IRC log for #uphpu on 20080609

02:26.03*** join/#uphpu ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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03:29.09Utah_Davedataw0lf_: you still around?
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13:29.26mindjujujbot, dance
13:29.36mindjujujbot are you awake
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15:24.46mindjujufreakin' cool and just in time for my bday -
15:27.31wpsI have the original falcon from 20 years ago
15:27.51wpsand the Yoda's swamp house
15:27.53mindjujui didn't get that one, opted for the AT-AT
15:29.20Utah_Dave~coolfactor wps ++
15:29.57mindjujusup Utah_Dave?
15:30.04mindjujugetting any sleep these days?
15:31.59mindjujuyeah, true that macnewbold
15:32.14mindjuju@utah_dave , how old is your baby now?  1 month?
15:32.34mindjujuseems like at that time, Corban was on a "every 2 hour feeding" schedule
15:36.31wpsI hate it when VPs are too lazy to dig through their email trash for information that you already sent them and instead make you resend it
15:37.32macnewboldseriously... that's what gmail is for
15:38.12*** join/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
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15:39.04Utah_Dave2 weeks. exactly
15:39.44mindjuju~give utah_dave a comfy pillow and a nicely chilled  room w/blacket to get some shut eye
15:39.46jbotACTION gives a comfy pillow and a nicely chilled  room w/blacket to get some shut eye to utah_dave
15:39.48Utah_Davemindjuju: still not sleeping much. Today was my first day back at work. I ended up sleeping on the couch so I could get a few hours of sleep
15:40.00Utah_Davethanks, mindjuju!
15:40.13mindjujuyup, i remember those days
15:42.53mindjujuhere is cool vid of "nearly loopty-loop" waterslide, if you look closely, you'll see it's at an angle, though only mgeary is prolly the only one here to fully enjoy vid as it is in German -
15:42.56Utah_Davemy poor wife is frazzled.
15:43.07mindjujuutah_dave, can totally imagine
15:44.12mindjujudid that one not work?
15:44.22wpsI'm sure it does for you guys
15:44.23wpsbut no, not for me
15:44.32mgearyworks for me
15:44.35wpsjust spins and spins and then says "sorry, this video is no longer available"
15:45.00mindjujuwps - try, then load this URL
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15:45.37wpssays I don't have flash installed
15:45.39wpsbut I do
15:46.08mindjujumgeary, the only things i understand in that vid is the phrase "der looping" and the countdown to the trapdoor
15:46.45wpsno dice
15:46.49mgearythere's not really much significant said. They just talk about how it's the first-ever "looping" slide, and how they have that freefall at the start so you can gather enough speed to make the loop
15:47.02mgearyand the slide goers all say how cool it is
15:47.47mgearythere's some quasi-suspense built up at the beginning, "the engineers say it will work, but WILL IT?"
15:48.33wpsthis one works
15:52.53Utah_Davemindjuju: that was a cool video
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16:29.12jbotfrom memory, monday is when everything breaks for no apparent reason, creating so many problems that it takes you until friday to get back to normal. at which point one more thing breaks that takes you the whole weekend to fix
16:32.32_psychic__t-30 minutes
16:33.22Utah_Davemorning, dataw0lf
16:34.01mgeary~stevejobsify dataw0lf
16:34.02jbotACTION drags dataw0lf by the scruff of the neck and plants him in front row center of the Moscone Center at the peak of Steve Jobs' keynote address until dataw0lfs eyes glaze over and he calms down
16:34.03mindjujuoh, is that were iphone v2 comes out?
16:34.09SunSparcaka Apple Semi-Annual General Conference
16:34.58tonedevf: )
16:35.13tonedevfawesome, thanks for that SunSparc.  Made my day
16:35.24SunSparcnp  ;)
16:35.28jsmithSunSparc: Good one ;-)
16:35.35jsmithThat reminds me of a joke...
16:35.37tonedevffunny because it's true
16:35.49jsmithAnybody know why Steve Jobs always wears a turtleneck?
16:36.32tonedevfnope. why?
16:36.57dataw0lfmgeary: have I mentioned I like Leopard?
