IRC log for #uphpu on 20081203

00:00.00mindjujudon't give them any ideas
00:00.10thebigdogmgeary, did you get my comments
00:00.18mindjujui don't know about you guys, but i could use a bailout
00:00.34Utah_Daveeverybody wants a bailout now
00:00.43beandogwell its basically free money
00:00.47beandogwith little oversight
00:01.10Utah_Daveit's stupid. All those companies should go bankrupt
00:01.42beandogcant touch this
00:01.58beandogmmm, Western Family.
00:02.03beandogTheres another conspiracy
00:02.26beandogYou know what my big thing has been lately?  To try and buy food without high fructose corn syrup in it
00:02.26mindjujusomething wrong with the Western Family Corn in a Can?
00:02.29beandogits freaking *everywhere*
00:02.54mindjujuCorn in the Can doesn't have HFC in it, does it?
00:02.55beandogeven in bread, of all things.
00:03.00beandogthe water will, yah
00:03.12beandogwell, maybe not *corn*
00:03.17beandogbut stuff like pears, etc.
00:03.22beandogwould definately have it
00:03.28mindjujuoh yeah, fruit in a can prolly does
00:03.48beandogits a conspiracy to keep me on a constant sugar high
00:03.59mindjujuthat pesky corn and its syrupy ways!
00:04.01beandogwhich, I manage to accomplish well enough on my own, thank you
00:04.22beandogmindjuju, seriously though, it literally is in every food you buy
00:04.53beandogI have a really hard time finding anything that doesnt have it
00:05.18mindjujulike menudo in a can (w/ hominy)
00:06.15mindjujuUtah_Dave, your a contractor for the National Guard, no?
00:07.10beandog~menudo mindjuju
00:07.10jbotACTION recruits mindjuju into an never-ending puerto rican boy band to work for tween fanfare and burritos
00:07.53mindjujuyou know you like Menudo
00:07.58SunSparcI do
00:08.07SunSparcUsed to eat it all the time in the Philippines.
00:08.13mindjujuwith a little bit of lemon, yum
00:08.15beandogI cant stand beans
00:08.29SunSparcMenudo does not have beans
00:08.31mindjujuain't no beans in menudo ,
00:08.34beandogoh it doesnt?
00:08.35mindjujujust hominy
00:08.36beandogoh, n/m
00:08.38beandogwhats hominy
00:08.43_psychic_big corn
00:08.47SunSparcI always had it with potatoes
00:08.49beandogbig corn?
00:09.08beandogthat looks really gross.
00:09.16mindjujuhominy does or menudo?
00:09.30mindjujuit's good in soup
00:09.33mindjujulike Menudo
00:09.37beandogI cant even type it.
00:10.32mindjujuso about the National Guard though, this article about the pentagon sending 20k troops to the US interior seems kinda wrong to me -
00:11.35beandoghow much longer til Bush is out?
00:11.44unumjan 20th
00:11.58_psychic_mindjuju: it's called getting ready for Martial Law
00:12.04mindjujuyeah, scary
00:12.14mindjujuthe thing that is really curious though is this
00:12.21_psychic_oh but it makes you safer, mindjuju
00:12.23beandog_psychic_, exactly thats what I was thinking
00:12.28mindjujuThe long-planned shift in the Defense Department's role in homeland security was recently backed  with funding and troop commitments after years of prodding by Congress
00:12.42beandogIm just wondering when were gonna start needing to give ID to pass the state lines
00:12.52_psychic_papers, please.
00:13.02mindjujuugh, reminds me of when I lived in China
00:13.07unumthe national guard is a modification of the state militua system we used to have
00:13.22mindjujuhave to show papers at checkpoints and when ever police felt like it
00:13.29mindjujubut not terribly often, just often enough though
00:13.36beandogmindjuju, maybe they just wanted a/s/l
00:13.37unumbeandog: you need to give idea if you travel my bus,train, or plane
00:13.59unumyou also have to show papers when ever police feel like it
00:14.00beandogunum, really?  I knew plane, not the other two
00:14.12beandogunum, Im not sure about *that* one
00:14.24beandogwere not required to even have papers on us
00:14.27unumthey've talked about the other two.  I'm not sure if they implemented it
00:14.28beandoger, id.
