irclog2html for #uphpu on 20070209

00:16.45thebigdog~love grep
00:16.46jbotIf you love grep so much, why don't you marry it? (oooooh)
00:16.54thebigdog~marry grep
00:17.16dataw0lf~makelove python
00:17.52mindjuju~tunafart dataw0lf
00:17.53jbotACTION eats a week-old tuna sandwich with relish and walks over to dataw0lf, leg raised, to let 'em rip.
00:20.06Utah_Davelater, everyone
00:20.14*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
00:20.56thebigdog~kick unum
00:20.57jbotbugger off, thebigdog!
00:21.22thebigdognice too see 26 peeps in here
00:29.04timinatorlater guys
00:36.58mindjujuanybody know of a place that does web hosting with a flash comm server
00:55.33*** join/#uphpu burnin (
01:15.54dataw0lfmindjuju: influxis, looks like
01:16.06dataw0lfI hink rimu may offer it
01:16.13dataw0lfwith managed hosting
01:20.04mindjujui'll check them out.  thx for the info
01:23.33*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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04:54.54*** join/#uphpu thebigdog (
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04:55.01thebigdogbeandog, you around?
04:55.16beandogat work
04:55.19beandogall by his lonesome.
04:55.24beandoggetting lots done though.
04:55.30thebigdogdoes windows have good support for xvid?
04:55.51beandogwow, I dont think they even have a port.
04:55.57beandogI know its got the DivX player
04:56.11mindjujufor xvid?  it comes with vlc player methinks
04:57.04beandogoh yah
04:57.07beandogvlc is great on windows.
04:57.11beandogfrom what Ive heard.
04:57.20beandogI never got into multimedia until I started using Linux, so I really have *no* freaking clue.
04:57.22mindjujuyeah, haven't had any probs and play darn near everything
04:57.44mindjujueven flv files
04:58.06thebigdogso wmp has support for xvid?
04:58.56mindjujui usually play my vids with vlc
04:59.46mindjujuplus, now that i think about it, seems like i did get the xvid codec from somewhere
04:59.49thebigdogproblem is that i might not be able to install other players but the default windows one
05:00.16mindjujulike if you try playing an xvid through wmp, it'll give an error, click on more info, it'll send you to a page called windows marketplace where you can get the codec for free
05:00.31thebigdogok found need the xvid codec installed and then you can watch them on windoes
05:02.28thebigdogall these d*** codecs to choose from
05:02.45mindjuju~lart codecs
05:04.18beandogI cant even imagine how much of a pain it is on Windows.
05:04.27beandogIt can be pretty confusing on linux.
05:04.56thebigdogmy big issue is that i watch them on windows and rip them on linux
05:05.05mindjujuyeah, like i've been trying to find a one button dvd backup for a long time
05:05.12mindjujucan't seem to find one that works on all dvd
05:06.24beandogThe problem is really badly authored DVDs
05:06.28beandognot badly authored rippers.
05:06.38beandogSimply, there is no way to automate the process
05:06.46beandogYoure always going to have to have some kind of human interaction.
05:06.58beandogUnless I got my dream project working which archived every track on movie dvds.  Then you could automate it.
05:07.21beandogIve already got a database of tons of TV show DVDs.  Helpful for me, but that's about it.
05:07.44beandogThat would be a really cool project though.  Kind of like a CDDB for DVDs
05:07.47mindjujuyeah, i have hundreds of dvds i'd like to find some way to sling into a prog and rip them while i work
05:08.04thebigdogyeah that is what i want to do
05:08.07beandogmindjuju: my bend program will do that, just takes some gentle nudging to setup.
05:08.13thebigdogrip to xvid -> then to ipod
05:08.20beandogI wrote it to rip literally hundreds of DVDs
05:08.38mindjujuyup, that's what i need, just rip to xvid, end of story
05:08.41beandogworked great, too.  I stopped working on it when I realized I didnt watch them on my computer anyway.
