IRC log for #uphpu on 20080620

00:28.46timinatorI'm out guys.... later
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01:18.25DexterTheDragonits swb!
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01:23.54CGI964greets to all
01:24.03CGI964we are streaming the UPHPU meeting
01:24.12CGI964you can pick it up at
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01:40.15herlo-lapUPHPU meeting streaming at
01:44.59CGI964~lart swb
01:44.59jbotwhips out a sword and chops swb in half
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15:35.50timinatormorning guys
15:36.03timinatorhow was the meet last night?
15:43.42*** topic/#UPHPU by wps -> Utah PHP Users Group |
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16:19.31*** join/#uphpu Jacob_Kerr (
16:19.44Jacob_KerrDo you know of anyway to stop a function until a variable is filled? LOL. I have a recursive function that calls another recursive function but the one calling the other can not wait for the other to finish it's sh*& before going through all it's cycles..
16:20.35_psychic_you probably need to rethink your approach
16:20.45PoeticIntensityer something... :)
16:20.49Jacob_Kerrso I want to tell the first recursive function to wait until this variable is filled or this other function returns something then you may proceed.
16:20.49PoeticIntensityYou coming tonight, Jacob_Kerr ?
16:21.03Jacob_KerrYeah if I can get this project done :)
16:21.19Jacob_KerrI should have never tryed to build unlimited sub cats..
16:22.44Jacob_Kerrkinda messy but it works so far:
16:25.32PoeticIntensityso what's the problem?
16:26.43Jacob_KerrI can not get the above function to wait for the return on the function below.
16:26.52Jacob_Kerrso the first one will not wait on the second one.
16:27.30Jacob_Kerrwhen I output from the second function it returns what I want it to but when I call the second recursive function in the first I get no return...
16:28.30Jacob_KerrI think the first function will not wait on the return from the second if there was some way to pause the first until I get a return from the second then it would work well.
16:29.16PoeticIntensityaccording to my understanding of PHP, the first one *has* to wait in order to continue....
16:29.30PoeticIntensityI think the problem isn't that it isn't waiting...  It's that the 2nd function isn't returning what you expect.
16:29.44Jacob_Kerrthen why can I print an output from the second fine but I get no output in the first..
16:30.03PoeticIntensitypossibly, the parameters you're passing?
16:30.08Jacob_Kerrwell I do a print right before the output and it's exactly what I want.
16:30.25PoeticIntensityI'm not sure of the details.....
16:30.58PoeticIntensitybut I'm fairly sure that until the 2nd function finishes, the while-loop in the first cannot continue.
16:31.56Jacob_Kerrman see that's what I thought but it makes no sense why when the function is executed I print out all the details right before the return but in the first function I fill a var with the return and print and it's empty.
16:32.00bwelkeryeah, the first function will stop at line 12 until it gets something from the second functions
16:33.01Jacob_KerrWell one thing is the second function is recursive so does it proceed when it only executes once?
16:33.20bwelkerit proceeds into itself
16:33.24PoeticIntensitythe 2nd function needs to *complete* in order for the first one to continue.
16:33.36bwelkeronly until there is no more parents does it return to the first functin
16:33.54Jacob_Kerrso it will wait for the second to call itself 50 times until it returns something?
16:34.10bwelkeryou may be replacing the url insteadof concatenating it
16:34.18Jacob_KerrYeah I wrote the function it's just not working right with the first.
16:34.24bwelkeryou might want to check for a missing .= instead of just =
16:34.39Jacob_Kerrwell I print it out before the return and it's what I want.
16:34.47bwelkernot exactly sure what it's supposed to return though
16:34.50Jacob_Kerrit's not filling the var in the first function.
16:35.27bwelkerthrow a print right above the return on line 44, and it should match exactly the print on line 13
16:35.57Jacob_Kerrboth function work great I tested them both the only problem is the var $seofriendly_url = $this->cat_sub_cat_seo_titles($row['categoryid']); is not filling but I can print what I am returning and it's exactly what I want so why is the var empty on every cycle of the first function LOL.
16:36.09Jacob_Kerryes yes see man I have been doing that.
16:36.14Jacob_Kerrand it does not match.
16:36.17Jacob_Kerrthat's the problem.
16:36.32bwelkerdo you have xdebug? or some other step through debugger?
16:36.41bwelkerthaqt might shed some light on the issue
16:37.26Jacob_Kerrno but one thing I can try is filling the var in the first function with the member variable $this->url;
16:37.29bwelkercuz that just makes no sense
16:37.59Jacob_KerrI know..
16:38.42bwelkerwhat does the return on line 13 give you?
