IRC log for #uphpu on 20090505

00:01.08brastohey, I'm a Linux Geek... I can do that...
00:01.16brastos/Lagoon/Disney World/g
00:01.39beandogyou forgot to escape the space
00:01.41beandoggeek fail!
00:02.14herlobeandog: it's not required
00:02.19herloas long as he does this
00:02.41herlosed -i 's/Lagoon/Disney World/g' Allfunthings.txt
00:04.11beandogherlo, its not?
00:04.13beandogI hate sed.
00:04.14beandogI avoid it.
00:04.32beandogor at least, avoid learning it.
00:06.22beandogI just realized I can do 5n in vim
00:06.37beandogI dont know why I never thought of that.
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04:39.20*** join/#uphpu supernovia (n=Velda@
04:51.10supernoviadoes anyone else ever forget to breathe if theyre concentrating too much?
04:52.17supernoviait's like the breathing background process is just taking up too many resources
04:53.17supernoviaI get that way when I've got a nasty bout of asthma especially.
04:53.59supernoviahow you been mindjuju?
04:54.07mindjujugood, busy but good
04:54.16supernoviareally busy
04:54.25supernoviaand the asthma sorta sucks.  But I'm happy
04:54.35mindjujuglad to hear that
04:55.17supernoviastarting school full time tomorrow
04:55.29mindjujuare you really?
04:55.31mindjujuthat's awesome!
04:55.37mindjujuwhere ar eyou going?
04:55.40supernoviaYup!  I haven't been for 10 years :-/
04:56.21mindjujuCS degree?
04:56.23supernoviajust UVU. This first semester will be busy (16 credits plus 3 hours in a scholarship program class that don't count as credits) but they're all super easy classes.
04:56.49supernoviaProbably an integrated studies degree really with some mix of cs, gd, marketing, and education
04:57.00mindjujuway cool!
04:57.12supernoviaYeah I'm excited.
04:57.34supernoviaWishing the pell grant system weren't looking at my 2007 taxes since alot has changed in the last 2 years, but whatever.
04:58.03supernoviaI'm making it happen anyway :)
04:58.10mindjujuthat's good to konw, i was thinking of applying, but it prolly won't be for another year or two
04:58.33supernoviaWell, this semester I'm mostly doing tv / internet courses
04:58.47Lone_WandererI don't even think I filed my 2007 taxes.  Which is dumb 'cause that was the "Everyone gets money courtesy of Georgie" year.
04:58.54supernoviathe super easy kind where you just have to pass a test. It should go well.
04:59.07supernoviahehe, do'h Lone_Wanderer
04:59.18Lone_WandererI keep wondering if it's possible to file them still.
04:59.20Lone_WandererAnd get the money.
04:59.29supernoviaGood question
04:59.31mindjujuyou can actually file for it while filing for this year return
04:59.38Lone_WandererAlready filed this year's.
04:59.45Lone_WandererBack in like, February.
04:59.49supernoviaI do know if you file your return this year and do it late, if you're getting a return you'd still get it
05:00.13supernoviaso as long as you know you're owed a return it certainly wouldn't hurt to back file right?
05:00.37Lone_WandererCan you file for any year?
05:01.01supernovialet's see
05:01.11mindjujuLone_Wanderer - carmony's wife is CPA
05:01.15mindjujui think she might know
05:01.32Lone_WandererSo I'm watching SG-1 and I keep wondering
05:01.42Lone_Wandererwhy is Earth the only planet where the stargate is a secret?
05:01.55supernoviaI had lots of questions on SG-1
05:02.06Lone_WandererEveryone else has it just sitting out there, hanging out, with people farming or something right next to it.
05:02.32supernoviaI was a kid when I first watched it and the main character guy reminded me of the guy on Saturday's Warrior
05:03.23Lone_WandererI don't remember Saturday's Warrior.
05:03.26supernovia(is he the same guy? checking..)
05:04.03Lone_WandererI should be sleeping.  Why am I watching more SG-1?
05:04.43mindjujui'm watching LOTR Return of the King, remoted to work computer and runnign a VM testing a function
05:04.47mindjujuit's a busy night
05:04.56Lone_WandererBusy for your computer anyway :)
05:05.23supernoviaoooh I want to watch that whole series in the star-ceiling room
05:05.35mindjujuwould be cool
05:05.41Lone_WandererYeah it would be.
05:06.02supernoviaonly I don't think i'll be able to before I have to sell the place :-(
05:06.25Lone_WandererWhat's the star-ceiling room?
05:06.30supernoviawith school and what not ya know. I guess I'll get to watch my ethics 1050 class in there and that'll have to do
05:06.33supernoviait's in my basement
05:06.37Lone_Wandererahh ok
05:06.39supernoviajust finished it recently
05:11.50mindjujuthat lady kicks butt in LOTR 3
05:12.17mindjujudidn't know how to spell hername
05:12.18Lone_WandererShe's also gorgeous.
05:13.22mindjujuwell, she's no slave leia, but...
05:13.56mindjujucourse, slave leia never killed no Nozgul (sp)
05:14.00supernoviaI think she's pretty cool.
05:14.34supernoviaNazgûl even. They did such a good job portraying the baddies in those movies
05:15.26mindjujutrue that
05:15.31supernoviaI used to sit around with my brothers and sister discussing who we thought should be in a LOTR movie (back in the day before these were announced) and when we found out they were making a movie, I was a bit worried that someone would ruin it
05:15.36supernoviabut they did a really great job I think
05:15.45Lone_WandererYeah, I think they did.
