IRC log for #uphpu on 20080411

00:06.24macnewboldping synic
00:13.25*** part/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
00:21.14macnewboldsynic: pm me or email me, I guess - I'm on my way out
00:32.31*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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15:15.10timinatorwassup my brotha's
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15:57.25mindjujusup timinator
16:06.44*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=steve@gentoo/developer/beandog)
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16:27.04timinatornothing much
16:41.51mindjujujust kickin' it; keepin' it real
16:45.31mgearywhat on earth does that mean, "keepin' it real" ?
16:46.22SunSparcPerhaps this refers to the natural tendency that "it" has of morphing from real into fake.
16:48.39mindjuju@mgeary -
16:49.06mindjujuwell, actually, there are some expletives
16:49.12mindjujusorry,d idn't see them before
16:49.15mindjujui'll post the safe one
16:49.22mindjujuthe act of being yourself, usually by buying and wearing shit that everyone else  has.
16:49.32mgeary~pottymouth mindjuju
16:49.47mindjujuhey, said sorry, i saw the first part of the first sentence and posted
16:51.05mindjujuoops!  didn't realize i posted the bad word on the IRC
16:51.14mindjujui thought you meant off that page, mgeary
16:51.27macnewbold~ping synic
16:51.28jbotpong synic
16:58.55*** join/#uphpu fungus (
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17:21.13mgearyhey, does anyone know of a nameserver caching service so i can see what nameserver USED to be on a domain?
17:23.28SunSparcMight be handy, but never heard of one.
17:30.22macnewboldyou might try, mgeary, and use the wayback machine to check their page on or something like that
17:31.30synicmacnewbold: yo
17:33.09mgearymacnewbold: no good, i need old MX records, not A records
17:51.00wpsmy download script is producing an empty file
17:51.03wpsanyone see anything wrong?
17:52.15macnewboldsynic: you were pinging me yesterdaY?
17:52.25macnewboldor was that a mis-completed tab that was aimed at someone else?
17:52.49macnewboldmgeary: I thought you were looking for who the old dns servers were.
17:53.43mgearywell, yeah
17:53.54mgearyso i can do a dig mx on it
17:54.30macnewboldwps: I assume $format and $file are both set properly, and that $file exists and is readable?
17:54.35mgearythe record still exists, but i've changed the NS, and didn't realize i had to preserve the MX records
17:55.23wpsI'll double-check, macnewbold
17:55.26macnewboldwell if can show you the whois record, with who the nameservers were, that would have what you need to do the dig
17:55.46macnewboldwps: my only other guess would be that some kind of notice or warning is being triggered, causing the failure
17:55.57macnewbolddepending on error/logging settings you might see something in the logs
17:57.18mgearybut the question is, can show me an old whois?
17:57.26mgearyi don't see a way
17:57.44macnewboldyeah, with the wayback machine
17:57.54macnewboldyou have to look for a site (like that has pages full of whois records
17:58.13macnewboldif you can find a web page with their current whois, go search for that page in the wayback machine
17:58.19fungusmgeary: why would an old nameserver still serve records for a domain that was moved away from it?
17:58.24macnewboldit's a pretty out of the box solution though...
17:58.44mgearyfungus: because no one told that NS owner that the domain was moved, and because it was just moved yesterday...
17:58.52macnewboldthat's a pretty good reason
17:59.14fungusSo can't you contact the NS owner to tell you the records, or where the NS is?
17:59.44mgearywell, i'm not sure who it was
17:59.49mgearyhere's the thing
18:00.21mgearyi get told, move the NS, so i go in, and move them. Now today i get, "hey, our email is broken". I didn't realize that they had pre-existing email (yeah, should have checked, perhaps).
18:00.32mgearyso i need to change OUR records to restore the MX
18:00.39mgearybut i don't have an easy way of knowing what they were
18:00.48mgearyi didn't note what the old NS were
18:00.57mgearyand they may or may not have been the default NS for the registrar
18:00.59fungusCan't you just recreate the MX records yourself?
18:01.09mgearynot without knowing where to point it
18:01.30mgearyi'm looking for some way to find out where they USED to be pointed, so i can restore
18:01.31fungusWhy not focus on finding out where to point it?  
18:01.46fungusGo to the mail server administrator.
18:02.09mgearyhmm. actually, what i can do is call the client and have them give me their imap/smtp settings, that'll help
18:02.20fungusSounds like you are trying to shave a yak.
