irclog2html for #uphpu on 20061215

00:15.48*** join/#uphpu jsmith_ (
00:23.46swbbigdog_ut, ummmm, irssi troubles... errrhm, heh
00:24.09swbbigdog_ut: I think I know what you're going to ask
00:24.45swbum, if you're still around that is...
00:25.20mindjujuhe was a little while ago, you usually have to do something to get his attention
00:25.27mindjuju~wiseguy bigdog_ut
00:25.28jbotACTION runs up to bigdog_ut and pokes bigdog_ut in the eyes!
00:25.55mindjujucourse though, that'll probably defeat the purpose since he's blinded now and prolly can't type for the next few minutes
00:31.39mindjujuc ya'll tomorrow
00:31.48swbbye mindjuju
00:37.37Utah_Davewhat? mindjuju is going home before 3 in the morning??????
00:38.08swbit IS rather strange isn't it?
00:39.05*** join/#uphpu jsmith (
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00:46.33timinatorlater mindjuju
00:53.51*** join/#uphpu burnin (
00:57.40Utah_Daveburnin: I saw your question in #codeigniter earlier. I was about to give a possible answer, when you left
00:57.59Utah_DaveI put methods like the one you were talking about in a custom library
00:58.11Utah_Davethen you can call that library from any controller; or even a view
01:00.57burninUtah_Dave, k, thanks, I'll read up on the libraries.
01:01.18*** join/#uphpu diskotec|w (n=jm001@
01:01.27Utah_Davethey're pretty easy to set up.
01:02.51timinatorI'm out guys
01:04.13burninUtah_Dave, I'm liking code igniter, I'm going to do another release of my girder class with CI instead of the framework I started.
01:04.44Utah_Davewe've moved all our development here at work to codeigniter
01:05.05burninIn fact I think I'll just drop the framework idea completely from my project and focus more on the security part of my classes.
01:10.08*** join/#uphpu jsmith (
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02:42.22*** join/#uphpu bradym (
03:37.33*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
04:09.28*** join/#uphpu el_gaucho (
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07:40.28*** part/#uphpu bradym (
14:22.25*** join/#uphpu jsmith (
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14:45.44*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
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14:52.25*** join/#uphpu herlo (
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14:55.17mindjujumorning all
15:00.31*** join/#uphpu wps (
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15:05.17jsmithMorning wps
15:15.23mindjujusup utah_dave
15:15.28Utah_Davesup, mindjuju
15:15.44Utah_Daveman, you and dataw0lf really got into it yesterday, huh?
15:15.58mindjujuwe used to duke it out big time
15:16.28mindjujuit was good
15:16.45Utah_Daveit's good to debate
15:17.05Utah_Davemy wife and I got into a good one this morning over immigration
15:17.24mindjujuwhat do you think about immigration?
15:20.21Utah_DaveI think we need more of it. We should be more open to immigration. We should come down very hard on those who break immigration laws
15:21.14mindjujuthat's a pretty balanced statement utah_dave
15:21.18Utah_DaveMy wife and I were arguing about that bust up in Logan.  Some lady had faked several hundred birth certificates and Soc. cards
15:21.27Utah_Davetons of identity theft
15:21.27mindjujuoh, atoponce
15:21.31Utah_Davethat's GOT to stop
15:21.40mindjujuone movie shouldn't change nor set your opinion!
15:21.45Utah_Davemindjuju: I've put a lot of thought into it
15:21.47mindjujuyeah, the fake docs is REALLY bad
15:22.01Utah_DaveI have friends and family that have been here illegally
15:22.07atoponcemindjuju: it did neither. it strengthened and confirmed it. :)
15:22.12Utah_Daveit's just wrong
15:23.30mindjujui'm kinda skewed on the whole thing of immigration myself.  My parents and sistem emmigrated from Mexico legally.  My mom still writes phonetically, but can read and write English and spent the time to learn what she needed to become a legal citizen
15:23.39mindjujuDad and older sister too
15:23.51mindjujuthe rest of us were born here in the States
15:24.11mindjujui figure, if they can wait in line and do it right, so can everybody else
15:24.38Utah_DaveI agree.
15:25.01Utah_DaveSometimes our government does make it rediculously hard to come in
15:25.36mindjujui think if you look at it in a global perspective, we are actually pretty inviting
15:25.56Utah_DaveImmigration has always been a strength to our country. I don't think we need to be afraid of it
15:26.00mindjujulots of people from countries other than Latin America want to come here too
15:26.29Utah_DaveI think there's something powerful about working through the system and getting that paper that says, "You're welcome here"
15:26.37mindjujuwhen I was in China, i knew tons of people where were in one stage or another of trying to emmigrate
15:27.28Utah_Davepart of the problem is that our politicians haven't had the backbone to do anything about it for the last 20 or 30 or more years
15:27.48Utah_Daveand so people figure we don't care because none of their friends or family got into any trouble
15:28.05mindjujuyeah, that amnesty program back in the 80s
15:28.08Utah_Daveso they keep coming in illegally
15:28.55mindjujuit's a tough call as to what to do.  i wish i had more time to study it on a higher level
15:29.28Utah_DaveYeah, I was just about to say that it is complicated. We obviously can't go round up 20 million people and bus them out of here
15:29.37mindjujuon the other hand, being a poli sci major, i see that immigration can also be a bad thing
15:29.55mindjujubad because people are leaving their country to find a better place, when they should be trying to fix their country
15:30.02mindjujuthe prolong bad government by leaving
15:30.30Utah_Davethat is a good point. but even our country was started that way
15:31.46mindjujuand england did get better, it just took a little time
15:33.12mindjujuwell, i'd better write some code, "got a long way to go and a short time to get there"
15:33.21Utah_Davesomething that really affected my view on immigration was reading "The Source" by James Michener
15:33.28Utah_Daveok, talk to you later
15:34.13mindjujui'll have my wife pick that up from the library.  i do like looking at all the perspectives
15:35.34Utah_Davethe book isn't about immigration per se, but later on in the book it talks about Israel's immigration policy and how it helped strengthen them.  I found it very persuasive
15:44.15*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=sdibb@gentoo/developer/beandog)
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15:44.39dataw0lfmindjuju: Dude, if I were, I'd be soooooo pissed about illegal immigration.
15:44.59dataw0lfI mean, your parents go through the hassle to do it right, and all these others are receiving the same benefits by coming over here criminally.
15:45.12dataw0lfI say grab all illegal immigrants at one of those protests and ship em back
15:45.18dataw0lfthen shoot anyone trying to come over here illegally.
15:47.17beandogspeakeasy is gonna cost me $85 / mo
15:47.28beandogOh well.  Its better than Comcast cutting out every 10 seconds.
15:47.44dataw0lfwps: Did we just agree on something political?
15:47.44wpsI'd never pay that much for internet
15:47.51wpscrazy, huh
15:48.02dataw0lfbeandog: Speakeasy can be worth it.
15:48.06beandogPart of the price is the luxury of not having an account with Qwest.
15:48.12beandogWhich is *always* worth it.
