utah_DaveUh, just set up QOS for the voip packets
17:43.10Utah_DaveAnd try to get the best quality connection possible
17:43.21Utah_DaveBack in a little bit. Heading to get some lunch
17:54.35mindjujuheh, this is funny -
17:57.54beandogdebugging Ajax is a pain.
17:59.49beandoghow do you guys do it?
18:00.15jsmithtcpdump :-)
18:00.38jsmithUse the force, beandog!
18:00.46jsmithfirebug helps too
18:01.28beandogoh thanks
18:04.02mgearyCharles Proxy+++++
18:07.26mindjujudoes charles tell you how long it takes elements to come in?
18:09.03SunSparcCharles tells you everything.
18:09.14SunSparcCharles is in charge.
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18:09.44SunSparcIf you have not tried it, you owe it to yourself.
18:09.48beandogsheesh, how do you debug firefox not starting?
18:09.55SunSparcThe license cost is a pittance.
18:10.03mgeary^5 SunSparc for knowing what's what
18:10.17SunSparcmgeary: ^5
18:16.29DezertolI always just use a fwrite in the ajax call and dump it all to a txt file
18:17.16mgearywell, if you want to keep hitting yourself in the head with a hammer, i guess that's your decision
18:17.17Dezertoland on the javascript side I dump it out in debug div I float if debug is on
18:17.46SunSparcEverything looks like a nail...
18:21.32beandogDezertol, huh
18:21.33beandogthats an idea
18:22.04DezertolI do most everything with vi on remote systems
18:22.19Dezertolso.. runing some fancy graphical app to tell me stuff isn't optimal
18:36.27supernoviahow's everyone else today?
18:37.47supernoviaAnyone know whether we're gonna do a geek lunch with miss swb?
18:43.38influxWhat ever happened to her?
18:43.45influxHaven't seen her around here lately.
18:43.47SunSparc~greet supernovia the happy chica
18:43.47ibotACTION dumps a bucket of cold oatmeal on supernovia the happy chica
18:44.12SunSparcnice touch
18:44.23supernoviaDo I have cereal in my hair?
18:44.28mindjujuanybody use broadweave?
18:44.45SunSparcmindjuju: not I
18:45.31supernoviainflux she hasn't been in irc as much of late huh. too bad.
18:45.45supernovia~seen swb
18:45.50ibotswb <> was last seen on IRC in channel #uphpu, 161d 15h 43m 20s ago, saying: 'somehow my travel to SLC never coincides with UPHPU'.
18:45.59supernoviaalas! 161 days
18:47.01supernoviamindjuju: fwiw I don't either
18:47.32mindjujusup supernovia
18:47.41supernovialife is goooood
18:48.08mindjujuthat's good!
18:48.17supernoviaI ended the diet, and i'm giving up online dating
18:48.40mindjujuoh man, i hear weird things about online dating, expecially the LDS seen
18:50.11SunSparcsupernovia: I heard that diet did not work well for you.  Sorry to hear that.  I guess it is not for everyone.
18:50.45mindjujui hear she lost a lot of weight, but she was practically skin and bones as it was
18:50.48SunSparcOatmeal and blueberries should be good though.
18:51.23SunSparcmindjuju: Perhaps that is why the diet did not work.  :)
18:53.28influxonline dating. *shudder*
18:54.16influxsupernovia: What was the diet?
18:54.26mindjujushe was on the baby pee diet
18:54.27SunSparcOnline dating is great.  You never have to meet the people you are dating.
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18:55.45influxsupernovia: hahaha.
18:55.50influxmindjuju: What.
18:55.55influxyou are in rare form today.
18:56.18influxerr, that laugh was for SunSparc
18:56.36stderrOnline dating is what you make of it.
18:56.55SunSparcinflux: :)
18:57.03supernoviahey guys, sorry, had a visitor
18:57.16mindjujuonline dating is for computers
18:57.18supernoviabut yeah - SunSparc, I lost about 15 pounds from what I'd been stuck at for years, so it worked
18:57.34SunSparcsupernovia: Oh cool!
