IRC log for #uphpu on 20090120

00:06.55itimberI"m out guys... catch ya'll later
00:07.09SunSparcMe too, later all.
00:31.10beandogmindjuju, ping
00:42.53carmonybeandog, ping!
00:43.02beandogcarmony, sup
00:53.57*** part/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
01:14.50*** join/#uphpu redroy (
03:25.58*** join/#uphpu mastergunns (
04:05.53*** join/#uphpu romanovic (
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05:28.11*** join/#uphpu josephscott (
07:15.16*** join/#uphpu romanovic (
14:59.10*** join/#uphpu cro (
14:59.33cro'morning all
15:37.51*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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15:49.51*** join/#uphpu SunSparc (n=sparky@
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16:08.01*** join/#uphpu fungus (
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16:24.30*** join/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
16:24.56SunSparcGuten mogen jeder!
16:25.19herlowhat language is that?
16:25.51herloGuten Morgen
16:26.00herlomogen isn't a word afaik
16:26.14SunSparcIt is in German
16:26.28SunSparcMorgen is an American pronunciation.
16:26.35SunSparcNot accurate
16:26.50herloSunSparc: really?
16:27.10*** join/#uphpu josephscott (
16:27.21SunSparcWell, actually, mogen is tomorrow, morgen is morning.
16:27.26SunSparcMy bad.
16:27.50herloI didn't know mogen was a word, but that's fair...
16:28.19mgearySunSparc is full of beans
16:28.24*** join/#uphpu redroy (
16:28.56herlobut you know what they say about beans?
16:28.59mgeary"Morgen" is both morning and tomorrow, which is nicely confusing
16:29.23mgearybut it is the case that when pronounced, the "r" is barely hearable
16:31.08*** join/#uphpu thebigdog (n=thebigdo@
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16:34.41herlomindjuju: yeah, I want to do that too, wondering if there's a place online I can do that
16:35.37mindjujuwe're actually taking the signal from a TV in a lounge area and using that
16:35.51mindjujuso, just svideo in / out to projector
16:35.56mindjujuand audio to speakers
16:36.30mindjujuwe were afraid that internet would be sorely tested with everybody prolly streaming it
16:37.22herloit's on hulu
16:37.44croCSPan isn't bad right now
16:37.46mindjujuyeah, and fox, and cnn and ... and ... and ... and ...
16:38.05cro4 feeds to choose from
16:38.19mindjujudo they have a 3D feed?
16:40.11*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=steve@gentoo/developer/beandog)
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16:40.21mindjujusup beandog
16:40.30beandoghey mindjuju
16:42.10mindjujuwas just saying hey since you IM'd for me yesterday
16:42.45*** join/#uphpu utahcon (
16:42.47beandogoh yah, sec
16:43.04beandogmindjuju, check this out, you may find this useful
16:43.05herlomindjuju: 3D haha
16:43.32herlomindjuju: and Linux doesn't have the ability to play fox, cnn, etc unless they are just flash
16:44.18mindjujuboth have flash options
16:44.27herloMove Networks (Has offices in AF) dosn't provide linux players
16:44.47herlofox is part of hulu
16:44.48mindjujubeandog, that is helpful, i wanted to have several hdd appear as one
16:44.59beandogmindjuju, me too, and I think LVM is way overkill
16:45.12mindjujuyeah, lvm is like a soft RAID, no?
16:45.21beandogmm, kind of.
16:45.22unumwhich news work doesn't use flash?
16:45.39mindjujui think even msnbc does
16:45.47unumwhat happened to torrent player
16:46.15unumswarmplayer I mean
16:46.55herloLVM is great!  It can save you when there's a problem
16:47.06herloLVM is not RAID
16:47.26herloLVM provides flexibility on top of RAID or separate from it
16:47.44beandogherlo, yah, but this seems much simpler
16:47.54beandogwith mhddfs you don't make one large partition
16:47.59beandogkind of.
16:48.02beandogthey both have pros/cons
16:48.08beandogDon't get me wrong, LVM is great.
16:48.18beandogbut it is a bit of a pain to setup, comparably.
16:48.38herloit's easy
16:49.01beandogfuse is starting to grow on me
16:49.08beandogkeepin things simple
16:50.48thebigdogbeandog, fuse is nice...but lvm is great when you have a ton of disks like thebigdog
16:51.26beandogI've lost all my data, twice, trying to add/remove devices on LVM, so I'm a bit biased.
16:51.42beandogover a terabyte each time
16:51.54thebigdogi lost 6tb once with a raid
16:52.05thebigdogi will never use dell sata raids
16:52.06beandogbut, I just dont think there's some great docs out there is all
16:52.08thebigdogonly scis
16:52.39beandogthebigdog, well the big problem I was running into is I want to chain 2+ USB external drives together.
