IRC log for #uphpu on 20071005

00:01.31mindjujuoh yeah, it's 6p
00:01.51mindjujuyeah, well, i was thinkging good time would be 9ish
00:14.52*** part/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
01:00.10*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=sdibb@gentoo/developer/beandog)
01:00.10*** mode/#UPHPU [+v beandog] by ChanServ
01:39.54tierrahmm.. stream isn't working
01:41.05herloI know
01:41.07herloworking on it
05:08.15*** join/#uphpu nAmir36 (i=Aviv@gateway/tor/x-aa82c37eced47924)
06:00.36orsonjhalf the time, I have to load pages for tmobile twice, but it gets their eventually
06:10.02orsonjPoeticIntensity: nice jumping place. I'm going to have to write about the park I was just at.
06:12.01orsonjIt had the child-killing wheel (It has been so long, I forget the real name. 10' diameter circle that you spin around and get really sick on. used to be in lots of playgrounds, but has been taken out of most.)
06:12.58orsonjIt has been about 4 hours and I'm still a bit queasy.
13:00.45*** join/#uphpu jsmith (
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13:43.58*** join/#uphpu timinator (
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14:04.47*** join/#uphpu gibba[w] (
14:14.33*** join/#uphpu cole_joplin (
14:25.17timinatormorning guys
14:34.55*** join/#uphpu thebigdog (
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14:36.37thebigdogi'm glad it is friday
14:45.11mindjujuyeah, you and me both, thank goodness its friday
14:52.09PoeticIntensity"hear hear"
14:52.25PoeticIntensityand, orsonj - Jump On It is freakin' awesome...
14:52.48PoeticIntensityNot sure where you live, but if you're in Lindon, and have a couple of extra hours, it's worth it.
14:53.09orsonjLindon, aye
14:53.11PoeticIntensity(just make sure you have a shower nearby...)
14:53.50PoeticIntensitygreat pics, BTW, mindjuju ....  Read the whole "China" discussion... pretty cool stuff!
14:55.36*** join/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
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14:55.46PoeticIntensitymornin', mgeary ....
14:55.51PoeticIntensityHail Friday!
14:56.01mgearyyeah, but soooo much to do.
14:56.21mindjujusup PoeticIntensity!
14:56.22PoeticIntensityI'm gonna try to get everything done, which needs doin', before mid-day.
14:56.23mgearymy daily to-do list grows every day. that can't be good
14:57.08mindjujuyeah, my email is up at 250 and i didn't even look at it yesterday, have tons of stuff to do today
15:00.01jbotFriday sucks, because it should be the weekend, but you're stuck working anyway.
15:00.09mindjujucole_joplin - like the SEO response email -- v good
15:00.11timinatorwho's Kylee Kenyon? and why is her birthday on the UPHPU calendar several times?
15:00.38mindjuju~wiki Kylee Kenyon
15:02.14*** join/#uphpu mikesmullin (i=user@
15:02.36mindjujuit's prolly UGAF stuff that jumped across
15:17.26timinatorperhaps.... but it appears to be spam
15:17.43timinatorit's listed on many days
15:18.11*** join/#uphpu wps (n=wps@
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15:18.54dataw0lfit's spam
15:19.17timinatoranyone know where the audio recordings of previous UPHPU meetings are stored?
15:20.00*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ (n=_psychic@
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15:20.21timinatorno biggie
15:20.37timinatorwould love to hear mac's presentation though... missed it
15:21.02fernplantyeah mac presentation was awesome
15:21.13timinatordo you need server space mindjuju?
15:21.16timinatoror something?
15:21.29fernplantnah, just need to make time to clean up
15:21.37timinatorah, ok
15:21.42fernplantthat macnewbold, he was cussin' and hootin' and hollerin'
15:21.55timinatorI gotta hear it then
15:21.55fernplantso, prolly should clean it up before post
15:21.57mgeary~lart fernplant for being such an obviously lazy and good-for-nutin' so-and-so
15:21.57jbotnabs the moon and broadsides fernplant with the sea of tranquility for being such an obviously lazy and good-for-nutin' so-and-so
15:22.41*** join/#uphpu josephscott (
15:24.25jbotACTION whistles for BigDrink, the 180-lb Labrador Retriever with the 40-gallon bladder, to relieve himself on that fern over there in the corner...
15:25.52fernplantfernpee ?!?
15:25.58fernplantwhen did that happen?
15:26.11mgearyoh that's an OLD one....
15:35.31_psychic_dude it's 65 degrees
15:35.37timinatorrain today, snow tomorrow.... what happened to fall?!?!
15:35.46_psychic_what happened to summer :(
15:35.58timinatorI remember summer, it was hot
15:36.03timinatorbut I don't remember fall
15:39.44mgearyhey, anyone aware of an OS X-friendly command-line app to generate jpegs/pngs from SWF files?