05:16.08supernoviajosephscott: now I wanna disco
05:16.17mindjujuwas kinda mad about the academy awards, obviously rigged that LOTR didn't win sooner and more
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05:16.48supernoviameh, I couldn't care less about the academy. they're always rigged
05:17.00josephscottsupernovia: took some tracking but figured out where a bad/useless SQL query was getting generated
05:17.39supernoviagood job :-)  always a nice feeling to finally have a bug squashed :)
05:17.53supernoviakinda like pulling up a big nasty morning glory and getting the whole root. :)
05:19.24supernoviamy experience w. hollywood - some bum told my coworker he needed to give me a credit card so I could buy myself some makeup
05:19.51mindjujuwait, what happened with make up?
05:19.52Lone_Wanderersupernovia: are you female?
05:19.53supernoviai've fairly ignored the whole lot of them ever since :-p
05:20.00mindjujuyeah, she is
05:20.05mindjujunovia = girlfriend
05:20.21mindjujunope, married to somebody else
05:20.28Lone_Wandereroh, novia is a guy, supernovia is.... I'm confused
05:20.38mindjujunope, close though
05:20.39supernovianovia is a girl, novio is a boy
05:20.42mindjujunovio is boyfriend
05:20.45Lone_Wandererahh, okay
05:21.13mindjujuby the way, samwise gamgee gets the biggest butt-kickinest warrior for LOTR 3
05:21.30mindjujulike when he takes out the big spider and the raid to get frodo
05:21.50Lone_WandererYeah, he ends up a completely different person than he starts out as.
05:22.03mindjujutrue that
05:22.15mindjujudon't remember the books well, but remember really liking him in the book
05:22.29supernoviaI remember crying over samwise in the books. hehe
05:22.29mindjujuseems like htough, at the end of the book, that they give sam a chance to go on the ship too, don't they?
05:22.49mindjujusince he was a ring bearer too
05:22.50Lone_WandererI'm reading a book on writing.  It says that there's only one place where people don't change - the realm of bad writing ;)
05:22.58supernoviahe's got that sweet girl he loves though so he stays w. her
05:23.06Lone_WandererYeah he gets to go later
05:23.21supernoviaisn't that the truth, Lone_Wanderer
05:25.15supernoviajust the good guys change for the better
05:29.16supernoviaall these pdfs I've been printing out have stack errors on em :-(
05:29.17mindjujulike facepalm?
05:29.25mindjujusorry to hear that
05:29.45supernoviaand they each took like 3 minutes for this silly site to bring them up. *sigh*
05:30.13mindjujui've got acrobat if you need a web page or something converted
05:30.59supernoviayeah I've got cute pdf
05:31.04supernovia-should- work (it always does)
05:31.05mindjujuah cool
05:31.27supernoviabut the site i'm pulling these up on (they're my paystubs for my w2 work) is ridiculously slow
05:31.38mindjujuoh gotcha
05:31.39supernoviaand cumbersome
05:31.50mindjujuon you on a winders box or linux?
05:31.54supernoviathis one's windows
05:31.56mindjujudo they make cute pdf for linux?
05:32.01supernoviaNot sure
05:32.06mindjujuwhy not screen shot and then pdf the screenshot?
05:32.08supernoviathere's a pdf tools that I'm sure works fine cross platform
05:32.23supernoviawell, what I probably ought to do is go find a printer and hook these up to that then just print them
05:33.33supernoviarather hook this laptop up ya know
05:36.23mindjujuyou should watch Nacho Libre, it'll ease the pain
05:36.36Lone_WandererIs it available on Netflix On Demand?
05:36.56Lone_WandererI could look but I'm watching SG-1 :p
05:37.04mindjujui don't use netflix
05:37.19Lone_WandererI mean... Philistine!
05:37.22supernovianacho libre would be good
05:38.47mindjujuthat's no good!
05:38.58Lone_WandererYeah your body needs oxygen.  It's kind of important.
05:39.12supernoviathat's what I've been trying to tell it
05:39.19mindjujuyou should write a cron job for breathing
05:39.27supernoviafor real.
05:39.37Lone_WandererI don't think they have a "continuous" option.
05:40.19mindjujuwhat about a never ending for loop?
05:40.19supernoviaI think it's just so much _work_ to breathe when I've got big bad asthma
05:40.19Lone_Wandererwhile() { breathe; }
05:40.42supernoviagood idea guys
05:40.59Lone_WandererYou may have to switch it to while (lungs_not_full) { breathe_in; }
05:41.20supernoviagoodness. I need to remember how that goes
05:41.45mindjujuit goes awesome
05:41.59mindjujuand he does the flying eagle to take down his opponent
05:42.14Lone_Wandererut oh, they brought back a Destroyer of Worlds
05:42.42mindjujubtw, the end move that nacho does, is the really real finishing move the real wrestling priest used
05:42.49mindjujuread it in wikipedia
05:42.53Lone_WandererThat's awesome
05:43.09supernoviaI'll have to check it out
05:43.12mindjujunot the flying eagle mind you
05:43.18mindjujubut that figure 4 ype thing
05:43.30supernoviaum speaking of movies though, did anything pan out with star trek and a theater for the geeks?
05:43.47mindjujuit would have cost more than the price of the ticket right out
05:43.59mindjujuby a few bucks,
05:44.11supernoviahmm, yeah that wouldn't be as cool
05:44.32mindjujuyeah was looking for a UTOS fund raiser, or a break even, but we can't go into debt for it
05:45.26supernoviatoo bad though, it would have been fun
05:45.36mindjujuyeah, true that
05:46.29supernoviamaybe we can still tell everyone to buy tickets in a block or something
05:46.33mindjujui wonder if Nacho ever gets the girl, or if she remains a nun
05:46.42mindjujuyeah, that would be cool, i thought about that
05:46.43supernoviawell, or say hey we're going to theater X at ____
05:47.03mindjujuwould love to see it imax in a group, but i'm gonig to be in UC on friday
05:47.19supernoviaI'm going to be being a loser on friday
05:47.23Lone_Wandererokay, it is bedtime for me
05:47.31Lone_Wanderersupernovia: going to Vegas?
