irclog2html for #uphpu on 20070307

00:06.09Utah_Davelater, guys
00:06.11*** join/#uphpu beandog_ (
00:06.27timinatorthanks mgeary
00:06.43mgearywhat'd i do?
00:06.49mgearyoh, right
00:07.00thebigdogwe're glad you are here
00:07.08timinatorvery glad
00:07.11thebigdogthat timinator is a slacker
00:07.18thebigdogops...wrong window
00:07.18timinatorfor shure
00:16.40Lone_WandererOh man.  I never should have let my sister get my IM name.
00:16.59Lone_WandererNow I'm tech support :(
00:17.33Lone_Wanderer"What client are you using?"  "What?"  "The program you're using to talk to me, what's it called?"  "I don't know."  "Okay, are you on Windows?"  "Probably..."
00:22.03timinatorwe all feel for ya man
00:24.45beandog_hee hee hee
00:24.47beandog_that's grea.t
00:26.05beandog_thats why you always lie when a stranger asks if you know a lot about computers
00:26.31mgearythat's one great aspect of Macs. Fewer people have 'em, so fewer people to bug you for support :)
00:29.20Lone_WandererOh, I know, beandog_.  If you tell people you're a programmer, you can automatically fix anything.
00:29.46bradymit doesn't matter what OS I use... I will ALWAYS be tech support...
00:30.24beandog_Fortunately Ive turned all my friends off on asking me since I'll just advocate using Linux
00:30.40beandog_"how do you do this in Word?"  "just use linux"
00:30.54bradymlol - nice :)
00:32.23jsmithbeandog_: I thought that would work too... but now my father-in-law is using Linux!
00:32.32jsmithbeandog_: Of course, that makes it easier to fix his problems
00:33.25beandog_heh, nice
00:35.49beandog_Just tell people that the only OS you use is one you wrote yourself and it only runs on your cell phone.
00:36.40thebigdogor pda
00:37.04thebigdogi like the guys that ask tell you there are a developer/engineer too and they do .NET all day
00:38.16synicdoesn't that still qualify as a developer?
00:39.48beandog_I feel really bad for developers who are still maintaing ASP code.
00:40.08synicI've never even seen ASP
00:40.12Lone_Wanderer~lart vapid spirituality
00:40.30beandog_its a horrible backwards, buggy language.
00:41.11beandog_basically vb6 for the web
00:41.23beandog_well, its the same runtime language
00:41.36beandog_so, vb6 minus buttons.
00:41.37synicheh, I haven't even seen VB since like 98
00:41.51bradymlucky you :)
00:42.02synicsort of.  I do perl for a living
00:42.28synicperl is a horibble backwards language as well
00:42.48bradymperl scares me
00:43.04bradymnot in the "i'm scared to use it" kind of way..
00:43.21bradymin the "i'm scared that it really exists" kind of way
00:44.32synicI'll stop here with my comments though, as I don't like php much either, hehe.
00:44.41beandog_synic: what do you like
00:44.50synicI like python
00:45.06beandog_Ive looked at python briefly, and found it slightly annoying.
00:45.10beandog_I dont remember why, now, so dont ask.
00:45.21synicI did at first too, but now I'm all over it
00:45.24beandog_Im sure its nice though.
00:45.28beandog_learning curve, and all that.
00:45.37beandog_Besides, If I were going to learn a new language, that wouldnt be it.
00:45.44synicwhat would it be?
00:45.45mgearypython rocks
00:45.49bradymI like python.. at least I think i do ;) I haven't really done enough with it to have much of an opinion yet
00:46.04mgearyor was it "Rock Python"
00:46.28synicC++ is also a horrible, backwards language
00:46.31beandog_I enjoy writing really strict and anal code, so I think it would be right up my alley
00:46.35synictierra: am I right?
00:47.01bradymC++ is the reason I didn't major in CS..
00:47.15synicbeandog_: I dunno. I've written some apps in C++.
00:47.20beandog_bradym: hows that
00:47.23synicit's not the anal part about it that I didn't liike
00:47.35synicit's that everything is implemented really whack
00:48.04syniccrap, I'm out.  Later.
00:48.48bradymit turned me off to programming when i spent ~20 hours on something and got a little black box that said something a little more complex than hello world...
00:49.17beandog_sounds like GTK+ to me.
00:49.55bradymeven more than that though was the lack of useful examples and assignments..
