IRC log for #uphpu on 20100118

02:25.21*** join/#uphpu jnbek (n=jnbek@unaffiliated/jnbek)
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09:45.57*** topic/#uphpu is Utah PHP Users Group |
09:46.04mindjujuthe basics haven't changed
09:46.27mindjujuyou'll have some major features added between major versions
09:46.54mindjujuso for example between MySQL 4 --> MySQL 5 they added support for stored procedures
09:47.16mindjujubut the syntax for select, insert, update, delete, joins hasn't changed
09:48.47influxKo. The more advanced stuff probably isn't necessary until whatever I'm working on gets complicated then.
09:49.07justincarmonymindjuju: go to bed! :P
09:50.02mindjujujustincarmony, what you doing up?
09:50.27justincarmonyI couldn't sleep
09:50.40justincarmonytalking with the guy who basically taught me PHP atm :)
09:50.54mindjujuway cool!
09:51.18justincarmonyWe're now equals in skill, with our own specialties :P
09:52.38influxSnatched the pebble from his hand?
09:53.10justincarmonyhehe, yeah :P
09:55.04influxMaking it a functional resume instead of reverse-chronological.
09:58.29mindjujuwhat ever way you make it, make sure it is flexible enough to customize
09:58.33mindjujuthat's the trick
09:58.53mindjujuso if job A says they want somebody with exp in SQL, and you have it, make sure that is visible
09:59.11mindjujuor if they say they want skill A, skill b, make sure easy to find
09:59.24mindjujua great cover letter will help
09:59.34influxAny tips on the cover letter?
10:00.06influxI have no idea what to put on there other than a paragraph of "I would be so good for ur company and I would wrk my butt off. Pls hire me. Kthx."
10:00.37mindjujuI would recommend going through the job listing, writting out the requirements and give a brief statement on how you have those skills
10:00.59influxAye aye.
10:01.00mindjujuso when they say we need a web dev with familiarity in LAMP environ
10:01.03mindjujuyou can be all
10:01.34mindjujuIn several of my past employments, I've worked in LAMP enviroments working to optimize the applications, blah blah blah
10:06.27influxEnlightening. :D
10:06.49influxI guess I shouldn't have a fear of a little redundancy then.
10:07.37mindjujubetween cover letter and resume, no, no worry about redundancy
10:07.51mindjujuwell, let me clarify
10:08.01mindjujuyou shouldn't be just I work in LAMP environs
10:08.11mindjujuyou should say what you did in LAMP environ
10:08.43mindjujuso think of it as confirm that you were have the skill or experience and extended it a little
10:08.53mindjujuwhat did you do in the lAMP environ
10:09.02mindjujuhope that makes sense
10:09.29influxIt's for expanding on what the resume lists.
10:09.33influxIn part.
12:34.12influxIs anyone in here rolling through SLC on their way to Draper for UPHPU on Thursday?
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15:33.10utahcongood morning PHPers
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16:07.04wpsmindjuju: I posted your new years and jan meeting announcements to the site
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16:58.42*** join/#uphpu SunSparc (
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17:06.22SunSparc~ping mindjuju
17:06.23ibotpong mindjuju
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17:33.06supernoviahey swb, how was your trip?
17:33.19swbso very good!
17:33.33supernoviaI am so very glad.  And jealous, but that's OK
17:33.47utahconswb: where'd you go?
17:33.58swbTybee Island, GA
17:35.19utahcondid you go to Capt Mike's Dolphin tour?
17:36.23swbno, it was mostly a work trip, but I did go to The Crab Shack a couple times :)
17:39.16mgearydoes anyone have any good metrics/tests to determine, generally speaking, how close a given server is to capacity on the usual resources (ram, cpu, network bandwidth)? I'm trying to decide the best way to determine which of our servers to put a new site onto
17:41.35supernoviammm, trying to remember the name if this script.. cPanel with whm uses it
17:41.44supernovia(and the host I was with for so long used whm on most servers...)
17:42.32herlosupernovia: hey
17:43.08supernoviahey herlo
17:43.16brastowps fixed the events food.... food?  Where's the food!
17:43.56wpsstill working on that
17:44.01brastocouldn't resist wps :)
17:44.09wpsI deserved it
17:44.32brastoah, good save in the next message though
18:00.39justincarmonyI'm craving tacos
18:00.44justincarmonyI can't help myself
18:00.57supernoviaDel Taco can help you
18:01.02SunSparcstderr: You prefer Nikon over Canon?
18:01.03*** join/#uphpu merrick (
18:01.17justincarmonyno, I mean *real* tacos! :P
18:01.20SunSparc~Del Taco++
18:01.23stderrSunSparc: yea
18:01.24mgearyTaco Bell > Del Taco > Taco Time
18:01.27merrickhey guys... I've got a question.
18:01.44supernoviabest place for tacos ever = ?
18:01.50merrickwhy wouldn't that work
18:02.00merrickI realize that traditionaly you would assign a variable
18:02.02merrickto my_array()
18:02.10merrickI don't want to if I don't have to
18:02.13SunSparcstderr: I have always used Canon's and heard good things about them.  But I have also always heard good things about Nikon.  Have you done much in the way of comparing the two brands?
