IRC log for #uphpu on 20100617

00:29.58*** part/#uphpu supernovia (~Adium@
00:31.33*** part/#uphpu mgeary (~mgeary@
00:37.44*** join/#uphpu beandog (~sdibb@gentoo/developer/beandog)
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01:02.51*** join/#uphpu supernovia (~Adium@
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01:52.50*** join/#uphpu redroy (
02:24.40utahconany JS gurus here?
02:25.02utahconbest way to detect if a variable is "undefined"
02:27.48utahconfound a way
02:27.53DexterTheDragonif (type of myvar == 'undefined')
02:27.57utahcontypeof(var) == "undefined)
02:28.03utahconlol -- thanks DexterTheDragon
02:41.25utahconDexterTheDragon: know anything about href="javascript: void(0);" failing in Chrome?
02:43.13utahconwhenever I click the link in my app I get an error... not expecting :
02:43.23utahconknow a better way to do those?
02:44.59DexterTheDragonI usually have a url in there then just block it for going there with JS
02:45.46utahcongot an example?
02:49.27utahconthat may work
02:56.21*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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03:07.08utahconfor the love of...
03:07.19utahconproblem was that I was passing a string without quoting it...
03:07.25utahconargh error reporting in JS sucks :D
03:09.12ninnypantsthat it does
03:23.21supernoviammm. Munster is so tasty.
03:23.39supernoviaTuxToaster, sorry I had to take off - got everything working alright?
03:25.46*** join/#uphpu influx (
03:26.41supernoviahowdy influx
03:26.59Utah_Davehey, supernovia
03:27.36supernoviaHey Utah_Dave :)
03:27.38supernoviaHow's it going?
03:28.30Utah_Davegood! just typing one handed while holding my 1 month old daughter in the other arm
03:28.40supernoviaOh I remember those days :)
03:29.18supernoviaKeep it up and you'll get a cute little geek on your hands, and bursitis in your shoulder
03:29.19Utah_Daveshe's being really cute. she started smiling at my jokes a couple days ago
03:29.26supernoviaAwesome! :-D
03:29.36Utah_Davei never knew i was so funny!
03:29.47supernoviahehe, she just loves her dad :)
03:30.09supernoviaDoes she keep you up at night still?  (Mine did for quite a while)
03:30.42Utah_Davenope. She's almost sleeping  through the night
03:30.51supernoviaWow, nice!
03:31.14Utah_Daveyesterday she ate at 4:30. that's it.
03:31.32supernoviawhen mine were little I had to work full time
03:31.48supernoviaso I just let them sleep by me and eat when they needed to
03:31.56supernoviaprobably not best practice but it worked :)
03:32.07Utah_Daveyeah. you gotta do what you gotta do
03:32.13supernoviagolly, speaking of eating..
03:32.36supernoviaAwe, thanks!  I don't get nearly enough hugs!
03:32.42supernoviaWhat's up? :-D
03:34.29supernoviautahcon are you going to the afterparty tomorrow?  Haven't seen you in AGES
03:34.43supernovia^5 back at ya
03:35.19utahconsupernovia: nope -- won't be attending
03:35.34utahconI want to, but I have other obligations currently -- killing me to miss UPHPu
03:35.36influxWhere are the meeting and afterparty this time?
03:35.37utahconbut I am presenting in Aug
03:35.46supernoviaWell, I'll have to try to make it then :)
03:35.59utahconinflux: Bill Good Marketing -- and Applebees
03:36.32influxhe listens to nine inch nails
03:36.33utahconsupernovia: will be "Basics (and maybe more) of Zend_Framework (an open discussion)"
03:36.47influx!seen fungus
03:37.01supernoviaInflux I think you could take trax down and then jump on the 811 to get to Applebees
03:37.02utahconisn't ~seen fungus
03:37.07supernoviaif you're looking for a ride that way
03:37.10utahcon~seen fungus
03:37.12ibotfungus <> was last seen on IRC in channel #uphpu, 7h 16m 30s ago, saying: 'lol, I agree.  '.