00:14.30unumI don't use them
00:14.32mindjujuoh well, freedom was fun while it lasted
00:14.39unumif you have id on you, you need to show it
00:14.51mindjujui'm going to miss driving to Texas without having to talk to anybody about it or clearing it with anybody
00:14.54unumI drive so often I always have id on me
00:14.56beandogwell, screw that
00:15.03unumplus I often need it to buy stuff
00:15.13beandogIll get throw in jail and never heard of again
00:15.35unumI think their was ruling about it a while back, I don't know how the apeals went
00:16.00beandogIll just go live on an indian reservation
00:16.08beandogand let my underage kids get drunk.
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00:18.06beandogwired threat level is awesome
00:25.40Jacob_KerrWe should take down some credit card building like in Fight Club! Muhahaha! J/K..
00:27.52mgearyheading out early tonight. later folks
00:27.53*** part/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
00:28.30beandog5:30 is early?
00:29.00SunSparcIf you are on military time.
00:41.01Jacob_Kerr<---- Looking forward to chip implants
00:48.09SunSparclater yallz
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03:08.24beandogmmm, brownies
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15:36.38SunSparcI mean, good morning mindjuju.
15:36.55mindjujusup SunSparc
15:37.11SunSparcJust Caking some PHP.
15:37.58mindjujui'm not into frameworks so much, but i downloaded cake the other day along with Zen to give them a once over
15:38.30mindjujuoh, haven't done my critical review yet
15:38.37mindjujujust saying i'm headed in that direction
15:39.58SunSparc~karma cakephp
15:39.58jbotcakephp has karma of 3
15:40.07SunSparc~karma zend
15:40.07jbotzend has neutral karma
15:40.18SunSparc~karma your momma
15:40.18jbotyour momma has neutral karma
15:40.18mindjujuvery telling
15:40.31SunSparcSeriously.  Even jbot knows.
15:51.53carmonyGood morning
16:09.06SunSparcMorning carmony
16:09.41carmonyhow is everyone today?
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16:26.43mindjujuk, maybe i misjudged the guy - Obama ain't having no girly dog -
16:28.34mindjujuthough, i think he incorrectly stigmatizes Lhasas, i don't have a yard for a golden retriever, but wanted an excellent sentinel, good with kids, intelligent, not yappy and doesn't require a big yard
16:35.49Utah_Dave~stigmatize Lhasas
16:36.15mindjuju~poo utah_Dave
16:36.16jbotACTION summons a troop of flying monkeys to fling their poo at utah_Dave
16:36.28mindjujuand his barky chihuahua
16:37.30Utah_Davecorrection: barky Cairn Terrier
16:38.17mindjujui was going to say irish terrier
16:38.24mindjujutwas just a guess
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17:01.33jbotjbot: woem
17:04.28mindjujufunny, huh?
17:04.44SunSparcNot really the same as Windows, but in essence there is a bit of defragging.
17:06.31_psychic_It happens during installation processes.
17:06.43_psychic_when you see "optimizing the installation"
17:07.37SunSparcUnix/Linux filesystems are not at messy as windows ones.
17:08.37mindjujutalking about defrag, i just remembered i meant to defrag a box over turkeyday because i thought it would take so long
17:08.47mindjujuguess i'll start it on Friday instead
17:09.59SunSparcGood luck with that.
17:13.46mgearyahh, how nice it is not to have to worry about crap like that
17:14.29SunSparcAmen mgeary!
17:15.15SunSparcDefragging, scandisking, virus scanning, malware checking, spyware checking, blah blah blah.
17:15.33mgearyreinstalling your OS every 6 months
17:15.43mindjujulow punch there mgeary
17:15.52mindjujuplus, i only do it once every 18 months
17:15.57SunSparcmindjuju, it is true though.
17:16.29SunSparcNot being able to terminate applications that are behaving badly.
17:16.46SunSparcWe don't even need to mention bsod.
17:18.07fungusAlthough don't talk about the crazy mac users that feel the need to "Repair Permissions" daily
17:18.16mgearyor zap the pram
17:18.22mgearyor rebuild the desktop
17:18.35mgeary"my email wasn't working, but i rebuilt the desktop, and that seems to have fixed it!"
17:18.54SunSparcrebuilt the desktop?
