IRC log for #uphpu on 20080512

02:29.52*** part/#uphpu mindjuju (n=mindjuju@
03:36.46*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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14:59.22mindjujuwhere is everybody?
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15:37.12mindjuju~lart freebsd
15:37.12jbotDoSes freebsd
15:37.41mindjujutasers rawk
15:38.09mindjujuhmmm... didn't stir a pulse in anybody
15:38.16*** join/#uphpu thebigdog (
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15:39.06DexterTheDragon~lart mindjuju
15:39.06jbotbrandishes Excalibur! "With this sword, I vanquish thee, mindjuju!" and lops off mindjuju's head
15:39.18*** join/#uphpu fungus (
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15:39.35mindjujusorry bout the slander dexterthedragon
15:39.46mindjujuhad to see if i could do something to get a response out of somebody
15:40.03DexterTheDragonthats one way
15:41.40*** part/#uphpu kingsol (n=kingsol@
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15:59.21timinatorat ease
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16:43.16wpsI can't complain too loud as they provide a free service, but AOL adding bots to my IM buddy list without my consent is really, really annoying
16:47.51*** join/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
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16:47.59mgearymorning folks
16:48.54mindjujuhi mgeary
17:11.35wpsone thing that has always boggled my mind is why the guys that build the first web browsers made the default setting for an image to have a two pixel blue border around it
17:23.30thebigdogfor a link
17:25.53wpseven if the image isn't a link?
17:26.17*** join/#uphpu brasto (
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17:26.57brastojbot, onjoin - brasto
17:26.58jbotbrasto: ok
17:32.21brastoanyone here use thawte?
17:33.24wpsI do
17:34.39brastoI have a personal email cert installed on one machine, but don't have access to that machine anymore, and need to install it on another.  Do I have to revoke the old email cert ('old' meaning a week ago...) and start from scratch since I didn't back it up, or is there a way to install the originally requested cert on another machine?
17:35.03wpsyou can have thawte send you another
17:37.12brastoI tried 'fetch' on the previously issued one, but it doesn't work since (quoting thier page) 'you have to be running the same browser that you were when you requested the cert'.  I just tried requesting another, but I'm guessing it'll have a different private key, and I won't be able to read previously encrypted emails with it...
17:43.42brastoyup, i just tested the newly issued cert and I can't read the previously encrypted email.
17:44.42brastowps: I'm guessing the only thing I can do is revoke the older one and have the sender re-send the encrypted email?
17:45.32wpsuh… I'm not sure… I request new copies from Thawte all the time
17:45.44wpseach year when they expire and each time I need a copy on a new machine I'm using
17:46.11mgearyanyone here have any domains hosted with MediaTemple?
17:46.12brastoodd... are you part of the web of trust, able to use your full name and so forth?
17:48.30brastois this where you go, wps: Personal E-mail Certificates,  view certificate status, Request Another?
17:48.33*** join/#uphpu josephscott (
17:48.33*** mode/#UPHPU [+v josephscott] by ChanServ > quick login: personal e-mail certificates > certificates > request a certificate
17:51.00fungusBrasto, thawte will send you the certificate as many times as you want, but without the private key which never left your computer, it is useless now.
17:51.13brastowps, that goes to the same place, when I did that, I got a new cert
17:51.24fungusJust create a new cert, and this time... Don't forget to back up your key!
17:51.28wpsoh… you need the private key of the person that sent you the message?
17:51.29brastos/ok/ok fungus/
17:51.41brastono, my own priv key
17:52.04brastothe 'fetch' button on an existing key does not work from another machine or another browser.
17:52.16fungusDon't confuse that.
17:52.30fungusthe Fetch button, will "Fetch" the public certificate.
17:52.50fungusYou can't "Fetch" the private key, because Thawte doesn't have that.
17:53.12brastowell, how'd I get a private key in the first place then?
17:53.22brastoI never generated a priv key...
17:53.34brastoi thought thawte did that...
17:53.35fungusWhen you create the certificate in the first place, the browser created a new private key for you
17:53.49fungusNo, thawte never sees your private key
17:53.58fungusYour browser created it automatically.
17:54.34brastoi see
17:54.51fungusThat is why you have to export the private key from your browser, to import it into your mail client
17:55.19fungusJust don't forget to backup, and keep safe that exported file.
17:55.20brastoi see, said the blind man, to his deaf wife, who was walking the lame dog.
