IRC log for #uphpu on 20090720

02:09.11*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=sdibb@gentoo/developer/beandog)
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02:11.25*** join/#uphpu tristanbob__ (
02:15.06tristanbob___carmony, ping
02:20.41herlo:) nice tristanbob__
02:22.11tristanbob__sorry, did I throw a rock in the still pond?
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14:09.47*** join/#uphpu redroy (n=redroy@
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15:01.33*** join/#uphpu fungus (
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15:04.25ibotit has been said that monday is when everything breaks for no apparent reason, creating so many problems that it takes you until friday to get back to normal. at which point one more thing breaks that takes you the whole weekend to fix, or and on a more positive note, Monday is a brand new day at the beginning of a brand new week, a place to start over and improve on last week.  :)
15:05.24Lone_WandererI like the second definition better.
15:05.46Lone_WandererEven though the war against entropy is a losing battle.
15:05.53Lone_WandererIn the long run.
15:06.26*** join/#uphpu justincarmony (n=justinca@
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15:06.55*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=steve@gentoo/developer/beandog)
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15:12.33*** join/#uphpu thebigdog (
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15:19.28SunSparcEntropy only wins, if we give up.  :)
15:28.16*** join/#uphpu mrKrow (
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15:30.44justincarmonyutahcon: you there?
15:39.41*** join/#uphpu romanovic (
15:44.33justincarmonyI got my Google Wave Account! :P
15:45.10beandogwhats that
15:45.30SunSparcjustincarmony: sweet!
15:45.47crojustincarmony: are they letting you invite people like they did with gmail?
15:47.10*** join/#uphpu thinbegin (
15:47.11justincarmonyNot that I can see
15:47.15justincarmonyI thought they would
15:47.30thinbeginhowdy y'all.....
15:48.17thinbeginanyone have much experience with rhel5 & postfix?
15:48.37thinbeginif so, i gotta a question :)
15:59.40thinbeginwow... i guess not.
16:00.03SunSparcI have played with RedHat, but not postfix.  :)
16:00.46unumI'v used both
16:00.47thinbeginsunsparc: thx for the reply. it was getting cold in there
16:00.55unumbut I don't know if I'd say I'm experienced
16:01.04SunSparcthinbegin: np, heh
16:01.27thinbeginunum: well, let me throw you [and everyone] a question...
16:01.50thinbeginpostfix can be configured to use mysql
16:02.51thinbegini am wondering if anyone knows of a way to convert the postifx mysql data into non-mysql hash data [or whatever postfix can use]
16:03.08thinbeginbecause in rhel5 - postfix doesn't have mysql
16:03.44unumwhat are you using mysql for?
16:04.01unumdomain names, email storage?
16:04.12thinbeginit holds aliases, mailbox names, domain names, etc
16:04.30thinbegintypically found in /etc/postfix/ files
16:04.42unumso that stuff is all plain text in those files
16:05.17unumso you could out put to plain text, but I don't know of any scripts to do that
16:05.27thinbeginyeah, kinda. but there are some hashes that aren't so cut-n-dry
16:05.46thinbeginand another concern is
16:06.27thinbegini don't feel entirely comfortable mucking about with /etc/aliases and /etc/passwords etc
16:06.27unumI'm not sure what you mean by hashes
16:06.43unumno reason to be afraid of /etc/aliases
16:06.50thinbeginafraid of system side effects
16:06.52unum/etc/passwords is scary
16:07.11unumI would probably consider recompiling postfix at this point
16:07.28thinbeginyeah. that's my other option...
16:07.30unumthey really ship postfix without a database option?
16:07.34unumi hate them even more now
16:07.48thinbeginthe problem with that is then the host won't "manage" upgrades/patches
16:08.16thinbegintheir official word is that it "increases package dependency"
16:08.42thinbeginbut that's silly... they default with dovecot [which depends mysql]
16:08.45unumdoes it not have ANY datebase support?
16:09.01thinbegini think it may, i don't remember
16:09.08thinbeginonly was looking at/for mysql
16:09.24thinbeginstupid redhat
16:09.46thinbeginyeah, i read that blog entry too
16:10.07thinbeginagain, i'd love my host to manage the package though
16:10.16beandogthat is awesome.
16:10.16thinbeginif i customize, then they won't
16:10.26unumI REALLY recommend linode
16:10.40unumbtw thanks who ever got me my froo month last month
16:19.16thinbeginunum: thx for the thoughts. i'll keep digging
16:29.05thebigdogthinbegin: did you get your postfix questions answered?