15:40.06herlotiminator: fall is that 3 days between summer and winter we had the last week of september...
15:40.27timinatorI was working those days
15:40.39herlotiminator: that's how it goes!
15:41.48herloboy will it be fall there?
15:42.02_psychic_Chicago is nic
15:42.12_psychic_get some pizza while you're there
15:42.13herlo_psychic_: I like chicago
15:42.32herlo_psychic_: been there a few times.  I like the spring better though...
15:43.04herlowell, I like spring in Chicago better, I like spring and fall equally here
15:46.21timinatoranyone know of a good tutorial/explination of the changes from php4 to php5?
15:46.40timinatorI've found some things.... but don't know if it's a complete list of changes
15:48.34mindjujujbot, chicago is where dataw0lf was born and raised
15:48.35jbotmindjuju: okay
15:48.39jbotchicago is, like, where dataw0lf was born and raised
15:48.51dataw0lfwasn't born in Chicago, I was born in Eugene, Oregon
15:49.04mindjujujbot, no chicago is where dataw0lf was raised
15:49.05jbotokay, mindjuju
15:49.05dataw0lfbut yea, mostly raised in Chicago.
15:49.12jboti heard chicago is where dataw0lf was raised
15:49.13timinatorwe should create a function for jbot that lists everyone's handle
15:49.43orsonjand why?
15:49.45timinatoris there a way to have an array of the current members, and loop through it?
15:50.03timinatorso you could alert everyone at once w/o typing everyone's handle manually
15:50.17timinatorsomething like ~all Good Morning
15:50.28mindjujulike rollcall
15:50.46mindjujunah, jbot would prolly kick himself out for flooding
15:50.53timinatorand jbot would say: "Good Morning, " then loop through the names
15:51.18timinatoradmit it, it's a good idea
15:51.29mindjujuyeah, if we were in PHP SWAT
15:51.32macnewboldI just use this:
15:51.34macnewbold~greet everyone
15:51.35jbotACTION dumps a bucket of cold oatmeal on everyone
15:51.42macnewbold~welcome everyone
15:51.43jbotWelcome to the party, everyone!
15:52.01timinatorya, but that doesn't activate everyone's IRC client's alert
15:52.16macnewboldand that's why there's no such command
15:52.24josephscottthat's one way to get everyones attention
15:52.26macnewboldand we only have 29 people in the room... imagine 350+
15:52.58mindjujuphp swat... that could be cool
15:53.04mindjujuand have a rotating light
15:53.22timinatorwe'd need a black SWAT van
15:53.24mindjujuand one a loud siren
15:53.24macnewboldyeah, a big box van or something
15:53.38gibba[w]i don't beep suckaz
15:53.48gibba[w]but my window does blink annoyingly
15:53.55orsonjneither does mine
15:53.58timinatorwe'd all jump out w/ our laptops and such
15:54.04orsonjnor does my window blink
15:54.39mindjujuhere is the intro for php swat -- music n all  --
15:55.54mindjujuah, loved that show
15:56.23orsonjheh, jumping throught the window like that never gets old.
15:56.31mindjujutrue that
15:56.47timinatornice vid mindjuju
15:56.49mindjujuhe jumps in, rolls, and stands up in a fluid motion with gun ready
15:57.19timinatorya, it's funny that his name is listed, but his face is a black silhouette
16:04.15*** join/#uphpu _psychic__ (n=_psychic@
16:05.26orsonj_psychic__ looks off ballance this morning
16:05.29*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=steve@gentoo/developer/beandog)
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16:06.55_psychic__orsonj: ?
16:13.28orsonjI was referring to the growth on the end of your nick
16:14.15mindjujumaybe its a tumor ?
16:16.05mindjujui was just doing my arnold voice here
16:16.14mindjujuawesome wps
16:16.32orsonjjbot, prep _psychic_ for surgery
16:17.05mindjujulet's just hope it doesn't get worse and add another _ of growth
16:22.04*** mode/#UPHPU [+v _psychic_] by ChanServ
16:23.05_psychic_it was the organic coral sea silver that neutralized my ions and stuff
16:24.29*** join/#uphpu fungus (
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16:30.00timinatorquick poll.... what version of PHP is everyone using?
16:30.31thebigdoghehe joking
16:31.00timinatorI'm on 4.3.9
16:31.28*** part/#uphpu cole_joplin (
16:35.40mindjujuon win 2k --- BABY!
16:35.43mindjujuah yeah!
16:37.07*** join/#uphpu jsmith (i=jsmith@nat/digium/x-14612ffe1d451977)
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16:39.00*** join/#uphpu nAmir36 (i=Aviv@gateway/tor/x-7ee50a6a8f249fda)
16:39.23orsonjum... several I think
16:39.26mgeary5.1 and 5.2 on a couple machines
16:41.30mindjujuis a quarter ounce of MJ a lot?  