05:47.49supernoviathere's a thought
05:48.17Lone_WandererI thought that's what you meant about being a loser.
05:48.45supernoviaI'd consider it if I gambled and if I had any money I suppose
05:48.45mindjujutangerine dream is one of the best for soundtracks, up there with elfman, fo sho
05:49.02supernoviawow, now you make me want to hear tangerine dreams
05:49.07Lone_Wandererwait, wait - there is a movie called "3 O'Clock High" that has a soundtrack by Tangerine Dream?
05:49.28mindjujuLone_Wanderer - where are you
05:49.34mindjujuin lehi, no?
05:49.38Lone_Wandererbtw have you seen A Clockwork Orange?  It may offend you violently, I don't know, but the soundtrack is awesome.
05:49.39Lone_WandererI'm in Orem.
05:49.43mindjujuwe have to remedy this, i mean post haste
05:49.53supernoviaI've read the book
05:49.57mindjujuorem, can do, i'll let you borrow the VHS
05:50.13mindjujuit's an awesome movie about a fight after school
05:50.14supernoviathey speak lots of russian slang in that book
05:50.29mindjujudirectred by Steven Spilberg and another guy, though spilberg doesn't take credit
05:50.30Lone_Wandereroh so I shouldn't watch the fight scene on youtube?
05:50.33mindjujuits VERY well done
05:50.37mindjujuno don't watch that
05:50.41mindjujujust wate for tomorrow
05:50.59Lone_Wanderersupernovia: I kept wondering what the words he used meant
05:51.19supernoviayeah they're all russian
05:51.58Lone_WandererI want to dress up as one of those guys for Halloween now.
05:52.36Lone_Wandereran evil one?
05:52.48supernoviahe's not -bad- per se, just ill fated
05:52.55DexterTheDragonsupernovia: where ya going to get the other foot?
05:52.57Lone_WandererYeah but he looks evil.
05:53.14supernoviagood question DexterTheDragon
05:53.33Lone_WandererI dub this to be a worthy costume project.
05:53.51supernoviawowsas, he's got lashes like spongebob
05:53.59Lone_WandererJust on one eye though.
05:54.11mindjujuLone_Wanderer - like cosplay?
05:54.12supernoviayeah I'm sure he nervously plucked the other one.
05:54.18supernoviaThat'd be a cool costume though
05:54.28Lone_WandererWell I dunno if it's cosplay if it's halloween, but yeah.
05:54.41Lone_WandererI'd have to carry a glass of milk around too.
05:54.41supernoviaso he's the baddie in clockwork orange eh?
05:54.56supernoviahe -looks- like a baddie
05:54.58Lone_WandererHe's the main character.  I think he ends up okay at the end.
05:55.04Lone_WandererBut he's the bad guy in that picture yeah.
05:56.03mindjujuyeah, the soundtrack for 3 oclock high is freakin awesome, with tons of high school band type drums playing
05:56.09Lone_WandererI think he just puts makeup on one side.
05:56.16supernoviano way!
05:56.33mindjujuloved high school band, though i never got to play
05:56.45supernoviaI was a total band geek but I never played the drums
05:56.56supernovia(just the drummers ;-D)
05:57.17supernovia(kidding! I -was- still a geek after all)
05:57.29Lone_WandererGeeks can be groupies.
05:57.51supernoviayeah but girl geeks can't be good groupies
05:57.59Lone_Wandererwhy not?
05:58.01supernoviait offends their sense of purpose
05:58.08supernoviaask any girl geek
05:58.35mindjujugirl debaters rox
05:58.51supernoviadebate would be fun if I could talk without feeling like a foo'
06:01.14supernoviaanyway -
06:01.24Lone_WandererAnyway.  Sleepytime for real.
06:01.26supernoviaya dolshna poshla v spotye, spakoi!
06:01.44supernoviathere's your russian for you (I gotta go to sleep, 'night!)
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15:30.11PoeticIntensityHow's life?
15:30.32beandogI took it on myself to upgrade myth on my embedded image last night
15:30.43beandogFirst major change on that sucker in like 2 years
15:31.03beandogit's gonna work, though!
15:31.08beandoglong live the 200mb mythtv image :D
15:31.36beandogPoeticIntensity, hows yous
15:32.01PoeticIntensityhehe.... cool beans, bro.
15:32.05PoeticIntensityI'm good...
15:32.14PoeticIntensitystressed almost constantly, but good..
15:32.17PoeticIntensitygot myself a new jorb.
15:32.21PoeticIntensityI start on Monday.
15:32.22beandogwhere at
15:32.27PoeticIntensityAmerican Fork.
15:32.28beandogStan's Hot Dog Shack?
15:32.38PoeticIntensityshut UP!
15:32.41PoeticIntensitywho told you!?
15:32.43beandogThe Finest Weenies in Wasatch
15:35.14Utah_Dave~weenies beandog
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15:36.45fungusPoeticIntensity: So did you give up on the .Net crud?
15:38.59beandogwhere you gonna work?
15:39.00beandogoh hey
15:39.05beandogamerican fork, that's clos
15:39.16PoeticIntensityI just couldn't gut what was being force-fed to me.
15:39.33PoeticIntensitycan't wait to sell them weener buns.
15:39.51PoeticIntensitynah... I got another PHP gig.
