IRC log for #uphpu on 20090121

00:21.51itimberdataw0lf: thanks for that info.... kudos to Obama
00:22.31mindjujukudos, now there was a fine candy bar
00:23.37itimberI'm out guys... catch ya'll later
00:23.42dataw0lfcya bro
00:36.36mindjujuthat's so wierd, thsi page doesn't work with IE or FF
00:51.16*** join/#uphpu romanovic (
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07:07.19dataw0lfoh dear god.
07:07.29dataw0lfwhat does that even MEAN?
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16:16.42PoeticIntensityif anyone has a spare moment and wants to help my band choose a name for itself...
16:16.53mgeary"Cookies for Christina"
16:17.10PoeticIntensityI love it... I'm adding it.
16:18.04PoeticIntensityany others?
16:21.00PoeticIntensityheh.... you're already at the top of the list, mgeary!
16:21.20mgeary'course, that's with one rating
16:21.45PoeticIntensityHow are you these days, anyway?
16:22.04mgearynot bad
16:22.15mgearygot some flash video / Red5 issues kicking my tail
16:22.22PoeticIntensity'bout the same here...
16:22.23mgearyand a python conundrum
16:22.37PoeticIntensityI set up red5 here in office for a video conferencing demo.
16:22.39mgearyyeah, gonna hit up #utahpython on it shortly
16:22.42jsmithWould you say you have a plethora of issues?
16:22.58mgearyjsmith: i'd say more like an gaggle
16:23.04PoeticIntensityI need to hang around here more often.
16:23.43jsmithmgeary: Is that more or less than a grundle?
16:24.02SunSparcPoeticIntensity: Sheesh, how many choices are there?
16:24.25SunSparcYou should at least warn people.
16:24.31PoeticIntensityit's addicting...
16:26.06SunSparcI think the rankings should be weighted with the number of times rated.
16:26.45SunSparcI like, "Squishy and the blades"
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17:12.58undertakingyoumacnewbold: ping
17:16.29undertakingyouAnyone here have any experience with imagick?
17:17.45SunSparcUsed it once or twice.
17:17.56utahconWhy not just use the ImageMagick functions?
17:19.19mindjujui love imagemagick
17:19.27jsmithundertakingyou: What are you trying to do?
17:19.28mindjujuthough it's been prolly 4 years since i used it
17:19.46mindjujubut was doing thumbs, watermark, etc, etc
17:19.51undertakingyouI am trying to take a picture uploaded by the user and resize it so that it will load faster.
17:20.19PoeticIntensityhold on a sec... I've done that very thing.
17:20.26PoeticIntensitywith imagemagick
17:20.30undertakingyouI thought I needed to use imagick,
17:20.37undertakingyoubut if I don't that is cool.
17:20.50mindjujui thought imagick was an abbrv for imagemagick
17:21.06undertakingyouno, it is a pear module
17:21.13undertakingyoufrom pecl
17:21.24utahconit is a pecl API for the ImageMagick API
17:21.29utahconthat is built into PHP
17:21.42undertakingyouutahcon: it doesn't come bundled with php
17:21.50undertakingyouit has to be compiled with it or added later.
17:21.58utahconoh right...
17:22.04utahconbut the API is there if you enable it.
17:22.06utahconmy bad.
17:22.17undertakingyoubut still, I thought I had to use that, and that I could not use imagemagick directly.
17:22.24utahconto use imagik don't you have to have ImageMagick enabled in PHP?
17:22.35mgearywhy not use GD?
17:22.39utahconmmm GD
17:22.42mgearyi've got a class i can give you that uses GD
17:22.47mgearydoes exactly what you're asking
17:22.48mgearyand more
17:23.04undertakingyoumgeary: That would be sweet
17:23.15mgearydo you have GD installed?
17:23.26undertakingyouimagemagick does have to be enabled for imagick
17:23.40undertakingyoumgeary: I don't even know what GD is, but I am a good learner
17:23.52mgearyit's a graphic processing library/extension
17:24.14mgearyvery handy
17:24.38fungussee imagecopyresized
17:24.49undertakingyouok, looking at phpinfo() GD is enabled on the webserver.
