IRC log for #uphpu on 20070414

02:38.24*** join/#uphpu wps (n=wps@
02:38.24*** mode/#UPHPU [+o wps] by ChanServ
02:40.02*** join/#uphpu burnin (
03:24.06mindjuju/seen timriker
03:24.13mindjuju/seen timriker
03:24.19mindjuju~seen timriker
03:24.49jbottimriker <n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker> was last seen on IRC in channel #utah, 10h 38m 45s ago, saying: 'heh'.
15:16.12*** join/#uphpu burnin (
17:42.35*** join/#uphpu jsmith (
17:42.35*** mode/#UPHPU [+v jsmith] by ChanServ
17:52.38*** join/#uphpu jnbek (
19:03.52*** join/#uphpu jsmith (
19:03.52*** mode/#UPHPU [+v jsmith] by ChanServ
19:33.40synicjust listening to some Tool
19:33.49synicwaiting for the laundry to finish before I get some coffee
19:34.34mindjujuah laundy day
19:34.49mindjujui think that's tomorrow for me, or they'll be issues on MOnday
19:34.53synicI'm thinking it's gotta be about done
20:42.01*** join/#uphpu jsmith (
20:42.01*** join/#uphpu burnin ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:42.01*** join/#uphpu tierra ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:42.01*** mode/#UPHPU [+vv jsmith tierra] by
21:52.16*** join/#uphpu jsmith (
21:52.16*** mode/#UPHPU [+v jsmith] by ChanServ

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