15:48.24wpsI have neither and it's only $30
15:48.37beandogWell that and I need a fast connection :)
15:48.56wpsI get 8 megabit down
15:49.24wpsI have been very pleased with their service
15:49.27dataw0lfsome of us, sir, are not in heaven yet.
15:49.55dataw0lfwho watched the game last night?
15:50.09dataw0lfsome of the greatest plays this season
15:51.28dataw0lfDeion Branch got creamed
15:51.47dataw0lfthis defensive end came outta left field and just shot his helmet into Deion's like a rocket
15:52.09dataw0lfthe resulting *CRASH* was pretty dang loud, I couldn't believe it when Deion got right back up and ran to scrimmage
15:52.11*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ (n=_psychic@
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15:52.34dataw0lfI had to replay it with TiVo like 400 times.
15:52.37dataw0lftwas pretty awesome.
15:57.21*** join/#uphpu _psychic__ (n=_psychic@
16:00.54*** join/#uphpu gibba[w] (
16:01.01*** join/#uphpu Lone_Wanderer (
16:03.05wpsheck no
16:03.09wpsI'd never
16:03.26herlowps: what's wrong with comcast, no limits good service
16:03.35herlosave customer service
16:04.14wps1) I detest their advertising
16:04.21herlowps: I don't watch tv
16:04.24*** join/#uphpu jsmith (
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16:04.26herlow/commercials that is
16:04.27wpsI don't either
16:04.36wps2) everyone that I have ever talked to that has had them has complained and complained about their service
16:04.38beandogherlo: I love Comcast, actually, but our setup at my new place is just horrible for some reason.
16:04.38herlowps: I change the station when a commercial comes on the radio
16:04.51herlowps: -2
16:04.59herloI like comcast for the most part
16:05.00beandogditch local radio
16:05.01beandogsave your ears.
16:05.04wpsI'd never pay for radio
16:05.11beandogIf you heard XM you would never go back :D
16:05.13beandogThats my stance.
16:05.24wpsyou don't have to pay for quality
16:05.26herlowps: me neither, that's what radio transmitters and mp3 players are for in cars
16:05.29beandog$77 for a year
16:05.40beandogThe audio quality is awesome, too
16:05.45*** mode/#UPHPU [+v _psychic_] by ChanServ
16:05.50wpsHD radio… free
16:05.55wpswow… I'd never pay for raidio or television
16:05.58beandogNot to mention having a dozen favorite channels out of ~150
16:06.03herlowps: me neither
16:06.06herloand I don't
16:06.29_psychic_I'll never pay for broadcast media again.
16:06.49braziljazzYeah... went to a jazz club in Kansas City last night.
16:07.04braziljazzThe band was playing all Brazilian jazz... so I bought their CD
16:07.08herlowell, only mostly free when it comes to music, since I do buy cds every so often
16:07.09wpsI am happy to have a few commercials for free broadcast
16:07.09braziljazzAnd now I can't stop listening to it
16:07.27herlojsmith: good deal
16:07.38*** join/#uphpu bigdog_ut (
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16:08.03wpsI bought a 10 foot boom antenna, put it in the attic, and get better then DVD quality, widescreen, HD television for free
16:08.25_psychic_I just think its insane to let someone else decide what I view.
16:08.28wpsdon't watch much television, but when I do (news and Leno's monologue each night), it's gorgeous
16:08.30dataw0lfI need to start my own pirate television channel
16:08.31_psychic_Especially ads.
16:08.38herlowps: what brand, and where did you get it
16:08.49wpsfor the antenna?
16:09.39dataw0lfI tell you what, TiVo is worth every buck.
16:09.42herlowps: yeah
16:09.48herlodataw0lf: torrentz
16:09.55herlono commercials...ever
16:10.04herlounless you want the commercials
16:10.23dataw0lfherlo: I'm le king of torrenting, but it's nice to be able to record sports games and particular series without having to download it.
16:10.24beandogTivo?  bah.
16:10.34dataw0lfMythTV is garbage, I hates it.
16:10.39dataw0lfyes my precious, I hates it.
16:10.43beandogActually I have heard great things about Tivo.  Im sure its worth the pain of trying to get myth setup.
16:10.48herlodataw0lf: fair enough
16:11.01herlodataw0lf: you can't be challenging the real king of torrents, you poser
16:11.52mindjuju*** A hushed awe covers the #uphpu channel
16:11.59bigdog_uti hate branding on sports now
16:12.00mindjujuwow, calling DW a poser
16:12.02dataw0lfI have hax0red bittorrent python code to the max0r
16:12.14dataw0lfI have le best secret torrent site evar
16:12.34dataw0lfperhaps I'm just a Vicar, but, sheesh, gimme a lil credit.
16:12.36herlodataw0lf: and that's after we lost half our disk of them
16:12.56dataw0lfI think tierra has 2.2TBs JUST of anime.
16:13.05herlodataw0lf: I bet
16:13.21*** join/#uphpu cyco|w (n=cyco@
16:13.25herlodataw0lf: problem is his are probably in MPEG2 with HD audio and take up tons of space
16:13.30wpsjbot, welcome cyco|w
16:13.31jbotcyco|w, Sup yo?
16:13.44dataw0lfwps: There's no way you hate anime as much as me.
16:13.54dataw0lfherlo: I dunno what format they're in.
16:14.08dataw0lfI try to stay away from anime as much as possible.
16:14.09wpsherlo: it was Standard Supply Electric in Salt Lake
16:14.18wps10 foot boom for ~$30
16:14.22wpsthen I have an HD tuner
16:14.32dataw0lfbecause if I watch it, I might end up at a rave dancing to techno music while playing WoW on my Mac laptop.
16:14.35herlowps: I know where that is
16:14.43wpsand a 40" flat panel Panasoic HD tube television
16:14.46wpsit's gorgeous
16:14.53herlowps: yeah, that does sound nice
16:14.54wpslargest tube that you could get four years ago when I bought it
16:15.02wpsand tubes kick the trash out of and flat panel
16:15.09wpsweighs a ton though
16:15.11wps~200 pounds
16:15.17herloI've just got my little 19" monitor, oh and of course I've got my DLP HD Projector too...
16:15.26wpsI got it at the RC Willey clearance outet for a third the price
16:15.48herlowps: nice!
16:16.02herlo106" Diagonal on my wall
16:16.05herlofrom 15'
16:17.30mindjuju/me's TV dominates over all that.  I got a samsung 13" DVD combo in my bedroom and a 22" S-Mart TV in the living room!!!
16:17.44mindjujutop that!
16:17.58dataw0lfShop Smart.  Shop, S-Mart.
16:18.05herlomindjuju you have two machines....that's cool
16:18.20mindjujuoh yeah!
16:18.42mindjujuand a "slightly modified" xbox to boot
16:18.55bigdog_utive just got a 42" hd tv in the bedroom is all
16:18.57herlomindjuju: my xbox needs service from M$
16:19.05herlobigdog_ut: that's nice though
16:19.14mindjujuhope it's not slightly modified, cause MS don't dig on that
16:19.19bigdog_uthanging on the wall at the foot of the bed
16:19.26bigdog_uttivo is coming this christmas though
16:19.42bigdog_uthd tv is killer...i want to check out blueray on it
16:19.49mindjujutivo for bigdog_ut?  i thought you were a myth man?