18:02.36mgearywell the thing is, you're assuming i can find anyone who can tell me who the mail server admin is
18:02.40mgearythese are dentists
18:02.44mgeary"mail what?"
18:03.06fungusGet the imap settings, that should tell you who provides their service.
18:03.32mgearytrying that now
18:06.04fungusYak shaving:
18:06.09*** join/#uphpu burnin (
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18:15.51mindjujumgeary - any chance it was at your clients ISP?
18:15.57mgearyi'm all set
18:16.10mgearythey didn't need their old mail server, they just wanted working accounts
18:16.10mindjujuoh gotcha
18:16.15mgearyso we're just setting up new ones
18:16.26mgearyi was worried about a bunch of imap-stored messages
18:16.34mgearybut there weren't any
18:17.09wpsmacnewbold: I had ob_end_clean(); in my script
18:17.11wpsthat was hosing it
18:17.15wpsremoved that and it's working now
18:18.41*** join/#uphpu thebigdog (
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18:52.40mindjujuah yes, for your lunch enjoyment I present - Denied Wireless on -
18:52.47mindjujutowards the bottom, v funny
18:53.23SunSparcHere is something a bit more sober for when you are done with that:
18:55.10SunSparcSeriously?  She actually said, "but it's wireless".  In 2008.  Wow.
19:28.17*** join/#uphpu nei_rauni (
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19:42.04mgearywell, duh
20:00.11xilch|wAll bunnies wear skintight leather.
20:01.25mgearyand are metalheads
20:20.47wpsanyone need a mattress?
20:21.37mindjujuwps -- that's crazy
20:23.02wpsincluding their aunts and uncles
20:27.30mgearythat's disgusting
20:34.02pelaofelizdang -- too slow -- the ad's already gone
20:36.03mgearywow. i didn't really click the btn
20:36.06mgearyguess someone else did
20:36.36mgearybut that was really gross
20:37.01brasto~lart people that use colored cells in spreadsheets to track info instead of just adding another filterable field.
20:37.01jbotteaches people that use colored cells in spreadsheets to track info instead of just adding another filterable field. that M$ Access is a database. No, really, a database. A real live multi-user... well, ok, not multi-user, but a database. Yeah, that sounds right.
20:37.30brastohow fitting!
20:37.33brasto~good jbot
20:37.33jbotGood jbot, good! Have a cookie... oh no! The cookie jar is dry!
20:44.58*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ (n=_psychic@
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20:45.18brasto~good jbot
20:45.19jbotGood jbot, good! Have a cookie... oh no! The cookie jar is dry!
20:45.36brastoWould it be a good thing if the cookie jar were wet?
20:47.13mindjujuoptikal - you still around?
20:50.27_psychic_sugar is considered a "wet" ingredient...
20:59.03thebigdogi would work at code greene...but the mysql is a such a hindrance ;)
20:59.18thebigdogand im not sure i would work with beandog
20:59.23thebigdoghe has too much gas
20:59.30mindjujutoo funny
20:59.44mindjujuis beandog at CG now?
21:00.11thebigdogoh i dont know...i think 3/4 of the people in here work at code greene
21:00.33*** topic/#UPHPU by thebigdog -> Utah PHP Users Group | | the code greene channel
21:00.40*** topic/#UPHPU by thebigdog -> Utah PHP Users Group | |
21:01.56mindjujulooks like everybody at CG is prolly playing xbox
21:03.39SunSparcmediaRAIN just got done playing soccer.
21:03.52SunSparcAnd not on the XBox
21:04.15mindjujuhmmm Soccer v xbox on an HD 61" TV
21:04.24mindjujui'm going xbox
21:06.04SunSparcWell, as long as there is enough light and it is at least around 5 celsius or higher.
21:13.40oldsI'd go with soccer as well
21:13.53oldsas _psychic_ knows
21:14.14SunSparc~karma soccer
21:14.14jbotsoccer has karma of 2
21:14.16_psychic_olds: predictions for tomorrow?
21:14.17oldsyou follow any european leagues?
21:14.23oldsDC 3-1
21:14.25DexterTheDragonmindjuju: More like nintendo
21:14.29_psychic_yeah didja see Arsenal Liverpool?
21:14.33thebigdogi follow south american leagues
21:14.49mindjujuis that what ya'll were playin'?