03:37.30influxsupernovia: but then how do I get back?
03:37.36utahconinflux: where do you live?
03:37.42utahconperhaps you can carpool ;)
03:37.43influxDowntown, the avenues.
03:37.48influxThough I work in Murray-ish.
03:37.50influxwith unum
03:38.00influx5353 S. 960 E.
03:38.05utahconwell -- next time I go I will be happy to take you to murray
03:38.34utahcondo you take pub transit to murray ?
03:38.35influxto murray or from murray?
03:38.37influxi do
03:38.49influx<-- car free since eighty-three
03:39.06supernoviabut it's tougher with kiddos
03:39.07influxsupernovia: I do okay on it during the days that there isn't pee smell.
03:39.07utahconI would use pub trans if it were better setup for him
03:39.13utahcon2011 could be when that happens
03:39.17utahcontrax from home to work :D
03:39.22supernoviawon't that be rad? :)
03:39.34utahconit will be the bomb!
03:39.36influxSome days I'll take trax and then the 209 instead of just the 209, because the trax ride is relaxed.
03:39.41influxNot so bumpy.
03:39.42supernoviaPublic transit is inconvenient for me again. Bad timing with work.
03:39.49utahconand the trax station will be within walking distance of the house... just over the lake :D
03:40.04utahconfrom home to work now is 1.5+ hours
03:40.06utahconno bueno
03:40.13supernoviayou're gonna be up by daybreak I take it?
03:40.20utahconI have precious little time with my family now... don't need 3 hours less
03:40.32utahconsupernovia: yes ma'am... in the heart of Daybreak.
03:40.38utahcon2 blocks east of the lake
03:40.39supernoviathat's awesome :) love it there.
03:40.43utahcon5 blocks north of the temple
03:40.53utahconthat is ~5
03:40.56supernoviaI really love my apartment though & my neighborhood
03:41.11supernoviaand my kid's school, and my job
03:41.29utahcontee hee
03:41.44utahcon<2 blocks to kids school
03:41.49utahcon~2 blocks to pool
03:42.06supernoviaw00t!  We're about 8 blocks from the pool here so not too bad
03:42.17supernoviabut their school is about 5 miles
03:43.51utahconsupernovia: not everywhere can be as 100% as awesome as Daybreak :D
03:43.56supernoviathis is true :)
03:44.02supernoviaAnd the house are just so darn cute, too
03:44.15supernoviaand the internet..
03:44.49supernoviaI have a cute little fish-pond / stream near my house, but neither is as close as the highway
03:45.15supernovialove it here nonetheless :)
03:48.59utahconsupernovia: that is aweomse
03:49.18supernovia:-D indeed. Life is awesome
03:53.26utahconI think I have a good grip on ZF + jQuery
03:59.13utahconZend Framework
04:01.37supernovialol nice dance utahcon
04:02.11ninnypantsyes quite impressive
04:02.27utahconold IRC habits die hard
04:04.40ninnypantsweird my mouse is constantly jiggling
09:49.39*** join/#uphpu whiteinge (
13:16.01*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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13:24.28mindjujuoh man, ravetrax is in RARE form, this is awesome!
13:26.38Utah_DaveWhat? Are they playing some Beatles right now?
13:27.53mindjujui went through a beatles phase in HS
13:28.10mindjujutwas fun, but right now it's various genre of techno
13:28.23mindjujuespcially dub step
13:40.57mindjujuutah_dave, i know you prolly can't click this link from work, but save it for when you get home
13:41.05mindjujuthat's what the song was
13:41.22mindjujui lub the middle eastern chant/music mixed in
13:44.53mindjujuit takes it a minute or so to warm up
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13:49.25mindjujuthe chanty stuff i was talking about picks up around 5:20
13:49.41Utah_DaveI'm at 5:51 right now
13:52.20mindjujuyou likey?
13:53.18Utah_DaveI didn't really get into it.