15:40.08PoeticIntensitybasically another ground-up build of internal systems.
15:40.19PoeticIntensitysame thing I've done the last two jobs.
15:40.41PoeticIntensityand now, I can speak with authority when I say that C# and .NET are *DEFINITELY* not for me.
15:40.44beandogright on
15:41.18PoeticIntensityC-flat (However you symbolize that)
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15:43.21Utah_Dave1PoeticIntensity: so is Nature's Way gone now?
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15:44.24mindjujuso, quick question about PHP and email sending
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15:45.01beandogmindjuju, sorry, thats off topic
15:45.01mindjujuelts say that I'm sending an email using PHP through sendmail
15:45.16mindjujuwell, let me check one more thing, hang on
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15:46.09mindjujuyeah, k here is what I found
15:46.11mindjuju"It is important to note that just because the mail was accepted  for delivery, it does NOT mean the mail will actually reach the intended  destination. "
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15:46.16mindjujufrom here
15:46.27mindjujuthe SMTP server knows what happened
15:46.34mindjujuand I control it and the web server
15:46.34PoeticIntensityUtah_Dave1, essentially, yes.  We're being merged.
15:46.47mindjujuso how can I get back what happened from the SMTP server
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15:47.05mindjujuyeah, iw as thinking log
15:47.12mindjujubut it's filled with tons of stuff
15:47.18mindjujui'd just have to parse it, huh?
15:47.33funguspretty much
15:47.49mindjujuso this is more a Sendmail question than a PHP
15:48.03funguswhen PHP's mail command is configured to use local sendmail, it is up to the local MTA to deliver the message
15:48.12fungussounds like it
15:48.20mindjujumaybe some type of cron job that parses the log then feeds the info back to the db
15:48.28fungusmindjuju: grep <to address> /var/log/mail.log
15:49.05fungusoh not just for troubleshooting, but for continuous progress?
15:49.17mindjujuwouldn't it be cool if there was some trigger after delivery
15:49.27fungusmindjuju: don't google "sendmail" for documentation unless you actually use sendmail.
15:49.30mindjujuyeah, i want to see if delivered or no
15:49.35mindjujui do use sendmail
15:49.56mindjujuoh wait
15:49.58fungusare you sure?  sendmail is painful and icky
15:50.00mindjujui don't, i'm goofy
15:50.04mindjujui use postfix
15:50.20mindjujui just got in and my brain isn't warm yet
15:50.26funguspostfix is "sendmail compatible", but has radically different documentation
15:50.39beandogand configuration
15:50.45mindjujuyeah, my bad on that, i'll look up postfix docs
15:51.12fungusBut anyway, if you goal is to continuously collect data on that, perhaps there are other alternatives.
15:51.49mindjujuyeah, i want to know if the other receiving email server said delivered or no address or ...
15:51.57fungusWhat exactly are you looking for?
15:52.10mindjujuemail send status
15:52.46fungusFYI, it is impossible to be perfect to get the email send status.
15:53.08mindjujuyeah, i was just starting to think about that
15:53.10fungusMany org's have several internal email servers, any of which may reject the message after the fact
15:53.23mindjujuoh, hadn't thought about that
15:53.28unumours works like that
15:53.29mindjujubut was thinking about server timeout, etc
15:53.52unumit's a big mess because the first server just accepts email for everyone, and then it will try to deliver it to the second one
15:53.56fungusBut most of the time, the first hop is pretty good at catching most things.
15:54.16unumwhich will reject it if that person is not in the system.  but the first one used to try for several days.....
15:54.30fungusunum: Look into publishing a relay_recipients mapping to the external relays.
15:54.49fungusit really cuts down on that kind of crap
15:54.53unumfungus: thanks.  is that a postfix thing?
15:56.13macnewboldmindjuju: what about setting up a php script that processes the bounce replies?
15:56.22macnewboldi.e. don't ask postfix, wait to see if it bounces or not
15:56.36mindjujuthat's a good alternative
15:56.38macnewboldthen you'll know what happened, and it is getting pushed to you rather than you having to parse logs for it
15:57.50carmonyanyone here ever gone to ZendCon? :P
15:58.34fungusmindjuju: mac's idea is great as long as you don't need an immediate result.  Much simpler, and more foolproof.
15:59.15mindjujucarmony, have they even done call for papers yet?
15:59.52mindjujuour company's new site is on hold while the GD designs it, but i'm pretty sold on using Zend as the framework
16:00.44carmonythe just annouced their CFP's yesteday
16:00.48mindjujuHappy Cinco de Mayo for those of you who celebrate
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16:01.20funguswow, Google doesn't have a cool logo for today.
16:01.22unumand a big slap in the face to those of you that are french!
16:01.33mindjujuah!  that's true!
16:01.54unum~lart the french
16:01.54ibotsqueezes the french till the french turns blue like papa smurf
16:03.00orsonjI'll be having nachoes, but that's about it.
16:03.29mindjujuNachos is good
16:03.32beandogIm going to get drunk and pass out in the street
16:03.49mindjujuuh, that could be fun ... i guess
16:03.54beandogit's just a nice coincidence that today is a holiday
16:03.56orsonjI'm not sure why we have the May 5th holidy, but nachos are godo
16:04.01fungusInteresting, I never knew that it's not a national holiday in Mexico
16:04.23utahconorsonj: I thought that was you attempt at a gringo bueno
16:04.43unumI don't think presidents day is a national holiday...
16:04.50orsonjno, that was me trying to type while thinking about nachos
16:07.20beandogwe need more holidays.
