IRC log for #uphpu on 20100331

00:44.09*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ (
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01:24.27*** join/#uphpu bobthecow (~bobthecow@unaffiliated/bobthecow)
01:44.01*** join/#uphpu Benjam (~Benjam@
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03:57.42supernoviaoh hey Carmony - are you around?
04:09.42*** join/#uphpu mastergunns (
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14:21.25*** join/#uphpu mastergunns (
14:28.42*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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15:55.19*** part/#uphpu mastergunns (
15:57.47*** join/#uphpu cro1 (
16:01.03mindjujuhi cro
16:01.16mindjujuwhy not try
16:01.19Guest3053fighting with my nick
16:01.27mindjujutry doing this
16:01.58mindjujuit won't let me do typ e it in
16:02.15mindjujuk, type a slash /
16:02.23mindjujuno space followed by the word nick
16:02.27mindjujuthen the word cro
16:02.35*** join/#uphpu itimber (~itimber@
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16:02.43Guest3053it's in use, not sure why
16:02.49Guest3053trying to reclaim it
16:02.55mindjujuprolly your ghost
16:03.38mindjujuhow is hopekids going?
16:03.40croyeah, someone tried to steal my nick :-)
16:03.57itimbermorning guys
16:03.59cronot bad, funding always an issue.  We're having a big event May 22, dinner/auction thing
16:04.09crolots of new kids though, we are up to 226 now
16:04.38croone of our fundraiser committee members called someone at BGM to sponsor—I didn't catch her in time or I would have called you myself
16:04.40mindjujuthat's awesome!
16:06.50mindjujuBGM is hanging in there, but pinching pennies hard.  I hope you got some funds though!
16:07.04mindjujuin better years, they were pretty generous
16:07.19croThey said "no", but that's OK.  I have high hopes that we're starting to see some kind of recovery.
16:08.27wpsthebigdog: "like wade said"
16:08.46wpswhere is that crazy canine?
16:18.10*** join/#uphpu ubofh (
16:22.07ninnypantswhat's hopekids?
16:25.37cycokilrseriously? you can't find out from google?
16:28.55*** join/#uphpu romanovic (
16:34.38wpsquote of the day:
16:34.38wps"if you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague."
16:55.11mgearywhat's the point of an IRC forum if you're going to send people off to google at every opportunity?
16:55.16DexterTheDragon~karma uphpu
16:55.16ibotuphpu has karma of 6
16:55.41*** join/#uphpu blendmaster1024 (~blendmast@unaffiliated/blendmaster1024)
16:56.28mgearyevery question's answer is presumably obvious to at least *some*body
17:02.42wpsthe let-me-google-that-for-you link was pasted as a joke, following cycokilr said
17:02.47wpsand I assumed he was just kidding as well
17:03.05mgearyyeah, but i think it still has a chilling effect
17:03.39cycokilri wasn't kidding.. we're all computer folk in here.. that was a silly question..
17:03.44mgearymaybe i'm just over-sensitive, but it really ticks me off when i go in to a new irc room to ask a question, and get blasted with people telling me to go read some doc or perform some search
17:04.14wpsI agree, mgeary
17:04.29influxcycokilr: Sometimes it takes less time for someone to just type a response than to sift through results.
17:04.29cycokilrwhy do we have to baby people when they ask silly, off room topic questions?
17:04.39wpsmost instance you reference aren't kidding however
17:04.50wpsmost of us in here are very familiar with each other and the usual banter
17:05.12mgearycycokilr: you don't have to, but then why say anything? why get in someone's face about it?
17:05.14DexterTheDragonit wasn't really a silly question when the guy who runs it is in the channel
17:05.50cycokilrdo what you want
17:05.59influxcycokilr: Whatever. Whatever.
17:06.05Utah_Davecycokilr: I don't think asking for a description from someone who is here about it is in any way a problem.
17:06.30cycokilrgood for you
17:06.35cycokilrwe think differently
17:06.39cycokilri'm done
17:07.15*** join/#uphpu undertakingyou (
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17:07.28mgearyundertakingyou: READ THE !@$@$% MANUAL, DANG YOU!!!
17:08.11undertakingyoumgeary: ok, sorry to bother you ;P
17:08.13wpsI think the weather has turned mgeary into a monster
17:08.19ibotACTION hugs everbody and makes it all better...