16:29.49thinbeginthebigdog: uhhhh. still kinda searchin around
16:30.03thebigdogwhat is your question again?
16:30.56thinbegini'm looking for a way to convert postifx mysql data into non-mysql hash data [or whatever postfix can use]
16:31.20thinbeginas rhel5 doesn't offer a postfix+mysql package
16:34.48thebigdogdoes rhel5 have postfix+pgsql?
16:35.13thebigdogwhat mysql data are you using?
16:35.19*** join/#uphpu P0eticIntens1ty (n=jason@
16:35.48thinbeginit's holding all the mailboxes, aliases, virtual domains, etc
16:36.08thebigdogi am not aware of a tool to that conversion
16:36.22thebigdogthe only thing you could do would be to write a script for it
16:36.25thinbeginand no. i don't think rhel5 does offer any db for postfix
16:36.41thebigdoganother reason i love centos
16:36.50thinbeginthey don't wanna increase the postfix dependency list
16:37.09thebigdogyou could use php or python, ruby or anything to pull the data out and write the fils
16:37.13thinbeginyarp. rhel5 ftl [in this scenario]
16:37.20thebigdogthen just convert to hash file via postfix commands
16:37.43thebigdogyou just need to make sure that the file is created correctly
16:38.22thinbeginright. that's the one bit. the second bit is that i don't wanna break anything messing with some of the system files
16:38.41thebigdogyou can include them in the postfix conf file
16:38.47thebigdogso you dont need to mess theirs up
16:38.54thinbegini think i'd have to muck with /etc/passwords and that is daunting
16:38.55thebigdogyou could even do sym links
16:39.11thebigdognope there is virtual users via hash
16:39.12thinbeginthe symlink is a good thought
16:39.39thebigdogcan you do postfix + ldap?
16:40.01thinbeginall right... so, i nab the data... then i just try to duplicate formatting
16:40.19thinbegindunno about the ldap option with redhat
16:40.30thebigdogyeah i would try that
16:40.44thebigdoghash files might be a pain but is doable
16:40.55thebigdogif you have questions ping me
16:41.06thinbeginyeah. that's y i was hoping for a util :)
16:41.28justincarmony~lart utahcon
16:41.28ibotcalls utahcon on the phone ... the lights are on but nobody's home
16:42.49beandogoh my crap that's the best one evar.
16:43.08Lone_WandererYeah that's a good one :)
16:43.22Lone_WandererI am not so happy with Questionable Content's recent guest strips.
16:59.21*** join/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
16:59.30mgearyhey fungus, you around?
17:00.06mgearyq for yua
17:00.16P0eticIntens1tybeandog, that's great!
17:00.20mgearyi have 2 nameservers, where one is a slave to the other for all the domains i'm manaaging
17:00.34justincarmonyanyone here have a google wave account?
17:00.44mgearyseveral months ago, my ns1 machine underwent an IP address change
17:00.47*** join/#uphpu PoeticIntensity (n=jason@
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17:00.52PoeticIntensityyay!  I'm me again!
17:01.27mgearyfungus: i just did a dig at my ns2 machine, and in the Additional Section, it had the old IP address for my ns1 machine
17:01.31mgearywhy would it do that?
17:01.33fungusmgeary: that's not a problem, you just need to update the slave configs with the new master IP
17:01.41mgearywell, i did
17:01.43mgearylong ago least, i did in named.conf
17:01.56mgearyanywhere else i need to change?
17:02.10fungusDid you change the IP for the actual DNS record itself as well?
17:02.23fungusThe A record for
17:03.07fungusIs the slave process working?
17:04.06fungusare changes propagating?
17:04.44mgearyhow can i confirm
17:04.58funguscheck logs
17:05.14fungusor make a change on the master and check the slave afterwards
17:05.27funguscompare serial numbers on both zones
17:05.53mgearywell, as a case in point, i'm creating a new zone entry
17:06.18mgearyif that all works, then presumably it's working for all the zones...?
17:06.45fungusdig SOA @ns1 and dig SOA @ns2
17:06.49funguscompare serial numbers
17:08.53mgearyserials are the same...