18:02.23mgearymerrick: what version of php?
18:02.34merrick5 plus
18:02.35merrickI know that
18:02.35stderrSunSparc: A little bit.  It basically comes down to what your lens investment is already.
18:02.45mgearymerrick: i believe in php 5.2.+ that should work, but it may not in 5.1
18:02.52SunSparcmgeary: Taco Bell your favorite out of those three?
18:02.54merrickreally... ok thats good to know
18:02.59josephscottmerrick: I think only the very latest versions of PHP support that type of chaining
18:03.03merrickthanks megeary. just trying to save on a line of code
18:03.10merrickthanks josephscott
18:03.11wpsthey also feel very different in your hands, SunSparc
18:03.15merrickand mgeary
18:03.20SunSparcstderr: Yeah, I would imagine that a person could not really go wrong with either brand.
18:03.31SunSparcwps: How so?
18:03.39wpsthere are people that swear each way… likes fords and chevys
18:03.46wpsI picked up a Nikon and hated it
18:03.49wpsfelt cheap… like a toy
18:03.53mgearySunSparc: it is
18:03.56stderrwhich Nikon?
18:04.02wpsbut there are nikon people that would say the same thing about a canon I'm sure
18:04.14josephscottafter reading about the auto worker jobs back I'm rather disgusted with the american auto industry
18:04.21wpsunfortunately, I don't recall the model, stderr. sorry
18:04.33stderrwell that's pretty important :P both Canon and Nikon use plastic in their cheaper bodies
18:04.47wpsthis was a pro DSLR
18:04.47SunSparcmgeary: Yeah, their shells are pretty good.  Although, I enjoy the veggie burrito from Del Taco better.
18:04.49wpsmetal body
18:04.51supernoviaI have an ancient nikon5700 (not even a DSLR)
18:04.59wpsmy biggest complaint was the shutter button
18:05.07supernoviaheavy cameras = good ... less shake
18:05.07wpshow it depressed… the resistance… when it engaged
18:05.11wpshated it
18:05.34justincarmonyjosephscott: what news is this about the auto industry?
18:05.39supernoviaespecially if they're heavier at the bottom.
18:05.40stderrwhich Canon do you have?
18:05.45SunSparcEvery brand has their crappy product lines.
18:06.28stderrjust go to Best Buy or somewhere and see how each feels in your hands
18:06.31supernoviayeah josephscott. let's hear it.
18:06.34josephscottjustincarmony: jobs bank has now been suspended, but it's insane that this went on at all
18:06.52wpsyeah… and really, you'd need to commit to one for a month and run it through some real tests
18:07.15josephscottit basically paid people not to work, with up to 95% of their salary
18:07.32stderrI've owned the D40 (Nikons entry-level DSLR), and it's a pretty dang good camera
18:07.54stderrbut I had to upgrade to the D90
18:08.03supernoviaand we wonder why Toyota runs circles around em
18:08.10josephscottthis is no longer, true, but at the time:
18:08.13josephscott“Right now if a plant closes in St. Louis and a new one opens in Kansas City, the workers don’t have to move from St. Louis to Kansas City; they can opt to get a $105,000 payout or go on Jobs Bank where they can collect 95 percent of pay for the rest of their lives,” Morici said
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18:09.35wpsunions are such a load of crap
18:09.45josephscottThese contracts say that GM agreed to allocate $2.1 billion in Jobs Bank payments over four years
18:09.46SunSparcstderr: nice flow chart
18:10.18josephscott$525 million/year so that they could pay people who weren't working
18:10.32mgearywps: but unions served an important role in the development of workers' rights
18:11.39supernoviaon top of this making us extraordinarily non competitive price and technology wise, living on the dole has a neat little way of messing people up
18:12.23justincarmonyI think unions today are a lot different from what they were in 1920s
18:12.53wpsmy 1.5 year old pulled a ribbon out of an antique typewriter
18:13.14wpscovered in ink
18:13.14supernoviad'oh. time for a taller shelf eh
18:13.51justincarmonyso mgeary is right, they served a great role in developing worker's right. But I have yet to meet a union worker lately that is happy with their union :P
18:13.54SunSparcwps: That is a fun age.
18:14.05supernoviaunions are good when they help people.. not so good when they're more or less legal organized crime
18:14.12*** join/#uphpu Zelut (n=christer@unaffiliated/zelut)
18:14.44SunSparcI do not usually hear anything good about unions.
18:14.57supernoviaand paying someone to sit around and do nothing = great way to keep them quiet :-p
18:15.07wpsyes, mgeary, some truth to that
18:15.14wpsbut it's been a long time since they were a positive force
18:16.16supernoviathey have a way of zapping self reliance
18:16.20*** join/#uphpu Lone_Wanderer (
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18:16.54merrickso I'm runnnig 5.2.9
18:17.01merrickand its not yet implements
18:17.28mgearymerrick: that does seem weird. maybe it's php5.3+, but i didn't think so
18:17.47merrickmgeary, Alright well, thanks I appreciate the help
18:18.28mgearymerrick: but it makes for cleaner code if you use a variable anyhow
18:18.38merrickarguable :)
18:19.36mgearynot really
18:19.56stderrIt certainly is arguable, but not in PHP where there's such a fundamental difference between variables and functions.