16:41.47mindjujudoesn't sound like a lot  -
16:42.31dataw0lfit's a standard buy
16:42.52mindjujucan you die from eatting brownies made with quarter ounce?
16:42.54dataw0lfan eighth is usually the unit of measurement for personal use.
16:43.07mindjujuoh, this guy is freakin out on the phone
16:43.16mgearyheh. that was on Leno a bit ago
16:44.02dataw0lfthere's no evidence of anyone ever dying from a marijuana overdose.
16:49.46*** join/#uphpu _psychic__ (n=_psychic@
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16:51.32orsonjphp versions: production: 5.2.4, main workstation: 5.2.3, portable workstation: 5.1.2
16:54.13PoeticIntensitytryin' to zone.
16:59.10influx^^Later today.
17:05.13brastojbot, idgi is a dumb way to say "I don't get it".
17:05.14jbotbrasto: okay
17:05.19jbotit has been said that idgi is a dumb way to say "I don't get it".
17:10.30thebigdoganyone use a javascript calendar popup that works with IE7 and FF
17:12.17timinator1 sec
17:13.03beandogwb thebigdog
17:14.31timinatorI guess I haven't see this on IE7.... anyone have IE7?
17:14.49timinatorhere's the demo:
17:15.20timinatoris that what you're looking for thebigdog
17:16.46macnewboldSo here's a question for someone here... There's an entry in the UPHPU calendar RSS feed on Oct 1 all day for "Kylee Kenyon's Birthday", repeating annually. Unless that's a first and a middle name, not first and last, I'm a bit confused about who it is.
17:17.14mindjujuwe think it is spam
17:17.29macnewboldAlso there's one on the same day at 6pm for "New Event"
17:17.40beandogspam spam spam
17:17.51wpsno, not spam
17:17.57wpsI accidently added it to the wrong calendar
17:19.03timinator30 times?
17:19.10timinatorit's on there for several days
17:19.16PoeticIntensitythebigdog, this is - by far - the best DHTML pop-up calendar I've ever seen.
17:19.36PoeticIntensityit used to be for sale, but is now free.
17:19.43beandogfree free free
17:20.57timinatorvery nice
17:21.01wpsdo you still see it, timinator or macnewbold ?
17:21.27timinatorit's here:
17:22.14PoeticIntensityI'll test yours, too timinator .
17:22.34beandogtest test test
17:22.56timinatorTY wps
17:23.33macnewboldI still see it, but it may be cause google calendar hasn't reloaded it yet
17:23.43macnewboldcongrats on the recent birthday, wps
17:23.48macnewbold~wade's kid
17:23.48jbotsomebody said wade's kid was Junior Sexy Pants
17:24.03wpsmy birthday is next month
17:24.22PoeticIntensitytiminator, it works just fine.
17:24.26timinatorrecent could mean recent past or recent future
17:24.40PoeticIntensityI didn't test it thoroughly, but at first glance, nothing seems wrong.
17:24.43macnewboldnot your recent birthday, but the one in your house (I assume) for Kylee
17:25.19wpsdoes anyone have any experience making iCal events that someone in another time zone will open? should I set the time for what should be correct there? or should I set it for what time it would be here when it's starting there. Meaning, if the meeting starts at 2:00 pm in Sweden, should it set it for 2:00pm? or 6am?
17:25.36wpsah, kylee is my friend's daughter
17:26.25brastotiminator - I've been waiting for my friends at Delta 7 Sports to write their own press release.  They don't seem to be in as big a rush as I thought they were, thus my lack of follow up on digging their site yet.  However they recently told me they are working on an advertisement/press release that's digg'able.
17:27.18brastowps: To answer your question from a week ago - Delta 7 Sports is currently working on a rear-suspension version of the Arantix (the IsoTruss-based bike)
17:27.36timinatorbrasto:  I dig the product, just keep me posted
17:28.10timinatorbut is not loosing as much weight as he's like
17:40.22mikesmullinis Jared Smith in here?
17:41.38jsmithmikesmullin: That would be me
17:42.21mikesmullinjsmith: i'm setting up asterisk for my SOHO and i need to buy me an FXO card and get someone to configure my setup and stuff. do you do that?
17:43.23jsmithmikesmullin: I did, but when the company I was working for got bought out by Digium, they moved me to another role.
17:43.34jsmithmikesmullin: I'd be happy to point you towards some people that can help you
17:43.51jsmithmikesmullin: And you can download the free PDF of my book from http//
17:43.54jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
17:43.58mikesmullinnah its ok i got a good asterisk consultant already i just wanted to see if i could hook you up
17:44.06mikesmullinsince you're local
17:44.11mgearynot really
17:44.16mgearylocal in sprit
17:44.17jsmithActually, I'm not local
17:44.22jsmithI'm in Virginia
17:44.28mikesmullinohhhh! nevermind then! j/k
17:44.37jsmithI'm just a "used-to-be-local" guy
17:45.08mikesmullinis Johnathan Davidson in here?