17:20.27mgeary'nother DNS issue-- how come my trick of editing /etc/hosts isn't working? I'm on OS X, and in the past i haven't had to restart any kind of service. I just make an entry in /etc/hosts and my local dns kicks in
17:23.22Lone_WandererSo, almond butter is pretty good, but it has a tendency to separate, so you get oil on top and almost-powdery almond meal at the bottom.
17:24.25SunSparcmgeary: Are you doing it correctly
17:24.43SunSparcIt should still work.  Worked for me recently
17:24.59SunSparcUnless it is being overwritten
17:25.06mgearyit appears that it DOES work, but "dig" just doesn't show it
17:25.10mgearybut it works for a browser
17:25.39crodig queries the DNS server directoy
17:25.52crodoesn't go through the resolver library I don't think
17:35.57utahcon^^ Microsoft is now a full blown Linux Kernal contributor! ^^
17:36.48utahcongranted the code is only to help virtualized windows run better, but still.
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17:42.49thebigdogmgeary: you sometimes have to clean your dns cache
17:42.52DexterTheDragonits to help linux run better on MS's virtual thing
17:44.45thebigdogmgeary:  dscacheutil -flushcache
17:46.45Lone_Wanderer is happy music
17:56.03*** join/#uphpu itimber (
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17:57.33justincarmonywhats your google wave account name? :P
18:00.38Lone_WandererIt just took iTunes 24 seconds (I counted, with the help of the computer's clock) to respond to a button click.
18:00.59Lone_Wanderer(The "Play" button.)
18:01.19Lone_WandererThis is not within the window of response times which I consider acceptable.
18:02.08Lone_WandererI don't know exactly where the line is, but I do know that 24 seconds is over it.
18:05.35mgearyyou know, folks who think that accuracy IMPROVES when they disable pasting into a field are up in the night
18:06.21Lone_WandererSomeone actually thinks that?
18:06.35mgearyoh i hit fields like that all the time
18:06.38mgearyGoDaddy does it
18:06.52mgeary"confirm your email address, no, really, we're going to make you type it in..."
18:07.02Lone_Wandereroh, yeah
18:07.13Lone_Wandererexcept with me, typing my email address is almost as accurate as copying and pasting it
18:07.20Lone_Wandererbut still, that's dumb
18:07.36mgearyit's idiotic. I'm ten times more likely to mistype than i am to copy the wrong source
18:19.01funguswoot, I got my Google wave invite.
18:19.10fungusAll productivity will now be shot
18:21.54SunSparcIs the invite for your own wave instance?  Or an account on someone else's wave?
18:22.03SunSparcfungus: ^
18:22.22fungusJust the developer wavesandbox
18:23.03SunSparcCool!  I want one.
18:37.04unumso lets say I had a database with two tables
18:37.11utahconjustincarmony: utahcon
18:37.13unumboth tables store a begin time and and end time
18:37.35unumso the first table could be a clock in table
18:37.54unumso the start time would be the time you got to work and the end time would be when you left
18:38.19unumand the second table would consist of the time you spent on a specific project
18:39.04unumso I have special cases where I don't know the real end and begin times for a project but I do know the number of hours
18:39.28unumI need to insert these special cases into the second table which may already have times in it
18:39.33unumdoes that make sense?
18:55.47*** part/#uphpu thinbegin (
19:00.43SunSparc~wave uphpu
19:00.44ibotBye, uphpu
19:08.21unumhmm I being told i should never make up data
19:08.26unumwhich I felt was true before
19:08.35unumbut the other solution also sucks
19:10.46utahconhmmm... fine print on this page suggests this dude is taking money and running
19:19.39*** join/#uphpu redroy (n=redroy@
19:41.57beandognow_playing[Pick Yourself Up] length[0:21/2:39]
19:42.09beandogI need a new music status thingie.
19:45.09*** join/#uphpu mindjuju (
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20:55.46SunSparcWhich one is that, by the way?
20:55.55mindjujuole' lefty
20:56.52mindjujumy left eye really is my dominate eye, i see well enough out of my right, but it has the worse vision
21:00.24SunSparc~poke mindjuju in the left eye
21:00.25ibotACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind mindjuju in the left eye, pokes mindjuju in the left eye repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
21:01.02ibotrumour has it, sunsparc is A pandimensional being, or the internationalization specialist, or currently studying String Theory, or <3 7of9
21:01.23mindjujuquite revealing
21:01.50mindjujui'm not as cool as mgeary, but i'm close
21:01.52SunSparcFor letting me poke you in your good eye.
