IRC log for #uphpu on 20100325

01:43.05*** join/#uphpu ibot (
01:43.05*** topic/#UPHPU is Utah PHP Users Group |
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03:58.55*** topic/#UPHPU is Utah PHP Users Group |
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05:52.46*** join/#uphpu whiteinge (~whiteinge@oalug/member/whiteinge)
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13:20.20*** join/#uphpu Zelut (~christer@unaffiliated/zelut)
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14:32.25ibothauls eggyknap up by the scruff of the neck and spanks him until he waddles
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14:38.56*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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14:39.20cedwardsit's too early for that nonsense
14:40.17*** join/#uphpu ninnypants (~Rick@
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15:02.27*** join/#uphpu mgeary (~mgeary@
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15:18.22mgearyinflux: in public..?!!
15:18.28mgeary~embarrass influx
15:21.33influxin the living room
15:21.35influxno one is around
15:22.02mgearyyou let a donkey into your living room? Everyone knows you can't woodle without a donkey
15:24.05*** join/#uphpu itimber (~itimber@
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15:27.48mgearyitimber has a woodling donkey, don't you, itimber?
15:28.04carmony.... thats an odd question to ask.
15:29.01itimberit's true... he won't stop woodling
15:31.12itimbermy donkey, not necessarily influx
15:35.36ninnypantscan someone help me with some ssi?
15:50.02mgeary<?php include("foo") ?>
15:50.55cycokilrthat's a php include
15:51.06mgearyit's still a serverside include ;)
15:51.32cycokilrSSI != php include (even if it is included on the server side)
15:51.52mgeary~humor cycokilr
15:51.57cycokilri didn't know people still used SSI anyway
15:52.06mgearythat was kind of my point
15:52.15mgearyninnypants: what's the issue?
15:52.25cycokilrwell your example was syntactically incorrect anyway sucka
15:53.02cycokilr); <-- missing semi
15:53.54mgearycycokilr: you don't need that if it's the only statement in the php block
15:53.59DexterTheDragonthe ?> implies the closing
15:54.01ninnypantsI've got that in my .htaccess but my includes still don't work. I got the code from and spent some time on #httpd but still haven't been able to figure anything out
15:55.03cycokilroh.. wow i did not know you could leave out the semi-colon.. yet another point subtracted from php's score..
15:57.10cycokilrDexterTheDragon:  i don't think that changes anything about what i said though.. still syntactically incorrect according to whatever loose syntax standards php might have..
16:00.59mgeary~karma cycokilr
16:00.59ibotcycokilr has karma of 1
16:01.36mindjujui know you've helped me out on stuff before
16:02.37cycokilrit wasn't that big.. and it's not a big deal.. i just didn't know it would even work that way.. that why i said anything about it..
16:02.45cycokilrphp just seems kinda funny in a lot of ways..
16:03.11mgeary"kinda" is gentle
16:03.14utahconPHP is the crazy kid... will do anything for anyone, if the price is right
16:03.36cycokilryeah stderr has had some things to say about it in the past..
16:05.27cycokilroh crap, he's going to put us all out of business..
16:06.36ninnypantsyeah I'm worried about my job security
16:06.42mindjujuWOW!  $47 a month for a 3 page site?
16:06.55mindjujulike 3 linode servers
16:08.02utahcon$97/month for 3 pages + updates!
16:08.13utahconapparently people will pay it :d
16:08.42mindjujuthere is even an $80 activation fee
16:08.42*** join/#uphpu romanovic (~a61460f8@gateway/web/freenode/x-ehyzclzdrvkyhmcw)
16:08.59mindjujuas if it took $80 click a mouse button to have a site auto populate
16:09.46ninnypantssounds like another Heritage ... I mean HIT
16:09.51ninnypantsjust not in utah
16:10.02mindjujuHOLY CRAP!
16:10.16mindjujuAll packages require web site hosting, which we can assist with setup
16:10.25mindjujuthat money DOESN'T include the hosting
16:10.29mindjujuit's the retainer
16:12.09utahconmindjuju: We are making money, not solutions!
16:12.45ninnypantsit's not even a retainer you have to pay $100 to make a page change
16:13.22utahconninnypants: you better believe that is $100/change...
16:13.31utahconmisspelled a word 5 times? $500
16:13.48ninnypantsutahcon: what api are you using?
16:15.01ninnypantsI like that their rotating banner says never pay a web designer again
16:15.57utahconninnypants: They are _not_ web designers... they are crooks!
16:16.02utahconninnypants: API is Volusion
16:16.45ninnypantsvery true. They remind me of HIT down in Provo
16:17.01utahconone of my coworkers is an ex-HIT
16:17.50ninnypantsI almost signed on at HIT but just couldn't bring myself to do it
16:18.28mindjujuyou know the funny thing about that website
16:18.34mindjujui just found it for $10
16:18.48mindjuju2nd on the list
16:19.19mindjujuplus, you get to see the pic of the guy running the co
16:19.34utahconActual product name: Automatic Installing Software Titles For Your Website
16:20.11mindjujuthere is picutre of the guy here
16:20.18mindjujuabout 1/5th the way down
16:20.44utahconthat dude scared me!
16:21.02mindjujuyeah, you see that thing in front of him though
16:21.13mindjujucgioffice crm, calendars, contacts, files, tasks
16:21.18mindjujuhe's taking on google aps!
16:21.25carmonyinteresting data on iPhone's touchscreen vs others:
16:21.28utahconhe is awesome!
16:22.07utahconcarmony: maybe I like my touchscreen less accurate?
16:22.26mindjujuyeah, there is even that one commercial about it
16:22.28utahconno G1 or MT3G on the list? fail
16:22.45carmonylol, G1 is old news :P
16:22.56utahconcarmony: They didn't mention that they were drawing circles when the iPhone made straight lines :P
16:23.57carmonynaw, I'm excited for other phones. I think the iPhone set the standard high, but I think other phones will reach it
16:25.32mindjujucarmony - here is that one commercial about iphone screen senstivity
16:25.41mindjuju100% No Rickroll!
16:26.24carmonyhaah, Abed!
16:28.15carmonydo you guys watch Community?
16:28.33mindjujuwhat is it?