05:08.51mindjujui'm running xbmc so it plays xvids just swimmingly
05:10.07beandogI wish I could get that working.
05:10.17thebigdogman i just need to get some sata 750gs are coming soon
05:10.17beandogmaybe theyll port it to PS3
05:10.38mindjujudo you have an xbox that it doesn't work on?
05:10.54beandogI dont have an xbox
05:10.58beandogmodding them is such a hassle.
05:11.18mindjujui've helped 3 xboxs "see the light", no incidents
05:11.30mindjujuand it's softmod, so doesn't cost a dime
05:11.43mindjuju'xcept about 30 minutes of time
05:12.05beandogare they quiet?
05:12.19beandogthat's my big beef with a mythbox, is its another windtunnel in my living room.
05:12.39mindjujuwell, to be honest, i would't know what to compare it to, as far as loudness goes
05:12.47mindjujuit does make some noise
05:13.10mindjujui see it as a win-win in that when friends come over, theres plenty of xbox and tv's all set up ready to go
05:13.52beandogtheres this one program
05:13.54beandogwhat was it.
05:14.00beandogHauppauge has this one little media center
05:14.02beandogIt is REALLY cool
05:14.07mindjujumedia mvp?
05:14.09beandogmvpmc ... ?
05:14.13mindjujui was considering buying it
05:14.15beandogI tried that out, it was freaking fun
05:14.23beandogThere was something not working with it htough
05:14.23mindjujureally?  what about the interface?
05:14.26mindjujuheard it had issues
05:14.31beandogI dont remember nwo.
05:14.38beandogI think it skipped really badly.
05:14.44beandogand the color was distorted.
05:14.49mindjujuwell, with media mvp at $100 and a new xbox at $100
05:14.50beandogawesome idea though, I hope it gets developed a bit more.
05:14.51mindjujui thought xbox
05:15.03mindjujucause it games and plays with no probs
05:15.16beandogcan you do both?
05:15.22beandogI dont like the xbox for games
05:15.25mindjujuwell, not at the same time
05:15.54mindjujubut yeah, you can watch a movie, get tired of the flix, then choose a game, play game
05:16.02mindjujubut games don't play from the SAN
05:16.06mindjujuthey have to be local to the xbox
05:17.12beandogalright, Im heading home
05:17.16beandogg'nite all
05:57.06*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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16:06.29_psychic_~phit mindjuju
16:06.32jbotACTION wiggles his fingers mindjuju's direction. You now have a strong conviction that Java is concise.
16:08.53dataw0lfjust in case you guys don't read Penny Arcade religiously, like me:
16:10.57dataw0lfhehe this fox reporter is hilarious
16:11.29_psychic_dear goodness
16:11.40_psychic_~asplode sensationalism
16:11.42jbotsensationalism head asplode, k thx
16:11.53dataw0lf~asplode fear mongering
16:11.54jbotfear mongering head asplode, k thx
16:12.47_psychic_So the area of danger is what, 300'?
16:13.03dataw0lfheh, read the latest PA about it
16:15.11dataw0lflooks like Bioware is about to have another blockbuster on it's hands.
16:15.14dataw0lf<3 bioware
16:27.11*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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17:13.04mindjujuwell, i talked to sheri
17:13.21mindjujushe up at web north, and got to talk to david shea
17:13.52_psychic_that's cool
17:14.00mindjujuyeah, i'm jealous
17:14.44mindjujuthis looks pretty cool, i wonder how well it works
17:16.18_psychic_no software for macs
17:29.46jsmithmindjuju: It ain't all that and a bag of chips
17:30.08mindjujulooked cool.  is there better?
17:30.35jsmithThat's the little USB key with a Vonage softphone and a usb soundcard, right?
17:30.53mindjujuyeah, i think so
17:31.00mindjujudon't know a lot about telphony
17:31.07mindjujutelephony i mean
17:31.17jsmithYeah, that's the one.