13:53.26mindjujuoh bummer
13:53.42mindjujunot everybody likes techno
13:53.48Utah_Dave:) sorry. I've never really enjoyed techno
13:53.51mindjujuwe can still be friends! :)
13:57.58Utah_DaveOf course!! :)
13:58.06*** join/#uphpu whiteinge (~whiteinge@oalug/member/whiteinge)
14:06.50mindjujubest EVAR
14:07.53*** join/#uphpu macnewbold (
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14:47.13TuxToastersupernovia: no worries about last night... I think I've decided I'm happy with how it looks now.
14:47.49TuxToasterI still think the first colors I did looked the cleanest and best, but the revised colors work well too
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15:07.01Utah_Davemindjuju: nice vid! Thanks
15:08.25influxGoing to listen to 45s and 12"s.
15:09.49influxutahcon: What's the title of RMS' article against SaaS?
15:11.09herloinflux: you should bring her
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15:11.24herlowe can all listen to 45s and 12s at Applebees together :)
15:30.34*** join/#uphpu mgeary (~mgeary@
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15:32.57*** join/#uphpu supernovia1 (~Adium@
15:34.05mindjujui HATE missing meetings, cause then people that should be held accountable always dodge
15:34.45*** join/#uphpu supernovia1 (~Adium@
15:35.51influxno via?
15:35.54super_no_viayou can't come mindjuju?
15:36.09mindjujunah, i was sick yesterday
15:36.13mindjujuand wasn't there to be there
15:36.20mindjujuit all boils down to 1 thing
15:36.21super_no_viaYeah I forgot to log out at home influx
15:36.51super_no_viaI still haven't done a book review! yipes!
15:37.08mindjujuEVERYBODY fears the owner's wife, and when she starts looking for accountability, they scurry like roaches looking for places to hide
15:37.26mindjujunow, personally, i've never relaly fell on her badside, and don't mind working with her
15:37.51mindjujubut at this meet yesterday, a project manager said they were surprised that a project didn't go live, and pointed at me for why it failed
15:38.10mindjujuoh, hmmm... this was a project that was outsourced, we've NEVER received the code for the project
15:38.25mindjujuand she even talked to that fact 2 weeks ago
15:38.37mindjujuneedless to say, i'm writing a SCATHING email
15:38.51mindjujumakes me spittin' mad
15:39.10influxTo him, her or both?
15:39.20mindjujui don't mind nor hold it against this person that they are practically brainless, being dumb is something you're born with
15:39.31mindjujubut dodging your responsibility, that's a matter completely different
15:39.46mindjujuand you can quote me on that!
15:42.49super_no_viajust kiddin ;-)
15:43.02mindjujusorry, just had to blow off steam
15:43.11super_no_viaI only saw the "you can quote me on that" first and then thought oh, I'll tweet it, then read it ;-D
15:43.26super_no_viaThat sucks though mindjuju :-S
15:43.57mindjujuand to make matters worse, she stole my parking spot 2 days in a row
15:45.01mindjujubusiness parking lots = pews in a church, everybody has an unofficial, officially designated seat
15:45.43mindjujucan i just say something funny, then i gots to get back to work
15:46.28mindjujubut at a meet, (I SUPER PROMISE THIS IS TRUE), she actually said that unlike access, ms sql didn't store its records in a file and that's why it is so much faster
15:46.57mindjujuto which my boss looked at me curiously, and I said, hmmm, what happens if there is a power outage?  is all the data gone??
15:47.24mindjujuwhen she came clean not knowing what happens, i said that there actually IS a file it is saved to, and proceeded to clear up the differences
15:47.30mindjujuit was TOO awesomely funny
15:47.58mindjujuk, back to work time
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16:15.40Utah_Davemindjuju: I think ms sql stores its records on little notes attached to pigeon's feet.  That's what I've heard, anyway.