16:29.31carmonyIt is a show on NBC about a community college
16:29.34carmonyvery very very funny
16:30.03mp_confirmed. that show is hilarious.
16:30.31mindjujuthat clip was funny
16:30.34*** join/#uphpu SunSparc (
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16:30.43carmonyoh man, that show is SOOOO funny
16:30.51carmonythey were smart to make it a 30 min show
16:30.58carmonybecause its jammed packed with funny
16:31.19carmonylike if you don't pay attention, you'll miss some hilarious jokes.
16:32.27mindjujuso when does this show play?
16:33.13*** join/#uphpu supernovia (~velda@
16:35.11carmonyum, I don't know.... the DVR does it for me :P
16:35.41PoeticIntensityI love Community.
16:35.42carmony hulu has it
16:35.48PoeticIntensityMakes me laugh every time.
16:35.57ninnypantshas anyone watched The League? I'm wondering if it's worth it to look for it
16:36.57mindjujulove xbmc
16:37.15carmonyPoeticIntensity: you know senior chang? that actor is an actual real life doctor
16:37.31PoeticIntensityHe's friggin' hilarious!
16:38.38ninnypantsAny ideas on why my SSI isn't being processed?
16:42.00supernoviahi PoeticIntensity! long time no see
16:42.52PoeticIntensityHey supernovia!  I know....  I feel bad for not hanging out here much...  But I'm working so much on audio stuff, (even during the day), I forget to log in!  I need to remember that this place really has nothing to do with PHP... *grin*
16:43.05PoeticIntensityI heard your brownie and games night was fun...
16:43.14PoeticIntensityI was in Idaho.
16:43.17supernoviaIt really was.  I need to do that again sometime soon
16:43.42supernoviawhat's in Idaho?
16:44.03PoeticIntensityWhole loads of family / cousins / etc...
16:44.13supernoviaoh yeah?
16:44.57mindjujupotato yes, potato salad no
16:45.02PoeticIntensityYeah...  We visited a cousin I haven't seen in years....  As a kid, we used to hang out together all the time.
16:45.06mindjujupotato salad = mjBane
16:45.06PoeticIntensityit was really good seeing him and his family.
16:45.12mindjujulike kryptonite even
16:45.53supernoviabut my kids both hate it so I never have it unless I'm at a bbq or something
16:46.27supernoviaglad you got to see them, PoeticIntensity  :)
16:46.33mgeary<3 potato salad
16:46.34PoeticIntensityme too....
16:46.37PoeticIntensityIt was some good times.
16:47.33supernoviamindjuju, do you dislike every kind of potato salad?
16:48.06mindjujuwell, funny you should ask
16:48.21mindjujuit's not REALLY potato salad that i'm in mortal death struggle with
16:48.23mindjujuits mayo
16:48.32mindjujuso egg salad = of the devil!
16:48.40utahconegg salad is the bomb!
16:48.41mindjujupotato salad = evil!
16:48.47utahconpotato salad is the bomb!
16:48.57mindjujud00d, both of those are sick and wrong
16:49.06mindjujuthat's like saying that relish tastes good
16:49.06supernoviathe russian kind lacks mayo
16:49.11utahcongarden salad is the nasty-crap! unless there is ranch... then it is the bomb!
16:49.26utahconmindjuju: relish tastes good if you like pickles that are finely chopped
16:49.30influxrelish does taste good
16:49.34mindjujugarden salad is good, i like greek salads better
16:49.40carmonyHmmm... think I'm going to go eat my leftover hot wings...
16:49.41utahconinflux likes finely chopped pickels
16:49.41influxegg salad is like ambrosia
16:49.42mindjujurelish is evil!
16:50.14utahcontruth ^^
16:50.55utahconflex as in adobe?
16:51.00utahconor flex as in muscles?
16:51.14supernoviayeah, as in this class, but sure, that too
16:52.20supernoviahee hee
16:53.06utahconsupernovia: you better think about bringing some of that up to WVC
16:53.28influxKnow what I like that other people probably don't?
16:53.42supernoviahehe, actually I don't have any. I'm a starvin marvin in the adobe lab. No food here.
16:53.43utahconinflux: Germs?
16:53.52influxHaw haw.
16:53.59supernoviawhat do you like influx?
16:54.06supernoviaI loves me some spinach..
16:54.16influxNope. Pickle slices, with a dab of mayo, wrapped in a slice of ham.
16:54.28utahconbut is tastes great!
16:54.42utahconinflux: replace the ham with balogna and I am in!
16:54.52supernoviayeah, doesn't make me look like Olive Oyle either but I suppose that isn't such a bad thing
16:54.59influxI'll try that next time, utahcon.
16:55.09supernoviaI like it with cream cheese instead of mayo
16:55.33influxdoes it have a sur-name?
16:55.43utahconEZ Cheez with Bacon is the king!
17:03.22mindjujuk, i'm back
17:03.59mindjujuapparently, I've pushed out something live, that I had all the proper documentation to do so, except that, somebody upstream made a mistake and this doc wasn't suppose to be live, it's a different one
17:04.18mindjujuso now its a mad scramble to slap people around find out what the heck is giong on and get the wrong pulled and the right live
17:04.31supernoviabah, not such good times
17:05.59mindjujutiff says when i get angry, i get ice cold and extremely civil
17:06.30mindjujuso maybe not slap people around in the literal since, but get it hammered out and bad mouth them here :)
17:07.05influxmindjuju is a gentleman's gentleman.
17:07.45mindjujui would imagine a gentlemen's gentlemen somebody who could find peace with potato salad
17:07.53mindjujuso that's a minus that i have
17:08.05influxgentlemen can discriminate.
17:11.06ninnypantsmindjuju: gentelmen hit where the sleves can cover
17:12.25ninnypantsis anybody here on
17:21.48PoeticIntensitySo, has their been any juice discussions in here lately on the health care bill?
17:23.06supernoviaare we allowed to talk politics here?
17:24.03utahconsupernovia: only if you are for/against the same things as everyone else
17:24.39supernoviawhat are your thoughts, PoeticIntensity ?
17:27.33PoeticIntensitysomething has to be done to keep greed within the healthcare industry down, but this bill is gonna make taxes go through the roof.
