irclog2html for #uphpu on 20061129

00:07.50swbcheck this out... a job post on the 37signals board from Provo
00:08.45synicwoot.  Ruby.  I'm glade to see that.
00:08.54synicer.. glad.
00:17.42macnewbold~wake mindjuju
00:17.52jbotACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on mindjuju and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
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00:38.33mindjujumacnewbold: ping
00:39.15herl1~seen Utah_Dave
00:39.38jbotutah_dave <> was last seen on IRC in channel #uphpu, 2h 23m 17s ago, saying: 'ok, that's working great.  Thanks again dataw0lf'.
00:52.17mindjujumacnewbold : ping
00:52.26macnewboldpong, mindjuju
00:52.30macnewboldgeek lunch is Friday?
00:52.42macnewbold~seen wps
00:52.56jbotwps <n=wps@> was last seen on IRC in channel #uphpu, 3h 19m 9s ago, saying: 'my wife makes a mean cheese ball'.
00:53.27macnewboldif it is, would you send the email to the list again? You do that very well.
00:53.40mindjujuk, it's official, i sux, yes this friday is when it should be
00:53.41macnewboldwe'll also need to harass wps about getting those on the UPHPU calendar on the web site
00:53.47macnewboldor is it on the 8th?
00:53.55mindjujuit should be this friday
00:53.55macnewboldit's robintinos in bountiful, right?
00:54.04mindjujuyup on robintinos
00:54.12mindjujudo you think that is enough notice for everybody?
00:58.01*** join/#uphpu burnin (
00:59.14macnewboldprobably so
00:59.22macnewboldbut mention that in the message
00:59.31macnewboldif several ask us to delay it, we could
01:00.25mindjujui would just hate there to be 2 potential dates out there in case somebody got the email that it would be this friday and not the next one that said "no wait, next friday"
01:00.31timinatorI'm out guys
01:01.12mindjujuplus and this is jsut me, but i'm rolling the new site December 10th, but have internal training this friday
01:01.23mindjujuso i'd be out, though you could go and represent
01:10.22macnewboldI might not make it either, since it is in bountiful, and that's the day our new employee starts
01:10.30macnewboldbut tim would represent I'm sure
01:11.02mindjujui could definantly go next friday, what about you?
01:12.22macnewboldthe 8th?
01:12.30tierrahuh, robintinos this friday?
01:12.35tierraor next?
01:12.44macnewboldI could do the 8th much better than the 1st
01:12.59mindjujuyup, me too
01:13.01mindjujuwhat about you tierra
01:13.05macnewboldbut the people from up north would be the biggest factor
01:13.10mindjujurobintinos on the 8th?
01:13.21mindjujutrue that, and timinator just left
01:13.27mindjujubigdog_ut, you around?
01:13.33macnewbold~wake everyone
01:13.34jbotACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on everyone and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
01:13.41bigdog_utmindjuju y
01:13.53mindjujurobintionsos on the 8th
01:13.54mindjujugood for you?
01:14.23bigdog_utwhere is that?
01:14.42mindjujurobintinos is the real spelling
01:15.00tierraI guess the 8th works for me, though I'd prefer the 15th actually, but that's probably getting too close into the holidays for most people
01:16.23tierrabbl, leaving work
01:16.24macnewbolddo we have a december meeting? that's right by the 15th too
01:16.27macnewboldyeah, me too
01:16.30macnewboldsee ya tomorrow
01:16.41macnewboldmj, you can decide, or ask on the list, whichever you like
01:16.46tierraI'll check back later tonight
01:17.17mindjujui'll tentatively set the 8th, though open it up for comment to see if it will change
01:18.34bigdog_ut8th might be good too
01:18.39bigdog_utthat is still early in december
01:18.56mindjujuyup, that's what i'm thinking bigdog_ut
01:19.20mindjujuwish i'd gotten back in time to catch timinator before he left
01:19.28mindjujubut i think all his big stuff is done since he rolled his site
01:41.30mindjujuwho else lives up north?
01:41.39mindjujuis it just bigdog_ut and timinator?
