IRC log for #uphpu on 20091208

00:00.03JacobEdmondKerrUI'm using the following query and it's givng me an error near the first LEFT JOIN:
00:00.31mgearyyou need a FROM
00:01.03JacobEdmondKerrUSELECT FROM..
00:01.06JacobEdmondKerrUor no.
00:01.24mgearySELECT contestants.*, AS order_id, AS file_id FROM contestants
00:01.32mgearyreplace your line 1 with that
00:02.48JacobEdmondKerrUThanks man. It's working now.
00:04.41JacobEdmondKerrUI'm a super noob with MySQL
00:04.55JacobEdmondKerrUwell not really super noob but I have not done to many joins etc.
00:07.55JacobEdmondKerrUHow would one do something like orders.* AS order_id. You know what I mean? So I can get all the rows from order table but set the id to order_id.
00:08.09JacobEdmondKerrUor all the columns*
00:08.21mgearyi'm not a fan of "select *" in the first place
00:08.38mgearyeven if it's onerous, i think you ought to explicitly specify each field you want
00:08.48mgearyit helps document your code
00:09.22mgearyand then you can just do "select as table_id
00:09.43JacobEdmondKerrUK I will set it up that way, thanx.
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02:41.33beandogwho wants to go christmas carolling?
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05:05.02justincarmonyhey supernovia
05:06.12supernoviaoh hey there :)
05:06.19supernoviahow are things around here today?
05:07.32justincarmonyI dunno
05:07.38justincarmonyI was all busy today
05:08.14justincarmonyyeah, the Boss is leaving thurs morning, so he wants to get this weeks work done by weds :P
05:08.23supernoviaNice boss :)
05:08.53justincarmonylol, well, I put in a little overtime at the beginning of the week
05:08.59justincarmonyand I get to take some time off thurs and fri
05:09.32supernoviathere you go
05:09.43supernoviaI am in some ways bummed that it's only monday
05:09.54supernoviabut at the same time I suppose I could use all the time I can get
05:10.04wpsI've never done a join on a delete (mysql)… is that possible?
05:10.14supernoviaI've got to run a mile and a half tomorrow for P.E. class and am not looking forward to that (not much of a runner)
05:10.48justincarmony... I don't think so wps, but don't quote me
05:11.32supernoviaMmmm, what are you trying to get at with joining a delete?
05:11.48wpsI don't have the value I need for the where
05:11.51supernoviatrying to delete data in both tables? or only in one table based on shared results from another
05:11.58wpsso I need to join to a table to get it
05:12.07wpsbut now that I think about it, that doesn't make sense
05:12.12wpshow can I get it doing a delete
05:12.22wpsyou can't "get something" unless your are selecting
05:12.29wpsnever mind… I'll select it and then do a delete
05:12.29supernoviasubquery perhaps?
05:12.39wpssubquery might work
05:12.56supernoviadelete from table where column in (select id from someothertable)
05:13.32supernoviaor (select somecolumn from someothertable where ...)  - should work
05:14.00supernoviamay not be the best way (I'm no expert) but I'm sure it'd work. just select first to be sure you're grabbing the right data eh?
05:14.37DexterTheDragonDELETE t1, t2 FROM t1 INNER JOIN t2 INNER JOIN t3
05:14.37DexterTheDragonWHERE AND;
05:15.14wpsah… so it should work?
05:15.17wpsI'll try that
05:15.18wpsthanks, dex
05:15.28supernoviaOh I missed swb. Drat.
05:15.44supernoviahooray for documentation
05:17.52wpsDexterTheDragon: so that will only delete form the "delete from" table, right? and not delete from the table you're joining?
05:18.39DexterTheDragonthe one I posted will delete rows in t1 and t2
05:18.48supernoviaFor the first multiple-table syntax, only matching rows from the       tables listed before the FROM clause are       deleted.
05:18.58supernovianice. Well the blank did say "from"
05:19.22supernoviaor not. goodness.
05:20.15supernoviaanyway that's from the link there, wps
05:20.24wpsthanks… reading…
05:20.39supernoviahow are things there, DexterTheDragon?
