IRC log for #uphpu on 20100709

00:05.12*** join/#uphpu ninnypants (
00:27.22shofetimI have this regexp: preg_match_all('#\{igallery(.*?)\}#ism',$row->text, $matches);
00:27.34shofetimas far as I know those # signs
00:27.43shofetimare matching literal hash signs
00:27.52shofetimdo I have that right?
00:28.08shofetimbecuase it doesn't work...
00:49.42*** join/#uphpu beandog (~sdibb@gentoo/developer/beandog)
00:49.42*** mode/#UPHPU [+v beandog] by ChanServ
01:59.41carmony~lart DexterTheDragon
01:59.41ibotsend killer squirrels to attack DexterTheDragon
02:08.20beandogDexterTheDragon: lol nice
02:19.46*** join/#uphpu josephscott (~josephsco@
02:19.46*** mode/#UPHPU [+v josephscott] by ChanServ
02:35.38*** join/#uphpu undertakingyou (
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02:54.56shofetim/leave leaving
02:54.59*** part/#uphpu shofetim (
03:13.34*** join/#uphpu josephscott (~josephsco@
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03:15.24*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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03:18.35*** join/#uphpu PoeticIntensity (
03:18.37*** mode/#UPHPU [+v PoeticIntensity] by ChanServ
03:18.45PoeticIntensityHello, all.
03:18.56PoeticIntensityGot a request from a friend to put out feelers for a job...
03:19.23beandogit's a trap!
03:19.53PoeticIntensityHe's a fantastic graphic designer...  Any job in Utah Valley that might have need for an expert-level graphic designer, please let me know.
03:34.19*** join/#uphpu jtsnow (~jtsnow@VDSL-151-118-130-166.DNVR.QWEST.NET)
03:37.43beandognice socks
03:43.39beandogthe reference took me a second.
03:55.16*** join/#uphpu redroy (
05:00.29*** join/#uphpu cro (
05:03.44*** join/#uphpu ender|h_ (
12:59.54*** join/#uphpu jtsnow (~chatzilla@VDSL-151-118-130-166.DNVR.QWEST.NET)
13:58.46*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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14:51.12*** join/#uphpu jamund (
14:59.03*** join/#uphpu redroy (
15:00.56*** join/#uphpu fungus (
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15:18.53*** join/#uphpu supernovia (~Adium@
15:42.11*** join/#uphpu josephscott (~josephsco@
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15:48.48*** join/#uphpu mgeary (~mgeary@
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15:56.14*** join/#uphpu cro (
16:00.39*** join/#uphpu undertakingyou (~will@
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16:33.42mgearymacnewbold: ping
17:37.44*** join/#uphpu SunSparc (
17:37.45*** mode/#UPHPU [+v SunSparc] by ChanServ
18:18.48macnewboldmgeary: pong
18:18.58macnewboldsorry, been in meetings again
18:24.58mgearymacnewbold: see my PM?
18:30.51macnewboldsorry, yeah
18:30.52macnewbolddid now
18:38.53*** join/#uphpu mindjuju (
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18:54.09*** join/#uphpu redroy (
19:03.34herlojsmith: ping
19:03.57herlomindjuju: ping
19:26.50*** join/#uphpu mitchmorby (
19:38.12*** join/#uphpu beandog (~steve@gentoo/developer/beandog)
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19:44.22supernoviahey josephscott — are you around?
19:44.49josephscottsupernovia: yep!
19:45.08supernoviacool. I'll pm you :)
20:34.17*** join/#uphpu mastergunns (
20:48.52beandog~seen mindjuju
20:48.56ibotmindjuju <> was last seen on IRC in channel #uphpu, 1d 4h 54m 27s ago, saying: 'yup, :)'.
21:06.12*** join/#uphpu trevynm (~trevynmey@
21:07.06beandogherlo: I wonder if we'll ever see him again
21:07.15herlowe will
21:07.23herlobeandog: are you sad?
21:07.29herlodo you miss your friend mindjuju?
21:07.55trevynmherlo: I saw mindjuju left, but never read why
21:07.59trevynmdid he move?
21:08.10herlonew job
21:08.20trevynmThey dont want him to IRC?
21:08.25herlono, they do
21:08.36herloI think he's just busy getting things going at the new place
21:08.41trevynmI see
21:09.36beandogwoah that was weird ... flash just killed my sound
21:12.40beandogphp needs a coalesce function.
21:36.46herlono it doesn't
21:37.46*** join/#uphpu mgeary (~mgeary@
21:37.46*** mode/#UPHPU [+v mgeary] by ChanServ
21:39.25beandogoh man
21:39.29beandogthats why I dont jump stairs
21:39.37beandogor wear a helmet
21:51.43beandogI can never remember my cell phone #
21:52.13herlojust type it in here and we'll remember it for you :)
21:56.19herlobeandog: now you know your number
22:05.50supernoviaoh man, I can't play this vuvuzela at all!
