IRC log for #uphpu on 20100526

00:12.47itimberI'm out... later guys
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13:31.36naveen519_why no one is responding ?
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14:06.04jsmithnaveen519_: If someone knew the answer, they'd tell you.  Also, it's a bit early to be asking, as most programmers aren't online at 8:00am :-p
14:07.01naveen519_thanks jsmith
14:09.29jsmithnaveen519_: If I had to make a wild guess, I'd say that the image was probably attached to the email
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15:33.26supernovia'morning ninnypants
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15:37.40ninnypantssupernovia: how was your weekend +2 days
15:37.51supernoviaSo far so good
15:38.18ninnypantsprety good
15:40.08supernoviaMine's almost over
15:40.26supernoviaMy kids are going to be gone from tomorrow morning through Monday :-9
15:40.54ninnypantsthat's no fun
15:40.55supernoviaI've got lots of work for Thursday and Friday but after that, oi!
15:43.53ninnypantsI take it your weekend will be boring
15:46.05supernoviaDefinitely have to find some things to do
15:46.11supernoviaI could try to clean my kids' rooms..
15:46.27supernoviabut I'm not that kind of mom
15:47.06supernoviaI think I'm going to go on a hike on Saturday
15:47.22ninnypantsthat's good they should have to clean their own rooms
15:47.35supernoviadefinitely. only they _don't_
15:49.16ninnypantsI don't know of any kid who does
15:49.22ninnypantsatleas without being told
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15:50.21ninnypantss/atleas/at least/
15:50.51supernoviawell, I tell them both all the time. One's room is tolerably messy: a 15 minute sprint would get it clean
15:50.54supernoviathe other though.. oy
15:52.07ninnypantsI know I had to kick trails through mine when I was a kid
15:54.14influxsupernovia: Man. I kinda wish I'd had a mom like you when I was growing up.
15:54.31supernoviaheh, so your room could have been messier?
15:55.04supernoviaor so you would have learned to cook by the time you were eight? :-p
15:55.06ninnypantssupernovia: nah all my stuff was already on the floor
15:55.15influxso I would have learned to cook by the time I was eight.
15:55.30influxI was always pestering my mom about the dishes when I was about 7 or 8.
15:55.36influxI wanted to help wash them but she wouldn't let me.
15:58.23influxSaid I was too young.
15:58.49influxI mean, I understand that handling knives at such a young age is a no-no, but I could have washed everything else.
15:59.19ninnypantswow my mom would have been extatic if I wanted to wash dishes
16:04.07itimbermy mother was frequently quoted as having 4 dishwashers, insinuating her 4 offspring
16:04.16supernoviaOne of my kids loves helping out. my other - not so much
16:04.31supernoviahehe yeah itimber that was totally my mom
16:04.41supernoviaalthough more often than not it was 2 dishwashers (the girls :-S)
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16:05.23ninnypantsmy kid's love helping do the dishes
16:11.24supernoviaI didn't know you had kids, ninnypants
16:13.16Utah_Davemy 2 year old helps me unload the dishwasher.  She loves it
16:13.44ninnypantsI don't really I refer to my dogs as my kids they're basically the same. You feed them, pickup after them, and teach them
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16:14.37supernoviaAh, got ya
16:14.39beandogis today wed?
16:15.16beandogman, my brain has checked out early this week ... I thought it was tues.
16:16.24ninnypantssupernovia: a guy my wife works with yelled at her for reffering to herself as a pet parent
16:16.51supernoviatime must be dragging
16:17.55supernoviawell influx, fwiw, my kids do think I'm a good mom
16:18.03supernoviaand they're good kids
16:18.27fungusmy Mom loves to tell people all about her grand-dogs
16:19.18ninnypantsfungus: nice
16:19.33Utah_DaveMy dad called our dog his grand-dog
16:19.41ninnypantswhat kind of dogs do you have?
16:19.51jsmithThat reminds me... I need to tell my dad that I have a dog
16:20.10funguswoot, we're starting a movement today.
16:20.14utahconjsmith: that is an odd realization
16:20.31fungusI have an english foxhound and a black lab
16:20.34jsmithutahcon: What can I say?!?  It was rather odd...
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16:21.19utahconjsmith: I think I was more shocked that you realized it in IRC>.. that is all
16:21.41jsmithtransparency.... transparency... transparency...