17:28.10PoeticIntensityI'm no expert at all, and I'm largely ignorant of the details within the bill, but from what I've heard and studied, the math doesn't add up.  at all.
17:28.33supernoviawell, the biggest problem I have with it is that EVERYONE is largely ignorant of its details :-/
17:28.36PoeticIntensityno way you can increase spending like that without getting the money somewhere.
17:28.56PoeticIntensityor causing the economy to suffer by just "printing more money"
17:29.00supernoviayeah I'm thinking it was not thought through very well at all :-/
17:29.23mindjujuyou are allowed to talk politics here, i think mgeary was wanting to rumble a little yesterday, but nobody obliged
17:29.30PoeticIntensitylots of stuff doesn't make sense to me.  Why go through the reconciliation process if this healthcare bill has failed for 10 years?
17:29.35mindjujujust no hitting beneath the belt
17:29.43ninnypantsmy worries is if we are all required to get health insurance what is that going to do to insurance prices
17:29.55PoeticIntensity10 years of "trying to get something through", to me, means "the American people DON'T WANT IT"
17:30.18PoeticIntensitygood luck to ya, mindjuju
17:30.41mgearyPoeticIntensity: that assumes that the unwashed masses actually have a say in the majority of legislation that gets passed
17:30.54PoeticIntensitynot sure what that means, mgeary
17:30.55supernoviaI am all for small changes.  Like some kind of clause that insurance companies can't deny coverage for preexisting conditions
17:30.58PoeticIntensity"unwashed masses"?
17:30.59mgearyPoeticIntensity: how much do you pay YOUR lobbyist in DC?
17:31.08PoeticIntensityhonestly, I have no idea.
17:31.32mgearywell, you DO have a lobbyist, right?
17:31.44PoeticIntensityI hope that people are engaged in the political process to some degree, but I understand that many are not.
17:31.57mgearysomeone who's spending all kinds of money to advance your interests?
17:31.57PoeticIntensitymgeary, I have no idea what you're talking about, and feel you're being a bit condescending right now.
17:32.26PoeticIntensityok.... yeah.. that makes sense...
17:32.36mgearyi'm just pointing out that a TON of legislation gets passed because various industries have hordes of lobbyists in DC spending money to GET that legislation passed
17:32.38PoeticIntensitytotally agree that the whole "money for votes" thing is a bit crazy.
17:33.11PoeticIntensitythat's horrible on both sides, I would imagine.
17:33.17PoeticIntensityrepublicans and democrats alike.
17:33.38mgearyand that these same industries take a bit more of that cash and do public "information" campaigns to spread Kool-Aid around to convince everyone that what these business want is also what's good for the common (wo)man
17:33.46*** join/#uphpu TuxToaster (
17:33.52supernoviahi TuxToaster :)
17:34.00TuxToasterheya :-)
17:34.05PoeticIntensitymy point is - why pass this thing, if it's gonna cost everyone loads more money in taxes / insurance / etc....
17:34.33PoeticIntensitymgeary, you're right about that, IMO...
17:34.35supernoviaso you know how a magician does his tricks? Keeps your focus on the wrong thing, right?  I kinda think that's what's happened with the super-polarization of our political system
17:34.49TuxToastersupernovia: misdirection
17:35.01mgearyPoeticIntensity: but your premise here is that it WILL cost everyone more; you need to substantiate that
17:35.16supernoviapeople don't care what's true and what isn't, they care who says it. and I think we're all getting fairly messed up for it
17:35.24PoeticIntensityI don't, really...  It just makes sense to me.
17:35.33PoeticIntensityI was upfront about being largely ignorant about this....
17:35.55PoeticIntensityI haven't heard anything which makes sense to me, about Obama's claim that this won't increase taxes...
17:36.05PoeticIntensityHow in the world can that be true?
17:36.14PoeticIntensityit's simple accounting.
17:36.14DexterTheDragonwhy would it raise taxes?
17:36.35PoeticIntensityif I increase spending by 900+ billion, it stands to reason that this extra money has to be brought in from somewhere.
17:36.46PoeticIntensityunless I'm missing something.
17:36.55PoeticIntensity(which is completely possible)
17:37.21TuxToasterI'd love even 1 billion. :P
17:37.42fungusPoeticIntensity, there are other alternatives to raising taxes, each with their own problems.
17:37.56supernoviayeah really! if you spent a dollar per second it'd take 30 years to  use it up (and a little interest would prevent that even)
17:38.07PoeticIntensityI also agree that healthcare is insanely corrupt..... and needs changing.
17:38.23supernoviaokay so raising taxes or doing ____ to come up with the money; where does it come from?
17:38.44PoeticIntensityBut this bill (seems to me), is gonna take the corruption from healthcare, and hand it over to the corrpution of the gov't.
17:38.51supernoviaagreed PoeticIntensity - I'm just worried this bill will make it even more insanely corrupt :-S
17:39.03mgearyPoeticIntensity: so you trust healthcare companies more than you trust the government
17:39.05PoeticIntensityand for me, the public corruption is a bit more containable than gov't corruption.
17:39.15PoeticIntensityoh yes....
17:39.17PoeticIntensitymuch, much, much, much more.
17:39.31mgearyPoeticIntensity: so why don't we have for-profit companies do things like Meat inspection, lead-paint inspection, EPA regulation
17:39.43fungusproblem is... healthcare industry is not "the public"
17:39.44PoeticIntensity1 brother, 1 sister, 4 cousins, and one 1 uncle work in healthcare as nurses or doctors...
17:40.10PoeticIntensityall of them say this is the wrong move, and 1 doctor says he'll quit if this bill gets passed.
17:40.10mgearyPoeticIntensity: i don't have a problem with doctors, it's the insurance industry i have a problem with
17:40.35supernoviawhat are the biggest problems with the insurance companies mgeary?
17:40.37mgearythe insurance industry has created an artificial layer between the consumer and the provider of healthcare services
17:40.46PoeticIntensitymgeary, I don't know why we don't have public for-profit companies running those agencies...
17:40.51TuxToasterpersonally I hate the current insurance industry, so I'm hopeful that some change will help.
17:40.52PoeticIntensityBut I'm not against seeing what would happen.
17:41.10supernoviaokay mgeary so now we fix that by adding another layer (government?)
