irclog2html for #uphpu on 20070216

00:04.39*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
00:04.41Lone_WandererJust emailed my sister.
00:05.11Lone_WandererI know that her husband works with several generals.  Whether any of them can or will help me out is another question entirely.
00:10.21Lone_WandererThere, emailed a recruiter too.  "I want to be a 19D."
00:10.27dataw0lfI probably overreacted by advising you go into the military
00:10.28Lone_WandererThat should get the ball rolling.
00:10.39dataw0lfI don't want your death on my conscience
00:10.40Lone_WandererI've wanted to for a long time.
00:11.09Lone_WandererBut didn't think I could.
00:13.41Lone_WandererNot lining a chalk up right?  Is that a big deal?
00:15.05dataw0lfa chalk is the helicopter you fly out on and fast rope from as a air assault pathfinder
00:15.32dataw0lfyou line up a chalk when you line your squad up and triplecheck all their equipment, get a quick prick from the medics, sometimes, etc
00:15.39Lone_WandererAhh.  So it *is* a big deal.  Like not doing it right could directly result in people dying.
00:15.41dataw0lfthen you check your safeties once you're in the chopper
00:18.11Lone_WandererSo, if an officer gives you an order that will obviously result in your death
00:18.33Lone_WandererWhat do you do?
00:19.12dataw0lfyou follow the order
00:19.16dataw0lfit's a legal order
00:20.22dataw0lfI mean, I probably wouldn't follow it, I'd just tell my first sergeant to gimme a new officer
00:20.44dataw0lfin combat, it'd probably result to a butt stroke to the head
00:21.31dataw0lfenlisted soldiers usually keep the rank and file officers in line
00:22.55Lone_WandererI think I'm going to go in about eight minutes.
00:25.02Lone_WandererOr now.  Bye.
00:26.58*** join/#uphpu jsmith (
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01:08.32*** part/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
01:14.52*** join/#uphpu burnin (
01:41.51jsmithdataw0lf: Yes?!?
01:43.54dataw0lfwasn't me
01:44.15dataw0lfmindjuju: sorry about freaking out earlier
01:44.22dataw0lfI need to control my temper
01:51.32burnindid I miss an exhibition?
02:05.15*** join/#uphpu fungus (
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02:16.24*** join/#uphpu jsmith (
02:38.39*** part/#uphpu bradym (
02:52.37*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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03:25.39*** join/#uphpu tierra ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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03:41.14*** join/#uphpu Black_Chaos (n=admin@oalug/member/blackchaos)
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05:53.06*** join/#uphpu cyco|w_ (n=cyco@
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15:33.41*** join/#uphpu thebigdog (
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16:29.47*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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16:33.19*** topic/#UPHPU by thebigdog -> UPHPU | | Utah PHP User Group
16:51.25*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=sdibb@gentoo/developer/beandog)
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16:56.09*** join/#uphpu macnewbold (
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17:11.12*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ (n=_psychic@
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17:39.58mindjujusure is a quiet morning
17:53.51*** join/#uphpu Lone_Wanderer (
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17:54.08Lone_WandererYarr indeed.
18:14.59*** join/#uphpu timinator (
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18:15.50_psychic_~asplode my
18:15.51jbotmy head asplode, k thx
18:16.15*** join/#uphpu bradym (
18:23.34Utah_Dave~lart mindjuju
18:24.08Utah_Dave:) just kidding, mindjuju
18:29.20_psychic_I think the whois servers got 0wned today
18:35.19*** join/#uphpu dragonleech (
18:44.16*** part/#uphpu beandog (n=sdibb@gentoo/developer/beandog)
18:54.23mindjujuhar har, utah_dave
18:59.27*** join/#uphpu gibba[w] (
19:00.26*** join/#uphpu Lone_Wanderer (
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19:06.19Lone_WandererI wonder if I could make ~yow my greeting, so that when I came in he'd say it and trigger himself.
19:06.30mindjujuyou can
19:06.43mindjujuhang on quick sec
19:07.26mindjujuk, that should do it
19:07.32mindjujuleave and come back
19:07.35Lone_WandererFor me?  okay.