16:22.05ninnypantsfungus: not sure if I've worked with an english fox hound before
16:22.06utahconI will rest easier knowing you care about your father's knowledge of your dog ;)
16:22.09beandogjsmith, what kind  you got?
16:23.08fungusninnypants: yeah it was quite a serendipitous moment at the pound when we got him.  :)
16:23.09Utah_DaveI had a golden retriever and a little Cairn Terrier
16:23.39influxsupernovia: I'm glad that's the case. :D
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16:24.22ninnypantsUtah_Dave: I wouldn't mind a golden
16:24.39supernoviaI gotta stop feeling like a bad mom compared to the moms who do everything
16:24.41ninnypantsI'm not to big on the littler dogs
16:24.43Utah_DaveI loved that golden. Great great dog. He was part of the family
16:26.02ninnypantsUtah_Dave: what happened to him? just get old?
16:26.41Utah_DaveYeah, he got old and gray and got really sick.
16:27.23Utah_DaveHe had a huge tumor that was frequently bursting and causing him to pass out and was putting him through a lot of excruciating pain
16:28.14Utah_DaveIt was getting worse and worse. The vet said it would get worse and worse until he just rolled over and died an excruciating death.
16:28.29beandogthat's sad. :(
16:28.29Utah_DaveAnd surgery would only give him about 4 more months to live. So we had to put him down
16:28.49ninnypantsthat really sucks. I dread my dogs getting old
16:28.57Utah_DaveYeah, that was the first time my wife ever saw  me really cry hard.
16:29.09beandogMy doggie died while I was on my mission ... we had her since she was a puppy and she was like 13 or so
16:31.07Utah_Davedang, that sucks, beandog
16:31.27beandogUtah_Dave, actually, I dont think I could have taken the pain of being there, so it was probably better
16:31.30ninnypantsI haven't had a dog since I was young up until a year ago, and I never had one more than about 6 years
16:32.00Utah_Davemy golden was 14 when we had to put him down. That's pretty old for a golden
16:32.01beandogUtah_Dave, but yah, I broke down too
16:40.33SunSparcWe had a German Shepherd that found a bottle of Advil, chewed it open and ate the contents.  That killed her kidney's and we had to put her down.  So sad.
16:40.52mindjujusorry to hear that sunsparc
16:41.46SunSparcOn a lighter note, mindjuju, have you heard of E.S. Posthumus music?
16:42.06Utah_DaveToday is dog owner therapy day in #UPHPU
16:42.17SunSparcUtah_Dave: lol
16:42.20mindjujugot a link or a sample?
16:44.57mindjujuhas a nice flow to it
16:45.42SunSparcFrom what I have heard it is mostly a mix of goth and classical
16:45.55Utah_Daveamen, utahcon
16:46.19SunSparcutahcon: define: weird things
16:47.00utahconSunSparc: most notable it doesn't cause a refresh
16:47.03utahconor loss of session
16:47.07DexterTheDragonutahcon: define: oves
16:47.19utahconDexterTheDragon: define your face!
16:47.22mindjujusometimes FF will stop playing media
16:47.29SunSparcutahcon: I have not noticed that happening in FF or Safari.
16:47.31mindjujuutahcon, hilarious
16:47.38utahconmindjuju: for me FF stops all the time :(
16:47.48Utah_Daveutahcon: I like the "create application shortcuts" feature as well. I use it for pandora and grooveshark
16:48.00SunSparcutahcon: you on Windows?
16:48.04utahconSunSparc: Linux
16:48.14SunSparcutahcon: Hmmm
16:48.20utahconif Chrome had teh Firebug that Firefox has... I would leave Firefox
16:48.51mindjujui've heard that something is coming in that line, but i don't rmemeber what or where
16:50.12utahconFirebuge Lite -- Supported by Firebug Working Group
16:50.22mindjujuthat wsa unexpected!
16:54.00mindjujuCLICK AT YOUR OWN RISK!!
16:54.37beandogmindjuju, eh?
16:54.43DexterTheDragonlooks fine to me
16:54.48mindjujutoo purply
16:55.17DexterTheDragonits more a maroon
16:56.05beandogthats awesome
16:56.20beandogif you're into psych
16:56.53mindjujuDtD, you're right on the maroon
16:59.09herloutahcon: it looks ugly
16:59.23mindjujuconcur with herlo
16:59.31supernoviaheheh beandog that is interesting (and kinda funny)
17:00.15supernoviaguys it's plum
17:00.59mindjujui was just going to ask ya to take a look at it to give us a GD opinion
17:01.19mindjujuso, it's plum, i yield that point, but what do you think overall?