18:57.36mindjujunot for people
18:57.36SunSparcGood job
18:57.37supernoviabut I was absolutely miserable and sick the whole time.  So I "cheated" alot that last week
18:57.56stderrI've dated several girls I've met online.
18:57.57supernoviaby cheated I mean I ate an extra apple and some almonds and I switched to higher carb crackers
18:58.20supernoviaand I didn't lose much that last week, but I wasn't feeling like I was going to pass out either, which was nicer.
18:58.25mindjujuwell, i guess it depends on your purpose for dating stderr
18:58.37mindjujuif you're looking for people to hang out with and have fun with, that yeah, i'm sure it works
18:58.45supernoviaand re: online dating.  rawr, it's crazy
18:58.54supernoviathat's all I'm looking for for now, mindjuju
18:58.57supernoviaand it's still crazy
18:59.10mindjujubut if you're looking for more, IMNSHO, it's prolly less effective
18:59.45supernoviaYou and Mrs. SunSparc are an awesome match.
18:59.45mindjujui stand corrected
19:00.23supernoviahowever it wasn't through an online dating site, right SunSparc?
19:00.23SunSparcsupernovia: I think so too.  I dated her for 3 years before we married though.
19:00.24SunSparcsupernovia: Nope, it was IRC.  She was a geek chic, hawt.
19:00.35supernoviathat's why she's so darn cool
19:01.26stderr handheld, from my backyard last night
19:01.30SunSparcMost people we tell the story to have no idea what IRC is though.
19:01.42SunSparcstderr: That is awesome!
19:04.26supernoviai'm gonna brb.
19:07.42*** join/#uphpu supernovia (~supernovi@
19:12.26SunSparcstderr: That was with your D90 and a new lens.  I really like.
19:15.21supernoviame too.
19:16.01supernoviamy cute little elph is lots of fun but it'd be nice to have higher quality photos when all's said and done
19:16.03supernoviaI mean..
19:16.19supernovia <- for example
19:16.34stderrSunSparc: yea, it was with my new 70-200mm f2.8
19:16.42supernoviait's weird, I know. But it would have been -so much cooler- if I'd had a better lens and higher res
19:16.42SunSparcsupernovia: not bad
19:16.55stderrbest bang for the buck though is the nifty fifty, dunno if you have that one
19:17.02stderrbout 100 bucks for a tack sharp prime f1.8 lens
19:18.10SunSparcI currently do not have what I would consider a real SLR.
19:18.12stderrDOF on that wide open is about half an inch
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19:19.46SunSparcI need learn more about good photography too.  I keep remembering that Photo club in Salt Lake you told me about.
19:20.21stderryea.  if you need a refresher on the basics, this little walkthrough is really, really nice (despite having a web design from the 90s):
19:20.36SunSparcI just need to get a good starter SLR and mess with it.  Though my little Canon PowerShot has a lot of features.
19:21.03SunSparcstderr: Nice, thanks.  I will check that out.
19:22.11stderrbest way to learn is, yea, get a decent starter DSLR and leave it on manual, or at least aperture priority.  Don't ever use auto exposure or presets.
19:23.33SunSparcMaybe a used Rebel or something.
19:24.01SunSparcHmmm... decent...
19:24.04stderrthat's a steal
19:24.53stderrget that and and you'll be set for a long time.
19:25.56SunSparcThanks for the advice
19:26.25stderrhere's my new 70-200mm compared to my 50mm 1.8 lol:
19:27.00SunSparcYeah, that is a bit of a difference.
19:27.47SunSparcLooks like the lens has a separate mount.
19:28.33stderrtripod mount yea.  if you put it on the camera body's tripod mount it'd break the lens because it's so heavy
19:28.43SunSparcI can tell.  heh
19:29.36stderrI just need one more lens and my collection will be complete... for now *rubs hands together*
19:30.08SunSparcWhich other lens?
19:30.42stderr that
19:32.21SunSparcSomething for in between?
19:32.46stderrwell, that's a macro lens.  Use it for insects and flowers
19:33.01stderruse it for portraits too sometimes
19:33.09SunSparcYeah, just read the specs, "Designed for close-up and macro"
19:33.59stderrDOF is probably only a couple millimeters
19:34.52SunSparcThat is incredible.