19:07.36*** part/#uphpu Lone_Wanderer (
19:07.42*** join/#uphpu Lone_Wanderer (
19:07.43*** mode/#UPHPU [+v Lone_Wanderer] by ChanServ
19:07.50mindjujuhey!  why didn't it do it
19:08.13*** part/#uphpu mindjuju (
19:08.20*** join/#uphpu mindjuju (
19:08.20*** mode/#UPHPU [+o mindjuju] by ChanServ
19:08.33mindjujuthat's weird
19:08.40mindjujuit just typed the command, not execute
19:08.55mindjuju~seen timriker
19:09.38jbottimriker is currently on #bzflag (2h 42m 15s) #utah (2h 42m 15s) #openmoko (2h 42m 15s) #openezx (2h 42m 15s) #elinux (2h 42m 15s). Has said a total of 10 messages. Is idling for 2h 36m 16s, last said: 'ran bzflag on the xbox last night. it sucked of course with no 3d hardware support. still it amused me.'.
19:10.59Lone_Wanderer~seen dataw0lf
19:11.05jbotdataw0lf is currently on #utah #uphpu. Has said a total of 137 messages. Is idling for 17h 26m 43s, last said: 'I need to control my temper'.
19:27.12mindjujuLone_Wanderer , I have consulted with the oracle and he says that it isn't possible to invoke a command on an onjoin
19:31.34Lone_WandererDid the Oracle tell you that himself?
19:31.43Lone_WandererOr was it one of his priests that informed you?
19:31.45Lone_WandererAhh okay.
19:32.03Lone_WandererUsually the Oracle just babbles, and the babbling has to be interpreted by the Oracle's priests.
19:32.19mindjujui had a babelfish in my ear
19:32.35Lone_WandererOh cool.
19:32.39Lone_WandererI need to get me one of those.
19:32.53mindjujuwell, the first thing, of course is to have a towel
19:33.05mindjujuso i'd work on that
19:33.06Lone_WandererGot one.  Know where it is.
19:34.23mindjujunice.  i myself have recently gone and put a chicken bone in my beard.
19:35.10Lone_WandererI need to grow a beard first.
19:36.13mindjujuLone_Wanderer, i see that your very learned in the ways of Douglas Adams.  
19:36.30mindjujui should program jbot with some dogulas adams stuff
19:36.44Lone_WandererWell, first first, I need to live in a cave on prehistoric Earth.
19:44.09_psychic_jbot: why $1 is 42.
19:44.13jbot_psychic_: what are you talking about?
19:45.23jbot42 is probably the answer to life the universe and everything, see also,_the_universe,_and_everything
19:45.40mindjujui'm weepy
19:50.10_psychic_even wikipedia?
19:50.57wpseven wikipedia
19:51.14_psychic_too much mob trust, or what?
19:51.25wpsno, not a content issue
19:51.39wpsaesthetics, design, usability
19:51.48wpswikis are butt ugly and impossible to navigate
19:52.03wpsour engineering department uses one and it is absolutely impossible to find anything in it
19:52.07_psychic_I don't think that's anything unique to wikis, though.
19:52.23wpstrue, but it is consistent with wikis
19:57.27jsmithwps: Amen to that!
19:57.46jsmith~stab messy wikis
19:57.48jbotACTION runs at messy wikis with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut.
19:58.14jsmith~organize wikis
20:07.22Lone_Wandererwps: If you find it difficult to navigate, you can fix that ;)
20:24.51*** join/#uphpu herlo-lap (
20:25.36mindjujudoes that mean running laps?
20:25.59Lone_Wandereryes.  he's running laps and is connecting to IRC via his brainwaves.
20:26.02Lone_Wandererit's the future!
20:26.03mindjujuyeah, i figured, but thought i might have a little fun with the prospects of what lap could mean he's doing
20:30.15herlo-lapmindjuju: not on my normal way, on my laptop (or lap for short)
20:30.34mindjujuyeah, was just going to tease you 'bout it
20:30.44herlo-lapmindjuju: don't you dare come sit on my lap! you will break it!
20:31.01*** part/#uphpu herlo-lap (
20:31.02mindjujuwell, not me, but
20:31.26Lone_WandererHe could be lapping up packets from the ether.
20:31.52herlomindjuju: but who?
20:31.58*** join/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
20:31.59mindjujuor how much
20:32.08mgearyhi folks
20:32.15Lone_Wandererhello Madamme Geary
20:32.21herlomindjuju: I am very confused
20:32.39mgearythat's "Madame" to you, buster
20:33.09mindjujuherlo , PM
20:33.52mgearyhey, can we talk Exceptions for a sec?