21:15.00oldsnext round in the UEFA champions league has Man United vs FC Barcelona
21:15.11mindjujui need to scrunge up some money and make a MAME cabinet
21:15.14mindjujuput it in my office
21:15.18DexterTheDragonwe had a little dr. mario challenge
21:15.22oldsmight have to take a long lunch to watch those games
21:16.00oldsmessi, ronaldinho, henry   vs  ronaldo, rooney, scholes
21:16.06oldsshould be great
21:16.53oldswe play DC again in 2 weeks
21:16.58oldsin DC
21:17.16oldsso if we don't win this one, we won't be getting our first win for a few weeks I'd imagine
21:17.26_psychic_we've won them in the past
21:17.33_psychic_I think we look pretty good lately - just no finishing
21:17.49oldswe can hold a team pretty well
21:18.05_psychic_I think if we have more in the box on attack that'd be half the cure
21:18.10oldsbut I foresee very few games where he have a win by more than 1 goal
21:18.12_psychic_get the docs head on the ball more :)
21:19.23oldswe play Toronto on the 19th
21:19.28oldsin Toronto
21:19.32oldswe might be able to win that one
21:19.51_psychic_hope so
21:31.32mindjujui wish i had Hot Fuzz here at work
21:31.42SunSparcExcuse me?
21:31.55mindjujuit's a movie
21:32.01mindjujuhad the DVD here at work for a while
21:32.04mindjujubut i've taken it home
21:32.19mindjujuand now that I have finished up work for today, need something to do wihle I watch my backup run
21:33.02DexterTheDragonand he wants a fuzzt navel to go with it
21:33.09SunSparcWikipedia has lots of interesting things to read.
21:34.02mindjujui don't know about a fuzzy navel as much as some root beer
21:35.13macnewboldI don't want to know anythign about anybody's fuzzy navel
21:35.19macnewboldjust keep your shirts on please
21:35.24SunSparcRoot beer with vanilla ice cream in it.
21:36.05DexterTheDragonmmmmmm ice cream
21:36.06thebigdogi have a fuzzy navel for macnewbold
21:36.23macnewbold~nosepick thebigdog
21:36.24jbotACTION plucks thebigdog out of the nose of humanity and wipes him on the couch!
21:36.39*** join/#uphpu bradym (
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21:51.51*** join/#uphpu brast1 (n=brasto@
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22:29.54brast1that's the first time i've seen a message that I left the chat room...
22:30.09brastoi suppose that's why...
22:30.25mindjujuhow do we know you're the REALLY REAL brasto?
22:30.34SunSparcIt is called an out of body experience.
22:30.55brastoonly one brasto does this:
22:31.14GreatWhiteWizard~wizardfire mindjuju
22:31.15jbotACTION sends a bolt of wizard fire from a wizard staff at an unsuspecting mindjuju
22:31.39mindjujuwhile that may be true, what if there was a divergence in the space-time continuum and its brasto and brasto five minutes from now?
22:31.50mindjujuthen both are technically you, but you out of sequence of time?
22:32.43oldsI would argue that they are technically different people
22:32.49GreatWhiteWizard~no wizardfire $1 is <action> lowers his wizard staff and sends a bolt of wizard fire at an unsuspecting $1
22:32.49jbotokay, GreatWhiteWizard
22:35.30GreatWhiteWizardwho are those 2 philosophers... one argued that things stay the same, the other argued that all things change: you can't even step in the same river twice because it's changed by the time you step in it again...
22:36.10GreatWhiteWizard~wiki parminides
22:36.33GreatWhiteWizard~wiki philosophy change
22:37.07GreatWhiteWizardok, if my windoze install went awry within parallels, how do i start the install over?
22:38.44SunSparcGreatWhiteWizard: just delete that image and start over
22:39.09SunSparcUnless it is recoveablre
22:39.27SunSparcHow did it go awry?
22:39.34GreatWhiteWizardnot recoverable, where do i go to delete it?
22:39.38GreatWhiteWizardin the install
22:39.51SunSparcNo, just delete the parallels image
22:39.55SunSparcProbably quicker that way
22:39.57GreatWhiteWizardi have a blue screen with a mouse pointer.
22:40.13GreatWhiteWizardi meant it went awry in the install
22:40.34GreatWhiteWizardwhere's the parallels image located?
22:41.33SunSparcUnless you are using your BootCamp partition.