00:49.57thebigdoggtk rocks
00:50.37mgearyi'm outta here. later folks
00:50.41*** part/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
00:50.52beandog_Thats what I wanna learn too
00:50.54beandog_well, gtkmm
00:51.28*** join/#uphpu eco (
00:57.51*** part/#uphpu bradym (
01:01.29thebigdogwhat no kde or qt
01:02.29beandog_I like GTK's look and feel better
01:02.58thebigdogi have a really nice osx look'n'feel going at home
01:03.13beandog_that reminds me
01:03.22beandog_I put some theme in the tree today that apparently works on both GTK and Qt apps
01:03.38thebigdogxfce my man
01:04.44beandog_nothing but.
01:04.55thebigdogwell im heading home
01:05.03thebigdoguntil a few
01:05.05beandog_nite doggie
01:34.47*** part/#uphpu dragonleech (
02:38.49tierrathe only reason people are ever afraid of C++ is because it's a "batteries not included" language, and it takes a good amount of initial effort to not only learn the language, but to also research what C++ libraries exist, what they offer, how to link them into your application, and how to use them
02:40.24tierrait's arguably more powerful than any other language, but learning to harness that power takes time and skill
02:43.53jsmithThe same could be said for C, or assembly... or a variety of languages
03:32.49dataw0lfC++ is a more scalable C.  When used correctly, with the STL.
03:33.11dataw0lfonce again, it comes down to what you want to do
03:34.13*** join/#uphpu jsmith (n=jsmith@
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03:57.59timinatorfreakin' awesome
03:58.56timinatorI'm out
03:58.58timinatorlater guys
04:56.53*** join/#uphpu burnin (
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07:39.13*** join/#uphpu gibba (
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14:11.58*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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14:12.27*** join/#uphpu timinator (
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15:32.30timinatormornin' all
15:35.35*** join/#uphpu thebigdog (
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15:50.23thebigdogdataw0lf, you around?
15:55.19Utah_Davemorning, timinator
15:55.38*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ (n=_psychic@
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16:06.47*** join/#uphpu drip|h (
16:10.25thebigdogjsmith you familiar with zip on linux?
16:10.36jsmithUh... yeah... sort of
16:10.46thebigdogyou ever use zipsplit
16:19.09drip|hgm everyone
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16:26.15*** join/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
16:30.35timinatormornin drip
17:12.13timinatorhello mgeary
17:12.22timinatorneed more coffee
17:19.55*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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17:27.01macnewboldwho hates rebates?
17:30.21thebigdogman man man
17:30.46thebigdogi hate ripping dvds and getting the wrong audio
17:38.08*** join/#uphpu bradym (
17:53.43*** join/#uphpu dragonleech (
17:56.05thebigdog~lart timinator
17:56.13thebigdogty jbot
17:56.32timinator~timattack thebigdog
17:56.41jbotACTION uses a 2 handed log saw and starts to chase thebigdog!
17:56.45thebigdog~tunafart timinator
17:56.47jbotACTION eats a week-old tuna sandwich with relish and walks over to timinator, leg raised, to let 'em rip.
17:57.00timinator~nuk thebigdog
17:57.02thebigdog~melvin timinator
17:57.03jbotACTION pulls timinator underwear up to the ceiling...and smiles
17:57.22timinator~nuyk thebigdog
17:57.38timinator~lart thebigdog
17:57.44timinatortake that
17:58.14timinator~whaleslap thebigdog
17:58.15jbotACTION beats thebigdog upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
17:58.29thebigdog~slap timinator
17:58.31jbotACTION slaps timinator, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
17:58.39timinator~lart thebigdog
18:00.23thebigdog~fart timinator
18:00.24jbotACTION farts in timinator's general direction
18:00.44timinatorah man
18:00.56timinator~lart thebigdog
18:01.17thebigdog~lart timinator
18:01.29thebigdoglol...just great
18:02.10timinator~lart thebigdog
18:03.56dripsure thebigdog.. push back lunch.
18:04.20thebigdoghey, got to make the $$$
18:07.10mgearyjasperreports, huh? Looks like a Java-only solution. Can you hook into it from PHP
18:07.58mgearyis it a client-side app? Or serverside?
18:15.17thebigdogor clientside if you have an app for it
18:15.20thebigdoglike ireport
18:23.20Lone_Wanderervideo about the amen beat
18:23.24Lone_Wandereramen break*
18:23.45mgearyanyone here have kids in elementary school?
