IRC log for #uphpu on 20090813

00:06.18*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
00:18.08*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=sdibb@gentoo/developer/beandog)
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00:28.40mindjujuf beandog -
00:29.15beandogmindjuju: whut?
00:29.22mindjujuclick link
00:29.34mindjujuoops, i meant that to say 4 beandog
00:29.36mindjujunot f beandog
00:29.56mindjujusorry bout that
00:30.05beandogI didnt even notice
00:33.38*** join/#uphpu DexterTheDragon (n=admin@oalug/member/blackchaos)
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00:38.17beandogmindjuju: hows it going
00:43.25mindjujusadly, sad
00:43.37mindjujui just nuked some new england clam chowder from a can
00:43.40mindjujui'm out of ramen
00:43.54mindjujuhave wheaty bread, but nothing to go with it
00:44.13mindjujui need to restock my office
00:44.36beandogIm just learning some C++
00:44.47beandogtrying to make a simple media frontend GUI
00:44.54mindjujuis it easy?
00:45.13beandogbut that's what makes it so fun
00:46.15mindjujuanybody have a pack of saltines?
00:49.42mindjujui wonder what its like to slop code without care
00:49.51mindjujui'm rewriting this old company app
00:50.32mindjujuthat this guy wrote years ago, and he goes out and collects all clients, and then iterates over all of them and if they are a particular type, the action takes place
00:50.45mindjujuinstead of oh, i don't know, just putting a where clause on the SQL statement
00:53.11beandogmindjuju: heh, thats a good question
00:58.03*** join/#uphpu romanovic (
01:01.45mindjujuso beandog, did you hear they are redoing red dawn?
01:01.55beandogmindjuju: whats that
01:02.10mindjujuyou know, red dawn, the movie, with patrick swayze?
01:02.17mindjujuand c thomas howell
01:02.18beandognever heard of it
01:02.23mindjujuand asdfw what?
01:02.36mindjujuthe v first pg-13 movie evar?
01:02.46beandogwhats it about
01:03.03mindjujuit's about the russians and the cubans, and well, prolly half of latin america invade the US
01:03.07mindjujuand try to take it over
01:03.19beandogoh yah
01:03.20beandogany good?
01:03.28mindjujuwell, the original was awesome
01:03.37mindjujuthe new one is being produced
01:03.46mindjujuheartsbane, did you like red dawn?
01:04.30mindjujuso this time its the russians and the chinese that attack
01:04.49mindjujuyou know though, i don't think it'll be nearly the same
01:05.08mindjujuwe don't fear the russians nor the chinese like we used to fear the russians back in the 80s
01:05.16Heartsbaneas long as it has that gruesome feel to it
01:08.33mindjujuheartsbane -
01:08.46mindjujui'm trying to find something to watch while i code for the next hour
01:09.59Heartsbanewell GL HF because watching Troll 2 is like smelling the inside of someones month old gym bag that hasn't been watched
01:10.33mindjujuyeah, i remember you saying how bad it was
01:32.07beandogman this is rough.
01:32.52*** part/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
01:38.01mindjujusorry can't help ya beandog, but if it helps i know stderr writes c and i think thebigdog
01:38.03mindjujunot sure who else
02:40.15*** join/#uphpu cro (
03:06.24*** join/#uphpu DexterTheDragon (n=admin@oalug/member/blackchaos)
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03:33.14*** join/#uphpu justincarmony_ (
03:48.56beandogmindjuju: oh thats okay.  its hard, it's gonna be hard.  gotta deal with it
03:49.11beandogjust gets frustrating when youre used to rad
03:53.36*** join/#uphpu cyberfingers (
03:54.15cyberfingershi i've got some code I want to embed an image can y'all give me some advice
03:55.19*** join/#uphpu cro (
03:58.18cyberfingersI have this code -  $this->_data['welcome'] = $this->__('Marcellina G. loves %s! Your shopping cart contains %s item(s)', $this->htmlEscape(Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomer()->getFirstname()),$this->htmlEscape($count));
03:58.52cyberfingersand want to place an image of a shopping cart after the word cart
03:59.32beandogdid you try <img src=foo.jpg> ?
03:59.36cyberfingersI see that the CSS uses this  background: url(../images/icon-cart.gif)
04:05.42cyberfingersthat worked, THANKS
04:06.19cyberfingersinstead of using absolute link can I use ../
04:06.48beandogor just /dir/images/foo.jpg
04:11.46cyberfingersI not sure /../.. far back I have to go?