01:41.47mindjujuseems like synic did or tierra
01:42.05swbhow far North counts as North?
01:42.17bigdog_uti think so...drip lives up here but works in slc
01:42.45mindjujui'd say north is everything north of SLC
01:42.52synicnah, I'm in Murray
01:42.54mindjujucourse what do i know, i'm native Texan
01:43.04swbwell, I'm in Holladay
01:43.10mindjujuwhere's that?
01:43.11bigdog_utthat just explains it all too me
01:44.18swbtechnically, I'm SLCounty, near the bottom of Parley's Canyon but still in SLC
01:44.48swbNorth compared to some  ;)
01:45.20mindjujuwow, you live on the way westside
01:45.32mindjuju(just pulled it up on google maps)
01:46.09mindjujuwhoops, eastside
01:47.06swbI think I can get to robintinos w/o toooo much extra driving though (I work on campus at the U)
01:49.20mindjujuk, i think i've got this email ready to launch
01:58.41mindjujuk, email launched
01:59.08*** topic/#UPHPU by mindjuju -> Utah PHP Users Group | | Geek Lunch Dec 8th
01:59.34tierraI live in Sandy, but work in Bountiful
01:59.55mindjujuwhoops, sorry
02:00.01mindjujui should have waited
02:00.12mindjujui could have included your name in the reasons why
02:00.33mindjujuwhen you see the email, tierra, you'll see what i mean
02:00.51mindjujucourse though, you were at the last lunch
02:01.00swbmmmm, lunch
02:02.10tierrayou didn't mention a time
02:03.04tierraok... ok... calm down, I think I know how we can fix that
02:03.21mindjujupost another email?
02:03.26tierraI hear that's what this "Reply To" feature is for
02:03.47mindjujuplus this way i can include you in the line up
02:04.01tierraor "Reply All" more specifically
02:04.27tierraso what time though? 6:30, 7:00 ?
02:04.40mindjujuugh, except that i get the digest version so i don't get it when it first comes out
02:04.54mindjujuwe usually do lunch at 12:30p
02:05.04tierraoh, lunch, not dinner
02:05.12mindjujudid i say dinner?
02:05.16mindjujuhang on quick sec
02:05.35tierrano, but I just assumed for some reason
02:05.45tierrathinking the last one was a dinner (though it wasn't)
02:06.07mindjujui'll repost it real quick
02:06.24tierrabut yeah, I guess 12:30 would be an ideal time... busy, but probably best for all
02:06.43tierrajust need to remember to call ahead
02:06.54mindjujuyeah, was going to say i saw they had reservations for groups
02:07.29bigdog_utill now better toward the end of the might see if i can get drip to come
02:07.53mindjujugood idea since i posted him as an "attraction"
02:08.03mindjujuhave you seen the email bigdog_ut?
02:08.21mindjujuyou like?
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15:42.06bigdog_utmornin to the crew
16:00.54mindjujutiminator: ping
16:01.11timinatorwassup mindjuju
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16:01.19mindjujuhey, geek lunch dec 8th
16:01.21mindjujuyou going?
16:01.43timinatorsounds great
16:02.12timinatorbigdog_ut: you going?
16:02.49mindjujurobintinos in bountiful
16:03.08mindjujuit's one for the northern guys
16:03.17mindjujuwhere we come up to them
16:03.54mindjujucna you go beandog?
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16:10.02mindjujusup _psychic_
16:10.26mindjujufyi, we posted the new geek lunch
16:10.34mindjujudec 8th @12:30p
16:10.34_psychic_Bountiful, right?
16:10.40mindjujuyou going?
16:10.50_psychic_I'm in Orem, so probably not :/
16:11.19bigdog_uttiminator i might be able to go
16:11.23_psychic_that's a ways for me though
16:11.50mindjujuyeah, true that
16:12.09_psychic_specially if the weather was bad
16:12.12_psychic_I was up in SLC yesterday
16:12.18_psychic_It took me more than an hour to get home
16:14.16mindjujui bet.  the roads were pretty bad just to work today and i drive frontage road most of the way up
16:14.35_psychic_I'm just glad I live only a few blocks from work
16:14.39_psychic_I hate winter weather.