05:21.07supernoviaI am feeling too lazy to study right now.
05:21.40DexterTheDragonwhens finals?
05:22.16supernoviaMm, depends on the class -
05:23.04supernoviabut I have stuff pretty much lined up for the next three days for two classes, then friday or saturday for another class
05:23.18supernoviaand then I've -really- got to crank out the junk for the online class I've been behind in
05:23.36supernoviapolitical science class - I keep trying to get into it but it totally nauseates me
05:24.11supernoviaI don't dislike political science, so long as it remains a science you know?
05:25.28supernoviathis class reads more like an editorial and I find that not cool when you know you're supposed to agree with whatever they're saying
05:26.01supernoviaanyway. I'm going to stop blathering for a moment and go get my books. be back in a bit.
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05:39.39wpsto test my delete, I am running the query as a select
05:39.50wpsit is correctly returning what I want to delete
05:39.57wpsbut when I switch the query to delete, I get an error
05:40.19wpsone of those great "check the manual appropriate for your version" errors
05:40.35supernoviadid you leave anything between delete and from?
05:41.07supernoviawhat did your query end up looking like?
05:42.39supernoviawhat's perm
05:42.56wpsalias for dev_cscca_cms.permissions
05:43.19supernoviammm, why do you need an alias when you delete?
05:43.19wpshere's one that's easier to read:
05:43.22DexterTheDragonDELETE perm FROM ....
05:43.56wpsah… I have to specify which table since I'm joining?
05:44.07wpsthank you, thank you
05:45.34wpssaid unknown table
05:45.41wpsdoes it not recognize the alias?
05:46.49supernoviaIve never deleted from a table while calling it by an alias
05:46.52DexterTheDragonhmmm it may not
05:47.42wpshmm… still "unknown table" error
05:47.45wpseven when I specify the table
05:49.14supernoviayou still called it perm in your join
05:50.45wpswell that's lame if you can't use aliases anywhere in a delete
05:50.52wps(multi-delete, that is)
05:50.54supernoviaI don't know whether it's supposed to work with aliases but it -should- work that way
05:51.34wpsdexter said that I needed to specify which table immediately after the delete though
05:51.54supernoviaand you're deleting from dev_cscca_cms.permissions  right?
05:52.39DexterTheDragonwhy are you doing the join condition in both the ON and the WHERE?
05:53.40wpsha ha
05:53.40wpsexcellent question
05:53.40wpsdupe removed
05:53.51wpsdoesn't fix the error though
05:53.58wpsFatal error: Mysql Error:
05:53.59wpsUnknown table 'permissions' in MULTI DELETE
05:54.06wpsDELETE dev_cscca_cms.permissions FROM dev_cscca_cms.permissions perm INNER JOIN dev_cscca_cms.modules modl ON perm.perm_modl_id=modl.modl_id WHERE modl.modl_nick="members"
05:54.18supernoviaFROM dev_cscca_cms.permissions perm
05:54.47DexterTheDragonyou can use aliases
05:54.59DexterTheDragonbut you have to use the alias after the delete
05:55.05DexterTheDragontry changing that back to perm
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05:55.47wpslike this?
05:55.47wpsDELETE perm FROM dev_cscca_cms.permissions perm INNER JOIN dev_cscca_cms.modules modl ON perm.perm_modl_id=modl.modl_id WHERE modl.modl_nick="members"
05:55.53wpsUnknown table 'perm' in MULTI DELETE
05:56.04supernoviahi mgeary :)
05:56.52wpsyou done many inner joins in an MySQL delete, mgeary?
05:57.10wpsI can't get past an unknown table error
05:57.14mgearyhrm, not so much in a delete
05:57.14supernoviai would guess if you're going to set up an alias you would have to do it up front
05:57.25mgearyhave you tried using a subquery instead?
05:57.27supernoviait's unknown b/c of the alias though right?
05:57.30wpsmakes sense, supernovia
05:57.38DexterTheDragonon a crazy whim try DELETE dev_cscca_cms.perm FROM ...