16:19.58bigdog_utno much work
16:20.09bigdog_utbeandog how many you got?
16:20.14beandogI dunno I lost count.
16:20.28bigdog_utlol all real dvds?
16:20.43beandogAbout 150 movies, around ~85 tv series
16:20.48beandogcomes to a lot of discs.
16:20.54bigdog_utbut are they bought?
16:21.00beandogOh yah.
16:21.11beandogI dont download anything
16:21.11bigdog_uti got around 350 dvd and 500 vhs
16:21.23dataw0lfpfft, anyone who pays for movies anymore is ridiculous.  I'll buy series DVDs if I want to support them.
16:21.28dataw0lfLike The Sopranos
16:22.03bigdog_utnow days you can get cheap dvds so its easy for me to buy instead of downloading
16:22.05beandogbigdog_ut: 500 vhs?  wow.
16:22.14beandogIve got all 7 seasons of Voyager on VHS
16:22.20bigdog_utyeah mostly kids stuff
16:22.21beandogI recorded it when KJZZ was showing it
16:22.52bigdog_utbut i have slowed way down on buying dvds now i have netflix
16:22.59beandogyah me too
16:23.03bigdog_ut+10 netflix
16:23.07herlobeandog: I hate netflix
16:23.10beandogoh man I love it.
16:23.15bigdog_uti love it
16:23.16beandogIve always got my queue maxed out
16:23.31bigdog_utlol...i usually got 25-40 in there
16:23.45bigdog_uti love getting series from them
16:23.46herlomostly because I recently canceled my account and I sent back the DVDs and everything.  They still charged me for one I supposedly didn't return on time
16:23.46beandoghee hee, Ive rated 1541 movies
16:24.04herlo/me's roommate did that for a while
16:24.06bigdog_utsrry...i got 714
16:24.30bigdog_uti like getting obscure movies too
16:24.32Lone_WandererMilitary's new combat vehicle
16:24.38bigdog_uti like watching from the festivals
16:24.45_psychic_Logo powered?
16:24.48beandogreally?  cool.
16:25.15beandogwhat kind of obscure movies
16:25.25bigdog_utmostly indy and festival movies
16:25.39bigdog_utboxoffices hits are good sometimes
16:25.39beandogseen anything good lately
16:25.50bigdog_utbut there are tons of great movies that you never hear about
16:25.54_psychic_anyone seen eragon? ;)
16:25.55bigdog_utand kungfu movies
16:26.09mindjujui love kung fu movies
16:26.12dataw0lfLone_Wanderer: heh.  It's about as effective as all those unarmored humvees they got over there.
16:26.19beandogI wanna see it, _psychic_
16:26.34bigdog_uteragon looks good
16:26.37_psychic_beandog: I think it looks cool, but it sounds rather cookie cutter
16:26.48_psychic_boy wonder
16:26.48beandogNot enough good fantasy movies though
16:26.50_psychic_mysterious mentor
16:26.51beandogIll take my chances.
16:26.55_psychic_tyrannical king
16:27.07dataw0lfwell, the book is a mashup of half baked fantasy stereotypes and terrible prose
16:27.11dataw0lfnot too bad for a 15 year old, though
16:27.13bigdog_uteragon reminds me of the wheel of time a little
16:27.16_psychic_shy, then over affectionate princess
16:27.25_psychic_ethnic battle trainer
16:27.25herlobigdog_ut: I just bought eragon
16:27.28herlohte book
16:27.51bigdog_utit is good for 15yrs...i got it for the daughter and i ended up reading the 1st and 2nd
16:28.05bigdog_utdescent...gets kids reading which is a + for me
16:28.17dataw0lftrue enough.
16:28.27dataw0lfget em into Eddings.
16:28.57dataw0lfdavid eddings.
16:29.02beandoghee hee
16:29.02dataw0lfthe Belgariad
16:29.17beandogI cant wait for the new TMNT movie
16:29.40beandog~lart PoeticIntensity
16:29.40dataw0lfbeandog: Dude, I saw the preview at Apocalypto
16:29.47dataw0lflooks aweeeeesome
16:29.50_psychic_dataw0lf: just finished the whole belgariad last week
16:30.02beandogIve got the first 5 seasons on DVD
16:30.10beandoggreat stuff.
16:30.11herlo~poo beandog
16:30.14jbotACTION summons a troop of flying monkeys to fling their poo at beandog
16:30.16dataw0lfpshaw, best TMNT moment is Vanilla Ice breaking it down in the second movie.
16:30.26beandog2nd one was horrible.
16:30.26herlodataw0lf: yup
16:30.28beandog1st one was great.
16:30.36herlobeandog: as were all the others
16:30.43herlohorrible that is
16:30.57dataw0lfyea, the first one was the only good one
16:31.05dataw0lfbut, c'mon, the sequel has VANILLA ICE
16:31.25dataw0lfhonestly, who listened to that guy
16:31.51PoeticIntensity~lart beandog
16:31.57bigdog_uti just want his hair cut
16:31.57dataw0lfhey, I was really young, gimme a break.
16:32.12beandogIt was TMNT who inspired me to make my first motion film.
16:32.13dataw0lfdude I HAD his hair cut for a year
16:32.21beandogWhich I really should put on YouTube someday.
16:32.34bigdog_utdataw0lf, i actually believe you would do that
16:32.44beandogatoponce: evil, evil, no spaces?
16:32.45bigdog_utand i can see you dancing like him too
16:32.54dataw0lfI think that's when my turn toward evil began...
16:33.09dataw0lfOh, I can totally bust out the ninja moves
16:41.08dataw0lfbtw, don't go see Apocalypto.  Absolutely most violent movie I've ever seen.  Ever.
16:42.04beandogreally?  wow.
16:42.16dataw0lfseriously.  I could not believe how violent it was.
16:42.48dataw0lfif they had just cut a little bit of the violence, it would've been an excellent movie.
16:43.06dataw0lfbut, when you have dataw0lf flinching every couple minutes in sympathetic pain, there'
16:43.09dataw0lfs something wrong
16:43.30herlookay, wow, people have way too much time on their hands
16:44.02herloI just finished reading some of the Stormtrooper Effect page _psychic_ put up.  Laughing along, but boy, people have too much time
16:44.23_psychic_I love the inverse ninja rule
16:44.28_psychic_It holds true in many a flick.
16:44.47_psychic_The evil overlord list is truly great as well.
16:48.44herlo_psychic_: yeah,. it's funny
16:49.03dataw0lf"If an advisor says to me "My liege, he is but one man. What can one man possibly do?", I will reply "This." and kill the advisor."
16:50.47bigdog_utFinally, to keep my subjects permanently locked in a mindless trance, I will provide each of them with free unlimited Internet access.
16:53.20_psychic_I like the part about having the shield generators *inside* the shield they generate.