17:19.07SunSparcNever heard of that one.
17:19.12mgearySunSparc: on older macs you hold down Option+Command on startup and it will rebuild the desktop DB
17:19.20mgeary~wetbehindtheears SunSparc
17:19.24_psychic_I remember those days.
17:19.27SunSparcAh, nice
17:19.31_psychic_I haven't repaired perms in a loooong time.
17:19.49SunSparcpermission checking is a rare thing
17:19.53fungusAnd if you don't screw with your perms, you don't need to repair them
17:19.54mgearyi actually just *use* my computers
17:21.21dataw0lfwell.  I do rootkit checks and the like on my macs all the time.
17:21.30fungusIn Windows defense, it sure makes the learning curve small.  Except in the case of Exchange
17:21.58_psychic_I don't think Windows is significantly harder or easier than OS X to learn.
17:22.08SunSparcI agree
17:22.10_psychic_Linux is getting close in some cases.
17:22.34mgearydataw0lf: i'm curious how you check for rootkits on your Mac
17:22.36SunSparcFor the average user, they are all about the same.  Surfing the web and checking email
17:23.13fungusExchange requires a bigger learning curve than sendmail, openldap, and mysql combined.
17:23.52dataw0lfmgeary: Um, in a variety of ways.  Checksum scans, wtmp/utmp checks, the like.
17:23.54SunSparcWindows is the only Virus that has ever been installed on a Mac that has actually made any headway.
17:23.56dataw0lfJust like any other Unix box.
17:26.44dataw0lfon 10.5 there isn't actual wtmp/utmp logs like a Unix box, it's handled by asl but you can check /var/log/asl.db in a similar way
17:27.41dataw0lfand I think the OS X community is making a huge mistake to think they're invulnerable to virii.
17:29.05dataw0lfwhen OS X hits the areas that virus writers want to hit, they'll be hit just like anything else.
17:29.36dataw0lfright now there's no pull to, y'know, bot college students and artists.
17:29.56dataw0lfbut there are PoCs out there, and they'll hit when OS X gets enough traction to make it worthwhile to implement them.
17:31.22SunSparcI guess we will tackle that if/when it happens.  For now though, I am happy not worrying about virii.
17:31.49dataw0lfdidn't Apple just reverse their statement about shrugging off antivirus software to recommending it?
17:31.53dataw0lfThey may know something you don't.
17:32.08SunSparcI am positive they do.
17:32.15SunSparcThere is much I do not know.
17:33.22mgearydataw0lf: turns out that wasn't recent
17:33.28mgearydid you see gizmodo's comment on that?
17:34.02dataw0lfno, I just overheard it at work.  I don't pay attention to something like that, my macs ain't getting exploited any time soon.
17:38.01SunSparcAny Mac boys here know of any good gui database schema tools?
17:38.44mgearynone that actually then facilitate creation of said DB
17:38.58SunSparcI recently learned about SQLEditor.  I like it so much, I bought it.
17:39.09SunSparcWorks really well.  Active development too.
17:39.25dataw0lfI've heard good things about SQLGrinder don't use those types of tools though.
17:40.11dataw0lfah schema *diagrams*.  Don't know if SQLGrinder offers that.
17:41.28SunSparcYeah, the diagrams is what I was meaning
17:41.40dataw0lfnice SQLEditor can import/export to Rails migrations.
17:42.01SunSparcI tend to write my schemas in a text editor, but having the diagrams is nice for visualization and when working with others.
17:42.32mgearythat's true
17:42.46SunSparcYeah, SQLEditor actually uses jdbc so it can connect with a lot of dbms's
17:44.11SunSparcI am loving it.
17:45.12SunSparcHere are some words of wisdom from the Dalai Lama -
17:46.01*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
17:59.58_psychic_I'll opt for complex, thanks.
18:01.06SunSparcYeah, he has no idea what he is missing out on.  The growth that comes from relationships is amazing.
18:01.39mindjujudoes anybody know off hand if you have a sentence that is interrupted by a bulleted list when you continue the sentence after the list, is it a new sentence (capitalized) or continuation (uncapitalized)
18:01.48mindjujuseems like it is new
18:02.22SunSparcI often continue the sentence with an ellipsis
18:05.00*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=steve@gentoo/developer/beandog)
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19:52.20jbotmethinks zombo is You can do anything at ZOMBO COM.  Anything at all.  The only limit is yourself.  Anything is possible at ZOMBO COM.  The unattainable is unknown at ZOMBO COM.  The infinite is possible at ZOMBO COM.  Visit now!
