IRC log for #uphpu on 20090310

00:12.16*** join/#uphpu beandog (
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00:59.36*** join/#uphpu carmony_ (
01:12.10*** join/#uphpu mastergunns (
01:23.57Lone_WandererAnyone still here?
01:27.29*** join/#uphpu utahcon (
01:39.39supernoviaI'm still here
01:39.44supernovianot sure what time you said that though :)
01:39.52supernoviahow's your workout going Lone_Wanderer?
02:16.05*** join/#uphpu wps (n=wps@
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03:01.40herloLone_Wanderer: consider not using mirc, it sux0rz
03:08.50*** join/#uphpu toofer1 (
03:11.16*** join/#uphpu supernovia (
03:16.11wpsanyone have a minute to help me fix a MySQL query?
03:16.38wpsI am grouping it but need it to give me a different record than the one that it's collapsing to
03:16.57wpsI've tried sorting both directions and it doesn't change the outcome
03:19.56herlowps: what?
03:21.11wpsis there anyway to have MySQL not order by the column you group by?
03:22.59supernoviawhat are you trying to order by?
03:23.14herlowps: yes, just add an order by statment
03:23.27supernoviame too
03:23.35wpsit seems to be ignoring my order by statement
03:23.39supernoviawell, anytime I'm messing around in mysql anyway
03:23.51supernoviamakes me wonder what you're trying to order by ..
03:24.12herlowps: probably because you are ordering somethign that really can't be sorted or you've got some sort of strange query
03:24.14wpsI'm trying to order by a value that's i've joined
03:24.46supernoviawhat kind of data?
03:27.31supernoviaanyway it -should- work..
03:27.55wpshere's my query:
03:28.35wpseach entry in prodir_prototypes has multiple entries in prodir_prototypes_versions
03:28.53wpsI only want the latest (that is active)
03:28.59wpsit may not be possible with a single query
03:29.43wpsso I join to prodir_prototypes_versions to get the prototype's versions and then join to prodir_versions to get the version names and statuses
03:34.17supernovianot sure if there's a better way to do it (since I'm not so familiar with the structure)
03:34.40supernoviawhere's your group by?
03:34.50wpsyeah… really hard to help over IRC
03:35.20wpsoops… sorry… had it commented out
03:36.15supernoviaagain I can't tell without the database but were you grouping because you were getting duped data?
03:36.36wpshere's an example:
03:36.40wps(or the output)
03:37.02supernoviamight try a left join instead (or a right join, depending on the db)
03:37.45wpsnote lines 4 and 5
03:37.56wpswhen I GROUP, I get 4
03:37.58wpsI want 5
03:38.00supernoviayeah - probably better not do an inner join
03:40.43supernoviatry a right join I think (I'm no sql guru)
03:46.27*** join/#uphpu mgeary (
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03:47.11mindjujuwps, did you ever get your sql query fixed?
03:47.18wpsno :(
03:47.24wpsit's a beast
03:48.34wpshere's my understanding of the problem
03:48.49wpsin addition to grouping, GROUP BY also performs a sort
03:49.31wpsunfortunately, sorting by my GROUP BY column jacks everything up and since you have to GROUP BY before your ORDER BY, I'm screwed
03:50.38supernoviabut you're grouping because your rows are duplicated by your joins, correct?
03:51.16mgearysupernovia: hey
03:51.27supernoviatypically I can get rid of dupes with the right kind of join
03:51.31supernoviaHey mgeary :)
03:52.02wpsthat would be my preference
03:52.25supernoviatried a right join?
03:52.37wpson which of the joins?
03:52.47supernoviabrb - phone
03:52.50wpsand isn't a right the default in MySQL? ie, I'm already using one?
03:54.33mindjujuso this is the original query, the others are just varients trying to find one that works, right?
03:56.09wpsI need each pt.pt_id with it's most recent, active ptve.ptve_id
03:56.18wpsactive is what makes this difficult
03:56.33wpspv.pv_id 's have status
03:57.50wpswait… sorry… I said that wrong
03:57.58wpsgetting the ones with a status of 2 or 6 is working fine
03:58.24wpsthe issue is that there are multiple prodir_prototypes_versions with statuses of 2 or 6… thus the dupes
03:59.00wpsI need something that says WHERE the version is the most recent that's active
03:59.27wpsor, I guess just "the most recent" (since have already limited the query to the ones that are active (2 or 6 is active)
04:00.57mindjujuerr, no equation, the sql query
04:01.28wpshere's a question:
04:01.45wpsif your database is such and you have single A to many B…
04:01.53wpsshould you select from A and JOIN B
04:01.59wpsor select from B and join A?