16:07.32beandoglike, go fly a kite day
16:07.49orsonjit is unamerican to celebrate presidents day (/me wonders how that came to be)
16:08.25unumI want to take up kite fighting
16:08.45orsonjI want to take up RC airplane flying
16:09.10mindjujui like watching RC planes fly and crash
16:09.16orsonjand perhaps fighting with some of the cheaper models
16:09.17mindjujubut flying them seems complex
16:09.51orsonjmindjuju: you should come watch me try to fly my cheapo $60 rc plane. that thing is so hard to fly
16:09.54unumby brother-in-law builds and flies them
16:10.07orsonjthe larger more expensive ones are so much easier to fly
16:10.10unumhe let me fly it in tandum
16:10.15mindjujuorsonj, i have an airhog stealth flying thing
16:10.24mindjujuit's EXCELLENT at flying straight!
16:10.30mindjuju... at the ground
16:10.46orsonjI think mine has the same capability
16:11.04mindjujuyou know, i should try flying it upside - down, maybe then it'll work
16:11.18orsonjgood idea, I'll have to try that next time
16:11.52jsmithorsonj: Is that presidents day, presidents' day, or president's day?  (Notice the apostrophes!)
16:11.59mindjujudid you see on their logo has something for cinco de mayo and they dance around?
16:12.02mindjujuway good times
16:12.23orsonjI broke a wire connection on it last time I flew it. Got it fixed, but still need to put it back together.
16:12.42orsonjI think it would be presidents' day
16:12.49mindjujuyou know orsonj, there is suppose to be this REALLY cool airplane that is built for guys like us
16:13.08mindjujui think its called zappo or something like that, i'll look, but thengot to get back to the email project
16:13.08jsmithmindjuju: Hey now!  Just because I'm a stickler for apostrophes doesn't mean you have to resort to violence!
16:13.51mindjujulove that song
16:14.16orsonj <-- I have flown this plane before. way easier to fly than mine., but about $200 more expensive.
16:15.26orsonjhowever repairs are quite cheap, thus good for airplane crashing peole like us.
16:15.55orsonjman, this lag is killing my spelling
16:23.33beandogI thought that was kinda cool.
16:25.11orsonjnice story
16:25.51beandogof course, it didn't have the stereotypical single guy who spends $100 a week on DVDs.
16:26.14beandoghmm, I just realized my cell phone has been turned off
16:26.18beandogno wonder I haven't gotten any calls.
16:27.09mindjujudave ramsey philosophy can be summed up into a few words
16:27.21mindjujudon't buy it if you can't pay cash, and if the money is better used elsewhere
16:27.35mindjujuthe rest is discipline
16:28.28PoeticIntensityDave Ramsey++
16:29.13Utah_Davejosephscott: I love that video!
16:29.23mindjujui know this'll sound funny, but i actually called Dave and got on the air
16:29.46beandogdid you confess your secret love
16:29.54josephscottsad the SNL has to teach people about budgeting :-(
16:30.13beandogmindjuju, what happened
16:30.14utahconHow do you escape characters if you don't know what they are?
16:30.23mindjujuhe told me to get a lawyer
16:30.28utahconI have some yahoo who posted his resume in my form... saved it to the DB
16:30.31macnewboldutahcon: regular expressions with negation
16:30.36beandogmindjuju, for what
16:30.37utahconnow it comes out and breaks my XMl
16:30.44utahconwith negation?
16:30.52utahconmacnewbold: do share
16:30.56macnewboldyeah, find anything that is _not_ an allowable character, and escape it
16:30.58mindjujuyeah, to help negotiate
16:31.11macnewboldusually something like [^a-zA-Z0-9] etc
16:31.34beandogthat's pretty broad
16:31.42mindjujujosephscott - that's awesome
16:32.10macnewboldmindjuju: why did he say get a lawyer?
16:32.45mindjujuto help negotiate
16:33.58utahconmacnewbold: thanks, however that won't help gotta pass along the data, just need it to not break my xml
16:34.47fungusutahcon: just escape the XML chars
16:34.55beandognegotiate what
16:34.56fungusOr can you just use CDATA tags
16:35.33beandogooh I just found some clif bars under my desk
16:35.36beandognom nom nom
16:36.19utahconalthough the CDATA does sound "right"
16:36.25macnewboldutahcon: what you can do is find the bad characters, and replace them with properly escaped bad characters
16:36.34macnewboldcdata is a good way to wrap it I think
16:36.56utahconhow do you find the bad characters if your systems won't tell you what they are? Does that even make sense?
16:37.08herlookay, so here's a good question for the crew here at uphpu.  I'm looking to do some performance tuning on our web server.
16:37.21macnewboldutahcon: one way is to make a list of allowable characters,
16:37.28utahconI pull it from mysql and I get a "?", phpMyAdmin and firefox each display "?" or "?" in a diamond.
16:37.32macnewboldand if you want, gradually grow it until you find something that breaks it
16:37.33herlowe've got a very image intensive site, and so I was thinking about a few things, one is memcached, another is reverse proxy.  Any other thoughts?
16:37.39beandogutahcon, well usually there's a function to escape known characters
16:37.49beandogutahcon, oh .... that's different.  that's your locale.
16:37.55macnewboldherlo: separate httpd server for images only (lighttpd perhaps?)
16:38.03carmonywhat would you use memcached for with the images?
16:38.08beandogprobably utf8 on latin1 or something.
16:38.15herlomacnewbold: okay, so that's a good thought, but there's a snag
16:38.27macnewboldsnag schmag
16:38.37utahconbeandog: what can be done about that?
16:38.44beandogutahcon, uh
16:38.46herlomacnewbold: there would have to be code changes to deliver the images as of right now they are required to be on the filesystem.  I could change that over time
16:38.55beandogcouple of things
16:38.58herlomacnewbold: I'm thinking that's what we'll wanna do in the future
16:39.04herlobut I'm looking for quick fixes...
