IRC log for #uphpu on 20090123

00:00.00mindjujuyeah, is hard to guess as to what might have happened different
00:01.27mindjujui doubt they can, but i'd like to see a lot of the provisions from the patriot act rolled back
00:01.38mindjujufrom a privacy standpoint
00:01.41mgearyoh yes
00:01.45unumI think we'll see some of them
00:03.57beandogdid you guys hear that Obama orderd Guantamano closed
00:04.51mindjujuclosed within a year, will be interesting to see 2 things
00:05.07mindjujuwhere they will be tried, and if they can sue
00:06.34beandogwell, we obviously have plenty of cash since we're bailing out companies left and right
00:07.22tierraweird day today... dealt with 2 completely unrelated attacks on two different servers of mine
00:07.44mindjujuwhat kind of attacks?
00:09.11tierraone was attempting a fraudulent order
00:09.24tierrathe other was some web crawler on the loose
00:09.35tierratwo crawlers actually
00:10.06tierrawhich seemed to try to be distracting from their CGI attacks by just spidering the site at the same time
00:10.28tierrafraudulent order attempt was made from Pakistan
00:11.03tierrathe web crawlers were from (in Saint Petersburg, Russia)
00:11.32*** join/#uphpu romanovic_ (
00:11.52itimberI'm out guys.... catch ya'll later
00:11.54tierraneither of the attacks were successful, but just weird that I've only ever dealt with stuff like this maybe once a year, and these completely unrelated attacks were on the same day
00:13.28dataw0lfUgh.  I just hope Holder doesn't get the AG spot.
00:14.11mindjujuwhat do you feel is wrong with holder?
00:14.47SunSparcNight all!
00:23.49dataw0lfmindjuju: mostly his drug policy stances, but various other things like his support for the handgun ban in D.C. (D.C. v. Heller), etc.
00:27.11unumnice, he's going to end the war on drgus
00:27.33mgearyi am
00:27.43unumsorry I read that wrong
00:27.49dataw0lfHolder is about as pro-drug war as one can be.
00:27.51mgearythere we go
00:28.24unumya I was readding the headline wrong
00:28.30unumthat is unfortuante
00:29.26mindjujuso how would ya'll approach war on drugs differently?
00:29.55dataw0lfUh, legalize it and tax it.
00:30.12unumdefinetly on the softer drugs(maruijana)
00:30.18dataw0lfMarijuana is a trillion dollar crop.  Whole swatches of the United States rely on it directly economically.
00:30.32unumI'm not sure how I feel about the harder ones
00:30.41dataw0lfProhibition has never worked.  
00:30.58unumset up more treatment centers
00:31.14unumand don't jail users
00:31.17dataw0lfwell I say decriminalize all drugs.  I say legalize weed.
00:31.33unumI think I can agree with that
00:31.34dataw0lfnobody should go to jail for 5 years because they have personal use meth.
00:31.49dataw0lfwhether or not one agrees with their health decision, it's not a criminal issue.
00:31.58unumwe create more problems by jailing people for drug use then we solve
00:33.15dataw0lfdefinitely.  But start small.  Let's legalize weed (much like prohibition was repealed at the onset of Roosevelt's term)
00:33.43dataw0lfeven conservatives I know who think Roosevelt is a dirty word agree that the repeal of prohibition was a boon economically and socially.
01:00.32dataw0lfOh wow, Hillibrand tapped to replace Clinton in the Senate.
01:00.42dataw0lfgood choice.
01:01.03dataw0lferr Gillibrand
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08:32.03*** topic/#uphpu is Utah PHP Users Group |
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16:04.01jbotwell, baa is the sound a sheep makes
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16:15.10mindjujumorning all
16:15.52SunSparc~morning mindjuju
16:15.53jbotACTION bends space and time, trapping mindjuju in a universe of eternal monday mornings
16:16.55mgeary~work jbot
16:16.56jbotACTION looks over the shoulder of jbot to see what needs to be done and then sets the elves to work getting it all done so jbot can play bzflag
16:21.21PoeticIntensityhooray for bzflag.
16:23.08mgearypython mechanize++
16:24.19mindjuju...sigh... google up $17 to 323.91.  I wonder if i should sell my 100 shares
16:24.45mindjujujk - no google stocks ...sigh...
16:24.49mindjujugood to dream though
16:26.27SunSparcGood thing I bought 1000 shares back when it was still $12.
16:28.01mgearyyou know, the whole exec/system/passthru/shell_exec muddle is just a mess
16:28.09mgeary4 commands that all basically do the same thing
16:28.13mgearywith very slight variations
16:32.25mgearyoh, and backtics
16:43.16*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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16:58.47mgearywhat? Already!?
16:59.28orsonjYep. An hour after you get here and its suddenly morning!
16:59.58orsonj'cause it isn't morning till Utah_Dave gets here.