04:02.29mindjujuwell, let's look at it this way wps, and you tell me what you need.  Let's say A is clients and B is sku nums from purchases
04:02.45mindjujuare you looking for all the purchases that max made or all the people who purchased widget 2?
04:03.05wpshere's I'll just tell you exactly what I have
04:03.14wpsI have pages (A).
04:03.23wpsEach page has a version logged (B)
04:03.46wpseach version has a name and a status (C)
04:04.18wpsversions have statuses such as (queued, archived, released)
04:04.57wpsI want a list of the pages with their highest version that's been released
04:06.12wpsactual tables: pages (pt), versions (ptve), and versions (pv)
04:06.42wpsversions are releases (ie: 1.0.1, 1.0.2, 1.0.3, etc)
04:07.19wpsdang, sorry for the typo (only adds to the confusion)
04:07.40wpsactual tables: pages (pt), page versions (ptve), and versions (pv)
04:10.57mindjujuand the status should be either 2 or 6, right?
04:11.09supernoviahey guys, did you figure it out?
04:11.27supernoviawhat'd you have to do?
04:11.38wpsso, see on this example of some of the results…
04:11.44wpslines 4 and 5?
04:12.06wpsexactly the same except for the version?
04:12.36wpswhen I group it, it removes the dupes, but no matter how I order it, I always get 4
04:12.42wpsI need 5 (the most recent release)
04:14.05supernoviai'd say focus on not getting dupes first
04:14.34wpsgood suggestion
04:14.52wpsI'm not sure how to tell it which is the most recent version besides sorting
04:15.49supernoviawell, i can never remember which one is right, left or right join
04:16.01supernoviabut I know using the wrong one gives you dupes where you don't want them
04:16.17wpsit's left join that does not give you dupes
04:16.27wpsbut I don't see where I could use a left
04:18.24wpsstill get dupes with the left
04:18.29wpsI need another condition
04:18.36wpswhere x=y
04:20.44supernoviakeep playing with it :)
04:23.08mindjujuwps, pt.pt_id is already unique, no?
04:23.38mindjujuie, the duplicity doesn't exist in that field, but in the page version
04:24.03wpsthanks for trying to help
04:24.05wpsI appreciate it
04:29.14mindjujuwps, i think i'm on home stretch, just one last question, the page status is stored in pv, yes?
04:29.40wpsnot the page status
04:29.46wpsthe pages don't have a status
04:30.10mindjujuoh, versions have statuses
04:30.29wpseach of the page versions are assigned a version/release… which has a status
04:32.34mindjujuso you want 1 listing per pt.pt_id formated as specified in your original query where the page version is the most recent and version/release status is 2 or 6
04:33.41mindjuju:) coolio, let me start on conversion now that i know exactly what you want
04:45.54mindjujuwps - starting on line 15 - ( i know it looks a little nutty, but i think it'll work, the only part i'm not sure on is if it'll let you have access to pt.* since it is part of a subquery
04:45.59mindjujubut i THINK it will
04:47.48mindjujuoh wait, ididn't limit it on the revision
04:49.35mindjujuwait wait, what's PM?
04:49.44wpsthat's module
04:49.48wpseach page is assigned to a module
04:50.09wpsI didn't bring it up because it's a simple one-to-one join and is working alright
04:50.32wpsI've been wondering if I'd need to do a sub-select
04:50.58mindjujuyeah, i think so
04:51.21mindjujui'm actually flipping this so that pt and ptve are in the original select and pv is the subquery
04:51.29mindjujui think THAT is your best bet
04:59.25mindjujuwps, soemthing more like this, but it'll still need a tweak on the revision
05:00.15mindjujucourse, if you INNER JOIN on this line instead, it might do it, not pretty, but might work
05:00.22wpsthank you
05:00.31wpsI'll try adding the module in and see what results I get
05:00.41mindjujuINNER JOIN ixd_prodir.prodir_prototypes_versions ptve
05:00.48mindjujuoff line 3
05:01.27*** part/#uphpu mastergunns (
05:05.49wpsERROR 1242 (21000): Subquery returns more than 1 row
05:06.19wpsdoes it need a limit 1 in it or something?
05:10.48wpsI think we're getting warm
05:13.02mindjujusorry, was looking at some code
05:13.26mindjujuoh, because we say 2 or 6, duh!
05:14.00mindjujuws that on the first suggested or thesecond?
