IRC log for #uphpu on 20090721

00:33.51*** join/#uphpu jnbek (n=jnbek@unaffiliated/jnbek)
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00:58.59mindjujuPoeticIntensity - here is a training video i think you should see
00:59.35DexterTheDragonsup mindjuju
01:00.05mindjujuyou should watch the video too
01:00.09mindjujucould give ya some pointers
01:03.24mindjujuit also has a part in the vid about connecting to servers
01:03.58DexterTheDragonlike manually :)
01:04.59mindjujuk, time to head home, i need to finish some promo for UTOS, UPHPU meeting vids, and some contract stuff... sigh...
01:05.13DexterTheDragon~busy mindjuju
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03:26.36beandogbig lots sells lots of dvds
03:26.39beandogfor $3
03:33.02DexterTheDragongood dvds?
03:49.33beandognot really
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05:10.54*** part/#uphpu mastergunns (
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14:49.29ibotteaches _carmony the basics, including how to RTM
14:50.18ibotgives dezertol a good seeing to
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15:21.35ibotdoes a little 'dpkg -P utahcon' action
15:24.13_carmonythis library....
15:24.16_carmonyuses $_REQUEST
15:25.11beandogis that bad?
15:25.42_carmonyWell, its considered bad practice
15:25.43_carmonybecause it will take a GET or POST value
15:25.48beandogwell, yah
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15:25.51beandogits sometimes lazy
15:25.55_carmonymakes it easier for people hack at your code
15:26.13beandogI wouldnt really agree with that
15:26.33beandogI always use import_request_variables('gp') after setting the ones I specifically need, so they don't get overwritten
15:26.47_carmonybut lets say a login request
15:26.51beandogyah, it's lazy.
15:26.55_carmonygoes to /login.php
15:27.23_carmonyI could very easily setup a bot to spam /login.php?user=justin&pass=passw0rd
15:27.32_carmonyand comb through a dictionary attack
15:28.04beandogpost isn't any harder, though
15:28.12beandogjust use curl, wget, whatever
15:28.30_carmonytrue, but lets say one part of your code uses $_POST and another uses $_REQUEST.
15:28.37_carmonyin theory you could pass two different values
15:29.00*** join/#uphpu redroy (n=redroy@
15:29.14beandogI wonder which one would get overwritten if you had GET and POST
15:29.20beandogprobably GET
15:29.23beandogI think the order is gpc
15:29.26beandogget, post, cookie
15:29.27DexterTheDragonit usually goes GPC
15:29.50_carmonyso as a habit I avoid REQUEST
15:29.58_carmony$_POST is shorter to type :P
15:30.07DexterTheDragonI avoid it, but its useful sometimes
15:30.09beandogI hate typing either of them
15:30.14beandogimport_request_variables > *
15:31.43beandogis bad.
15:32.29DexterTheDragonnot bad, just has a very specific purpose
15:32.43_carmonyah, thats a good way to put it DexterTheDragon
15:32.57_carmonysame with goto... ;)
15:33.26DexterTheDragongoto has a purpose in languages without functions
15:34.57orsonjother people use throw instead of goto. I doesn't sound as BASICy
15:36.48SunSparcI use goto in English.  Son, goto your room!
15:44.05thebigdognow that is sick and wrong
15:46.16_carmonyThe good thing is the project is a data migration tool to move an old .NET project to PHP / MySQL :P
15:48.08_carmonyI just haven't touched .NET for, oh, a year and a half
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15:56.48*** join/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
15:58.31SunSparc~lart ibot
15:58.31ibotoffers sunsparc some herring
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16:09.49mgearyfor the record, raw Mackerel is much nicer, imo
16:24.50SunSparcOoohh, Red Snapper, very tasty.
16:27.28unumtake the fish!!
16:28.07SunSparcBut there might be something amazing in the box!
16:28.33unumbut as amazing as a Red Snapper?
16:28.40SunSparcGood point
16:28.55DexterTheDragonyou so stuuuupid
16:39.04_carmony~lart tristanbob__
16:39.04ibothits tristanbob__ with an anvil and laughs with a contralto voice ... Haha Ha HA Ha
16:41.16*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=steve@gentoo/developer/beandog)
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16:44.41_carmony~apb herlo
16:44.42ibotACTION summons Duane Lee to spray mace at herlo
16:51.52mindjujui hate needles
16:52.15mindjujuwell, not so much needles, but the tape they put on the cotton ball to seal the puncture
16:52.22mindjujuthat's what I really hate, needles not so much
16:52.55SunSparcSooo, you hate tape.