22:43.19GreatWhiteWizardI didn't see anything about using a BootCamp partition, but i don't see a Parallels folder in ~/Library.
22:45.22SunSparcThat is where mine is
22:45.25*** part/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
22:45.50SunSparcHow about /Library/Parallels
22:45.55GreatWhiteWizardthere's a Parallels folder in Documents... that's a dumb place to put it if it's there...
22:46.32GreatWhiteWizard~lart developers that put non-documents in folders called "Documents".
22:46.32jbotraises middle finger to developers that put non-documents in folders called "Documents".
22:46.58SunSparcI must have selected something other than default.
22:47.12GreatWhiteWizardthat's my biggest complaint about Windows developers.  So many put settings and things in "My Documents"
22:48.04DexterTheDragonusers settings belong in the users home folder. Which on windows happens to be called 'My Documents'
22:48.47GreatWhiteWizardno, DexterTheDragon the user home folder is %systemdrive%\documents and settings\<username>
22:49.42DexterTheDragonyeah but that folder is usually difficult to get to so they just stick stuff in the documents folder which is inside there
22:50.03GreatWhiteWizardIn fact, DexterTheDragon, there's a hidden folder in there called "Application Data" and another one similar to it that developers *should* put settings in, but instead they put it in My Documents, cluttering up the folder designed to hold... well... my documents, not my game saves and more
22:50.29DexterTheDragonthats the problem there is that its hidden by default
22:50.45GreatWhiteWizardit's supposed to be
22:50.55GreatWhiteWizardthat way people don't go deleting it and everything in it
22:51.02DexterTheDragonif user wants to back up their game saves it sucks trying to find it
22:51.16GreatWhiteWizardgood devs do use that folder, like Mozilla
22:51.30GreatWhiteWizardnot really, just show hidden folders
22:51.40GreatWhiteWizardTools, Folder Options
22:52.05DexterTheDragonaverage user doesn't know they need to unhide a folder
22:52.29GreatWhiteWizardaverage user doesn't know how to back up files
22:52.51GreatWhiteWizardinstead, they email it to themselves now...
22:56.01GreatWhiteWizardso, devs who want to do it right, and not use the My Documents folder yet make game saves back-up-able should simply add an option where people save games.  It could say something like... lemme think... ah: "Backup my game saves"...
22:56.34GreatWhiteWizardcool, DexterTheDragon and GreatWhiteWizard both have screen names that take up the max number of chars allowed to a nick
22:59.23GreatWhiteWizardat least Mac devs so far, except Parallels possibly, don't use 'Documents' for non-documents.
22:59.42GreatWhiteWizardand Linux apps I use don't have this issue
23:00.08DexterTheDragonthats cause unix definded where everything should be placed
23:00.13GreatWhiteWizardah, i bet the parallels folder in Documents if for sharing between the 2
23:00.35GreatWhiteWizardMicrosoft also did that, but people who develop apps to run on MS Windows don't care.
23:01.02GreatWhiteWizards/people/some dorky people/
23:02.29GreatWhiteWizard~give DexterTheDragon a kudo for sticking with his ideas even against brasto's superior argument.
23:02.30jbotACTION gives a kudo for sticking with his ideas even against brasto's superior argument. to DexterTheDragon
23:02.52GreatWhiteWizardlol... at least it still made sense.
23:03.23brastook, the winxp install seems to have picked itself up after all.
23:03.40DexterTheDragon~lart brasto
23:03.40jbotstabs brasto
23:13.10timinatorbrasto: was in a meeting, sorry
23:13.16timinatoryou still need help?
23:19.49brastonope, got it
23:20.23brastospeaking of meetings, timinator, i have a meeting coming up... a meeting to go home and be with the kids...
23:20.36brastoc-yawl later
23:25.22timinatorI'm out too..... later guys
23:32.18*** part/#uphpu mrkrow (n=Chad@
23:55.27*** join/#uphpu jgiboney (
23:55.45jgiboneyGood afternoon everyone!
23:56.15mindjujui think everybody is gonge
23:56.27jgiboneynot everyone, your here
23:57.47mindjujuthat i am
23:58.59macnewboldI'm still here
23:59.08macnewboldprolly gonna be a late night at work tonight
23:59.38jgiboneyit might be a late night for me also... but for school
23:59.41DexterTheDragonmindjuju never leaves
23:59.42macnewboldoh, fun
23:59.54macnewboldyeah, mindjuju lives at the office more than his new house

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