05:28.40wpsI THINK I GOT IT
05:32.49*** join/#uphpu kingsol (
05:32.55wpsit jacked up my pagination so I'm not positive yet, but it appears to be right
05:33.24wpsgood evening, sir
05:33.52wpsmindjuju: here's what I think is working:
05:35.15*** part/#uphpu kingsol (
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06:16.57wpsmindjuju: thank you!
06:17.34wpsthebigdog says that I will get better performance with a function instead of a sub-select, but you pointed me in the right direction
06:17.40wpsI owe you man
13:44.30*** join/#uphpu itimber (
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13:48.56itimbermorning all
15:00.17*** join/#uphpu Lonnie (
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15:25.49utahconjosephscott: You in?
15:25.58josephscottutahcon: yep, what's up?
15:26.17utahconAm I just retarded or is it hard to find the changelog for my?
15:26.51josephscottbeyond what donncha posts on his blog?
15:27.20utahconIs that too much to ask?
15:28.07josephscottI don't think there's an official changelog for WP either
15:28.32utahconLOL - I just had some users throw up flags at me cause I updated their blogs and they want to know what changed.
15:30.00josephscottmost of the time new WPMU versions are syncing with WPM releases
15:30.23josephscottand that's been made a little bit easier by moving WPMU version numbers to line up with WP releases
15:30.40josephscottso WPMU 2.7 is the MU equiv of WP 2.7
15:31.29carmonyI've thought about installing WPMU, cause I want to have 3-4 blogs on different things
15:36.23utahconcarmony: MU is the bomb! uses MU, but its out of date...... uses MU
15:38.48utahconand I am in the process of getting it on 2.7.x
15:46.01*** join/#uphpu SunSparc (n=sparky@
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15:49.47herlomorning, I still hate DST
15:51.11utahconjbot: ~lart herlo
15:51.11jbot<alias> ~lart utahcon
15:51.51herlo~lart utahcon
15:51.51jbotflings poo at utahcon
15:52.12utahconsee how it is
15:54.44SunSparc~lart DST
15:54.44jbotforces DST to use Outlook Express
15:59.51*** join/#uphpu cro (
16:00.02cro'morning all
16:00.39*** join/#uphpu redroy (
16:00.56cromindjuju: So sorry I missed the geek lunch.  Hospital visit took much longer than I thought.
16:00.58josephscottmindjuju: what's the plan for this month's meeting?
16:15.19*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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16:25.58mindjujuno worries cro
16:26.09crobig turnout?
16:26.26mindjujujosephscott, this month is joint UPHPU + UDBUG meeting -- eggyknap is presenting
16:26.46mindjujucro, fungus, herlo and I were there
16:26.47eggyknapThe joys of SQL :)
16:27.01cro:-( Now I feel really bad
16:27.08mindjujunah, no worries, we had fun
16:27.53mindjujugood eats, good times
16:27.55utahconwhat? did I miss a meeting?
16:28.06mindjujuutahcon, nope, just geek lunch
16:28.18utahconah! ok
16:28.22mindjujuit didn't have any promo launch with it, but we had it so we could return to a normal schedule
16:28.39mindjujuFirst Friday of the month is now Geek Lunch Friday
16:28.49mindjujuwith this next Geek Lunch going to be in Utah County
16:28.57mindjujulet's see if any of those yahoos show up though
16:30.11mindjujumaybe i'll send something to the mailing list after i send promo out for this month's meet to see where people want to meet
16:30.24mindjujui'm thinking Los Hermanos or maybe Octavios
16:30.43utahconoctavios is a heart attack waiting to happen... and I will enjoy it.
16:32.47SunSparcIt is actually, Ottavios, and they have some awesome food.  :)
16:33.27SunSparcHere is a Dilbert for all you Mobile Phone lovers:;_ylt=AlzzE8s73XUEb5S1Z.KzChW26ysC
16:34.48mindjujumaybe we should do it there
16:35.29*** join/#uphpu supernovia (
16:35.49utahconSunSparc: that is so me and my g1
16:35.57utahconG1 for the win this weekend house hunting.
16:40.14SunSparcutahcon: No kidding.  :)
16:40.31Utah_DaveSunSparc: that's so awesome
16:40.40SunSparcmindjuju: Joe Veras stillhas the best salsa in the valley.
16:40.41Utah_Daveutahcon: I have a g1 too
16:40.55mindjujuJoe Veras?  where / what is that?