18:20.56stderrSunSparc: so you thinking of purchasing a new body?
18:21.39mgearymerrick: but it creates logical debug points. trying to debug a line that has 10 things going on in it is a nightmare
18:21.44Lone_WandererI wish I could buy a new body, and then move my consciousness into it.
18:21.59merrickreferencing a value from a returned array is hardly 10 things
18:22.07mgearymerrick: true :)
18:22.14Lone_WandererNot right now, but in 60 years or so.
18:22.14merrickhehe :)
18:22.24mgearyi'm just espousing my philosophy, i suppose
18:22.51SunSparcstderr: I have been thinking about it for a long time.  I love photography.  Used to develop my own BW photos in high school for photo class.  Used my parents Canon SLR (not sure which model it was).  But since then I have stuck with cheap point and shoot models.  Always been hoping to justify the cost of a real camera.
18:22.51stderrSunSparc: there's a Photowalking event in February, a night for a miniclinic on studio shooting, and a studio lighting photowalk two days later
18:23.02stderrif you wanted to you could come and try my D90 on for size
18:23.19stderrI _may_ be coming to the UPHPU meeting on Thursday too, could bring it with
18:23.21Lone_WandererD90 isn't full frame is it?
18:23.29stderrnope it's DX
18:23.48SunSparcstderr: I have seen you mention that.  What exactly is a photo walk?
18:23.57Lone_Wandererand how do you find out about them?
18:24.23stderrI'm a member of the Photowalking Utah group and visit their site every so often ( I think it's currently down )
18:24.25Lone_WandererSunSparc: I have a D80 and it's fantastic.
18:25.35*** part/#uphpu merrick (
18:27.10stderrLone_Wanderer: The D90 is essentially Nikon's replacement for the D80
18:27.15Lone_WandererYeah I figured.
18:27.36stderrbut they took a LOT of features from the D300 so it's a pretty far step up
18:27.38Lone_WandererEssentially the same model, but with more awesome.
18:27.43Lone_Wandereroh cool
18:27.45stderrJust wish I had the 51 AF points :`(
18:27.55Lone_Wanderer51 autofocus points??
18:28.02Lone_Wandererthat's a bit excessive isn't it?
18:28.06stderrYea, the D300 and D700 have 51 AF points
18:28.21stderrnever can be excessive with AF points
18:28.32Lone_Wandererdo they overlap?
18:28.41Lone_Wanderermaybe I'm thinking of something different
18:29.17stderrnah they don't overlap
18:29.56Lone_Wandererohhh, photo-related swag just for showing up
18:30.40Lone_WandererYep, that's what I was thinking of.
18:33.10stderrI'm not using any auto exposure lock / recompose picture tricks anymore, just going off the sunny 16 rule
18:33.19Lone_WandererWhat's that?
18:34.26stderrgreat way to figure out exposure in your head
18:35.40Lone_Wandererah, cool
18:36.22tierrajust ran across this pretty ingenious site:
18:38.46wpstierra, the google website optimizer does that with more features
18:39.28tierragoogle provides an API for doing A/B testing... but this site is an archive of results from various A/B tests
18:39.45wpsah… I see
18:42.39justincarmonyI hate novell atm
18:42.58wpsI've hated them for the past decade
18:43.08wpswell, hate's a little strong
18:43.14wpsno sense in harboring hate
18:43.57Lone_Wandererbut you really, really, really, really, really, really don't like them?
18:44.11justincarmonyactually, this particular issue isn't novell's direct fault. Its more the people who setup this office's networking did it haphazardly
18:44.18wpsno… just don't have any respect for them
18:44.27wpsand am surprised that they are still in business
18:44.32justincarmonyso now when new software updates come, it won't run on their system
18:51.54fungusHow does a bad network setup prevent updates from installing?
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19:30.22justincarmonyfungus: the have Novell setup all weird, so the new version of their software that uses services now instead of just a standard windows app can't authenticate against their eDirectory
19:31.07funguseww, all that crazy windows stuff.  GL
19:31.27justincarmonymixing Novell & Windows
19:31.36fungusdidn't used to be bad.
19:31.46fungusabout 10 years ago, it worked pretty good
19:31.51justincarmonyAll because their Novell server is basically a glorified network share
19:31.54justincarmonythats it
19:39.46SunSparcOne thing I really really want in a camera is a shutter that releases as soon as I press the shutter release button.  So many point and click cameras just do not understand the idea of candid shots of children who move at light speed.
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19:41.26SunSparcA camera with a good power supply that allows me to take quick shots and minimal intervals.
19:42.10SunSparcOf course, my budget is $500-$1000 for a whole package, not just the body.  At the moment anyway.
19:42.44supernoviaSunSparc, in my humble experience, cannon's got a very quick shutter
19:42.48SunSparcThe Rebel or D90 are probably what would fit my needs.  I still consider myself a photography novice.
19:43.27SunSparcsupernovia: have you tried Nikon's?