19:55.58SunSparcGot a question carmony?
19:59.55carmonywhats with zombo?>
20:00.05SunSparcWhat do you mean?
20:00.16carmonyjust a funny jbot
20:00.38SunSparcYou can do anything at
20:01.29mgearywow. It's really true!!
20:01.42SunSparcAll your dreams come true at
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20:19.20thebigdogafternoon all
20:19.32mgeary~lart thebigdog
20:19.32jbotwhips out a sword and chops thebigdog in half
20:19.33SunSparc~welcome thebigdog
20:19.33jbotHowdy, thebigdog!
20:19.39thebigdogwell then
20:19.48thebigdogyou guys should have been at lunch today
20:19.51thebigdogit was good eats
20:19.52SunSparc~monkey thebigdog
20:19.53jbotACTION flings poo at thebigdog
20:19.56mgearywell, you should have invited us
20:20.05thebigdogwe did
20:20.10thebigdognorth utah uphpu lunch
20:20.24mgearyall i've had for lunch is those double-chocolate cookies from Ikea
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20:21.27thebigdogi had some great pulled pork
20:24.13carmonyawwww, I missed lunch? :(
20:24.37carmonywhere was it?
20:24.44thebigdogjust joking
20:24.49carmonywhew :P
20:24.51thebigdogbut itimber and i hit some bbq today
20:25.03thebigdogi had to pay him for some work
20:25.04carmonyMan! I'm in Ogden, let me know next time ;)
20:25.09thebigdogoh sure
20:25.19carmonysounds good :)
20:25.22thebigdogi thought itimber and i were the only ones in the north
20:25.23carmonywhere did you go?
20:25.40thebigdogsome bbq on riverdale
20:25.53carmonywhat was the name?
20:29.24thebigdoglet me check
20:29.52thebigdoggoodwood bbq
20:30.25carmonyo... m... g...
20:30.35carmonylol, I live like 4 minutes away from there :P
20:30.39carmonyI LOVE that place
20:33.48carmonyyou don't like Bigwood mgeary? :P
20:34.04carmonywait.... that sounded so wrong...
20:34.06mgearywent there once. Wasn't terribly impressed, but i will say i'm not a big BBQ fan
20:34.14mgearyGoodWood, you mean
20:34.50mgearyif you want to talk great dining, let's talk Chef's Table
20:35.09carmonywhere is that at?>
20:35.16mgearyon the Orem State Street hill
20:35.19carmonyyou can tell I'm programing atm :P
20:35.36mgearyit's like the highest-rated restaurant in Utah
20:35.54mgearyreally, really great food
20:35.57carmonyhuh, I'll have to go there
20:36.07mgearycompany Christmas dinner?
20:36.11mgearythat's where we're having ours
20:36.25mgearywhat day?
20:36.26SunSparcI hear the plates are like $100 each.
20:36.47mgearylike $20-40
20:36.50mgearyfor the entree
20:37.06mgearytheir au gratin potatoes are incredible
20:37.20mgearyours is on the 12th
20:37.56carmonyours is... dang it, thats what happens when you're a freelancer. :P
20:38.45SunSparccarmony: Party every day!
20:39.20carmonyLOL! Yeah, maybe one day... :P
20:40.12SunSparcmgeary: I will let them know you are coming.
20:40.25mgearypsh. Kent and i are like *this*
20:40.37mgearyhe knows
20:42.04mgearybah. So i'm installing a SSL cert, and configtest comes back okay, but the secure site doesn't load. I get segmentation faults. Any suggestions?
20:42.31mgearyother vhosts on the machine are working fine. just not the secure one
20:42.49SunSparcAny log notes?
20:42.58mgearyexit signal Segmentation fault
20:43.07mgearythat's it
20:44.50fungusAre the cert files (key, cert, ca) all readable by the apache user, and PEM formatted?
20:44.52_psychic_update openssl?