20:33.53herlomindjuju: got it
20:33.57Utah_Dave~seen dataw0lf
20:34.23jbotdataw0lf is currently on #utah #uphpu. Has said a total of 137 messages. Is idling for 18h 50m 1s, last said: 'I need to control my temper'.
20:34.23mindjujuyeah, where is ole dataw0lf
20:34.24herlomindjuju: I won't be giving anyone a lap dance.  I might get one though
20:34.25mgearycan/should Exceptions only be used in conjunction with a try?
20:34.40herlowe all need to lart him
20:34.45Lone_Wanderer~lart dataw0lf
20:34.48herlo~lart dataw0lf
20:35.00mindjujuwell, herlo , when a person goes to lunch, they say herlo-lunch , so when you said herlo-lap
20:35.01_psychic_~lart dataw0lf
20:35.13mindjuju~poo dataw0lf
20:35.17jbotACTION summons a troop of flying monkeys to fling their poo at dataw0lf
20:35.17mgearyhere's the thing. I like how xdebug gives me the callstack when an exception is hit. However, i generally try to pre-empt operations that could fail, rather than using try().
20:35.30herlomindjuju: I have more than one computer, it could be that too.  But hey, lap dances are alright as well....
20:35.49herlo~whaleslap dataw0lf
20:35.51jbotACTION beats dataw0lf upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
20:36.01herlo~funk dataw0lf
20:36.10herlo~nice dataw0lf
20:36.11jbotACTION lowers dataw0lf's priority
20:36.15_psychic_~phit dataw0lf
20:36.16jbotACTION wiggles his fingers dataw0lf's direction. You now have a strong conviction that dataw0lf wants to hug you.
20:36.19mgearyuh, i can come back later, when the dust settles, if that'd help...
20:36.50herlodust! settle!!
20:37.13herlomgeary: you have the floor
20:37.46mgearyhere's the thing. I like how xdebug gives me the callstack when an exception is hit. However, i generally try to pre-empt operations that could fail, rather than using try().
20:37.55herlothe floor is then ripped out from under mgeary :)
20:38.14mgearyfor example, i use is_writeable($somefile) before trying to fopen($somefile,"w");
20:38.26mgearyhowever, i'm trying to get my brain around exceptions
20:38.39Lone_Wandereryou writing in php?
20:38.43mgearyshould i just do: try(fopen(...))catch(...)
20:38.54mgearyuh, yeah, thought that could be taken for granted ;)
20:38.59herlomgeary: you could consider programming exceptions as if you are expecting something particular to happen.  Think of it as almost a way to do interrupt driven...
20:39.02Lone_Wandererjust checking
20:39.20Lone_WandererI'm not used to people talking about doing real, actual error checking in php ;)
20:40.00Utah_DaveI think it's hilarious that dataw0lf's last statement was "I need to control my temper"
20:40.01mgearyherlo, the problem i have with that is how many try()s is too many....
20:40.06Utah_Dave~seen dataw0lf
20:40.29jbotdataw0lf is currently on #utah #uphpu. Has said a total of 137 messages. Is idling for 18h 56m 7s, last said: 'I need to control my temper'.
20:40.30mgearyi mean, things *could* fail all over
20:40.30mgearya PHP extension might not be installed....
20:40.30Lone_Wandererjbot: dataw0lf needs to control his temper
20:40.47jbotwell, dataw0lf is sleeping again, or da supahstah, or a dink, or #utah's number one troll, or known by his full title: dataw0lf, Destroyer of Newbies, Troll of the Seas of IRC, God of All that is Technical, etc, etc, or a lamer as per "~nickometer dataw0lf", or stderr
20:41.08Lone_Wandererjbot: dataw0lf is also a guy who needs to control his temper
20:41.09jbotLone_Wanderer: okay
20:41.28jbotrumour has it, dataw0lf is sleeping again, or da supahstah, or a dink, or #utah's number one troll, or known by his full title: dataw0lf, Destroyer of Newbies, Troll of the Seas of IRC, God of All that is Technical, etc, etc, or a lamer as per "~nickometer dataw0lf", or stderr, or a guy who needs to control his temper
20:41.42herlomgeary: exceptions are supposed to be there for things you don't expect, not just things you do.  Usually though, I program them for things that I expect to fail and then deal with them that way
20:41.55Lone_WandererI wish I could make him say "dataw0lf needs to release his anger" along with that.
20:42.24herloLone_Wanderer: watch
20:42.28Lone_WandererI also wish this site were less complex so the site map wouldn't challenge my graph theory skillz.