16:38.30fungusLeopard is official Unix!
16:38.40funguscaptial U and all
16:38.54dataw0lfand it's pretty swell
16:38.58*** join/#uphpu bwelke1 (n=roxanne@
16:39.20dataw0lfbeen using OS X about 70% of the time now.  Got a screaming Mac Pro at work and bought a black macbook.
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16:40.46wpsjsmith: why?
16:41.47tonedev1the suspense is killing me
16:41.49jsmithwps: To hide the scar where they ripped out his soul
16:42.01tonedev1: D
16:43.07dataw0lfMr. Jobs, the iRack is on fire!
16:43.27wpsiRack… isn't that where our troops are?
16:43.28jsmithStop the war!  Bring back our troops from iRaq?
16:43.52dataw0lfit's from a Mad TV sketch
16:44.06jsmithIf we give them 3G iPhones, will they stop being terrorists?
16:44.11dataw0lfMr. Jobs, I don't think anything else will fit inside the iRack!
16:45.47dataw0lfI think you should start taking things out of the iRack, Mr. Jobs!
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16:51.20timinatorsup guys
16:51.30jsmithtiminator: Your IQ?!?
16:53.08*** mode/#UPHPU [+v _psychic_] by ChanServ
16:53.28timinatorlas I checked, around 140
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16:57.03timinatorLOL.... obviously if my IQ were 140, I would know how to spell the word "last"
16:58.59timinatorit's actually 40..... putting the 1 in front is like wearing a big belt buckle to a rodeo; just because you're wearing a big belt buckle, doesn't mean you're a cowboy
16:59.55dataw0lfMeh.  IQ tests.  Ridiculous quantification.
17:00.24_psychic_dataw0lf: scored low, did you?
17:02.13thebigdog~flip timinator
17:02.14jbotACTION gives timinator the .|.. ..|.
17:02.19wps~lart Al Gore
17:02.19jbotpulls out his louisville slugger and uses Al Gore's head to break the homerun record
17:02.21jsmithtiminator: That reminds me of a joke...
17:02.32jsmithtiminator: Why do cowboys have their name on the back of their belt?
17:03.00timinator~flip thebigdog
17:03.00jbotACTION gives thebigdog the .|.. ..|.
17:03.10timinatornot sure, why jsmith?
17:03.38jsmithtiminator: So they know who they are when they finally pull their head out their... well, you get the idea
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17:03.59timinatortoo funny
17:05.56beandogthat is horrible, but funny
17:06.27dataw0lf_psychic_: Actually, I scored remarkably high.  I score remarkably high on all tests I take.  Some people are just better at taking tests.  I'm one of them.
17:06.41dataw0lfBut IQ tests aren't a fair metric, for comparing "intelligence".
17:06.53dataw0lfI'd much rather compare how many books one has read.
17:07.07_psychic_WIS is important, as is STR and DEX....
17:07.18orsonjI think it is funny when you take an IQ test, they give you a score, then show you the graph of how people in general scored on their iq test. The graph has generally humped at 110-130 rather than 100 like it should
17:07.44dataw0lfthe type of people who take IQ tastes are generally slightly smarter than the average person
17:07.57dataw0lfBut their sense of self importance is so inflated they're almost always let down by their score.
17:08.05_psychic_I can imagine stupid people not really wanting to know...
17:08.23bwelke1i wanted to know....    i don't anymore though
17:08.36orsonjI guess that makes me an average smart person
17:08.37dataw0lf"IQ tastes" ?
17:08.44dataw0lfIQ tests*
17:08.51bwelke1dataw0lf: i saw that too
17:08.56bwelke1it was funny
17:10.57dataw0lflookie what my library can do
17:14.26_psychic_Wonder if the teacher was female.
17:15.34thebigdogthe homepage is awesome too
17:15.43thebigdogsecond one
17:15.45_psychic_it's a sister site for ICHC  sounds like your homepage bigdog
17:16.36thebigdogty dataw0lf
17:16.45thebigdogi feel the love bro
17:17.34thebigdogmy weekend was too short and now i get to hear about dataw0lf's crappy IQ
17:17.43thebigdog~welcome monday
17:17.44jbotmonday, Sup yo?