16:56.27*** join/#uphpu eco_ (
17:07.55dataw0lfomg awesome
17:09.51dataw0lfJohn McClane is the definition of super fly
17:14.16atoponcebeandog: of course
17:15.19beandogatoponce: good post tho, pass*phrase*++
17:15.19atoponcethx. :)
17:18.44bigdog_utthey should do a blue thunder remake
17:19.21mindjujublue thunder was cool
17:19.34bigdog_uti watched it this weekend...what a great movie
17:20.00mindjujui hated air wolf, or what ever that trendy poser helicopter show was that came after blue thunder
17:21.01dataw0lfI think my dad has Blue Thunder on beta
17:21.45dataw0lfthe best part of BT is Malcolm McDowell.  he's sweet.
17:23.28Lone_WandererI go clean out the coffee pot
17:23.40Lone_Wandererwash it, dry it (which involved running around to find paper towels)
17:23.47Lone_Wandererand then discover that we're out of filters
17:25.07dataw0lfuse three layered paper towels
17:25.34dataw0lfor two, depending on how strong you like your coffee
17:26.16dataw0lfI do it all the time, works great.
17:26.30Lone_WandererI think I'll just go to the grocery store and buy more filters.
17:30.21Lone_Wandererand look for some caffeinated water
17:30.30Lone_Wandererso I can make coffee with it
17:31.17mindjujui wonder if the caffine in the caffeniated water will be affected by heating it
17:31.54Lone_WandererI doubt it
17:32.12Lone_Wandererif that were the case, then coffee would be affected by being brewed
17:33.42mindjujuugh, i hate it when people don't follow the rules.
17:34.33mindjujui told this one employee who routinely emails junk to the whole company to start labeling her emails with a particular subject line, then built a rule that routed that subject line to be instantly, permantly and irretrivably deleted without notification
17:34.56mindjujushe's been doing this for me for months, but i guess has become wise to what i was doing and now won't use the subject line
17:35.04mindjujutime for another jedi mind trick
17:35.29Lone_Wandererlol, clever
17:35.42bigdog_utjust delete all her email
17:36.03mindjujuyeah, there is always a chance that she'll email something important that isn't junk, so can't do that
17:36.23dataw0lfblock her from sending to the whole company
17:37.34mindjujucan't do that either, her emails are promo, feel good emails that is being requested from a department higher than mine
17:38.03dataw0lfyou only have one option left, then
17:38.11mindjujujedi mind trick?
17:38.11dataw0lffill a sock with sand, right?
17:38.14dataw0lfsneak up behind her
17:38.25dataw0lfand whack her at the base of the back of the neck
17:38.36dataw0lfdrag her unconscious body to the nearest dumpster
17:38.42dataw0lfproblem solved
17:39.00mindjujuheh, that'd work until her replacement came in
17:40.04mindjujui think what i'm going to tell her is that her email is now getting caught in my spam filter, but that if she used this new subject line "Important: Don't Delete", i could write something that would allow it to pass
17:40.12mindjujuthen just delete off the new subject line
17:40.47bigdog_utmy idea was the best
17:41.10bigdog_utmy hr lady gets mad cause i delete all her email
17:41.29mindjujuthat's so funny you say that
17:41.34mindjujuthis lady is the HR lady too
17:41.38dataw0lfbigdog_ut: pfft, only if you're hesistant to go to prison for kidnapping and assault
17:41.43dataw0lfotherwise, mine is definitely the best.
17:42.08bigdog_utjust a lil is all
17:42.49dataw0lfwhy doesn't utah have a nfl team?
17:42.57dataw0lfyou guys suck.
17:42.57bigdog_utcause we are cheap
17:43.15mindjujuyeah, just what I always wanted, a one way ticket ticket to club fed.  and if you have any doubts about federal prison, just watch Office Space
17:43.20bigdog_utand we dont have the population for it
17:43.34bigdog_utill be excited if we get the soccer stadium
17:44.12Lone_WandererHow do I see what distro I'm on?
17:44.20dataw0lfbigdog_ut: psh 'don't have the population'.  D.C. has a team
17:44.37dataw0lfLone_Wanderer: cat /etc/<something>-release
17:45.05bigdog_utdataw0lf, true they are only like 500k
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17:45.42Lone_Wandererahh, CentOS
17:45.45mindjujusup fungus
17:45.56dataw0lfmorning fungi
17:46.01Lone_WandererI'm afraid that I may have to recompile php manually
17:46.22bigdog_utfor what?
17:47.03Lone_Wandererodbc support
17:47.30fungusmorning all
17:48.10bigdog_utLone_Wanderer php on centos has odbc support
17:48.47fungusif centos doesn't support odbc by default, can't you just install the extension?
17:48.48Lone_WandererI'm getting an error - Call to undefined function:  odbc_connect() in /srv/www/htdocs/odbc_test.php on line 8
17:49.14Lone_Wandererit'd be great if I could
17:49.15bigdog_utyou might need to install it
17:49.20bigdog_utyum install php-odbc
17:50.05bigdog_utthen restart apache
17:50.12bigdog_utand you should be golden
17:50.15Lone_Wanderermuch better
17:50.23Lone_Wanderernow I just need to work out the rest of the crap surrounding it
17:51.07bigdog_utmindjuju should be good with odbc...he uses mssql all the time
17:51.28mindjujuODBC rox the house, baby!
17:52.23mindjujuODBC rox the house, raise the roof
17:52.46mindjujuyou rox it, you know it!
17:53.45Lone_WandererWhy, oh why will my error reporting not change? :(
17:54.01mindjujuthe gorillaz!  there you go!
17:54.16fungusdid you restart apache?
17:54.48mindjujuit's the music that we choose!
17:54.57Lone_Wandererget the cool shoeshine!
17:55.06Lone_WandererI like Left Hand Suzuki Method
17:55.06mindjujuoh yeah!
17:55.29Lone_Wanderererror_reporting(E_ALL); should turn error reporting all the way up for that script, right?
17:55.33fungusDo you have to manually add the extension to your php.ini file?
17:55.34dataw0lfYou think it's fictional?  Mystical? Maybe.  Spiritual hero who appears to you to clear your view when you're too crazy
17:55.37dataw0lfgreatest lyrics ever
17:56.11Lone_Wandererfungus: odbc is working fine now, I just don't want to have to tail my log file to see the errorsr
17:56.56fungusas far as displaying errrors go, it will depend on both error_reporting, and the display_errors options.
17:57.01Lone_WandererOkay, mindjuju, what is a dsn supposed to look like?
17:57.27Lone_WandererI am young and foolish in the ways of odbc.
17:58.09mindjujudim conn as DB.Connection
17:58.23_psychic_mysql://     <-- something kinda like that?
17:58.24dataw0lfwell, ODBC supports DSN-less conns
17:58.53Lone_Wandererthe odbc_connect docs say that it needs one...