17:11.58*** join/#uphpu supernovia (~velda@
17:13.59influxNot really though.
17:28.24*** join/#uphpu wps (~wps@
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18:30.07*** join/#uphpu supernovia (~velda@
18:38.20*** join/#uphpu carmony_ (
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18:39.57carmony_darn power is going out
18:54.44carmonysupernovia: hey, I'm here now :P
18:55.21carmonyis there a way I can log the output of a telnet session?
18:56.13romanoviccarmony, where are you having power outages?
18:56.23carmonyromanovic: Ogden
18:57.08romanovicyesterday the wind blew over some power lines near California Ave in SLC where I work, we all got the day off
18:59.09supernoviaI'm going to PM you carmony - got a q :)
19:00.58carmonysupernovia: ok
19:02.22supernoviaoh I thought I sent it. weird.
19:02.43*** join/#uphpu ninnypants (~Rick@
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19:04.22_psychic_seems like it might be a decent deal
19:05.11mindjujuDtD, you around?
19:05.16*** join/#uphpu beandog (~steve@gentoo/developer/beandog)
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19:05.24DexterTheDragonsup mindjuju
19:05.52mindjujuyou've played portal, HL and stuff haven't you?
19:06.07DexterTheDragonof course
19:06.20mindjujuwatch this vid
19:06.31mindjujulike 20 seconds into it, you'll see a poster of robots
19:06.38mindjujuthey are robots with GLADos eyes
19:06.47beandoganyone know a windows gui to edit bootloader options
19:06.58mindjujubye supernovia
19:13.56DexterTheDragonmindjuju: still no HL:EP3
19:14.34mindjujui know
19:14.52mindjujuthere is this though
19:16.51*** join/#uphpu mastergunns (
19:22.57romanovic:why is HL:EP3 taking so long
19:24.08mindjujuwho knows, but i'm getting disgruntled
19:24.48DexterTheDragoncause they're getting buckets of money from L4D
19:25.04mindjujustill haven't played that yet
19:25.06mindjujuno time
19:25.43romanovicubofh is broke
19:26.14*** join/#uphpu ubofh (
19:26.26romanovic:why did ubofh break
19:26.27ubofhCD-ROM server needs recalibration
19:30.13beandogthere has got to be a gui  for editing xp bootloader entries
19:32.25unumnotepad doesn't work for you ;)
19:38.07beandogis bread supposed to be crunchy?
19:38.21mindjujucrusty bread has a crunch
19:38.29mindjujufrench bread has a crisp
19:38.42mindjujureally depneds on the bread
19:38.46DexterTheDragoncrunchy bread is crunchy
19:39.08mindjujuyeah, but it could be white bread he is talking about that has beome stale, and thus crunchy
19:42.03beandogwhite bread is of the devil
19:44.24mindjujuworks good though for roach replenent
19:45.02_psychic_There's a strong correlation between white bread eaters and crime rates.
19:45.25beandog~curse windows
19:45.26ibotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, windows !
19:45.39beandogmindjuju, what if I want to welcome roachdom
19:45.45mindjujureally?  (on the white bread comment)
19:46.16mindjujubeandog, if you like on the roaches, then leave food on the floor, well, though seems like nigh impossible to have roaches here in utah
19:46.19mindjujutoo cold i guess
19:47.47romanovici have seen them in downtown slc
19:48.15romanovicbut nowhere else
19:48.25mindjujuutah seem s to be land of spiders
19:48.33beandogand ants
19:48.41mindjujupsh, wimpy ants
19:48.46mindjujuno fireants here
19:49.06beandogdon't psh ants
19:49.26mindjujuutah ants = wimpy
19:49.41mindjujured ants = Kick your butt ouch, pain, possible amputation ants
19:49.48mindjujuerr, fire ants i mean
19:49.55beandogI remember those.
19:50.05beandogutah does have it pretty  nice
19:50.21beandogof course, here you have to worry about deer
19:50.38mindjujuexcept for the snow, smog, inversion, lack of trees, smug jerks, passive aggressive drivers
19:50.42beandogand psycho hawties
19:53.08beandoglook out! she's hawt!