16:53.10mindjujutape on my arm
16:53.38mindjujuit hurts worse to pull the tape off than the darn needle
16:58.39SunSparc~tape mindjuju
17:05.17mindjujuha, I found if i pull on the tape gently with one hand and cut hair with scissors in teh other, it reduces the pain factor by 90%!
17:06.55mindjujuthe onlything worse than that is playing odds or evens
17:08.02herlo_carmony: pong
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17:25.35utahconwhoa! Microsoft does it again... more code released under GPL. this time for Moodle
17:26.44DexterTheDragonwelcome to the future, where open source is winning
17:27.23utahcongranted... that again this is to better position their own products with other services, but still...
17:27.47DexterTheDragonnot really anything wrong with that
17:28.06_carmonyI think propriatary code has its place, but I think the ammount of OSS vs Propriatary is going to conintue to favor OSS in the future
17:28.15DexterTheDragonI wish other companies (read hardware manufacturers) would better position their products
17:28.38utahconDexterTheDragon: couldn't agree more
17:28.58utahconMost hardware is so basic there is no need to keep it proprietary.
17:29.56*** part/#uphpu mastergunns1 (
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17:30.41DexterTheDragonon another note, I got an invite for Jolicloud. w00t!
17:31.09*** part/#uphpu mastergunns (
17:38.48*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=steve@gentoo/developer/beandog) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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17:39.28thebigdogDexterTheDragon: let me know how you like it
17:39.29thebigdogi got a netbook waiting for me to try it out but have not got my invite yet
17:46.51mindjujuwill it let you use your regular cell phone service if your not at a wifi spot?
17:47.46DexterTheDragonprobably if you can tether
17:48.10DexterTheDragonit seems to be running ubuntu netbook remix underneath it, but can't be sure on that till I install it
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17:49.32SunSparcHoly cow, I would hate to have been that developer that had the oops moment.
17:53.16beandogholy crap
17:53.41beandogI wonder if they had a fire sale on gold fish
17:55.39beandogthats one thing Ive learned recently
17:55.45beandogalways do a backup before running a major delete command
17:56.52SunSparcOne thing someone taught me, always run the query as a select before you run it as a delete.
17:57.15SunSparcWithout exception
17:57.23SunSparcThen you KNOW what will happen with the delete.
17:57.35SunSparcNo assumptions.
17:57.49SunSparcEspecially when your system is not backed up.
17:58.06ibotfrom memory, rce is Resume-Changing Experience: an event caused by such boneheadedness that the only good that comes of it is the opportunity to freshen up your resume as you abandon all hope of keeping your current job
17:59.12_carmonySunSparc, that article just made me sick to my stomach
18:01.48*** join/#uphpu mindjuju ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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18:03.42*** join/#uphpu DexterTh1Dragon (
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18:20.51mindjujuthx for the link DexterTheDragon - as a linux noob, it's hard to know where all the pieces fit
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19:01.48*** join/#uphpu nathandelane (i=ccf68a04@gateway/web/freenode/x-be338ed2664f9430)
19:03.07nathandelaneIn ASP.NET MVC, Perl CGI and RubCGI, there is a notion of HTML Helpers or Writers, that write out HTML text based on object attributes and innertext...what is there that is similar in PHP?
19:03.55DexterTheDragondepends on what framework your using probably
19:04.26brastohey guys, I don't know if you've heard the news yet, but my wife passed away on Sunday.
19:04.46brastonote that there are 2 links there...
19:04.55brastoput them a little too close together.
19:04.56DexterTheDragonsorry to hear that brasto
19:05.33brastothank you DexterTheDragon.  It's been a long road, but it will seem a short one as time keeps going.
19:07.40beandogbrasto, whot!  wow, sorry man :(
19:08.14nathandelaneDexterTheDragon, I'm not using a framework, and I don't intend to, is there anything native?
19:08.37DexterTheDragonnot that i know of
19:09.13nathandelaneAlright thanks
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19:13.05beandogbrasto, good writeups
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19:16.13SunSparcbrasto: I am sorry for your loss.
19:16.54brastothank you beandog and SunSparc
19:17.24SunSparcbrasto: Can we have you and your family over for dinner?  Or bring it to you?