18:25.29*** join/#uphpu jsmith (n=jsmith@
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18:25.53Lone_Wanderer(language alert on that clip)
18:26.46mgearyno elementary kid owners here, huh? :/
18:38.13macnewboldmgeary: I've got one who is elementary aged, but he's home schooled
18:39.13mgearymacnewbold, i admire your wife
18:39.28macnewboldme too
18:44.59jsmithMy wife was looking at some website today... utah association of homeschoolers or something like that
18:45.09jsmithTheir motto was "So, when do I find time to clean the house"
18:45.48Lone_WandererThat's gym class.
18:51.39*** join/#uphpu burnin (
19:13.33jsmithI get to do more SOAP programming from PHP on this project!
19:13.48Lone_WandererThat's... goood?
19:14.20jsmithBeats being bored
19:14.26Lone_WandererThis is true.
19:14.27jsmith(not that I'm ever bored)
19:16.11dataw0lfyou should use more
19:16.50Lone_WandererHeh, I was going to send you a bar of soap on facebook, DW.
19:28.20mgearyif i want to no longer have a (sub)directory in source control, but i don't want to delete that directory, should i just delete that folder's .svn folder? Or is there a more graceful way?
19:31.38macnewboldtry svn rm subdir
19:31.43macnewboldor if that doesn't work
19:31.49macnewboldsvn ; rm -rf subdir
19:32.00macnewboldjust kidding, mgeary, don't do that last one
19:32.20macnewboldactually, I was kidding about the first one too
19:32.23mgearyusing svn rm will remove the local files
19:32.26mgearyuh, yeah :)
19:32.26macnewboldsorry :)
19:33.06dataw0lfmgeary: use ignore
19:33.17macnewboldhe means on me I think
19:33.20mgearybut that won't delete the .svn files that are there for the subfolder
19:33.40mgearyshould i delete the .svn folder, and *then* ignore?
19:34.07dataw0lfsvn delete <subdir>
19:34.38mgearydataw0lf: no, 'cause that will nuke the files i want to keep
19:34.59dataw0lfcp them out, delete them, then put them back without an svn add
19:35.50mgearyyeah, that's what i'm doing now. it's just not very graceful
19:35.54mgearybut thanks
19:47.16Lone_Wanderermindjuju: did you get the amen break video link?
19:55.18mgearyhey, is there a client-side way to see what other domains live on an IP address?
19:55.18mgearyi don't have access to the apache config
19:55.45mgearythe LDS Church blocks my domain. says it's a sex site. <chuckle>
19:57.04Lone_Wandererwhat's the domain?
19:57.15Lone_WandererThey block too.
19:57.46Lone_Wandererhuh, weird
19:57.57mgearyi figure it's because their filters probably work on an IP basis
19:58.02mgearyip address, that is
19:58.13mgearyand there's probably some naughty site(s) on the same IP
19:58.19mgearyhence my question
19:58.22Lone_Wandererand you share an IP with some porn sites?
19:58.39Lone_WandererI've heard of a few, but I don't think they work directly.
19:58.57macnewboldmgeary: there are some places that will tell you a partial list of who shares an IP
19:59.01Lone_WandererThat is, they just passively monitor domains and when they get two with the same IP, they make a note of it.
19:59.07mgearymacnewbold: got any links?
19:59.18macnewboldnot off the top of my head - I can't remember where I saw them
19:59.19macnewboldbut they're out there
19:59.27macnewboldand very incomplete
19:59.46burninunless the LDS church is blocking all dreamhost sites.
19:59.55burnindig -x 5725 IN   PTR
20:00.26mgearynot very useful
20:01.54macnewboldtry that
20:02.28*** join/#uphpu gibbawho (
20:03.04macnewboldmgeary: here it is:
20:03.07macnewboldton of sharing going on
20:03.22mgearyholy cow
20:03.38mgearyton is an understatement
20:04.05mgearyah, the larger list is just domains with the same NS
20:04.08mgearybut still
20:04.11mgeary106 domains
20:04.15mgearyvery useful. thanks, macnewbold
20:04.38mgearythat's just domains using the same mailserver, which isn't exactly the same thing
20:04.44mgearybut it's a decent start
20:04.45Lone_Wandererton is an understatement?  how much does one domain weigh, and are 106 of them really more than one metric ton?