17:41.23mgearywe're not adding another layer, really
17:41.35mgearybut consider this--
17:41.40DexterTheDragonPoeticIntensity: because then I just pay those people a little money and sell my cheap lead paint for a hefty profit
17:41.50supernoviaI think there are major issues with the insurance industry but this bill feels like a stab in the dark
17:41.57mgearylasik eye surgery -- it's historically not been covered by insurance at all
17:42.00TuxToastersupernovia: supposedly it's not adding another layer as much as adding oversight (or at least that's my understanding of it)
17:42.09PoeticIntensityDexterTheDragon, and then people get sick, and that company goes out of business - while another one pops up claiming to do a better job.
17:42.11mgearyit used to be wicked expensive and possibly risky
17:42.22PoeticIntensityCompetition / Capitalism (while being properly managed) is a great thing.
17:42.30mgearylook at lasik now, it's become commonplace and much, much cheaper
17:42.42mgearyand much less risky, as i understand it
17:42.58mgearynow, how many *covered* healthcare procedures have gotten much, much cheaper over time?
17:43.11TuxToastermgeary: good point
17:43.17mgearylasik had to go down because it wasn't being insulated by the insurance industry
17:43.36mgearyall these "market solutions" people believe that having insurance companies in there creates a true market solution
17:43.39mgearyi don't buy that
17:43.45mgearythat's not a free market
17:43.59PoeticIntensitymgeary, agreed.
17:44.09TuxToasterI recently had a $300 bill for putting an invisible band-aid on my kid's forehead
17:44.11PoeticIntensityI just think that the gov't is gonna screw it up even more.
17:44.17mgearyPoeticIntensity: how?
17:44.21PoeticIntensityTuxToaster, don't even get me started.
17:44.27TuxToasterthey more or less coated the injury with a type of super-glue.
17:44.28PoeticIntensitymgeary, I don't know.  I'm not an expert.  It's just my opinion.
17:44.28mgearythe government isn't going to *provide* insurance
17:44.35supernoviaagreed PoeticIntensity
17:44.46mgearythey're just going to make so insurance companies can't deny at whim
17:45.01PoeticIntensityI look at Social Security and other stuff (which I'm no expert in), and realize there's a chance the gov't could do something similar with healthcare.
17:45.05supernoviaokay but then they get to justify even more ridiculous expenses right?
17:45.41supernovianice :)
17:45.50PoeticIntensitymgeary, whenever the gov't starts something small, in my understanding, those things usually grow and become much, much more controlled than originally intended.
17:46.09PoeticIntensityto me, this is just a small step.
17:46.13unumPoeticIntensity: what do you think was in this bill?
17:46.27influxunum: Hard at work, I see.
17:46.33TuxToasterutahcon: hmm. I don't think I've ever used those.
17:46.35supernoviawhat was in the bill unum?
17:46.39PoeticIntensityunum, if you read the logs, you'll see that I'm almost entirely ignorant of the details of this bill.
17:46.42utahconTuxToaster: I hadn't before today!
17:46.45unuminflux: actually I've made great progress on the sample program
17:46.46utahconfriggin handy though!
17:46.55unumPoeticIntensity: that you shouldn't get worked up over it
17:47.05PoeticIntensityI'm not worked up, in all honesty.
17:47.17PoeticIntensityI'm just worried about what this will turn into.
17:47.19unumyou're telling us it's going to expand to run our lives
17:47.21influxunum: ;D
17:47.32unumno point getting worried over it if you don't know what it is
17:47.41TuxToasterutahcon: I'm actually surprised I haven't. I had a ton of classes that had to talk to a store of phone recordings on an FTP server... but then again I ran many of those on the machine itself.
17:47.42PoeticIntensityIn my experience, understanding, and opinion, the gov't is much, much harder to control than the private sector is.
17:47.44unumyou could say that about any bill
17:48.03PoeticIntensityas soon as they get their claws into something, it usually comes to a point where it's permanent.
17:48.08supernoviacan't say that about many things unum
17:48.09unumany bill the government has every passed will expand to run your life!!!
17:48.13supernoviaif I have cancer and I don't understand it does that mean I shouldn't worry about it?
17:48.14TuxToastermy kid said he would let my wife read a book while driving if they made it a law.
17:48.28PoeticIntensityhehe..... unum, you can't honestly say this bill is "like every other bill"... can you?
17:48.36unumPoeticIntensity: for all you know
17:48.38unumit is
17:48.39TuxToasterdidn't matter whether or not it was a good idea, he just wanted to make sure it wasn't against the law.
17:48.44PoeticIntensityI know a bit more than that.
17:48.52unumdoesn't sound like it
17:49.01PoeticIntensitythat's fine.  You can think what ya want.
17:49.03supernoviaunum, what's in the bill? :)
17:49.10PoeticIntensityI was having a good conversation with mgeary
17:49.32supernoviaand is the logic here, don't know so we shouldn't care?  It's a pretty complicated thing and (unlike the senators) I don't have full time hours to study the thing
17:49.33PoeticIntensitymgeary seems to be both highly biased and highly intelligent, so I care about what he has to say.
17:49.36unumsupernovia: reforms to existing goverment health care programs like medicare and medicaid
17:49.45supernoviaOhhhh so that expains it.
17:49.59unumsupernovia: the logic is that you should care and you should know about it
17:50.27unumI'm bothered by people telling me I should be afraid, but then not telling me which parts I should be afraid of
17:50.32TuxToastersupernovia: sad thing is, I'm not even convinced that many of the senators spend full time hours on it.
17:50.35supernoviaOkay so I have a pretty good stack of papers in my house, all in legalease. They're about .. oh, 100 pages long
17:50.36PoeticIntensitywell... looks like unum's attitude has destroyed this conversation for me....  See ya'll later.
17:50.51supernoviaand they all involve just four people and a few items
17:51.02mgearylet me tell you this: our company premiums to cover a family with decent insurance are in excess of $900 a month, and our rates keep going up. No one has made any significant (> $1000) claims in years, yet we got a 20% mark-up last year alone
17:51.07unumPoeticIntensity: I just asked you to explain which parts you were scared of
17:51.17unumand you said you didn't know enough about it to answer that question
17:51.49supernoviahave you looked at the bill unum?