16:52.41beandogCan't do that with LVM.
16:53.03thebigdogi wouldn't think you could do that
16:53.24beandogwell thats what this new one is gonna fix, thank goodness
16:53.34beandogjust takes any directories and makes them one
16:53.38beandogit's perfect :)
16:55.08*** join/#uphpu utahcon (
16:56.17thebigdogyou mean with fuse?
16:56.20mindjujui'm going to have to read this closely
16:56.26mindjujuit looks like what i'm looking for
16:56.28beandogthebigdog, well, with mhddfs, a fuse fs
16:57.01thebigdogyeah i can see that
16:57.12mindjujuman people on facebook / cnn watching the inaug are mean about aretha's hat
16:57.14mindjujuand hair
17:01.02*** join/#uphpu drip (
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17:26.34carmonyI'm not a slacker.... okay, sometimes I am :P
17:33.39carmonywhoa.... I think ddna's website has a REALY high Apple base:
17:34.41herlobeandog: you can chain two external usb drives together with LVM, I've done it
17:35.13herlothe tricky part is vgscan and vgchange
17:35.42herloeverything you need is in the superblock (or whatever you call it) of the individual disks
17:38.02mindjujuk, the ending of the prayer was funny
17:38.21herloyeah, just heard that
17:38.27utahconmissed it...
17:39.03mindjujui'm sure the whole thing while be available
17:39.12utahconI am sure
17:39.32SunSparcmindjuju: What was said that was funny.
17:40.15mindjujuwell, he was talking about cooperation between the races and it was just funny, i'll hve to see if there is a transcript somewhere
17:40.23mindjujui wouldn't do it justice to paraphrase
17:41.06mindjujuit was an intended joke though
17:42.11herlodid you see the guy with the red Fedora :)
17:42.38herloit was when obama and bush were walking up the stairs heading out of the crowd
17:43.22utahconherlo: screenshot or it didn't happen
17:45.31mindjujucool, changed
17:45.56mindjujudon't type in whitehouse.c0m though, t6hat's naughty last i heard
17:48.55mindjujui didn't think the last site was bad
17:49.10unumwow I think that's javascript
17:49.30herloutahcon: I'll get one
17:49.51mindjujuthat big splash?  i think you're right
17:50.04mindjujudon't think i've ever seen a non-flash splash like that fails on RSS feeds.
17:53.41utahconWas hoping for an RSS feed for the Weekly Address video... oh well.
18:01.16*** join/#uphpu itimber (
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18:40.44itimberwassup my brothas
18:41.07mindjujujust chillin' like a villain
18:44.48jbotpulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps macnewbold
18:45.19mindjujujbot really showed you the error of your ways with rlart
18:56.11jbotbeats pelaofeliz into protomatter with the andromeda galaxy
18:56.51*** join/#uphpu romanovic (
19:17.09pelaofelizI guess I deserved that
19:17.40itimbermindjuju: just cranking the code w/ my good buddy Paul Oakenfold
19:18.53dataw0lfuns uns uns uns
19:20.18mindjujuoakey is way good; i'm listening to hybrid
19:20.29mindjujusup dataw0lf
19:21.55mindjujunot much, heard you were thinking of moving back to the SLC
19:26.18dataw0lfMaybe.  Contemplating it.
19:30.55*** join/#uphpu romanovic (i=romanovi@
19:58.50mgearycome baaaaaaaaaaaack
20:10.24*** join/#uphpu orsonj (
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20:22.20utahconanyone use linux and s3fs out there?
20:22.30mgeary~mock Utah_Dave
20:22.30jbotACTION pulls Utah_Dave's pants down and shows the world Utah_Dave's pink spotted underwear
20:22.34mgeary~mock utahcon
20:22.35jbotACTION pulls utahcon's pants down and shows the world utahcon's pink spotted underwear
20:23.26utahconI am not ashamed of my pinks :D
20:23.49utahcondo you care to share why you mock me?
20:24.21mgearyjust causing problems
20:35.29utahconit is a FUSE a fuse filesystem that allows you to mount an Amazon S3 bucket as a local filesystem
20:45.22*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
20:45.25*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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20:56.31carmonywhy were Utah_Dave's pants down?
20:57.55carmonyhrm, i haven't done this in awhile....
20:57.55carmony~lart macnewbold
20:57.55jbotwhacks macnewbold upside the head
20:59.52cro Sushi "documentary" -- makes me think of the trip to Happy Sumo late last year.
21:03.32*** join/#uphpu redroy_ (
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21:16.29fungus~mock carmony
21:16.45jbotACTION pulls carmony's pants down and shows the world carmony's pink spotted underwear
21:16.50carmonyOh no!