20:46.08mgearyfungus: yes, though i see now that the ca-bundle and the crt were 666. Not sure if that's bad. I made them 700
20:46.12mgearywhat's PEM-formatted?
20:46.37mgearybadda bing
20:46.44mgearylooks like it was the perms on those two files
20:47.07mgearythanks, man. That would have taken ages to debug
20:47.09fungusyeah, apache doesn't like to not be able to read it's certs.  :P
20:47.11carmony~karma fungus
20:47.11jbotfungus has karma of 15
20:47.16carmonylol, wow
20:47.18mgearyfungus: well, it *could* read them
20:47.33mgearybut so could other stuff. presumably that was the issue. Like public keys for ssh
20:47.39mgeary~karma mgeary
20:47.39jbotmgeary has karma of 12
20:47.55carmony~karma carmony
20:47.55jbotcarmony has karma of 2
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20:51.55mindjuju~karma mindjuu
20:51.55jbotmindjuu has neutral karma
20:52.00mindjujuerr, too fast
20:52.05mindjuju~karma mindjuju
20:52.05jbotmindjuju has karma of 8
20:53.13mindjujulet's see, I can reincarnate into a Win 3.11 Sys Admin, a Tandy Comp repairman / Radio Shack dude or a hamster
20:53.52fungusi'd pick the hamster
20:54.24mindjujuyeah, i'm going hamster
20:54.31mindjujuunless i get more karma
20:54.37SunSparcIt was fun.  Especially during RC season.
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21:20.09thebigdogman i pissed the ubuntu does not have svn 1.5 for 8.01
21:26.11mgearyhow can i check what shell i'm currently using?
21:26.21mgearyi think i'm in tcsh on a machine. how can i verify that?
21:28.57fungusecho $SHELL
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22:20.57dataw0lf pretty funny stuff, Prop 8: The Musical
22:24.51_psychic_stuffing words in peoples mouths and a wholly uneducated view of the bible seems pretty childish
22:25.12mgearybut it was pretty funny
22:25.26mgearyfunnier than the fart/defrag thing, imo
22:25.28dataw0lfso.. you can't sell your daughter into slavery in the bible?
22:26.06_psychic_doesn't the constitution reference slavery too?
22:26.21_psychic_so you can count em as 3/5ths a person?
22:26.54dataw0lfsure.  Doesn't mean I agree with it.
22:26.54_psychic_oh wait, that's taking something completely out of context. I remember hearing about that in journalism/philosophy 101.
22:27.31dataw0lfit's not taking something completely out of context.  It just shows that the Bible is as fallible as anything from an older culture when it comes to moral values.
22:27.32_psychic_Jack as Jesus is a pretty funny choice, I have to admit.
22:27.45dataw0lfwhich... is the whole point?
22:28.06_psychic_No, it's taking it out of context.
22:28.16_psychic_And I'll agree the Bible is not infallible.
22:29.45dataw0lfagreed then.
22:30.05_psychic_And automatic labelling prop 8 as "hate" is retarded too.
22:30.23_psychic_It was kinda funny, but my propaganda warning light blinked off the scales.
22:31.05SunSparcI wish I had a shrimp coctail...
22:32.54SunSparcEverything in the bible is context sensitive.
22:33.25SunSparcAnd of course, there are exceptions to every rule.
22:34.07dataw0lfI didn't know God delivered an addendum with all the exceptions to the rules he put out.
22:34.51SunSparcYep, right there in appendix z
22:34.55_psychic_Well he did with the shrimp cocktails.
22:35.01_psychic_It's not rocket theology.
22:35.43dataw0lfIn my view, essentially, you have your own moral compass.  Call it God, or Vishnu, or Buddha, or whatever.  Things like the Bible either cement your own already held views or you ignore them because of "exceptions" or "context".  The Bible doesn't create your moral compass.
22:35.57dataw0lfSo when I hear people quoting the Bible when arguing a moral point, I just laugh.
22:36.12beandogyah, kinda like quoting the constitution.
22:36.48beandogits just ideas, philosophy and paper.
22:37.01_psychic_probably the three most powerful things evar.
22:37.48SunSparcideas, philosophy and paper?
22:37.56dataw0lfI don't consult the constitution, either, when I make my moral decisions.
22:38.24_psychic_so it has no worth then.