19:35.12stderrI actually have an inverter ring which is like a poor man's macro.  I attach it to the front of my lens, then turn the lens around and mount the front to the body.
19:35.24SunSparcOh, that reminds me, have you see the hummingbird special on Nature?
19:35.56stderr^- inverter ring
19:36.01stderrhummingbird special? negative
19:36.03SunSparcstderr: So you are basically using the lens backwards.  heh
19:36.26stderryup pretty much hehe
19:37.06SunSparcstderr: Wow, that seems to work pretty well.  The detail on the coins is good.
19:37.41SunSparcThat is a sweet shot of SLC at night.
19:38.02stderryea, it works fairly well, it's just really hard to focus and to work with it in general
19:38.12stderrI'll have to check out that docu tonight, thank you
19:38.23SunSparcI can imagine, since it is all backwards.
19:39.08SunSparcNo problem, it was fascinating.  There is also a making of on YouTube where they show you some of the video tech they used.  200fps HD video.
19:39.16stderrwow! nice.
19:39.23SunSparcI know, right.
19:40.23SunSparcI think this was it.
19:41.45stderrone of my friends is a pro photog, he has a lightning trigger that he used to capture some AMAZING shots during the t-storms the past couple months
19:43.25SunSparcYes!  I love lightning shots.  So fascinating.
19:43.52stderrso hard to get em without a trigger, it's basically luck of the draw
19:44.12stderrexpose for three seconds rinse repeat
19:45.06SunSparcHere is a recent photo of mine:
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19:46.52influxj/w 1
19:50.58supernoviamindjuju: have you & mrs mindjuju started any new classes yet?
19:51.37mindjujuyup, yesterday
19:51.54mindjujumath, today bio and sys admin with suse
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19:56.57supernoviaI've got a 3d modeling class toinght
19:57.02supernoviaEnglish 1010 tomorrow -_-
19:57.20supernoviaI have to re-take that :-( at least my cumulative gpa is gonna skyrocket
19:57.38supernoviaand then my online public speaking class, which, makes no sense
19:57.49supernoviaand which I could have used NOW… but, whatever ;)
19:58.09supernoviaoh who's your suse proff?
19:58.10josephscottsupernovia: WCUT is a whole public speaking course rolled into one day :-)
19:58.16supernoviaheheh yeah
19:58.58supernoviaholy schmolies though. This online public speaking teacher just sent an email
19:59.38supernoviait's I don't even know how many pages long. huuuuge
19:59.46supernoviahope they won't all be like that.
20:00.14supernoviahow's everything going with wcut josephscott?
20:00.32josephscottpretty well actually
20:00.36supernoviasuper :)
20:00.48supernoviaI am excited and terrified.
20:00.52josephscottno doubt there will be things I'd wished I'd done but didn't by the end of the day Saturday
20:01.19josephscottsupernovia: deep breath, relax, remember everyone is there wanting you to do well.
20:01.27supernoviaThat's a good point.
20:01.43josephscotteasier said than done, I know
20:01.59supernoviaWell, I have to spend some serious time on my slide design
20:02.07josephscottI still get butterflies before every presentation, just have to channel that energy :-)
20:02.08supernoviaI kept putting it off, because I -know- who I am..
20:02.29supernoviaand I know if I got sidetracked with design stuff at first I'd never get to the rest of it
20:05.34mindjujusupernovia, who is your prof for eng 1010?
20:07.54supernoviaNo idea. I could look it up
20:10.21mindjujunah, if you need help though, let me know
20:10.33mindjujuanybody know how to sort by IP in Calc in open office/??
20:11.11supernoviathanks mindjuju :)
20:12.19jsmithmindjuju: Sure... calculate (last octet + (10 x 3rd octet) + (100 x 2nd octet) + (1000 x first octet) and then sort by that
20:19.02supernoviaI'm gonna be back in a bit. See ya guys ;)
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21:47.32beandogso much for brb
21:54.16*** join/#uphpu supernovia (~supernovi@
21:56.56beandogSome silly mortal left a plate of cookies in the break room.
21:59.46*** part/#uphpu supernovia (~supernovi@
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22:00.17beandogthey will soon learn the mistake of their ways
22:02.00beandogsupernovia, when is your wordpress thingie?