17:31.22*** join/#uphpu fungus (n=fungus@2001:470:1f00:645:250:8dff:fe71:9a6b)
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17:31.31jsmithIt's a cheap USB soundcard with a copy of their softphone on it.
17:31.50mindjujuyeah, but i mean is that easy to do with another service?
17:33.06jsmithThere are dozens of free softphones out there, that you can hook up to any VoIP provider that supports SIP or IAX signalling
17:34.22Utah_Davemindjuju: look at
17:34.31timinator" for getting software that does't have a mac version
17:34.32Utah_Davelocal company, good service
17:34.39jsmithAnd yes, arrivaltel is a good local VoIP provider
17:34.42timinatordang... I can't type today
17:38.10mindjujuwho has VOIP at home, and if VOIP at home, do you have a backup landline to the house for "just in case"
17:38.40mindjujuwe've stripped all the services off our telephone line so that it is just bare bones, but it's still crazy pricey
17:39.13macnewboldmindjuju: how much is avg cost of a lunch at goodwood?
17:39.29*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=sdibb@gentoo/developer/beandog)
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17:40.27mindjujuuno momento porfavor
17:45.47mindjujuburgers are $7 , lunch platters start at 8.99
17:45.54mindjujuif you PM me your email addy, i'll send to you
17:46.15beandogsend what
17:46.24mindjujumenu for goodwood
17:46.40xilch|wprobably been asked several times already, but whats the address for goodwood?
17:47.36mindjujuAddress:<font size="3"> 133 E 12300 S, Draper,  UT</font>
17:47.37mindjujuPhone:<font size="3"> (801)  495-4840 </font>
17:47.44timinatoreek... font tags
17:48.33timinatormost of us haven't used font tags since adolescence
17:49.02timinatorfont tags and achne... those were the good ol' days
17:49.55mindjuju<font size="3">anybody else need the menu?</font>
17:51.29Utah_Davemindjuju: my wife and I were doing the same thing. We were paying $35/mo to Qwest for a basic line. I think we had call waiting. No voicemail, callerid, etc
17:52.03mindjuju<font size="3">i think that's what we have.  My wife runs all the bills, and I don't make calls enough to know</font>
17:52.05Utah_Davewe signed up for Arrivaltel last week and are canceling Qwest once our number ports over
17:52.06macnewboldis that $35 incl. taxes/fees too?
17:52.18mindjuju<font size="3">yeah, i think that's what it is</font>
17:52.22mindjuju<font size="3">and i think that's what we are paying</font>
17:52.32mindjuju<font size="3">that's NUTS!!!!</font>
17:52.34Utah_DaveArrivaltel in-state service is $10/month
17:52.37macnewboldour "package" is I think $25/mo before the fees and long distance
17:52.50macnewbold~lart font tags
17:52.53mindjuju<font size="3">for just a dumb phone line that has barebones service</font>
17:53.05Utah_Daveunlimited in the 801 area code and 2cent/min long distance
17:53.19Utah_Daveand every feature you could think of
17:53.48Utah_Daveplus I can call home from my laptop by call
17:53.54mindjuju<font size="3">so the question is though, do we cut the landline?  in a disaster, cell could be knocked out.  internet could be knocked out.  course though, i guess phone line could be knocked out</font>
17:54.35Utah_DaveI've thought about that a lot. I've decided that enough people have cell phones and regular land lines around us that it's not too big an issue
17:55.03Utah_Daveand I got me a ups to run my routers and phones on
17:55.32mindjuju<font size="3">i should prolly just get a portable ham</font>
17:56.13mindjuju<font size="3">huh?</font>
17:56.38beandogthe fonts, man
17:56.40beandogthe fonts!
17:56.43beandogenough with the fonts!
17:57.23mindjuju<font size="3">am i using funny fonts?</font>
18:29.49beandogstupid timeout.