18:00.10Lone_Wandererodbc_connect(): SQL error: [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified, SQL state IM002 in SQLConnect
18:01.20mindjujuk, hang on
18:05.30mindjujui haven't made an DSN in Linux, Windows has a GUI to make it.  i'm looking for what your going to need
18:06.03*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
18:06.09Lone_Wandererahh ok
18:07.29mindjujuso, Lone_Wanderer, i'm confused
18:07.51Lone_Wandererme too =\
18:07.54mindjujuyou've got a sql2k or 2k5 box that your trying to connect to from a web server using CentOS
18:07.59mindjujuis that right?
18:12.21mindjujudo you know what ODBC driver your using?  is it unixODBC?
18:12.38Lone_Wandererit is, yes
18:13.07Lone_Wandererahh, so I do in fact need FreeTDS.
18:13.20beandogI dont use odbc to connect.
18:13.27Lone_Wandererwhat do you use?
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18:14.07beandogI dunno, but Ive got freetds compiled with -odbc
18:14.15beandogand php is the same way.  Just mssql support.
18:14.41Lone_Wandereryeah but I'm using a system with a package manager
18:14.55Lone_Wandererso I'd rather not fiddle about with recompiling php manually
18:15.11beandogI dunno
18:15.17beandogI just use mssql_connect()
18:15.18beandogI think
18:15.48beandogoh, using PEAR::DB, looks like
18:16.04beandogits been so long, I cant even remember how I setup the connection.
18:25.50Lone_Wanderer<3 Firefox's "disable image animations"
18:26.20beandoguse privoxy :)
18:27.25dataw0lfomgz, if you want to be 1337, it's all about links.
18:27.42dataw0lfFiReFoX iS fOr L@m3rz
18:27.57Lone_Wandererlynx? :p
18:27.57sleepy_herlo~lart dataw0lf for his bashing of mozilla
18:29.10dataw0lfLone_Wanderer: No, lynx is the old version.  ItS fOr LaMeRz tOo
18:29.15dataw0lfI actually had some dude tell me this
18:29.21dataw0lfhe scoffed at me using Firefox
18:30.03dataw0lfI was like 'uh, sorry dude, but, uhm, I love ncurses apps and all, but ascii porn just ain't my thing.  Y'know??'
18:30.27fungusthere is a big geek factor of using l[iy]n[kx]s?.  I even use it a lot, but come on.  everyday browsing needs a gui browser.
18:31.19Lone_Wandererokay fine
18:31.21Lone_WandererI have to recompile php
18:31.26fungusascii porn got me through my puberty quite well.
18:31.53mindjujudude, all i want is a browser that has flash capability, but allows me to specifiy when i want it to autoplay and when I don't
18:32.04mindjujuso i don't have to see all those dumb commericials on the web anymore
18:32.22macnewboldMSIE has that stupid click to activate thing "for security reasons" that you can easily circumvent with UFO
18:33.11mindjujuthis is what i've been looking for my whole life!!!
18:33.21cyco|wi use it everyday.. works like a champ..
18:35.49fungusflashblock is a major life saver
18:37.04dataw0lffungus: yea, I use links quite a bit myself.  It's extremely useful in many cases.  But you're just trying to convince yourself you're leet if you use it for every day browsing.
18:37.21mindjujuamazing!  Yahoo's goofy ads aren't even coming up!
18:38.24macnewboldI just wish that more configuration interfaces for routers and dsl/cable modems were more friendly to links/lynx , so that it would be easier to configure them remotely
18:38.47macnewboldthe catch is that many of them need javascript :(
18:38.57beandogelinks uses javascript
18:39.17beandoger, can use / parse / whatver.
18:39.37dataw0lfor someone needs to write a javascript interpreter for links
18:39.59macnewbold~lart javascript
18:40.04macnewbold~asplode javascript
18:40.09jbotjavascript head asplode, k thx
18:40.20dataw0lf~protect javascript
18:40.22jbotACTION sees a grenade rolling toward javascript, and leaps onto it.
18:40.38dataw0lf~asplode jbot
18:40.39jbotjbot head asplode, k thx
18:43.26fungussweet `portinstall www/elinks`
18:46.36fungussweet elinks can be built with support for JS, Bittorrent, nntp, ftp, and all kinds of extra stuff.
18:46.47dataw0lf-> ps aux | grep httpd | wc -l
18:46.52Lone_WandererThees ees not helpeeng!
18:47.21fungusand gopher support!
18:47.26Lone_Wandererohhh, gopher!
18:47.56dataw0lfLone_Wanderer: Go Wolverines!  wooooo!
18:48.20Lone_WandererI meant Minnesota
18:48.30Lone_Wandererthe Gophers.
18:48.48dataw0lfoh well, they're still big ten, even if you all are a bunch of norwegians
18:48.54dataw0lfGo Gophers! Woooohooo!
18:48.56Lone_Wandererdang straight
18:49.26Lone_WandererWhat, you like your food lye-free?
18:49.52dataw0lfI'm from Chicago, the atrocities that have been visited upon me by lutefisk are beyond imagination
18:50.09Lone_WandererThe best part about being Scandinavian is that when I get old, I get to be a crotchety old Scandinavian man.
18:50.22dataw0lfor die of a heart attack when you're in your forties.
18:50.40Lone_Wandererwe're a hardy bunch
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18:51.19dataw0lftrue.  if you can eat lutefisk you've pretty much got death beat.
18:51.36Lone_WandererAnd "not bad" is the best it gets.
18:51.47timinatorwhat's up ladies?
18:52.01Lone_WandererNot too much.
18:52.53Lone_WandererWhen I was a kid, 10 below was nice weather.
18:55.34mindjujui call it cruel and unusual punishment
18:55.51Lone_WandererYou get acclimated.
18:56.03fungusMac rumor, Leopard to support GTK+ natively.
18:56.10mindjujuyeah, if that's the case, let's all move to Siberia
18:56.17mindjujui here there is plenty of room
18:56.22mindjujuhear, not here
18:56.26jsmithfungus: Where'd you hear that?
18:58.34jsmithfungus: I think that's a big over the top... just because GTK+ is being ported doesn't mean Apple's going to include it in Leopard.
18:59.36fungusPrevious rumors state that the new Windowing interface will come with Leopard, and this rumor states the new interface will support GTK.
18:59.47fungusconnect the dots, la la lala
19:00.58oldsanyone happen to know how much the mysql certification test costs?
19:01.06oldsI can't seem to find an answer on the mysql wensite
19:01.44dataw0lfno idea
19:03.32fungusdamn, I might have misread that.  it doesn't say that illuminous will support GTK.  The author just used the word illuminous to get your attention.  They are *not* related.
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19:18.19Lone_WandererPHP Warning:  odbc_connect(): SQL error: [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_HENV failed, SQL state IM004 in SQLConnect in /srv/www/htdocs/odbc_test.php on line 6
19:18.28Lone_WandererI don't even know what that means.
19:18.56bradymmeans it's time to become good friends with google
19:19.44timinatorwhat did we ever do before there was Google?!?!
19:19.57Lone_WandererNo kidding.
19:20.40bradymshh! i've tried to block those memories out..
19:20.52Lone_WandererOkay, it's definitely lunchtime now.