17:00.00mgearyand an hour and a half before itimber will be here ;)
17:00.35orsonjyeah, that is the official marker for early lunch.
17:03.33*** join/#uphpu josephscott (
17:15.50mindjuju~tunafart utah_dave
17:15.51jbotACTION eats a week-old tuna sandwich with relish and walks over to utah_dave, leg raised, to let 'em rip.
17:16.03Utah_Dave~lart mindjuju
17:16.03jbotthrows mindjuju's poor little doggy off a cliff
17:16.11Utah_Daveoh, not the doggy!
17:16.16Utah_Dave~lart mindjuju
17:16.16jbotpours gasoline all over mindjuju, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze
17:18.27mindjujuso, who recently wrote some PHP code that they are particularly proud of?
17:21.51mindjujucome on guys, here is your chance and immortality and forever going down in uphpu history!
17:22.21mgearyoh oh oh
17:22.39utahconmindjuju: I wrote awesome code daily. Unfortunately it is all owned by the overlords.
17:22.49mgearywhy do you ask, mindjuju ?
17:23.00mindjujumgeary --> PM
17:23.09utahconAnyone worked with Flourish? Likes/dislikes?
17:23.53unumI don't think I've ever written any php code that I'm proud of
17:23.57carmonymindjuju, I have a class that you can pass it a Lat/Lng combo, and it will tell you the City, State, Country, and visa versa
17:24.01carmonylol undertakingyou
17:24.04carmonyer unum
17:24.05unumI have c++ code, and some database tricks
17:31.51*** join/#uphpu thebigdog (n=thebigdo@
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17:37.59carmonymornin thebigdog
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18:06.44Utah_Davehas anyone messedd around with the google ajax api playground?
18:07.08Utah_Daveit's pretty cool.
18:07.51*** join/#uphpu itimber (
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18:12.27carmonynot yet
18:12.30carmonywhat is so cool about it?
18:12.46carmonyorsonj, you were right, itimber connecting is about an early lunch ;)
18:13.19*** join/#uphpu itimber (
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18:13.41itimberyou're all jealous
18:14.05unumI'm only jealous if you're having a nooner
18:14.32itimberthat's a negative
18:14.36itimberat least for today
18:14.58unumI live close enough that if I had someone at home, I could pull it off...
18:15.17jbotChuck Norris uses Tabasco Sauce for eye drops
18:15.34jbotChuck Norris uses Tabasco Sauce for eye drops
18:15.41carmonylol, broken?
18:15.46jbotChuck Norris uses Tabasco Sauce for eye drops
18:15.46josephscottjbot needs new chuckfacts
18:15.56carmonythere is a book of them now
18:16.20itimberI've heard Chuck Norris isn't a big fan of the Chuck Norris sayings
18:16.23itimbercrazy huh
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18:25.13mindjujuhmm, i've actually heard the opposite, that he thought they were funny, but that he posted something on his site somewhere saying that he derives his powers from Jesus Christ and that Jesus is the ultimate power -- something like that, no joke
18:26.28SunSparcFact = Chuck Norris enjoys Chuck Facts as much as anyone else.
18:26.33SunSparcProof =
18:30.14mindjujui love that one, sunsparc
18:31.08mindjujui wonder if my code could get the "fist of approval" from chuck norris
18:31.25SunSparcThat would be a cool "seal" to have on your code.
18:31.45mindjujushould make something up
18:32.57SunSparcHmmmmm, is available....
18:59.50*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave1 (
19:00.10mindjujucarmony -> PM sent
19:01.14itimberthx for that SunSparc, I was beginning to think that Chuck Norris was a bit stuck up
19:01.14SunSparc~smack carmony
19:01.14jbotACTION smacks carmony upside the head.
19:01.24SunSparcitimber: you are welcome. :)
19:01.46SunSparcI think Chuck, while not the best actor, is a pretty great guy.
19:02.03mgearyexcept for that whole Huckabee thing
19:02.11SunSparcWell, yeah... heh
19:02.24SunSparcWe all have our faults.  ;)
19:02.30mindjujusidekicks was awesome
19:02.31mgearythough i was kind of rooting for Huckabee at the end there, because it would have been so delicious to see Utah vote for Obama
19:02.44mindjujuoh, and Lone Wolf McQuade, was freakin nearly the best movie evar
19:03.08mindjujuit almost beat out Big Trouble in Little China
19:03.23SunSparcWhoa there, mindjuju.
19:03.44mindjujui know, i know, I said, "almost beat"
19:04.08mindjujuk, gots to split!
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20:08.12mindjujuk, this is a question for all you artist types
20:08.30mindjujui've got a brushed steel background that I HAVE to use for the background of the page
20:08.49mindjujuthe image is 2659 x 1849
20:09.16mindjujui'm thinking i should cut it to 1024x768, set the background as black and leave it at that
20:09.40mindjujuthat way, if your screen displays greater than 1024, you'll have a background of black on which the brushed is on, else, you're seeing brushed
20:09.43mindjujuwhat ya'll think?