16:29.50super_no_vialol Utah_Dave
16:57.13josephscottDexterTheDragon: you know your old theme will still work :-)
16:57.28DexterTheDragonyeah but it won't have all the cool new things
16:59.11josephscottyou could also switch to twentyten and add custom header images and backgrounds
17:02.57DexterTheDragononly newbs use the default theme
17:03.19josephscotthaha, be nice, it's fairly customizable
17:16.10mindjujuoh man, i'm a nerd
17:16.29mindjujui spent the last 15 minutes hunting down this weird little image that crept into the logo
17:16.36mindjujuread through the HTML, all css, nothing
17:16.44mindjujuit snuck onto the logo image itself
17:22.20mgearymacnewbold: ping
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17:44.09utahconwho is feeling like flexing their regex skills?
17:44.40utahconI have this regex pattern
17:45.03utahconI use that in preg_match to get
17:45.15utahconA010203 as A 01 02 03
17:45.39utahconhow can I make it so it catches the two digit groups for as long as their are groups of 2 digits?
17:45.49utahconso in the case of A0102030405060708
17:46.48mgearymaybe something along the line of (\d{2})+
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18:18.29beandoganybody know a good eye doctor
18:18.39beandogone that won't laugh at you
18:29.20beandogAnybody know a good way in CSS to toggle visibility on a column in a table?
18:29.30beandogor am I just gonna have to iterate all the cells
18:47.10mgearybeandog: do you want an optometrist or an opthamologist ?
18:47.17beandogmgeary, 2nd one
18:47.25mgearyi know a good one
18:47.35mgearywhat do you need?
18:47.55beandogmgeary, just to check out one of my eyeballs, its aching
18:48.11mgearyyou in Utah Valley?
18:48.17beandogwhich one is that
18:48.46mgearythat's SLC Valley, you silly goose
18:48.51mgearywell, the guy i know is in Provo
18:48.58beandogyah, okay
18:49.09beandogmgeary, well everything here has these really ambigious names
18:50.32beandogdjango ^^
18:50.57mgearybeandog: come work for us and you can have that as your desktop background
18:57.14beandogAnd of course someone walked by my window right as I had that full screen on my monitor
18:59.21SunSparc"Hearts and Ponies eh?  I see how it is with you."
19:05.39beandogDexterTheDragon, I updated my gallery
19:05.58DexterTheDragonwhich is why I got sucked into that site!
19:06.00DexterTheDragon~lart beandog
19:06.00ibotgives beandog a good seeing to
19:09.33super_no_viabut that pony -was- pretty cute, beandog :)
19:11.18beandogDexterTheDragon, now look what you've started!
19:11.26beandoglolcats > productivity
19:14.49utahconlol -- cause I asked?
19:14.54supernovia_Just cause you asked :-D
19:15.08supernovia_or I could do s_upernovia
19:24.52beandogoh man
19:24.54beandogokay, Im done.
19:26.29supernovia_alright, I'm back to work :-)  ya'll coming tonight?
19:27.03mindjujufor those of you who don't have / know the song, this is it
19:27.11mindjujudon't mind the pictures, it's the music you're there for
19:27.22mindjujua little tinny, but you get the point
19:30.00Utah_DaveLove that song, mindjuju
19:30.20mindjuju:) it's awesome
19:30.47mindjujunext song in MJ's head-nodding good tunes Cake:TheDistance -
19:32.15Utah_Davemindjuju: you should set up an icecast server we can all listen to.
19:32.25mindjujufo sho
19:32.29Utah_Davebe our dj all day
19:33.49mindjujui calls it MJs programming blended  mix
19:37.04mindjujuwasn't there a football player that admited to having tried on some of his wife's clothes?
19:37.09mindjujuseems like i saw it on tv
19:41.06mindjujui sneak through your winder and watch yours
19:42.12herlomindjuju: that's window.  Winders is the OS :P
19:42.33herlomindjuju: btw, Cake is coming to Library Square on Saturday night...
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19:46.39mindjujudoesn't wordpress send out emails, like for lost passwords and stuff?
