IRC log for #uphpu on 20100416

00:00.11fungusperhaps itimber will work out a trade agreement for services.  :)
00:00.54itimberI did... that's mine
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00:01.22beandogfungus, how is it sexist?
00:02.09fungusdudes in the front, chicks in the back
00:02.19beandogah, crap, I just remembered something.
00:02.29beandogI cant eat a burger tonight.
00:02.56fungusdon't worry, they got veg friendly stuff.  :)
00:03.43beandogdo they have hummus salads?
00:03.51fungussalads yes, hummus no.  sadly.
00:04.49itimbertitle tag, I'm on it
00:04.55itimberanything else?
00:05.00beandogitimber, all the pgaes need one
00:05.04beandogitimber, broken link, sec
00:05.31beandogitimber, UT link no workie
00:05.33itimberyou guys feel that earthquake?
00:05.50beandogHmm, neither does TX
00:05.57beandogthe 2nd one I tried, doh
00:06.18itimberhmmm... they must have changed those.... I'm jumping to the State and County websites
00:06.23itimberI'll check them
00:06.23fungusYes.  whole building shook
00:06.30beandogwhere are you guys
00:06.55itimber48th Market Street
00:07.07itimberI've got to run though... catch ya'll tomorrow
00:07.11fungusWVC by e center
00:07.23beandogIm in Taylorsville
00:07.26beandogdin't feel a thing
00:07.49fungusI probably wouldn't feel it if I wasn't on the 4th floor
00:07.58beandogyah Im halfway in the ground
00:07.58fungusjust light building swaying
00:08.10beandogRedwood is like half a floor above me at least.
00:08.29beandogdo it again!
00:08.38funguslol, it's kinda creepy
00:09.27beandogyah, not a thing moved
00:09.33beandogI even had my phone propped up on its side
00:09.44beandogthat thing would have fallen at the slightest shake.
00:10.34beandogheh, check twitter
00:10.41beandogmost of them are all like, "was that an earthquake?"
00:12.35*** part/#uphpu mgeary (~mgeary@
00:12.46beandogI imagine that as a society we're in deep trouble.  If any life threatening event happens, we're more likely to update our twitter status than run for our lives.
00:13.00beandog"serial killer chasing me w/knife, brb. lulz"
00:14.31TuxToasternot seeing anything on the quake on USGS
00:14.34fungusthat was just a few days ago too
00:14.46TuxToasterbut looks like a couple of 3.x-ish ones have hit the last couple of days
00:15.58beandogthat is a great comic
00:19.19beandogIf the world's coming to an end, does that mean I don't have to pay taxes?
00:20.21TuxToasterAha, hasn't been reviewed yet
00:20.27TuxToasterthat's probably why it wasn't showing up
00:20.31TuxToasterbut still. 5.0.
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01:48.33herlopita's and hummus !! :)
01:48.40herloooh, and carrots too
01:53.37fungusawesome stuff, thx herlo
01:55.56herlofungus: nw, glad you enjoyed it :)
02:26.09carmony~lart herlo
02:26.09ibotDoSes herlo
02:26.26herlo.praise carmony for being a dork
02:26.38herlo.praise carmony for being a dork
02:28.55carmony.praise herlo
02:29.54herloahh, thanks carmony :)
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16:15.36*** topic/#UPHPU is Meeting 7pm April 15 – Anatomy of a PHP Request – Joseph Scott && PHP Fundamentals with Justin Carmony | Utah PHP Users Group |
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16:29.46DexterTheDragoniTunes banned from Windows
16:31.06mgearypsh. it would have been more convincing if they hadn't used Bill Gates' name. I don't think he does much with M$ these days...
16:50.53*** join/#uphpu cro (
16:59.57orsonj  <-- UF pretty good today
17:00.41orsonjI never understood that kind of music till now.
17:05.55mgeary~abba orsonj
17:16.45mgearydang. i could really use a German bakery right about now
17:17.36*** join/#uphpu cro (
17:45.19Utah_DaveI really wanted to go to UPHPU last night. How was it?
17:57.15wpsit was crazy!