21:23.47mindjujufor those of you with a moment to watch some TV, this is the actual tv footage from the day
21:24.52thebigdogmindjuju: i saw that footage on some buck rogers i think
21:25.48thebigdogwhats funny is that the video has not changed at all
21:25.56thebigdognor the voice quality
21:26.01thebigdogwhat is up with that?
21:26.23mindjujui wounder what the turn around time is
21:26.36mindjujucan fathom what video / audio from the moon would take
21:27.00mindjujui've heard though that the solar radition does affect video cameras and they have to protect them from it
21:27.38mindjujuoops, i meant, can't fathom
21:27.40thebigdoga little tinfoil goes a long way
21:27.51mindjujui wonder what the data transfer speed was
21:28.50thebigdogwelll from satellites you can get some killer speeds...the problem is the orbit and speed that they travel around
21:34.53mindjujuhey cool, thx DextertheDragon
21:38.28DexterTheDragonmindjuju: I know from when they were talking about restoring the video, that the video came down from the moon to a dish in northern autralia and one in southern australia
21:38.59beandogbuck rogers++
21:39.30DexterTheDragonthen from those dishes went over land to sydney australia, then was sent to an orbiting satalitte
21:39.44mindjujuthat's cool!
21:40.08DexterTheDragonthen wen't down into houston, where it was converted to broadcast standard and sent to the television stations
21:40.33beandogwhy didnt they just upload it to youtube?
22:00.32mindjujucan't beleve it's 4p already
22:00.50beandogoh yah?
22:00.53beandogdid you bring your grill of doom?
22:01.02mindjujuheck yeah
22:01.19beandogdid you lose any eyebrows?
22:04.12justincarmonynaw, he just lost an arm
22:13.54mindjujui have better bbq utensils now
22:14.03mindjujulonger armed so i don't risk my hands
22:14.05beandogand a robotic arm?
22:14.24mindjujuthat's why i installed ubuntu 9.04 on the grill
22:14.26beandogso can you punch through people's chests now?
22:16.42mindjujubeandog - classic UHF moment
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22:17.53beandogalright, I better do some work before I get fired.
22:18.08beandogIt's a little harder to do after they kick you out of the building.
22:18.29mindjuju@beandog -
22:19.27beandoghave you ever listened to the commentary on the DVD
22:19.28beandogits great
22:19.38mindjujui just have the vhs
22:19.46beandog~upgrade mindjuju
22:20.20beandogI love that awkward moment when she just stands there
22:20.33unumthe deleted scenes on the DVD are great
22:21.33beandogI dont remember those
22:21.36mindjujuk, here is the last video quote, then i get to finish a project
22:21.54mindjujuprolly my fav part of UHF
22:24.03unumthey had two extended ending for the shop teacher bit that they didn't use
22:25.04beandogthats right
22:25.11beandogwhere he cuts off more stuff
22:25.13beandogor something
22:25.34unumin one he sticks them in his mouth
22:25.49unumi can't remember what happens with the other
22:25.55unumthere's the love scene that was deleted
22:26.18unumya you read that right a LOVE scene with weird al
22:26.48mindjujulove scene?  weird al?
22:26.54SunSparcGlad I missed that one.
22:27.05unumit doesn't get very far.
22:27.15unumhe sits on his girlfriends lap and is all cute with her
22:33.31Lone_Wandereroh man
22:33.43Lone_WandererThat song always reminds me of My So-Called Life
22:37.57beandogthat was an interesting show
22:39.52Lone_WandererIt made me love Claire Danes forever and ever amen.
22:40.03beandogI was gonna say, she was hawt.
22:41.21beandogand a movie
22:41.24beandogand a girlfriend
22:41.28beandogand about $50
22:41.49Lone_Wandereribot: hawt is Claire Danes
22:41.50ibotLone_Wanderer: okay
22:41.53ibotrumour has it, hawt is Claire Danes
22:41.59Lone_WandererThat's kind of backwards but okay.
22:44.17Lone_WandererOne time I took a lunch break that was three months long.
22:46.36beandogdid your salad put you in a coma?
22:46.52Lone_WandererI got a call at the restaurant
22:46.57Lone_WandererI think it was Apollo Burger
22:47.13Lone_Wandererand had to go help take care of something (my grandpa had cancer)
22:47.13beandogThat place is never as good as I think its gonna be.