17:51.50unummgeary: which parts of this bill do you think will lead to lower premiums?
17:51.55unumsupernovia: yes
17:51.59supernoviahave you read it all?
17:52.03mgearyi think the best way to get everyone excited about healthcare reform is to make everyone get a personal health insurance policy
17:52.18unumsupernovia: of course not, but I've read many summaries by groups that have
17:52.28TuxToastermgeary: the bad part about that is the word 'make'.
17:52.32mgearyunum: well, first of all, as a small business, it appears that we may qualify for a 50% tax credit on the premiums we pay for our employees
17:52.33supernoviacause even 100 pages of legalese on my own life is enough to make my head spen
17:52.33unumI'm not as paranoid as the rest of you, about the media being out to get me
17:52.44TuxToastermgeary: people don't like to be forced into stuff.
17:52.57mgearyTuxToaster: i'm not being serious, but if you've had to deal with a personal insurance policy, you'd know a bit more of the pain i've gone through
17:53.01DexterTheDragonTuxToaster: I'm forced to buy auto insurance
17:53.02PoeticIntensitymgeary, we do have a personal policy.
17:53.08supernovialet along a gigantic bill. and i don't subscribe to the "if you don't understand it, just don't worry about it" method
17:53.24mgearyPoeticIntensity: okay, now have your wife have a heart condition and just sit back and watch what happens
17:53.31PoeticIntensityhehe... I can imagine.
17:53.34PoeticIntensitywe're having a baby...
17:53.36unummgeary: my #1 complaint about the plan is that it pushes people more towards employers plans instead of personal plans
17:53.41PoeticIntensityour policy covers exactly 0% of it.
17:53.43TuxToasterDexterTheDragon: yes, but on a state level, and then only IF you drive. ( I agree, I hate having it)
17:53.44mgearyunum: but it doesn't
17:53.53unumthat's what I liked about bennets plan, was it pushed people towards personal policies
17:54.03PoeticIntensitybut, we're finding there are ways around the insurance "necessity"
17:54.05TuxToasterDexterTheDragon: but I think people would hate it more if the government forced EVERYONE to buy insurance without any conditions
17:54.09mgearythe whole point of an insurance exchange is to create an environment where you get insurance *independent* of your employer
17:54.12unummgeary: it give business tax penalities and even punishes them if they don't offer plans
17:54.29unumand you can only get the personal plans if you can't get a group plan
17:54.35utahconCS5 Content Aware... OMG I want!
17:55.03TuxToastermgeary: here, we do a "reimbursement" for insurance, but apparently the insurance companies aren't liking that idea either.
17:55.12unumfrom what I've read you can only use the exchange if you don't have an employer option
17:55.24PoeticIntensityTuxToaster, me too....
17:55.41TuxToasterunum: I wonder if a reimbursement would count as an employer option
17:55.43PoeticIntensityOne of hte questions they asked us when getting signed up for personal insurance is "Is your employer compensating you for this policy?"
17:55.48unumTuxToaster: I hope so
17:55.51mgearyTuxToaster: yeah, you're not supposed to reimburse insurance costs. You can get into trouble for that
17:56.02TuxToasterthat's what I've been wondering.
17:56.20TuxToasterone of the other guys tried to get a policy and was told that it wasn't cool.
17:56.37TuxToasterI don't really see why it's a big deal though.
17:56.57TuxToasterif the company doesn't qualify for a group plan, but wants to help out with costs, what else can they do?
17:57.18PoeticIntensityTuxToaster, I think that has everything to do with the corruption within the insurance monolith...
17:57.24PoeticIntensityThey like the power / profit they're getting.
17:57.32unumthe problem is companies like mine that have a group plan allow the health people to buy private insuarance for cheaper rates
17:57.39unumand just leave us sick people the group plan
17:57.39influxWhy do the insurance companies poopoo on employee compensation?
17:57.41mgearycompare all this to homeowner's (fire) insurance. The reason it works is because in a given year, most people's houses DON'T burn down. That paradigm just doesn't really apply to health insurance, because there's such a spectrum of events which fall under the health insurance umbrella
17:58.06PoeticIntensitynever thought of it that way, mgeary
17:58.09PoeticIntensityvery good point.
17:58.19mgearyand when you factor in that an ins. company can deny someone when they get "too needy", it's just asking for problems
17:58.29PoeticIntensityalso - there's a better chance of people getting sick than a house burning down.
17:58.35supernoviahow would you ideally handle it mgeary?
17:58.42mgearyi wish i knew
17:58.50supernoviaand yeah that definitely IS the problem..
17:58.54TuxToasterwhat I really don't like with insurance companies is the ability for them to decide what to pay on a whim.
17:58.55unumI don't think there is a perfect system
17:59.09TuxToastermy wife and I had *identical* policies from different employers.
17:59.17TuxToasterfrom BCBS
17:59.23mgearyi like the theory of a catastrophic policy that covers the equivalent of your house burning down, and maybe paying out-of-pocket for 'normal' things, just like you pay for a plumber or an electrician
17:59.34PoeticIntensityTuxToaster, according to my healthcare-employed family, that is 100% the case...
17:59.46PoeticIntensityThe insurance is completely in control of what the hospitals can charge.
17:59.46unummgeary: I think there are a lot of advantages to that system
18:00.03TuxToasterI could go to an IHC instacare, pay $20-$30 for a copay, and not have to pay another cent on the visit.  Yet my wife would go to the same instacare, pay the copay, and then get a bill saying the insurance only covered -- get this : $2.54 of the costs.
18:00.04unumit's nice that you actually create market systems for routine health care
18:00.13PoeticIntensitymgeary, not a bad solution...
18:00.14mgearybut i do think you still need to provide some fallback for people who can't afford to hire a plumber, as it were. A nation as advanced as ours shouldn't let someone die in the gutter just because they're poor.
18:00.19TuxToasterand this happened on every visit she went to.
18:00.28unummgeary: agreed as well
18:00.30PoeticIntensitywith our personal policy, we're finding that working directly with the hospitals for normal things is very easy...
18:00.50PoeticIntensityWe can easily get a 50% discount on most things we go in for... and for us, that ends up being a very reasonable price.