17:45.39mikesmullinerr Jonathan Davidson
17:45.56brastocool, my boss just registered a nick on freenode... his nick is "yourboss"...
17:46.04brastoyou'd think that was already taken...
17:46.52*** join/#uphpu bradym (
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17:47.06orsonjwell, they do expire if you don't login in 2 months
17:47.52thebigdogjsmith, you have a minute?
17:48.36mikesmullindo we ever get anyone in the group from the local firms/agencies like Axis41, modern8, 97th floor, Red Olive, Phusion25, Infogenix, i4 Solutions, MWI, Gravity Media, Studeo,, etc.?
17:48.51mikesmullinor are those guys too cool for school
17:50.53mikesmullini guess that's a no
17:52.20beandogthat is the coolest looking movie evar
17:52.27mgearymikesmullin: why do you ask?
17:52.45mikesmullingetting to know the competition
17:53.18thebigdogbeandog, it has the new paperbag helmet
17:56.54mgearymikesmullin: don't think of them as competition
17:57.06mikesmullini don't. i'm joking. my market is outside utah
17:57.27mikesmullinutah'ns are too cheap :)
17:57.32mikesmullinlol joking again!
17:57.33mgearytrue dat
17:58.44influx^^No no. Utahns are cheap.
17:59.31mikesmullinoh, good. i almost thought i'd be run out with a pitchfork
17:59.34beandogbuncha bloodsucking consumerists!
17:59.52beandoger, Mizzoulan
17:59.54beandogor whatever it is.
18:00.00mikesmullinshow me
18:00.04beandogthats it.
18:00.05dataw0lfstupid Missourians
18:00.28influx^^Even though I've now spent most of my life in this state.
18:01.06influx^^I can count on one hand how many times I've shopped there.
18:01.10mikesmullinthose imports are really having quality issues. at first i was boycotting, now i am just afraid to shop at Wal-Mart.
18:01.39dataw0lfmikesmullin: same.
18:01.45mikesmullinmice heads in soup cans? lead paint used on toys? toxic chemicals used in paint cans? the list goes on
18:02.08dataw0lfwell the mice head was an American based product.
18:02.15mikesmullinthere used to be something called trade laws that protected us from behemoths like wal-mart who would be tempted to hire slave labor
18:02.15dataw0lfAnd I think it was a can of green beans
18:02.26dataw0lftrade... laws?
18:03.23dataw0lfNAFTA pretty much screwed us too
18:03.46*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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18:03.57mikesmullinya, nafta superhighway
18:04.05mikesmullinall part of the NAU
18:04.25influx^^mgeary: are you the guy with the yellow shirt?:
18:04.27mikesmullinbetter start buying your ameros
18:04.38mgearyinflux^^: 404
18:04.42influx^^try again
18:05.43dataw0lfnice beard tim!
18:05.50timinatorI'm slimmer now
18:06.28*** join/#uphpu jsmith (
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18:07.02timinatorwhich dude is a mystery?
18:07.08influx^^mystery, dude.
18:07.40influx^^I was tagging photos earlier and I couldn't remember your name.
18:07.42influx^^your handle
18:07.48mindjujuand that's my jeep behind sheri
18:07.57mindjujudon't forget to mention the jeep in the caption
18:08.07influx^^Your jeep needs a title then.
18:08.31mindjujui will call him ... minime
18:08.49mindjujui just put on that movie the other night
18:08.50influx^^"Mindjuju's Mecha" it is.
18:08.51mindjujutoo funny
18:09.31*** join/#uphpu burnin (
18:09.38mikesmullincant wait for EndGame to come out
18:09.48timinatorany more photos influx^^ ?
18:10.00mindjujuthat starcrash trailer is awesome!  who doesn't like scantly clad womenz in furry bikini and then Baron von trapp as ben kenobi
18:10.06influx^^timinator: Yes, after I upload them to flickr.
18:10.27influx^^Is it Sheri or Sherry?
18:10.43influx^^*search and replace*
18:10.53mindjujuand in that seen where the girl is coming inot the computer room, youcan hear pacman sound effects
18:12.39mindjujustarcrash, i must find you and make you mine
18:12.57influx^^I have a photo of fungus with his eyes half-closed and kind of rolling into the back of his head.
18:13.18mindjujuawesome!  demonFungus!
18:13.22mindjujuwhere is it at?
18:13.30influx^^on my computer for a few more minutes.
18:22.50*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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18:23.21mindjujusup utah_dave
18:23.41dataw0lfin da house
18:24.47influx^^Big Dave?