16:39.10Jacob_Kerrnothing it's empty.
16:39.16bwelkertry a var_dump
16:39.19Jacob_KerrI even checked it with empty.
16:39.21bwelkersee what it really is
16:39.41Jacob_Kerrhow do I do that?
16:39.57bwelkerreplace print with var_dump($seofriendly_url)
16:40.11bwelkerit will output the var type and other infos
16:41.16Jacob_KerrI get NULL
16:41.26bwelkerso... question
16:41.31Jacob_KerrI will do a print right before the return once more.
16:42.13bwelkerwhy does it look like you are using a mysql_db class reference for the query, and then using basic mysql functions to get the data?   does that work as expected?
16:42.13Jacob_Kerrhey check it out I will send you the URL I will do a print right before the return then I will do a print on the first and you will see.
16:42.33bwelkertry putting a var_dump($result) after line 34
16:42.38Jacob_Kerroh yeah I built the DB class.
16:43.02bwelkeris result a mysql resource? or an array?
16:45.07Jacob_Kerrit's a mysql resource.
16:45.48Jacob_Kerrhere's the URL it print the var right before the return on the second function and then on the first it prints what the function returns:
16:46.11Jacob_KerrI will be locking this down in like 30 min with htaccess password. not coming up for anyone else?
16:47.11bwelkerit seems to be down for me as well
16:47.40bwelkergood on that one
16:48.04wpsthanks, jsmith
16:48.33jsmithI just so happen to know that is hosted in Utah as well... so it's faster ;-)
16:49.11bwelkeris the spelling correct on those vars?
16:49.22bwelkertry copy_pasting one to the rest of them, just to be sure
16:49.52bwelkerseriously, it's all i can think of
16:53.39bwelkerJacob_Kerr: any luck?
16:54.05Jacob_Kerryeah simply by taking the return in the second out of the else and putting it at the end of the function fixed it..
16:54.36Jacob_KerrI was printing out from the else right before the return.
16:54.43Jacob_Kerrit was printing what I wanted.
16:54.49bwelkerso you replaced the $this->url = ""; line with return?
16:55.06Jacob_Kerrno that's still there after the return and still getting called LOL..
16:55.42bwelkerreturns are supposed to stop execution of functions, arent they?
16:56.02bwelkerran ... wait for it ...  dom
16:56.17bwelkerwell, glad you got it working
16:56.22Jacob_Kerrthanx man :)
16:56.31bwelkerjbot, give Jacob_Kerr a cookie
16:56.32jbotACTION gives Jacob_Kerr a home-baked macadamia nut cookie to cheer him up.
16:57.01bwelkerjbot is awesome, i totally just made that up, and it worked   =)
17:30.16PoeticIntensityanyone here understand character sets and urlencoding?
17:30.26PoeticIntensityI've got a pesky character which is doing very weird things.
17:30.55bwelkeri know there's an rtl character that will flip the screen rendering on you
17:31.09PoeticIntensitynice!  hehe...
17:31.17bwelkerwhats your issue doing?
17:31.30PoeticIntensityit's the "registered" character... (R with a circle around it)
17:31.42bwelkerand what's it doing?
17:31.50PoeticIntensityI'm pulling the following line from a db field:
17:31.57PoeticIntensityAlive!? (no iron added) 90 Tablets
17:32.08PoeticIntensitythe "R" is really ® in the db.
17:32.18PoeticIntensitybut it's displayed properly in the input field as it should...
17:32.21bwelkerwhat R
17:32.27PoeticIntensityafter the !
17:32.34bwelkerlol    the ?
17:32.40bwelkerits breaking here as well
17:32.50PoeticIntensityI see a "R" with a circle around it.
17:33.18PoeticIntensityI really don't like character sets.
17:33.30bwelkerif you copy and paste, and it pastes as the R with a circle, then it's probably a multi-byte UTF character
17:33.42PoeticIntensitymost likely...
17:33.53bwelkerand it's breaking urlencode?
17:33.59PoeticIntensitywell... that'd make sense because I've got PHP and Postgres set to UTF-8
17:34.10PoeticIntensitywell, no... not breaking it.
17:34.16bwelkerbut not encoding?
17:34.22PoeticIntensityI need to see if the POST-back has changed...
17:34.38PoeticIntensityso I pull the value from the db, compare against the POST, and the two are different...
17:34.47bwelkerhow so?
17:34.49PoeticIntensityeven though they're pulled from the same db field
17:34.54PoeticIntensitylemme pastebin the two.
17:35.44PoeticIntensityThe 2nd one is obviously having issues...