20:05.11macnewboldthe smaller list is mailserver sharing, the long one was nameserver sharing,
20:05.21macnewboldthis is a list of known domains on that IP
20:05.26macnewboldapparently it doesn't know of any
20:06.06bradymthat one says there's 7 domains with your same ip
20:06.17mgearybut doesn't list mine, so it's obviously a subset
20:06.19mgearystill, useful
20:10.47macnewboldmgeary: I tried an IP of a shared hosting server I know of, and it didn't list _any_ domains on that IP at all, out of at least mid-sized double digits I know are on there
20:11.06mgearyah well
20:11.07macnewboldso if it lists 7 for it, you could be one of 700
20:11.48mgearythanks for the effort
20:14.22macnewboldyou might be able to get to it through google translate :)
20:14.31macnewboldif they allow google translate from wherever you are blocked,
20:14.42macnewboldrequest the page translated from en to en
20:14.45Lone_Wandererheh, from English to English?
20:14.47macnewboldand it is totally browsable
20:14.54macnewboldyep, works like a charm
20:14.54Lone_WandererDoes it do anything to it?
20:15.05macnewbolden to en is a no-op thankfully
20:15.21macnewboldbut it fixes all the links to point to google translate links of those pages,
20:15.33Lone_WandererNow to print up my angry email and submit it in actual physical letter form.
20:15.36macnewboldso you end up being able to browse the whole site without doing each page manually
20:15.39Lone_Wandereroh cool
20:15.50macnewboldso what's the anger about? What'd MACU do now?
20:16.03Lone_Wandererwell, several things actually
20:16.17macnewbold(or what did they not do)
20:16.19Lone_Wandererbut the big one is that they deactivated my card for buying something online (from the UK)
20:16.24Lone_Wandererdidn't get a call about it
20:16.37macnewboldoh joy
20:16.37Lone_Wandererwent in to get it turned back on and the PFY at the counter didn't do it right
20:16.44macnewbolddouble joy
20:17.08Lone_Wandererthen (of course) I had to wait forever on the phone today to get someone who claims they fixed it
20:17.30Lone_Wandererand explained in a somewhat condescending tone the process by which a card gets deactivated
20:17.53macnewbold"it's called online shopping, you idiot... the site was in the UK, but I still shop there..."'
20:18.09Lone_Wandererbut there are also various other annoyances like their online banking thing requiring Super Duper Extra Security, which basically prevents me from logging on to it
20:18.20mgearycondescension is the refuge of a small mind
20:18.22Lone_Wandereraaaand... I forgot the others.
20:18.36macnewboldLone_Wanderer: how does it prevent you? not compatible with safari/firefox?
20:18.40Lone_WandererOh, the ATM fee for checking my balance from a non-MACU ATM.
20:19.08macnewboldserious? that's only half their fault though. the atm owner sets a fee, and so can the receiving institution
20:19.11Lone_WandererThey put a cookie on your machine when you log in from it, so if you log in from the same machine again it "remembers" it as being okay
20:19.29macnewboldif you find any Credit Union Co-Op ATM (almost all CUs in utah belong to it from what I've seen) there's never any fee
20:19.35Lone_Wandererbut if you use a different machine, you have to go through an additional barrage of tests to make sure it's REALLY you
20:19.42macnewboldoh, serious?
20:19.44macnewboldthat's insane
20:19.46Lone_Wanderer(which is really just answering a "secret question" in addition to your password)
20:19.52Lone_Wanderer(but still, it annoys me)
20:20.08macnewboldso does it end up keeping you locked out, or after the annoyance, can you get in?
20:20.34Lone_WandererAfter you log in from the machine you can tell it (by going somewhere on the online branch) to remember that computer, but it doesn't do it automatically
20:20.38Lone_Wandererjust in case it's a public machine
20:21.04Lone_WandererI wouldn't mind it so much if there were a way to just opt out completely.
20:21.29Lone_WandererOh, also, all of the ways to contact them online involve filling out numerous forms first.  Just give me a box where I can type out my rant already.
20:22.48Lone_WandererSo anyway, it's no frustration that's really unique to MACU, but it's been a long time since I've had any problems with a corporation of any sort.
20:35.08mindjujuanybody know a good place to buy tires?
20:35.54Lone_WandererWell, the place with the red sign whose name I can't recall gives you a pretty decent warranty.