17:01.30supernoviaif that color were supported by some kind of imagery to make it make sense, it'd be fine
17:01.37supernoviaelse it looks a bit girly
17:02.31Utah_Davesupernovia: are you knocking the girly?!
17:02.47supernoviaFor a site like that, girly is not so good.
17:02.59DexterTheDragonit makes sense, its the same color as their linux distro
17:03.13mindjujusupernovia rocks the planet as a graphic designer, i've had her make some suggestions about some stuff i made
17:03.30supernoviaI haven't seen their linux distro and didn't know it had a color
17:03.58mindjujuyeah, i was confused about the absence of Poop Brown / Orange theme
17:04.05mindjujumissing in ubuntu 10.04
17:04.18mindjujuand then the Mac OS X background .... creepy
17:05.30supernoviaeven in the themes I use. pink goes well with nebulaes
17:06.31supernoviahehe, thanks Utah_Dave
17:06.36mindjujufungus, purple is a fine color, I likes it plenty, but supernovia already ruled it was plum
17:06.43supernoviaand utahcon :-D
17:06.58herlosupernovia: utahcon is colorblind, he doesnt count
17:07.30supernoviait's a pinky purple. also they're trying to be subtle yet busy with the background images.. as style goes, if it doesn't make sense, if it doesn't add something to the meaning.. for goodness sake, don't do it
17:07.57mindjujuhear hear!
17:08.49herlosupernovia: pinky purple == plum :)
17:08.59Utah_Daveutahcon: I doubt the book is needed.
17:09.25jsmithbeandog: (Sorry, you caught me at lunch... it's a cross between a chocolate lab and mutt)
17:09.25Utah_DaveI watched a 4 year old pick up an ipad and just start doing all kinds of stuff
17:09.36beandogjsmith, cool :)
17:09.39supernovia - middle icon = is that macaroni?
17:10.22mindjujugood catch on that, hard to tell
17:10.30Utah_Davesupernovia: I think it's a space invaders character
17:10.31supernoviathird icon = ???
17:10.32mindjujuwhat's the thing in News and Events?
17:10.39fungusyeah the canonical website is kinda lame, but is pretty
17:10.46mindjujui see a backwards F like facebook
17:10.53mindjujumaybe they are bacwards facebook?
17:13.44ninnypantsI think it's supposed to be earth
17:15.10Utah_DaveAm I the only one who thinks css, xhtml and all front end stuff is a pain in the rear?
17:15.40mindjujui like it actually, it's design that's a pain in the rear
17:15.53beandogUtah_Dave, no
17:16.06beandognow who wants to do lunch
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17:16.42DexterTheDragonbeandog: what ya going to bring me?
17:16.43mindjujulunch?  hmmm, i was thinking dinner
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17:16.56DexterTheDragonmindjuju: too early for dinner
17:16.59beandogDexterTheDragon, hmm
17:17.02beandogwho has good cookies?
17:17.04supernoviabeandog that site really is interesting..
17:17.07mindjujubut not to early for making plans for dinner
17:17.25mindjujuwe should do an impromptu dinner somewhere
17:17.45beandogla frontera is cheap
17:17.50supernoviaUtah_Dave: I <3 html / css etc.
17:18.11beandogsupernovia, apparently everyone is afriad of death
17:18.24mindjujuand facehuggers
17:18.32mindjujui've eaten there before, it's not bad
17:19.18mindjujujsmith, you're hilarious
17:19.56jsmithmindjuju: Why thank you!  That's the nicest thing anybody has said to me all day
17:20.52mindjujui guess it answers that age ole question though
17:21.03mindjujuabout if a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound
17:21.25mindjujuthe tree doesn't but the person whose shin it lands on does
17:21.31jsmithIf a tree falls in the forest, does the ground it falls on make a sound?
17:21.40supernoviadid you ever see boomhauer on the meaning of life?
17:21.40jsmithmindjuju: How bad off are you?
17:22.01mindjujunot bad, hurt like !, but not too bad, just scraped
17:22.33mindjujusupernovia, what's this about boomhauer?
