IRC log for #uphpu on 20080330

01:08.47*** join/#uphpu mrkrow (
02:17.51*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=sdibb@gentoo/developer/beandog)
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03:02.42tierramindjuju: I've been able to get some 1000ft roll of cat-5e at Home Depot once a long time ago for $40... not bad for the time, but I'd go with cat-6 or test the cat-5e to make sure it's gigabit capable
03:02.58tierraI think they have coax for cheap as well
03:24.59mindjujudidn't think about checking them, but will tierra
03:25.16mindjujuneed the whole setup, box of cable, terminators, wall plaques
03:26.21DexterTheDragonmindjuju: just wire your house with fiber :D
03:27.43tierramindjuju: Home Depot has all of the above
03:28.22mindjujudexterthedragon, prolly barely be able to afford cat 6 with everything
03:30.07mindjujuthough i thought cat 6 was required for gigabit speeds
03:30.13mindjujuis 5e all that is required?
03:31.03tierrayeah, 5e is meant to do gigabit as well, but cat-6 should be a little more trusty, I think it has a longer reach
03:31.40mindjujuwhen i was googling cat 6 bulk, i saw some of the boxes of bulk had a mhz rating
03:31.45mindjujunever saw that before
03:32.30mindjujui'm going to have to wiki and read up on it all
03:32.47mindjujuhoping to wire house in a way i won't ahve to do so again for a long time
03:33.59tierrayeah, I don't think 5e was especially meant to do gigabit, but I have connected at gigabit speeds on some 5e cable... it's possible there's 5e cable out there that doesn't handle gigabit
03:34.07tierraI'd test the cable before installing it
03:34.33tierraor just trust the cat-6 specs, which do require gigabit compatibility
03:36.09mindjujuway cool!  wikipedia says it is expected to also serve on 10gbase-t
03:40.14tierraI don't think you'll find cat-6 as cheap as cat-5e though
03:40.30tierrabut it shouldn't be a huge difference
04:41.53*** part/#uphpu mrkrow (
11:03.19*** join/#uphpu roham[rt] (n=roham@
15:35.04*** join/#uphpu burnin (
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18:05.58*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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18:07.15herloUtah_Dave: hey
18:07.34Utah_Davehey, herlo!
18:07.39Utah_Davehow's it going?
18:08.02herlogood. thought maybe u were sick last week?
18:08.48herloI was very ill on Friday until Tuesday or so...
18:09.01herlostill have lingering elements
18:09.36mindjuju~quarantine herlo
18:09.53mindjujucourse though, if you've been sick this whole time, the whole uphpu channel has been exposed!
18:10.10herlomindjuju: haha, no!
18:10.40herlomindjuju: how's life?
18:11.12mindjujucuriously enough, got sick late last night so got up to make some chicken noodle soup and check email
18:12.26mindjujuseems to help, though i read somewhere that the effects of vitamin C are in many cases overrated
18:12.42herlooooh, I dont know if you could blame me :(
18:12.57mindjujuno, of course not
18:13.08herlosorry to hear u r sick tho.  I love my OJ!
18:13.09mindjujui think it was the milk shake from Iceberg
18:14.00herlomilkshake souns good 4 lunch tho
18:14.17mindjujuyeah, twas goot, blackberry is me favorite
18:14.35herloI love fruit shakes!
18:15.13mindjujuwe've got another geek lunch, not this friday but next
18:15.17mindjujuin downtown SLC
18:15.42mindjujulike 3 blocks from you DexterTheDragon
18:15.51DexterTheDragonright on
18:15.51herlomindjuju: i will probably make it
18:16.05DexterTheDragonwhere at?
18:16.09mindjujui'll pipe the info to heartsbane and the UTC
18:16.13mindjujuTucanos at the Gateway
18:16.37herloin may we're gonna have a linux release party at code greene probably too
18:16.55mindjujuthat'll be cool, but not may 3rd
18:17.14herloyeah, then
18:17.22mindjujuoops, i mean not may 2nd?
18:17.30mindjujudidn't mean ? on that statement
18:17.52herlooh, yeah.  may3 is our party :)
18:18.07mindjujuway cool! what distro goes out that day?
18:18.22DexterTheDragonall of them
18:18.23herloubuntu and Fedora both
18:18.32herlonot suse
18:18.44herlosuse isnt til june methinks
18:18.46mindjujuway cool
18:18.56mindjujuis that for hardyheron ?
18:19.15herloand sulphur is Fedora
18:19.38mindjujuhaven't tried fedora but tried RHEL a while back
18:19.43mindjujunot too bad
18:20.14herlofedora is more for desktop ppl
18:20.39mindjujuScalix, that is what it was called
18:20.47herlobut everything inside is free (speech way too)
18:20.49mindjujudidn't quite work well for us so dropped it
18:20.56herloahh, yes scalix
18:22.02herloyeah, not for us either, scalix, that is
18:22.44mindjujuwe're going to have to get together and talk about May 2nd.  I have some ideas for a way good time
18:23.44herlowhat is may 2?
18:24.18mindjujuIronman (the movie) comes out
18:24.28mindjujui'm thinking 2 possibly 3 theaters
18:24.40herlohaha, nice
18:24.40mindjujuProvo, Jordan Commons
18:24.50mindjujuwe rally up a MASSIVE UG turnout
18:25.00mindjujueven my boss is thinking of going if we do it
18:25.05herlotalk to beandog and lars-ut.  they are for sure interested too
18:25.25mindjujulike we take off secodn half of Friday and all go see it
18:25.33herlooh, I did it once b4 for star wars III
18:25.36mindjujuor work something out slightly more work friendly
18:25.44mindjujucould be way cool
18:25.53herloYAH, sounds great
18:25.58mindjujuwas thinking 1 last theater in the SLC
18:26.12herlowe had prizes and everything
18:26.13mindjujubut don't know any up there
18:26.26mindjujubrb, Tiffany just got home from Services
18:26.40herlocentury 16 at 33rd and state is nice
18:38.03*** join/#uphpu mrkro1 (
18:46.13*** part/#uphpu mrkro1 (
18:59.22*** join/#uphpu tierra ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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19:14.00*** join/#uphpu herlo (
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19:19.57burninherlo, linux release party? just a small group of current linux users or something like an install-fest?
19:31.41*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dav1 (
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19:43.42Utah_Daveherlo: are you still interested in that ATA?

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