05:57.43wpsbut it still said unknown even when I called it by name
05:57.45supernoviaso unless the alias is crucial I'd just ditch it
05:58.07mgearyi prefer things like this: "delete from X where id in (select id from X left join Y.... )"
05:58.51wpsI think that that worked dexter
05:59.01wpsI didn't get an error… I'm rerunning it to confirm
05:59.17wpsthat's crazy to me that that worked, as the setting of the alias and the using the alias are out of order
05:59.48DexterTheDragondo you have the dev_cscca_cms database selected?
06:00.06wpsno, that's why I'm calling it in the query
06:00.16DexterTheDragonok thats it then
06:00.34wpsif I had selected it first, then just "perm" would have worked
06:01.08wpsstill weird that I can use an alias before I define it, but it does make sense now why "perm" didn't work and "dev_cscca_cms.perm" did
06:01.11wpsthank you very much
06:01.15wpsI appreciate your patience and help
06:01.32wpsit's great to not just get the query resolved but to have learned something along the way
06:01.33supernoviaway to go DexterTheDragon
06:02.30wpssheeesh… my three year old just woke up coughing again
06:02.36wpsshe wakes up every night at eleven
06:02.42wpsso strange
06:02.44supernoviaalways coughing?
06:02.53supernoviaacid reflux?
06:03.06wpswe thing it's reflux, yeah
06:03.07supernoviamary had that when she was a baby
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06:03.19supernoviahi thinbegin
06:03.25thinbeginheua supernovia
06:03.30thinbeginhows things
06:03.35supernoviathey're still things
06:03.45thinbegingood... rather than bits
06:03.58supernoviabits become bytes and then it all goes to pot
06:04.04thinbeginso... who here is the resident WP guru?
06:04.26supernoviammm, I don't see josephscott around
06:04.29mgearyhaven't seen josephscott for a while
06:04.33mgeary~seen josephscott
06:04.34ibotjosephscott <n=josephsc@nat/novell/x-mlzzdcvfmxcumgbg> was last seen on IRC in channel #uphpu, 18d 13h 12m 36s ago, saying: 'won't be able to make the UPHPU meeting tonight again, it's my wife's birthday'.
06:04.39supernoviaand swb left a little bit ago
06:04.42supernoviabut what's up with WP?
06:05.01thinbeginactually, it's a plugin
06:05.10thinbeginwishlist member
06:05.22thinbeginany experience?
06:05.30supernoviammm, not with that module
06:05.58thinbeginwe can't have experience in everything can we
06:06.09supernoviaI'm certainly glad I dont.
06:06.23thinbeginright then.... off to find a wp channel
06:06.28supernovialuck to you.
06:06.29thinbeginwish me luck
06:06.32supernoviatry the forums
06:06.33thinbeginthnx :)
06:13.21wpsthanks again, everyone
06:13.25wpsit's good to chat
06:13.30supernoviacheers to DexterTheDragon :)
06:13.39supernoviagood luck with your daughter, wps
06:14.05wpsthanks… speaking of daughter… we just had our first ultrasound for #3 this evening!
06:14.06supernoviaI'm just a stranger period.
06:14.14supernoviaWow, congrats!
06:14.28wpsI'm out
06:16.27supernoviagood to see you guys briefly - I'd better get back to studying. have a good night
06:46.05Utah_Davecongrats, wps!
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16:41.25macnewboldyeah, almost everyone was/is late getting here today
16:42.18macnewboldmy normal 30 min drive to the kids school took 75 min, and the usual 20 minutes to pick up Mark and get to work took about 40.
16:42.53macnewboldwe've still got 3 guys out of 6 that were going to be at the office today that aren't here yet
16:43.30macnewboldand the sad part is this storm wasn't even that bad... normally in a strong storm I get 1-2 ft at my house, but this was only a couple of inches.
16:44.10fungusmy commute was 6 times longer than usual.  
16:44.22funguswent from 5 min to 30.  it sucked.
16:44.22macnewbold10 min to 1 hr? something like that?
16:53.07mgearyinteresting. i'd say provo/orem was actually a bit better today than yesterday
16:55.14utahconmine was normal
16:56.04utahconexcept with more snow than normal
16:56.04redroy45min to 1.5hr
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17:21.35mgeary~praise mindjuju
17:21.36ibotAll hail mindjuju!