18:01.02mgearyPoeticIntensity: tell you what. You're expecting a baby. Do this, drop your insurance, and then try to get it back before the baby comes due
18:01.15TuxToasterPoeticIntensity: quite seriously, we just refused to pay the bills. They couldn't give us a good reason why they didn't cover it, so I couldn't give them a good reason why I should pay it.
18:01.21supernoviathat's what I want to do.. and now I don't think I'll be able to
18:01.21supernoviabut it isn't really a market system unum
18:01.37unumsupernovia: currently it's not
18:01.51unumbut if you only have catastrophic then the basic ones would be
18:02.00unumright now I have no idea what my doctor charges
18:02.03unumI didn't care
18:02.04TuxToasterthat'll fix it.
18:02.06unumand  istill don't
18:02.40TuxToasterI currently have no insurance.
18:02.41PoeticIntensitymgeary, yeah...  Well...  I'm not sure if we could get the same insurance, but to me it seems like a moot point because they're not covering ANYTHING of the pregnancy, midwives visits, or birth, or after birth things, either.
18:02.58mgearyPoeticIntensity: ah, THAT's because you have a personal policy
18:03.03mgearythey rarely cover maternity
18:03.08PoeticIntensitybut.... what they WILL cover are things that go wrong in the birth...
18:03.16influx<- no insurance. Healthy (and dumb) as an ox.
18:03.20PoeticIntensitylike... if any complications occur, the insurance kicks in.
18:03.56mgearybasically, what they do is have a $5000 deductible for maternity
18:04.03PoeticIntensityWell... They say it does, and it's documented it does, so.... if they say it doesn't, we've got an arsenal of refutation.
18:04.10mgearyso if something goes >$5k wrong, they kick in
18:04.17mgearybut you're on your own for up to that first $5k
18:04.20TuxToasterI still think deductables are messed up
18:04.25PoeticIntensityee......  not sure about that, because we asked that exact question.
18:04.29supernoviaa doctor _has_ to charge a fixed ammount, even on cash pay, if they're going to take medicaid patients
18:04.31supernoviaI got insurance for the kids last spring (CHIP)
18:04.31PoeticIntensitywe've had 2 personal plans....
18:04.32supernoviaand then found out my kid has epilepsy
18:04.36PoeticIntensityour first one was exactly what you say...
18:04.54PoeticIntensitythis one has no deductible, no coverage, nothing for "normal" birth.
18:05.16TuxToastersupernovia: kind of.  In my experience ( this may have changed in the last few years ) the doctors could actually charge more, but medicaid would only cover a specific amount.
18:05.23TuxToasterthen the doctor just wrote off the rest
18:06.17supernoviaOh they can charge more but they're not allowed to charge less
18:06.18PoeticIntensityyeah...   So far, we're getting a 50% discount for midwives.....
18:06.22TuxToasterat least that's how I understood it. I remember seeing bills for what the office charged vs what medicaid covered and the amounts being different
18:06.25PoeticIntensityand we're pretty confident we can get the same from the hospital...
18:06.27TuxToastersupernovia: ah ok
18:06.36PoeticIntensityit'll still be a pretty hefty bill, but...  Much more manageable..
18:06.58supernoviabecause of the government :)
18:06.58supernoviathe bottom price for a doctor's visit is regulated by medicaid so there really isn't the same type of competition that would allow prices to lower (like Lasik's did)
18:07.25mgearyhow can someone take advantage of CHIP and then say they don't trust the government to provide healthcare management?
18:07.58supernoviamedicaid pricing, as i understand it, also affects the cost of q-tips and bandaids and everything else you have to get from the hospital. don't quote me on that, but that's what I'd understood anyhow.
18:08.25supernoviaThat's a curious question, mgeary
18:08.30PoeticIntensitymgeary, that was low.
18:08.36mgearyit wasn't intended to be low
18:08.42PoeticIntensityTwo totally different things, IMO.
18:08.47mgearyi'm just saying, CHIP is a great example of what the government can do for healthcare
18:08.51mgearyCHIP is a fantastic program
18:09.14supernoviaWell, I won't take it as low.  If you've dealt with any government health insurance program, you can see why them getting their hands into EVERY program is not the best idea
18:09.15mgearydo you think that some "death panel" will come after your child because s/he is on CHIP?
18:09.25mgearysupernovia: i have
18:09.30mgearymy wife was on the Utah HIP for years
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18:09.48mgearyand while it was expensive, it was insurance, when we couldn't get it from anyone else, and it was good quality insurance
18:09.58mgearyand it was provided/administered by BlueCross/BlueShield
18:10.06mgearybut it was made available by the government
18:10.11mgearywhere's the problem in that?
18:10.18PoeticIntensitymy apologies for my remark...  If it wasn't intended that way, it was my bad.
18:10.43supernoviawell I could have easily taken it that way so thanks PoeticIntensity  :)
18:10.49supernoviawhat's this "death panel" thing though? :-/
18:10.55mgearymy wife has had open heart surgery twice. You can't *start* to talk about open-heart surgery for less than 120 THOUSAND dollars
18:11.32PoeticIntensityhealthcare is just a messy deal...
18:11.46supernoviait is an enormously messy deal
18:12.01mgearysupernovia: a lot of vehement opposition to the current healthcare legislation goes around scaremongering that there will be some panel of government androids that will tell you "your child must die, it's not worth it to cover his treatment"
18:12.06PoeticIntensitybecause it's not inexpensive to create doctors...
18:12.09supernoviaand mgeary I am glad your wife had that program available
18:12.31supernoviaHmm, well, mgeary
18:12.42influxEveryone: Unicorn Chaser.
18:13.06supernoviaHere's where I sit on this issue.  I don't know what the heck to think.  My nephew had SCIDS. (bubble boy syndrome.)  Extremely sick kid.  He won't ever be able to buy private insurance without some reform.
18:13.31supernoviaOn the other hand, he had a somewhat experimental kind of bone marrow transplant that saved his life
18:14.01supernovia(I should say he WAS an extremely sick kid.  He's doing quite well now.)
18:14.44supernoviaSo if that had happened under the new system, would some robot show up and kill him?  that's just silly.
18:15.35supernoviaBut would some unfeeling bureaucrat make the decision as to whether he gets a transplant or not?  While, granted, he could have easily been denied by his health insurance provider at the time...