16:41.03mindjujuplug, diego's has some good eats
16:41.07mindjujuin Provo
16:41.11mindjujuor at least had
16:41.12SunSparcmindjuju: 2 blocks West of Ottavio's
16:41.16mindjujuhaven't been there in a while
16:41.28utahconUtah_Dave: Favorite app?
16:41.45mindjujua super long time ago, they used to MAKE menudo, though like 2 yrs ago, i went back and i think it was the can stuff heated
16:44.02Utah_Davecarmony: what? how'd you get a g2?
16:44.22mindjujuwhat is a G1 or a G2?
16:44.28mindjujui know what a G4 is
16:44.31SunSparcmindjuju: Google phones
16:44.35Utah_Daveutahcon: Hmm. I use reveal reader, shazaam and all the google apps a lot
16:45.01utahconFound a good PDF reader?
16:45.16utahconall I have tried have died before opening my PDFs
16:45.26Utah_Daveoh, and I just installed BeyondPod.  It's awesome. Download my audio podcasts straight to the phone and plays them.
16:45.36Utah_Davenope. nothing for pdf's yet
16:45.56Utah_Daveconnectbot is awesome for ssh sessions, too. that has saved my behind several times
16:46.05utahconI love connectbot
16:46.08SunSparcQuite a few good PDF readers for the iPhone...
16:46.25utahconI used it the night after I downloaded it to fix code on a live server from an Arby's drive-thru!
16:46.43utahconSunSparc: No worries. iPhone's have their place.
16:46.56SunSparcutahcon: That is awesome, coding on the road.
16:47.11Utah_DaveOh, and I love smspopup
16:47.20SunSparcI have had to do some server admin from the road.  So nice
16:54.50herlomindjuju: where was I with cro, you and fungus?
16:55.15croEither UTOSC, or Happy Sumo at Gateway
16:55.40herlofor you BSG Fans ^^
16:56.08supernoviaOo, fraction.  I like that one
17:02.58*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=steve@gentoo/developer/beandog)
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17:03.39SunSparcWhat?!  Lucky!
17:03.46SunSparccro: where are you located?
17:04.30SunSparcThat is how close I am to having it.
17:04.38SunSparcYet no time table for finishing it.
17:05.02croNeed to find a friend and setup tight-beem wireless :-D
17:13.42mindjujui wonder when they'll get to my part of Orem
17:14.11mindjujuyo -- thebigdog
17:14.25mindjujuwps was saying you figured out what to do on that sql query, what did you do?
17:17.32supernoviahey yeah, what did you end up doing thebigdog?
17:19.08herlothe new palm pre ^^
17:32.22SunSparcHey, that is kinda cool!
17:32.34*** join/#uphpu Dezertol (
17:32.44SunSparcAnd that is coming from an Apple fanboy
17:33.06Dezertolwow.. I didn't expect this many people in here ;-)
17:33.11Dezertolgreetings to all
17:33.27SunSparcDezertol: what did you expect?
17:33.29mgearyDezertol: well, there's a lot of potatoes and ham in utah
17:33.40macnewbold~greet Dezertol
17:33.41jbotACTION dumps a bucket of cold oatmeal on Dezertol
17:33.41Dezertolright right
17:33.50macnewboldhm, not what I intended
17:33.56macnewbold~welcome Dezertol
17:33.57jbotHowdy, Dezertol!
17:34.01macnewboldthat's better
17:34.11DezertolI found the group from linked in
17:34.17Dezertolmoved here from phoenix
17:34.28unumwhen ever I try to reload a page it takes forever
17:34.35unumbut if press stop and then reload it works
17:34.45unumanyone see that before
17:34.56Dezertolon a bud of mine's site
17:35.04Dezertolhe was loading some adds that had DNS issues
17:35.17Dezertolso it was waiting to draw the adds.. then if you hit stop it would load
17:35.17unumhmm I'm afraid that's not my issue
17:35.40SunSparcNice, that is cool that you found us Dezertol.  Just don't expect us to talk about PHP.
17:35.51Dezertolno worries..
17:36.01jsmithSunSparc: Or, at least... *always* talk about PHP
17:36.06Dezertolbeen using php since v3
17:36.10SunSparcjsmith: Right
17:36.17Dezertolso i'm not exactly going to be posting questions about it
17:36.34jsmithOh, and don't expect everyone to be from Utah either :-)
17:36.43unumthis actually is a php web page of mine
17:36.49Dezertolwhat.. the internet isn't just here in utah
17:36.50SunSparcWell good, you can help us figure out whether we should have more gun control or not.
17:36.58dataw0lfUtah?  Where's that?