18:25.26Utah_Davehey, mindjuju, dataw0lf!
18:25.36Utah_Davehow are you guys doing?
18:26.35mindjujuwatching dune clips on youtube and eating a quick bite
18:26.44Utah_Davesick in bed  :(
18:27.15mikesmullindoes anyone here know how to solicit and get contracts with city/state/national government?
18:27.16Utah_Daveyeah, I'm starting to feel a bit better, but I've been feeling like crap since yesterday morning
18:27.19mindjujuoh and waiting for macnewbold mp3 to be compressed to mp3
18:27.29mindjujuthat's good
18:27.45Utah_Davemikesmullin: hire someone who knows how.  It's a huge pain.
18:28.27mikesmullinya but they sure know how to spend money
18:28.39mikesmullinUtah_Dave: do you know anyone?
18:28.46dataw0lfmikesmullin: I do.
18:28.56dataw0lfit's kind of an old boy club, though.
18:29.07mikesmullini have also gotten that impression
18:29.26dataw0lfgood ole boy*
18:29.30mikesmullindataw0lf: can you connect me? i'd be interested
18:29.31dataw0lfjeez, I'm off it today.
18:29.38dataw0lfmikesmullin: What's your email?
18:29.50mikesmullindataw0lf: see pm
18:30.02dataw0lfgot it
18:30.42Utah_Davemikesmullin: sorry, I don't really know anyone. I'm usually on the other side of the deal.
18:31.10dataw0lfUtah_Dave: I've been sick all week
18:31.15dataw0lfterrible cold / flue
18:32.33unumisn't datetime supposed to be part of php>=5.1?
18:32.34Utah_Daveyeah, I've had kind of the same thing.
18:33.22thebigdogmikesmullin, its a pain to get gov contracts
18:33.28thebigdogyou have to have some gov ids for it
18:33.46mikesmullinmy wife is sick with something too. a weird cough
18:33.50thebigdogand you have to know how to bid on it
18:36.54mikesmullink just curious. i'll figure it out.
18:38.57influx^^All I wanted was a Pepsi.
18:41.29mindjujumacnewbold, can you email me the slides you used for the SQL presentation
18:48.47mgearyyou know, i dislike the glamorization of California as much as the next guy, but the 4-cheese pizza from California Pizza Kitchen is downright decent
18:52.50mgearyhey, let's talk form checkbox theory for a minute
18:53.20mgearyas you all know, a potential annoyance of checkboxes and radio buttons is that if nothing is selected, the form doesn't pass the field name at all to the action
18:54.40mgearyi'm working on a methodology to address this. Here's my thinking: if, in the HTML *before* you output any of the <input type="checkbox" name="foo"> items, you were to output a *hidden* field: <input type="hidden" name="foo" value="">, this would solve the problem rather nicely
18:54.51mgearyif nothing is checked, then the empty value is still paseed
18:55.16mgearybut if something *is* checked, then that value overrides the hidden value, since it is "later" in the html code
18:55.28wpsyou could just check isset() in your script
18:55.58mgearybut then you have to explicitly look for that field name, if you take the isset() approach
18:56.11wpsgood point
18:56.11mgearyi often dynamically generate and process forms
18:57.24mgearyi'm going to modify my form generation widgets and add this hidden field. I think it's gonna make life simpler in several instances
19:12.51mgearyman, it feels like it should be 4:30
19:13.28influx^^It is 4:30 (just about) three time zones over.
19:14.32jsmithmgeary: It's 3:14... is that close enough?
19:16.29jsmithmgeary: It's 4:16 in New Brunswick...
19:19.01influx^^you fooled me (us).
19:20.21*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=steve@gentoo/developer/beandog)
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19:20.40mgearyoh, alright. i do with it was 4:30....AND i had a ton more stuff done :)
19:26.10*** join/#uphpu _psychic__ (n=_psychic@
19:29.54mindjujuwhew!  feel like i had a full conversation with macnewbold
19:31.27influx^^photos uploaded
19:33.45influx^^here's demon/zombie fungus:
19:37.58mgearythebigdog: you made it to that lunch?