19:43.30supernoviawell, not shutter speed so much but speed of shutter response
19:43.49supernoviaI haven't owned either but I've used both
19:44.12SunSparcWhat are your thoughts on both?
19:44.48supernoviaactually: both of them I've used have been older models
19:44.53SunSparcI probably just need to put my hands on both.  My brother in law has a Rebel that I played with briefly.
19:45.02supernoviaYeah, that's the best way to do it
19:45.28supernoviaThere's a camera store in AF that will let you try them out
19:46.46supernoviaer, canon. sheesh. but yeah I think Allen's can help you out
19:47.36SunSparcThere is a Canon store in AF?
19:48.12supernoviait has been a long time since I shopped there
19:51.30supernovia - they do carry them online at least
19:51.52SunSparcYeah, I was looking at their site.  I have been to their store.
19:52.34influxCanon EOS line of DSLRs
19:52.52influxUsed end up being pretty good. I had a 10D that worked swimmingly.
19:53.15SunSparcBut stderr has me interested in Nikon as well.
19:53.21influxstderr doesn't know anything
19:53.44influxNikon's always good to check out.
20:06.33stderr"speed of shutter response" depends upon a lot of things
20:06.47stderr#1 being the lens you're using, not the body (due to AF)
20:07.57SunSparcYeah, I always assumed that power supply was the greatest factor, especially with so many features all requiring power before a shot is taken and then the recovery phase.
20:08.39stderrnot really.  the lens is number 1, but number two would be the body's AF mechanism itself, and #3 would be the sensor and how much buffer the sensor has
20:09.14stderrthe body's AF mechanism + the the body's metering system
20:09.36SunSparcMakes sense.
20:09.39stderr(depends on if you've set the body to get focus and/or meter right before it allows the shot to be taken, it's the default on most Nikon and Canon bodies)
20:10.58SunSparcRight, the final focus.  I can see how that would cause extra time.
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20:11.27stderryea, which you can certainly disable
20:12.30stderrthen if you have a wireless flash system setup, that can lag the shutter response as well.
20:13.02SunSparcWaiting for communication confirmation?
20:13.11stderrso it isn't really a Nikon vs Canon thing.  It's more of a specific body vs body thing and a specific lens vs lens thing
20:13.17stderryea, waiting for communication
20:13.36justincarmonythis just made my day:
20:13.57influxCan you make it pop?
20:14.11influxSure I can. Let me get my 9mm.
20:14.29SunSparcjustincarmony: lol
20:15.04influxthat's just dumb
20:16.46utahconScary cool:
20:16.54utahconthe link is a bit big...
20:17.52utahconsmaller link
20:19.30Lone_LunchWhat exactly is an A B test?
20:20.42SunSparcutahcon: that is pretty cool stuff
20:20.54wpsjustincarmony: hallelujah!
20:22.23influxIs there anyone willing to give me a ride to/from the meeting on Thursday?
20:22.31influxI will provide money for gas.
20:22.45influxI have... however much is in my change jar.
20:23.08wpsalas, he is triple-booked
20:24.27supernoviaI saw you post earlier about coming in from SLC - I'm pretty sure most of the group comes from that direction
20:24.50supernoviawell, at least a lot of the people who are always there
20:25.37Lone_LunchWhere do you live influx?
20:27.19influxI live in the Avenues, by LDS hospital.
20:27.27influxQuarter-block away actually.
20:27.28Lone_Lunchah. I'm in Orem.
20:28.00influxNo idea where Orem is; it's sad, really.
20:28.01supernoviamight you meet up with someone and have them bring you in the rest of the way?
20:28.22influxsupernovia: Possibly, yeah. I could take Trax down to Sandy and meet someone there.
20:28.22Lone_LunchDo you know where Provo is?
20:28.23mgearyinflux: you live in SLC and y ou don't know where Orem is?
20:28.32influxLone_Lunch: Next to mount olympus?
20:28.34Lone_LunchHe might be really, really new to Utah.
20:28.37supernoviaI'm coming from the wrong direction, btw, but I'm sure someone there could help you out
20:28.48influxmgeary: I'm not kidding. I hardly venture anywhere.
20:28.49Lone_LunchNot as far as I know.
20:29.05influxLone_Lunch: I've lived here about fifteen years now.
20:29.07supernoviaand tells influx to hop on trax sometime.
20:29.10fungusinflux I will be heading down from West Valley
20:29.13Lone_LunchWell, then you have no excuse ;)
20:29.19supernoviasee ya :)
20:29.35Lone_LunchOrem and Provo are basically the same city.  BYU is in Provo, if that helps.  It's 45 minutes to an hour south of downtown SLC, depending on traffic.
20:29.39influxfungus: Yeah? What can we work out?
20:29.39SunSparcOrem is an awesome city to live in.
20:29.44Lone_LunchIt is?
20:29.52Lone_LunchAre we thinking of the same Orem?
20:30.02influxMaybe he's thinking of Or'm?
20:30.05SunSparcI like it.
20:30.30wpsI think Orem was great in the eighties and nineties but I wouldn't live there now
20:30.47utahconinflux: you may wish to email to list to get a carpool/ride setup
20:31.05Lone_LunchMy sister and me, on my choice in shirts: "I'm missing how looking like a lumberjack makes cool..."  "Wolverine was a lumberjack."