17:57.53wpspina coladas and dancers
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17:58.03wpsdefinitely the best one thus far
17:58.30wpssorry, Utah_Dave; I couldn't resist
17:58.41mgearyit was great until mindjuju had one too many piña coladas and took off his shirt and danced on the table
17:58.41wpsI don't know how it was… I wasn't there
17:58.51wpsthus the reason I wasn't there
18:04.36supernoviaapplebees was fun last night (as usual) but we had a fairly small group
18:05.01mindjujuhow long did ya'll stay?
18:05.08carmony_I left at 11:30
18:05.13mindjujuseems like the revelers are al still asleep
18:05.18carmony_got home at 12:20 :P
18:05.20supernoviaJust after midnight
18:05.34supernoviaGood times were had
18:05.46DexterTheDragonwe left about 12:30
18:05.55supernoviayeah, not super late
18:06.12mindjujui think the best part was the ole DtD license
18:06.17mindjujuyou looked way different
18:06.19supernoviaheheh or mindjuju's hair!
18:06.31supernoviaIt's just the lack of facial hair.
18:06.39mindjujumaybe that's what it was
18:06.51DexterTheDragonand the inclusion of hair on my head
18:11.07mindjujuyeah, i got tons to do today :(
18:12.55supernoviaI need to go get some uvu letterhead with my name on it and blah blah blah so I can get the flex license -- my trial is running out and I'm not done w. my projects yet
18:15.40supernoviayeah they want letterhead
18:15.57supernoviawell, for the student option anyway...
18:16.03supernoviasince my uvu ID doesn't have a date on it
18:16.40DexterTheDragonjust do the unemployed option
18:17.46supernovia"I am not employed and not otherwise paid to develop software applications or web pages"
18:18.05supernoviaI'm certainly not paid to do flash/flex for web pages...
18:18.16supernoviabut I am employed ya know?
18:18.54DexterTheDragonyeah just seems an easier way to get it than the education option
18:19.17supernoviaLet me go see if student services will just give me some letterhead
18:19.54supernoviascanning it in though.. what a pain :-p
18:20.06influxYou look like MC Hammer on [     ], Humpty!
18:35.57supernoviaso if someone asks for your previous income on a job application, do you fill it in?
18:44.27ninnypantsI wouldn't atleast. It's not their business
18:52.57unumit depends
18:53.35unumit helps them decide how much to offer you
18:53.52unumso it depends on if you want them to use your current salary as a starting point
18:54.21unumif you're making $80,000 and they only want to pay $70,000 they'll probably just skip over your application
19:11.16*** join/#uphpu supernovia (~velda@
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19:26.43Jacob_KerrHey guys I am using FreeBSD and I'm trying to find the backups for our MySQL server but can not get ahold of our server admin right now and need it ASAP :(. I looked in /var/backups/ and it's not there anyone know a good search or another typical spot a backup maybe? I think we use SnapShot to back it all up...
19:27.29herloJacob_Kerr: consider using find
19:27.53Jacob_KerrYeah me and my co-worker are.
19:28.36Jacob_Kerrrunning like 3 searches :). Hope we can find it that way :)
19:28.43herloprobably something with -iname '*mysql*' in it
19:28.57Jacob_KerrK thanks man I will run that search now.
19:29.09Jacob_KerrWhat about locate is that faster?
19:30.32Jacob_KerrHeh I think I just found it with that find :)
19:30.35Jacob_KerrThanks man.
19:30.38herlolocate may be faster, but isn't updated as often
19:31.02herlofind does a search based upon what is on your system right now, locate uses a database that must be updated regularly
19:31.08herloJacob_Kerr: glad to hear it
19:36.41mgearybut locate uses a database, and find does a scan, so it's much slower
19:37.20fungusmost systems are automatically setup to update the locate database daily
19:41.50supernovianinnypants, thanks - lost my connection before I saw your response.
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19:54.20mgearybeandog: you should get that looked at
20:03.53beandogOkay, now thats odd
20:04.02beandog"Try Internet Explorer 8 Optimized for"?
20:04.38mgearyfungus: ...?