22:03.03supernoviaIt's on Saturday… wanna come? :)
22:03.17supernoviaI speak at 1:30.  You could throw cookies at me.
22:03.23supernoviaI know.
22:03.37supernoviaheh.  How are things?
22:03.43josephscottbeandog: how do you stand using it?  :-)
22:27.31supernoviaWordPress is a fan of beandog so it's all good :)
22:31.15influxscalability? what's that?
22:31.23josephscottDezertol: seriously?
22:32.25Dezertolwordpress by nature and design only really works well on "one" server at a time
22:32.48josephscottstrange, at work we have it on hundreds of web servers
22:32.50DezertolI've got a client with 6 webservers and 1 database server
22:32.58josephscottand dozens of DBs
22:33.26Dezertolnot designed to replicate the file's or upgrades or patches or plugins or anything across the other servers
22:33.33Dezertolit's just ugly and a pain in the ass
22:33.52DezertolI'm not talking about 100 of individual sites
22:34.13DezertolI'm talking about one site with round robin dns on 6 webservers..
22:34.22josephscottnor am I, I'm talking about one WP install across hundreds of servers
22:34.45josephscottI'm talking about one site in 3 different data centers across the US, with several load balancers
22:34.56Dezertoland your keeping all the "upgrades" and files uploads and what not .. all in sync with what
22:35.03Dezertolplugins and what not
22:35.24josephscottwe've got terabytes of uploads
22:35.25Dezertolyou using cluster fs or something
22:36.02Dezertolwhat are you using to keep all the files in sync that it sends out an upgrade
22:36.32josephscottwe've had a combination of backends for file storage over time, currently going to mogilefs as the primary upload storage
22:36.33Dezertolit's working fine so long as no one upgrades or uploads anything
22:37.10Dezertolbut.. is the "actual" wordpress install in "one" place or do you have to maintain mulitple copies
22:37.20josephscottthere's one WP install
22:37.24josephscottin a svn repo
22:38.12Dezertoland all the servers just do an svn up every so often or what
22:38.20Dezertolmy issues is in keeping all the servers in sync
22:38.37josephscottthat's basically what they do
22:38.53josephscottthere's actually more to it to make it deploy quickly across all of the DCs
22:38.55supernoviagot a link for some technical details on how that's done, perhaps?
22:39.07supernoviaI could add it to my talk :)
22:39.19DezertolI hate the way we did it
22:39.20Dezertolit's a pain
22:39.30Dezertolbasically we have a "master" folder of the wp install
22:39.39josephscottBarry has posted some stuff about it, I'm not sure how current it is
22:39.41Dezertoland we're using rsync to push it out to all the websevers
22:40.12Dezertolbut.. it really kills us if the client logs into the admin interface on one of the remotes and clicks the "upgrade" button
22:40.25Dezertoland it upgrades the db and only 1 of the webservers
22:40.26josephscottyeah, disable that
22:40.41josephscottwe don't allow users to update WP, it is all done via svn
22:40.56Dezertolwhat about image uploads and stuff
22:41.02Dezertolthey all go to a content server or somthing
22:41.50josephscottthat's something else that has evolved over time
22:42.00josephscottused to be lots of NFS, which I really don't recommend
22:42.17Dezertolyieks.. that would suck
22:42.17herlodepends on the distance between servers
22:42.23josephscottthere's an interesting S3 plugin that intercepts WP uploads and hosts them all on S3
22:42.57josephscottyeah, DCs in different states, not so much
22:43.16josephscottat any rate, what we do now is replicate the uploads to the mogilefs cluster
22:43.53josephscottI think there might be a few NFS items left around, I'd have to ask the systems team to be sure
22:44.15josephscotthaving kick butt sysadmins make many painful things easier
22:45.28josephscottwith only a few servers you could potentially get away with NFS, but only for file uploads, nothing else
22:45.50Dezertolall the servers are in one loc
22:45.58herlomogile is good
22:45.58Dezertolwe considered doing a san
22:46.04josephscottprivate network would help too
22:46.33josephscottyou could also look at what the S3 plugin does, if you don't want to use S3 you could tweak it to upload some place else
22:46.45josephscottto a central server on your own network for instance
22:47.16Dezertolnot a bad idea
22:47.28Dezertoljust not been happy so far with the wordpress path..