20:35.56Lone_WandererBig O
20:36.12Lone_WandererI had my tires replaced once at Discount Tire and they did the alignment wrong
20:36.30mindjujuyuck, did they fix it?
20:36.49mindjujuwhat do you think about Sam's club or Costco tires?
20:36.49mindjujuare those cheaper?
20:46.37Lone_WandererI don't know anything about them.
20:46.57Lone_WandererGoogle "tires", you'll probably find an explanation of what the difference is between them all.
20:52.05Utah_DaveI recently bought four tires for my wife's car at Discount Tire and I was pretty happy with their service and price
20:54.09macnewboldI've mostly liked Discount
20:54.30macnewboldthough the $12/tire replacement fee and the $10/tire lifetime balancing/rotation fee are a bit tricky
20:55.01macnewboldwhenever you _do_ need to get a tire replaced, they bill you the $12 again for a new tire replacement warranty certificate, and the $10 for the balancing/rotation on the new tire
20:56.05macnewboldso even though you paid up front for free tire replacement for the life of the tire,
20:56.14mindjujuthat IS tricky!
20:56.18macnewboldthey still charge you $22+tax (+ maybe a $2 disposal fee?) to replace it
20:56.20mindjujubunch of jerks!
20:56.28Lone_Wanderertricksy hobbits!
20:56.45macnewboldbut ~$25 for a replacement of a $70-80 tire is worthwhile I suppose
20:57.18macnewboldabout 4 years ago I bought a set of 4 tires for about $300-350, with 70K mile warranty on them
20:57.29macnewboldduring that time had 2 of them replaced, for another $50 or so,
20:57.41Lone_WandererThat's not bad.
20:57.42macnewboldthen went to get them rotated and they insisted I replace them,
20:57.59macnewboldand credited me $25/tire since they were still 25K miles under the 70K warranty
20:58.30macnewboldand got me in a set that was a few bucks per tire more, but he says he's actually seen them last the 80-85K miles that they're warranteed for,
20:58.35macnewboldfor about $300 again
20:58.53macnewbold(the lame tires that came on the brand new mazda only lasted 25K miles)
20:59.00macnewboldso I should be good until about 150K miles now
20:59.53macnewboldthey've got a bunch of stores here in utah
20:59.56macnewboldand all over too
21:00.16mgearyLes Schwab is supposed to be decent and cheap, but i've not first-hand experience
21:01.06macnewboldI've used Big O Tires before, and they were good too
21:01.13macnewboldeven bent the rim on our spare back into shape
21:06.38mgearyi'm trying to craft a "find" command. i want to recursively retrieve all files in a directory that are NOT in .svn folders, that end with "pdf". Any tips? I'd prefer not to use grep as a filter...
21:11.20jsmithmgeary: Why not this: find . -name \*.pdf | grep -v \.svn
21:11.42jsmithWhat's wrong with grep?
21:11.58mgearynothing, just didn't want to use 2 tools when i could use 1
21:12.28mgearybut thanks, that'll do. wasn't familiar with the -v option for grep
21:13.30jsmithOK.... hold on... I'll do it in one
21:18.08mgearyno worries
21:18.13mgearydon't hurt yourself... ;)
21:18.57jsmithSorry... trying to juggle two phone calls and do the regex in my head
21:19.13Lone_WandererDon't hurt yours... oh, someone already said that.
21:19.19jsmithI'll leave it up to someone smarter than me and show me the regex I can use in: find . -regex <foo>
21:19.41mgearyi know you can use ! in find
21:19.53mgearybut i cannot get -path to work as i understand it should
21:20.18mgearymy thinking was along the lines of: find . -name .pdf ! -path .svn
21:25.57jsmithfind . -iregex '.*\.pdf' ! -iregex '.*\.svn/.*'
21:26.03jsmithThere you go
21:26.07jsmithMy brain can rest now
21:26.53mgearyvery nice. thanks. i didn't know that iregex operated on the entire path
21:27.45mindjuju"i am Nitro!  ... my brain is bigger than yours!" - that beats the heck out of any RATM lyrics!
21:47.20*** join/#uphpu timinator_ (n=timinato@
21:53.38*** join/#uphpu beandog_ (
21:55.28mindjujuhawoo ?
21:56.21Lone_WandererHey, beandog_, when are y'all going out to the salt flats to drive at breakneck speeds?