18:38.30*** join/#uphpu jsmith (
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19:01.51beandogmindjuju: ping
19:01.55beandoggot another friend coming
19:02.01beandogdo you know how many are coming?
19:02.41beandogand what time is the lunch?
19:04.38beandoghe probably left already.
19:06.47*** join/#uphpu burnin (
19:09.36macnewboldwe'll probably be fine, beandog - he had 3 cancel yesterday
19:12.21mindjuju<font size="3">sorry, i'm back.  had a quick pow wow on some stuff</font>
19:12.32mindjuju<font size="3">1p, yes</font>
19:12.56beandogmindjuju: you do know everything you say is in font tags, dont you?
19:12.58macnewboldmindjuju: you're going to get smacked
19:13.09macnewboldmindjuju: <font size="3">sorry, i'm back.  had a quick pow wow on some stuff</font>
19:13.11macnewboldmindjuju: <font size="3">1p, yes</font>
19:13.14macnewbold~tunafart mindjuju
19:13.16jbotACTION eats a week-old tuna sandwich with relish and walks over to mindjuju, leg raised, to let 'em rip.
19:13.23mindjuju<font size="3">why is it doing that?</font>
19:13.30macnewbold~insult mindjuju
19:13.32beandogdunno, but thats why I was screaming at you earlier
19:13.41beandogI figured you were just trying to make me insane.
19:13.43beandogwhich was working.
19:14.04mindjuju<font size="3">i didn't think you could use font tags in IRC.  i'll reboot GAIM</font>
19:14.06macnewbold~curse mindjuju
19:14.07jbotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, mindjuju !
19:14.54*** join/#uphpu mindjuju (
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19:14.58beandog~lart gaim
19:15.09mindjujuis this better?
19:15.33mindjujuthat's weird!  i didn't show me as typing in HTML
19:16.22mindjujusteak fries
19:16.25beandogthats okay, gaim is poopy.
19:16.28mindjujuBBQ beans
19:16.31beandogRight now it shows 11 of 10 possible friends are online.
19:32.55beandoghmm I think I know whats doing it
19:32.58beandogcrappy jabber support.
19:34.17beandogI think if I have people subscribed to me, that I'm not subscribed to, gaim still thinks they are a buddy.
19:34.22beandogand it's counting it there.
19:34.53mindjujuthis is craziness
19:34.54mindjujuNew York's governor declared a disaster in Oswego County, where five straight  days of lake-effect squalls have dumped nearly 100 inches of snow, and even more  snow was forecast through the weekend.
19:36.57beandoglake-effect squalls?
19:37.05beandog100 inches?
19:37.21mindjujuyeah, that's craziness
19:37.26beandogalright, Im heading out.
19:37.34mindjujucourse though, you could make a heck of a snow fort
19:40.13dataw0lfhehe fark
19:40.18dataw0lf"Step 1: Steal 244 pairs of underpants at Brigham Young. Step 2: ???? Step 3: Prophet"
19:46.14thebigdognice job posting "You will be using leading edge and even un-released technologies to develop true next-generation web applications."
19:46.48thebigdogwe are using the unreleased web2.0 duck interface
19:47.48jsmiththebigdog: That's not a duck... that's a small goose!
19:48.06thebigdogyeah something like that
20:22.24*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ (n=_psychic@
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20:31.52timinatora little Sublime, April 29, 1992
20:33.15timinatorfollowed up w/ Nat King Cole, L.O.V.E.
20:33.56dataw0lfs/April 29/April 26
20:34.04timinatorhey, is there any way to show the current song playing in iTunes, in IRC?
20:34.09fungusWhat a horrible time asterisk to go south.  Just as I was about to go to the geek lunch.
20:34.22timinatorhmmm.... my mp3 is missnamed
20:34.28fungustiminator: depends on the IRC client.
20:34.29dataw0lftiminator: what irc client?