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20:10.50utahcongot a preview of the image?
20:11.01utahconwhat is the filesize of the full image?
20:11.29utahconcould it/does it repeat well?
20:12.01mindjujuhi res filesize is 4.11mb
20:12.05mgearythat's going to be a pig in your page weight
20:12.17mgearyat least 200kb, i'm guessing, if you go 1024x768
20:12.22mgearymore like 500kb
20:12.29mgearyit won't compress well
20:12.39mgearybut tiling will probably also not look great
20:12.47mindjujuit is originally sized to 2659 x 1849, i think it would tile well
20:13.14mgearywell, what i mean is a smaller section (like 300x300) might not
20:13.22mgearyif your tile is bigger, it might pass
20:13.23mindjujuah, true that
20:13.34mindjujuespeically if i give it a gausian blur or something
20:14.35utahconrotate it 90 degrees, chop it to 1024 wide, and see what that does to the size :D
20:14.41utahconthen black around that... :D
20:14.59utahconno repeat... fixed background.
20:15.10utahcongive you 2659 of height to work with :D
20:15.17mindjujuhim, true that
20:15.47utahconyour file size might still be huge
20:15.50utahconwhat format is it in?
20:16.13mindjuju72 dpi jpeg
20:16.28mindjujuv low compression
20:16.49mindjujusince it uses a small band of silver and white, i'll prolly get huge advantage to throw in gif
20:17.09utahconwhat about png?
20:24.14jbotruns at DexterTheDragon with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut
20:32.52mindjujuravetrax is playing hybrid
20:32.57mindjujuso it's cool
20:34.09josephscottDexterTheDragon: see you on Tuesday?
20:34.52mindjujuOALUG Meeting ?
20:35.01DexterTheDragonI guess
20:35.12DexterTheDragonsaw ya on the calendar. not sure whats going on
20:35.48josephscottask mark
20:36.40thebigdogmgeary, what promo did i get?
20:36.54mgearyyou were promoted to Operator by ChanServ
20:37.19thebigdogoh nice
20:37.44thebigdogi got 3 new solaris servers too...oh yeah....
20:38.01mindjujui heard solaris bites does have some cool stuff though
20:38.35thebigdogzfs is really nice and containers in solaris 10 are really awesome
20:38.49mindjuju~dhit thebigdog
20:38.49jbotACTION appears on thebigdog's left side and performs the Ricer Slayer Blow upon thebigdog's shoulder
20:39.14croSolaris is fine after you install gcc and compile all the gnu tools for it. :-)
20:39.36thebigdogcro, no doubt
20:39.45thebigdogor just install linux on sun hardware
20:40.09thebigdogi will be trying the containers with linux and see how they are running
20:41.12SunSparcLinux on Sun is fun.
20:42.50thebigdogman i finally moved away from bind...oh yeah oh yeah
20:43.11SunSparcCongrats thebigdog!
20:43.13SunSparcTo what?
20:43.27SunSparcI was hoping you would say that.
20:43.30SunSparcYou like it?
20:43.47thebigdogi have been meaning to do it for about 6 months now and finally did it
20:43.52thebigdogi really really like it
20:44.14SunSparcI have been using it for almost a decade and I have nothing but good things to say about it.
20:45.32thebigdogim surprised it took me so long
20:45.50thebigdogi have been a huge fan of postfix and i just thought i would have moved to it long ago
20:46.36SunSparcNow you can breathe a sigh of relief.
20:47.48mgearyi'd like to know more about it
20:50.05thebigdogmgeary, that is a great article from linux journal on it that i referenced
20:50.10thebigdoglet me grab the link
20:51.05thebigdogthe one thing that i did not like about that site SunSparc is that he does not really go over the format of the data file
20:51.13thebigdogi had to find other examples that helped me out
20:51.40thebigdogbut it does have some really good examples
20:51.44SunSparcthebigdog: Yes, the documentation could be a bit more verbose.
20:53.58herlojosephscott: ping
20:54.07josephscottherlo: pong
20:54.26herlojosephscott: got some interesting questions for you about wp, got a minute?
20:55.09*** join/#uphpu thebigdog (n=thebigdo@
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20:55.24herlok, so at the Fedora Project, we're talking about a CMS and they have this template of features they want.  Wondered if you could talk to me about each one, whether WP has it and why or why not WP as a CMS in this fashion is a good idea
20:55.39herlo <-- here's the list
20:57.00herlojosephscott: unfortunately, I'm not well informed enough to answer these questions and thought you might be
20:58.09josephscottlist is a bit odd, how many times to the have to re-phrase the same question?