18:15.41supernoviahe wasn't
18:15.57mgearyand i'm glad for that
18:16.01supernoviaI'm glad for it too
18:16.12TuxToasterhmm... apparently my coworkers decided to turn on Dr. Horrible...
18:16.17supernoviaAnd again with the yeah, I'm on CHIP thing
18:16.25mgearybut considering that the primary motive of an insurance company is to make profit, do you really want them making decisions like that?
18:16.34supernoviaor the kids are anyway.. I would like to get to the point where we don't have to be
18:16.37uxpThe government will have no say as to what treatments you can or cannot have, besides treatments that are deemed, in advance, to be cosmetic.
18:17.00supernoviaAs opposed to the primary motivation of a politician: to stay in power?
18:17.13PoeticIntensityboth sides of the coin, for sure.
18:17.32mgearywell, assuming it *was* an elected politician who was making that call, there's a LOT more accountability in the system for him than for an insurance exec.
18:17.37DexterTheDragonthe polotician isn't running your healthcare, they are forcing the company to provide it
18:17.48mgearyshow me a politician that condemns a child to death and then gets elected
18:18.07supernoviabut yeah with CHIP, I was hoping that as soon as I _____ we could go back to either paying out of pocket or get a high deductible health insurance policy
18:18.17mgearybut as DexterTheDragon says, the politicians don't really make these kind of decisions directly
18:18.27supernoviait only matters if anyone finds out, mgeary  :(
18:18.34supernoviaWell, right, they don;t
18:19.11PoeticIntensityMy bottom line (gotta run to lunch)...  Healthcare is messy.  I like small gov't.  Gov't in healthcare will make it bigger.
18:19.15supernoviabut who does?  the likes of the people at the DMV?
18:19.53mgearyPoeticIntensity: i'm not sure you have any precedent for knowing what small government is like. It certainly hasn't been small in any of our lifetimes...
18:19.58PoeticIntensitymaybe get rid of insurance all together, and let people deal directly with the hospitals...?
18:20.04mgearyso you like the *idea* of small government
18:20.09PoeticIntensitymgeary, point taken.
18:20.14PoeticIntensityI *love* the idea of small gov't.
18:20.28supernoviahehe, me too
18:20.40PoeticIntensitythanks for obliging me, mgeary
18:20.42supernovialol utahcon
18:20.46PoeticIntensityI really do enjoy discussing things with ya.
18:21.11mgearygood to chat, PoeticIntensity, it's been a while
18:23.09supernoviaI enjoy thinking out of the box when it comes to political issues
18:23.38supernoviaso it's nice to hear a civil debate :)
18:24.27mindjujuso did ya'll finish duking it out?
18:24.35mindjujuwhat did ya'll figure out?
18:24.48TuxToasterI say just send Captain Hammer to fix it.
18:24.59mindjujulove cap hammer
18:25.01supernoviathat PoeticIntensity likes the idea of small government
18:25.37TuxToasterlol. Such a lengthy discussion to figure that out :P
18:25.43supernoviaand that healthcare is complicated :-p
18:25.49stderrdang it.
18:26.24supernoviaoh, and that the bill has  reforms to existing goverment health care programs like medicare and medicaid :-p
18:26.39mindjujudid you miss all the arguing stderr?
18:27.11mindjujui've been dealing with a fiasco here, didn't get to participate either,
18:27.11supernoviaI should have brought lunch :-0
18:27.18supernoviahow'd that go mindjuju?
18:27.20mindjujustill going on though, so i'm bogged down with that for a while
18:27.45mindjujuyeah, i'm beyond words right now
18:27.55TuxToastersupernovia is a starvin marvin <--- I'd have thought you is a starvin supernovia :P
18:28.29supernoviabut the name sticks :)
18:28.36TuxToasterfor a long time my kid would get mad if someone said starvin marvin, because he "isn't a marvin"
18:28.49TuxToasternow he says it himself
18:28.54mgearystderr: missed you
18:28.57supernoviahehe, I love kids
18:30.35TuxToasterI can't wait for our PHP migration here.
18:30.57TuxToasterso tired of messing with this old code. hehe
18:36.48TuxToasteressentially working towards rewriting our whole app into PHP
18:37.08mgearyTuxToaster: so what you're really saying... that you've missed a golden opportunity to migrate your app to Django
18:37.40TuxToasterThe Python boat sailed already I'm afraid.
18:37.49mgeary12:36:53:mgeary@ate:~$ uptime
18:37.49mgeary12:36  up 92 days, 22:15, 9 users, load averages: 0.31 0.24 0.23
18:38.04mgearyi think it's time to reboot my desktop computer. 92 days up and i think it's tired
18:38.24TuxToasterthough we were headed towards using, django didn't fit really well.
18:38.40DexterTheDragon92 days is weak
18:38.42mgearyTuxToaster: and PHP fit better? why is that?
18:38.59mgearyDexterTheDragon: 92 days is weak for a server. but how long has *your* desktop machine been up?
18:39.26DexterTheDragoncurrently 31 days cause we moved. previously around 250
18:40.18TuxToasterI'm only at about 2 1/2 days right now.
18:40.41TuxToasterwas at about 60ish before.
18:43.27TuxToastermgeary: most of the reason that ship sailed is because the developer that was most familiar with Python quit
18:44.00TuxToasterI didn't make the call to move to PHP, but since I'm most familiar with it, and it's WAY better than our current language (Lasso), I'm all for it.
18:44.04supernoviahey TuxToaster - pm?
18:44.14mgearyhehehe. i remember looking into Lasso...
18:44.18mgeary... in 1998
18:44.31TuxToastermgeary: LOL. I want to say you've said that before.
18:44.41mgearyprobably so
18:44.41TuxToasterI've ranted about it a few times on here or in the python chat.
18:44.56mgearyit looked pretty cool back then
18:45.09TuxToasterit's very capable, but poorly implemented
18:47.43TuxToasterour main issues with it is how inconsistently it handles errors (or fails to)
18:48.04TuxToasteryou can have a typo that still runs sometimes and not others, or it will just cause weirdness instead of failing to even run.