20:31.11Lone_Lunchmakes you cool*
20:31.16fungusinflux, can you get to the trax station at 21st?  I could swing by there pretty easy
20:31.29influxFor sure.
20:31.53influxJust tell me when.
20:32.31Lone_LunchI don't mind it, but I'd rather live in the Avenues.
20:32.34fungusYou check the schedule and tell me when you will be there.  That way I can try to make sure you don't have to wait too long in the cold.
20:32.37Lone_LunchOr, better yet, Seattle or St. Paul.
20:32.47wpsI'd rather live in heber
20:32.56Lone_LunchIsn't Heber kind of
20:33.04Lone_Luncha small town?
20:33.10fungusI'm with Lone_Lunch, small towns suck
20:33.11macnewboldyeah, heber is awesome
20:33.14macnewboldnot too small though
20:33.19macnewboldthey have an airport...
20:33.24Lone_LunchIt's the one that's on the way to Park City if you go from Orem via the canyon, right?
20:33.33macnewboldso you can get a small plane and fly to SLC or provo when you need to
20:33.33Lone_LunchAn airport without a tower.
20:33.34SunSparcI have thought of Heber, because I would like a bigger lot.
20:33.38Lone_LunchI don't think it has a tower anyway.
20:33.43fungusIf they don't have an international Airport, it's a small town
20:33.53macnewbolddoesn't need a tower... they're already at 7,000 ft or something...
20:33.58Lone_LunchI'd live in Heber.
20:34.13Lone_Lunchmac - I can't tell if you're joking or not
20:34.14wpsmacnewbold: how does elevation affect the need for a tower?
20:34.51influxWill this meeting be recorded on audio?
20:35.05influxerr, will there be an audio recording of the meeting, I mean.
20:35.30wpsno live recording, but mindjuju is going to recreate the entire event later with legos and stop-motion photography
20:35.45macnewboldwps: presumably the tower is to get you higher... heber's already high
20:35.57influxI'll take a notebook.
20:36.06fungusinflux, recorded yes, live stream, no
20:36.39macnewboldinflux: i'm going to the meeting and could get you there if you want. you could meet me at Code Greene (work) right near 400 S State St. I could get you back to sandy trax afterward.
20:36.42wps"merchandise" is hard to type fast
20:37.01Lone_Lunchmacnewbold: the tower is so that you can see what's going on everywhere in the airport, and in the air around the airport, and so an aircraft that's having trouble can do flybys and you can visually inspect it to see (for example) if their landing gear has descended or not
20:37.17Lone_Lunchand, in general, to control what's going on
20:37.25influxfungus: 6:37PM work for you?
20:37.28Lone_Lunchit's where the air traffic controllers work
20:37.55Lone_Lunchand an airport that's small enough to not need a tower is really, really tiny, and can be dangerous to fly into and out of
20:37.59fungusIs there one earlier.  we might be late for that.  traffic gets ugly around that time.
20:38.14Lone_Lunch(Not that I've been studying aviation or anything.)
20:38.51wpsthe twitter engine should have a filter that automatically refuses posts about children and pets
20:39.08Lone_LunchOr at least lets you choose what to filter.
20:40.34influxfungus: There's 6:22 and 6:07
20:40.57influxwps: You should start a Facebook group.
20:41.19Lone_Lunch"If we get 10,000 members Twitter will do what we want!"
20:41.26Lone_LunchDo it.  I'd join.
20:41.50wpshey… anything's possible
20:41.52wpsI'm on twitter now
20:41.57Lone_LunchI would join specifically to mock anyone delusional enough to think that Twitter programmers are going to bow to our whim just because we shout really loudly on an unrelated social networking site.
20:42.01Lone_LunchBut I would nevertheless join.
20:42.10fungusinflux, 6:22 that sounds great.
20:42.36Lone_Lunch(Actually having the ability to filter the content of people you follow based on key words is a really reasonable feature to ask for.)
20:42.59wpsnot sure how you would filter some things though
20:43.09wpsfor example… a friend just posted about his kid having croup
20:43.14wpswhile that's sad… who cares?
20:43.39Lone_Lunch...are you familiar with the basic premise behind Twitter?
20:44.01Lone_LunchDon't get me wrong.  I agree with you.
20:44.14Lone_LunchI'm just not sure we're on the same page regarding Why Twitter Exists.
20:44.29utahconLone_Lunch: So my friends can talk and I don't have to listen
20:44.49utahconplease note that is why IRC became popular :D
20:45.10wpsIRC is a good place to mention your kid having croup
20:45.18Lone_LunchWhat is croup?
20:45.28josephscottIRC is popular?
20:45.36Lone_LunchA lot of people use it.
20:45.38utahconjosephscott: it was
20:45.42Lone_LunchThe military uses it.
20:45.58utahconLone_Lunch: that is a -- in some books
20:46.10josephscottindeed it was, about a decade ago :-)
20:46.14Lone_LunchWhen my S2 said something about putting intel on mIRC, I had to excuse myself because I was laughing too much.