20:34.32timinatordamn limewire
20:34.33jsmithfungus: Having Asterisk problems?
20:35.03timinatorMac OS 10.4 baby
20:35.07fungusNot really asterisk, problems with the server that provides asterisk.
20:35.19timinatornot good fungus
20:35.19fungusThanks for the offer, but I fixed it.  Just a PITA
20:35.47timinatornow playing POD, Boom
20:36.04fungustiminator: Colloquy has a built-in for that.  /itunes
20:36.11jsmithfungus: I had no idea you were running Asterisk
20:36.27fungusYup, for about a year now.  
20:36.35dataw0lfdang, I wish my shrimp tempura would get here
20:36.36fungusI didn't set it up, but the sysadmin that did, is gone now.
20:36.44*** join/#uphpu fungus_ (n=fungus@2001:470:1f00:645:20a:95ff:fec5:636a)
20:38.16timinatorit's probably better that I have to type /itunes for it to show up.... then you all can know when I'm playing POD, but not when i'm playing Fergalicious
20:39.05timinatorI'm kidding guys
20:40.42dataw0lfwhy aren't colors in irssi working all of a sudden
20:41.13jsmithChange themes?
20:44.50dataw0lfshrimp tempura
20:47.45timinatorI'm like Jack FM... I play what I want
20:48.28fungusJojo?  WTF my 10 yr old niece listens to that.  :)
20:49.04wpsshe has excellent taste
20:49.28dataw0lfis that jojo from kc and jojo?
20:49.29fungusShe also likes any band Disney produces.
20:50.15dataw0lfaw, jeez, she's like 10
20:50.25dataw0lfI don't listen to anyone who's born after 1982
20:50.52wpsthe best thing that has come out of Disney is Bo Peep off of Toy Storyt
20:51.07dataw0lfshe got a record contract?
20:51.33fungusWhen I see her ipod full of Hillary Duff, other radio disney crap, and Jojo, it can't be good.
20:51.49timinatoryou guys heard of Marc Broussard?
20:52.02timinatorhe's young, but he's got a kick butt voice
20:52.19wpsthe best thing that has come out of Disney is Bo Peep off of Toy Storyt
20:52.47dataw0lfoh noes wps has been taken over by a robot that likes Jojo
20:53.11wpssorry about that… didn't up-arrow twice
20:54.01dataw0lfbang bang bang the bigger the better bang bang bang, you ain't a baby no more, baaby
20:54.19dataw0lfI'll rub that cheap black off your lips, baby, so take a swallow, as I spit, baby
20:54.40dataw0lfthe rest of the lyrics are inappropriate, unfortunately
20:55.17dataw0lfoh noes _psychic_ has been taken over by a 12 year old japanese boy
20:55.28timinatorwhat does everyone think of Apple's latest news in the music industry?
20:55.37timinatorLOL DW
20:55.44dataw0lfI for one welcome our new Apple overlords
20:55.48_psychic_~phit dataw0lf
20:55.50jbotACTION wiggles his fingers dataw0lf's direction. You now have a strong conviction that Java is concise.
20:55.50dataw0lf_psychic_: hehe
20:56.00fungusNews?  I only saw the commentary by the great and powerful Wizard of Jobs.
20:56.21dataw0lfJobs isn't a wizard.  He's the anti christ!
20:56.37wpsI think it's great, timinator, and hope that they can use their influence to get the labels to wake up
20:56.44_psychic_um... he's says DRM is bad, does that make DRM god?
20:57.24fungus"because of the wonderful things he does..."
20:57.53timinatorI agree wps
20:58.16dataw0lfhow ironic that Jobs goes anti DRM
20:58.31dataw0lfsince Apple has benefited the most of pretty much any company FROM DRM
20:58.39wpsI disagree
20:58.40fungusI think it is refreshing to see someone in a powerful position to understand how DRM is considered harmful
20:58.47wpsApple would have been just as successful without DRM
20:58.50_psychic_They had to court the labels to distribute the tunes at all dataw0lf
20:58.56wpsApple doesn't make money from the music
20:58.59wpsthey only care about hardware
20:59.05fungusI think iTunes would be *more* successful w/o DRM.