17:35.58bwelkerit's being converted to the UTF format
17:36.06PoeticIntensitybut, I'm not sure why it's not converting to UTF correctly.
17:36.16bwelkerit is
17:36.28bwelkerthe character set used to display it is broken
17:36.42bwelkeror not copying right or something
17:36.53PoeticIntensitydo HTTP headers include some sort of char-set encoding data?
17:37.13bwelkeryou can set your char set with a meta tag in your html
17:37.25bwelkeryou might want to change it to UTF-8
17:37.32PoeticIntensitylemme check.
17:37.49bwelkeror if you're using xhtml, you can set it in your html tag
17:38.32PoeticIntensityI'm 99% sure I'm setting the charset to UTF-8 in apache...
17:38.42PoeticIntensityI'm setting the meta-tag now... just in case.
17:39.41PoeticIntensitythere... it's set to:
17:39.42PoeticIntensity<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
17:40.02PoeticIntensitysame exact results...
17:41.12PoeticIntensityone thing I am doing, which I've never done before, and am pretty sure is the culprit...
17:41.12bwelkeri know it's an issue with the character set, but i'm not sure what
17:41.24PoeticIntensityis... I'm using AJAX to post results....
17:41.30bwelkerthat might be it
17:41.33PoeticIntensitySo, I'm crafting the POST information / headers myself.
17:41.50PoeticIntensityif there's some sort of encoding required there, then I'm sure I'm not doing it.
17:41.56PoeticIntensityI'm researching now.
17:41.59bwelkermaybe try doing a find-replace on the AE+ and replace it with &reg;
17:42.16PoeticIntensityyeah, but what happens when another UTF-8 char comes up?
17:42.19PoeticIntensityI'd rather just solve the problem.
17:42.28bwelkeror possibly store the data as &#174;
17:46.20bwelkeri pasted the reg mark in my hex editor and the value for it was AE, so you may be able to convert the AE back to it's proper character
17:49.04bwelkerit also might just be your browser...
17:50.59*** part/#uphpu bwelker (n=roxanne@
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18:20.26jbot[poeticintensity] the proud owner of a Black 2007 Mustang GT. not Poetic, although he can be Intense, or sporting a mohawk
18:20.36mindjuju~seen poeticintensity
18:20.39jbotpoeticintensity is currently on #uphpu (2h 19m 9s). Has said a total of 55 messages. Is idling for 28m 11s, last said: 'interesting...'.
18:20.51PoeticIntensitywhat up, mindjuju ?
18:20.51mindjujuoh you are on!
18:20.52Jacob_Kerrever have to work on a PHP application built by someone who does not indent their code at all?
18:20.59mindjujujust wondering how you were
18:21.05mindjujuain't heard from ya in a while
18:21.21mindjujuthat's funny, i looked over the list and didn't see ya
18:21.59mindjujupoeticintensity - did you see this?  -
18:22.00PoeticIntensityit's all good....
18:22.27PoeticIntensityoh... ubercable....
18:23.56PoeticIntensityyeah... I learned all about cable at UVU.
18:24.26PoeticIntensityto a certain degree, there are differing qualities, but for the most part, if it's outrageously expensive, you're just gonna get outrageously ripped off.
18:25.38PoeticIntensityso yeah, mindjuju ....  I've been playing musical motherboards as of late.
18:25.39dataw0lfjust use  Agent.find(self.agent_id) unless self.agent_id.blank?
18:25.56mindjujumusical motherboards?
18:26.04PoeticIntensitymy server *finally* died.
18:26.08funguscables for analog signals *might* be important in some cases, but for digital signals ... Bah!
18:26.18PoeticIntensitywon't POST at all with just motherboard, memory, and CPU.
18:26.20mindjujuah, gotcha
18:26.36mindjujui thought you meant as in some kind of instrument
18:26.42mindjujusince you play drums
18:27.04PoeticIntensityso... I bought a Phenom 9850 which comes with a free motherboard if you buy from
18:27.09PoeticIntensityso... I thought "what the hey"...
18:27.12PoeticIntensityand got it..
18:27.19PoeticIntensityturns out, it works fantastically...
18:27.25mindjujuthat's cool!
18:27.34mindjujui still haven't bought that computer i PO'd for
18:27.36PoeticIntensityso I took my previous gaming board and tried it with my server...
18:27.43mindjujuthough i almost bought several parts from new egg
18:28.15mindjujuquad-core intel with supermicro mobo
20:01.35mindjujustarship troppers! -
20:10.14mindjujuoh FREAKIN' wow!!!!!
20:10.46mindjujufree Team Fortress weekend!  game and everything!!!