16:39.06beandogyou could convert the UTF8 characters to HTML strings
16:39.11beandogI forget the term
16:39.12macnewboldherlo: so why are you needing to do anything special at all? what's the problem you're solving?
16:39.15beandog&#017; stuff
16:39.35beandogactually that's probably the simplest way.
16:39.38herlomacnewbold: currently, it takes 30 seconds to load a single dynamic page, I'd like to get that down to around 5-15 seconds
16:39.50josephscottutahcon: are you sure the string is utf8?  I've you tried to convert with iconv just to be sure?
16:39.57herlomacnewbold: we're very image intensive here, visit
16:40.02beandogjosephscott, I was just guessing
16:40.08beandoggood idea though
16:40.13herloand on FF, it's fairly fast, ~10secs
16:40.22josephscottI ran into a similar problem with a string I thought was utf8, turned out not to be
16:40.23beandogalso see what the locale is set to on mysql
16:40.27herlobut on IE it's amazingly slow, ~30+ secs
16:41.48herlocarmony: wouldn't memcached be able to deliver images faster?  I'm kind of thinking a reverse proxy might be the best solution short-term
16:42.11carmonyso you'd load the images in memcached and server them from there?
16:43.15herloyeah, I've done something similar but it wasn't images per se
16:43.43fungusIf you need hyper speed for your images, you could just use a simple ramdisk
16:43.45macnewboldherlo: what parts are causing the slowness? loading images? or generating/loading the dynamic content itself?
16:43.48josephscottvarnish might be a good option
16:44.18carmonyherlo, is the website your talking about up and online?
16:44.22herlomacnewbold: that's a good question, one I'm not skilled enough (apparently) to answer.  Any suggesions as to where I should look or how I can determin this...
16:44.26herlocarmony: read above...
16:44.26beandogwhy does mysql have so many utf8 locales anyway
16:44.28josephscottif the concern is about serving lots of images quickly
16:44.52herlomacnewbold: images are the likely culprit
16:45.56macnewboldherlo: firebug shows me that more than half of your load time is all the .js files
16:46.07herlooh, wow!
16:46.12macnewboldthe worst culprit is the verisign one - maybe put that on the cart page only?
16:46.17herlowe do have lots of js files, that's true
16:46.26macnewboldif you consolidated a lot of your js into one file, it would be much more efficient
16:46.32macnewboldcan't do that with images obviously though
16:46.49Utah_Daveutahcon: try changing your encoding on your browser to different settings and refreshing and see if you get the correct characters with the correct encoding
16:46.59macnewboldsince the browser will only request 4 things at a time from teh server, quantities of items loaded can slow things down
16:47.01herloyes, it would.  funny thing, the people who wrote this just slapped everything in there.  I doubt we need half of hte js we have
16:47.19josephscottload JS as late as possible in the page, it generally causes browsers to block, stopping them from downloading other items in parallel
16:47.33macnewboldthere are currently 12 for the link you sent
16:47.42macnewboldtaking 6.5 seconds total
16:47.48herlo12 js pages?
16:47.54herloprobably right
16:48.03macnewbold73 images, 1.8mb, 4.85 seconds
16:48.08herlok, this is going to be fun...
16:48.13macnewboldthe js was about 300kb I think
16:48.26herlomacnewbold: thanks, I'm installing firebug now as we speak
16:48.34macnewboldall together 93 requests, 2.25MB, 8 seconds
16:49.01macnewboldhow much will your site benefit from browser-side caching of images and js?
16:49.08herlomacnewbold: yeah, 8 seconds on FF
16:49.46macnewboldwow, reload the same page, and only 23 things not in cache, 403KB, 1.8 seconds
16:50.03macnewbold7 of those 23 are css, 13 are js
16:50.06herlomacnewbold: probably a ton of benefit would be had if we cached images and js on the browser side, but I'm not sure how to accomplish that sort of thing without some guidance...
16:50.12macnewboldwhy only 12 js were there the first time, and now 13, I have no idea.
16:50.14josephscottsteve souders has some great stuff on high performance web sites (front end) souders
16:50.36macnewboldherlo: browsers automatically cache images, css, js, etc. unless the server tells them not to
16:50.47herlooh, okay
16:51.42herlomacnewbold: you had me confused, I was thinking that we were doing something wrong to not have the browser cache the images and js
16:52.29macnewboldthe images almost all cached
16:52.30herlofunny, I was looking at this from a sysadmin pov, seems it is more of a dev pov
16:55.06*** join/#uphpu redroy (
16:55.42orsonjok, now I need to write a little program to hardlink duplicate files, then figure out a way to make backups that won't balloon them back up to full size.
16:56.42orsonjmaybe I'll just backup the repository, and not the files themselves, since I think bzr detects duplicate files.
16:56.47josephscottorsonj: rsnapshot?
16:56.57macnewboldthe css and js probably should have, but didn't cache
16:57.02macnewboldherlo: this link might help
16:57.09orsonjjosephscott: I'll take a look
16:57.14macnewboldsee the part about sending the Expires header and Cache-Control
16:57.35macnewboldthis might be useful too:
16:58.07macnewboldwget -S or will show you the headers your server is returning
16:58.21macnewboldright now you have a last modified on your js, but not expires
16:59.18macnewboldthe images don't have it either, but seem to be treated differently, perhaps based on their mime type
17:03.13herlothese are good resources
17:09.54herlothanks gang!