04:12.03beandog/ is the root dirctory
04:13.05cyberfingersso most likely Magento has a variable that would know that, which I should be able to us?
04:13.43beandogbeats me
04:22.38cyberfingersI'll leave hard coded for now, again THANKS
04:31.17*** join/#uphpu cro (
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05:16.48cyberfingersgood night and thanks! :)
08:16.05*** join/#uphpu wps (n=wps@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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08:16.05*** join/#uphpu Heartsbane (i=tsharpe@unaffiliated/heartsbane) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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12:03.28*** join/#uphpu Klang (
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12:50.19*** join/#uphpu jnbek (n=jnbek@unaffiliated/jnbek)
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14:51.55ibotteaches PoeticIntensity the basics, including how to RTM
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15:16.10mindjuju~lazy dexterthedragon
15:16.11ibotdexterthedragon, you are SOOOOO lazy
15:17.09justincarmonyhey mindjuju
15:17.15justincarmonyI'm here now
15:17.20*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ (
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15:18.02mindjujuso justin, can i get a presentation title for next week meeting
15:18.13mindjujudid you decide on what about memcache you're presenting on ?
15:18.58justincarmonyMemcached + Ruby: You'll never need PHP again!
15:19.00justincarmonyjk :P
15:19.05justincarmonylet me look at my presentation
15:19.51justincarmonyEffective Caching with PHP & Memcached
15:19.54mindjujumaybe i *should* kick
15:20.33DexterTheDragonbut it is true you'll never need php again
15:22.18mindjujudidn't jonathan ellis move to texas?
15:22.45DexterTheDragonhe moved somewhere
15:26.40*** join/#uphpu cro (
15:27.42mindjujuJustinCarmony -> PM
15:31.16*** join/#uphpu thebigdog (
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15:33.19*** join/#uphpu justincarmony_ (
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15:47.36*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=steve@gentoo/developer/beandog)
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16:01.38PoeticIntensitythanks, thebigdog
16:05.04mindjujucampy, v campy thebigdog
16:20.57mindjuju4 beandog -
16:23.31beandogmindjuju, lol
17:03.25justincarmony_very interesting read:
17:16.32*** join/#uphpu josephscott (
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17:28.46mindjujujustincarmony - article had some interesting points, but some points were off, i felt
17:29.23cycokilrhey who works for little caesar's here?
17:29.49DexterTheDragonI'm a slave to little ceasars :)
17:29.50*** join/#uphpu jtsnow_ (
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17:37.33cycokilrwhat do you do?
17:38.04romanoviccan anyone tell me why my table is breaking out of its parent div?
17:38.13romanovicoops wrong version
17:39.51romanovicrather, it is joomla's table breaking out of the div. i've used firebug to look at it, but I must be missing something
17:40.25jtsnow__joomla... /me shudders.
17:41.41*** join/#uphpu itimber (
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17:42.25jtsnow__romanovic: my question is... why is a table being used? you aren't displaying tabular data.
17:42.54romanovica table is being used because even the newest versions of joomla have seen fit to format all content with tables
17:43.49cycokilrDexterTheDragon:  you ever do any side work?
17:44.02DexterTheDragonnot usually
17:44.44cycokilrever do any for Vox?
17:45.21justincarmony_mindjuju: what points did you feel were off?
17:45.36mindjujuoh the article
17:45.52mindjujuuh, well it is suggested that RTFM is exclusive to the IT industry
17:45.54cycokilrDexterTheDragon:  cool, just wondering man.. they mentioned they work with some guy that works for Caesar's..
17:46.13romanovicjtsnow__: one can write code to have the core modules generate a css layout instead of tables, but I don't have enough time to do it.  something i need to research on the interwebs though
17:46.17mindjujuthat's hardly the case, I've seen people be short with slow learners, beginners in all fields
17:46.57mindjujuwhile there are benefits to having equally gendered teams, i have issues with forced genderization of teams
17:47.30mindjujubeing a member of a minority group, i've never really concerned my being hispanic any part of my acceptance or denial into FOSS until she said something
17:47.36mindjujui just joined and became active
17:48.10mindjujushe had some good points though
17:48.23mindjujuthose, as you asked for, were my main contentions against
17:52.27mindjujucourse though, justincarmony, been us, i think my being Native Texan, has a great deal with my success in business / life ;p
17:52.52mindjujuand before anybody says anything witty, i'm successful in both
18:00.12*** join/#uphpu thebigdog (
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18:09.35justincarmony_lol :P
18:11.48justincarmony_I believe in encouraging diversity, but once your try to "force" it, you lose any benefits and it all goes down the pooper :P
18:16.42justincarmony_I found it really interesting that when she went to find information on diversity improving productivity or whatever, she didn't find anything.