17:57.12brastoI have a shared hosting plan with 1&1 which I used when I first started playing around with php.  I found it useless for real web design.  Now I use it as raw data storage/backup, and I use my VPS for web design.
17:57.59brastothanx for the help fungus and wps
17:58.10wpssorry I wasn't much help… was having a hard time following
17:58.15brasto~seen sunsparc
17:58.22jbotsunsparc <n=sparky@> was last seen on IRC in channel #uphpu, 3d 22h 46m 33s ago, saying: 'Well, they have plenty of space out there in the Gobi desert.'.
17:58.41brastoperhaps it would have helped if i used the right terminology, wps, as fungus pointed out to me.
17:59.23fungusI only knew because I did that same thing myself.  
17:59.37brastonow I know, too.
18:00.01brasto~seen herlo
18:00.02jbotherlo is currently on #utos (5d 13h 49m 56s) #utah (5d 13h 49m 56s) #uphpu (5d 13h 49m 56s) #ubuntu-us-ut (5d 13h 49m 56s). Has said a total of 476 messages. Is idling for 11m 5s, last said: 'undertakingyou: early sucks!'.
18:00.21brastowow, herlo's been away for a while
18:02.28brasto~vegas herlo
18:02.50brastooh my... ~vegas isn't defined?
18:04.18wpsI hate Vegas
18:04.21brastojbot, vegas $1 is <action> summons $1 from the vacation in Vegas $1 was dreaming about.
18:04.22jbotokay, brasto
18:04.27PoeticIntensityI used to hate Vegas...
18:04.32PoeticIntensityuntil I saw a show there...
18:04.37wpsnasty, filthy city
18:04.43PoeticIntensityno doubt.
18:04.54brastowps, I agree on that part of the city
18:04.57wpsI second hand smoked there more than the rest of my life combined
18:05.14brastobut it also has the Star Trek place...
18:05.42wpsoff the strip is a nice city
18:05.48PoeticIntensitythat's a portion of my "vegas" experience.
18:05.58wpsI get a log in screen
18:06.03PoeticIntensityah crap.
18:06.06brastome too
18:06.13PoeticIntensitythere ya go
18:06.31wps"no entries found, sorry."
18:06.47brastolol, should i bother to say 'me too'?
18:06.50PoeticIntensitymust be Monday.
18:07.26PoeticIntensitythat one *will* work.
18:07.56wpsI'd love to go see that show
18:07.57PoeticIntensityand then, if you're interested in more of my vegas trip, there's this one:
18:08.08PoeticIntensitywps, I can't recommend it highly enough.
18:08.22PoeticIntensityas you can see, I tried to explain it, and... I couldn't.
18:09.00fungusI wanna go see Cher in Vegas!
18:09.13fungusYeah, totally.
18:12.11PoeticIntensityheh.... It'd be worth it, brasto
18:12.43PoeticIntensityI can't speak for any other shows there, but "Ka" was totally family-friendly, and .... well.. dumbfoundingly amazing.
18:13.19brastospeaking of smoking, wps, I know someone who /really/ wanted to meet the person who plays Diana (sp) Troy Star Trek convention, and was very dissappointed when he met her because she was smoking.
18:13.44brastoand, I imagine, PoeticIntensity, it was also expensive?
18:14.12PoeticIntensityeach ticket was $165.00.
18:14.20PoeticIntensitywe were pretty much in the best seats available, though.
18:14.35brastohow much are children's seats?  The same?
18:14.47PoeticIntensityI wouldn't recommend anything less, though, as the show would most definitely be reduced if you were any further back.
18:14.51mgearybrasto: Marina Sirtis-------
18:14.52PoeticIntensityno idea about children... didn't bring mine.
18:15.05mgeary"Counselor Troy" makes my teeth hurt
18:15.47brasto~Marina Sirtis is Counselor Troy in Star Trek
18:15.48jbotokay, brasto
18:16.21brasto~Counselor Troy is really Marina Sirtis
18:16.21jbotokay, brasto
18:16.49brastobut, mgeary, she's not a dentist ;)
18:18.49wpsanyone know the syntax for an apache conf include off the top of their head?
18:19.16mgearywps: include
18:19.23fungusDoh, it's spelled Troi
18:19.28wpsInclude /path/to/file
18:19.32wpsdoes it matter where it goes?
18:19.38wpsshould it be in a directory directive?
18:19.50mgearywhat are you including? more configs?