17:24.55mgearybut like i say, i've got a class that abstracts much of the resizing stuff
17:24.57mgearyyou're all set
17:25.01mgearyhold please
17:25.07undertakingyou:), thanks.
17:25.45funguslol, that's one way to use ImageMagick.  :)
17:25.59PoeticIntensitypretty hackish, but it works.
17:26.23utahconanyone played with the image resizing in flourish?
17:26.25fungusBut you are using GD to get the image size, that is funny.
17:26.35fungusWhy use one library when you can use 2
17:26.53utahcondon't stop at 2... go for the gusto ... 3
17:26.56PoeticIntensitytrue, true.
17:27.33mgeary$im_re = new ResizeImage($path_to_input_file);
17:27.33mgeary$img_ref = $im_re->resize_limitwh(80,200,$new_filename);
17:27.56mgearyresize_limitwh will proportionally scale an image to fit the specified "box"
17:28.02mgearyin that case, 80x200
17:28.13mgearythere are other functions on the class that do related stuff
17:28.18undertakingyouso if I say 150,null, it will just leave the height?
17:28.33mgearyif you want to resize just on width...
17:29.17mgearymight not do that
17:29.19undertakingyousorry, that isn't what I mean, if I say 150,null it will proportionally adjust the height
17:29.21mgearybe easy enough to add
17:29.48mgearyit would probably try to fit the image into a box 150x0
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17:30.27mgearybut surely you have *some* height limit that you could pass
17:30.28undertakingyoubut if I say 150,1000 it will proportionally adjust the height, so that is ok.
17:30.51mgearydisclaimer: i didn't write the original class, but i've hacked it up quite a bit
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17:31.08mgearyso obviously anything sucky you find in there isn't from me ;)
17:31.14undertakingyouI'll read it through to wrap my head around it and then experiment.
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17:36.56mindjujuso anyways, like i was saying about beandog
17:37.00mindjujuerr, nevermind
17:37.22beandogwhot'd I miss
17:37.34beandogooh that reminds me
17:37.46beandogmindjuju, I found The Outer Limits (complete series) for $30 on a amzon this week
17:37.54beandogand Buck Rogers (complete series, too) for only $20
17:38.09mindjujubuck rodgers is coo, outer limits never saw
17:38.16mindjujuwas more of a twilight zone fan myself
17:38.23mgearybeandog: whoah
17:38.29beandogIve never seen twilight zone until recently
17:38.29mgearyi'd buy O.L for $30
17:38.33beandogbut I grew up with Outer Limits
17:38.41mgearyi like T.Z too
17:39.18beandogTwlight Zone complete series is spendy
17:39.35mgeary7 discs for $30
17:39.36mgearyi'm sold
17:40.16mgearyordered. thanks, beandog
17:40.27beandoganyone ever seen the young indiana jones
17:40.30beandogI wonder if thats any good
17:40.37mindjujudidn't think so
17:40.49beandogno?  alrightie then
17:41.01beandogI wanna get some of those really old serial movies
17:41.08beandogdick tracy, tarzan, flash gordon, batman
17:41.48mindjujuholy smokes!  -
17:43.26mindjujufor beandog -
17:43.34beandogman I hate that show.
17:43.44mindjujunever saw it
17:43.50beandogwell, not hate, never liked.
17:43.57mindjujutwas Leave it to Beaver for me
17:44.04beandogoh gosh.
17:45.25beandogsome of this stuff is gonna be in public domain son
17:45.38beandogwell, 15 years or so.
17:47.32herlono, it won't!
17:47.46herlosomeone will just extend the copyright terms again
17:48.15beandogI'm kind of optimistic that it won't get changed as easily again.
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17:52.29mindjuju@beandog -
17:52.40mindjujuhey beandog, have you ever seen avatar airbender
17:52.43beandogoh *gosh*
17:52.44mindjujuis it any good?
17:52.46beandogyoure not getting any better.
17:53.01mindjujuwait dude, i found it
17:53.07beandogmindjuju, eh ... I watched some of it, didnt really catch my attention, but I'm *really* picky about my animation.
17:53.08mindjujufreakin' holy grail here on amazon
17:53.11mindjujucan't beleive it.
17:53.31beandogmindjuju, kung fu collection?  what is that
17:53.59mindjujuyou don't know what Kung Fu, the tv series is?