22:06.00*** join/#uphpu blendmaster1024 (~blendmast@unaffiliated/blendmaster1024)
22:07.06*** join/#uphpu mitchmorby (
22:08.21beandogbutter cookies or chocolate chip
22:08.23beandogdecisions, decisions
22:10.31beandogDexterTheDragon, when you wanna go to Lagoon?
22:11.01beandogherlo, you coming?
22:11.06herlobeandog: I'd love to
22:11.07supernoviait's national sugar cookie day
22:11.17herlosupernovia: today?
22:11.33beandogSome of us are more patriotic, and celebrate it every day
22:11.35herlocool, I'll go buy some so we can all cook them tonight
22:11.46herlobeandog: lol
22:11.48supernoviawhat are you all doing tonight?
22:12.06beandogherlo, lets see if we can get a group going here..
22:12.15supernoviaback to lagoon again?
22:12.25beandogsupernovia, it's the poor-mans amusement park
22:12.31supernoviaI loves it :)
22:12.33beandogaka the only amusement park ..
22:12.48supernoviawell, downtown AF has the carnival right now :-o
22:13.05beandogactually those state / county fairs are pretty rocking
22:13.21beandogherlo, no?  I thought newborns love getting slinged around mechanically at dozens of miles per hour
22:13.24herlobeandog: yeah, I'm hoping to make it to the county fair this year
22:13.43herlobeandog: newborn is still in NICU, but I'm way tired atm
22:13.58supernoviaI can go but would have to be back before 7pm
22:14.01beandogherlo, nicu?  that doesnt sound good
22:14.15beandogninnypants, man everytime I go past there I swear it must be closed ....
22:14.18herlobeandog: he was born 6 weeks early, doing really well and might get to come home very soon
22:14.25supernoviadid trafalga buy that place?
22:14.27herlohe's 8 days old today
22:14.54beandogherlo, right on
22:15.01beandogherlo, did you ever post any pics?  I dont remember ..
22:15.05herlobeandog: yes
22:15.05ninnypantssupernovia: dunno
22:15.22beandogherlo, thankyousir
22:15.24herlothose are from the day he was born.  he's bigger now
22:15.28beandogOh yah, i remember now
22:15.32beandogI saw tubes and freeked out
22:15.34herloI'll probably bring my camera tonight
22:15.39beandogfungus, lagoon?
22:15.43herlohe has no tubes in him anymore
22:15.52herlothey are taking the feeding tube out soon, that's it
22:16.04fungusYeah, sure
22:16.07beandoggood good
22:16.09beandogfungus, yay
22:16.17supernoviawhat time beandog?
22:16.24beandogfungus, were trying to organize a group ... though I'd use the word "organize" loosely
22:16.48fungusheh, when?
22:17.03beandogfungus, dunno, thats up to whoever
22:17.52beandogI just come up with the ideas, I don't execute em. :)
22:18.31beandogWe gotta find a day when its cheap to go, and theres not gonna be as many people
22:18.40beandogSomething like, National Leprosy Appreciation Day
22:19.26supernoviawell, june 24th probably won't be busy
22:19.32supernoviaer, july 24th
22:19.44beandogsupernovia, you think?
22:20.01beandogI was wondering about that.
22:20.16supernoviaJuly 3rd was crazy non busy
22:20.31supernoviaand I know it's a valid date for those cheaper coupons
22:20.58beandogsupernovia, oh yah, how many of those do you have left?  do you wanna use those?
22:21.11supernoviaMmm, some .. I'd be happy to use em
22:21.46beandogsupernovia, how much do they cost w/that?
22:22.07supernoviaand I think they're normally 42.xx
22:22.35supernovialet me see if the 24th allows bounce-backs too since that makes it a little nicer..
22:26.19supernoviahmm, can't tell without the pages. they're in my car.
22:31.44supernoviafound it. Bounceback is good for 10 days after the fact
22:32.22beandogany of the 10 days?
22:34.01beandogtheyre tricky like that.
22:36.04supernoviaoh. "some restrictions apply" - they just don't want to say which ones ;-)
22:36.14supernoviabut I'm pretty sure bouncebacks are good any day
22:37.44supernoviaoh btw, when I said "I'd be happy to use em" I mean, use them for this
22:38.04supernoviaI don't think I could swing taking the kids again this summer, so aside from one for me, the rest are up for grabs
22:38.11supernoviaand I have several
22:41.21beandogso the question is
22:41.25beandogwho is on supernovia's good side?
22:41.49supernoviaI think I'd probably have enough
22:43.20*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
22:51.51supernoviathose are some good sports
23:30.47ninnypantsthat site has horrible adds
23:32.43influxhola ninnypants
23:34.25ninnypantshow goes?
23:37.21influxFair enough.
23:52.39beandogThis is a creepy ad
23:55.31beandogfungus, they're showing Metropolis @ Tower
23:55.45beandogIve never seen that
23:56.03fungusThe anime or the original B/W
23:56.09beandogoriginal I think
23:56.32fungusreally cool movie.  

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