19:39.35funguslol, that is funny
19:42.58mgearybash question for ya
19:43.01mgearyi've got this:
19:43.03mgearyfor file in *.php.html ; do mv $file `echo $file | sed 's/\(.*\.\)php.html/\1html/'` ; done
19:43.16mgearywhich will rename all *.php.html files in the current directory to *.html
19:43.33mgearyhowever, i have multiple directories. how could i use "find
19:44.28mgeary--find . | grep *.php.html | xargs mv $file `echo $file | sed 's/\(.*\.\)php.html/\1html/'`-- seems like it would work, if i can get xargs to understand $file
19:46.12*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ (n=_psychic@
19:46.12*** mode/#UPHPU [+v _psychic_] by ChanServ
19:52.40*** join/#uphpu cycokilr (n=cycokilr@
19:58.19Black_Chaosmgeary: you could try: find -name *.php.html -exec echo $file | sed 's/\(.*\.\)php.html/\1html/'
19:58.25Black_Chaoswhoops hang on
19:59.05Black_Chaosfind -name *.php.html -exec mv {} `echo {} | sed 's/\(.*\.\)php.html/\1html/'` \;
19:59.29Black_ChaosI don't know if any of that will need to be escaped
20:00.46Black_Chaosyeah the sed expression needs to be fixed
20:06.37Black_Chaosfor file in `find -name *.php.html`; do mv $file `echo $file | sed 's/\(.*\.\)php.html/\1html/'`; done
20:06.39mgearyi'm using a tool that does regexp find & replace. i'm trying to do a back-reference. can anyone think of a way to do this besides "$1" and "\1"?
20:06.40Black_Chaosthat one works
20:06.48mgearyit doesn't like either of those
20:06.51mgearyBlack_Chaos: (thanks)
20:11.13thebigdogmgeary, what lunch?
20:11.44mgearythebigdog: isn't this you:
20:12.02thebigdogyes that is the bigdog
20:12.06mgearythot so
20:13.32beandogthat cant be
20:13.34beandogtheres no crown!
20:13.37thebigdogthat was a killer lunch
20:13.40beandogbring out the bling king!
20:13.42mgearyand no snickerdoodle
20:14.17thebigdogoh i love the snickerdoodles
20:14.21influx^^I was impressed by the food there.
20:14.40influx^^When I heard McDiggler's owns it, I expected crap.
20:15.56thebigdogwhen i lived in boulder i would hit it there a lot
20:16.00thebigdogim glad they have one here
20:22.11PoeticIntensityugh... is it time to go home yet?
20:22.21PoeticIntensityyes!  yes he does!
20:22.38PoeticIntensityonly 2:22:32
20:22.45PoeticIntensityI wanna go drivin'.
20:22.48PoeticIntensityanyone wanna race?
20:23.13thebigdog~race PoeticIntensity
20:23.18PoeticIntensitylet's do it!
20:23.19Black_Chaoslisten to her purrrrrrrrr
20:23.52influx^^i'm already home
20:23.54PoeticIntensityfeeling the adrenaline hit critical mass....
20:23.56influx^^i've been home all day
20:24.10Black_Chaos*signal changes8
20:25.23PoeticIntensityas he almost loses control going over the spikes.
20:26.00Black_Chaosdang missed a shift!
20:28.03PoeticIntensitybut... due to his incessant study of the following video, he simply pulls out of it.
20:28.56PoeticIntensitywhile at the same time activating the remote turbos....
20:29.19PoeticIntensity*flip* ............ activated.
20:31.42PoeticIntensitywow..... crossing the line at 200+ is quite a rush.
20:33.39PoeticIntensityanyone seen "Resident Evil: Extinction" ?
20:34.03PoeticIntensityI think I'm gonna go rent a movie...
20:34.07PoeticIntensityI am *so* done working.
20:34.18PoeticIntensitybusted my rump yesterday and did about 3 days worth of work. :)
20:34.30PoeticIntensitythis morning, too - dangit....
20:34.31PoeticIntensityand it's Friday.
20:34.34PoeticIntensityso :-P
20:39.19influx^^oh man
20:49.38thebigdogjbusy...i like that
20:56.39brastoinflux^^ - how did you bold the word *man* a minute ago?
20:57.01influx^^ctrl-b in irssi
20:57.13influx^^[ctrl-b]bolded string[ctrl-b]
20:57.26influx^^err, string to be bolded
20:57.29mgearycolloquy lets you simply hit command b
20:58.47influx^^and my terminal's background is  ashot of the gibson
20:58.50influx^^from haxors
20:59.46influx^^Looks like colloquy...
20:59.46*** join/#uphpu _psychic__ (n=_psychic@
21:00.52influx^^food time
21:00.57brastolooks like pidgin does not let me bold stuff
21:02.08timinatorfinger licken' good
21:05.42mikesmullinanyone willing to share how they break down their fee schedule and their rates for web design and development services?
21:06.32mgeary~wiki antitrust laws
21:07.37thebigdogbrasto pidgin is only good with IM imho
21:07.46thebigdogi love xchat and iirc
21:08.35Black_Chaos~w00t irssi
21:08.36jbotstfu, irssi
21:09.27thebigdoggood one too
21:09.34thebigdog~give brasto a copy of irssi
21:09.35jbotACTION gives a copy of irssi to brasto
21:11.01mikesmullinmgeary: just curious. currently looking at GSA numbers for gov. contractors and they are in the $80-150/hr. range. much higher than what i charge. i think it's time to reprice my services :)
21:15.21thebigdogmikesmullin dont use those numbers for your standard hourly rate
21:15.27thebigdogthere are other items that go into that number
21:16.35mikesmullinthebigdog: oh? hmm...