21:56.32beandog_the 17th
21:56.57beandog_you gonna come?
21:57.12beandog_sweet, what you driving
21:57.31Lone_WandererWell, either my oldanbusted 99 Mystique (it's actually decent) or a rented sports car.
21:58.16Lone_WandererBut I'm not sure if they'd like me driving their rented sexymachine on the salt flats.
21:58.17beandog_yah I was wondering about that too.
21:58.17Lone_WandererI'll probably just stick with my own car
21:58.17beandog_what make is a Mystique?
21:58.17Lone_WandererMercury, it's just like a Ford something or other
21:58.23beandog_oh okay
21:58.24beandog_right on
21:58.24Lone_Wandereronly it doesn't have the Ford name on it, so I don't have to kill myself for owning it
21:58.44beandog_its really fun, since the flats are so wide
21:58.48beandog_something like 11 miles across
21:58.53beandog_and you can just drive and drive and drive
21:59.06Lone_Wandereryeah, it'd be fun to see how hard I can corner and things without spinning out
21:59.17Lone_Wandererin an environment that I don't need to worry about crashing in
21:59.26Utah_DaveI know "SELECT * " is frowned upon for performance reasons, and you should specify which columns you actually need.
21:59.29Lone_Wandereralthough, is cornering too hard potentially bad for things?
21:59.30beandog_plus you go even just a little bit out and you cant see anyone
21:59.30Utah_DaveBut what if you do actually need to retrieve all of the columns? Is is still faster to specify each column name in the query?
21:59.46beandog_Utah_Dave: no, its not faster
22:00.03Lone_WandererUtah_Dave: I would suspect that it's slower, as specifying the names makes it th ink it's not grabbing them all right up front.
22:00.07Lone_WandererBut maybe it makes no difference.
22:00.18Lone_WandererContour.  It's the Mercury version of the Contour.
22:00.21beandog_SELECTs are only going to be a problem if you are doing lots of joins and doing *
22:00.23jsmithIt's been my experience that it's more efficient to show the column names yhou need
22:00.25beandog_or if you dont have things properly indexed
22:00.39jsmithIt makes the query planner eliminate a lot of unneeded indices
22:00.48Utah_Daveno joins, just one table.
22:00.56Utah_DaveOK, I'll type the column names all out then
22:01.27Utah_Davethanks beandog Lone_Wanderer jsmith
22:01.52jsmithUtah_Dave: If you really do need all (or almost all) of the columns, then a * is fine
22:02.03Lone_Wandererbeandog_: tidbit - the Mystique has been nicknamed the Mistake because of various problems plaguing it's marketing and hardware
22:02.12beandog_its good to specify them though if you can
22:02.19beandog_Lone_Wanderer: really?  that sucks.
22:02.54beandog_well youre supposed to have the schema memorized anyway, duh
22:03.07mgearydang. i always forget to do that
22:03.36mgearyi hope you did it BACKWARDS, so i can read it in a mirror
22:03.39Lone_Wandererbeandog_: It's a good car, handles well, and is "fast" for a family sedan, but there were a few recalls for it and they didn't position it well in the market.  It cost almost as much as the next car up, but was not much larger than the next car down.
22:05.24beandog_theyre cool looking and fast
22:05.41Lone_WandererI used to know a girl whose AIM name was Tsubieracer
22:05.44Lone_WandererShe was a car nut.
22:05.47beandog_theres a TT
22:05.58Lone_Wandererahh, nice
22:06.10Lone_Wanderernot blatantly sporty, no idiotic spoiler that's larger than the car itself
22:07.19beandog_^^ somewhat crappy picture of a new Eclipse
22:09.12beandog_Lone_Wanderer: nice
22:09.19Lone_WandererThey're huge
22:09.26Lone_Wandererwith a correspondingly large engine
22:09.39beandog_we used to have a station wagon growing up
22:09.43beandog_one of those old school ones
22:09.47beandog_that sucker had a v8 in there
22:09.50beandog_*that* was fast.
22:09.50Lone_Wandererlol yeah, so did we.  a caprice.
22:10.13Lone_Wandererwas it the 5.7, or the smaller I don't remember what size they were engine?
22:10.21beandog_I dunno
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22:50.03mindjujuhey macnewbold
22:51.22Utah_Davewhat's up, mindjuju?