22:47.36Dezertolso far..
22:47.44josephscottwould be great actually for the WP community to have a generic "central upload" plugin
22:47.55josephscottDezertol: coming to WordCamp on Saturday?
22:48.14josephscottI'd be happy to chat more about WP and some of the things we do on
22:48.26josephscottat the UoU
22:48.40supernoviagood bbq, great talks, smart people.. what's not to love?
22:48.46josephscottall day about WordPress, hang out with other WP users/fans/designers/developers
22:48.55DezertolI would like to
22:49.12DezertolI'm in AZ at the mo
22:49.14josephscottMatt Mullenweg will be there, you can bring up your WP complaints to him :-)
22:49.17Dezertoland won't be in town
22:49.36Dezertolhe'd be like.. I don't really have time for this
22:49.43josephscottactually you'd be surprised
22:49.49influxWhat's entry to wordcamp?
22:49.56influxoh, url.
22:50.00supernovianot much :)
22:50.03josephscotthe's gone to WP groups and asked for things people hate most about WP
22:50.17supernoviabeandog ^^ :)
22:50.37josephscottnice, personable guy
22:50.41supernoviagood way to get issues addressed :)
22:50.48josephscottfull disclosure, he's also my boss
22:51.05influxHah. I think I see ninnypants in the image used on the 2010 page.
22:51.15supernoviayeah I'm in there too and swb
22:51.42josephscottDezertol: next time you are in town let's chat at a community event, happy to talk WP
22:52.18DezertolI'd be down with that
22:52.39josephscottwhat site is it that you run?
22:53.13Dezertolit's a client
22:53.16Dezertolnot mine
22:53.21josephscottall on WP or is it mixed with other stuff?
22:53.41Dezertolthe front end is wp but once you click into the cart..
22:53.45Dezertolit's all custom
22:54.08josephscottDezertol: you should chat with supernovia some time, they moved blendtec to all WP
22:54.14josephscotteven the ecommerce bits
22:54.18Dezertolthe get about 8000 orders in the few hours they open it on mondays and tuesdays
22:54.33josephscottthe cart is only open for a few hours?
22:54.44Dezertolit's a produce co-op
22:54.56Dezertolso they can only take orders during a window so that they can get the food ont he trucks
22:55.03Dezertolto make it to the drops by saturday
22:55.09josephscottinteresting, so you have interesting spikes then
22:55.20stderrsupernovia: *ahem*
22:55.27stderrI believe you've been exploited.
22:55.37supernoviawell, it's okay.
22:56.00beandogsupernovia, huh?
22:56.01Dezertolinitially the site was on some crapy networksolutions shopping cart
22:56.06Dezertolbut it would crash under the load
22:56.12stderrjust a heads up.
22:56.23Dezertolit was crashing there server several times an hour during the order load
22:56.33beandogstderr, what is that?
22:57.17Dezertolso the contracted with us to rebuild it
22:57.17supernoviathanks stderr… how'd you find that?
22:57.18Dezertoland we build it all custom and then the client was liek.. "can we put a word press front end on it"
22:57.18Dezertoland the powers that be were like "sure"
22:57.28stderrI am a security god.
22:58.35josephscottDezertol: sounds like the heavy lifting is done by the custom bits then, WP should pretty managable
22:58.55Dezertolya it preforms great..
22:59.02Dezertolit's just the syncing and tracking of changes
22:59.05Dezertolthat's been a pain
22:59.51stderrsupernovia: in seriousness, I was just checking out your photographs (good work on a p&s!) and did a google search just to get the photos so I wouldn't have to scroll around for em and stumbled across that
23:00.07supernoviacan you show me what you searched?
