IRC log for #uphpu on 20090930

00:14.39*** join/#uphpu justincarmony (
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00:16.30herlogo home
00:40.25*** join/#uphpu redroy1 (n=Adium@
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15:03.15*** join/#uphpu fungus (
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15:57.25*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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16:38.36ibothooks into a hydrant and hoses tierra down
16:41.18Utah_DaveAnybody have a Google Wave invite I can have?
16:41.56herloUtah_Dave: I probably have one
16:42.36herlooh, wait.  I was thinking google talk, I don't have a wave account yet :(
16:44.12*** join/#uphpu cro (
16:46.20Utah_Davethat's ok, herlo. Thanks anyways.
17:26.43PoeticIntensityherlo - PM
17:31.39wpsarray_unshift($my_day, 'happiness');
17:39.15mgearywps: i hear ya
17:40.07wpsmgeary: I seem you remember you posting some code in a paste bin the other day that was a nice one… easy on the eyes and not cluttered
17:40.21mgearywell, ALL my code is like that... ;)
17:40.29wpsnot your code :)
17:40.32wpsthe pastebin
17:40.34*** join/#uphpu itimber (
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17:40.42wpsI did find this today:
17:40.44wpsnot bad
17:41.00wpsthat's it!
17:41.29wpsit's interesting that dpaste doesn't come up in google searches for paste bin is alright
17:42.03wpsbut sites like make me want to vomit
17:55.23Utah_Davewps: try stikked
17:58.15utahcontee hee... fungus
18:01.47tierrathat's some awesome code there...
18:02.23tierrausing a class like it's a namespace
18:03.20tierrathere's a ton of code duplication...
18:04.24DexterTheDragonisn't all php code awesome like that?
18:04.37tierraI can't tell what the coding guidelines being used are
18:04.43tierraI don't think any are
18:07.24fungusDexterTheDragon: definitely not
18:24.43mindjujuanybody know fof hand what the deal is with IE and PNGs
18:24.43mindjujuwas it that the transparency didn't carry over?
18:25.19orsonjI think it could handle binary transparancy(eg. gifs), but not partial transparancy
18:25.34orsonjif that makes sense
18:25.48mindjujupng transparency == no
18:25.52mindjujugif transparency == yes
18:26.10tierragif transparency == an image mask
18:26.18tierrapng transparency == alpha transparency
18:26.33tierrabig difference
18:26.54orsonjyeah 254
18:27.26tierramore than that... alpha transparency requires compositing
18:28.17orsonjok, bad joke
18:28.30mgearythere's a workaround
18:28.42mgearyand iirc, only IE6 doesn't support pngs well natively
18:29.13mgearybut the workaround doesn't work for background graphics (css as opposed to img tags)
18:32.52tierrayou know what's funny about this... desktop application developers have to deal with a similar issue on Windows when writing printing support into their application
18:35.15tierracompositing means you need to retrieve the actual color values on the device context to blend in with the alpha color value being blitted... which works fine on regular device contexts, but on Windows, printer device contexts can't retrieve those values, so... no compositing...
18:35.45*** join/#uphpu herlo (n=clints@fedora/herlo)
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18:42.52*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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19:34.06tierrait'd be nice if PHP had a built-in email validation function that actually worked consistently...
19:36.28fungusbut different people have different rules for "valid", especially for email addresses
19:36.29macnewboldi've got one if you want
19:36.48macnewboldimo, the RFC definition is pretty darn good
19:37.02tierrathere's no different rules... either it's a valid RFC email address or it's not...
19:37.04fungussome just want an @ sign,  others want a response to an email ping
19:37.05macnewboldthough syntactically valid vs. actually might work (i.e. has a valid mail server)
19:37.48fungusthe official standard is huge and ugly
19:37.54tierrayeah, I mean I just want one that checks syntatically... I'll worry about checking MX records if I care to dive in deeper myself
19:38.40macnewboldcakephp uses this:
19:38.42macnewbolddefine('VALID_EMAIL', "/^[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+(?:[a-z]{2,4}|museum|travel)$/i");
19:39.18tierraeveryone uses such wildly different regex patterns and checks... I'm just saying that there needs to be one single standard one
19:39.33macnewboldyeah, in general there is
19:39.39fungusthere is.  the one I posted.  but it's hideous and painful
19:39.48macnewboldthere are only so many chars that are truly valid in an email
19:40.16macnewboldi didn't think ~#$%^'* were valid in email addrs
19:40.40fungusi knew about ~ but not the others.