17:32.33*** join/#uphpu brasto (
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17:37.53mindjuju~apb carmony
17:37.54ibotACTION hires baby Lyssa to stake out carmony
17:38.02*** join/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
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17:40.49carmonyping herlo
17:43.21brasto~lart pidgin for the new categories that will not remove.
17:43.21ibotthrows pidgin's poor little doggy off a cliff for the new categories that will not remove.
17:45.37carmony~apb herlo
17:45.37ibotACTION hires baby Lyssa to rough up herlo
17:45.41carmonylol :P
17:46.13mindjujudataw0lf 's post about star trek on facebook is too good to not post here -
17:47.11dataw0lfyea it's pretty fantastic
17:52.25mindjujuthe onion is awesome, i've been following their stuff since they pulled a fast one on China with their dome article
17:53.06dataw0lfgrew up with it, my dad had a subscription
17:53.14mindjujutwas funny, during that time when there were like a billion new dome stadiums being buitl, the onion runs an article about how congress wanted a new dome too, beijing evening post (or whate ver its called) thought it was real and ran an article on it
17:53.26mindjujutotally hilarious
17:53.32dataw0lfp.s. they use Django ;-P
17:54.59dataw0lfnom clam chowder
17:56.00herlocarmony: pong
18:02.45carmonyherlo pm
18:31.23mindjujuthis year's Ultra looks freakin' awesome!
18:33.42herloyou realize it's already over though right?
18:34.14mindjujuyeah, just noticed that, i thought it was in may, but's its march
18:36.43herloI know, sad face is appropriate here
18:37.15mindjujui wonder if it is too poser to get a shirt even if i didn't go
18:37.50PoeticIntensityalmost cried I laughed so hard.
19:12.35mgearyyou oracle folks-- is there a way to get raw SQL (like mysqldump) out of oracle?
19:14.21mgearydataw0lf: ever used it?
19:14.54dataw0lfa long time ago
19:18.45fungusheresy!  The ONN called Gene Roddenberry a "hack".  
19:21.03*** join/#uphpu utahcon1 (
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19:25.48mindjujuwho is Gene Roddenberry?
19:26.38mindjujusup utahcon
19:27.11utahconI am recreating the output of my online application for what seems like the 100th time. Kinda getting tired of it.
19:28.02mindjujuutahcon - sounds like you need a pick-me-up -- try this
19:28.22mindjujuand put on your seatbelt, it's way good stuff
19:28.58fungusProdigy is not good to listen to while driving.
19:29.12mindjujuyeah, unless your driving nascar or something
19:29.20fungusI tend to get speeding tickets when I listen to Firestarter
19:29.24mindjujuor destruction derby
19:29.32mindjujuthat's awesome fungus
19:30.10mindjujufungus, this morning I made it to work in record time listening to this -
19:30.12mindjujulove that song
19:31.11mgearyhey, i'm trying to get some things set up on a Ubuntu server....
19:31.30mgearyi'm trying to get some python libs installed, and it appears that they python header files aren't present
19:31.36utahconthat was an interesting video
19:31.43mgearywhat'd be the best way to do that? is there an apt-get package that would just have them?
19:31.50mindjujuutahcon - but an awesome song
19:31.56fungusapt-get install python-dev
19:31.56utahconmindjuju: yes
19:32.05utahcondamn fungus beat me to it
19:33.59mgearydoes Oracle have a CLI interface like mysql does?
19:34.20fungusyes, but it sucks
19:34.40utahcon~lart Tmobile
19:34.40ibotduct-tapes Tmobile to the floor and drools on him
19:34.50utahcontheir cheap phones suck!
19:34.59mgearyfungus: sqlplus is oracle's CLI interface? or it's an alternative to it...?
19:35.13fungusit's oracle's CLI interface
19:35.47mgearyso, remember a couple of days ago when i asked about Oracle->mysql conversion? I've been suckered in to helping a friend with that
19:36.17utahconthat will teach you to have friends
19:36.21fungusouch, that sounds painful
19:36.37mgearywhere best to start?
19:36.45mgearyi've hardly any experience with Oracle
19:36.51utahconmgeary: how good is the friend?
19:37.36utahconor maybe I didn't
19:37.56fungusI would probably recreate the schema as best as I could in sql, then write a custom script to connect to both db's and copy the data over.
19:38.21mgearythat's basically what i was thinking as well
19:38.34mgearythough dataw0lf did post that perl script that supposedly generates sql
19:38.45fungusdepending on the number of tables it could really be a lot of work though
19:38.47utahconmgeary: do you know if there is anything funky in the oracle db?
19:38.53mgearythere is not
19:38.58mgearyit's just straight tables
19:39.21utahconI woudl think the hardest part then is making sure your table structures are the same/similar
19:39.47fungusYou might be able to use oracledump, edit it to make it mysql standard stuff, and import that...
19:40.08mgearyyeah... though apparently there are several million rows, so editing would be no mean task
19:40.16herloutahcon: g1 from google is da bomb
19:40.29utahconherlo: I has the G1...
19:40.42herloand u think its cheap?
19:40.43utahconbut the wifey only needs a "camera" that can call people
19:40.55utahconmy G1 was cheap... free :D
19:41.55utahconI would love to get her the Memoir (8MP camera) but... for $250... I don't think so.
19:44.42herlomight as well buy the g1 at that point
19:44.56utahconshe doesn't need the fancy
19:45.04utahconshe'd rather have the 8MP camera :D
19:45.08utahconI would too
19:45.26utahconfor mother's day / christmas this year we are giving family the Tmobile Cameo frames
19:46.07utahconfungus: Ugly Cell Phones... without looking past that title... I predict... nokia... sony... lg
19:46.19fungusclose.  :)
19:46.32utahconWHAT?! NO LG!!!