21:17.54thebigdogmikesmullin government contracting is very different then commerical contracting
21:18.18thebigdogbill rates are different too because there are other items that go into that number
21:18.54mikesmullini'm not sure because there are GSA form listing and comparing private vs. public sector rates, as well
21:19.00mikesmullinand the GSA rates are lower
21:19.55*** mode/#UPHPU [+v _psychic_] by ChanServ
21:21.14mikesmullin"These fees are inclusive of the Industrial Funding Fee (IFF) of .75% as of 2007."
21:21.25thebigdogand with those rates there is a tie of education and experience too
21:22.00mikesmullinBA/BS, 5+ years industry
21:22.28thebigdogyeah that will put you in a category
21:22.48thebigdoglike i am an engineer 4 or 5 with secret clearance
21:22.58thebigdogso my bill rate at that lvl
21:24.03mikesmullinseems like they're using generic categories, but that one for example is: Programmer/Developer $ 100
21:24.58thebigdogdepends on the contract you are bidding and the contract vehical
21:25.04thebigdogand other items too
21:25.17mikesmullini recognize the GSA categories because they have roman numerals in them like Technician III ... i wonder if is based off of GSA information?
21:25.30thebigdogprobably not
21:25.48thebigdogmost people dont get the full bill rate
21:25.56thebigdogcause they will work for a company
21:26.25thebigdogfor example when i worked at northrup grumman my bill rate was $200/hr however, i did not make that much money
21:26.42thebigdogthat gets tied into many different things
21:26.47thebigdoglike insurance for one
21:26.55thebigdoghealthcare, vacation and other items
21:27.00mikesmullinoh so the company lists you by category so they can up their billable hours to the client, but they pay you based on an individual negotiation
21:27.22thebigdogthe company looks to make as much money off you as they can
21:27.42thebigdogmeaning spliting that money 50% is great for them
21:27.47thebigdogor their margin is higher
21:28.27mikesmullinah ha, i see... hmm...
21:30.20mikesmullingives me more research to do then. thanks thebigdog!
21:30.54orsonjmgeary: did you ever figure out the rename script?
21:31.10beandogooh, renamexm++
21:31.20beandogwait, thats not it.
21:32.14orsonjIs that the Larry Wall one?
21:32.35mgearyorsonj: yeah, but i used different tools. i had some php-based cli scripts
21:32.47thebigdogmikesmullin, np
21:49.28thebigdogPoeticIntensity, ty for the js calendar info...looks really good
21:51.33PoeticIntensitynp, thebigdog ...  I've been using it for years.
21:51.47thebigdoglooks great and works on the browsers i need
21:53.25mgearywhat calendar was it?
22:03.07brastoanyone know of a good Novel groupware client for Linux?
22:05.04orsonjinflux^^: Is that to remind you of what could be coming out of the mouth?
22:05.30influx^^uh... yes? no?
22:06.23thebigdogbrasto, there are some web based one that are ok too
22:06.32thebigdoglike simple groupware client i think the name it
22:08.42brastothebigdog - they have a web interface here at work that works well, but it does not have popup reminders for calendar items so I'm hoping to try a local client - I'll give evolution a try.
22:09.15brastokorganizer works for the gui, but the popup reminders are coming up in utc or gmt even though I'm set to local time...
22:09.35brastoso all my reminders come up 6 hours later from korganizer...
22:23.20jbotplops nAmir36 into a giant vat of herring
22:23.47orsonj~lart herring
22:23.47jbotsteals herring's mojo
22:24.04orsonj~lart mojo
22:24.04jbotdrops a baby grand on mojo
22:24.18orsonj~lart baby grand
22:24.18jbotthrows baby grand's poor little doggy off a cliff
22:24.34orsonjhmmm, it was on a roll there
22:24.42_psychic_~lart poor little doggy
22:24.42jboteats poor little doggy and falls over dead
22:24.53brasto~lart death
22:24.53jbottakes death to the vet for a "special" visit
22:25.05_psychic_~lart the vet
22:25.06jbotpulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps the vet
22:25.12_psychic_~lart ClueBat
22:25.12jbotcats /dev/urandom into ClueBat's ear
22:26.30orsonjuse random when you need high quality random, use urandom when you just want lots of random junk
22:26.55brastocool, that's a great summary of man urandom, orsonj
22:34.09orsonjfor a 1G one time pad, use: dd if=/dev/random bs=1024 count=1048576 |tee /dev/sda > /dev/sdb   where sda and sdb are blank drives
22:41.59fungusyou got it backwards.