20:46.28utahconjosephscott: furthermore... we are still here, must be where teh cool kids hang out
20:46.39Lone_Lunchutahcon: I prefer ;)
20:46.48Lone_Lunchmilitary intelligence
20:46.57Lone_Lunchthey deal with intel
20:46.59wpsLone_Lunch: I have found some great people to follow that post great stuff (opposed to just logging their actions)
20:47.44Lone_LunchI found out later that their IRC network is on... siprnet, I think it's called, which is secure and encrypted and doesn't go over any public cables or anythingg
20:48.13Lone_Lunchbut still, I'm really amused that they're using IRC to communicate and organize realtime operations
20:50.11utahconLone_Lunch: if the lag is low, why not
20:50.20utahconit is a pretty mature protocol
20:50.34utahconon a private network I can only imagine it is damn good
20:50.56Lone_Lunchno, it does make sense
20:50.57macnewboldyeah, no netsplits :-D
20:51.09Lone_Lunchit's just one more thing about the military that's kind of a let down
20:51.24Lone_WandererLike, the first time I ever learned anything classified
20:52.07Lone_WandererI was all excited.  They brought us into a big room and locked the door and an officer was all "What you're about to learn is classified, don't tell anyone or you'll go to jail forever, bla bla"
20:52.14Lone_WandererAnd made a big deal about it
20:52.20Lone_Wandererand then they told us and it was like
20:52.26Lone_Wanderer....that's it?  That's BORING.
20:53.04supernoviahey wps - there are twitter apps with filters
20:53.42Lone_WandererNothing like the movies at all.  So when I went to Ft. Huachuca (home of military intel) I was all excited that I might finally see some cool stuff, and I find out that they're using.... IRC.
20:54.23supernoviaSee mindjuju, Huachuca is a real word.
20:54.37influxIt's a proper noun.
20:54.48influxAnd will not stand in a game of Scrabble.
20:55.04utahconyeah but supernovia we don't use it in polite society, only behind closed doors
20:55.18supernovialol utahcon
20:55.20Lone_WandererIt sounds like you should say "Bless you" afterward.
20:55.34supernoviaahhh I wish I could go there... now
20:55.50Lone_WandererYou've been there, supernovia?
20:55.51supernoviawe need freakin teleporters already
20:55.52utahconsupernovia: behind closed doors?
20:56.06Lone_WandererClosed and locked doors that are EM-shielded.
20:56.33supernoviaMy brother and sister and their families live in SV
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20:57.01supernoviaand I'm pretty sure they don't have perma-snow right now
20:57.06Lone_WandererI heard about a kid who brought his cell phone into a skiff on accident (sealed building that supposedly no EM can get into our out of, for top secret stuff) so he hid it under a vending machine, which was fine until it started ringing.
20:57.14Lone_WandererYeah I don't think it snows much there.
20:57.18stderrLone_Wanderer: hey, where are we going snowshoeing again?
20:57.29supernoviaIt snowed a few weeks ago
20:57.38Lone_WandererDoughnut Falls
20:57.40supernoviamy nephew was thrilled out of his socks
20:57.41stderrah word ty
20:57.52influxLone_Wanderer: What happened to the kid?
20:58.18utahconLone_Wanderer: the donut is no longer there
20:58.24Lone_WandererHe just got a stern talking to, probably.  It was at Huachuca, so he was just an IET student and the stuff they were working on, while technically top secret, probably isn't very sensitive.
20:58.26utahconit caved
20:58.27Lone_WandererWhat was the donut?
20:58.48utahconThe water falls down through what used to look like a donut in the mountain side...
20:58.54Lone_WandererIt's still a good hike though, right?  Plenty of scenery, etc.?
20:59.01utahconLone_Wanderer: yes
20:59.08utahconand quite and easy one too
20:59.09Lone_Wandererk good
20:59.21Lone_WandererWell, we're going on the 30th if you want to come.
20:59.35supernoviaOh yeah?  bt I'd have to have snowshoes right?
20:59.40Lone_WandererThere may be beautiful women from Europe joining us.
20:59.43Lone_WandererYou can rent them.
20:59.52DexterTheDragonthe women?
21:00.01Lone_WandererThere may also be burly, hairy Russians joining us.  I don't really know.
21:00.02supernoviaI was invited to a baby shower that day for a girl who hasn't talked to me once in the past 10 months (so I had no idea she was pregnant)
21:00.05Lone_Wanderer(The SNOWSHOES man.)
21:00.12stderrsupernovia: you can rent snowshoes from the U for like 4 bucks / day
21:00.22Lone_WandererDo you have to be a student?
21:00.43supernoviaOooh, I could brush up on my ruski
21:00.51utahconDexterTheDragon: All women are rentals.
21:01.10supernoviaI would be the only non rental eh
21:01.22supernoviano one's bringing their wife / gf?
21:01.23Lone_WandererI actually don't know who all will be there, but I'm posting it on the Couchsurfing International site so we'll probably have at least one person here from another country.
21:01.31stderroh 6 bucks for a day rental
21:01.37stderrsupernovia: my fiancee may come
21:01.45Lone_WandererMy friend Josh (not DW, a different josh) might bring his wife.  Err, she might decide to join him.