17:36.59unumthat's all it does is query a database and writes out the results
17:37.03jsmithdataw0lf: Exactly!
17:37.05unumif I hit stop the page remains blank
17:37.14unumbut when I hit reload everything shows up
17:37.18Dezertolis the query huge?
17:37.28dataw0lfjsmith: See! Now we're agreeing that we both don't live in Utah.  Remarkable!
17:37.35Dezertoland are you caching the query
17:37.38jsmithdataw0lf: I think it's that square state next to Wyoming... but not Colorado... the desert one... no, not Arizona either...
17:39.01Dezertolany of you eq2 or wow players?
17:39.31Dezertolor any games.. for that matter
17:39.59dataw0lfWoW? Used to but then I got a new acne treatment cream.
17:40.39Dezertolmost of the guys at work play wow
17:40.40SunSparcdataw0lf: Sooo, yesterday?
17:40.52Dezertolthere all 30+
17:40.59Dezertolmost are married with kids
17:41.06dataw0lfSunSparc: in all actuality I did play WoW yesterday
17:41.10dataw0lffor like, 30 minutes.
17:41.18DezertolI like eq2 more but have been so busy i've not plaied since xmax
17:41.27dataw0lfMy Xbox RROD'ed in the middle of a CoD: WaW game.
17:41.28SunSparcHehe, I did too.  Starting a new Pally.
17:41.48dataw0lfah, I pwned a couple Warsong Gulch matches
17:41.50Dezertolspeaking of which.. is anyone else out there crazy buzy .. I've had more contract work this year then I had all last year
17:41.51SunSparcMy son and I started playing together over the weekend.  He is liking it.
17:41.59dataw0lfah very cool
17:42.00Dezertoland it's "down economy"
17:42.33dataw0lfgit merge production
17:43.20SunSparcFor those who think there is no time to do what you want ->
17:43.50dataw0lfreminder: lunch on Friday after I fly in, 2ish.
17:44.20herlodataw0lf: make sure to pack your snowboard as it's been snowing here
17:44.34dataw0lfherlo: hmmmm, not a bad idea (it's been snowing here too)
17:45.04dataw0lfI was actually going to bring my paintball markers for arctic warfare.
17:45.28supernoviathanks for that sunsparc
17:45.36supernoviaor SunSparc rather
17:45.36SunSparcsupernovia: np
17:48.34supernovia"Do you think I could fit all that and still get straight As and have lots of time left over for playing World of Warcraft? No."
17:48.43supernoviahmmmm :)
17:49.01mindjujui could sure go for some chinese food
17:49.07SunSparcIt all depends on how much time you spend on wow versus the other stuff.
17:49.14supernoviayou know who's got great chinese? China Isle in AF
17:49.37supernoviayou just need to get Mrs. SunSparc to get into WoW, then you'll be set :)
17:50.00SunSparclol, yeah, I have tried, she has no interest, yet.
17:50.45supernoviaI haven't tried because I'm the sort that gets addicted, and I'm too busy making time for my incredible projects ya know.
17:51.08mindjujuSunsparc, i've heard, that the wii is a gateway drug to all kinds of video-gamery
17:51.14SunSparcsupernovia: I completely understand.
17:51.25SunSparcmindjuju: LOL, probably true.
17:51.26mindjujualso, i've heard Super Monkey Ball for the xbox has the same affects
17:51.35supernoviawii fit is the best :-D
17:51.40mindjujuerr, effects i mean
17:51.46supernoviait's a gateway drug with health benefits :-)
17:51.55SunSparcWii Fit is quite fun.
17:52.12supernoviamy basement carpet's been torn up for a week now and I miss the wii fit dearly
17:52.28mindjujudo you have to use carpet?
17:52.33SunSparcsupernovia: you can use ours while you are carpetless
17:52.35mindjujuwill a yoga mat do
17:52.54SunSparcmindjuju: no and yes
17:52.56supernoviamaybe. the bigger problem I guess is finding the space
17:53.05supernoviaI am in a room with 4 couches right now
17:53.12supernovia3 tables, a piano, and a tv
17:53.14herloSunSparc: git is da bomb! :)
17:53.21dataw0lfSunSparc: <-- Zie Git Guide
17:53.29SunSparcSo I continue to hear you and dataw0lf say :)
17:53.39herloSunSparc: because it's true
17:53.42dataw0lfit's fantastic
17:53.45dataw0lfand github rocks
17:53.47mindjujuSunsparc, if you want more info on git, dexterthedragon, dataw0lf and herlo are goto people
17:53.55mindjujuif you want SVN, carmony is goto
17:53.59SunSparcWe have actually be trying it out on one project.