16:18.19beandogmindjuju: yah Id like to go, that'd rock
16:22.32*** join/#uphpu Black_Ch1os (
16:25.05wpsI love Winter
16:25.09beandogme too
16:25.13beandogits the most wonderful time of the year
16:27.53jsmithWe might get ice today in Kansas City...
16:36.44timinatorKansas City?!?!
16:45.45jsmithYeah, I'm in Kansas City this week teaching an Asterisk class
16:48.00timinatorI was born and raised there
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16:50.10synicpfft, what did that tear ever do to you?!??1
16:50.33dataw0lfare there tears to be licked off someone's face?!
16:51.20dataw0lfmmm... tastes like grief
16:51.27synictiminator: you don't need to qualify "like a girl" - we already know how you scream.
16:51.28wpsdataw0lf: you mind exiting and re-joining? my day cannot begin properly without the jbot tease
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16:51.42timinatorlol synic
16:52.27wpsthe only reason that that makes me laugh is from that silly animated video that they made to promote the technology
16:52.37dataw0lfnever saw it
16:53.45mindjujunever heard of it either
16:54.24jsmithtiminator: You gonna be upset if I start talking about how yummy the BBQ at Arthur Bryant's is?
16:54.36wpsthat's it… thanks Black_Ch1os
16:54.51dataw0lfmindjuju: I just got one.
16:55.27timinatoroh, I miss Arthur Bryants
16:55.27timinatorand Gates
16:55.27timinatorand the Majestic
16:55.28jsmithYup... talk about good grub.
16:55.30timinatorand Lamars
16:55.37jsmithHaven't eaten at Lamars yet
16:55.40timinatorand even Mr. Goodcents
16:55.48timinatorLamars Donuts
16:55.59jsmithOooooh... donuts.
16:56.00timinatorthey have a few locations now
16:56.21dataw0lfI had the best wings evar yesterday.
16:57.39dataw0lfmindjuju: what type of pup you getting?
16:58.52dataw0lfyes, got the a ok to sign up for web directions north
16:58.53mindjujusorry, watching that perpendicular flash thing
16:58.58timinatorjsmith: have you had the BBQ at Johnny's?
16:59.25timinatorI used to know Johnny
16:59.25beandogI want donuts. :C
16:59.25beandogWe need a Dunkin Donuts out here.
16:59.33mindjujudataw0lf, looking for something that won't break -- have a 3 year old at home
16:59.41beandogthat and Waffle House
16:59.48mindjujucourse raising him right to not be mean to the dog, but still, boys will be boys
17:00.56dataw0lfI just got a golden lab puppy
17:00.56mindjujuwant something sturdy like a basset hound
17:00.56jsmithtiminator: Nope... where's Johnny's?
17:00.56timinatorin Mission
17:00.56dataw0lfI either go with shepherds (australian or german or border collie) or labs
17:00.57dataw0lfall other dogs sux0rz
17:00.57jsmithtiminator: Ah... I'll have to check it out.
17:00.57timinatoroff 635-Metcalf interchange
17:00.57jsmithYeah... close to where I'm at ;-)
17:00.59jsmithI'm at 85th and State Line
17:01.06timinatorthe BBQ is decent there
17:01.23timinator85th and State Line?
17:01.30jsmithI don't want decent -- I want incredible ;-)
17:01.31timinatorit's a bit of a drive then
17:01.45timinatorit's good, but not like Gates
17:01.46jsmithOh, *6*35
17:02.00timinatorin the middle of the city
17:02.14timinatorwhere it switches to Metcalf
17:02.29timinatornot worth it for that....
17:02.39timinatorhave you eaten at Gates?
17:02.44timinatorThere's one near you
17:02.59timinatorState Line and about 100th
17:03.17timinatorjust shy of 435
17:03.32timinatorthat's INCREDIBLE
17:03.42timinatorit's my favorite BBQ joint
17:04.10jsmithI read *4*35
17:04.19jsmithYeah, Gates is good.