21:01.54utahconsupernovia: I would like to think there is such a thing as a free date, but I have never had one
21:02.15Lone_WandererThe opportunity cost alone can be pretty high.
21:02.23supernoviadang.  I need to brush up on those skills.
21:02.47supernoviaI think I paid for most of the dates I ever went on in HS. :-
21:02.48macnewboldutahcon: what happened to the donut? did they cut it or something?
21:04.06supernovia*sigh* - anyone going to see Avatar anytime soon? in 3D?
21:04.15Lone_WandererI'd like to.
21:04.24Lone_WandererHaven't seen it yet.
21:04.25supernoviaMy kids and the little brother have no desire
21:05.29Lone_WandererMake your husband take you.
21:05.44Lone_WandererThat's what they're there for.
21:06.44Lone_WandererExcuse me.
21:06.50supernoviaIt's all good :)
21:06.52Lone_WandererI need to go have my foot removed.
21:07.09Lone_WandererFrom my throat.
21:07.44supernoviaI am thinking I'll break from my tradition of burying myself in homework and go watch it this afternoon while he's got the kids :-p
21:08.05Lone_WandererWhere is it playing, and what time?
21:08.44supernoviaI was thinking if a group of ppl here wanted to see it I'd go wherever was most convenient
21:10.34supernoviaand whenever
21:10.46supernoviabut I might just do it this afternoon since I keep meaning to go
21:11.06Lone_WandererI'll go
21:11.16Lone_WandererI have to be somewhere at...
21:12.07supernoviawell it'd have to be a group is the thing.  Ah, my awkward life.
21:12.13Lone_WandererOr 5:30.  I can pick.
21:14.37influxI can join if you guys decide on Gateway.
21:14.52supernoviahows that for you, Lone_Wanderer?
21:15.14fungusI would love to see it again, but can't go until after 6
21:15.14Lone_WandererDepends mostly on when.
21:15.46supernoviaI have to get the kids back around 7-ish
21:16.42supernoviaalso - def. want to see in 3D on Imax (otherwise I'd just wait for the cheap theaters - I've heard that's half the experience)
21:17.13supernoviabut yeah I could also just go alone and likely will if a group doesn't work out
21:17.23fungus3D definitely, Imax, meh.
21:17.32tierra3d imax was definitely worth it
21:19.00fungusespecially since most of the imax theaters in Utah are not full size imax.
21:19.33supernoviaseems most of the theaters offering it in 3d are doing it on imax
21:19.41supernoviatheir version of it, anyhow
21:19.58fungusNot really, there are a ton more theaters doing 3d w/o imax, than w/
21:21.13supernoviahows the weather in SLC?
21:21.15fungusThere are only 3 theaters in salt lake valley with imax
21:22.21DexterTheDragonwhat are those fungus?
21:22.52fungusmegaplex jordan commons, cinemark jordan landing, and I think Gateway does too.
21:23.30DexterTheDragonthe clark planitarium is the only thing at the gateway with an imax
21:24.05influx41 degrees out
21:24.07fungusoh right, so only 2 imax theaters
21:24.15supernoviaThere's supposedly an Imax screen at Jordan Commons
21:24.41supernoviaI think I'm going to go there.
21:26.08jtsnowcinemark uses their own version of imax called "XD"... anyone ever watched a movie there?
21:28.08supernoviaguess I'm going to go find out :o)
21:28.21supernoviawill let you know.
21:28.27*** part/#uphpu supernovia (
21:28.58Lone_WandererI wonder who she's going to let know.
21:32.38justincarmonyany windows gurus out there? :P
21:41.24blendmaster1024yes there are. hopefully not in here./
21:48.33mindjujujustincarmony - what up?
21:48.59justincarmonyis it possible to run a service under the user who is currently logged in?
21:49.22mindjujudo you know where the services are listed?
21:50.16mindjujuif no, i can tell you
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21:50.23mindjujujust wondering to include it
21:50.32mindjujuhere is how you get there if you don't
21:50.47mindjujustart -> setting -> control panel
21:50.55mindjujuthen there, choose administrative tools
21:50.58mindjujuthen services
21:51.04mindjujuyou'll have the list of services there
21:51.10mindjujufind the one you want to change
21:51.15mindjujuright click on it and go to properties
21:51.25mindjujufind the tab on top that says Log On
21:51.34mindjujuthat is the account that 'll run the service
21:54.17fungusjustincarmony, not dymanically, but statically yes.
21:54.50mindjujuoh was he looking for dynamic?
21:54.52justincarmonythe problem mindjuju,fungus is that when I do that, it doesn't log into the eDirectory for Novell
21:55.28supernoviano one else was going to go to Avatar this afternoon right?
21:56.25Lone_WandererWhat time are you planning on going?
21:56.39Lone_WandererI'd like to
21:56.41Lone_Wandererif I can make it
21:57.45mindjujujustincarmony, i've never needed it to auth from an eDirectory, but I do know you can tell it a location to auth from, ie Domain account
21:58.27justincarmonythats the problem, the machine isn't setup on a domain
21:58.38justincarmonyit uses Novell's custom NetWare login
21:59.19mindjujuwhat version of winders?