18:19.57wpsa slew of rewrite rules
18:20.10mgearyfor a particular virtual host?
18:20.34brastoyep, fungus, that was it.
18:20.43mgearyhere's what i do: i have a sites directory in my conf dir, and in my httpd.conf i do "include path/to/sites/*.conf"
18:20.51mgearythen a have a separate conf file for each virtual host
18:20.56mgearymakes life simpler
18:22.31brastoThe National Eagle Scout Association is conducting their first ever  national Eagle Scout search.
18:22.48PoeticIntensityyou get that, too, brasto ?
18:22.50brastoI just registered my info, but the book's $100...
18:23.17brastoI didn't get it from NESA PoeticIntensity, but I got it from my cousin in CA who's a member of it.
18:23.27mgearyor was that ^H
18:23.47fungus^D is logout or EOF
18:24.00jbotextra, extra, read all about it, ^h is backspace
18:24.14brastobackspace the eagle scouts?
18:30.06brastomgeary, that include method works from apache 2 and up, right?
18:30.21mgearybrasto: at least that
18:32.46brastoyou needed at least two more ^H
18:32.50mgearybrasto: yeah, sounds to me like they really just want to charge people who get a rush out of seeing their name in print. Like those lame Who's Who books
18:34.24brastoI think it's a little different, though I ended up as a semi-sucker for the Who's Who book - semi, since I didn't buy that one either
18:35.47*** join/#uphpu burnin (
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18:37.34brastoWho's Who tout's it's product as resume-worthy, scholorship-promoting.  the NESA book is more like an alumni database.  It should be a website, rather than a book.  Books don't prove very searchable.
18:40.53*** join/#uphpu mindjuju (n=mindjuju@
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18:42.46DexterTheDragonyeah pudding
18:44.09wpswhat's better than pizza???
18:44.14wpsFREE PIZZA!
18:44.30wpsno… pizza is better than pudding
18:44.40mindjujuwhat kind of pizza?
18:44.47mindjujuand from who?
18:44.50DexterTheDragonmindjuju: Chocolate pudding. Comes in little cups. Made by jello people
18:44.59wpsanything except ones with chicken or fish on them
18:45.04wpspizza should only have red meat on it
18:45.08mindjujuah pudding pudding
18:45.10DexterTheDragonlittle ceasers pizza
18:45.29wpsno… no…
18:45.43wpsPapa Murphys or Papa Johns
18:45.51brasto~praise Brick Oven pizza
18:45.52jbotAll hail Brick Oven pizza!
18:45.59wpsPizza hut tastes the best but it's so greasy it'll kill you
18:46.18mindjujudelivery driver
18:46.27mindjujuthat's where i get my freakin' awesome driving skills
18:46.35wpsI need to see Space Balls again
18:46.37wpssuch a great flick
18:47.01DexterTheDragonhmmm Space Balls, pizza, and pudding
18:47.20wpswhat about Pudding Pizza?
18:47.40mindjujupudding pizza?
18:48.03DexterTheDragonnever had desert pizza?
18:48.29brastoanyone seen Ghost Dad with Bill Cosby, and remember that Taxi Driver?
18:48.47mindjujui've had dessert pizza, but not with pudding
18:56.08brastoMost of this link is some dumb dude nerrating, but at around 1:10 into it you get to see none other than the Ghost Dad taxi driver:
18:57.00mgearyhey, how can i copy a single file to multiple directories in one go?
18:57.15macnewboldmgeary: foreach loop
18:57.32mgearyi'm talking on the CLI, btw
18:57.35mgearynot via php
18:58.47DexterTheDragonmgeary: for loop on the shell
18:59.52brastonerrating?  Did I say nerrating???? Narrating...
19:00.50mindjujuthebigdog and any other AoD fans -
19:03.04*** join/#uphpu nei_rauni (
19:03.45wpswhy when I paste several lines of code into vi does each line get indented a tabs width?
19:03.51wpsincredibly annoying
19:04.47fungusBecause vim does auto indenting, and doesn't really know you are pasting it.
19:04.57wpsany way around that?
19:05.08fungusYou can ":set paste" before you paste it to disable that feature temporarily
19:05.56unumI always forget that command
19:06.46mindjujubrasto - my driving was MUCH better
19:14.04mindjujuPoeticIntensity - you around?