23:00.32stderrsure *jpg *png
23:01.23stderrtried that at first (bad syntax), and ran into, well, that single result
23:01.59stderrso then I went to the root of iisoh/, and figured it out
23:03.38stderrdoesn't seem to be redirecting to security offers now
23:04.54stderrwas redirectin to but I wouldn't go to that if you're on Windows
23:07.08mgearyhey, mindjuju, check this out:
23:07.38josephscottlart mgeary
23:07.43josephscott~lart mgeary
23:07.43ibotdumps 42 tons of dirt, manure, and fish heads on mgeary
23:08.12mgearyHAH. joke's on you! i love dirt, fish heads, and... oh, uh...
23:10.45supernoviathanks stderr
23:11.20supernoviaI'm wondering what P&S! is though
23:11.29stderrpoint and shoot
23:11.35supernoviaoh, duh. Thanks :)
23:11.59supernoviasomeday my real camera will come
23:13.37mgearyalong with your prince?
23:17.49stderrFOOTBALL TIME. GO COLTS!!!
23:20.31mindjujuso for you after hours folks still around, have a CPU question
23:20.56mindjujui just got turned over a project where i'm suppose to install an app on to a touchscreen EEEPC
23:21.11mindjujuthey are getting all kinds of errors when trying to install
23:21.40mindjujui look at the specs of the software and it says Pentium compatible
23:21.44mindjujuEEEPC use Atom
23:21.53mindjujuthat is prolly the prob, no?
23:22.11mindjujuI know Atom doesn't have the full instruction set that the pentium does
23:22.48josephscottAtom is an Intel CPU
23:22.55mindjujuyes, that's true
23:22.59josephscottregular x86
23:23.01mindjujubut is it pentitum compatible
23:23.08PoeticIntensityAnyone seen The Expendables?
23:23.24josephscottmindjuju: yeah, it's just a low end/ low power x86 CPU
23:24.10PoeticIntensitywow... It's after-hours already?
23:24.13josephscottnow if it had been an ARM CPU - - then we'd be talking about something non-x86
23:24.25PoeticIntensityI'm with josephscott .
23:24.37PoeticIntensityNo reason an Atom CPU should act any differently than any other x86 proc.
23:24.47mindjujuugh, mixed terms in brain, your right josephscott
23:24.54mindjujuyou're even
23:25.03mindjujuit's been a LONG day
23:25.07PoeticIntensity(after "you're supposed to be at home, not at work" hours)
23:25.09PoeticIntensityI believe.
23:25.16josephscottno problem, when you said Atom, I figured you might be thinking ARM
23:25.27josephscottI've been at home all day ;-)
23:25.47PoeticIntensityhmm... I wonder if I spelled that correctly..
23:26.01PoeticIntensityheh yup.
23:27.09josephscottPoeticIntensity: where are you working at now a days?
23:27.21PoeticIntensitya company called No More Mortgage.
23:27.30mindjujuplus PI records
23:27.31PoeticIntensityI'm the sole web dev here.
23:27.35PoeticIntensityhehe. ..ah yes...
23:27.46PoeticIntensityIn my dreams, I own and operate my own recording studio @
23:27.59PoeticIntensityI just updated the tour pics there, too.
23:28.07PoeticIntensityThey're not 8 months old, anymore.
23:32.38Dezertolin my dreams I own and operate my own custom hotrod shop
23:33.11Dezertolbut that's so far from reality that it really only qualifies as a dream
23:34.07mindjujuin my dreams, i've got a slow cooked rack of baby back ribs with an ice cold lemonade
23:34.12mindjujubut this cheese stick will have to do
23:39.06*** part/#uphpu supernovia (~supernovi@
23:39.07PoeticIntensityOkay....  Does anyone know of any free tools that can be used to view some code written in .NET?
23:39.11PoeticIntensityor C#?
23:39.13PoeticIntensityor ASP?
23:39.21PoeticIntensityI've gotta get at some M$ code, and I'm at a complete loss.
23:39.32PoeticIntensityhmm....  I'm in Linux.
23:39.49mindjujugedit i think it is, with mono as a compiler
23:39.51PoeticIntensityapparently, the code isn't ASCII-based.
23:47.06thebigdogi know there is monodev
23:47.19mindjuju~monodeve thebigdog PoeticIntensity
23:50.10thebigdogman what a day
23:50.24PoeticIntensitythanks, thebigdog
23:51.01PoeticIntensityYup... This is exactly what I'm looking for.

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