17:18.31thebigdogthe week should be like a disney theme park ride...i want to fast track ticket to friday
17:19.01thebigdogi need a t-shirt that say....i can't fix stupid!
17:19.25orsonjbut then I realized that the pdo_sqlite module is C not PHP (aka PEAR/Ado) So I just need to redo it using the pdo module
17:19.55orsonjThe php_sqlite3 module doesn't implement everything, and some of it is done incorrectly. bit me pretty good.
17:21.42dataw0lfiPhone SDK (listening to live audio feed) : "filter contacts by those that are within 10 miles of my current location in 300 LOC"
17:21.48dataw0lfin ObjC
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18:42.48fungusNo longer the Jesus phone...   It's the second coming!
18:56.06*** topic/#UPHPU by thebigdog -> UPHPU | Utah PHP User group |
19:19.43*** join/#uphpu mindjuju (n=mindjuju@
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19:39.08wpsI don't understand how you can be a VP at a web technology company and not know how to clear the cache in your browser
19:39.23_psychic_three letters.
19:44.57*** part/#uphpu mrkrow1 (n=Chad@
19:45.11mgeary_okay, so i've got an apache instance with namedVirtualHost set up. And i've got a domain with a * going to that server's IP. What's not working, however, is that the virtual host is catching <something strange> and matching it to the virtual host. Instead it's being caught by which is also on that server
19:46.14_psychic_thebigdog: Irritable bowel syndrome?
19:46.19_psychic_(first google result) ;)
19:46.38thebigdogor bs in information technology
19:46.53thebigdogi prefer the first
19:47.36_psychic_I've been really annoyed by MBA's who manage tech projects that don't even know what HTML is.
19:47.55_psychic_I'd hope someone with a BS from an accredited school is at least decent
19:48.13thebigdogi hate mba's
19:48.45_psychic_I'm not talking ITTech or some vocational school
19:48.51thebigdogmgeary post some code
19:49.37thebigdogi work for a guy that has an mba from univ of chicago that has a really good nooble when it come to technology
19:52.13mgeary_to restate the issue: currently <anything> is going to the same IP as, but apache is serving up the wrong virtual host if it doesn't find a match in the serverName or serverAlias
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19:53.05thebigdogwhy are you putting an ip address in there?
19:53.28mgearythe machine has multiple IPs
19:54.24thebigdogdo you have any other sections?
19:54.35mgearynot for this virtualHost
19:54.46thebigdogany other vhosts in there?
19:54.51mgearyabout 4
19:55.15thebigdogi would put the main server last in the list
19:55.32mgearythere's not really a "main" server
19:56.00mgearyi mean, i wouldn't want to go to this virtual host i'm dealing with now
19:56.08mgearyideally, i could just do a wildcard serverAlias
19:56.13mgearyis that possible?
19:56.26mgearyServerAlias *
19:56.26thebigdogso you have 4 domains?
19:56.33mgearythebigdog: 'bout that on this machine, yes
19:57.35thebigdogare you using an older browser
19:57.48thebigdogthat sounds like an old browser issue with named vhosts
19:58.08thebigdogthat is why i dont use ip addresses in the vhosts
19:58.13thebigdogi use them with the Listen
19:59.27thebigdogthen do your  <VirtualHost *:80>
20:01.03thebigdogbut that is more ip based vhosts
20:01.07thebigdogwell it is
20:04.47mgearytrying that in a sec
20:05.21tierrayou're kind of forced to use IP virtual host configs if this is for SSL, you can't rely on ServerName or ServerAlias for https... so if that's what you're having problems with, that's why
20:05.53mgearyno ssl
20:42.00wpsfungus: was it you that gave a name to when spammers send fake email from your address so that when it bounces you get the failed message?
20:42.04wpsor was that beandog?