17:04.30dataw0lfyou ever go to Chicago, go to robinson's no. 1 ribs
17:04.44jsmithtiminator: OK, it's very good.
17:05.59dataw0lfmmm pay day
17:08.00timinatorArthur Bryant's is very good too.
17:09.30timinatorjsmith: have you been to the Plaza?
17:09.56jsmithtiminator: Of course ;-)  Our corporate office is in Westport
17:10.59timinatorhave you eaten here:
17:11.18timinatorMcCormick & Schmick
17:11.28timinatormy wife and I love that place
17:12.22timinatorlittle pricey though, last time I took my wife I think I spent $180
17:14.15timinatorthat's not local to KC though.... The closest to Utah is Denver or Vegas though
17:14.16*** join/#uphpu swb (n=designsi@
17:15.39dataw0lfswb: thanks for the link to Web Directions North, I'm totally going.
17:15.49dataw0lfIf just for the Blackcomb boarding.
17:16.11swbboarding + networking -> can't beat that!
17:17.16swbI'm going to ask my company to send me, but I'm not sure they'll do it (thus the affiliate links)  ;)
17:17.22dataw0lftrue that, now just to explain to my company that they should pay for the lift tickets too..
17:19.42jsmithtiminator: Only problem is that they're doing road construction in the plaza
17:19.52jsmithtiminator: Pricey... but the food is good.
17:19.52dataw0lf"Well, if there's Blackcomb/Whistler skiing involved, I'm coming too."  -  VP of R&D
17:20.43swbnice VP!
17:21.27dataw0lfswb: our company rocks, corporate money flow and size, but they keep a small business community atmosphere going by being super cool.
17:21.55dataw0lfI haven't talked to an employee yet who doesn't love the company
17:22.06swbthat makes SUCH a difference
17:22.26swbvery cool, congrats on landing a really great job with a good atmosphere
17:22.38swbwhat's the company name?
17:22.40dataw0lfyea, it sure does.  And I've been looking for disenchanted employees, because, you know, of my personality.
17:23.10swblooking for disenchanted employees to argue with?
17:23.34dataw0lfso I can lick the tears off their face, of course.
17:25.18*** join/#uphpu drip (n=drip@
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17:25.24mindjujusup drip
17:26.22driphowdy folks!
17:26.24dripjust realized I wasn't logged in
17:26.30driphe he
17:26.40mindjujuyou going to the geek lunch on the 8th, drip?
17:26.52dripplanning on it.
17:27.20dripyeah, will be nice to put some faces to nicks.
17:27.27mindjujudude, dw, you coming?
17:27.27dripbesides bigdog_ut of course
17:27.32synicyou think so, but wait until you see us.
17:27.36synicyou'll change your mind.
17:27.48dripthen I just know who to e-avoid
17:27.51dataw0lfmindjuju: I can't, damn it.  I have to go to corporate hq in Foster City from the 7th to the 8th
17:28.31mindjujuthat actually just came on cable a couple of days ago
17:28.39mindjujuST 2, wrath of khan
17:28.47mindjujunope, comcast
17:29.00mindjujufor those of us with tvs older than 7 years
17:29.03dataw0lfI watched it on HDNet or whatever that channel name is
17:29.29dataw0lfI can't watch football without HD anymore.  
17:29.30mindjujubut let me tell you, watching TV on my 27" TV is pure pleasure!
17:29.34dataw0lfit's like a cupcake without the frosting
17:29.55dataw0lfpretty nice simile, huh?!
17:30.09dataw0lftotally worth it.
17:30.19dripyeah, I watch it at my friends house.
17:30.24mindjujuit's prolly good that you have high def tv, dataw0lf, cause you'll need it if you ever go up against me in halo2
17:30.42mindjujugive you a fighting chance
17:30.52dataw0lfI'm glad I was leaning over my desk, or I would've fallen out of my chair
17:31.20dataw0lfso get this
17:31.25dataw0lfI had a dream I was IRCing last night
17:31.31dataw0lfis that pathetic or what?