22:42.16fungusurandom only outputs 100% random data, and blocks until it can get more entropy
22:42.50fungusrandom will use entropy it has, but make up enough pseudo random data to keep the output going w/o blocking
22:43.26fungusUse urandom for high security needs, and random for speed
22:43.45Black_Chaosthats not what my man page says
22:44.17Black_Chaosit says that random is the secure one
22:44.57fungusdoh, I got it backwards.
22:45.27fungus/dev/urandom for mostly random, and /dev/random for ultra random
22:45.34dataw0lfu = unblocking
22:45.43fungusthat makes sense.
22:45.48dataw0lfor unlimited
22:45.58dataw0lfit will generate more pseudo random data so it doesn't block
22:46.02fungusok, now I won't forget
22:46.03dataw0lfwhile random will
22:46.37dataw0lfstupid fungus!
22:47.01dataw0lf(I was talking about my feet, not you fungus)
22:47.06timinatorpoor fungus
22:59.31brastoby ya'll!
22:59.39*** part/#uphpu brasto (
23:14.00timinatorI'm out.... have a good weekend guys
23:26.18mgearylater folks
23:26.19*** part/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
23:41.31beandogIve been listening to the same album all day.
23:42.29beandogBeth Quist - Silver
23:44.33*** join/#uphpu Ryu (n=prowebso@
23:45.14Ryuhey, can i ask a quick question to all...
23:45.24mindjujui think there are 2 of us active
23:45.28mindjujuthe rest are shells until Monday
23:45.32mindjujuwhat you go tthough
23:45.49Ryuah, ok, I'm looking for a script to convert a web page into a pdf
23:46.25Ryulike someone fills out a form and that data is echoed on php page but a pdf of it also gets created and emailed
23:46.53PoeticIntensityit's not "automatic", but it'll do the job.
23:47.35bradymi've got an article sitting on my hd at home that i've almost finished on something similar to that.. it requires pdftk be installed on the server though
23:47.50Ryuhey PoeticIntensity, yer supposed to be on the road!!! >:(
23:47.56mindjujui was trying to find info on cole_joplins meet, but can't find for some reason
23:48.09Ryuhey thanks guys.. I'll check out
23:48.25PoeticIntensityheh.... nah.
23:48.30Ryubradym, not my own server but thanks...
23:48.33PoeticIntensityTakes me 30 minutes to get there.
23:48.36mindjujuhey Ryu
23:48.38mindjujufound it
23:48.48mindjujuthat's cole joplins uphpu presentation
23:48.52RyuPoeticIntensity, oh, I forgot, your little black mustang goes like 650 MPH
23:48.53mindjujuhas info on several pdf options for php
23:48.55mindjujupro and con
23:48.59mindjujulots of good stuff
23:49.05Ryuthanks mindjuju
23:49.06PoeticIntensityI was at that meeting.
23:49.07PoeticIntensitygood stuff.
23:49.18mindjuju^5 poeticIntensity
23:49.27PoeticIntensitythere were two main PDF generating programs he talked about..
23:49.30PoeticIntensityone of them was
23:49.36PoeticIntensitymindjuju, what is ^5?
23:49.44mindjujuhigh five
23:50.51bradymfpdf is nice, there are a few other libraries that have used it as a base like tcpdf and there's also dompdf
23:51.27mindjujubeandog, it's interesting
23:51.41mindjujuany of the songs have a techno beat?
23:51.52RyuPoeticIntensity, you used any pdf creators?
23:52.04Ryuchecking out article mindjuju, very helpful, thanks
23:53.32mindjujubeandog, it's good, but the cadence is a little to slow for me righ tnow, i'm so tired, if it doesn't have a decent beat and a few soundbytes, i'll prolly start to snooze
23:54.14mindjujuoh i remember krull
23:54.28mindjujusort of a robin hood story, if i recall
23:54.29PoeticIntensityRyu, yes.
23:54.34PoeticIntensityI've used it for two projects.
23:54.49PoeticIntensityboth were done with custom programming using fpdf.
23:55.27beandogrobin hood??
23:55.28beandoguh, no
23:55.39beandogits fantasy + sci fi
23:56.04mindjujuthroneless king with band of bandits
23:56.08mindjujutrying to right wrongs
23:56.57RyuPoeticIntensity, cool.. I may need to pick yer brain a little more about this later
23:57.17RyuI'll bring my ice pick with me :O
23:58.02PoeticIntensityheh... k
23:58.06PoeticIntensityI'm packing up now.
23:58.11PoeticIntensityI might be a bit early..
23:58.19beandog80s movies trailers!  whee!
23:58.24beandoglemme see if I can find Better off Dead
23:58.31beandogoh there it is, it recommended it
23:58.32mindjujui've tried
23:58.41mindjujucouldn't find any other than the trailer
23:58.51mindjujucourse, just realized that i haven't searched BOD

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