17:22.37DexterTheDragonjsmith: tho if he can't gallop in a week we might have to put him down
17:23.14Utah_DaveDexterTheDragon: or put him out to pasture on the stud farm
17:24.05mindjujunow that sounds more reasonable
17:24.07jsmithDexterTheDragon: Just think... if we saw off his leg, he'll spend more time programming and less time running errands
17:24.25mindjujuhmm, thats true, this week i've rarely been at my desk
17:24.38mindjujunow bout lunch or dinner
17:24.48mindjujuwhose up for something sponteneous ?
17:24.58jsmithmindjuju: I'm in!
17:24.58ninnypantsI'd be down with doing lunch in orem
17:25.09beandogmindjuju, like whut
17:25.12supernoviame sheds a small tear - boomhauer meaning of life videos are gone
17:25.20mindjujujsmith, you bess not be going to Popeyes
17:25.21supernoviaI'd do an impromptu something
17:25.34mindjujuif we do something in the UC it's got to be dinner
17:25.35jsmithmindjuju: Have you tried their crawfish tackle box?
17:25.38supernoviabut I'm in orem
17:25.49mindjujuif we do something in the SLC, it's got to be lunch
17:25.57mindjujuat least for me
17:26.06beandogmindjuju, youre in SLC?
17:26.19jsmithmindjuju: Then why did you say "lunch or dinner"?
17:26.22mindjujui work in draper, live in Orem
17:26.42mindjujuhave a book club meeting for my Ethics and Values class, but i'm not feeling very ethical today
17:28.06supernoviaheheh mindjuju
17:28.29ninnypantsanyone in orem/provo want to do lunch then?
17:28.52supernoviaI could, ninnypants
17:29.36ninnypantssupernovia: ok cool where do you want to go?
17:29.58supernovialet me see . mind if my coworkers come too?
17:30.15ninnypantscourse not the more the marrier
17:30.32ninnypantsnot to sure about my spelling
17:30.48mindjujuwell, i think you're right though ninnypants
17:31.02mindjujuthe more people that are present, the more that get married, the more the marrier
17:31.03supernoviasomeplace with vegetarian fare is good ninnypants
17:31.14supernoviaanyone else for UC?
17:31.28beandogmindjuju, are you going somewhere?
17:31.31herlojsmith: no, it was 'lunch for dinner' :)
17:31.48ninnypantsI'm more of a meatavore so you can pick the place
17:32.06mindjujubeandog, i'm up for lunch somewhere, where do you want to go?
17:32.07ninnypantsI wouldn't know anywhere with a veg menue
17:32.30mindjujuindian food has vegie options
17:32.31supernoviawhat are you in the mood for? anything in particular ninnypants? he's good with whatever
17:32.39beandogmindjuju, oh I doubt Im going, my stomach is feeling a little odd this morning
17:32.45supernoviaindian would be good ninnypants
17:32.50fungusI can do lunch in SLC, but UC isn't gonna happen for me.
17:33.23ninnypantssupernovia: anyplace and anything is good
17:33.30supernoviayeah I wish I could come up to SLC.  You'd think since we've all got cell phones that transporter technology wouldn't be far behind, but..
17:34.11ninnypantssupernovia: there is transporter technologhy it's just large and made of metal
17:34.12supernoviawhat's good in orem? I'm a north UC girl mostly
17:34.16Utah_Davesupernovia: I think there's an app for that.
17:34.20supernoviaand it's SLOW :-S
17:35.06supernoviaanyway ninnypants I seriously don't know what's awesome in orem
17:35.21supernovia<3 wingshack & china isle & flour girls in AF..
17:35.28supernoviaSunSparc: you want to join us maybe?
17:35.38Utah_DaveOh, Lomito's on center street in Orem has AWESOME Chilean completos and churrascos
17:35.43mindjujulet's see, who else is in the UC
17:35.46ninnypantsooh there's great wall if you want chinese
17:35.51mindjujumgeary and the whole TLG is there
17:36.02SunSparc?  Geek lunch?
17:36.04mindjuju'_psychic_ is in AF i think
17:36.15_psychic_last I checked.
17:36.23DexterTheDragonmindjuju: geek lunch is friday. anything planned for that?
17:36.32mindjujuah good, I couldn't remember exactly where Rain was
17:36.50mindjujuDtD, not that I kno w of
17:36.57supernoviaYeah, SunSparc … possibly spontaneous geek lunch - what do youthink?