21:59.23fungusjustincarmony, doesn't eDirectory replace the Client for Microsoft Networks, or is it just a replacement logon window?
21:59.40justincarmonyfungus: replacement logon window
22:00.05fungusah, well then that wouldn't make the login available to system services IIRC
22:01.24justincarmonythere supposedly is a hack to do it
22:01.31justincarmonybut the hack isn't working
22:02.45justincarmonymindjuju: do you know a really good netware admin who knows his stuff? :P
22:09.52mindjujuas compared to
22:10.07justincarmonyme who knows enough to fiddle around
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22:14.43justincarmonymindjuju: ^^^
22:15.45influxAnyone have a minute to look over my resume?
22:16.41mindjuju01If CIFS is enabled on the Netware Volume, he may be able to use the service credentials to access the volume.  Otherwise, the service/app would have to be coded with the proper authentication strings to access the volume natively.
22:16.48mindjuju01justincarmony ^^
22:18.18influxThat text appear black to anyone else?
22:18.37wpsyes, black for me
22:18.56influxSorry. I should mention I'm using irssi.
22:19.47influxnm. doesn't matter.
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22:23.58influx15:15 < influx> Anyone have a minute to look over my resume?
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22:46.46Lone_Wanderer...Lightroom is pretty dang cool
22:46.53Lone_Wandererand I've only been using it for like ten minutes
22:50.42stderrit's fantastic
22:51.09Lone_WandererJust the options for sorting through pictures and picking the good ones is going to save me so much time
22:51.40stderryou can get a flickr to plugin to upload directly from Lightroom too
22:51.53Lone_Wandererit goes into Lightroom, right?
22:51.54stderralso search for lightroom presets
22:52.02stderryea directly into the import modal
22:52.07Lone_Wanderernot something on the Flickr web site?
22:52.44stderrnope built in
22:53.02Lone_WandererI'm going through the tutorial videos on Adobe's web site
22:57.51*** join/#uphpu Jacolyte_ (n=blaine@unaffiliated/jacolyte)
23:16.27influxLightroom is the bee's knees.
23:18.14wpslightroom is a pollen sack?
23:30.34wpsI'm so sick of working
23:30.37wpsI want to go ride my bike
23:31.10Lone_WandererYou should.  Go mountain biking.  Oh wait, winter.
23:40.27mgearyjava is teh suck
23:40.39wpstrue that
23:43.11stderrtrue dat*
23:43.23stderrfungus: Lady Gaga?  Really?
23:43.38fungushell yeah.  I love me some GaGa
23:44.02DexterTheDragonany recommendations on uninterrupible power supplies?
23:44.04PoeticIntensityher mixes are pretty awesome, I must admit....
23:44.18PoeticIntensitythe power in the kick in "Just Dance" rattles my whole house.
23:44.30fungusDtD, is there really anything other than APC and Tripplite?  
23:44.38fungusanything relative anyway...
23:45.06DexterTheDragonwas looking at cyberpower ones
23:45.23fungusI guess for cheap personal use, it doesn't really matter.
23:45.26wpsgaga released an album titled The Fame in 2008 and then one titled The Fame Monster a year later?
23:45.41PoeticIntensitywps - yes.
23:45.43fungusI think I have a cyberpower UPS at home
23:45.46wpsthat's the best title she could come up with?
23:46.23stderrI've heard one song once and that was enough
23:46.33wpsmy 2010 prediction:
23:46.35stderrI am glad that my radio consumption is completely limited to NPR
23:46.37wpsThe Fame Monster Dance
23:46.47wpsI can't get NPR in Utah County
23:46.48wpsit sucks
23:47.11fungusI listen to radio either, but I click links on the intarwebs
23:47.45fungusand my teenage niece hooks me up sometimes too.  though lately she's been gravitating to J-Pop crap.
23:50.29wpswow, gang star's website is a piece of crap
23:51.19justincarmonyok fungus, and anyone else here
23:51.20fungusgah, that is painful
23:51.44justincarmonythey agreed to change their server OS after tax season to something other than NetWare 6.5
23:52.00PoeticIntensityholy cow... you're not kiddin', wps...
23:52.00stderrwell it's almost been a decade since their last album so I have no doubt they have a crappy website
23:52.03PoeticIntensitythat site is horrid.
23:52.05justincarmonyfor just doing file sharing, would you recommend they use OpenSUSE and what not
23:52.36justincarmonyfrom Novell
23:52.50justincarmonyor just use whatever flavor of Linux I like (probably Ubuntu) :P
23:53.02fungusjustincarmony, are you the admin?
23:53.07herlojustincarmony: openSUSE would be fine, or Ubuntu or Fedora or CentOS, or RedHat for something like that...
23:53.37fungusif you are the admin, you should dictate the choice based on your experience
23:53.47justincarmonyanyone use Novell's Open Enterprise Server 2?
23:54.21fungusThough if this is production stuff, you may want to favor the production distros over dev
23:54.43funguseg. SLES > OpenSUSE,  RHEL > Fedora, Ubuntu LTS > non LTS, etc
23:54.52herlofor enterprise, sure

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