irclog2html for #uphpu on 20061223

00:21.35*** join/#uphpu jsmith (
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00:50.04*** join/#uphpu burnin (
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03:05.00jsmithwps: Nothing better to do on a Friday night?
03:28.03*** join/#uphpu jnbek (
03:29.52*** join/#uphpu herlo (
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03:35.05*** join/#uphpu apropos (
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04:12.31*** join/#uphpu jsmith (
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04:20.26burninx86_64 linux kernel is about 2 to 4 times faster than the i386 kernel at generating high bit count ssl keys.
04:20.42burninvery nice :)
05:02.40*** join/#uphpu mindjuju ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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05:03.43*** join/#uphpu herlo (
05:03.43*** join/#uphpu burnin ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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05:04.47*** join/#uphpu dataw0lf (
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08:00.10*** join/#uphpu thebigdog (
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12:29.25tierraherlo: any ones in particular?
12:29.53tierrathe MediaWiki Publisher script I've been working on is at if that was what you were looking for
12:30.19tierrathough I haven't gotten much work done on the public side just yet
12:30.33tierrawhich is why I haven't announced anything about it anywhere
12:31.37tierraI've been developing this on the side at work for the last year or so, it's gotten big enough now though that it's worth actually releasing for anyone else interested to play with
12:34.19tierraI only have one file of code I haven't cleaned out company specific code in just yet, but it's the configuration file setup for my user manual at work, and I haven't cleaned it out yet because I'm hoping to get the docs for the project setup as an example rather than my company's setup.
12:36.52tierraI'm not any expert on technical writing btw, which is making this harder since the only 'technical writing' I've had to do was for a much simpler target audience for a much simpler interface, heh
12:38.33tierraAnd I haven't had any technical writing classes ever, so it all comes down to experience and self-taught techniques
12:47.01*** join/#uphpu jsmith (
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14:58.19*** join/#uphpu mindjuju (
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16:54.58herlotierra: you were also suggesting wxWindows stuff and we were talking about a few other things you do on the side...
16:55.26herlotierra: btw, If you've not heard, check out this link:
17:55.46*** join/#uphpu burnin (
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20:35.15*** join/#uphpu bradym (
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21:52.19*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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22:31.39*** join/#uphpu macnewbold (
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23:08.01*** part/#uphpu bradym (

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