18:17.52mindjujuthe only thing i've ever found improving productivity is smart people who are well compensated and have decent perks
18:18.05justincarmony_I like your thinking :)
18:20.52justincarmony_and I don't think RTFM is exclusive to the IT industry, I do think it is a LOT more prevenlant
18:34.28stderrhow's everyone doin?
18:36.31mindjujusup, are you in SLC?
19:03.18itimberhey guys... my main guy and I are finishing up "new development" over the next few months..... so I'll have a lot more time on my hands if anyone needs help on anything
19:04.48beandogwhat kind of help
19:05.05mindjujui think he's saying he's up for contracts
19:05.27itimberI'm a geek for hire
19:05.31mindjujugood to know, i haven't heard of any in last couple weeks, but they do come in from time to time
19:06.37itimberwell, keep me in your list.... I do solid work.
19:06.54mindjujugot any references?
19:06.55*** join/#uphpu redroy_ (n=redroy@
19:07.01mindjujujk, i'll put ya on my mental list
19:07.02itimbersorry for the blatant self promotion
19:07.23mindjujuwhich reminds me, who else is interested in contracts, should any become available?
19:07.29beandogoh man
19:07.40mindjujuthe way i play it, I throw all contracts out to group and let ya'll fight for it
19:07.45mindjujuno preferences, not even to myself
19:08.15*** join/#uphpu cro1 (
19:12.13mindjujuevery time i see the name of the facility, i always think it says something nasty ...sigh... am i evil?
19:15.31mindjujutempting, but I have a bbq tonight and have to finish off projects early so i can leave for the weekend
19:15.44PoeticIntensityprobably a good choice...
19:18.33mindjujuhey, that reminds me, i need a description about the presentation
19:18.35mindjujucan you send
19:25.55josephscottIgniteSLC is next Thursday as well, conflicts with UPHPU meeting
19:26.17itimberman I wish those were presentations were closer to Ogden
19:26.47DexterTheDragonwell they shouldn't have done that
19:44.49herlomindjuju: just make everyone at uphpu go to ignite :)
19:45.05DexterTheDragonnobody care about igniteslc
19:45.33mindjujunot when there is a uphpu after hours party
19:52.24herloDexterTheDragon: everyone should care about igniteslc :)
19:52.43herlouphpu happens every month, igniteslc only happens about once a quarter :)
19:53.43DexterTheDragonwell they need to pick a better day
20:06.30herloDexterTheDragon: hahah
20:06.46*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=steve@gentoo/developer/beandog)
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20:06.48herloguess you'll have to live with it, but I'm presenting so you'll miss out your opportunity to mock me
20:07.07DexterTheDragonherlo: I can find other times to mock you
20:07.40herloI'm very un-mockable :)
20:10.23justincarmony_But I have my presentation almost done....
20:11.27herlojustincarmony_: I would love to come and see it, but I'm already committed :)
20:11.29justincarmony_and I made it using Keynote, so if I have to give it another month later, I'll have to buy Keynote since my trial will be up! :P
20:11.42justincarmony_whats igniteslc like? :P
20:12.02mindjujua step up from MSDN tech conf
20:12.35*** join/#uphpu SunSparc (
20:12.39mindjujuor more accurately, igniteSLC == IE 6 release party
20:12.49beandogie 6 release party?  lol
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20:13.18herlomindjuju: if you have never been, uh, it's hard to explain, but this slide should help
20:13.26herloslide deck and presentation, that is
20:14.14mindjujujesse harding is hilarious
20:14.49herloyes he's funny
20:15.16herlofrom ignitesaltlake 2 ^^
20:15.48herlothe jelly-fish one is cool
20:15.51mindjujuyeah, way cool, but quit on the poaching for ignite
20:16.13herlomindjuju: I really am not trying to poach
20:16.28herlogo post something
20:17.16jsmithMmmmmn... bbq....
