IRC log for #uphpu on 20100421

00:07.53itimberI'm out... later guys
00:57.43*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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02:14.48*** join/#uphpu beandog (~sdibb@gentoo/developer/beandog)
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02:18.03beandogaye la la
02:18.05beandogwho wants to go see a movie
02:18.20beandogmaybe I should go rent something
02:18.30beandogprobalby too late to blast the windows out though
02:18.37beandogmeh -_-
02:19.26jsmithI think he's busy working on a click to call problem :-)
02:19.55beandogclick to call?
02:20.17jsmithForm on a website where you enter your phone number and click "Have an agent call me".
02:20.35jsmithPHP talks to Asterisk, Asterisk calls an agent, the agent answers the phone, and then calls the client.
02:20.38beandogLike AOL tech support?
02:20.47jsmith"Don't call us.  We'll call you!"
02:25.26jsmith801-231-7154... just for you
02:26.17jsmithIn fact, I dare you to call me at that number!
02:27.37jsmithC'mon... it's a funny message just for you!
02:42.08*** join/#uphpu blendmaster1024 (~blendmast@unaffiliated/blendmaster1024)
03:35.08*** join/#uphpu carmony (
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03:54.28*** join/#uphpu cro (
05:22.51ender|hanyone know how to convert scientific notation to normal decimal notation im mysql?
05:30.54ender|hnvrmnd ... got it
07:09.42*** join/#uphpu mgeary (~mgeary@
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08:46.00*** join/#uphpu TuxToaster (
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14:12.51utahconI really wanted to call this "Apple is UnAmerican" ::
14:15.21*** join/#uphpu SunSparc (
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14:30.05*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ (
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14:37.55*** join/#uphpu beandog (~steve@gentoo/developer/beandog)
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14:38.38*** join/#uphpu ninnypants (~Rick@
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14:43.53macnewbolddid you guys see this?
14:44.09macnewboldthree cheers for paperless
14:56.49*** join/#uphpu itimber (~itimber@
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15:05.15*** join/#uphpu fungus (
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15:07.14utahconI so badly want to write a better software for my bank to use
15:08.57ninnypantswhat bank Zions?
15:10.14macnewboldi've thought the same thing many times
15:13.42*** join/#uphpu eggyknap (
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15:14.37ninnypantsI hate facebook more and more every time one of their policies change
15:15.31utahconninnypants: Jordan Credit Union
15:15.43utahconI love the CU, hate the website
15:19.21ninnypantszions is that way for me
15:19.34ninnypantsthe way they handle a lot of things seems backwards
15:23.45*** join/#uphpu josephscott (~josephsco@
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15:24.44*** join/#uphpu carmony (
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15:26.18beandogmy gosh
15:26.25beandogthese centrum pills are huge
15:26.34macnewboldcentrum is for horses
15:31.45ninnypantsI wish I had 15 grand to drop on a watch
15:34.20ninnypantsI think that's the only watch that has made me want to wear one
15:40.18*** join/#uphpu mgeary (~mgeary@
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15:50.45funguswow, that watch is really cool.
15:52.24fungusbut for 15k, I think I'll keep my caller-ID watch
16:02.01beandogfungus, your watch is awesome
16:02.28fungusnot as awesome as the 15k watch though.
16:13.34*** join/#uphpu redroy (
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16:53.07beandogHoly crap
16:53.14beandogI just counted how many movies I've seen on Netflix
16:53.48beandoglike, 5x more than I thought it was.
16:54.03romanovicOnline movies or dvd by mail? or both?
16:54.21ninnypantsI thought you were going to mention UVU's big bro software getting hacked
16:57.33beandogbig bro software?
16:57.57ninnypantssomething to do with their networks
16:58.42ninnypantsone of my buddies who works there said everyone running windows just had to shut down and just go home
17:00.25beandogonce again, it doesnt pay to use linux.
17:02.24ninnypantsgot it after I asked
17:07.22*** join/#uphpu romanovic (
17:13.04mindjujuhey, i think a computer on our network at work is compromised, want to see ALL outbound traffic it makes
17:13.13mindjujuanybody have a program they'd recommedn for doing that
17:14.32unumwhich there is a meeting about tonight
17:14.35mindjujuwireshark replaced ethereal didn't it
17:14.42unumI forgot I really wanted to attend that
17:15.04unumetherape might help as well
17:15.11mindjujucool, there are some tuts too
17:17.18mindjujuthis is REALLY cool, thx unum
17:21.07herlomindjuju: btw, they are doing a wireshark and tcp dump presentation with real wifi and switches tonight at SLLUG :)
17:32.31beandoggonna sniff yer packets.