19:46.40utahconthat is not right... but those are some ugly phones
19:47.06utahconthe B&O looks like a daily pill compact
19:49.28*** join/#uphpu itimber (
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19:53.27herloholy sh**
19:53.55utahconno kidding
19:54.08utahconthat is with a 2yr contract extension... to which I say .. NO!
19:55.03mgearywhat's the best way to install mysql on Ubuntu? apt-get, or source from or...?
19:55.18utahconmgeary: depends on what you are looking for.
19:55.28mgearysuch as...?
19:55.36utahconrecently I have been doing apt-get install mysql-server cause it is easiest
19:55.40utahconsource is most up to date
19:55.43utahconand complete
19:56.01utahconbut for ease of use... apt-get is the way
19:56.02mgearycan i find out what version apt-get would install?
19:56.35herloso it looks like a few of us geeks are getting together this thursday night @9pm the Century 16 to go and watch Star Trek
19:59.14utahconwtf... 01:56:28 PM I get the IM... 1:57 I get a tap on the shoulder...
19:59.18utahconwhat good is IM?
20:02.20herloutahcon: 30 seconds
20:04.13utahconI am not kidding
20:09.58unummgeary: apt-cache show mysql-server
20:10.18unummy number one favorite thing about linux is being able to install stuff so easy
20:10.32unumI don't understand you install from soure people
20:11.10unumof course I have to upgrade the redhat boxes at work by hand, but that's a different story
20:12.46utahconunum: Source has it's places.
20:13.00utahcondon't ask me what they are though
20:13.25unumutahcon: you're a developer on the project :)
20:23.34mindjujuso, in linux, if you want to see all what users exist on your server, i'm doing cat/etc/passwd
20:23.37mindjujuis that good?
20:24.35macnewboldyeah, that works
20:24.45macnewboldit doesn't have their password hashes, but it has all the users in it
20:25.02mindjujuk, i'll keep doing that
20:25.15mindjujuits funny that there doesn't appear to be a list user command
20:25.18mindjujubut this works
20:26.29herlomindjuju: getent passwd
20:26.42herlomindjuju: id <username>
20:26.51herlomindjuju: getent group <groupname>
20:27.01herlomindjuju: getent services
20:30.44mgearyhey, so i'm trying to connect to the oracle DB via Oracle's SQL Developer app. Anyone able to answer some questions on that?
20:31.16mgearyi'm getting "logon denied" errors, and want to make sure i'm not missing anything obvious
20:33.38Lone_Wanderermgeary: Is it plugged in?
20:33.53ibotACTION facepalms at the situation
20:39.33fungusI use SQL Developer to connect to an oracle DB, but I got the correct connect info from our DBA.
20:39.41fungusDid you check with your DBA?  ;)
20:39.54mgearydoing that now
20:48.41*** join/#uphpu thebigdog (n=thebigdo@
20:48.41*** mode/#UPHPU [+o thebigdog] by ChanServ -- hilarious!
20:58.40utahcon"Moving to Utah.  Got sick of alcohol and have a severe wife shortage."
21:11.55macnewbold(510): I think I speak chipmunk. Odd.
21:11.55macnewbold(702): Are you high?
21:11.55macnewbold(510): No. That's why it's odd
21:12.32macnewbold(714): He ignores my calls like im some kind of stalker chick
21:12.32macnewbold(714): Ive only called 5 times
21:19.03funguslol, it's like for txts
21:21.03*** join/#uphpu redroy (
21:34.30mindjujuso if i typed sudo su, is there a way to demote myself?
21:34.44mindjujuawesome thx
21:34.56DexterTheDragonor ctrl+d
21:38.10fungusFYI, "sudo -s" is "more correct" than "sudo su"
21:38.40fungussu switches user to root, but that isn't needed since sudo already did it.
21:41.01*** part/#uphpu mindjuju (n=mindjuju@
21:48.47dataw0lfTextMate is so smart
21:53.23utahconwhat is Textmate?
21:53.57utahcon~lart TextMate for being OSX only
21:53.57ibotslaps a compatible dib on TextMate's head for being OSX only
21:56.42beandogso tired
22:05.37*** join/#uphpu hurrdurr (
22:06.46dataw0lfhello hurrdurr
22:06.47hurrdurrSup, sup.
22:07.18dataw0lfsorry, this is a bot but he's just going to sit in here so I can log any edge cases that I may need to introduce into my irc protocol tokenizer.
22:12.53mgearyany perl gurus here?
22:13.07mgearyi'm trying, and failing, to get DBD::Oracle installed
22:14.49*** join/#uphpu cro (
22:43.32beandogmgeary, its probably for the best.
22:45.57Utah_Davehello hurrdurr
22:45.57hurrdurrSup, sup.
22:46.02Utah_Davehelp hurrdurr
22:46.05Utah_Davehurrdurr: help
22:51.52dataw0lfit's a _very_ basic bot, I'm writing it from scratch
22:51.59dataw0lfgonna use it for a IRC / Django tie-in
22:53.04dataw0lfso I just banged out a simple socket listener for the most part last night:
22:56.02macnewbold~lart hurrdurr
22:56.02ibotbeats hurrdurr over the head with a microkernel
22:56.08macnewbold~greet hurrdurr
22:56.09ibotACTION dumps a bucket of cold oatmeal on hurrdurr
22:56.13macnewbold~welcome hurrdurr
22:56.14ibotHowdy, hurrdurr!
22:56.21macnewboldhurrdurr: hi
23:16.10itimberI'm out.... later guys
23:21.24*** join/#uphpu romanovic_ (n=romanovi@
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23:25.51fungushello hurrdurr
23:25.51hurrdurrSup, sup.

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