19:24.01mindjujuugh, i must have been hit by an EVE cookie, all the websites i hit now have EVE adverts
19:24.36mindjujuwell, not hit, but i mean, must have picked up some indicator somewhere
19:33.21*** join/#uphpu orsonj (
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19:33.53orsonjtotaly worth taking the morning off
19:34.12wpsI've heard that
19:37.54thebigdogit was a pretty good show
19:37.59thebigdogi enjoyed it
19:43.34PoeticIntensitymindjuju, ping
19:43.58PoeticIntensityheh.. orsonj you liked Iron Man?
19:44.07PoeticIntensity*loved* it...
19:44.08PoeticIntensitygreat flick.
19:45.49PoeticIntensityand.... for another great flick, who can beat Mr. Ballmer's antics?
19:47.31mindjujui don't want to be rude, but if I sweated that much, i'd put a towel in my pits or something to stop the sweat from showing like that
19:47.57mindjujusup PoeticIntensity - check this one ou t -
19:48.00PoeticIntensitysweat rings from pits to back is.... astounding.
19:48.05mindjujuthe timing in this one is really good
19:49.22mindjujuthebigdog might like that one too
19:49.46thebigdogi saw that one
19:50.17thebigdogAoD is one of the classics
19:50.38PoeticIntensitymindjuju, loved it...
19:50.45PoeticIntensity*very* well done.
19:51.04thebigdogbubba hotep
19:51.09thebigdoganother classic
19:51.11PoeticIntensityI dunno...  Holy Grail is pretty classic.
19:51.14thebigdogmad max
19:51.20mindjujui got to make a point of watching bubba hotep
19:51.22thebigdogholy grail is a great classic
19:51.30mindjujusaw mad max, didn't like it as much as road warrior
19:51.44thebigdogthey are all pretty good
19:51.56mindjujudidn't see thunderdome
19:51.59mindjujuheard it stank
19:52.00PoeticIntensityand then there's Sneakers...
19:52.10thebigdogthunderdome was ok
19:52.12thebigdognot great
19:52.18thebigdogsneakers is good too
19:52.38thebigdogblade runner
19:52.45thebigdogalien - first one
19:52.54wpsSneakers is one of my favorite shows
19:52.59mindjujulove conan
19:53.17thebigdogninja scroll (anime)
19:53.33thebigdogtime bandits was a good one too
19:53.48thebigdogand tron - a moment of silence...what a great show
19:54.05thebigdoghell raiser
19:54.12mindjujutron rocks
19:54.14thebigdogbruce leroy
19:54.22thebigdogwhat was that show
19:54.28mindjujulast dragon
19:54.40thebigdogprobably not a classic
19:54.43thebigdogbut a funny show
19:55.04thebigdogscary movies
19:55.13thebigdogsilence of the lambs
19:55.23mindjujulambs was good
19:55.35thebigdogoh crap i suck
19:55.41thebigdogi forgot my fav show of the 80s
19:55.43thebigdogFerris Bueller's Day Off
19:56.26mindjujuFerris was good, but any movie with Jennifer Connley gets an instant +3 over ferris
19:56.31mindjujulike Career Opportunities
20:01.46mindjujuyeah, labrynth too
20:01.50PoeticIntensityBut, I'm with thebigdog.  Bueller's Day Off = one of the best movies of all time.
20:02.09mindjujuwell, ferris did have a young Mia Sara
20:03.51PoeticIntensityI'm wondering.... For those of you who have seen it, how would you rank Iron Man with the current Marvel movies (a-la Spiderman / X-Men / etc...) ?
20:06.30fungusX-Men > Iron Man > Spiderman
20:06.52fungusX-Men > Iron Man > Spiderman > > > > > Catwoman, Daredevil, etc
20:07.46PoeticIntensitythank heavens I never saw Catwoman
20:07.48mindjujughostrider was awesome
20:08.03PoeticIntensityI'll need to see it again...
20:08.06PoeticIntensityI wasn't impressed the first time.
20:08.14mindjujui loved it
20:10.17fungusGhostrider wasn't that good, but it didn't suck.
20:10.28fungus2.5/5 stars
20:14.22thebigdogi would agree with fungus
20:14.32thebigdogwolverine is my fav no matter what
20:15.48unumI didn't think Iron Man was in the same catagory as spideman, xmen, or the new batman
20:16.13unumI've come to realize that I don't like superman
20:17.32thebigdogthe new batman looks good
20:18.11thebigdogbut technically the dark knight is dc comics
20:18.53unumI'd rank Iron Man with Daredevil
20:19.10thebigdogdaredevil wasnt that great imho
20:19.13mindjujuseems like in the amalgam comic series, batman beats wolverine
20:19.24unumI wasn't so impressed with Iron Man
20:19.39unumI didn't hate it, it's a good action flick
20:20.19unumI actually bought the new superman before I watched it
20:20.34unumI'll be trading that in sometime...