19:17.28brastoSunSparc: I still have the chat tab up from when you wanted to chat a few days ago :)
19:18.21brastoSunSparc: that would be fun either way.  I'll need to talk to my mom about it since she knows who's bringing us dinners and such.
19:36.58*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (n=David@
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19:54.31mgearybrasto: our thoughts here are with you and your wife as well
19:54.55brastothank you mgeary
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20:09.17macnewboldw00t! just had another server join the "1000+ Days of Uptime" club...
20:09.35macnewboldand another one will join it tomorrow
20:17.38SunSparcI bet almost be willing to bet money that a Windows server would never appear on that list.
20:37.00thebigdogi have a windows box that just made 7 days
20:37.12thebigdogi might have another one coming up on that too
20:39.10beandogI have a rash that's going on 90 days uptime.
20:47.02unumbeandog: I told you not to go home with her
20:47.46beandogwell the plus side is now I have a friend that follows me everywhere
20:55.26SunSparc~wash beandog
20:55.27ibotACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on beandog and says "That was for the smell"
20:56.35*** part/#uphpu nathandelane (i=ccf68a04@gateway/web/freenode/x-be338ed2664f9430)
20:59.40thebigdog~fart beandog
20:59.41ibotACTION farts in beandog's general direction
21:07.02mindjujuanybody here work with google analytics?
21:12.44SunSparcIt is on sites I help make.  Not that I really do anything with it, other than copy and paste the code into the footer of a site.
21:13.56romanovicyeah i recently added google analytics to a site
21:13.58mindjujuyeah, pasting the code s the easy part, now need to leverage the offerings
21:14.32romanovichowever, it is an educational site, no ecommerce or advertising
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21:22.30thebigdogmindjuju: i have
21:23.03thebigdogmgeary: i was kinda disappointed in up
21:23.13mindjujui thought it was good
21:23.15thebigdogi thought it would have been funnier
21:23.22thebigdogtwas ok
21:23.24mindjujuyeah it's got some sad stuff
21:24.17mindjujuluckily i read a review that gave some details about the movie and was able to prep my wife for it (her mom passed away a few years ago)
21:29.10mindjujuthere is a cool little dell netbook i was kinda thinking about gettnig
21:29.10mindjujumainly cause it would work with my verizon
21:31.23beandogthebigdog, me too
21:31.47beandogthebigdog, but it was better than I thought it'd be, story wise.
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22:22.22beandogis there some way in mysql client to kill a query
22:22.33beandoglike, not one its processing
22:22.39beandogbut one you jacked up
22:22.43beandoghitting ctl c drops me out
22:25.29DexterTheDragonbeandog: SHOW PROCESSLIST
22:25.38beandogyah, not a process
22:25.44beandogjust a badly written query youc an't escape out of
22:25.57beandogin psql you hit ctl c and it clears it completely
22:25.58beandogvery nice.
22:26.03beandogmysql just dumps you out
22:26.05DexterTheDragonthat will show the queries
22:26.14beandogthats not the problem.
22:26.18DexterTheDragonthen just KILL #;
22:26.25beandogmeh, n/m
22:26.48beandogDexterTheDragon, its similar to accidentally escaping something in bash, and it's expecting more input
22:27.19DexterTheDragonyeah I don't know how to do that
22:27.21DexterTheDragonwish I knew
22:27.35beandogDexterTheDragon, \c
22:27.52DexterTheDragonwill have to remember
22:27.56SunSparcsudo kill -9 init
22:29.27beandog~init SunSparc
22:35.04thebigdogok i got a cool hulu show
22:36.35thebigdogthat is a cool web show
22:37.49romanovicthebigdog, how many are there now? i've only seen the first
22:38.39mindjuju@thebigdog - the IT Crowd is awesome
22:39.30romanovicteam! team, team, team, team, team!
22:39.53romanovicthere's no room for people who can't work as a team, on my team
22:39.54mindjuju^5 romanovic
22:53.52thebigdogthere are like 4
22:58.28mindjujuthebeandog, those are pretty good
22:58.41mindjujuonly like 5 minutes for each episode
22:59.03mindjujuoops,k mean thebigdog
22:59.32DexterTheDragonthebeandog hehe
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23:16.29thebigdogi just dont remember where the lady is from...what other shows
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