17:54.17mindjujuwith david carradine ?
17:55.05herlothat was a fun series
17:55.32beandogmindjuju, never heard of it
17:55.50SunSparcWhat is Kung Fu?!?!  You have never heard of Kung Fu?  Classic tv series.
17:56.00SunSparcHow old are you beandog?
17:56.06beandogalmost 33
17:56.44SunSparcYour town must have just missed putting that show on the airwaves for you.
17:57.39SunSparcI always thought it was cool how he could shave his head so well with a straight blade by himself.
17:57.45fungus1.5TB External USB hard drive $149
17:58.12mindjujui actually just read something about seagate drives having a firmware issue
17:58.19beandogoh thats right
17:58.21mindjujupossible bricking on 1T + drives
17:58.25beandogit was the barracudas
17:58.28mindjujuwhich scares me cause i just bought 2
17:59.11tierrayeah, that wasn't good news, especially after the whole firmware issues on 1.5TB barracudas too
17:59.23tierrathe write cache freezes
18:00.05mindjujui've got to check if mine are in the LOT
18:00.59tierraST31500341AS <- those need firmware upgrades if they're running SD15,SD17,SD19 fw
18:01.23beandogthat reminds me, anyone used XFS?
18:01.56fungusI used XFS way back before ext3
18:02.08fungusNot for anything high performance though
18:05.05fungusFYI, that external drive I linked to is not affected by the firmware bug
18:05.15SunSparcJust got me a new 100TB drive to backup my iTunes library.
18:05.20beandogfungus, its a different model, right?
18:05.31beandogSunSparc, 100 *tera*byte?
18:05.51fungus$149 for 1.5 TB external, I haven't seen a better deal yet.
18:06.08beandogfungus, yah, me either.  Im waiting for WD to come out with some internal ones.
18:06.14SunSparcYeah, I know, I am dreaming.  But someday that may be our conversation.
18:06.35SunSparcYeah, I got this new 500TB thumb drive.  It rocks.
18:07.40tierrayeah, only really fits 5 or 6 holodeck programs though
18:08.07SunSparcYeah, I know, it is a small one.  But really, on the road, I only need a couple holodeck programs.
18:08.34SunSparclol, state the nature of your medical emergency
18:09.38beandogI was just thinking of that one Voyager episode this morning, where the Doctor is the town priest in the holodec
18:09.42beandoghilarious. :)
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18:11.33beandogjbot, janeway is hawt
18:11.34jbotbeandog: okay
18:11.34SunSparcThat was another one of those shows that I was initially skeptical about and did not want to watch cause I thought it would be lame.
18:11.37jbotjaneway is probably hawt
18:11.56beandogSunSparc, yah ... you gotta watch them in order, and then it just rawks
18:12.03beandogkinda like DS9
18:12.04SunSparclol, well, I probably would not go that far.  Janeway maybe, 7of9 definitely.
18:12.29beandog~karma voyager
18:12.29jbotvoyager has karma of 2
18:12.33SunSparcYeah, I love all the Star Treks.
18:12.56beandogjbot, SunSparc also <3 7of9
18:13.12beandogjbot, SunSparc is also <3 7of9
18:13.13jbotokay, beandog
18:13.17jbotwell, sunsparc is A pandimensional being, or the internationalization specialist, or currently studying String Theory, or <3 7of9
18:13.26SunSparcjbot, beandog also <3 Janeway
18:21.12jbothmm... beandog is the gentoo guru, or a wannabe racer. a skater. the enlightened one
18:21.32beandoggotta do "is also"
18:22.05jbotbeandog is, like, the gentoo guru, or a wannabe racer. a skater. the enlightened one, or <3 Janeway
18:22.18beandogno argument here!
18:27.17dataw0lfVoyager, seriously?
18:35.52synicdataw0lf: he does use gentoo.
18:36.13dataw0lfbut Voyager... and thinking that woman on it is hot?!
18:36.26dataw0lfthat's more like a slackware user
19:02.02*** join/#uphpu DaveTurnbull (n=dturnbul@
19:07.16beandogIm in the mood for some MOO2
19:14.18mindjujubeandog, you still around?