20:04.53beandogmgeary, I was playing it last night on his ipad
20:05.03beandogI miss it already
20:05.05mgearyah. heh
20:05.47beandogif you'd come to the meetings, you'd know all about that
20:06.05beandogand you'd have seen mindjuju's awesome yearbook photo
20:06.08beandog~shame mgeary
20:06.09ibotShame on you mgeary!
20:07.01supernoviahehe, beandog, remember when my brother said something along the lines of "we're too professional for that"
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20:07.58supernoviaI was laughing about that the other day. People like that sure miss out :-p
20:08.02beandogmgeary, we had a fun after hours meet last night. :)  you weres missed.
20:08.11beandogsupernovia, I dont remember that?
20:08.44supernoviait's good if you don't, I think anyoen who heard it almost shot soda out theri noses trying not to laugh
20:08.52supernoviait was when he was blathering on about how awesome oracle is :-p
20:09.05beandogoh that brother
20:09.20beandogI assumed you meant Isaac
20:09.25supernoviaAh no, Isaac is cool.
20:10.43supernoviabut yeah we were talking about how awesome UPHPU is and he said oracle devs would never do "after parties"
20:11.29ninnypantsthat's because they're squares
20:12.47supernoviahehe when he said it's because they're "too professional" it was pretty hilarious (more so because he was serious)
20:14.25beandogsupernovia, oh yah
20:14.29beandogI kinda remember that.
20:14.38supernoviahehe probably had to block that one out
20:16.03ninnypantssupernovia: is he just one of those people who take themselves to seriously?
20:16.16supernoviaYou could say that. heh
20:17.16supernoviaHe did back pedal a bit though and said that maybe it's a bad thing, being unwilling (more like unable) to relax a bit :-p  but yeah. anyway.
20:17.40beandogman I dont remember any of that.
20:17.53supernoviahehe, that's okay beandog
20:18.13beandogI do remember he wouldnt stop talking about Oracle after I dropped a few hints that I had absolutely zero interest in it.
20:18.19supernoviaheheh yeah
20:18.22beandogbut thats okay
20:18.25beandogNo worries
20:18.43supernoviayeah it's okay.  We were just laughing about it the other day so that's probably why it's fresh on my mind
20:19.09supernoviathat, and the awesomeness at UPHPU last night. seriously, ppl who miss that are missing out :-p
20:19.52mindjujupresos were great!
20:20.01ninnypantsI haven't been to a meeting yet. I'm disappointed in me
20:20.11supernoviayeah! nice job carmony_  & josephscott
20:20.31beandogmy salad was good.
20:20.35mindjuju~karma josephscott
20:20.35ibotjosephscott has karma of 4
20:21.21mindjujuoh cool, at karma level four you get to work in your youth at an ISP and memorize all kinds of AT commands
20:21.24josephscott:-) thanks
20:21.36josephscottmindjuju: haha!
20:22.20mindjujusadly, i only remember 1 AT command
20:22.24josephscottI used to be able to tell what speed the modem was connecting at by listening the negotiation noise
20:22.48mindjujulove modem handshaking
20:22.51supernoviaheheh yeah me too josephscott ... those were the days
20:22.57beandogoh man I miss BBS's
20:23.03supernoviamy kids sometimes ask me to talk like a modem
20:23.03beandogI have an actual license to LoRD
20:23.41mindjujuwe had license to tradewars
20:23.55ninnypantsI hardly even remember dialup
20:23.56mindjujucan't remember the name of the BBS we were going to run, but it didn't get far
20:24.08mindjujuInfinityVoid is what we were going to call it
20:24.10mindjujusomething like that
20:24.17josephscottansi art
20:24.22beandogI remember how easy it was to pirate games
20:24.28beandogman, that was way back in like 1984.
20:24.53mindjujuhey man, pirates singlehandly made the 3 1/2 inch floppy market
20:25.09mindjujuthey made disks for US
20:25.10beandogI had an old 8086 XT
20:25.15beandogthat just had a 5 1/4 drive.
20:25.23beandogI used to play Bard's Tale on that
20:25.29beandogand would have to switch floppies sometimes.
20:25.36supernoviaheheh those were good times
20:25.43beandogI wish I still had that computer.