21:41.26mindjujuwow, stock market took one heck of a beating today
21:41.57orsonjWere there any signifigant public announcements today?
21:42.22cro~mock orsonj
21:42.44jbotACTION pulls orsonj's pants down and shows the world orsonj's pink spotted underwear
21:43.21orsonjhmmm, I should get those washed.
21:49.59mindjujuugh - now it gets personal -
21:50.30mindjujusalmonella found in Austin Quality Foods Toasty Crackers with Peanut Butter
21:50.36mindjujui buy those
21:53.25utahconsalmonella won't kill oyu
21:53.36utahconunless you are young, old or have a weak immune system.
21:55.00DexterTheDragonmindjuju's doomed
21:55.37utahconHow is salmonella infection diagnosed? By a stool test.
21:55.48utahconto quote my favorite TV series "Everything comes down to poo"
21:55.58mindjuju<red fox>I'm coming elizabeth!</red fox>
21:56.32*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
21:56.36mgearybotulism. Now there's a toxin
21:56.58mgeary"Botulin toxin is one of the most powerful known toxins: about one microgram is lethal to humans."
21:57.49mindjujuhow much do they use for botox?
21:58.05mgearyless than one microgram, one would assume
21:58.20mindjujuor a derivative
21:58.29utahconone microgram watered down.
22:02.49unummy immune system is attacking other parts of my  body :(
22:03.54mindjujulike lupin?
22:03.58mindjujuerr, lupis
22:04.19mindjujui'm sorry, i have a friend of mine that has lupis
22:04.43unummine's not a very bad case, in fact I think the doctor kind of jump the gun diagnosising it
22:04.54unumbut I'm pretty sure I have it now
22:05.06unumbut it's not as bad for me as it is for some
22:05.30mindjujumy friend has a mild case, but i think it does cause her pain
22:05.46unumI have arthritis from it
22:06.03mindjujuyeah, was just going to say, seems like it affected her joints
22:06.48unumI don't run much :)
22:07.12unumit's actually kind of nice to have a nasty excuse for why I can't do normal things...
22:07.21unumbefore everyone just thought I was weak and lazy
22:09.37*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=steve@gentoo/developer/beandog)
22:09.37*** mode/#UPHPU [+v beandog] by ChanServ looks nice in it's new skin.
22:33.13*** join/#uphpu romanovic_ (
22:43.42jbotACTION hugs beandog
22:43.50beandogrobot love
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23:05.20orsonjI think I know why people like macs better. iMacs have built in speakers, so you don't have to get in trouble for bringing your own speakers in.
23:06.13utahconI have never gotten in trouble for not bringing in speakers...
23:06.22tierrayeah, I'm sure that's why.. heh
23:06.25DexterTheDragondo you get in trouble for bringing in your own speakers?
23:06.43mindjujuthat's crazy talk
23:07.02mindjujui have a small mixer to handle all the ways i take my sound
23:08.18unummy  company provided speakers
23:08.26mindjujui'm serious about music
23:08.26unumI brought my own headphones
23:08.37mindjujubut not as serious as poeticintensity
23:13.45dataw0lfhas anyone with a mbp or mb tried out the screensaver "soundstream" ?
23:13.56dataw0lfit uses the builtin mic to respond visually to ambient noise in the room
23:15.04*** join/#uphpu cro (
23:15.10dataw0lfpretty awesome
23:17.13utahconthat is kewl
23:21.38tierramac users... so impressed by retarded little shiny things...
23:22.21mindjujusup tierra
23:23.24dataw0lfas opposed to Linux users, who're impressed by half-working window managers in beta
23:23.35tierrahehe, you forgot 'shiny'
23:23.39beandogthat's right!
23:23.46orsonjcheck it out, you can move the window around!!!
23:24.11beandogno no, it compiles is a more impressive feat
23:24.12tierraI installed that screensaver btw ;)
23:24.24dataw0lftierra: haha.  It IS pretty cool....
23:24.42tierraI could play with it for a while just tapping on my desk
23:27.03dataw0lfI like blowing on the screen and all of a sudden a burst of hazy material appears
23:39.08*** join/#uphpu eggyknap (
23:40.44dataw0lf Obama's new robots.txt
23:44.58mgearyyou know, i've never really understood the point of a robots.txt file
23:45.09mgearyi mean, unethical robots will just ignore them anyway
23:45.37orsonjwell, google obeys it, so that alone makes it worth looking at
23:47.46orsonjI don't consider it a security model, just something to direct google with.
23:49.38herloso I wonder who thinks robots.txt *is* a security model :)
23:51.29orsonjthe same guy who puts a link to logout.html
23:57.01*** join/#uphpu romanovic (

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