20:17.29stderrnom nom nom
20:17.37jsmithmindjuju: Memphis bbq?  Texas bbq? South Carolina bbq?  Virginia bbq?
20:17.48herlo2 others now at the Eleven!
20:17.49jsmithmindjuju: Kansas City bbq?  St Louis bbq?
20:18.12*** join/#uphpu meow_ (i=ad085bb1@gateway/web/freenode/session)
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20:29.31beandogwoah, WJ
20:29.38beandogI think I might run down there
20:32.54beandogwell, actually Im not sure I wanna drive 30 minutes to save $20
20:33.06beandogI'd rather get it on Amazon w/free 2nd day UPS
20:33.17beandogand no sales tax, either.
20:34.03SunSparcHmm, is it laziness... or efficiency...
20:34.16beandoginternet > brick & mortar
20:34.19beandoghow bout that
20:34.30SunSparcYeah, no people to deal with.  :)
20:34.51mindjujuprices are usually cheaper too
20:35.07beandogyou know
20:35.19beandogif stores had on-line tracking of inventory, Id shop there more often
20:35.52fungus+1 to GameStop for fighting back so fast, and dirty too.
20:37.34fungusbrick & mortar is good for those things you want NOW!, and can't wait for UPS.
20:37.38*** join/#uphpu tonedevf (
20:39.22fungusInternet vs. brick&mortar; lazy vs. impatient
20:40.28DexterTheDragonbeandog: exactly. I hate going to a store and then whetever isn't there
20:40.53DexterTheDragonxbox's games on demand fixes my impatients :)
20:46.38beandogfungus, yah
20:46.44beandogthats one reason I loved CC
20:46.50beandogthey had reliable in store tracking
20:46.56beandogbest buy has it, but its a pain to use
20:47.00beandogplus they suck.
20:47.10beandogits embarrassing how more stores dont have it though
20:56.06beandogwhy are half the articles in the news about Apple about stuff they *might* be doing?
20:59.27tonedevfgood question, beandog
21:03.44orsonjThe stuff that apple might do is way cooler than the stuff dell might do.
21:04.21DexterTheDragonnot really
21:08.52beandogI dont care about either one
21:08.58beandogIts the total speculation and fanboi-ism
21:09.01beandogthat I can't stand
21:09.10beandogwho freaking cares.  tell me about it when its out
21:09.59itimberbuilding the hype also builds the sales
21:10.03itimberbusinesses know this
21:10.10itimberget your name in the press
21:10.28itimberespecially if it's about something that's cool or over something that nobody else has
21:10.52itimberthebigdog has left the building
21:38.33tonedevfapple is an entertainment company first and foremost.  they market their shlop like Hollywood does movies.
21:45.17DexterTheDragonfeel like someone just threw a wrench in my brain gears
21:49.14stderrtheir "shlop"?
21:49.22stderris that supposed to be derogatory?
21:53.05tonedevfwhose fighting?
21:53.34SunSparcNobody... yet... just hoping.  ;)
21:53.54tonedevfwho's, rather
21:54.13tonedevflots of eggshells around here
21:54.52SunSparcheh, no kidding.  That's why I got the popcorn.  Thought I was going to get some entertainment.
21:55.05beandogibot, belly dance for SunSparc
21:55.21DexterTheDragonibot, dance
21:55.22ibot<(*.*<) <(*.*)> \(*.*)/ (>*.*)>
21:55.25tonedevfsometimes the first 3 nouns that come to mind are too boring... at that point, might as well make one up
21:56.28beandogibot, wtc
21:56.29ibotWorld Trade Center, New York. Look up September 11th, 2001 in your history book.
21:57.11beandogI have a Batman book
21:57.18beandogand a LOLcats book
21:57.19beandogand uh
21:57.31beandoga HIgh Performance Mysql book
21:57.37beandogbut thats it.
21:57.38DexterTheDragonI have a netbook
21:57.46beandogthose are the best books
22:01.27SunSparcI have a MacBook, those are the best books.
22:01.39beandogI was waiting for someone to say that
22:01.49SunSparcGlad I could help you out.
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23:15.25SunSparcNight all!
23:20.49itimbernight all
23:44.12*** join/#uphpu eleete (n=eleete@
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23:51.58Flux_Capacitorhey, what do you think of my website, its still being built but I haven't aksed a wider audience about it, its

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