17:54.10herloin fact, it could become anything you want it to be, it's amazing!
17:54.13mindjujuand tierra uses it too, iirc
17:54.22herlowell, except it can't become your mom
17:54.37herlothat's just wrong
17:54.38dataw0lfyea, tierra is an SVN master.
17:54.40dataw0lfPoor him.
17:54.43SunSparcDang!  You mean it won't clean my room?
17:55.02herlowell, your mom won't do that forever, so when she stops, it might
17:55.05SunSparcdataw0lf: Thanks for the link
17:55.10supernoviaI need someone to clean my room today. Please...
17:55.11SunSparcherlo: lolz
17:55.21dataw0lfSunSparc: np, it's a great read / reference.
17:55.58Dezertollol i must be to old.. i'm still using good'ol cvs
17:56.16SunSparcCVS?!  Dood...
17:56.17herloDezertol: cvs has it's place...
17:56.26dataw0lfherlo: where?  a graveyard?
17:56.40herlodataw0lf: something like that
17:56.46Dezertollol it's worked great for me so far..
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17:57.12herlomindjuju: you are just trying to get macnewbold to participate...
17:57.19dataw0lfDezertol: well you can kill people with a rock but our military has moved on.
17:57.39Dezertoli'm a bow and arrow type actually
17:58.11SunSparcmindjuju: Blasphemy!!!
17:58.26mindjujuyou noticed the whole IRC channel went dead silent for like a minute
17:58.39Dezertolcuz everyone was in shock
17:58.42dataw0lfha, well, interestingly enough, Win 3.11 network stack was just a rip of the BSD stack....
17:58.50Dezertolthat anyone would even suggest such a thing
17:58.51dataw0lfthe Win 3.11*
17:58.56SunSparcmindjuju:  Got to work every now and again...
17:59.34DezertolI keep thinking about upgradeing to svn
17:59.43jbotfrom memory, work is the integral of the dot product of force and displacement
17:59.47Dezertolbut.. i've got soooo much stuff in my current cvsroot
18:00.17Dezertolthat i'm dragging my feet on it
18:00.52Dezertollike 10 years of code.. (most of which im to embarrased to show anyone) but still
18:01.01DexterTheDragonjust upgrade straight to git
18:01.14dataw0lfI've got 15~ years of code in git...
18:01.39Dezertolwhat's the "primary" advantage
18:01.48Dezertolthat git offers that say cvs doesn't
18:01.54dataw0lfproper branching, proper merging
18:02.06DezertolI've never used brancing or merging
18:02.12Dezertolmy projects don't last that long
18:02.38dataw0lfsimpler meta file system, much smaller and less intrusive.
18:02.40DezertolI get a web project.. and I'm done and paied in a couple weeks
18:02.46DexterTheDragonno you've never branched and merged cause its impossible in cvs
18:03.09Dezertolwhat's an example of branched..
18:03.14Dezertolcould I..
18:03.18Dezertolload my default framework
18:03.26Dezertoland then create a "branch" that is a one off site
18:03.36Dezertolor something like that
18:04.07dataw0lfyou'd probably actually want a separate git repo for a one-off site that has the master framework as a remote repository.
18:04.25dataw0lfthat you pull and merge from periodically as your core framework changes.
18:04.52Dezertolthat's what I do now
18:04.57dataw0lfbut meh just read this guide, it's interesting.
18:05.00DezertolI check out my default
18:05.15Dezertolthen.. drop all the cvs folders and check it in again under a "project name"
18:05.39Dezertoli'll take a look at the guid
18:05.46Dezertoland see if it can help me
18:15.59unumit sends a 0 when it dies
18:25.19thebigdogmindjuju, you had a question?
18:28.15supernoviathebigdog, he was asking about that query you helped wps with last night I think
18:28.17supernoviawhat'd you end up doing?
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18:30.49mindjuju(11:14:19 AM) mindjuju: yo -- thebigdog
18:30.49mindjuju(11:14:33 AM) mindjuju: wps was saying you figured out what to do on that sql query, what did you do?
18:31.01thebigdogi told him to do the sub query as a function that he can use and optimize
18:31.13thebigdogthe i told him to optimize the outer query too
18:31.50thebigdogbasically he is getting ids from another query (sub query) and then using them in the outer query
18:32.20thebigdogso i told him to create a function for that query
18:32.21mindjujuyeah, i wrote that one
18:32.53mindjujuhe originally had a 4 way join with dupes
18:33.04thebigdogoh nice
18:33.59mindjujuhad a huge headache and wasn't thinking clearly -- but at least point in right direction
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19:16.23DexterTheDragonanybody know of any places looking for a good php developer?
