IRC log for #uphpu on 20070811

01:26.55*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=sdibb@gentoo/developer/beandog)
01:26.55*** mode/#UPHPU [+v beandog] by ChanServ
01:34.37*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (n=boucha@
01:34.37*** mode/#UPHPU [+o Utah_Dave] by ChanServ
01:37.55*** join/#uphpu bradym (
01:37.56*** mode/#UPHPU [+v bradym] by ChanServ
02:03.32*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=sdibb@gentoo/developer/beandog)
02:03.32*** mode/#UPHPU [+v beandog] by ChanServ
05:00.57*** join/#uphpu justingiboney (
05:01.05justingiboneygood evening everyone!
05:03.43Utah_Davehey, justingiboney
07:19.21*** join/#uphpu jnbek (
07:27.06*** join/#uphpu jnbek (
07:27.32herlo~APB mindjuju
07:27.33jbotACTION hires Duane Lee to stake out mindjuju
07:30.30*** join/#uphpu jnbek (
08:51.10*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dave (n=boucha@
17:14.35*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (n=boucha@
17:14.35*** mode/#UPHPU [+o Utah_Dave] by ChanServ
18:48.23*** join/#uphpu jnbek (
20:04.55*** join/#uphpu synic (n=squish@pdpc/supporter/student/synic)
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20:35.05mindjuju~APB herlo
20:35.06jbotACTION calls Dog the Bounty Hunter to stake out herlo
20:38.59mindjujusup influx
20:39.22influxyo, juju
20:39.27influxque pasa kielbasa?
20:39.45mindjujupues nada mucho aqui, estoy trabajando
20:40.09wpsI can't stand it when people ask for advice or a critique of something and then get all bent when it is given
20:40.51influxtrabajando? Es Sabadao!
20:41.48wpssolamente en cosas de la diversión
20:42.13wpsmindjuju: did you see that post about this month's meeting?
20:42.25wpsI thought that I would let you respond
20:42.43mindjujuyeah, started to respond to Justin, but then had minor thing to fix
20:42.57wpsno worries… just wanted to make sure you saw it
20:42.59wpshow are things?
20:43.02mindjujui'm finishing something to velda et al., which will hit Justin's
20:43.17mindjujuwell, after Geek Lunch, i stopped by to see my servers at xmission
20:43.41mindjujui should have kept an eye on Veritas backup but after months of same ole' same ole' i thought everything was ok
20:44.02mindjujuturns out we've got a minor problem with backup and my backup here is out of sync with live production server
20:44.08mindjujusooooo, i'm resyncro today
20:44.37mindjujufortunately, nothing bad happened, just don't want to be out of sync if something fails
20:45.22mindjujujust read your reply back to brasto
20:47.17wpshis resume has _way_ too much information on it
20:47.29mindjujuagree with 95% of everything, though i'd argue cover sheets are becoming more important.  yeah, your right though, it did have a lot of info
20:47.47wpsreally? I have never, ever used a cover sheet
20:47.57wpsI have never understood the point?
20:48.05wpswhy not just look at the person's resume?
20:48.10wpswhy an extra piece of paper?
20:48.22mindjujuwell, i think it's different for artists.  You likely walk in with a portfollio of your work
20:48.31mindjujuportfolio, i mean
20:48.31wpsyour resume should be succinct enough that you don't need a summary page
20:49.27mindjujuyeah, i'd argue that is very true, but cover sheet can give you info on personality.  will this person work on my team info
20:50.06wpsthe #1 problem with resumés is that people do not personalize them
20:50.22wpsI think that the biggest mistake that you can make with a resumé is using a Microsoft Word template
20:50.32mindjujuv true.  that's why i sort between the MS resume template and the non Word resume template
20:50.41mindjujuyup, i hold it against applicants
20:51.37wpsFYI…  Wal*Mart brand aspertame drinks are not worth the 1/3 you get from buying name brand
20:52.03wpscorrection: FYI…  Wal*Mart brand aspertame drinks are not worth the 1/3 off you get from buying name brand
20:52.16wpsstick with the name brand, even though you have to pay more… it's worth it
20:55.32mindjujui just heard bad things about aspertame, but i don't remember now what it was about it
20:56.04wpsbut everything gives you cancer if consumed in large enough quantities
20:56.16mindjujutrue that
20:56.17influxEven pure oxygen?
20:56.29wpshmm… not sure
20:56.37influxOr sex?
20:56.42influxthough you can't really consume
20:56.43mindjujupure oxygen is poisonous and flammable
20:57.20wpsgood call, influx
20:57.20mindjujusex could produce lactic acid --> cancer
20:57.27wpsthat's a risk I'd be willing to take
20:57.29mindjujujust kidding
20:57.58mindjujuas former debater, you have to be able to prove that if they don't take your side it will lead to death or WWIII
20:58.06mindjujuor both
21:00.24wpsanyone done any work with trinidad JSF components?
21:08.31mindjujusorry, haven't
21:10.35wpsI was introduced to it yesterday
21:10.41wpsand it looks like crap
21:11.20wpsadds a lot of bloat
21:11.30wpsand seem like a headache to develop with
21:13.27influxY'all gon' make me lose my mind, up in here! Up in here!
21:27.40*** join/#uphpu bradym (
21:27.40*** mode/#UPHPU [+v bradym] by ChanServ

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