19:14.28beandogyah whats up
19:15.59mindjujuit's a vid question.  if i need to change the size of a video (but not the aspect ratio) would there be quality loss to do it from a rendered avi of the project, or would it be better to do it from within the project and recreate the avi
19:16.10mindjujui'm thinking right now it depends on the codec that was used in the avi
19:16.35beandogmindjuju, no, they usually look better when they are scaled down
19:16.43beandogassuming you're going to watch it on something really tiny
19:16.54utahconmindjuju: what is your intended target?
19:17.06beandogwhats the original size
19:17.14utahconwhat is the format used in your avi?
19:17.16beandogand codec
19:17.25utahconerr... yeah codec
19:18.41mindjujuvia flv
19:18.51mindjujuoriginal size is 720 x 480
19:19.15mindjujucodec, i'm going to have to find out
19:19.21mindjujudon't know off hand, i didn't produce it
19:20.51beandogyah, you could cut it in half, I guess.
19:21.03beandogI dunno anything about encoding video for web / streaming
19:36.14mindjujui hate to sound behind the curve, but dataw0lf, is that in production?  it looks interesting
19:36.53dataw0lfI don't know.  I'm still trying to determine whether it's a joke or not.
19:37.07beandogthe power of XML-oriented programming?
19:37.15beandogBecause every language needs 95% more metatags!
19:37.58utahconIt only uses 30 statements and four data types (node, string, number, and boolean) to create any application or service you can think of.
19:39.46jsmithLooks serious to me... looks very much like XSL
19:40.02jsmith(and funny thing... I've been writing an XSL transform this morning)
19:40.55utahcondocumentation page is broken... but the download works.
19:42.17beandogI dunno
19:42.21beandogI dont think I'd couple XML with *easy*
19:42.52beandogalthough if its just kind of an abstraction layer, that makes a bit more sense.
19:42.57beandogor something.
19:42.57dataw0lfI'm so tired of the overuse of XML.
19:43.19beandoghmm, GPL3
19:43.21utahconagress with dataw0lf
19:43.34jsmithdataw0lf: XML has its place... but it does get overused in places
19:44.06dataw0lfjsmith: yea, it has it's place.  Just not 90% of the places it's used.
19:44.15dataw0lfhint: *serialization*
19:46.12utahconmmm cereal
19:48.00jsmithdataw0lf: Well, if you have DTDs, etc... then validation of structured data is a useful application
19:50.33dataw0lfjsmith: Yea.  I use a simple schema validation library for JSON in Python.
19:55.11beandogjsmith, for what, work?
19:55.23jsmithbeandog: And play :-p
19:55.43beandogjsmith, what kind of stuff are you putting in docbook?
19:55.50beandogoh really?
19:55.51beandogright on, man
19:55.52jsmithbeandog: But yeah... most of my DocBook work is for work stuff
19:56.30beandogjsmith, where do youw ork?
19:56.43jsmithbeandog: Digium (the company behind Asterisk)
19:57.02jsmithbeandog: I run their training department
19:57.59beandogjsmith, oh cool, right on, are they here in utah?
19:58.02mgearycredentials. psh
19:58.11dataw0lfon the east coast, beandog
19:58.11beandogthat's my creds
19:58.21dataw0lfjsmith is a new englander nowadays
19:58.26mgearywell now
19:58.29mgearyVA isn't New England
19:58.40mgearybeandog: didn't you know? jsmith lives on a polygamous compound on 80 acres in rural Virginia
19:58.42dataw0lfit isn't?
19:58.50beandogno way
19:58.55beandogMaine, Connecticut is New England
19:58.59beandogVirginia is the South
19:59.02mgearydon't think so. New England is just the very upper northeast-most states
19:59.13*** part/#uphpu DaveTurnbull (n=dturnbul@
19:59.13beandogmgeary, lols
20:00.01beandogwhat makes a compound a compound?
20:00.02beandogI want one
20:00.08mgearyguns and walls
20:00.08beandogconcrete walls?  barred windows?
20:00.14beandogguns and 25 wives?
20:00.31mgearythe 25 wives make it a *polygamous* compound
20:01.57dataw0lfglowing jesus statues
20:02.21dataw0lf(my aunt and uncle live on a compound in eastern Washington and they have a large, gaudy glowing jesus statue.  It's pretty much the awesomest thing I've ever seen).
