IRC log for #uphpu on 20100215

00:20.33*** join/#uphpu wps (~wps@
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05:02.04*** join/#uphpu Zelut (~christer@unaffiliated/zelut)
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05:41.55*** join/#uphpu supernovia (
06:10.38supernoviagood times
06:11.25influxAnd now, I go to bed.
06:11.30supernoviagood night :)
06:11.34influxGood night, chica.
06:13.09supernoviagood night :)
06:13.31supernoviaGuess I said that twice the same way but oh well :)
06:48.07mindjuju_it's way too late for either of you whippersnapper yahoos to be up!
06:48.09mindjuju_go to bed!
06:48.22supernoviahey mindjuju_ :-)
06:49.03supernoviahehe, well there wasn't much (at least not by the time I got here)
06:49.10supernoviadid you have a good Valentine's day?
06:49.42supernoviasuper :-)
06:49.50mindjuju_we actually watched the movie, the Thing though
06:50.02mindjuju_not very romantic, but tiff likes spooky movies
06:50.05supernoviaOh yeah? Trying to remember how The Thing went
06:50.11supernoviaI like intense movies :)
06:50.19mindjuju_scientist in antartica
06:50.32mindjuju_thinking / scary movie
06:50.34supernoviammmm, nope.. sounds like the x-files movie a little
06:50.41mindjuju_yeah, like that
06:50.49mindjuju_but with a sprinkle of horror
06:51.17supernoviaI had a great day :) No movies but it was great
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06:51.44mindjujuwas just going to ask you aobut that
06:51.53mindjujusounds like someboyd wrote you a poem?
06:51.55supernoviaWell, it's funny.  I was really dreading it
06:52.28supernoviaBut then last night I had a nightmare
06:53.49supernoviaWell, it was a good nightmare
06:54.21supernovianot to gush out the details but suffice it to say I thought, in this nightmare, that I'd just woken from a pleasant dream and life was back to normal
06:55.49supernoviaso to wake up again and find myself here sort of made my day. And then I found a cute poem from an old friend (just a "glad we're friends" kind of thing from someone who was worried my day would suck)
06:56.32supernoviaand my kids called and said they wanted to go to church w/me .. did VT after that, and dinner with my brother's family.. life is good
06:57.44supernoviaand a sweet friend gave me her old iPod, so I saved that as a v-day present for myself.. loving it :-D
06:59.06mindjujuthat's aseomse!
06:59.11supernoviaI think so!
06:59.52supernoviachurch was good too
07:00.00supernoviaall around great day :)
07:00.12mindjujuchurch was good here except for EQ
07:00.17supernoviahehe yeah?
07:00.23mindjuju...sigh... hate it when people go deep doctrine
07:00.29mindjujupure pointless
07:00.33supernoviadeep doctrine?
07:01.21supernoviaI hate it when people squabble over details.  I think the deepest doctrines are the simplest though and I <3 em
13:46.37*** join/#uphpu jtsnow (~chatzilla@VDSL-151-118-129-72.DNVR.QWEST.NET)
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15:31.16*** join/#uphpu jnbek (~jnbek@unaffiliated/jnbek)
16:07.11supernoviaoh good, I can shave my head now.
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16:38.26*** join/#uphpu thebigdog (
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16:45.12thebigdogman what a morning
16:46.08thebigdogit should be lunch time already
16:46.40supernoviaI am still mulling over what to make myself for breakfast; struggling to keep my promise to the kids that their valentine treats are safe with me
16:47.22supernoviabut I'm planning on a late night so the schedule shift is on purpose today.  how about you?
16:47.49thebigdogi have a lot of work this morning
16:48.05thebigdogi am 2 days behind on some code that I want to wrap up today
16:48.13supernoviahear you there.
16:48.36thebigdogbut it is all good
16:48.51thebigdogjust need people to stop asking me questions all morning
16:49.07supernoviagood luck with that. hehe
16:49.37thebigdogits funny i started telling people they only get 1 question a day from me
16:50.18supernoviaheheh well that's what you get.. I mean look at how ibot introduces you :)
16:50.34thebigdogoh i dont think that was me
16:50.54supernoviahehe, well yeah..  but you've got a reputation :)
16:51.21supernovia(not of self aggrandizement, just of being a guru in the first place!)