19:21.12bigdog_utsho enough
19:37.08jsmithLone_Wanderer: In means that the SQL Driver couldn't really get a connection to the database
20:13.53mindjujuanybody here work with wildfire or spark?
20:14.53timinatorwe don't really like wildfires in the lumber business
20:15.11mindjuju~wiseguy timinator
20:15.12jbotACTION runs up to timinator and pokes timinator in the eyes!
20:15.45mindjujuit's too bad jbot can't do soundbytes or sound effects
20:16.02mindjujuit's be cool to have jbot say "hey moe!" while poking the eyes
20:16.58Lone_Wandererjsmith: But what I'm wondering is why.  Maybe I should set it up on Windows first and see if the server is even accepting connections.
20:18.03mindjujuLone_Wanderer, if you've got a windows box on the same network as the sql box
20:18.09Lone_WandererI don't
20:18.17mindjujuyou can easily setup an ODBC with the connection param... , oh
20:19.52Lone_WandererI'm starting to think I should ask this guy to put some soap wrappers around his functions.
20:28.08Lone_WandererHeh heh.
20:28.17Lone_WandererSpeaking of Norwegian understatements
20:28.32Lone_WandererMr. Langevin, who comes from Coteau-du-Lac, southwest of Montreal, added it was “better than staying out for the count.” - referring to getting an artificial heart
20:38.01Lone_Wandererhe didn't even murder him brutally
20:39.05Lone_WandererunixODBC isn't working so instead I'm reading userfriendly.
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20:45.16brastomacnewbold, I saw your posting in the list last night.  I'll post a reply this afternoon.
20:45.29macnewboldthanks, brasto!
20:45.34macnewboldsorry again I'll miss your talk :(
20:46.27brastono worries.  if it becomes a pattern - every time i present something comes up, then maybe i'll get offended ;)
20:46.32timinatorI'll miss it too brasto
20:46.47timinatorbut not because I don't love-ya
20:47.15timinatorhopefully someone will videotape
20:55.16_psychic_James Bond style == laser gun enabled?
20:55.54brastohmmm, maybe i should patent that and build it myself...
20:56.03brastoif only i knew something about making watches...
20:56.44*** part/#uphpu brasto (
21:00.06Lone_WandererIt can't be that hard.
21:00.18Lone_WandererPrecision machinery, hundreds of tiny gears
21:00.21_psychic_...but the lasers...
21:00.33Lone_Wandererlasers are even easier
21:02.08mindjujui had lasers mounted onto some mutated mal-tempered sea bass
21:03.14_psychic_mindjuju: put em all in a small tank, and you get some niiice fish soup in 20 min.
21:03.42mindjujunow your talking!
21:04.23Lone_Wandereryou know, scales removed and their innards removed
21:04.29Lone_Wandererheads chopped off
21:04.32Lone_Wandererthat kind of thing
21:04.41macnewbold~asplode Lone_Wanderer
21:04.48jbotLone_Wanderer head asplode, k thx
21:04.53_psychic_mindjuju: on a related note, you seen this?
21:06.43mindjujuthat's awesome, mix that with Manifold Destiny, and I think you have a winner
21:06.48fungusadvocating murder, and flesh eating in the same product.
21:07.08_psychic_shooting fish in a barrel would be awesome
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21:09.54mindjujuin case some here don't know what manifold destiny is, check out this link
21:10.32_psychic_haha nice
21:10.54_psychic_you could do drive by hunting, and roast it up on the hood
21:11.01mindjujutellin' ya!
21:11.36mindjujui got the book if you want to browse through it during next php meeting
21:11.45_psychic_ha nice
21:11.58_psychic_I have yet to make it to one, unfortunately.
21:12.54mindjujubummer.  was going to say if somebody like bigdog_ut or timinator went, they could buy some salmon stakes here in draper, and by the time they get back to Ogden... "bon appetite!"
21:13.16mindjujusteaks even
21:13.37_psychic_have you cooked on the engine yet yourself?
21:14.13mindjujuno, but i did put some Tucky-Frickin' in aluminum wrap and strapped it to the outside of my trunk on a trip from Houston to Tucson
21:14.28mindjujudidn't get no warmer than the inside of the car, but, hey!  it was for science!
21:15.24Lone_Wandererpeople don't actually cook this way do they?
21:15.36timinatorcan't go this round mindjuju... but it is a good idea
21:16.16mindjujui was just kidding about the salmon steaks.  i think they'd take longer than that
21:16.42mindjujuprolly'd have to go to logan, or heber (since your headed up hill and that'd make your enigine hotter)
21:17.52_psychic_It'd be cool to have a engine temp meter next to the odometer
21:18.15_psychic_with different scales on it - like steak cooking (rare, medium, well-done)
21:18.30mindjujumine has one, i just drew in pictures for what i could be cooking at that temperture
21:18.39mindjujuwell, it's an engine heat gage, that is
21:20.52timinatorwhat temp does it average?
21:21.17timinatorperhaps would could legitimately get some recipes going
21:21.46mindjujuwell, my hyndai would get a little hot, so i could go steaks, but i'm now in a lifted jeep cherokee, and I haven't spec'ed it out yet
21:27.07Lone_Wandererhow do you spec it out? :p
21:53.10mindjujulone_wanderer, you gots to go around with an electric therometer tied to various parts of the car and see what the highest temp was
21:53.30Lone_Wandererso you put the thermometer in there
21:53.33Lone_Wandererdrive around
21:53.37Lone_Wandererand see how hot it gets?
21:54.40Lone_Wandererhow hot did your old one get?
21:57.17PoeticIntensity~lart beandog
21:57.57PoeticIntensityyo yo yo yo
21:58.03_psychic_... the ... hamster love...
21:58.52PoeticIntensityall those who think beandog should come to my LAN party tonight.....  let's hear it!
21:59.45Lone_Wandererlan party?
21:59.55mindjujulone_wanderer, i was really just joking.  haven't gaged my car heat temps
21:59.57beandogPoeticIntensity pretends he has friends coming over.
22:00.01Lone_Wandererjerk :p
22:00.04beandogWell, PoeticIntensity pretends he has friends
22:00.28beandogAnd then he blows their brains out in ET
22:00.34PoeticIntensitydon't you KNOW it!
22:00.43PoeticIntensityman.....  I'm so pumped.... It's gonna be a blast.
22:00.51PoeticIntensityWe got Scott a computer, too... so no worries.
22:01.02PoeticIntensityhe might bring his nephew, too!
22:01.05_psychic_if anyone's up for CoD2, we play often
22:01.15_psychic_you guys play ET on a public IP?
22:01.53_psychic_beandog? (or ..?)
22:02.04beandogat his house
22:02.11PoeticIntensityumm..... it's public this time... but not broadcasted.
22:02.22PoeticIntensityI've got two friends connecting from outside.
22:02.26PoeticIntensitybut most come to my house.
22:02.28_psychic_we play ET sometimes on our public server
22:02.37PoeticIntensitygotta love that game.
22:02.43PoeticIntensityan oldie, but a goodie.