20:42.41herlojbot: dataw0lf is also needs to release his anger
20:42.43jbotherlo: okay
20:42.52jbotit has been said that dataw0lf is sleeping again, or da supahstah, or a dink, or #utah's number one troll, or known by his full title: dataw0lf, Destroyer of Newbies, Troll of the Seas of IRC, God of All that is Technical, etc, etc, or a lamer as per "~nickometer dataw0lf", or stderr, or a guy who needs to control his temper, or needs to release his anger
20:43.33*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=sdibb@gentoo/developer/beandog)
20:43.34*** mode/#UPHPU [+v beandog] by ChanServ
20:44.58mindjujuheya beandog, did you get that CSS to work for ya?
20:45.14beandogyah, thanks mindjuju
20:45.34mgearyhrm. an exception isn't getting thrown
20:45.51mgearywhat's the preferred pasteboard site here? is dog slow
20:46.20mindjujucoolio, i saw that SYNIC was all telling ya to use absolute positioning, the only prob there though is that absolute pulls the div out of the flow of the divs, so if your divs are all sitting relative, absolute positioning that cause havok, SYNIC
20:47.48mgearywhen the file is NOT writable, the exception does not get thrown/caught
20:48.41mgeary is much faster
20:51.36mgearyany thoughts?
20:56.22thebigdogdo you get an error?
20:56.32mgearyno, it just breezes past it all
20:56.41mgearybut the file does not get written. the try technically fails
20:56.57mgearyi assumed it was because i wasn't catching the right exception
20:57.07mgearybut i'm just using a default Exception
20:57.12mgearyhaven't gotten to subclassing that yet
20:57.14thebigdogthat is all you need for tha
20:57.23mgearyyeah, that's what i thought
20:57.37thebigdogu should need to subclass it unless you need other methods or functionality
20:58.18mgearyi'm just gonna do what i normally do for now
20:58.32mgearybut it'd be cool to have a UG meeting on Exceptions
20:59.20thebigdogi would double check fopen and see what errors can happen on your os
20:59.59thebigdogwhat os are you on?
21:00.21mgearyOS X for development
21:00.32thebigdogand double check yoru file location too
21:00.43mgearywell, i know *why* it's not working
21:00.54mgearyi don't know why the exception isn't being thrown
21:01.11mgearythe permissions are wrong. is_writable() fails
21:01.29mgearythat's not my problem. i just want to improve my error handling by using exceptions, but am not making much headway there
21:02.08thebigdogfopen does not throw and error if it fails to open
21:02.44thebigdogbasically fopen throws a warning when the file cant be open
21:03.11thebigdogfopen returns false and E_WARNING is generated
21:03.14mgearyso it wouldn't be possible to use an Exception there
21:03.39mgearyunless i did one manually by wrapping is_writable or such
21:06.22thebigdogyeah file i/o is a little different with other langs you get exceptions not sure why php uses warnings
21:06.47mgearyokay, thanks
21:08.05thebigdogwhat is your error reporting settings
21:08.24thebigdogif you want to add E_WARNING if it is not there
21:08.34thebigdogthen you might be able to use try/catch with it
21:09.01thebigdogim thinking you might not have warnings in your error reporting level
21:09.31mgearyi think i do, it's 2039. lemme check the ini
21:10.03mgearyE_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
21:13.48mgearyanyway, i still vote for a UG meeting on Exceptions
21:14.21mgearyseeing as how i'm such a regular attendee and all
22:01.22synicmindjuju: it wasn't me
22:01.29synicmindjuju: probably tierra
22:01.39mindjujuoh yeah, maybe it was tierra
22:01.57tierrait was
22:02.31mindjujuit was!
22:02.42tierraand yes, absolute/relative positioning can be a pain to work with sometimes, but it can do things margins can't :)
22:03.14mindjujutrue that, but it also pulls the div with positioning out of the flow, so if everything is relative, it can be hard to work with
22:03.25mindjujubut it sounds like that's what your saying
22:03.29mindjujuso i guess we're agreeing
22:03.36tierrayeah, not arguing that
22:03.57tierrathough there's tricks to managing that as well, but overall, it can be a pain
22:04.21tierraI was just saying it'
22:04.39mindjujuyeah, i was more teasing when i said what i said
22:05.24tierrayou sure you don't want to put up the fist-a-cuffs?
22:07.34mindjuju~wiseguy tierra
22:07.36jbotACTION runs up to tierra and pokes tierra in the eyes!