20:02.40beandogwhere do you even buy that stuff
20:02.42beandogflea markets?
20:09.55dataw0lfI have absolutely no idea or I'd have one.
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20:23.57mgearyhey, anyone here on Qwest DLS?
20:24.10fungusDSL + Xmission here
20:24.58mgearywe've been having to reboot our Cisco 678 router almost daily lately. Our internet is fine until boom, it stops working. A router reboot works fine, but it's getting frequent enough to be annoying
20:25.15mgearyseen anything like that?
20:25.21fungusI had that same problem.  
20:25.32mgearytime for a new router? firmware upgrade?
20:25.53fungusDSL line was throwing lots of errors
20:26.08mgearywhat's the fix?
20:26.22fungusthe real fix is to contact Qwest to fix the errors.
20:26.38mgearyhow can i help them substantiate the issue?
20:26.38fungusBut a new router can make those errors less problematic
20:26.55jsmithmgeary: I had that problem a couple of years ago... turns out it was a combination of overloaded upload on the DSL, plus bad line card in the CO
20:27.01fungusAny newer router should be able to handle the CRC errors and such.
20:27.39fungusI switched back to my Craptiontec until Qwest fixed the line.
20:27.50mgearyhow did you get them to fix it?
20:28.03utahconhow did you determine the CRC errors?
20:28.06mgearywere they able to confirm an issue over the phone?
20:28.07fungusCalled them, and gave them the info
20:28.18mgearywhat info? just description of symptoms?
20:28.18fungusActiontec's have a pretty detailed WAN status page
20:28.28fungusand the Cisco 678 can get the info too
20:28.37fungusshow int wan0-0 or something like that
20:28.45fungusperhaps it was show int wan0
20:31.57mgeary"Interleaved Symbols with CRC Errors" ?
20:32.24mgearyHeader Error Check Counter Interleaved: 32768
20:32.30mgearyCount of Severely Errored Frames:       65280
20:33.00fungusyeah, that doesn't sound too good.
20:33.02jsmithmgeary: YEah, sounds like line errors
20:33.12jsmithmgeary: You could reset the stats, then see how quickly they climb
20:33.19mgearywhich one(s) of those are most compelling?
20:33.50jsmith"Severly errored frames"
20:34.11fungusAll of that data may be useful to a qwest tech
20:35.27fungusDo you have another router of any kind on hand you could plug in for testing?
20:35.41fungusIt's possible they may just give you the "not supported" brush off.
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20:43.43mgearyapparently clearing stats disrupts the connection
20:44.05mgearyso, they're giving me the old, "well, normally we see some things here if there are problems in the line..."
20:44.43mgearyanyone know what "Interleaved RS Corrected Bytes" reflects? That's counted up to 7. Is that something i can beat them up with?
20:44.59mgearyi've also got Interleaved Symbols with CRC Errors at 2
20:47.12fungusCorrected Bytes is not a big deal.  CRC errors is an issue if it increments fast.
20:47.12fungusonly 2 isn't a big deal
20:47.12jsmithAnything more than a hundred or so per hour is a big deal
20:47.12mgearywhat's "fast" ?
20:47.12mgearyand what weight should i place on Local versus Remote?
20:47.12mgeary'cause before i cleared the stats, i had 2 local CRC errors, but 65k remote ones
20:47.18mgearythink it's those remote errors that are causing the problem?
20:48.09fungusboth are a big deal, but if they are all local, you could try swapping out the router with another one.  Just in case.
20:48.18unumthey could have been from a past issue, so watch and see if it keeps going up
20:50.18mgearyhey, undertakingyou, did that ResizeImage class work out for you?
20:54.28SunSparcSooooo, Xdebug vs Zend Debugger??
20:54.51mgearynever used Z.D., but i love xdebug
20:55.15mgearybtw, "Interleaved RS Corrected Bytes" has jumped from zero to 65280
20:55.19mgearyshould i care about that?
20:55.47mgearythat must be some sort of max number, since that's also the count i used to have of "Severely Errored Frames" and "Interleaved Symbols with CRC Errors"
20:55.54SunSparcmgeary: What IDE do you use?  Or do you?