20:59.19_psychic_so does everyone but the record companies
20:59.36jsmithIt's not a zero-sum game
20:59.37funguslook at they are doing very well so far.
21:00.16dataw0lfI'm not saying that they couldn't have benefitted MORE from DRM
21:00.26dataw0lfI'm saying they HAVE benefitted from DRM implementation
21:00.51_psychic_sure, but it kinda goes without saying - no DRM, no music
21:00.56_psychic_(for now)
21:01.11fungusmy point is that their success is not due to DRM at all.
21:01.11timinatorI disagree... they have benefitted from their hardware and software.... the DRM is holding them back
21:01.22dataw0lfI love how you're evangelizing Jobs yet he has been implementing DRM from the very beginning
21:01.34fungusI agree
21:01.36_psychic_who is?
21:01.51fungusimplementing DRM in the first place is a step towards evil.
21:01.58dataw0lfall of you guys.  Jobs isn't anti-DRM.  He's pro money.
21:02.13timinatorya, duh
21:02.21dataw0lfso don't act like he's the second coming of christ for saying he doesn't like it
21:02.43timinatornaw.... I'm talking about something bigger than that....
21:02.45dataw0lfJobs is as evil as they get.  If he could make more money with DRM, he'd be wholeheartedly behind it.
21:03.11dataw0lfI just don't like Jobs
21:03.18dataw0lfand I don't like hearing positive things said about him
21:03.18timinatorw/o the DRM.... and w/ the alliance w/ Apple Corp.... Apple is poised to BECOME a label
21:03.19_psychic_oh really? ;)
21:03.29dataw0lfif someone said Jobs had a nice hair
21:03.31dataw0lfI'd be like
21:03.33dataw0lfYEA WHATEVER DOOD
21:03.36dataw0lfHIS HAIR SUCKS
21:03.47timinatorthey'll control production, labeling, and distribution
21:03.51_psychic_In a non-emotive, objective, sort of way, I'd guess.
21:04.21dataw0lfnow, I like teh real Steve
21:04.24dataw0lfda Woz
21:05.34dataw0lfI don't think anyone can argue that Apple happily embraces lock-in as much as they can
21:06.37timinatorI'll still argue it.... your story simply shows that MS and Apple don't play nice... that's been going on for years
21:07.00dataw0lfit hardly is some tactic just against MS
21:07.07timinatorDRM was setup by RIAA, not apple
21:07.23dataw0lfit's a tactic to monopolize in any arena they jump into
21:07.30fungusI still say Apple (Jobs) is slightly less evil than MS (Gates and co)
21:07.30timinatorthe Zune is in the same boat
21:07.31dataw0lfjust like MS does
21:07.39dataw0lffungus: I disagree
21:07.51dataw0lfif anything, they're the same
21:07.54timinatorfungus: I agree
21:08.00dataw0lfApple's just more stylish to geeks
21:08.05fungusMS never made any public statement about DRM distaste.
21:08.05timinatorsame because they're big?
21:08.07dataw0lfa pure marketing ploy
21:08.17dataw0lfwho cares if MS did?
21:08.19dataw0lfthat's the point
21:08.27dataw0lfJobs can talk out his butt all he wants
21:08.55dataw0lfWho cares what his personal feelings are?  He runs a company that practices lock-in tactics to an extreme degree.
21:09.16fungusDevil (Gates) -> Bad man (Jobs) -> God (RMS)
21:09.50dataw0lfDevil (Jobs) -> Devil's gay lover (Gates) -> God (dw)
21:10.20_psychic_Why is neither continuum surprising to me?
21:10.51dataw0lfbecause it sums up both of our attitudes fairly well?