20:25.44mindjujudon't go up against josephscott on reminese thoguh, he's got us all
20:25.54mindjujuhe used to do modems with the audio coupler
20:26.06mindjujui started at 1200 baud, so he's old skool past me
20:26.21beandogI never got higher than 2400b
20:26.21josephscottdude, acoustic couplers were awesome!
20:26.33mindjujuyou know what's weird though
20:26.41supernoviayeah unfortunately I was going through a  little non-geek phase when modems first started to take off ;-/
20:26.48mindjujui was remembering the other day, when zmodem came out and being all excited
20:27.25beandogI remember running a TMNT fan club on Prodigy
20:27.28mindjujuseems like it was error correction AND speed
20:27.43mindjujuprodigy!  that's oldskool!
20:27.45beandogoh man, them were the days.
20:27.56beandogdid anyone else ever play on The Sierra Network?
20:27.59mindjujui love tmnt!
20:28.05beandogThe Internet, has so far, failed to produce something as cool as TSN *ever* was.
20:28.25mindjujui promise, i still have my Introducing Donatello card in my wallet, to this day!
20:28.27beandogmindjuju, oh yah, I used to make movies too
20:28.32supernoviaTMNT fan club beandog? that's so awesome, lol
20:28.38beandogI need to rip that thing.  I still hvae the VHS tape.
20:28.46mindjujuDonatello style debate briefs were the rage at my high school
20:30.33beandoggood ole days
20:30.43supernoviayeah they were.
20:31.13mindjuju@beandog -
20:31.17supernoviad'oh, outta batteries. waiting for my lab to open so I can... draw some gears.
20:31.27beandogoh boy.
20:31.28supernoviaand more house plans stuff. yay.
20:31.49beandogI hate this movie
20:32.07supernoviasee ya guys :)
20:32.12beandogThe first one was the best
20:32.19beandogthe animated movie is pretty awesome too
20:32.21mindjujunever saw the third
20:32.26beandogWe should watch it at GMN
20:32.27mindjujusaw that one, animated
20:32.38beandogIts spanky on bluray
20:32.49josephscottoh man, the ice is back
20:33.34beandogthats when you start microwaving chili dogs to get even.
20:34.42ninnypantscouldn't I was a lifeguard. we weren't allowed to have food on our shifts
20:35.15beandogmindjuju, thats not NEARLY as bad
20:35.17josephscottadvice from ice -
20:35.56mindjujuthat's awesome josephscott
20:36.31mindjuju@beandog -
20:37.23beandog"now lets go back to my place"
20:37.30beandogthe alt voiceover was a nice touch
20:37.35beandogthat one was karmalicious
20:38.35mindjujuoh man, this one is hilarious
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20:40.46beandogeven your parent's prescription drugs
20:41.01mindjujuouch, hard to breath laughing to hard
20:59.32influx~lart ebr1
20:59.32iboteats ebr1 and falls over dead
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21:16.15ninnypantsare there vid archives of the UPHPU meetings?
21:29.34ninnypantsherlo: what projects are going to be at hackUTOS
21:47.22beandogTurbo Teen – On the surface, this ain’t so bad – a kid can turn into a car! Screw riding the bus, Mom, I’m going to turn myself into a car and not even go to school, because I’m a car!
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21:53.08beandogoh man I needed that.
21:53.54beandogfriday afternoon links++
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22:00.12DexterTheDragonbeandog: lol
22:00.40beandogoh man, these are all great
22:03.10beandogcant ... stop
22:04.57beandogtested on: sister
22:07.04beandogoh man, I gotta stop
22:07.07beandogthese are all great
22:16.19carmonyanyone got any suggestions for good places to eat around the gateway
22:16.38DexterTheDragonthe food court
22:19.16jtsnowthaifoon is pretty tasty
22:20.13mgearyi have yet to find any good, reasonably quick, food around The Gateway
22:20.29mgearyi had a Panda Express experience there that guarantees I will never eat at Panda Express ever again
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22:36.57beandogcarmony, lots of good places
22:36.59beandogI like z tejas
22:37.17carmonyme too
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