17:36.59SunSparcmindjuju: need the GPS coordinates?
17:37.00ninnypantssupernovia: I think there's an indian place in provo but I'm not sure
17:37.17supernoviayeah there is. If SunSparc comes meeting halfway would be good
17:37.21herloninnypants: that indian place is good, Indian Palace
17:37.24supernovialos hermanos in lindon is always tasty
17:37.28supernovianot that its indian..
17:37.32SunSparcsupernovia: I would love to.  I need approval from the finance department first though, our budget is in the red this month.
17:37.56ninnypantssupernovia: I'm on 16th so I can go north or south
17:37.58supernoviawell, we could all meet for smoothies, leftover enchiladas, and cake at my house.. lol
17:38.03ninnypants16th north that is
17:38.09Utah_DaveThe Bombay House in Provo rocks
17:38.16herloyeah, it's not open for lunch
17:38.23mindjujuyeah, the punks!
17:38.38supernoviachina isle in AF is good & cheap
17:38.39herlokinda sucks
17:38.56supernoviaagain not indian food. but I'm sure htey've got vegetarian offerings
17:39.02mindjujuoh wait
17:39.22mindjujuwhat was the name of that one thai place in Lehi that we went to that one time
17:39.39mindjujulike geek lunch like 2yrs ago
17:39.39Utah_DaveThe Thai House!!
17:39.42ninnypantssupernovia: there's the great wall up by barns & nobel which has some veg stuff
17:39.46Utah_DaveOn Main street?
17:39.49ninnypantsit's chinese
17:39.58Utah_DaveOh, wait. That's in AF
17:40.08mindjujui'm not sure where it was
17:40.18mindjujui just remember it was mac's idea
17:40.19supernoviaThai Garden on main street AF = awesome
17:42.09Utah_Davesupernovia: that's the name!
17:42.44ninnypantssupernovia: I've been wanting to try pho noodles
17:42.44supernovianinnypants: let's see whether SunSparc can come or not
17:42.50supernoviawhere's that?
17:42.53mindjujuyup that is the place supernovia / utah_Dave
17:43.08mindjujuoh wait, maybe no
17:43.17supernoviaI'm sure it was. best thai food in the area
17:45.17SunSparcsupernovia: This is for Friday lunch we are talking about?
17:45.49supernoviaI think this is just a today-impromptu-lunch kind of thing
17:45.50ninnypantsbut yeah I don't know about vegitarian stuff. does your co worker have any suggestions?
17:45.52supernoviaI think we gave up on UC geek lunches
17:45.55supernoviathat are official
17:46.22supernoviaHe says whatever.  I think china aisle would be good - lunch is about 5 bucks last time I went there for lunch
17:46.41supernoviaand it's enough I won't have to cook tomorrow night
17:46.45ninnypantswhere's that at?
17:47.19supernoviait's on 5th East in AF, so if SunSparc or _psychic_ or any other AF'ers could come that would work well since it's just off the freeway for anyone else
17:47.57supernoviawhat do ya think?
17:47.57herlosupernovia: you could do it as Geek Lunch on Friday :)
17:48.03SunSparcChina Isle?
17:48.08supernoviahave you been there SunSparc?
17:48.15supernoviaherlo I would rather try to make it to the SLC geek lunch on Friday
17:48.36supernoviaunless people could come for sure
17:48.42ninnypantssounds good to me
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17:48.52SunSparcsupernovia: No, have not been there
17:49.02mgearyHallo Leute
17:49.11herlosupernovia: there's a geek lunch on Friday?  Who's planning it?
17:49.12supernoviaIt's way nicer than Panda Express at about the same price.
17:49.21supernoviaoh someone was just saying that.. bah, I'm confused.
17:49.29supernoviathanks mgeary
17:49.36herlosupernovia: there could be one, it's a matter of someone taking initiative and makign it happen
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17:49.41herloI'd be happy to promote it
17:50.08supernoviaOK. China Isle. AF. A block or so north of Taco Bell off the 5th East exit
17:50.18supernovia(for today)
17:50.34supernoviaIf it's fine, my coworker & I aren't going to leave here until our other coworker leaves for the day
17:50.37ninnypantsok cool. what time, supernovia
17:50.42herloit's a community, Friday Geek Lunches aren't *owned* by anyone :)  I like what you are doing with the ad-hoc geek lunch, supernovia
17:50.43supernoviaprobably 1pm?