20:20.35mindjujuoh, THAT superman
20:20.39mindjujui've heard it wasn't very good
20:20.44unumit wasn't
20:20.54mindjujuwas going to say though, how can you not like Christopher reeves?
20:21.10unumI'm afraid I don't really like those either
20:21.19mindjujuyeah, but you prolly did as a kid
20:21.29mindjujunow, sure, it doesn't age well / compare
20:21.33unumbut I did like the TV series.  "the new adventures superman"
20:21.33mindjujubut for the time...
20:21.46unumya, I think I did like them somewhat as a kid
20:21.56unumbut I was pretty young when they came out...
20:24.43unumanyone here watch burn notice?
20:25.34unumapparently not...
20:25.40unumit's kind of like macguyver
20:25.51unumit's only on USA
20:40.22thebigdogi usually watch comedy central
20:40.33thebigdogeverything that i start watching ends up getting discountinued
20:45.30orsonjstart watching the news. Please!!!
20:54.49PoeticIntensitywhy... what's going on?
20:55.09PoeticIntensitywow.... quake in China..>?
20:55.51PoeticIntensity7.9??!!  Wow, that's huge.
20:56.33orsonjno, I was wanting the news to get discontinued.
21:10.11*** join/#uphpu wGEric (n=eric@phpbb/leader/wGEric)
21:16.01unumthis is a nice power you have
21:16.16unumcan you please watch all realitity tv shows?
21:16.28unummaybe they'll start showing good shows on broadcast again...
21:18.02orsonjactually, fox or nbc will probably start paying him to watch the competition.
21:19.47macnewboldjust watch all of them, and if we're lucky, we won't have to deal with any of them any more
21:20.09orsonjI'd donate to that cause
21:26.34mindjujubout freakin time - x-files trailer -
21:42.57fungusOMG!   X-Files!!!
21:44.18mindjujuxfiles was awesome until like season 7
21:44.53fungusYeah, it did trail off.  But it was so awesome seasons 1-5 It deserves worship.  
21:45.02brastothat didn't take so long... Indiana Jones 4, now /that/ took a long time...
22:07.27*** join/#uphpu kingsol (n=kingsol@
22:08.05kingsoldoes anyone know the number of comma-separated-values can be passed into a mysql "IN" where clause?
22:25.59timinatorgotta run guys..... late
22:29.35macnewboldkingsol: I don't know of a limit, so if there is one, it is probably pretty darn big
22:29.41macnewboldlike 32K or somethign
23:11.45*** part/#uphpu mrkrow (n=Chad@
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23:12.31kingsolthanks macnewbold
23:12.41kingsolI put 10000 csv values in, and no error
23:12.43macnewboldhope that helped
23:12.48macnewboldleave it to mysql
23:12.53jbotSir! Too much booty in the pants, sir!
23:13.03kingsolanother easy question
23:13.17kingsolwe have a cms (drupal) that is requiring more memory now that we upgraded to php5.
23:13.32kingsolwe are currently php ini settings of 16mb
23:13.49kingsolis there "major" concerns with moving to 24 or 32 in your eyes?
23:14.24kingsol(it ran on 8mb of memory in php4, which we thought was strange php5 would require so much more)
23:15.05DexterTheDragonkingsol: I've had my php installs set to 32mb for quite awhile now
23:15.53kingsolare there any performance/security issues ?  I assume no, since you are doing it that way
23:16.50kingsolthank you DexterTheDragon
23:17.03kingsolmacnewbold: have you had any experience with this php.ini directive?
23:17.27DexterTheDragonas long as your server doesn't run out of memory
23:28.50macnewboldkingsol: sorry, got pulled away. and now you're gone :(
23:29.20macnewboldin case he comes back or checks the logs, I agree with Dexter - it's not a big deal.
23:32.06DexterTheDragonpeople should just always agree with Dexter. It would make things so much simpiler
23:34.30xilch|wI agree with Dexter that people should just always agree with Dexter.
23:35.12DexterTheDragonmakes things easy
23:59.40*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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