19:42.28tierraPHP has a start to a standard built-in one with filter_var(), but I've read a few posts that prove that even it has some problems and doesn't actually follow the RFC
19:43.07orsonj"^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,}|\.xn--[a-z0-9-]+)$"  <-- What I use
19:46.17fungusorsonj: your's is missing . and + in the local part.  those are quite common
19:46.26orsonjIt has ., but not +
19:46.39fungusit only allows one .
19:46.46fungusthat is broken too
19:47.46fungusthe whole article I linked to discusses the the trade-offs in email validation.  It's a complex issue.
19:48.38tierramacnewbold: that cakephp version isn't going to work when new TLD rules set in
19:50.03fungusthe world is going to end when that happens.  :P
19:50.52fungusI'm still bummed I can't get a .xxx domain
20:08.42orsonjmeanwhile, there is nothing stopping us from setting up private dns with anything we want for our own use...
20:09.41macnewboldtierra: what new TLD rules? i haven't heard about that.
20:10.11orsonjwell, they are doing internationalization for one
20:18.38orsonj(which comes through as: http://xn--fsqu00a.xn--0zwm56d/
20:18.58mgearyhey stderr
20:22.13orsonjI guess I like the simplified regex supplied on that page. No need to do any checking to see if it is a real domain at this point.
20:33.03fungusinternational domains are already available.  tierra was referring to the future ability for organizations to apply for their own TLD that they control.
20:34.09fungus*.microsoft, *.ibm, *.honda, etc
20:35.03herloyou can do that now anyway, why worry about getting it official.  People just have to use your nameservers :)
20:35.29fungushehe, but if it's official, then everyone in the world can use it.
20:35.40fungusinstead of hammering on your nameservers
20:36.02herloand thinks most people shouldn't either :)
20:36.09funguswhat about www.fedora.redhat
20:36.14herlonah is good enough worksforme
20:37.23fungusbut it could be so much shorter is not available, but it could be
20:37.48funguslol.  "as always, we are not affiliated with red hat or the fedora project
20:37.48fungusor people who like to wear hats while using linux
20:37.48fungusor any other entity"
20:38.18fungusI like to wear hats while using linux
20:39.54fungusherlo: has the fedora project contacted this guy to see if they can buy it off him?
20:40.16herlofungus: there's a whole todo about it
20:40.30herloI think he had it before the fedora project started
20:40.42herloand so I think there's an agreement or something about it
20:40.45fungusCreated On:29-May-1998 04:00:00 UTC
20:41.22fungusbut maybe he would sell it for a non-exorbitant amount of money.
20:41.24herlothat is all I really know
20:41.38herloyou can ask more in #fedora
20:41.46herloif you wanna have more noise than signal
21:17.18Utah_Davedang, still haven't gotten a Google Wave invite  :(
21:22.55mgeary~invite Utah_Dave
21:32.36*** join/#uphpu fungus (n=olsonl@
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21:54.18wpswhat would be the most effective way to test whether a variable is not true, false, or null
21:54.29wpsmeaning, it has to be a string of text?
21:55.33wpswell, look at that
22:09.06itimberI'm out.... later guys
22:26.29*** join/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
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22:26.30wps(and other good data type checking)
22:31.26wpsreceiving logwatch emails are so stressful to me
22:31.32wpshow can they just stop arriving?
22:32.01wpsI've checked my spam box
22:32.01wpsI've checked sending mail from the server
22:32.01wpsit really shouldn't be this complicated
22:34.08orsonjI keep getting surprised by what can actually be done with a shell script.
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23:01.16*** join/#uphpu opapo_ (n=daniel@
23:10.20*** join/#uphpu cro (

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