17:54.49mgearyhey, has anyone here deployed one of those web-based chat support systems?
17:55.45mgearyanyone have one they particularly like and/or can recommend?
17:56.15fungusAs a user I really like Dell's
17:57.46ninnypantsanyone know when froyo is coming to the droid?
17:57.53herlomgeary: you can probably talk to the guys at XM who recently did that, pashdown is hanging out in #utos and probably knows who implemented it there...
18:00.02unumnow that people are here, how do you guys protect against sql injection
18:00.21herlohire little bobby tables :)
18:00.37mgearyunum: use mysql_real_escape and put all values in quotes
18:00.43fungusstrictly validating all input
18:00.52unummgeary: it's that second part I was wondering about
18:01.04unumherlo: I saw that when it came out yet still never protected against it
18:01.15mgearyherlo, a custom system is probably more than what's called for here. I was just thinking of those "drop-in" chat apps that are out there
18:01.20unumI haven't been putting stuff in quotes
18:01.28mgearyyou should, imo
18:01.29herloprotectionn is the most important thing
18:01.35herlomgeary: they didn't use a custom system iirc
18:01.40mgearyherlo: ok
18:01.50herlobut I don't know if it was free or not
18:02.11unumya I just realized how horrible vulnerable I am.....
18:02.23unumwell that's not true
18:02.28unumI've know all along
18:02.34unumI just didn't think about it
18:02.59unumI'm using exec-wrapper it's very nice
18:10.23Utah_Daveninnypants: Froyo is out on Nexus One. Supposedly it's coming soon to the droid.
18:10.34fungusdoh, the missing trailing dot in a DNS record strikes again.  Will I ever learn?
18:11.12SunSparc~give fungus DJBDNS
18:11.30ibotACTION gives DJBDNS to fungus
18:11.30fungusunfortunately that doesn't fix that problem.
18:12.07SunSparcI never have that problem when I edit zones in DJBDNS
18:13.10fungusthat's because most of the time you don't use a trailing dot.
18:13.28fungusbut in some cases when it doesn't match the ORIGIN you need a trailing dot
18:13.39SunSparcRight, I never use a trailing dot.  DJBDNS syntax does not use it.
18:14.06fungusSo you have to put in FQDNs on every record?  that sucks
18:15.21SunSparcHas never really bothered me.
18:15.51SunSparcProbably just because I am used to it.
18:16.26fungusI still prefer Bind
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18:36.08olds_psychic_: wow
18:36.38oldsI'm in absolute shock
18:36.59oldsit's easy to explain it after the fact, but absolutely no one saw that coming
18:37.08oldsgrant wahl / ives said ching was a lock
18:43.23mgearyyou know what would be nice? If when you're doing a "svn up", and it found a local file of the same name, it could do a checksum and determine whether the local file was identical to the file coming down. Anyone know if that's possible?
18:49.50jsmithmgeary: You should just use git :-p
18:50.01mgearyjsmith: possibly so
18:51.09_psychic_olds: yeah love it
18:51.15_psychic_olds: crazy, eh?
18:51.19_psychic_I honestly didn't expect it.
18:51.27_psychic_Hope he uses that time wisely.
18:53.05oldsif the USA finish 1st in their group, we'll get to see them play Australia/Serbia
18:53.34oldslikely England v Australia
18:53.59oldsI'm just amazed Findley did so well in camp that Bradley didn't even play him last night
18:54.18oldsWhen I saw that Findley didn't take the field with the 2nd half subs last night
18:54.20_psychic_Yeah. I honestly had ruled him out.
18:54.29oldsI figured that he was definitely off the roster
18:55.16oldsour defense is looking pretty shaky
18:55.24oldsI'm not sure how healthy Onyewu actually is
18:56.37_psychic_He looked *horrible* last night
18:56.46_psychic_He looked like a ghost all pale and sick
18:56.54_psychic_(as much as a black dude can look white, that is)
18:56.58_psychic_I think he was in pain
18:57.14oldsand he wouldn't jump
18:57.21_psychic_No that second goal was kinda his bad
18:57.22oldshe's terrified of injuring it again
18:57.28_psychic_I would be
18:57.54oldsme too, but we need him to be jumping
18:58.21_psychic_and hulk smashing like he usually does
18:58.43oldsJune 12 is getting close
18:59.04_psychic_I think we'll make it out of the group.