21:11.09dataw0lfme wants
21:11.50fungusme wants
21:13.36dataw0lfI'd never get past the doorman..
21:13.39_psychic_At least fungus can conference call you all in and send you emails of pictures of him, Steve, and Billy.
21:13.40timinatorwow.... I thought only God could hand out those
21:13.43timinatorLOL DW
21:14.23dataw0lfJobs can be right every now and then though
21:14.31dataw0lfIn an interview in the book What the Dormouse Said: How the 60s Counterculture Shaped the Personal Computer Industry, Jobs says that taking LSD was "one of the two or three most important things he has done in his life."
21:14.47fungusLOL, awesome.
21:14.57timinatormy boss quotes that to me all the time
21:15.21fungusit takes a drug like that to do it too.
21:15.38timinator"timinator, we need some good ideas, go take some acid"
21:15.45fungusPot makes them think they are smart, but takes out the drive to actually do it.
21:15.59dataw0lffungus: Agreed
21:16.17dataw0lfshrooms or acid are much more beneficial than any other drug
21:16.21timinatorI know a few potheads.... and they're VERY motivated
21:16.27fungusCoke, makes them stupid but want to do everything.
21:16.49dataw0lftiminator: oh, sure, but pot doesn't have the same reality perception changing effect that a true hallucinogen does.
21:17.13funguspot just makes me sedentary and mindful.
21:17.27dataw0lfpot just makes me cough and giggle
21:17.41fungusthat too
21:17.59dataw0lfI'd rather drink a beer
21:18.13timinatormmmmmm beeeerrr
21:18.42fungusnah, I'd rather drink a Cosmo.  beer tastes like piss
21:18.51dataw0lfyou're drinking the wrong type of beer my friend
21:18.57dataw0lfmmmm sierra nevada wheat beer
21:19.32*** join/#uphpu bradym (
21:23.06Utah_Dave"Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name"
21:24.06dataw0lfmmm, good call Dave
21:24.27Utah_Davejust set up currenttrack plugin for gaim
21:25.26timinatorjust for DW
21:28.42dataw0lflove this clip
21:29.01dataw0lfgreatest montage ever
21:38.15mindjujuwell, talk about some good eats!
21:41.11fungusmy phone system decided to barf when I was about to leave.
21:41.42dataw0lfwhat a petty jackass
21:42.56mindjujui admint, going to walmart can be a stressful event, but this seems a bit much
21:43.26dataw0lfI'd slit my wrists too if I found out I was in Wal-Mart.
21:45.24mindjujuwell, time to go for a nice jog
21:49.41mindjujuhow are you putting those domino symbols timinator?
21:50.14timinatorit's part of Colloquy, my IRC client.
21:50.23timinatorit's a plugin for iTunes
21:50.39timinatorgood old fungus told me about it
21:53.23*** join/#uphpu jsmith (
21:53.23*** mode/#UPHPU [+v jsmith] by ChanServ
22:01.34beandogthat was fun
22:01.39mindjujuyeah it wa
22:05.19Utah_Davewhoops! did I let that through?
22:05.33beandoghow do you do that is listening to?
22:05.52Utah_Davegaim plugin
22:06.00Utah_Davewhat client are you using?
22:06.02timinatorUtah_Dave.... that only showed "/track" for me
22:06.29wpsyou type "/itunes" if you are using Colloquy
22:06.37Utah_Daveyeah, I type in the first part myself
22:08.07dataw0lfbeandog: there are various scripts that are available for xchat that'll do it
22:08.16dataw0lfwhat mp3 player do you use?
22:08.17_psychic_naw, get a mac
22:08.23beandogI think I found one, hold on.
22:08.39dataw0lf_psychic_: you, sir, are evil.
22:08.47_psychic_~phit dataw0lf
22:08.56jbotACTION wiggles his fingers dataw0lf's direction. You now have a strong conviction that Windows is the OS for you.