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19:45.55PoeticIntensitydeee dmmmmm
19:46.01utahconftp_put returned a false... but the server says it got the file... odd
19:48.36ninnypantsutahcon: is the file corrupt?
19:48.48utahconninnypants: I sure hope not, the script just created it
19:50.01ninnypantsutahcon: I mean is the file that was "put" corrupt from a transfer not finishing? that could be why it returned false
19:50.16utahconninnypants: IDK :(
19:50.24utahconthe server I upload to moves it immediately too :(
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21:18.05TuxToasterI need to watch that preview.
21:18.10TuxToastermy kid will love it
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21:29.45beandoganyone know a good calendar class
21:36.27TuxToastergah, I'm pretty sure my history with Lasso has tainted my ability to code in PHP.
21:36.35TuxToasterjust spent five minutes trying to figure out why
21:36.48TuxToaster'sometext' . $var; wasn't printing anything
21:37.03TuxToaster(Lasso doesn't need a print command, it just prints any literal out)
21:37.12TuxToasterbeandog: I wrote my own. lol.
21:37.26beandogyah I think I might, I just realized I only need like 3 functions.
21:38.08TuxToasteryeah the one I did wasn't super complex, just wanted to print out a calendar and do some different formatting for a dashboard, so I made up a class for it
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23:21.15cedwardsbeandog: ping re: gentoo use flags
23:21.25beandogcedwards, ey
23:22.21cedwardsbeandog: i'm playing with gentoo and use flags. i thought i might get more familiar with what i want, and the flags i want, by kind of pre-compiling a list of packages and their flags.
23:22.38beandogcedwards, whats the purpose of the setup gonna be
23:22.41beandogdesktop? server?
23:23.04mindjujuflags like semaphore?
23:23.13cedwardsbeandog: is emerge -pv $package the best way to see the list (I'm redirecting to a file to edit, learn, etc) and make my edits?
23:23.14mindjujulike signals between ships?
23:23.23cedwardsbeandog: laptop.
23:24.10cedwardsbeandog: what I thought I'd try is to treat this machine like a lab for a little while, building and trying things out.
23:24.30cedwardsbeandog: eventually i'd like to have a pre-defined list for package.use that I can just slug in and build what i've learned.
23:24.45beandogcedwards, well, generally speaking, the more new users mess with default ues flags, the worse off they're gonna find themselves.  The defaults are a great start, since they are all set either by the profile or the package.  So if you're gonna change anything, I'd recommend adding,  but only where you're absolutely sure.  It's far easier to go back and change things after you have a working desktop w/defaults rather than try and create the perfect
23:24.46beandogsetup from scratch.
23:24.58beandogcedwards, here's my advice though: switch to the desktop profile
23:25.05beandog# eselect profile list
23:25.12beandog# eselect profile set <# of desktop one>
23:25.36beandogThat'll pull in KDE and GNOME desktops and all its necessary deps, and generally give you a well-rounded start.
23:26.14cedwardsinteresting. didn't know about that tool.
23:26.45cedwardswhen you say that'll pull in KDE and GNOME do you mean it'll build both? that's some serious compile time.
23:26.50beandogcedwards, yah
23:27.05beandogIf you don't  want one of them, j ust set -kde or -gnome in USE in make.conf
23:27.32beandogOther than that, I strongly recommend the default use flags.  They're well selected.
23:28.12beandogOh, and to answer your earlier question, no, t hat's not the easiest way
23:28.26cedwardsso, if I wanted a standard kde desktop I might eselect profile set 2 and add -gnome to USE and be done with it?
23:29.24beandogI was trying to find a funky way to display use flags per package using eix, but that's too mind bending about right now
23:29.35cedwardsam i still able to select kdebase-meta vs kdemeta, or does the profile just slug in the default.
23:30.16cedwardsand I assume I still want to define INPUT_DEVICES, VIDEO_CARDS, etc before I build
23:30.21beandogcedwards, actually you want kde-meta
23:30.31beandogif you want *all* of KDE
23:30.43beandogcedwards, default INPUT_DEVICES should be fine (mouse, keyboard)
23:30.51beandogbut yah, set VIDEO_CARDS
23:31.08cedwardsbeandog: i've been using (evdev synaptics)
23:31.21beandogHere's a few *base* packages I install on every box .. some of them I'd recommend more than others, b ut still, it might give you a jumping off point:
23:31.27beandogcedwards, oh yah, thats good
23:31.59cedwardsX via hal is so much simpler than the old xorg.conf nonsense, assuming your hardware is supported well.
23:32.56beandogcedwards, the biggest one I'd recommend is installing eix (# emerge eix; # eix-update; $ eix -S description) to search for packages client side
23:33.21beandogcedwards, or use a packages site to find stuff:  That'll display use flags as well.
23:33.39cedwardsa co-worker suggested autounmask and gentoolkit
23:33.48beandogthose are good.
23:33.52beandogflagedit is extremely helpful too.
23:36.08cedwardswell my plans for this machine is likely a kde desktop + a dev environment of lighttpd, php and mysql.
23:36.33cedwardsso you think selecting the profile, USE="-gnome" and the defaults for the dev stack should be fine?
23:37.01beandogdev stack?
23:37.08cedwardslighttpd, php and mysql i mean
23:37.33beandogOh okay
23:38.04beandogAnd I wouldn't play with autounmask just yet
23:38.07beandogGo with stable to start with.
23:38.25beandogThe quickest way to frustration is to screw around with things before you're all setup.
23:38.30cedwardsi needed it to get chromium
23:38.37beandogAh, okay
23:38.44beandogThats not so dangerous.
23:39.09cedwardsthat's all i used it for. unmask chromium and depends.
23:47.41*** join/#uphpu Benjam (~Benjam@
23:51.43cedwardsbeandog: so I guess i'm wondering now about the benefits of USE flags if its best to not touch them.
23:53.02beandogcedwards, well you'll need to touch them for PHP
23:53.22beandogand I'd only say its best to not touch them if you're new to Gentoo.
23:53.56beandogA lot of noobs *assume* flipping stuff on/off is the way to get things "to really work" and that's generally not the case.
23:54.25beandogdefault use flags are in, most cases, generally sane and reasonable.
23:54.36beandogbut the whole reason of having them is flexibility
23:54.45beandoguse flags just represent what the package supports.

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