IRC log for #uphpu on 20100824

18:04.10*** join/#uphpu apt (
18:04.10*** topic/#UPHPU is Utah PHP Users Group |
18:04.10*** mode/#UPHPU [+v apt] by ChanServ
18:04.37fungus~blame canada
18:04.38aptACTION blames canada (and Canada) for all the evil in the world
18:04.47mindjujui guess apt is the new ibot?
18:04.48fungusHe's as close as we can get.
18:05.08mindjuju~welcome fungus
18:05.09aptGood to see you, fungus!
18:05.19mindjuju~nosepick fungus
18:05.20aptACTION plucks fungus out of the nose of humanity and wipes him on the couch!
18:05.34mindjujuyup, it's multipersonality syndrow bot
18:05.44fungusmindjuju, not officially, I just saw him on, and invited him.
18:06.16mindjujuwhere did you see him?
18:06.46fungusibot has many names, and apt is one of them
18:07.01fungusHe just forgot his ibot name
18:07.03*** join/#uphpu purl (
18:07.03*** topic/#UPHPU is Utah PHP Users Group |
18:07.03*** mode/#UPHPU [+v purl] by ChanServ
18:07.10mindjujuthere is perl
18:07.12mindjujuerr, purl
18:07.15mindjujuwell, i knew of purl
18:07.19fungus~kill apt
18:07.20purlACTION shoots a magneto-ionized meson gun at apt
18:07.20mindjujufrom botpark
18:07.41*** kick/#UPHPU [purl!] by mindjuju (purl)
18:07.41fungusbut they don't play well together
18:07.48mindjujui kicked purl out
18:07.54fungusgood idea
18:07.56mindjujuconflict of interest and all of that
18:08.07mindjujuwe all know PHP is b etter than perl
18:08.46fungus(though not by much in most respects.)  
18:15.39supernoviaI was wondering who the heck apt is.
18:15.46supernoviagood times. and good scrolls.
19:07.50*** part/#uphpu mastergunns (
19:30.56*** join/#uphpu josephscott (~josephsco@
19:30.57*** mode/#UPHPU [+v josephscott] by ChanServ
20:09.02mgeary~koolaid influx
20:09.03aptACTION goes to the kitchen and makes a huge bucket of grape koolaid, brings it back and sits there, pouring more koolaid anytime influx 's glass gets slightly less than full
20:10.08unumdrink the koolaid!!!
20:29.10influxunum: You can have it.
20:37.16*** join/#uphpu supernovia (~supernovi@
20:51.18mgearyanyone here done a lot with S3?
20:51.48mgearydoes anyone know if an uploaded file is put into a holding tank of some sort until it finishes uploading, and is then dropped into the correct bucket?
20:56.48*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
20:56.48*** mode/#UPHPU [+o Utah_Dave] by ChanServ
21:07.24mgearyAmazon S3
21:20.55thebigdoghehe took you long enough
21:38.48*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave1 (
21:40.37mgearythebigdog: i didn't think i'd need to elaborate on "S3"
21:44.04*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
21:44.08*** mode/#UPHPU [+o Utah_Dave] by ChanServ
22:50.26*** join/#uphpu carmony_ (
22:50.26*** mode/#UPHPU [+v carmony_] by ChanServ
23:32.00*** part/#uphpu mgeary (~mgeary@

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