IRC log for #uphpu on 20070602

00:01.01*** join/#uphpu burnin (
00:04.23*** part/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
00:07.10*** join/#uphpu swb (
00:10.08herlomindjuju: I am always out of town
00:15.39Utah_Daveman, I love it when code works right the first time
00:39.16Utah_Davelater, everyone
00:39.17*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
02:40.36*** join/#uphpu wps (n=wps@
02:40.37*** mode/#UPHPU [+o wps] by ChanServ
02:49.39*** join/#uphpu wps (n=wps@
02:49.39*** mode/#UPHPU [+o wps] by ChanServ
03:47.20*** join/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
03:47.20*** mode/#UPHPU [+v mgeary] by ChanServ
03:47.33mgearyanyone around?
04:05.27*** join/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
04:05.27*** mode/#UPHPU [+v mgeary] by ChanServ
04:10.15*** join/#uphpu thebigdog (
04:10.16*** mode/#UPHPU [+o thebigdog] by ChanServ
04:13.57thebigdogevening all
04:23.24*** join/#uphpu jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
04:23.24*** topic/#uphpu is Utah PHP Users Group |
04:23.24*** mode/#UPHPU [+v jbot] by ChanServ
04:23.33thebigdogmgeary, where did you purchase from
04:24.02mgearywe got 2 from, and 2 from some other place i forget. but one sec...
04:26.20mgearyaccording to froogle, OfficeDepot has the 22" Acer for $199 after a $70 rebate
04:26.34mgearyrebates suck, but there you have it
04:26.40thebigdoglet me check
04:29.45thebigdogill have to check it out and see
04:30.04mgearyyeah. in any case, we've had our monitors since January and have been very happy with them
04:30.35thebigdogthis viewsonic is blowing colors all over the place
04:30.44mgearyhow old is it?
04:30.58thebigdogabout 4 yrs or older
04:31.20mgearyah. well that's not bad. if you can get 4+ good years from an LCD, i guess you can't complain too much
04:31.40thebigdogyeah just sucks
04:34.18thebigdogwhat is the standard 3 yrs
04:37.08thebigdogwow acer has 3yr warranty and hp only 1yr
05:12.50*** join/#uphpu cyco|w (n=cyco@
06:47.54*** join/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
06:47.54*** mode/#UPHPU [+v mgeary] by ChanServ
06:48.03*** part/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
07:39.13*** join/#uphpu cyco|w (n=cyco@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:39.13*** join/#uphpu synic ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:40.02*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ (
14:40.07*** mode/#UPHPU [+v _psychic_] by ChanServ
14:44.39*** join/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
14:44.39*** mode/#UPHPU [+v mgeary] by ChanServ
14:45.15mgearyhey, anyone around this morning
14:50.08*** part/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
15:27.47*** part/#uphpu _psychic_ (
18:40.29*** mode/#UPHPU [+v synic] by ChanServ
20:20.37*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
20:20.37*** mode/#UPHPU [+o Utah_Dave] by ChanServ
21:14.04*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dave (

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