22:52.03mindjujuhey, when you bought those tires at discount tires, did you buy that certificate for free replacement at 17.00 per tire?
22:52.35mindjujulooks like an extended warranty, but for tires
22:52.45mindjujueh, i think i'll be cheap today and skip it
22:52.53Utah_DaveI did buy the extended warranty. I'm not sure exactly how much I paid for it
22:53.15mindjujuyou did? hmmm... maybe i SHOULD buy it
22:53.25Utah_Davesupposedly they're replace the tires no matter what happens as long as the tire has tread
22:53.26macnewboldhi mindjuju
22:53.36mindjujuyeah, that's what i was reading
22:53.44mindjujumacnewbold, was going to ask you the same question too
22:53.45macnewboldyeah, that's the replacement warranty
22:53.56mindjujudid you get the replacement warranty when you went to discount tire
22:53.59Utah_Daveand they'll rotate and do flat repair for free too
22:53.59macnewboldmy tires were about $80 each and $12/tire for the replacement warranty
22:54.08macnewboldearlier ones were $70 + $10/tire
22:54.23macnewboldI guess for bigger more expensive tires, the replacement is more per tire
22:54.28Utah_DaveI took down my other car and they fixed a slow leak on it even though I had bought the tires for the other car
22:54.33macnewboldhow about this, mindjuju: just get the $17 policy on one tire :-D
22:54.39mindjujudataw0lf, do you want to opine on tire warranties?
22:55.02mindjujuyeah, i wonder what' they'd do
22:55.03dataw0lfmindjuju: I just buy the most expensive tires from Costco *shrug*
22:55.24mindjujui looked at costco, they only sell michelin and takes 5 days
22:55.36macnewboldyeah, the rotation, flat repair, balancing, etc are handy - but remember on the flat repair, that if there's any sidewall damage or a puncture bigger than 1/4" they'll make you replace it completely, at either the cost of a new tire (1/4 of what you're paying today),
22:55.43dataw0lfI usually gauge my performance based on price.  Bad idea, I know, but I don't know enough about cars, nor care enough to really invest time in investigation.
22:55.46macnewboldor $10+$17 if you buy that cert. for each tire
22:55.53dataw0lfI trust Costco for that.
22:56.31macnewboldmindjuju: also, the longer the warranty on the tires (i.e. mileage rating), the more likely you'll have an irreparable flat during that time, and usually the more expensive the tire too
22:56.46mindjujuyeah, the tires are 126 a piece
22:57.07macnewboldon my last set I had to replace 2 tires of the four (or was it 3 and one of the replacements had to be replaced)
22:57.15macnewbold$17*4 = $58, right?
22:57.38macnewboldso if you've got a 50% chance of replacing at least one tire in the that many miles, oyu'll save money with the certificates
22:57.38mindjujubut i'm only buying 2 wheels today
22:57.42macnewboldah, okay
22:57.50mindjujubut still, your logic follows
22:57.59mindjujui'll be buying the other 2 in like 4 months
22:58.42macnewboldactually it would be $17*4 ($58) is the cost up front, then $17+10=$27 is the cost at the time of replacement, to replace one tire, and an additional $27 per tire for each add'l tire replaced
22:59.08*** topic/#UPHPU by thebigdog -> Utah PHP Users Group | | Call For Papers - Utah Open Source Conference
22:59.13macnewboldalso, remember that in a four wheel drive vehicle (or all-wheel drive) they'll make you replace all the tires if there's more than 1/8" difference in the tread :(
22:59.33macnewboldthey have to keep equal tread on all the drive-axle tires, or all 4 in those cases
22:59.53macnewboldand they won't use the replacement certs for replacing the 3 that weren't damaged, you have to replace them at full price :(
23:00.07macnewboldunless they get damaged too ;)
23:00.19macnewboldyeah, very yuck - my parents had to buy like 3 sets for their van
23:00.33macnewboldthough I think they ought to pro-rate them due to the warranty, but you'd better check on that too
23:00.50macnewbold3 full sets of tires when they should have only needed one set to last for that many miles
23:01.24macnewboldI guess he doesn't like tire talk...
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23:59.34beandog_I cant remember the differences between MyISAM and InnoDB
23:59.44Lone_WandererYou want InnoDB.
23:59.49Lone_WandererThat's how I remember it.
23:59.52beandog_aside from fulltext indexes and transactions

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