19:46.49mindjujuwhy can't i find where to set it?
19:49.50mindjuju~apb josephscott
19:49.51ibotACTION calls Tim to stake out josephscott
19:50.22mindjujuhey, i hate to bug ya, but im' searching in codex, but can't find what i'm looking for
19:50.34mindjujubut doesn't WP send out lost password emails and stuff?
19:50.41mindjujui can't seem to find where to put in the SMTP info
19:53.21josephscottyeah, it's got some lost password features
19:53.56mindjujucan you set it to use a SMTP server?
19:54.06SunSparcMexico just scores!
19:54.12mindjujuthat's what i'm googling, WP + smtp
19:54.53mindjujuso i guess it's just a plug in
19:54.56josephscotthmm, I don't recall ever setting an SMTP server.  I know there is some code in there to deal with that.  I haven't looked at it awhile
19:56.05josephscottunless you are blocking stuff I think it should work out of the box
19:56.13josephscottbeen awhile
19:56.46mindjujunope, not blocking, i just thought i remembered putting that info in there somewhere for an install i did years ago, but looks like i just remembered wrong
19:56.58mindjujuoh well, onto next task!  thx for help josephscott
20:05.55SunSparcMexico working it!
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20:16.00Guest91236is there a uphpu meeting tonight? it's usually on the 3rd thursday, right?
20:20.40SunSparcMexico takes it!
20:21.02josephscottGuest91236: I think so, though not sure what is on the agenda
20:21.17josephscottmight be an early night to AppleBees :-)
20:25.50supernovia_Oh yeah, what was the topic?
20:25.57supernovia_besides lolcode :)
20:26.08influxSunSparc: WOO!
20:26.09influxI saw.
20:26.29influxIf you do, your mothers will be getting stern calls.
20:26.36influxAnd then you'll be sorry.
20:27.55josephscottsupernovia: has leaving early from Apple Bees every been a problem?  :-)
20:29.16ibot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
20:30.27supernovia_hehe, true josephscott
20:31.09Utah_DaveI'm struggling with a tough MySQL query here.
20:31.18Utah_DaveHere's my schema and some dummy data:
20:32.03Utah_DaveThis represents a workflow.  Session 220 and Session 3 are represented here
20:32.08influxFunny that the ~pastebin definition is longer than three lines.
20:32.37Utah_DaveThere are four steps in the workflow.     Transcription, Translation, QC, and QA
20:33.22Utah_DaveThere should only be one person per step.  I'm trying to find the Session that has more than one person performing a step in the workflow
20:34.28Utah_DaveIn the example data, one session is correct, but the other has a two people performing one of the steps
20:35.58Utah_DaveI'm not sure how to go about it.
20:41.06Utah_DaveThis is what I have so far:
20:42.13Utah_DaveThis gives me a column with the count.  I then use this part as a subquery and pull out the Session that has a COUNT greater than 1
20:42.27Utah_DaveIs there a better way to do this?
20:43.26*** join/#uphpu shiftingcontrol (~kracekuma@
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22:03.42beandogfungus, you going tonight
22:04.08fungusYeah, but I might be a bit late, like 8 or 9
22:04.58mindjuju@beandog - tonight -
22:04.58beandogare you gonna bring your ipad :D
22:05.55fungusyay, me loves pumpkins
22:07.00mindjuju@beandog - i'm glad we got that all hammered out, for a sec, i thought you might have meant this -
22:08.22mindjujunot even clapton's Wonderful tonight qualifies
22:08.26beandogyoutube needs to hurry and convert everything
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22:08.56mindjujufungus is on the tonight grove
22:09.08fungushow about this.
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22:09.25mindjujuhere is Clapton:wonderful tonight --
22:09.27mindjujulove that song
22:09.38fungusheh, i got lots.  this is fun.
22:10.44mindjujuoh man!  i should have thought of that one
22:11.03funguslol, i just search my catalog.  
22:11.14fungusanother benefit of having a catalog vs streaming.