22:08.58*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=sdibb@gentoo/developer/beandog)
22:08.58*** mode/#UPHPU [+v beandog] by ChanServ
22:09.16beandogAudacious-Show 1.2.0 plugin loaded
22:09.19beandogwell thats poopy.
22:09.34dataw0lftry /music
22:09.53beandogwas that it?
22:10.07dataw0lfyea, but you probably want to modify that plugin so it's kewler
22:10.15beandoglike print out color?
22:10.24dataw0lflike says is listening to
22:11.36beandogmindjuju: audacious is a winamp clone
22:11.40beandoglike xmms
22:11.42beandogand bmp
22:11.45beandogwell, the old bmp.
22:12.02dataw0lfit's all about teh Exaile!
22:12.21beandogdataw0lf: gotta try that one.
22:12.28dataw0lfbeandog: it's synic's
22:13.32beandogjust got put in portage, too
22:13.35beandoggotta keyword taht sucker.
22:19.25*** part/#uphpu bradym (
22:33.13mindjujutoo bad we're not playing HalfLife, or i'd get ya with the crowbar
22:34.29mindjuju~timattack macnewbold and the tree
22:34.31jbotACTION grabs an axe and starts to cut macnewbold and the tree down to size!
22:35.28mindjujupoor fungus!  
22:37.05mindjujui can't wait til they have the Halo RTS
22:37.10mindjujui think that's going to be killer
22:37.19dataw0lfI can't wait til they get real virtual reality with some sort of brain implant
22:38.32mindjujuwasn't there a movie about that?  and some dude's brain had a virus in it or something and he supposedly had room for 100g in his head or something
22:38.45mindjujunever saw the movie, but for some reason, i'm thinking kenau
22:39.18fungusI just need 802.11n in my brain.
22:39.54dataw0lfmindjuju: yea, jonny mnemonic
22:40.47mindjujuseems to me by the time you factor everything in, 100g is prolly no more than a year's worth of memory
22:41.11mindjuju3rd space, with perception of time, with smell, sound, touch, taste
22:41.43dataw0lf100g MIGHT be equatable with a day's worth of memories, imho
22:43.55mindjujuin that case, i've got 1241000g worth of memories to date!
22:48.27fungusit's your birthday today, mindjuju?
22:49.09timinator"....Happy Birthday to mindjuju..."
22:51.28beandogthat's pretty cool
22:57.29mindjujuwell, in a couple of months, actually, so i'm off by a little bit
22:57.39Utah_Daveanybody have any luck decompiling, editing, and recompiling an .msi with wix?
22:57.46Utah_DaveI know this is pretty off topic
22:59.19Utah_Daveok, not even close to on-topic
23:11.25macnewboldUtah_Dave: #utah might be able to help with your .msi question
23:11.52timinatorlater guys
23:11.57timinatorI'm outie
23:12.01macnewboldbye timinator
23:12.01beandogseey atim
23:45.08dataw0lfanyone have an invite to Joost? :|
23:48.25dataw0lfyea, been there, done that
23:48.27dataw0lfI'm asking for an invite
23:49.40thebigdog~invite dataw0lf
23:51.54beandogA Linux version is also in the works.
23:53.30dataw0lfsomeone call the
23:55.04_psychic_i think it should be bigger
23:55.11Utah_Davedataw0lf: Do you have some handy text file open all the time so you can paste in pithy links at a moments notice?
23:55.39dataw0lfirssi script
23:56.17dataw0lfI have about 100 keywords that I can plug in to /smartaleck
23:56.52dataw0lfand I update the sqlite db it runs off weekly based on stuff I see on fark and other humor sites
23:57.06dataw0lfYes, it's true.
23:57.14dataw0lfI'm such a smartarse I've got it down to a science
23:58.02_psychic_"/smartaleck" ?
23:58.29dataw0lfyes, it's an irssi script I wrote
23:58.47_psychic_lesse it

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.