19:16.45carmonywhy do you ask?
19:17.02DexterTheDragonlooking for options
19:17.43supernoviame too. Only I'm sucky @ php
19:18.18SunSparcpotato and ham developers?
19:18.44SunSparcDexterTheDragon: Rain is always accepting resumes.
19:18.55SunSparcDexterTheDragon: pm
19:19.10beandogstupid dst.
19:19.13beandogit always feels later.
19:19.14beandogor earlier.
19:19.16beandogor something.
19:19.27supernoviaI can totally develop potatoes and ham.
19:19.50SunSparcsupernovia: Especially with some eggs, along with some good spices.
19:19.51supernoviaNeed to fix up my resume to focus more on design stuff than hosting
19:20.37supernoviaI actually need to get faster / better @ php too
19:21.26supernoviabeandog, agreed.  1:21 now and it hardly feels like breakfast is digested
19:22.53beandogsupernovia, is really weird.
19:23.05beandogit feels like 3p.m. or so.
19:23.07beandogoh well.
19:23.07supernoviaDST is really weird or I am?
19:24.11SunSparcsupernovia: You are in good company
19:24.45supernoviathanks ;-)
19:31.07macnewbold~lart mindjuju, now that he's not looking,
19:31.07jbotcrushes mindjuju, now that he's not looking, with a full height scsi disk
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19:44.53dataw0lfit's a Army of Darkness quote.
19:45.34supernoviathe Hail to the King thing?
19:47.25SunSparcClassic  movie.
19:47.39dataw0lfDon't touch that please, your primitive intellect wouldn't understand alloys and compositions and things with... molecular structures.
19:48.19dataw0lfGood. Bad.  I'm the guy with the gun.
19:48.36SunSparcCampbell is quite humorous.
19:48.58dataw0lfCampbell + Raimi == comic genius.
19:49.30SunSparcEven Zena was humorous
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19:50.12dataw0lfXena wasn't too bad
19:50.13SunSparcI like that they did the Spiderman movies
19:51.19dataw0lfyup, I was pretty stoked when I found out Raimi had been attached to the Spiderman movies.
19:55.55unumlast friday I watched a video with campbell where he said it was nice having people walk up to him and say "your that guy from burn notice"(instead of "your that guy from evil dead"
19:56.31SunSparcI bet
20:23.00brastoanyone know how I can determine why MySQL has been running some query for 43.2 hours (though it's fortunately not using any cpu...)
20:26.10brastoDexterTheDragon: top, sorted by time:
20:26.18brasto46589 mysql       5  20    0 93384K 78524K kserel 0  43.2H  0.00% mysqld
20:26.52Dezertolthat just means that the deamon is running
20:26.58DexterTheDragonthats how long the daemon has been running (in simple terms)
20:29.28DexterTheDragonthat time is actually the total cpu time the process has used
20:29.33fungusUse "mysqladmin processlist" to get a "top" for MySQL
20:30.46fungusor query "SHOW PROCESSLIST;"
20:30.48brastoi'll run that next fungus.  If it reflected how long the mysql server has been running, then is should be about as long as the server's uptime at 53 days.
20:31.17DexterTheDragonits the total cpu time, not the uptime
20:32.58brastoso maybe wtime isn't really an indicator of a problem for any process?
20:33.32brastoit's just an indicator of how often programs are using the cpu?
20:34.35fungusNow if that number matches your uptime, it's a serious problem.  :P
20:35.31utahconSo my blog community that was dumped in my lap seems to have grown legs and want to move to a new domain, server, and developer... yay!
20:35.32mgearymindjuju: ping
20:35.42utahconpartly sad too
20:35.47brastoI thought it was some MySQL script that had been running for 43 hours, which would have been a problem.
20:36.38brastoI guess I always thought wtime indicated the length of time something had been running without interruption.
20:39.19brastofound mtop in ports/databases
20:39.49mgeary~seen mindjuju
20:39.51jbotmindjuju is currently on #utos (1h 31m 51s) #uphpu (1h 31m 51s) #ubuntu-us-ut (1h 31m 51s), last said: 'had a huge headache and wasn't thinking clearly -- but at least point in right direction'.
20:41.29brastoI'm trying to figure out why I can't connect from my Linux laptop to a Sonicwall Sonicpoint 802.3af wireless router.  Does anyone know if this router is well supported?
