irclog2html for #uphpu on 20070210

00:00.34dataw0lfalright, let me make some changes first
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00:05.35bouchadataw0lf: this is my first foray into irssi-dom
00:14.38dataw0lfsorry, got distracted
00:15.06dataw0lflet me make some changes to smartaleck_db too
00:15.18dataw0lfdon't want you knowing too much bout my db design..
00:20.23beandogmindjuju: I am your father
00:20.38mindjujuheh, have you installed it already?
00:20.55beandogIll buy a copy when new games wont run on XP anymore.
00:21.10mindjujuthat'll probably be a good while yet
00:21.40beandogI hope so.
00:21.40mindjujuthough it sounds like MS is going to try to catalyze the conversion by releasing games only for Vista, like Halo 2 and stuff
00:22.10beandogTheyll do something like, requires DirectX 15 or something.
00:22.24beandogwhich wont support OpenGL so we wont get any more native linux ports.
00:22.38mindjujui run all my fun stuff on a different box
00:35.01dataw0lfwhat was I doing again?
00:37.07beandogyour wiseacre db?
00:37.25beandogoh, you did
00:38.45mindjujui'm thinking Chuck
00:39.24mindjujupsh, Norris was in Return of the Dragon with Bruce Lee
00:39.24dataw0lfI can't stand Chuck Norris
00:39.34dataw0lfyea, and got his butt stomped
00:39.43dataw0lfJack would just shoot him between his eyes
00:39.44mindjujuyeah, but that was Bruce Lee
00:39.54dataw0lfJack would shoot Bruce Lee between the eyes too
00:43.24*** part/#uphpu dragonleech (
00:44.59*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
00:51.27beandogI thought there was some php function to grab the query string and put the vars into an array
00:53.59dataw0lfparse_str($query, $array); <-
00:54.04beandogoh geez.
00:54.11beandogI was passing the wrong $_SERVER var
00:54.12beandogthanks dataw0lf
00:55.19dataw0lfmindjuju: parse_url returns a hash of the protocol, path, query string, and fragment, amongst other things
00:57.24mindjujuoh well, can't win them all
01:28.35*** join/#uphpu wps (n=wps@
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01:41.29beandog*that* is great
01:48.58synicI figure I miss some things on there.
01:49.04synicplus.. who knows.  I might be able to help someone.
01:49.09synicprobably not.
01:50.13dataw0lfI love how you've been in this channel way longer than me, yet you still haven't signed up for the mailing list
01:50.16dataw0lfyou, sir, are a traitor
02:20.45*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=sdibb@gentoo/developer/beandog)
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02:43.31*** join/#uphpu burnin (
06:28.44*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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07:15.15*** join/#uphpu boucha (
12:53.50*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=sdibb@gentoo/developer/beandog)
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21:33.32synichey mindjuju
21:34.03synicnot a lot.  Doing some super slow coding while mostly paying attention to crappy movies on comedy central.
21:34.52mindjujunice!  i'm updating the test / sandbox server while listening to security now
21:35.02synicsecurity now?
21:35.45mindjujui'm behind about 5 episodes, so i thought i'd catch up
21:36.43mindjujuit's really good.  various security topics, though last ocuple have been more focused on Vista since it's fresh and has tons of secuirty issues
21:37.15synichuh... I didn't know people were using vista yet
21:37.28mindjujui rolled it to a box yesterday
21:37.40mindjujuhaving issues mapping a samba drive
21:37.44synicI've got it installed, but 2 of my most important drivers aren't supported yet.
21:37.52synicone being the nic card
21:37.56mindjujuyeah, that's what i'm finding
21:38.05mindjujusome things not supported
21:39.45synicfunny thing is that it's a super well supported (in linux and windows xp) wireless g card
21:39.54synichas native drivers in the kernel
23:00.15mindjujusynic, you still around?
23:00.39mindjujuhave you ever done web services?
23:00.49syniclike what?
23:01.44mindjujuwell, i've got to write a web service here in a little bit, never wrote one before, but from what it looks, it doesn't look like a big deal.  We've got an application that that will hit the web service and consume the resource
23:02.21mindjujumy question though, is that a webservice is still a file on a webserver, where strictly xml is output.  right
23:02.31mindjujui mean, it doesn't need it's own IP or domain, does it?
23:03.22synicwell, what are you trying to do?
23:04.20synicdepending on your goal, I don't think the symantics matter that much
23:04.26synicI don't see why it has to be xml, either
23:04.38mindjujuthe app is going to have a catalog, the client goes through the catalog and choses an item.  when they click on the item, the app sends the webservice the id of the item
23:04.39synic(granted, I don't like XML :) )
23:04.48mindjujuthe webservice passes back info back
23:05.10synicwhat, like price and etc?
23:05.23mindjujuprice, description, manufactor, etc
23:05.42synicYeah, I've done a lot like that.  I've just never referred to it as a webservice
23:05.45synicnor have I used xml
23:05.48mindjujustandard to all times in the catalog, that is, all items will have a price, descrip, manufactor
23:05.59mindjujuhow did the app get the info from the webservice?
23:06.07mindjujuor did you have them interface with a web page?
23:06.58synicyeah, mostly interface with a webpage.. such as $h = fopen("", 'r'); $data = fread... etc. etc.
23:16.58*** join/#uphpu fungus (
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23:17.18mindjujusup fungus
23:17.38fungusgood morning.
23:17.54mindjujudid they con you into working on weekeneds?
23:18.30fungusNah, I got my new MacBook today, I am just getting it all setup.
23:18.50fungusWell actually yes, I am working, just from home.
23:19.19mindjujunew compy, that's cool!
23:19.41fungusyeah, After I filed my taxes I thought that I could afford it finally.
23:20.26mindjujui actually have it rigged so I wind up owing about $100 to the IRS, but get the use of my money throughout the year, instead of a big return
23:21.01fungusThat is the best thing to do, financially.
23:21.29mindjujui talked to my wife the other day about replacing her compy with a mac
23:21.30fungusBut I kind of like the feeling of getting a ton of money for free every year.  :)
23:21.37mindjujui think she'd get more use out of it than the PC
23:21.50mindjujutrue, that refund check can be lots of fun
23:22.04fungusya, probably.  iLife makes it soo much better.
23:22.22mindjujuthat, and the video edit for her.  she wants to make family movies and stuff
23:22.38mindjujuseems like somebody told me the movie editing software comes with the compy
23:22.45fungusyup, it does.
23:22.46mindjujuor do you have to pay for it?
23:23.18fungusiLive (iMovie, iDVD,iPhoto,GarageBand) all come free with the mac.
23:23.59mindjujudo they have anything like MS Word or Excel that comes on for free or is there OSS for that?
23:24.46fungusthey come with a free trial of MS Office.
23:24.54fungusbut you should just install OpenOffice anyway.
23:58.40*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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