16:52.05thebigdoghehe perhaps
16:52.09*** join/#uphpu mgeary (~mgeary@
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16:52.31thebigdogoh omelet sounds so good
16:58.33supernoviadarn, I didn't heat the pan up enough.
16:59.28supernoviait'll be good still though - just harder to turn :-p
17:00.18DexterTheDragonjust have to wait a little longer
17:07.31carmonyhow was everyone's weekend?
17:07.40supernoviaexcellent. Yours?
17:09.11carmonygreat other then a server upgrade thing that I estimated to take 2 hours and it took 7
17:09.20supernoviaoh yeah
17:09.27supernoviaI am hoping that won't be my fate tonight
17:09.35carmonylol, I'm hoping so too
17:10.27supernoviayeah :-/  I've been working on some upgrades/updates and tonight is the cutover.
17:10.47supernoviabet you're glad all that's out of your hair!
17:11.14carmonyours was we had some very busy websites that had all MyISAM tables
17:11.26carmonyand was switching some of the most important/busy ones to InnoDB
17:11.58carmonybetween taking the sites offline, backing up, testing, doing the conversion, and brining everything back online again
17:12.05carmonyjust took forever :P
17:21.21*** join/#uphpu swb (
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17:24.36*** join/#uphpu blendmaster1024 (~blendmast@unaffiliated/blendmaster1024)
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17:41.15mgearyanyone here have much experience with mediawiki?
17:41.21mgearyor any other wikis that they like?
17:41.43thebigdogi use trac
17:41.53thebigdogthat has more than a wiki though
17:41.56thebigdogbut i love it
17:42.02mgearyi need something much, much simpler, if possible
17:42.12mgearyit's for a client who wants to set up an internal training/resources site
17:42.19stderrtierra is pretty experienced with mediawiki
17:42.29fungusmediawiki is really easy to deal with
17:42.54mgearyi couldn't see that mediawiki provides built-in support for file uploading. Ever dealt with that?
17:42.55thebigdogi have used twiki some
17:44.03thebigdogjust use mediawiki w/ pgsql and your life will be grand
17:44.37*** join/#uphpu blendmaster1024_ (~blendmast@unaffiliated/blendmaster1024)
17:44.54thebigdogman wikis and all their forks
17:46.07mgearytierra: ping me when you can
17:47.45*** join/#uphpu jnbek (~jnbek@unaffiliated/jnbek)
17:55.01stderr<3 flickr pro account
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18:14.40carmonyis uphpu this thursday?
18:29.23influxThe pro accounts are reasonably priced too.
18:29.37influxI think.
18:45.33*** join/#uphpu jtsnow_ (~chatzilla@VDSL-151-118-129-72.DNVR.QWEST.NET)
18:52.05mgearyyeah, thanks
18:52.15tierraMediaWiki does allow for uploads other than images, just not by default
18:54.02mgearytierra: pm
19:58.38*** join/#uphpu Z0mega (~z0mega2]
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21:17.14utahconThank CareerBuilder!
21:23.47jsmithutahcon: WSDLs should be versioned, and caches should be disabled during testing...
21:23.54jsmithutahcon: But now you know that :-p
21:28.12fungusjsmith, but you are assuming, that the WSDL provider knows this too.  :)
21:28.52jsmithfungus: I've never found a WSDL provider who didn't.
21:43.47utahconjsmith: This was all live
21:47.35influxhey all. what. it. is?
21:48.49supernoviais not
21:49.33influxis too
21:50.01utahconinflux: It. Is.
22:45.37*** join/#uphpu ninnypants (
22:45.49utahconAnyone here really familiar with HTML5?
22:46.07utahconspecifically the <audio> tag?
22:46.24supernovianot yet ... would love to get to know it better though
22:46.45utahconcan you do something like <audio><embed some audio embed cause HTML 5 support blows></audio> ?
22:48.22supernoviaI am not sure...  I haven't even started working with it yet. Definitely have to plan something for backward compatibility
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