22:02.54_psychic_its usually eclipsed by cod2 though for us
22:03.07PoeticIntensitynot sure I know what cod2 is.... ?
22:03.20_psychic_call of duty 2
22:03.22PoeticIntensityCovert Operations..... Destruct-o 2?
22:03.53PoeticIntensityI like having LAN parties for the smack-talk.
22:04.09beandogAll the time.
22:04.12beandogAll the time.
22:04.13_psychic_PoeticIntensity: tru dat
22:04.13PoeticIntensitynothing like destroying your friends and then laughing at them for real.
22:04.16beandogthe time.
22:04.23beandogby PoeticIntensity
22:04.34PoeticIntensityI knew you didn't have a real reason for not coming.
22:04.47PoeticIntensityno doubt, you will be able to kill at least one person this time.
22:04.55PoeticIntensitythe guy connecting remote doesn't have a clue what he's doing.
22:05.43PoeticIntensityhrmmmmm deeeee durm.....
22:05.50PoeticIntensityI think so far, 8 people are coming.
22:07.58beandogPoeticIntensity vs teh world
22:10.02_psychic_*blam!* *blam!*
22:10.13PoeticIntensityhrm.... So...  Why *are* you not coming?
22:10.19PoeticIntensityand don't tell me it's because your computers aren't set up.
22:10.26PoeticIntensityI set up a new compy yesterday in about 10 minutes.
22:10.30PoeticIntensity(with ET / Gentoo)
22:10.56PoeticIntensityand heck... if they aren't set up, bring em' anyway.... and we'll get em' crankin'.
22:11.32PoeticIntensity_psychic_ where you at?
22:11.40_psychic_PoeticIntensity: Orem
22:11.59PoeticIntensitywhat ya doing tonight? :)
22:12.07_psychic_depends on when
22:12.11_psychic_I can play 5-6 about
22:12.19PoeticIntensitywe'll be playing all night.
22:12.28_psychic_starting when, though?
22:12.32PoeticIntensityusually gets crankin' around....... 8-9
22:12.38PoeticIntensitythen we play until 4 or 5.
22:12.52PoeticIntensitypeople start coming around 5:30
22:12.57_psychic_probably too late for me
22:13.16_psychic_it'd be fun to hook up a match of sorts
22:13.30_psychic_I bet I could get 4 or so from here to play some other time
22:13.53PoeticIntensityyeah.... heh... have 4 people come to my house, and connect to your group..
22:14.07PoeticIntensitythat'd be pretty cool.
22:17.42beandogyoure playing until 5 a.m.?
22:25.44PoeticIntensitywe do every time.
22:25.54PoeticIntensitylast time I went to bed at 5:30
22:34.01beandogthats insane.
22:34.18beandogespecially when you know I get up at 4 a.m. on saturdays to go to the flower market
22:34.20_psychic_PoeticIntensity: next Friday @ 5ish maybe? I'd have to check with my guys, but that might be a good time
22:34.29Lone_Wandererto the flower market?
22:35.06PoeticIntensityprobably not.
22:35.24PoeticIntensityI have these parties once every 3 months.
22:35.36PoeticIntensitywife / kid issues.... :)
22:36.14bradymwe should do a uphpu lan party :)
22:37.41bradymlan party barbecue hack-a-thon bake off!  say that five times fast..
22:37.48PoeticIntensityGotta have Linux-compatible games, though.... ;-)
22:38.56bradymsee that's the hack-a-thon part, getting the games to work on linux :)
22:39.40_psychic_not hard anymore
22:42.07bradymthat's my next big project - i wanna install linux on my home machine, only thing that has kept me on windoze this long is the games
22:43.06macnewboldmuch better
22:43.11macnewbold~lart beandog for laughing....
22:43.21macnewboldc'mon, jbot: get some variety
22:44.10Black_Chaos~lart jbot for not being creative
22:44.26macnewbold~lart ibot for being jbot
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23:15.05Lone_WandererHow can I tell if a certain file is a library?
23:15.23macnewbolddefine "library"?
23:15.40macnewboldoften the "file" command will work wonders
23:15.48Lone_Wanderer"Normal reason is the lib you have pointed the driver= line in the ini isn't a ODBC driver, but some other lib."
23:16.09macnewboldimagemagick's "identify" is great with image files of almost any type, or mplayer's identify flag if it is audio or video
23:16.22macnewboldis this for php?
23:16.32Lone_Wandererkind of yeah
23:16.34macnewboldor something else?
23:16.36Lone_Wandererodbc really
23:16.45macnewboldso is he talking about php.ini or some other config file?
23:16.59macnewboldyeah, that's a library
23:17.00Lone_Wandererno, another config file
23:17.10Lone_Wandererhow can you tell? is a statically linked library
23:17.20macnewboldand it's in /usr/lib :)
23:17.21Lone_Wandererthought so
23:17.36macnewboldlibtdsS is not an ODBC library, it is a TDS library probably
23:17.46macnewboldtds is the format used to access MS-SQL databases
23:17.56Lone_WandererThat's what I'm trying to do.
23:18.41Lone_Wandererthe example says to point it to
23:18.58Lone_Wandererbut that file doesn't exist on my system
23:18.58macnewboldso an odbc driver that speaks tds on the back side
23:19.07macnewboldyou'd probably need to install it then
23:19.10macnewboldwhat OS are you on?
23:19.36macnewboldon my freebsd boxes, I have to install FreeTDS and the mssql extension for PHP
23:19.41macnewboldand it doesn't use ODBC at all
23:20.00*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ (n=_psychic@
23:20.07Lone_WandererODBC is becoming a headache, I'd really rather not use it
23:20.10*** mode/#UPHPU [+v _psychic_] by ChanServ
23:21.17Lone_Wandererand the freetds and php-mssql don't seem to exist in the package management system I've got
23:21.58macnewboldwhich one is that?
23:23.35Lone_Wandereryeah, that page contains a lot of visited links ;)
23:24.31macnewboldthis one really looks useful:
23:24.56macnewboldit sounds like he's trying to set up access to an mssql db from php on a centos system via freetds and using yum to install it
23:25.23macnewboldon x86_64 no less
23:25.51Lone_Wanderera helpful page!
23:26.16bigdog_utLone_Wanderer do you have freetds installed?
23:26.31Lone_WandererI believe so yes.
23:26.41Lone_WandererYum can't find it but I think I found it earlier
23:26.47Lone_Wanderersaw it get installed along with something else
23:28.19bigdog_utyou might need this one
23:29.04Lone_Wanderermmmm, dependencies
23:29.04bigdog_utyou can also check to see if the centos has rpms in the test distro
23:29.07bigdog_utyou can install the depends
23:29.51bigdog_utthere is a testing repo that yum can access too
23:32.31macnewboldyay for bigdog_ut! el_gaucho to the rescue! :)
23:32.33bigdog_utif you add that to a file in your /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Testing.repo
23:32.54bigdog_utthat will allow you to access other rpms that might help out
23:34.26bigdog_utsometimes be careful it likes to install new stuff
23:35.48Lone_WandererAdded 102 new packages, deleted 0 old in 0.66 seconds
23:35.50Lone_WandererNo Matches found
23:37.00bigdog_utwas there are freetds package?