17:32.56herloyup :)
17:45.25mgearyhey, a while back someone here gave me a SQL file of all US zipcodes. I've managed to lose that, does anyone have one they wanna share?
17:47.13optikalNot quite but should suffice.
17:56.59mgearyi wonder how much zipcodes would have changed in the last 5 years
17:57.06mgearymy bad, that's SQL2005
18:09.11mindjujumgeary, it's a plain ole csv file
18:09.23mindjujuhe gives instructions on how to import into ms sql 2k5
18:09.28mindjujubut the csv is just a csv
18:10.56mgearyi'm all set
18:10.59mgearythanks, optikal
18:30.05DexterTheDragonoooooh first SDO images are awesome
18:30.15DexterTheDragon^ SunSparc
18:33.32*** join/#uphpu beandog (~steve@gentoo/developer/beandog)
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18:34.43mindjujuthis video is amazing -,235668
18:34.45mindjujuand funny
18:48.03beandogmindjuju, did you get yer DVR stuff figgered out
18:49.21mindjujunot yet
18:49.49mindjujudid you see that link i posted?
18:49.51mindjujuway cool
18:50.01beandogsports, meh
18:50.23mindjujuyeah, i'm not a big sports fan either, but ...
18:50.25mindjujuway cool
18:50.44mindjujuwas going to wiki, but decided not to
18:53.30beandogits looking dark and dangerous outside
18:55.37macnewbold~wiki pinch hitter
18:56.53mindjujuis never what?
18:57.00macnewboldclick the link...
18:57.03SunSparcDexterTheDragon: They had to start the images right when I stepped into a meeting.  I was hoping to watch live.
18:57.05macnewboldno rickroll, i promis
18:57.34DexterTheDragonSunSparc: they were cool
19:00.59*** join/#uphpu mastergunns1 (
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19:10.43mindjujuthe clouds beandog saw finally made it here, and now its raining
19:11.13ninnypantsjust stopped raining on 16th in orem
19:12.39mindjujuwow, its ahailing here pea size
19:12.49mindjujuwell, prolly twice that diameter
19:15.50*** join/#uphpu mastergunns (
19:20.52SunSparcDexterTheDragon: I just looked at some.  So awesome.  Did you ever get into SOHO images?
19:24.09SunSparcDexterTheDragon: I used to love looking at those.  So fascinating.  These have so much more depth and richness.
19:33.43beandogyah it was hailing here
19:33.45beandogI got soaked
19:39.39macnewboldyeah, the ventilation ducts for my office are exposed on the roof, so whenever it rains or the pigeons start dancing on them, I get all sorts of noise
19:39.48macnewboldwe covered them with some 1" insulation which helped a ton
19:39.57macnewboldso now it's mostly a dull roar
19:40.08macnewboldbut hail and rain make it so i can hardly use the phone
19:41.02beandogpigeons start dancing? lols
19:41.58macnewboldwhen teh catz r away, teh pigeons goez dancing
19:42.34macnewboldcause everyone knows, when teh catz no can haz chezburgr, teh catz can haz pigeons
19:46.47*** join/#uphpu redroy (
19:47.58beandoghoo boy
19:51.27*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ (
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19:54.37beandogOkay *that* is awesome
19:57.17*** join/#uphpu romanovic (~a61460f8@gateway/web/freenode/x-notjoqrlsdozfagr)
20:09.15macnewboldlittle digg favor if you can:  - thanks in advance
20:09.28macnewboldtrying to hit 50 today
20:09.37macnewboldso that we're on the home page for earth day tomorrow
20:42.41beandogcrazy day.
20:47.30mindjujuwhen cranky, get a wendy's frosty; when V cranky, get a stone cold creamery
20:49.35*** join/#uphpu mgeary (~mgeary@
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21:56.26eggyknapherlo: ping
22:00.22herloeggyknap: hi
22:06.58*** join/#uphpu mastergunns (
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22:41.35TuxToasteranyone use mysql_proxy?
23:22.05*** join/#uphpu pelaofeliz (~PelaoFeli@
23:38.32*** part/#uphpu mgeary (~mgeary@
23:59.22*** join/#uphpu redroy (

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