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17:39.59mindjujudid somebody summon me?  i've looked at the history but can't see it
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17:54.01justincarmonylol macnewbold, fungus thats why my commute today was 15 seconds.... to my couch :P
17:54.20mindjujuyou do your work whilst on a couch?
17:57.05mgearyi'm sure he "works" very hard
17:58.59macnewboldjustincarmony: my car feels like a couch on wheels a lot of the time... it wasn't an uncomfortable 2 hours, just frustrating and time consuming
17:59.22mindjujuit took 2 hours to get to work?
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18:10.47herlo <-- here's the ERGS installfest details...
18:11.03herloit's kind of quiet in here too.  What's up with that?  
18:11.30mgeary~lart herlo
18:11.30ibotbeats the living hamstercrap out of herlo
18:20.23mgearywhat was all that hamstercrap doing inside you, herlo?
18:28.24*** join/#uphpu itimber (
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18:30.31PoeticIntensityman.....   I don't understand it.
18:30.52PoeticIntensityPeople were driving 25MPH in a 50MPH zone, and the majority of them were SUVs...
18:30.54mindjujuthe hampster crap, or something else?
18:31.09PoeticIntensityI'm in a Mustang (rear-wheel), and I was doing 45 with no loss of traction AT ALL.
18:31.24PoeticIntensitycome ON, people!  It's just snow!
18:32.27PoeticIntensitybut then again, there's this...
18:32.55PoeticIntensitymgeary, yeah..  I don't do hills in the snow, but on a *flat*, surface which is barely wet....
18:33.39PoeticIntensityall these SUVs with drivers who might as well be driving in California, totally unaccustomed to snow...
18:34.39beandogits a disaster in SLC
18:34.48beandognone of the roads are plowed
18:34.52beandoga few inches of snow
18:34.56beandogis craziness.
18:35.19PoeticIntensityquite a difference from spinning out, losing control, and hitting another car...
18:36.00PoeticIntensitybeandog, same here....  But there are two trails of wet road between the 2-3 inches of snow.
18:36.50PoeticIntensityI dunno...   I really love driving, and that may be the difference.  I guess safer is better than quicker, especially if you're not comfortable in snow.
18:37.41beandogPoeticIntensity: its actually the same thing in Georgia with rain .... rains ALL the time, so people are used to doing 65+ everywhere, but here, everyone slows to a crawl and I zip around like a mad man.
18:40.28PoeticIntensityyou'd think people in --Utah-- would be accustomed to driving in snow, but I guess all that momentarily left today.
18:40.36beandogthats what I was thinking
18:41.27PoeticIntensityI've never seen traffic so slow, when the pavement is plainly visible, and obviously wet.  Slush and wetness means there's a good possibility there is no ice.
18:41.36PoeticIntensityand IMO, ice is the only thing to be really concerned about.
18:42.51DexterTheDragonslush tends to be as slippery as ice
18:43.12PoeticIntensityI completely disagree.
18:43.25PoeticIntensityice allows no connection with pavement at all.
18:43.48PoeticIntensityslush moves out of the way and allows almost complete connection (unless it's like 4 inches deep)
18:45.31PoeticIntensityman, on the flip-side...  anyone who has ever hit a good stretch of black-ice...  Holy cow, that is freaking scary.
18:46.31PoeticIntensityif that doesn't make ya slow-down and re-think driving habits, nothing will.
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19:16.48fungusIf I ignore the freezing cold temperatures, horrific driving, shoveling exhaustion, etc, I can see how the snow is quite fun to watch
19:17.01fungusThen I snap back to reality and cry.  :(
19:19.43beandog~shoulder fungus
19:20.40beandogI wanna go build a snowman
19:20.52beandogright in the middle of the driveway
19:50.54mindjujugood luck
19:51.00mindjujuit's not bad in draper
20:02.55mindjujulove it
20:04.20DexterTheDragoni wanna watch dark side of oz
20:04.40mindjujuwell, come over
20:04.54mindjujuor maybe i'll put it on before the next uphpu meeting
20:05.21mindjujuOR better yet, we could watch the star wars holiday special
20:07.46beandogI wanna watch dark side of oz, too
20:08.03mindjujuk, then come over early to uphpu
20:08.08mindjujui'll play it while i setup
20:08.20beandogcome over early? what?