20:58.48josephscottI'm not familiar with their auth, but presumably could work
21:01.52josephscottHaven't seen WP do 'Content expiration (automatic) ' but would be good for a plugin
21:03.35josephscott"Handle making certain pages or content areas static/non-database driven" - does caching count?
21:03.47*** part/#uphpu mindjuju (n=mindjuju@
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21:06.28josephscottherlo: I think WP is a possibility there, though not sure how well it will do at all of the workflow items.  There are contributor roles in WP that do some of that, but it's fairly simple
21:06.43herlosorry, phone call
21:07.06herloFAS has an API, I think we can work with that
21:07.12herloI understand it well enough
21:07.50jsmithjosephscott: What about translations into different languages?
21:08.07jsmithjosephscott: (As long as herlo's going to bring the discussion here, I'll ask my questions here)
21:08.09herlojosephscott: so the content expiration stuff seems reasonably simple enough.  I think part of the issue is to have the documentation workflow fit here
21:08.21herlojsmith: hehe, I am glad you are here to have the conversation
21:08.35josephscottjsmith: WP as locale support
21:09.00jsmithherlo: Good plan...
21:09.17josephscottthemes and plugins can even include their own translations
21:09.27herlojosephscott: you mind discussing that with us over there?  Sounds like we might get more people though...
21:11.11herlolol it shouldn't be too bad
21:17.48jbotDoSes eggyknap
21:19.21jbotChuck Norris hand is the only hand that can beat a Royal Flush
21:28.42DexterTheDragonjbot needs more than the 5 chuckfact's it has
21:29.23mindjujujbot has a string limit
21:29.31mindjujuseems like it only allowed those 5
21:30.28mgearyChuck Norris is a pansy
21:31.18josephscott~lart mgeary
21:31.18jbotfollow's mgeary with a gauntlet and ... scratch ... HUMILIATION
21:34.39mindjujumgeary, is your middle initial c?
21:34.46mgearywho wants to know?
21:34.51mindjujuwell, me
21:34.54mgearyyou wondering about my Abs of Steel?
21:35.06mindjujuabs of steel?
21:35.28mindjujuoh, i remember, that's not you
21:35.28mgearygoogle michael geary and look at the sponsored links on the right
21:35.49mgearyor are you more thinking of Michael Geary the vedic
21:36.14mindjujuthe one that says mike geary's a lunatic?
21:36.23mindjujuso, about that middle initial
21:36.28mgearyit's J
21:36.28mindjujuis it C?
21:36.39mgearywhere did you see michael c geary?
21:36.59mindjujuon facebook, i'm waiting for some clown to upload some materials for me to finish a project
21:37.06mindjujuso i'm just wasting time until they get to me
21:37.12mindjujuand I saw you comment in IRC
21:37.18mindjujudecided to see if you was on facebook
21:37.28mindjujuand there is a michael c geary, in Utah
21:37.40mindjujubut i just noticed he graduated in 08, which i doubt was you
21:37.46mindjujushould have noticed ealier
21:37.49mgearypsh. young punk
21:38.07mgearyi actually do have a facebook thingy
21:38.13mgearyhad to for some testing recently
21:38.31mgearybut i try not to think about it
21:38.44josephscott - "Website currently offline............." :-)
21:38.44mgearyi'm on linkedin, though
21:38.54mgearyjosephscott: that's because i'm working on my abs
21:39.00mgearytoo busy to cobble html
21:41.33mindjujufor those of you listeniung to ravetrax and find the music totally awesome - like me - then feast your eyes on this
21:41.48mindjujuthe author page
21:55.22DexterTheDragonmindjuju: nice
22:18.03*** join/#uphpu jnbek (n=jnbek@unaffiliated/jnbek)
22:34.41mindjujudexterthedragon, is an awesome site where hybrid and others post their mix tapes
22:34.57mindjujuso you'll see a lot of hybrid stuff and other things there for download, FREE & Legal!
22:35.27mindjujumuch to the chagrin of dataw0lf and thebigdog, i'm sure
22:41.49fungusOf course!
23:44.37fungusI just got a new 1.5TB drive today.  Time to start my torrent engines.  :)
23:44.46tierrawhat model?
23:45.07fungusSeagate FreeAgent Desk (external)
23:45.17tierraah, nice
23:45.17itimberfo sho
23:45.23fungusOnly $150
23:46.25fungusI actually started the order process before I even thought what I would use it for.  I don't need it that badly.
23:46.50mindjujuyou can give it to me if you like
23:47.19fungusToo late, I plan to start ripping my DVD collection.  
23:47.21tierralooks like I don't quite need a new 1.5TB drive yet
23:47.24tierraFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
23:47.25tierra/dev/md0              2.8T  1.6T  1.3T  56% /media/Levasseur
23:47.37fungusvery nice.

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