17:31.50mindjujuwho were you talking to in IRC?
17:31.52dataw0lfyes, I was arguing with someone about something
17:31.57swbwait, oh, phew
17:31.57dataw0lfcan't remember
17:32.01dataw0lfI think I was in #uphpu
17:32.23dataw0lfwhen I woke up I thought I was just remembering yesterday
17:32.34dripi guess that's better than #toosexyformyshirt
17:32.48dataw0lfthey changed the channel name
17:34.20dataw0lfextracting data from Excel into a MySQL database sucks
17:34.56jsmithCan't you point a DSN at the Excel file and then use ODBC?
17:36.03timinatorExcel -> MySQL??
17:36.03dataw0lfThat's what I'm doing.  But I'm having alot of problems with how these jacka$$es organized the data
17:36.11timinatorI have experience w/ that
17:36.26timinatorif you need a hand
17:36.29dataw0lfI have alot of experience with it.  Doesn't make it any less suckier.
17:36.34dataw0lfno I'm good.  thanks though.
17:37.04swbconversion doesn't suck, data sucks
17:38.01dataw0lfit all sucks!
17:40.07jsmithGood ol' data massage
17:41.03swbdataw0lf, take this quiz:
17:41.33dataw0lfthe answer is a resounding YES
17:41.47dataw0lfbut I'll take it
17:42.05swberr, take the quiz if you _want_ to
17:45.53watermouseas im taking this test
17:45.58watermouseI realize I am pretty dumb
17:46.28swbI'll take your word for it... but I thought the premise of the article was super interesting
17:46.34dataw0lfgovernment questions? puh-leeze.
17:46.54swbI got the highest spending question wrong
17:46.59swbI guessed military
17:47.31beandogwhats the right answer?
17:47.31dataw0lfsocial security.
17:48.07dataw0lfI can't believe such a small percentage of college seniors didn't know where the separation of church and state originated from.
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17:52.05dataw0lfis there a 'find' equivalent on Windows XP Pro?
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17:53.09fungusThere is an oversimplified GUI version.  
17:54.14dataw0lfyea, I need a command line equiv.
17:54.42funguscygwin?  :)
17:56.37dataw0lfmeh, I hate cygwin.
17:56.58dataw0lfoh well, I'll use Python.
17:59.02dataw0lfhehe, awesome.
17:59.21swbI want it
18:00.25dataw0lfI'm ordering as we speak.
18:03.23dataw0lfWhere do they come up with these names?  'Curbly'.  What does that mean?
18:03.32dataw0lf"That's a really curbly road."
18:03.40swbgood point, I hadn't thought of that
18:04.08swbthought you'd be interested cuz it's a home improvement related
18:04.34dataw0lfI think these companies have a random, phonetically sound word generator.
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18:05.05dataw0lfswb: Sorry, my negativity took hold again.
18:05.11dataw0lfinteresting idea.
18:05.43swbcurb as in curb appeal?
18:06.34dataw0lfwell, they're curbing the appeal, that's for sure.
18:07.57dataw0lfnow, the Junk Brothers, that's a good show.
18:08.26dataw0lfand reZONED
18:09.46dataw0lfyes I watch alot of HGTV.  Ruth England is hot.
18:18.24timinatorhey guys
18:18.38swbwhat's up timinator?
18:18.50timinatorwhat's the best way to force an error if the user doesn't have flash?
18:19.13timinatorand another for missing JavaScript?
18:19.59*** join/#uphpu watermouse (
18:21.17swbI'm not sure about flash
18:21.58wpsadobe has established was for detecting and communicating that
18:22.07swbdo you want to force an error though, or just defer to non-scripted versions when js is off
18:22.14swbaka unobstrusive javascript
18:22.15fungusDon't force an error if they don't have flash.
18:22.31fungusJust reduce the functionality a little.