20:08.50beandogdid I miss something again
20:09.02mindjujufor the january uphpu meeting
20:09.35beandogdont get my hopes up
20:09.45beandogare we gonna have a uphpu christmas party?
20:09.49beandogwe could do white elephant gifts
20:10.14mindjujuuphpu Christmas?  i guess we could
20:11.14beandog~endorse mindjuju
20:26.27itimbersheesh... that'll fuel ya up!
20:26.47utahconI hope so
20:26.54itimbergimme fuel, gimme fire, gimme that which I desire!
20:26.55utahcongot a long day left
20:27.02utahconhere till at least 8 tonight
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20:33.45fungusWoW 3.3 came out today!!!
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20:46.19SunSparcHmmmm, some nice new Paladin changes.
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20:50.17romanovictoo much wow talk everywhere...
20:50.37SunSparc~WoW romanovic
20:51.34romanovicthere is a row in progress here at work between the wow gamers, and the rest of the programmers who are sick of them talking about it
20:53.18SunSparclol, who is winning?
20:53.25romanovicits not so bad i guess.
20:53.35SunSparcAny spell casting yet?
20:54.20romanovicnot sure, the people venting in our local irc server aren't wow players
20:54.27romanovicso no spell casting yet
20:55.46SunSparcSweet, my WoW is now patched and ready to play...
20:57.21romanovicis it just a new patch that came out, or a new expansion? i really don't follow it
20:58.18SunSparcromanovic: It is a new patch.
20:59.22SunSparcAlthough, it seems to have quite a few major changes.
20:59.36SunSparcIt is a major patch, not a minor one.
21:00.23romanovicyeah.  it seems like the wow gamers here are more excited than they usually get about these things.
21:00.42SunSparcSilly gamers.
21:17.28romanovicnow MW2 is an awesome game...
21:17.37romanovicit is the only game i have bought in the last year
21:18.02SunSparcSo I hear.  I loved CoD4.
21:18.12romanovicthe game before that was Red Alert 3, and the one before that was MW(1)
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21:26.10PoeticIntensityfor those who believe you can't ever have too many cymbals....
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21:27.05wpswhat cymbals? all I can see is a american flag shirt
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21:28.49SunSparcUmmm... someone went a bit overkill on the drum set.
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22:19.54ibotkeeps mailing _psychic_ free America Online CDs until he drowns
22:33.04ibotnukes jnbek with a single large nuke
22:34.57ibothooks into a hydrant and hoses utahcon down
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23:06.59SunSparcOooh, I hate when I do that.
23:07.03DexterTheDragonbett er than into irc
23:07.14SunSparcYikes, looks like we are net splitting.
23:16.32romanovichow can one find out mysql version, without command line access?
23:17.53romanovicwouldn't that just display the client version php is using to access mysql?
23:18.16wpsI think it displays the other, but I'm not positive
23:22.30romanovicit gives me only the "client API version"
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23:26.55romanovicSunSparc: thanks
23:27.33SunSparcromanovic: You are welcome.  Feel free to say this:  ~SunSparc++
23:27.42mgeary~karmawhore SunSparc
23:27.51mgeary~karma SunSparc
23:27.51ibotsunsparc has karma of 12
23:27.58mgearycoming along there, buddy
23:28.03SunSparc~karma mgeary
23:28.03ibotmgeary has karma of 21
23:28.18SunSparcWha? Who is whoring now mgeary?
23:28.51nameless_strangei didn't think that would work
23:28.56nameless_strange~karma mgeary
23:28.56ibotmgeary has karma of 22
23:28.59SunSparcI see how it goes.
23:28.59nameless_strangeaw, man
23:29.02nameless_strangenow i feel bad
23:29.17SunSparcIt's all good.
23:29.23SunSparcLater allz
23:29.28mgearywell, i guess our karma tracker is now officially compromised
23:35.29wpsif anyone else needs Google Wave invites, I have a ton

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