20:56.04mgearyTextMate & BBedit
20:56.06mgearyno formal IDE
20:56.35SunSparcGood to know.
20:59.08mgearyexcept with diffs
20:59.29mgearyif TM could do diffs like BBedit, i'd be fully on board
20:59.55jsmithmgeary: If the number suddenly jumped to 65k, that's a big deal
21:00.36mgearywell, the lady i'm talking to just glossed over it
21:02.13jsmithmgeary: She's not a tech... she's a filter.  Don't get filtered out!
21:02.27mgearytoo late
21:02.34dataw0lfmgeary: how does it do diffs?
21:02.51jsmithmgeary: Let me guess "We'll send a tech out, but if it's a problem in your home wiring, we'll charge you!"
21:03.36mgearyjsmith: pretty much
21:03.59mgearybest diff interface i've ever had
21:05.40mgearybut the TM creator doesn't believe diff capabilities should be part of a text editor
21:10.57*** join/#uphpu mastergunns (
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21:18.07mindjujuwow, stock market looks like it might end up +279
21:18.16mindjujugoog went up +20
21:19.00unumbuying some open source stock right now might not be a bad idia
21:20.55jsmithWell... the whole "stock market going up" is only good if you're selling, and not buying
21:21.00mindjujuwhat other companies do open source and are on the exchange
21:21.05mindjujubesides rht ?
21:21.18jsmithIf you're buying, you want it to go down, right?
21:21.32SunSparcIs not the Treeline Group on the exchange?
21:21.39mindjujuwell, you want it to be down when you buy
21:21.45mgearywe're on a very exclusive listing
21:22.15mindjujuwho was it that bought mysql?
21:22.17jsmithmindjuju: Exactly... and since I'm still doing a lot more buying than selling, I just think of yesterday as a 5% off sale :-p
21:22.21jsmithmindjuju: sun
21:22.34mindjujuoh yeah, thx
21:23.14mgearyjsmith: i hear ya, though we've elected to put more discretionary cash into investment property lately
21:23.16jsmithmindjuju: Always happy to help with the trivia questions :-p
21:24.30mindjujuoh THAT is funny
21:24.46mindjujusun's abbrv is JAVA
21:25.07SunSparcLonger than SUN
21:25.33SunSparcNot really an abbreviation then, is it.
21:25.47mindjujuyeah, but not for Sun Microsystems, Inc.
21:44.04*** join/#uphpu itimber (
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21:44.24itimbersup guys
21:45.41mgearyand well you should
21:45.48mgearylands alive
21:46.19itimber"lands alive" ...that's something my grandma would say
21:46.49mgearyand i'll bet she gives a mean tongue lashing as well
21:47.01itimberfo sho
21:48.30SunSparcWow ->
21:50.08SunSparcDo you give demonstrations?  mgeary?
21:50.32mgearysure. sit still for a minute
21:50.37mgearystop moving your head
21:50.51SunSparcjbot, mgeary is also "psh" is his favorite thing to say
21:50.52jbotgo do something useful
21:51.02mgeary~pwn SunSparc
21:51.03jbotACTION logs into the machine SunSparc is sitting at and pulls a fast one.
21:51.10SunSparc~lart mgeary
21:51.10jbotcuts off mgeary's head with a halberd that could have been a little bit sharper
21:51.42SunSparcjbot, why so gory?
21:51.43jbotwhy not?
21:51.46SunSparcGood point
21:52.41mgearyhey, thebigdog
21:53.19mgearyhow can i bump the overall memory and heap size of a Java VM
21:53.31thebigdoglike what is in use?