18:59.16oldsit's the easiest group we've had in a while
18:59.16_psychic_I hope he plays the A-team on Saturday so we can see what we really look like.
18:59.40oldsFindley will get some time on Saturday
18:59.43oldspretty sure of it
18:59.55_psychic_That'll be telling
19:00.32oldsas long as Findley is facing goal when he gets the ball, he's good
19:00.44oldsif he has his back to goal, you might as well pass it to a brick wall
19:00.58_psychic_yeah not to strong on the ball
19:01.00_psychic_but freaking fast
19:01.03_psychic_*too strong
19:01.07oldscan't teach speed
19:01.29oldsI see him as a late sub in a game where we have a 1 or 2 goal lead
19:01.37oldsto pressure the opposing defense
19:01.42oldson the counterattack
19:02.23_psychic_That's what he's been for RSL
19:02.54oldshe has world class speed with a AYSO touch
19:03.28_psychic_He's pretty good at finishing
19:03.41_psychic_And this'll be great to settle him down and get some experience so the touch gets better
19:03.47oldsbut he can't trap the ball to save his life
19:03.54oldswhich I don't understand
19:04.30oldsFindley won't be with RSL after this season
19:05.06_psychic_Yeah maybe so
19:05.16_psychic_depends on how he does next month
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20:29.56utahcon^^ random
20:30.40Utah_DaveHey, macnewbold. Do you still use flyspray?
20:36.55SunSparcAnyone here use Cufon much?
20:38.10fungusApple overtakes Microsoft in company value.
20:40.12itimberwe do at Axis41
20:40.20itimber(use cufon)
20:40.24itimberwhat's up?
20:41.38SunSparcitimber: I am a bit baffled.  I have a site that I added cufon to.  The code is in SVN.  The cufón works perfectly on my local machine, so I put it on the dev server, works great.  I put it on the live server, and it is as if cufón is not there.
20:42.41SunSparcFor example, see the heading,
20:42.53SunSparcUpcoming Trip: etc
20:42.55SunSparcOn this page
20:43.06SunSparcHere is the live site:
20:43.32SunSparcSame code.
20:44.26SunSparcAs I understand it, Cufon is all client side run.
20:45.02SunSparcSo I would not think server configs would have anything to do with it.
20:45.47itimberbut check out the setup
20:45.53itimberyou define a web domain
20:46.10itimberyou may have to regenerate for the live server
20:46.18itimberother than that, I'm not sure....
20:46.21SunSparcHmmm, that sounds familiar...
20:46.22itimberthe code looks solid
20:48.30SunSparcitimber: That was it.  If I add www. to the front of the live domain it works.
20:48.52itimberglad it worked
20:55.43utahconmmm... LinuxCon
20:56.40SunSparcutahcon: What kind of sponsor?
20:57.40influxcitizenship sponsor?
20:58.36utahconSunSparc: Send me to LinuxCon sponsor.
20:58.50utahconThe cheapest I figure the trip would be is about $1500 :(
20:59.07utahconmaybe next year
21:00.14Utah_Daveutahcon: Tattoo "SunSparc" on your forehead and I'm sure he'll pay your way!
21:00.55SunSparc$1500 is slightly above my current marketing budget.
21:03.08utahconHell I'd be willing to wear a Microsoft shirt to LinuxCon if someone paid the way :D
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21:28.27Utah_DaveLater, everyone!
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21:52.33mindjujufungus, you around?
21:52.46fungusyup, and rounder by the day.
21:53.19mindjujuso come Sept, we're goign to be working on getting our SAS 70 type 2
21:53.34mindjujudo dyou have any info on this or know where i can find out what they'll be testing us on?
21:54.29fungusno clue here.
21:54.41fungusi've never had to do anything like that.
21:54.42mindjujudarn, i thought with SOS, you might
21:54.54mindjujuanybody here do SAS?
21:55.13fungusSOS is a private company.  Our requirements are quite lax
21:55.18utahconmindjuju: which SAS?
21:55.45mindjujuSAS 70 type 2
21:56.38utahconeeww.w.. desc online looks like it sucks
21:57.41mindjujuyeah, from what i read so far, it sounds likea colonoscopy for 6 months minimum
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