20:11.16mindjujuit's friday, who wants to play?
20:11.54mindjuju^5 _psychic_
20:12.06mindjujupoeticintensity, sunsparc, dataw0lf
20:12.09mindjujuya'll want to play?
20:14.39PoeticIntensitywhen?  right now?
20:14.50mindjujubring it!
20:15.07PoeticIntensitybah.... doesn't work on Linux. :-(
20:15.45PoeticIntensityno doubt, I'd be hooked on to that game in no time flat.
20:16.08mindjujuyeah, i've been watching youtube vids on it for a long while
20:16.13mindjujuthis i'll be fun
20:16.20mindjujuyou sure you don't have a box over there?
20:16.33PoeticIntensitysadly, not with windows...
20:44.39timinatoranyone need a set of portable PA speakers? Selling mine:
20:44.48timinatorwould rather they go to a good home  :)
21:04.22*** join/#uphpu Trevyn (
21:04.33TrevynI know most of you wont need to use this
21:05.01TrevynBut I made it to test out a new VPS account with to do some stress testing
21:05.08TrevynAnyone care to bang on it?
21:05.16TrevynAlso check out the www2html converter
21:05.22Trevynthat one some of you might use
21:05.34jsmithTrevyn: Yeah, so you can have a copy of all my useful documents :-/
21:06.07Trevynjsmith: dont be a dumb ass and upload "usefull" documents :p
21:07.36mindjujuwooooow, k slow down ther Trevyn
21:08.02Trevynmindjuju: I had the silly funny face..
21:08.42DexterTheDragoncause emoticons make being a jerk an ok thing
21:09.00TrevynDexterTheDragon: jsmith was just as synde as I was.
21:09.29TrevynDexterTheDragon: go ahead jump on the band wagon.. uphpu vs trevyn
21:10.08mindjujudude, uphpu doesn't hate you, at least not collectively
21:10.59Trevynmindjuju: hate/envy same ol :p <-- sarcasm
21:10.59mindjujui'm going to unpause Ghost Hunters (off of and go back to reviewing my firewall logs as i wait for TF2 to finish downloading
21:11.20mindjujujust watch the language and keep your nose clean
21:11.34TrevynI want to thank UPHPU for all of there great exensive feedback........
21:11.56Trevynmindjuju: thank you sir
21:12.11mindjujuon the URL?  what kind of docs does it support?
21:12.33TrevynAnything OOo can open
21:12.47Trevynso when OOo gets XML docs it will do that too
21:13.15TrevynI was going to make a site called PDF2PDF so you could convert PDFs to PDFs
21:13.40mindjujuwell, since the firewall logged me off, i'll make a couple of docs and run them through
21:13.44mindjujuthen go back to the firewall
21:14.00Trevynthanks, I crashed apache on the VPS so Im hoping you can do that same
21:14.09Trevynor at least try
21:14.13TrevynHonestly thanks.
21:15.08Trevyndo you think the is very usefull?
21:17.06mindjujucould be pretty cool, i know adobe put acrobat online, but i don't know if they charge and what files they support
21:22.42mindjujuk, word doc created
21:22.47mindjujuhave a couple ofther files
21:23.16mindjujuhere is location of word doc created -
21:24.11mindjujuxls did well -
21:25.05mindjujuppt conversion to pdf -
21:25.58mindjujuthey all did well in conversion
21:27.49Trevyngood dealey
21:42.27Trevyn"(3:13:19 PM) Trevyn: I was going to make a site called PDF2PDF so you could convert PDFs to PDFs"  No one got that I guess?
21:47.53mindjujudon't take it too hard that your joke fell on deaf ears, i just told everybody that they can have free TF2 for 2 days and it barely caused a stir
21:48.25TrevynTeam Fortress 2?
21:48.41mindjujutrevyn, yup
21:48.48mindjujuhang on and i'll post the URL again
21:48.54TrevynI rented it on PS3
21:49.02Trevynplayed the maze thing mostly
21:49.11mindjuju(2:10:54 PM) mindjuju:
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22:59.40beandogI watched Spirited Away last night
22:59.42beandogThat was beyond weird.
23:01.13fungusbut good weird... right?
23:01.36beandogit was good
23:01.38beandogjust not my thing.
23:01.50beandogdefinately well done
23:01.56beandogthe animation is amazing
23:01.59fungusyeah, totally.
23:02.10beandogit was the story that had me completely lost.
23:02.42fungusThe story was really different, and unexpected, but that is part of why I like it so much.
23:03.00beandogwell it just bugged me how her parents were such idiots.
23:03.25beandoginteresting stuff
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