20:42.43wpsthat's it
20:42.46wpsI HATE IT
20:42.55wpsI get a ton of it
20:43.06fungusYup, me too
20:43.16fungusIt has escalated a whole lot in the past 3-4 months
20:43.40wpsit's annoying enough that I'm about to hand over list administration to someone else
20:43.57fungusYeah, no doubt.
20:44.38dataw0lf$199 for the 3G iPhone
20:44.44dataw0lfwith hardware GPS
20:44.51dataw0lftold you kids to wait it out
20:45.55dataw0lfmy fellow senior engineer and I are going to tackle some ObjC apps now
20:46.06dataw0lfSunSparc: I had a 1st gen iPhone too, AND I didn't pay for it
20:46.11dataw0lfunfortunately, it got thrown out a window
20:46.17SunSparcdataw0lf: Lucky!
20:46.59dataw0lfthe only thing I ever was interested in was 3rd party apps now, and with iPhone 2.0 (at such an extremely good price), I'm willing to make the jump.
20:48.12SunSparcSounds cool :)
20:48.18dataw0lfmmmhmmm is going to be one nifty site.
20:49.03SunSparcFor hikers?
20:51.22dataw0lfwith an iPhone app on the new iPhone, I could have it actively start recording GPS information as you walked a trail, then associate pictures you took, notes, etc on the iPhone with specific locations
20:51.30dataw0lfright now I have the functionality to import GPS information from devices, and then associate pictures and notes manually.  Not as fun.
20:52.21SunSparcThat will be cool!
20:52.47SunSparcThat would be a good tool to integrate with Google Earth
20:53.47dataw0lfI'm working on KML exports
20:54.22dataw0lfalthough eventually everything will be represented as KML equivalently, since I display online via Google Maps.
20:55.13SunSparcI love Google Earth/Maps
20:55.31SunSparcI love maps in general.  Orienteering is a game to me.
20:55.38jsmithUgh... any Drupal gurus around?
20:55.41SunSparcI get lost on purpose
20:56.24dataw0lfSunSparc: mmm.  Me too, I <3 land navigation.
20:56.30dataw0lfand I must say I'm fairly good at it.
20:57.09SunSparcNice.  Not only is it fun, it comes in really handy when doing any kind of traveling.
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22:24.23thebigdogi created my own maps
22:24.39thebigdogi dont need google
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22:37.04timinatorthebigdog's maps are better than google's anyway
22:41.00dataw0lfI'll give you a finger...
22:51.33tonedev1Anyone know of any neat quasi-educational conferences/trainings/sprints/etc coming up in the next 3-6 months?  i've got some training budget to burn
22:57.08*** part/#uphpu bwelker (n=roxanne@
22:57.34Utah_Davedataw0lf: I've started my first production python app. I'm using wxPython for the client. Do you have any recommendations for the server? Twisted? just write it in python?
22:58.11dataw0lfWhat are you serving?
22:58.43Utah_DaveIt's a workflow app. There is a list of documents in a database to be translated.
22:59.06Utah_DaveThe client app will display a list of available jobs, then download the selected job/jobs
22:59.09dataw0lfI mean, in what format?  What's the service exposing?
22:59.52dataw0lfjust the files, or ?
23:01.42Utah_DaveIt has a bunch of projects in bazaar.
23:01.50Utah_Davewordperfect and Word documents
23:02.08Utah_Davewhen they select a document, it checks out the document from the scm
23:02.39Utah_DaveI was going to just connect directly to the database, but I'd like to manage all the security from a server app
23:03.02dataw0lfI'd probably just write it in Python, but I'm not a big fan of Twisted.  YMMV
23:03.59timinatorI'm out.... later guys
23:04.06dataw0lfYou could use something really lightweight like and use HTTP for communications.  This allows you to 1) not have to reinvent the wheel, 2) easily adapt other clients in the future, 3) Keep dev time down
23:04.35Utah_Davethat's true. that would make it easy to connect over ssl, too
23:04.56Utah_Davecool. I think I'll head down that route.
23:05.12dataw0lfgood times, good times.
23:05.14Utah_DavePlus, I plan on having a web admin interface, so that fits the bill nicely as well
23:05.22Utah_Davethanks, dataw0lf
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