21:54.02mgearyi've got some Red5 issues that someone thinks may be memory related
21:54.11mgearythat was the suggestion i got
21:54.38thebigdogyou need to increase the memory stuff
21:54.59dataw0lfmgeary: use -Xmx
21:55.42thebigdog-Xms768M -Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
21:55.47thebigdogjust change the numbers
21:55.52thebigdogms is that start
21:55.56thebigdogmx = max
21:56.07thebigdogand perm size is the heap
21:56.12thebigdogmax of heap is 256m
21:56.38thebigdogmax heap is where objects are created on the fly
21:56.49thebigdogwhen classes are generated inside the jvm
22:02.53mgearyi can add those to this:
22:02.56mgearyexec "$JAVA" "$JYTHON" -Dred5.root="$RED5_HOME" $JAVA_OPTS -cp "$RED5_HOME/red5.jar:$RED5_HOME/conf:$RED5_HOME/lib/ejb3-persistence.jar" "$RED5_MAINCLASS" $RED5_OPTS 1>log/stdout.log  2>log/stderr.log
22:05.25thebigdogyou can add it to your env variable $JAVA_OPTS
22:05.34thebigdogwherever that gets set
22:05.43thebigdogor add those after $JAVA_OPTS
22:05.57mgearytrying that now
22:06.04thebigdogyou might have them being set in java opts now
22:06.07thebigdogbut with low values
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22:17.12orsonjWho in the group is good with cake?
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22:17.30orsonjI might need someone to help me get a project up and going quickly
22:19.14jsmithorsonj: When you find out, let me know... I need to get up to speed in it as well
22:22.20orsonjWell, I know DexterTheDragon and _psychic_ are, but I'm not sure about anyone else. I may need to find someone to put something together quick. (paid)
22:23.06DexterTheDragonorsonj: got a specific question?
22:23.48orsonjI have a project I'm working on, and I think it would be quicker for someone like you to convert the bulk of it to cake and then I'd continue tinkering and changing things as time goes on.
22:24.41orsonjI'm not sure if they would prefer working directly with someone, or have me subcontract it, or if it really isn't that urgent and I can take the time to figure it out on my own.
22:25.29orsonjIt's already php, but they have a tendancy to request things be changed around, data fields added, changed, etc.
22:33.22mgearyhey fungus
22:44.34fungushey mgeary
22:45.24mgearyhey, fixed my problem. For the record, i had accidentally used ifconfig to set an ip alias on a machine, but the IP was already in use. I used -alias, but i still had to go to the other machine and re-establish it
22:46.16fungusgood job
22:54.56mindjuju~lart macnewbold
22:54.56jbotsquishes macnewbold like a bug
22:55.07orsonjping DexterTheDragon (pm)
22:55.15macnewbold~lart mindjuju
22:55.15jbotcuts mindjuju into thin stripes
22:55.28macnewboldorsonj: pong on behalf of DexterTheDragon
22:55.31macnewboldhe's sitting next to me
22:56.13orsonjI'm going over to talk about this project and was wondering if we could call to talk about it.
22:57.49orsonjpm me a phone# i could call in 10 minutes
22:58.39macnewboldwe're actually both in a phone meeting right now, and I'm not sure it will be done in 10min. (at the rate she's going, we'll finish closer to 4:30pm
23:00.54itimberI'm out guys.... mgeary, note the time :)
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23:28.40carmony_~lart macnewbold
23:28.40jbottakes a large goose feather pillow and swings it wildly in macnewbold's direction, hitting macnewbold and sending macnewbold flying into the closet
23:37.49*** part/#uphpu pelaofeliz (n=PelaoFel@
23:44.46mgearyhey, i used to have this problem where ssh-ing into a machine would produce a 30-second lag before i'd get in
23:45.00mgearyi searched around, and found the reason (seems like it was DNS-related)
23:45.10mgearybut now i'm seeing that again, and i can't recall the solution. Any ideas?
23:46.23unumturn off reverse dns look up
23:46.32unumon the server side
23:49.43unumlooks like : VerifyReverseMapping no
23:50.12mgearyi'm not sure this is serverside. i even get it when telnet-ing into my cisco router
23:53.42unumwell the issue could be that your client side network doesn't support reverse dns
23:53.50unumif you have control over that you should fix that
23:54.41unumbut if you can't there are ways to tell your linux servers not to worry about it
23:55.05unumyou could also add an entry to the host file for your ip
23:55.18mgearywell, i'm ssh-ing via ip address
23:55.27mgearyso perhaps it's not DNS related
23:55.46unumit still does a reverse look up on your client ip
23:56.22unumthe easiest way to check is to log into the server and run host on your client ip
23:56.38unumby client ip I mean the ip as the server sees it
23:56.51mgearyand indeed, i'm getting a big delay
23:56.55mgeary;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
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23:58.20mgearyso rather than turn off reverse DNS lookup, can i fix why my server can't "host" my client IP?

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