19:54.38mindjujui wonder if its possible to sort DESC on one field, Sort ASC in another field, and DESC in a third
19:54.53mindjujunot that i need to, just the sql server is running so well, don't want it to get lazy
19:55.02beandogORDER BY foo DESC, bar ASC, baz DESC
19:55.27mindjujui'm going to start to give my servers pointless jobs to calculate
19:55.31mindjujuthey have it too easy
19:55.39beandogput gentoo on there
19:55.54mindjujuso if i understand things
19:55.59romanovic~kill IIS
19:56.00ibotACTION shoots a hyper-charged pseudopositrino gun at IIS
19:56.07mindjujugentoo is the dad of debian is the dad of ubuntu
19:56.21wpswhy are you using IIS?
19:56.25mindjujuwhat version IIS romanovic
19:56.29romanovicI'm not, it belongs to the U
19:56.36romanovicI *have* to use it
19:57.36mindjuju@beandog - gentoo is the dad of debian is the dad of ubuntu
19:57.40romanovicI wanna say IIS 6
19:57.59mindjuju@romanovic - the IIS that comes with Win2k3?
19:58.04romanovicbut i avoid it whenever possible so i'm not as familiar with it as I should be
19:58.37mindjujuif so, then yes, it's IIS 6
19:58.42romanovicyeah.  its not the newest version so I think 6
19:59.58beandogmy freak, windows
20:07.26*** join/#uphpu ubofh (
20:16.08Utah_Davemindjuju: I don't think gentoo and debian are related like debian and ubuntu are
20:18.13*** join/#uphpu ubofh (
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20:26.14Utah_Davemindjuju: but I'm not 100% sure
20:36.49*** part/#uphpu mastergunns (
21:19.40fungusmindjuju, no.  Gentoo isn't even related to Debian or Ubuntu.  Gentoo is the root of it's own family tree.
21:26.11mindjujuoh my bad
21:27.10*** join/#uphpu brasto (
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21:36.24stderra family tree growing out of the soil that is FreeBSD's package management system :P
21:36.37carmonyI need to stop looking at failblog
21:36.41stderrbut yea, Debian is far older than Gentoo
21:36.51mindjujuso why do people make fun of gentoo
21:37.09mindjujulike there is that ibot thing that says something like gentoo install time or something?
21:37.16stderrIt has more to do with the type of people who use it rather than the system itself.
21:37.54DexterTheDragon~gentoo beandog
21:37.55ibotACTION recompiles beandog again
21:39.44beandogfailblog is addictive
21:39.56carmonyhaha, stderr would like this one:
21:40.33mindjujuthat's funny
21:40.59optikalHe would, but what?
21:41.33stderr(took me a sec)
21:43.02stderroptikal: I'm good for 5pm
21:43.06stderrrather than 5:30
21:43.14optikaloh nice
21:49.36mindjujucarmony - like John Wayne toliet paper, but for the womenz
21:50.48carmonythis one is the worst :P
21:52.38wpsvideo of it:
21:53.24carmonyI thought it was a typo fail
21:55.31fungusdude, I gotta start watching Tyra
21:57.38*** join/#uphpu romanovic (~a61460f8@gateway/web/freenode/x-smrwzgyppmbgwdqm)
22:01.37beandogtime for lunch
22:01.53beandogI think Ill go to Great Harvest and get some pumky bread.
22:04.22mindjuju~give beandog $10
22:04.23ibotACTION gives $10 to beandog
22:05.37mindjujueverybody else was playing junk today
22:06.38mindjujuisn't that the background for apple though?
22:28.32influx|hIt's the default background on Leopard.
22:30.32fungus"My life is as good as an ABBA song.  It's as good as..."
22:33.01wpsexcellent choice, fungus
22:34.43wpsI love it when you write code and test it and it works perfectly the first time
22:35.00wpsespecially when you didn't have to look a function or something like that up and were able to do it all out of memory
22:37.38fungusIt's called "the zone"
22:37.42*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
22:37.43fungusstay there.
22:44.17romanovicdoesn't it ever scare you to just have stuff work  the first time? unless it is really simple?
22:44.50romanovicif i don't see a few failing cases after i write code, subconsciously i'm worrying there are still cases out there in which it will fail and i haven't seen them yet
22:45.22wpsyeah… been there as well
22:46.02beandogmy Wendys potato smells like poop
22:46.56beandogI threw it away
22:47.15cedwardsoddly, now I'm hungry
23:51.42*** join/#uphpu blendmaster1024 (~blendmast@unaffiliated/blendmaster1024)
23:54.56*** part/#uphpu mgeary (~mgeary@
23:57.49beandogI so tirez.

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