22:47.15Lone_Wandererand then
22:47.26Lone_WandererI dunno stuff just kept happening and pretty soon I'm in Las Vegas
22:47.36Lone_Wandererand then my friend was like "I have a friend in Canada we should visit"
22:47.54Lone_Wandererand flights were cheap so we flew up to BC
22:48.08Lone_Wandererwhen I came back my desk was just the way I'd left it and they were like
22:48.15SunSparcSounds like a Seinfield episode
22:48.20Lone_Wanderer"Hey welcome back!" and there was a new guy there
22:48.30Lone_Wandererhe'd been doing my job
22:49.05Lone_WandererI stayed.  He didn't.
22:49.14beandogare you serious
22:49.15Lone_WandererThat was the most awesome thing ever.
22:49.22SunSparcHe probably was not happy to see you.
22:49.26Lone_Wandererhaha no
22:49.27beandogthats about the coolest story I've heard in a long time
22:49.30Lone_WandererI felt bad but
22:49.43Lone_Wandererit was hard to be too sympathetic because I'd just won life pretty much
22:50.08DexterTheDragonthats awesome
22:50.12Lone_WandererThat business was messed up anyway.
22:50.25beandogI moved to Utah on a whim.
22:50.34Lone_Wandererfrom where?
22:50.39beandogI just decided to quit my job one day and leave.
22:50.49beandogpacked everything I owned in my car and moved out here with no job.
22:50.59beandogThat was fun.
22:51.07Lone_WandererI endorse this kind of behavior.
22:51.08beandogwell, minus the unemployment.
22:51.12Lone_WandererWhere in Georgia?
22:51.26beandogactually I think I was living in Lawrenceville
22:51.45Lone_WandererI do not know Duluth, GA.  Only Duluth, MN.
22:51.56Lone_WandererI am not certain but I suspect that Duluth, MN is a manlier town.
22:52.07Lone_WandererOnly because it's hard to get manlier than Duluth, MN.
22:53.10Lone_WandererI guess if it were on the Arctic instead of Lake Superior and wrestling bears were the official sport, then maybe.
22:53.10beandogI didnt know towns could be manly
22:53.43Lone_WandererGo to Duluth, you'll see what I mean.
22:53.52beandogcan men be townly?
22:54.14Lone_WandererThey mine taconite and load it up on gigantic ships there, which then sail across Lake Superior to Duluth
22:54.20Lone_Wanderertaconite is a kind of iron ore
22:55.39Lone_Wandereryeah there's an iron range up in northern Minnesota
22:55.44Lone_Wandererso much iron that compasses don't work
22:55.59SunSparcI bet my iPhone compass would work.
22:55.59mindjujuyou can also get chalupas on taconite
22:56.02Lone_Wandererand the ore comes out in the form of little round rocks that make perfect slingshot ammo
22:56.04beandogLone_Wanderer's stories never get dull
22:56.09SunSparcmindjuju: LOL
22:56.14Lone_WandererSunSparc: If it's magnetic, it wouldn't, I promise.
22:56.18Lone_WandererGPS would work fine.
22:56.26SunSparcmindjuju: Still LOL
22:57.09SunSparcI don't think anyone else caught that.
22:57.20mindjujuthat's what i get for joining a conversation late
22:57.59Lone_WandererThey haul it in trains too, and there were tracks by my house so any time we needed slingshot ammo we'd go down and pick up loads of taconite
22:58.16Lone_Wanderera little bit spills out every time a train goes past so it just kind of builds up over time
23:01.55beandogsoon it will pollute the local population and turn them into mutants
23:02.12beandogon the plus side, local tourism will flourish
23:02.17mindjujubeandog, it's already happened
23:03.09Lone_WandererDuluth-ites are kind of freaks
23:03.25mindjujuhomer simpson refers to them in an episode
23:04.36Lone_WandererThose CHUDs are nasty.
23:04.41mindjujuyeah, the epsisode where he has to go to new york to retrieve his car
23:04.51mindjujuthey have to get out before dark because of chud
23:05.29mgearysounds like I Am Legend
23:05.57Lone_Wandererthat's the one movie I can think of that was better than the book
23:11.26itimberI'm out... later guys
23:23.33beandogokie day
23:23.38beandogI think its time to go home and eat ice cream.
23:44.57*** join/#uphpu cro (
23:48.15ibotHave a goodnight!
23:58.15*** join/#uphpu PoeticIntensity (n=jason@
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