23:37.07Lone_WandererI'm looking
23:37.13Lone_WandererI did yum search freetds
23:37.15bigdog_utis this going to be production?
23:37.32macnewboldif he can get it working :)
23:37.40macnewboldj/k, I have no idea
23:37.48bigdog_utyou might want to roll your own rpms then
23:37.53Lone_Wandererahh.  it's installed already.
23:37.59Lone_WandererThought so.
23:38.17bigdog_utunless you have those libs it doesnt look like it
23:38.32Lone_Wandererfreetds.i386                             0.63-2                 installed
23:38.58bigdog_utand that contains the lib you need?
23:39.20Lone_WandererWell, presumably.
23:39.29Lone_WandererIt's not working though.
23:39.39bigdog_utwhat is the error you are getting?
23:40.00bigdog_utthat your missing a lib?
23:40.36Lone_WandererPHP Warning: odbc_connect(): SQL error: [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_HENV failed, SQL state IM004 in SQLConnect in/srv/www/htdocs/ odbc_test.php on line 6
23:40.45Lone_WandererWell I don't know if I'm missing a library becacuse I don't know what that error means.
23:41.45dataw0lfodbc connected, you're just having a problem with the SQL inserted within said ODBC connection.
23:41.51Lone_WandererGoogle says that it's generally an indicator that the library I'm pointing to is not an odbc library.
23:41.58Lone_Wandererthere is no SQL
23:42.39bigdog_utthat might be a bug with unixODBC
23:43.05bigdog_utdoes mssql tabke an instance?
23:43.33bigdog_utmindjuju, you there?
23:44.26dataw0lfdid I gtell you kids about the rteam that is submitting a form, taking the form values in JavaScript, then submitting them with GET?
23:44.28bigdog_utLone_Wanderer i wonder if you need to specify and instance fo rthe connection
23:44.57Lone_Wandererlol, no you didn't, what's their reasoning for that?
23:45.05dataw0lfno error checking, nothing.  They just build a form get query with the values submitted via the form.
23:45.13dataw0lfno reasoning.
23:45.17dataw0lfI talked to their senior dev
23:45.36dataw0lfand I was like 'bro, this shit is like dailyWTF material'
23:45.41bigdog_utLone_Wanderer did you see that
23:45.44dataw0lfI'm drunk
23:45.47dataw0lfbut goddamn
23:45.48Lone_WandererI did yeah bigdog_ut
23:46.02Lone_WandererI'm very, very tired though
23:46.09Lone_Wandererso I'm tempted to just go home.  it's pretty close to five.
23:46.31dataw0lfbigdog, you're distracting from my hilarious GET query code
23:46.37dataw0lfc'mon dude!
23:46.59bigdog_utpost it to dwtf
23:47.04dataw0lfafter seeing that code I was like 'dude, I'm fucking DONE!' and went and grabbed some cocktails from the break room
23:47.07Lone_Wandererdo it, it's worthy
23:47.24dataw0lfI know.  I don't know if I want to alienate my teams like that though.
23:47.28dataw0lfit's kinda embarrassing.
23:47.40dataw0lfok, strike the fucking kinda, it's REALLY embarrassing.
23:47.42Lone_WandererThey read the daily wtf?
23:47.45dataw0lfmy bad
23:47.49dataw0lfwith language, that is
23:48.22dataw0lfI dunno, but, I mean, you get something pointed out like THAT, and I'm sure it's going to make a splash
23:49.39dataw0lfI thought the code was sloppy, but half way through I was like "WTF?!", and I realized that it wasn't anything complex I was missing.... no, no, they just take form variables and insert them in a GET redirect.
23:50.14dataw0lfI tried to play it straight and was like "Are you guys planning on doing anything with these variables?" thinking that, even if they didn't, perhaps it would hint to the problem
23:50.17dataw0lfthey were like
23:50.34dataw0lf"no, no, it's just the most efficient way to grab all the variables"
23:50.57dataw0lfoh man
23:50.59dataw0lfthese kids
23:51.03dataw0lfI love PHP progammers
23:51.04Lone_Wandererwhere does that even come from?
23:51.06Lone_WandererI mean...
23:51.21Lone_Wandererare they just completely retarded?
23:51.34dataw0lfwell, the lead programmer on this team I recruited like a couple weeks ago, primarily on the basis that he said he knew AJAX well
23:51.37Lone_Wandererthey had it all in a form, right?
23:51.45dataw0lfso perhaps they think we're a JavaScript orientated business.
23:51.52dataw0lfthat's the last doubt I'm giving em
23:51.59dataw0lfoh yea, all in a form
23:52.11Lone_Wandererso, just to make completely sure I'm not missing anything here
23:52.16dataw0lfand the event action is just a function that creates a GET based URL
23:52.18dataw0lfthat's it
23:52.21Lone_Wandererthey could have just left everything alone and it would have posted
23:52.53timinatoror put GET in their Form action and it would've worked okay, right?
23:53.06Lone_Wanderershould have
23:53.07dataw0lfwell, sure, it creates a GET url, which is ok, even though it's the wrong way, but, first of all, in the operation we're dealing with, you don't use GET url creation
23:53.26dataw0lfI mean, by HTTP standards they FAIL
23:53.41dataw0lfand by any reasonable web developer standards, it's like, w... t... f
23:54.11dataw0lfev3en drunk, I'm trying to coach them to the right answer, but they just don't get it
23:54.19dataw0lfoh well
23:54.20timinatorright, but you DEFINATELY don't run everything through JS simply to GET the form
23:54.21dataw0lfit's Friday
23:54.29dataw0lftiminator: amen, brotha.  
23:55.11dataw0lfI told them in a conference call "Guys, this is NOT the right way to do this.  I'll give you the weekend to figure otu how."  so, hopefully, this will motivate them to do some studying.
23:55.18dataw0lfIf, by Monday, they don't have it....
23:55.25Lone_Wandererwhat's to study?
23:55.26dataw0lfthere's going to be some firing goin' on.
23:55.30bradymwe fired someone a couple months ago.. she had that kind of crap all over the place in her code..
23:55.35Lone_Wandereryou just do NOTHING
23:55.51dataw0lfI mean, right, LW
23:56.01dataw0lfwhat's the purpose of forms in the first place
23:56.30dataw0lfI expect kids who graduate from Stanford, UoW, etc, to know these things.
23:56.49dataw0lfjust validates my argument against traditional education, is all
23:57.32Lone_WandererI'm seriously tempted to send you my resume now :p
23:58.18dataw0lfdude, it'd be welcome.  I have three teams, one is AWESOME (and, loltastically, the least 'traditionally' educated), the other two are varying degrees of hopelessness)
23:58.57bradymouch.. that's rough
23:59.08dataw0lfI'm pulling my hair out now.  And I know, at least one of the DBAs on the crappy team, has made references that I haven't completed a B.S.
23:59.19dataw0lfto one of my supervisors
23:59.25dataw0lfhe just forwarded the email and laughed

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