22:38.28SunSparcdataw0lf: Where did you derive your morals?
22:40.39mgearyokay, not to change the subject too abruptly, but here's an interesting tidbit-- you cannot use to bill non-USD amounts
22:41.09dataw0lfSunSparc: from my parents and myself.
22:41.19SunSparcReally?  Hmmm, I actually never tried so I did not know.  Good to know mgeary.
22:41.26mgearyhugely annoying
22:41.30SunSparcdataw0lf: Based on what?
22:41.44SunSparcmgeary: Only if you need non-usd stuff.  ;)
22:41.55SunSparcmgeary: Are you doing some international selling?
22:42.08mgearywe've got a client with operations in South Africa
22:42.08dataw0lfthat's a philosophical and anthropological argument.  They certainly didn't base it on the Bible.
22:42.29SunSparcmgeary: That is kinda cool.
22:42.41SunSparcDoes Anet have any plans to add support?
22:44.20mgeary"that was going to be implemented, but now it's not"
22:44.26mgearytheir docs suck
22:45.38SunSparcI would think they would want to consider it, since the world is on the Internet.
22:49.28SunSparcdataw0lf: Morality is a philosophical topic altogether.  So if they did not base it on the bible, then what?  Moral etymology seems like it is usually assumed through ones surrounding environment and based on personal desires.
22:52.27dataw0lfwell morality is based on a variety of factors.  I'm not going to dissect where my parents got their morals from.  My Dad is the anthropologist, not me.
22:53.01unumso speaking of this topic.  I read an article that talked about how elected official were failing this civics test
22:53.03dataw0lfbut I know all the way up to my great grandparents, noone in my family is religious.  I have no idea beyond that.  *shrug*
22:53.03SunSparcOk, no worries.  It is just an interesting topic to me.
22:53.08unumthe test turned out to be completely bogus
22:53.16*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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22:53.28dataw0lfwell noone in my immediate family or ancestors, I mean.  My aunt and uncle are fundies in Washington.
22:53.54unumin the middle of this "american civics" exam is a test question that claim socrates believed morals could be derived by logic
22:54.18SunSparcunum: go on
22:54.51dataw0lfthere's no other way to describe them, _psychic_.  They live on a fortified compound in eastern Washington waiting for the endtimes.
22:54.58unumI can try to find the link if you want(I only missed one question, and no it wasn't that one)
22:55.08_psychic_dataw0lf: did you google fundies?
22:55.14unumbut they were trying to push this idea is this test that was completely wrong
22:55.22_psychic_don't press I'm Feeling Lucky.
22:55.29dataw0lf_psychic_: HAHAHA
22:55.42_psychic_send it to your uncle.
22:56.30dataw0lfnah I got disowned a couple Thanksgivings ago when my parents made me go and visit because they had to too.
22:56.58unumsocrates did not believe anything could be derived from logic
22:57.00_psychic_Yeah that might not help your status.
22:57.24SunSparcunum: That is illogical.
22:57.37unum"the only thing I know is that I know nothing"
22:57.52SunSparc"all we are, is dust in the wind, dude"
22:58.35SunSparcSocrates has some interesting thoughts.
22:59.10unumI just don't get how someone could say that, and then have it attributed to him that all morals could derived through logic
23:00.00SunSparcunum: perhaps is was just a miswording through a typo.
23:00.17dataw0lfmgeary: well I'm damned to Hell, I'm sure.
23:00.33unumSunSparc: not possible, let me find the link
23:00.47SunSparcdataw0lf: So what happened while you were there that got you disowned?
23:01.26dataw0lfheh.  well, they had their pastor there, this real dirtbag who runs the place up there, give the Thanksgiving prayer
23:01.42dataw0lfand it was the first time I'd seen any of them since coming back from Iraq.
23:01.49dataw0lfand he said some pretty offensive things during that prayer.
23:01.56dataw0lfso I stood up and left
23:02.01dataw0lfand it snowballed from there
23:02.30SunSparcheh, so they don't tolerate different opinions, I guess.
23:02.34dataw0lfI ended up having to be dragged away from punching the "pastor" by two brothers, my cousin, and my dad.
23:02.47_psychic_what'd he say?
23:03.17dataw0lfI can't remember the exact wording (I was pretty steamed), but it essentially congratulated me on participating in a holy mission against heathens.