22:11.46mindjujuoh cool!
22:12.02mindjujuDavid Bowie + Tina Turner : Tonight --
22:12.43fungusand the master... Bowie!
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22:40.55SunSparcAny Cure fans here?
22:41.38SunSparcHere is a cool cover of "Disintigration".
22:42.11influxwrote the url down in my sketchbook
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22:42.34SunSparcinflux: Did you make it a clickable link?
22:43.00influxin a second
22:43.21unumsomeone needs a linode account
22:43.38unuminflux: what software are you using to connect to irc?
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22:44.44unumare you connecting to your computer at home?
22:45.06influxNah. A friend of mine gave me access to his server, so I leave a screen session open.
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22:45.23unumso the question I have is why didn't you save the link on the server
22:45.40unumof course I think you like writing more than I
22:45.53influxI'm also sketching atm.
22:45.55influxWant to see?
22:46.02influxone sec
22:47.33influxI do like writing, actually. To be honest, I like to see my handwriting in cursive.
22:47.38herloUPHPU .... tonite!!
22:47.55influxThursday Thursday THURSDAY
22:48.03herloat BGM!
22:48.14influxAt the Bill Good Marketing office in Some Place, Utah.
22:48.18herloThere'll be Goto HA!!
22:48.24herloinflux: draper, Utah!
22:48.35herloBut wait! there's mroe
22:49.00herloshortly after the HA process completes!!  We'll head to applebees for some EATS!!
22:49.06SunSparc178: goto(179)
22:49.13SunSparc179: goto(178)
22:50.36SunSparcmindjuju: You should check out Gotye radio on Pandora.
22:51.03mindjujupandora = scary
22:51.09SunSparcYeah yeah.
22:51.22mindjujuit feasts on yuor brains and keeps you still by playing music that you love
22:51.42mindjujulike that one episode of xfiles even
22:52.33SunSparcYes... it feels so... goooood...
22:52.43SunSparcTell me what you think of this song:
22:54.08mindjujui could see it as good dinner date music
22:54.22mindjujuwhere you want something thats good, but not too distracting
22:54.49SunSparcI really dig it.
22:57.12*** join/#uphpu fungus (
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23:21.35josephscottmindjuju: ping
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23:35.48supernovia_mmm, hotwings or make baby blankets. Such a rough choice.  Is everyone just meeting at 7 at applebees?
23:35.52mindjujuhi josephscott
23:36.02josephscottmindjuju: so what is the plan for tonight?
23:36.12supernovia_oh mindjuju I was gonna as you that too -I'd heard people are just going straight to applebees
23:36.25mindjujuwell, our June pushed to July and our July pushed to August
23:36.39mindjujuso we're "meeting" on HA Goto
23:36.46mindjujuaka, applebees meeting
23:36.50supernovia_at 7?
23:36.57mindjujuwell, i'm not sure
23:37.07mindjujui'll prolly stay here until 7:30 or so
23:37.10DexterTheDragonthink most people will goto BG
23:37.15supernovia_awe!  mindjuju is the majority
23:37.19josephscottif so, put up a sign at the office telling people where to go
23:37.35mindjujui don't want to miss anybody and we could just sit and chat for a while and then go at like 8p
23:37.50supernovia_well, one of the super awesome people I'd miss anyway :)
23:37.51josephscottthat might be a better plan
23:37.56supernovia_there ya go.
23:38.00josephscottquick, send an email out and letting people know
23:38.14supernovia_alrighties. I'm gonna go make me some newborn blankets! yay!
23:38.18supernovia_see ya
23:38.34supernovia_hopefully in a few hours! :)
23:42.51mgearyanyone here done anything with animating SVG?
23:53.18*** topic/#UPHPU by mindjuju -> Meeting tonight 7pm && Applebees 8pm
23:55.24beandogjosephscott, you coming?
23:57.01*** part/#uphpu mgeary (~mgeary@
23:59.35mindjujuone of my favorite scenes from one of my favorite movies

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