22:07.40jbotACTION watches tierra pull the trigger:  BANG!
22:07.48synicyou lose
22:08.08tierra... jbot just said I got to the gun first :)
22:08.24mindjujuhere all this time, i didn't know about roulette
22:08.32jbotACTION watches mindjuju pull the trigger:  Click!
22:08.45tierraI knew most bots had it, so I guessed
22:45.43thebigdog~hammer mindjuju
22:45.54thebigdog~chop mindjuju
22:46.18thebigdog~tunafart mindjuju
22:46.20jbotACTION eats a week-old tuna sandwich with relish and walks over to mindjuju, leg raised, to let 'em rip.
22:47.03mindjujusup thebigdog
22:47.12thebigdognot much
22:48.48thebigdogcranking some tunes and coding is all
22:51.27thebigdoghow about you?
22:52.39mindjujunot too bad, staying out of trouble
22:53.13thebigdoghow was the meeting?
22:55.35Lone_WandererDoes anyone know of a site mapping tool (like visio, only free) that I can use on a Mac?
22:57.09thebigdogthere is dia
22:57.17thebigdognot sure if it runs on mac
22:57.37mgearybut not free
22:57.56Lone_WandererYeah, we tried that one, the free version only lets you do 20 items, including lines, and this graph is bigger than that.
22:58.20thebigdogman i want a mac so bad...:(  i just need $3000
22:58.42thebigdogLone_Wanderer, check dia and see if runs on mac
22:58.47macnewboldthebigdog: get a mini - $600-1000
22:58.50macnewboldthey're awesome
22:58.57thebigdogi want a laptop
22:59.16macnewboldLone_Wanderer: dia, xfig, and there's a bunch of others I can't remember right now
22:59.17thebigdogwith everything
22:59.29macnewboldinkscape might work too
22:59.53macnewboldit does scalable graphics (vector based) instead of bitmapped, so it might be handy if you need to print out different sizes
23:00.11macnewboldthe guys in #utah might know some good ones too
23:00.53Lone_WandererChecking there as well.
23:01.13Lone_WandererBut, somewhat typically, they're saying "What do you mean?" and correcting my definitions.
23:01.37macnewboldbetter than what you'd get on the plug list... ;)
23:01.42macnewbold~flame pluglist
23:01.49jbotpluglist, YOU SUCK. And you know it.
23:01.49thebigdogLone_Wanderer, what are you wanting to create in particular?
23:02.14macnewbolddiagram of a site map, it sounds like
23:02.21macnewboldboxes connected by lines
23:02.25Lone_WandererUmm.  I found dia but the stuff they want me to do confuses me.
23:02.30macnewboldmaybe some ellipses or circles or rounded corner boxes
23:02.43tierraI cry everytime I see new topics on PLUG show up in my email me an example?
23:02.57macnewboldI've used dia before, if you want help?
23:03.02Lone_WandererImagine a page w ith lots of boxes connected by lines.  And with labels on the boxes.
23:03.06bradymI use FreeMind to map out sites -
23:03.11Lone_WandererAye, help would be good.
23:03.16macnewboldtierra: if you need one, I can get you a procmail rule that files your pluglist mail into /dev/null for you...
23:03.26thebigdogLone_Wanderer are you thinking case study or flow?
23:03.40Lone_WandererNeither.  Just boxes connected by lines :(
23:03.43Lone_WandererNot a flowchart.
23:03.43macnewboldit sounds like heirarchical structure of a web site diagram
23:03.53thebigdoguse dia then
23:05.00thebigdogLone_Wanderer there is also a tool in eclipse that you can create diagrams too
23:05.04thebigdogbut dia is my fav
23:05.19thebigdogkoffice has a nice one is on linux
23:31.21timinatorlater guys
23:31.25timinatorhave a great weekend
23:33.30*** part/#uphpu mgeary (n=mgeary@
23:45.31_psychic_~phit mindjuju
23:45.33jbotACTION wiggles his fingers mindjuju's direction. You now have a strong conviction that thebigdog isn't so big.
23:46.04mindjuju~dhit _psychic_
23:46.05jbotACTION appears right behind _psychic_ and slaps him in the back of the head
23:47.14_psychic_~bdhit mindjuju
23:47.17jbotACTION leaps to Sunrise Claw of the Cruel Snake on mindjuju
23:59.16Utah_Dave~lart mindjuju
23:59.31*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dave (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.