20:41.44brastoI connected last week after several attempts, but this week I'm not even putting an entry in the logs when I attempt to connect.
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20:45.49mindjujuman!  what kind of world do we live in where a man can't go eat chinese food without getting lart'd! -->macnewbold !
20:45.52mindjujusup mgeary
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20:54.04unumif anyone knows someone looking to learn some basic html I'm teaching my class again tomorrow
20:54.32unumI'll be teaching again in april in the evening
20:55.06utahconunum: where and when?
20:55.11unumlast time I managed not to kill anyone with boredom, herlo will vouch for that
20:55.11utahconSo I can pass it along.
20:55.14unumI think it was him
20:55.28unumit's at the slcity library main branch at 2pm and it's free
20:59.30mindjujuhow to REALLY optimize government into an effective, efficient and abled group -
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21:01.33mindjujubeandog - how to REALLY optimize government into an effective, efficient and abled group -
21:15.22dataw0lfRuby + OpenOffice backend:
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21:32.42mindjujuanybody here work with Final Cut Pro?
21:33.23DexterTheDragonnot recently
21:53.43brastois there a freebsd command to see when all users last logged onto the system?
21:55.23brastotried that thebigdog, but it's not showing the last login for all users.
21:56.00dataw0lfwtmp probably got wiped out in the interim
21:56.14dataw0lfthere's no alternative after that if you haven't set it up yourself
21:56.19brastoah, that makes some sense.
21:56.39brastoyea, there's only a couple weeks worth of entries in last
21:58.00brastoI used to like freebsd more but now that I've gotten more used to Linux with all config data in /etc and all logs in /var/log, I'm getting annoyed with freebsd.
21:58.04brastowhere's the sudo logs?
21:58.12thebigdogfinger `sort /etc/passwd | cut -f1 -d":"` | grep -i log | more
21:58.26thebigdogtry that brasto
21:59.14thebigdogthere is also lastb too which might given you some info for bad login attempts too
21:59.53thebigdogand brasto there is also lastlog - lastlog | more
22:00.03brastoi also used lastlog
22:00.21brastolastb must not be installed
22:01.05brastoI like that finger command thebigdog
22:01.31thebigdogyeah lastb might not be there
22:01.40thebigdogfinger may or may not be installed either
22:02.18thebigdogsudo logs usually go to the main syslog entry
22:02.37thebigdogcant remember which one that is on freebsd though
22:04.37brastothebigdog: would that be determined by an entry in /etc/syslog.conf?
22:04.58thebigdogit might
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22:05.12thebigdogsometimes they are logged under security...but i cant tell you for sure with freebsd
22:05.22brastothere are no instances of the word 'sudo' in /etc/syslog.conf
22:05.39thebigdogit would be under the sudo configuration
22:08.03brastoI don't see a directive for it in /usr/local/etc/sudoers
22:10.28thebigdogbrasto, man sudoers
22:10.40brastothat's what i'm looking at now
22:10.41thebigdogthere are logging values that can be set there
22:10.53fungusbrasto: sudo uses the "auth" facility for syslog
22:11.30fungussee /var/log/auth.log
22:13.34fungusbrasto: re: FreeBSD's separation of base and ports.
22:13.51fungusThe purpose is to keep the base system separate from any other crap you install on it.
22:14.07fungusall ports live in /usr/local
22:14.25fungusThis makes updating the system simpler.
22:14.25brastothat makes some sense
22:14.38brastoI'll have to remember that one.
22:15.09fungusLinux requires the use of very smart package managers to handle it.  The FreeBSD way means the updating can be much dumber.  
22:15.48fungusBoth methods have drawbacks and benefits.
22:18.06SunSparcWow, that was pretty impressive.
22:20.10brastothank you for the Freebsd info, fungus!
22:20.22brastogood link josephscott
22:20.44brastosomeone had a lot of time on their hands to make all those transparencies.
22:20.59josephscottdon't want to know how long it took to put that together, but still darn cool
22:21.22brastoleaving for the day
22:21.25brastobye y'all
22:21.33*** part/#uphpu brasto (n=brasto@
22:22.30fungusThe internet is a daily reminder that humans have a natural tendency to waste time with unproductive activities.
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22:24.00brastothebigdog and fungus: sudo logs the commands each user sends in /var/log messages
22:24.30brastonow, I'm going for real... had to check back in to say that before I forgot.
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23:08.52SunSparcNight all.
23:43.43*** join/#uphpu utahcon1 (

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