23:04.29unumthere was enough debate about that in the LDS church when the war started that the president of the church made a statement
23:05.45dataw0lfI don't have much patience for Americans who approach the Iraq war with, ironically, the same mentality that terrorists do.
23:06.10unumdataw0lf: ya that's been kind of my problem
23:06.56SunSparcYeah, those kind of comments show judgmental ignorance at work.
23:09.03dataw0lfanyways, after I left he decided to come over to me and needle me about doing God's work in Iraq and it was all part of a plan etc, etc
23:09.36dataw0lfthankfully most of my family saw my face and tactically surrounded me before I went after him
23:10.05dataw0lfso yea, I can't go to the fundamentalist encampment my aunt and uncle live on anymore :D
23:10.17macnewboldargh - okay, odd question for y'all:
23:10.24dataw0lfMy Dad got sorta kicked out too for showing a bunch of kids the newest Harry Potter film, so I'm in good company at least.
23:10.50macnewboldwe've got a site we built for a client, with some pages that go secure
23:11.09_psychic_dataw0lf: funny that your fam knows the I'm-gonna-hit-someone face
23:11.09macnewboldwe've double and triple checked that it isn't referencing any unsecure http:// urls
23:11.57macnewboldbut IE7 is giving people a message about we are protecting you by not showing "content with security certificate errors"
23:12.05_psychic_macnewbold: is it public?
23:12.26macnewboldI've googled and haven't found much help
23:12.30unumhey I run a site like that as well....
23:12.33_psychic_nice stock photo
23:12.37macnewboldfirefox has no complaints at all
23:12.40mgearymacnewbold: ^^
23:12.42macnewboldwe didn't design it
23:12.47mgeary"untrusted server certificate"
23:12.57macnewboldnice catch
23:13.06macnewboldfirefox didn't mind that at all, oddly enough
23:14.05_psychic_If that doesn't fix it, we've had CA chain issues with some certs on IE.
23:14.19unummy brother picked out the name, I don't know where the photos came from, needacarnow
23:16.21mgearymacnewbold: does it work when you don't link in the google script?
23:16.28macnewboldtrying it now
23:21.14_psychic_FF3 Mac doesn't like
23:21.24_psychic_"The certificate is only valid for the following names:
23:22.15thebigdogmac use the new google analytic code
23:22.18orsonjyeah, I'm surprised google doesn't have ssl down
23:22.24thebigdogit does
23:22.41thebigdogthat is what you need for ssl like
23:22.50thebigdoghttp://www. for non-ssl
23:23.32thebigdogthat is the code i would suggest using
23:24.07dataw0lf very cool.
23:24.42macnewboldk, someone want to hit the URL again?
23:25.00macnewboldturns out is fine with https
23:25.09mgearymacnewbold: that seems fine now
23:25.15mgearyon IE as well?
23:25.16macnewboldodd thing is that accepts https but has an invalid cert :(
23:25.38macnewboldthe one where I was testing won't repeat it (even after a restart) now that I hit "display content anyway"
23:25.47mgearyi hate that
23:25.52mgearyyou can flush that somewhere
23:27.30mgearyunum: well hey, i only missed one Q on that quiz as well. I didn't think i'd done that well
23:27.57mgearythough i don't think it's a very good quiz
23:28.02mgearythere are a number of subjective questions
23:28.15itimberI'm out... later guys
23:28.18unumit's designed to promote a conservative bias
23:28.21unumitimber: later
23:28.21mgearythat basically say, "good government means X"
23:28.38mgearybut if you can sniff that out, you can get the answers "right"
23:29.59unumI have a friend who wants to set something like this up
23:30.24unumI thought he was being silly thinking we could get anywhere with it, but this stupid quiz has been carried by some main stream media
23:56.20mgearynever underestimate the pervasiveness of stupid content
23:57.42SunSparcIs not that what 90% of the Intarweb is comprised of?
23:58.09SunSparcAnd it is all "true" because it is on the Intarweb.  Just like everything on TV is true.
23:58.33SunSparcNews people wouldn't lie to us.  Why would they.
23:58.37orsonjhow do you drive?
23:58.46_psychic_Blogging. Where so many with so little to say have said so much to so few.

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