18:23.00dataw0lfFlash can be detected via navigator.plugins with JavaScript
18:23.16dataw0lfand navigator.mimeTypes
18:23.41swbhelpful? ->
18:24.17dataw0lfand JavaScript 'detection' is just a matter of smart uses of <noscript>
18:25.22dataw0lfbut I agree with fungus;  a site should gracefully degrade, not just redirect to an error.
18:27.28fungusI have seen some sites that just overlay the flash component on top of something else they want to improve.  
18:28.00fungusw/o flash it gracefully degrades to a static image, w/ flash it bounces and wiggles and such.
18:28.12dataw0lfyea, I've seen that approach often.
18:28.29swbfungus, how's work?
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18:29.24timinatorchecking the adobe kit
18:29.29swbor wait, maybe you can't talk about work AT work
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18:33.41dataw0lfmorning xilch|w_
18:38.35fungusok, i guess.  I had to come in early today to replace a CPU fan.  
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18:41.44timinatorcomp crashed
18:41.58timinatorhaven't had that in about a year
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18:43.28timinatorholy moly... that flash detection kit.... it has a 20 page manual !!!
18:44.04timinatorI was hoping for a:  <noflash>You need Flash</noflash>
18:44.35swbthat'd be nice
18:47.18herloswb: we give voice to those we trust
18:47.28herloor rather, the ops do
18:47.35swbohhh, an irc thing?
18:47.40herloswb: yeah
18:47.52herlomacnewbold wrote a little script to give us all voice
18:48.04macnewboldwell, kinda
18:48.08macnewboldwe set up ChanServ to do it
18:48.15*** mode/#UPHPU [+v swb] by macnewbold
18:48.38herloswb: that might help you some.  It covers voice a little.
18:48.54herlomacnewbold: yeah, but it's still a script right?
18:49.12macnewboldyes, but I didn't write it :)
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18:50.56dataw0lfany ideas on that MySQL question that just came up on the mailing list?  In MySQL, the only thing I can think of is a last_insert_id() hack.
18:51.08dataw0lfmacnewbold: newer versions of MySQL don't have sequences, do they?
18:51.33herlomacnewbold: okay
18:51.50dataw0lfherlo: /msg chanserv help
18:51.54herlomacnewbold: why take away my voice?
18:52.02*** mode/#UPHPU [+v herlo] by macnewbold
18:52.03macnewboldokay fine
18:52.03herlodataw0lf: yeah, I know
18:52.25macnewbolddataw0lf: I've never heard about them adding sequences to MySQL, but I hvaen't seen the list of 5.1 new features
18:52.36dataw0lfI checks
18:52.42macnewboldI haven't looked a the question yet
18:52.47macnewboldbut triggers might help it sounds like
18:52.58dataw0lfah, true
18:53.11macnewboldyou could implement a kind of sequences thing with triggers, by making it update stuff magically after insert
18:53.17dataw0lfjust wants an auto incremented value to cycle back to 1 after hitting 9999
18:53.31macnewboldyeah, a trigger would work probably,
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18:53.35macnewboldor do it in PHP
18:53.55dataw0lfI think he might have  had some reasoning against app logic
18:55.50xilch|w_morning dataw0lf
19:00.52beandogwps: Im in the same boat about webmail.  local app > *
19:01.14wpsfor sure
19:01.22wpshow many computers do people really use?
19:01.26wpswork… home… where else?
19:01.43wpsset up IMAP for work and home and you're set
19:01.49jsmithhome, work, laptop, cell phone
19:02.24wpsweb clients have their purpose, but I could never use one for normal use
19:02.46jsmithNo kidding...
19:05.57dataw0lfI hate em.
19:06.01dataw0lfexcept for GMail.
19:07.57macnewboldgmail is the only one I can stand for very long
19:08.07macnewboldbut I use it in tandem with a local mail app
19:08.12dataw0lfit's pretty slick.
19:08.12wpsI use gmail, but I POP it down
19:08.30dataw0lfyea, same here, but the interface is pretty much as swell as you can get for a web client.
19:08.31beandogthing I dont like about gmail is you can only pop it once.
19:08.50wpsI sure wish they would provide IMAP
19:08.55dataw0lfno kidding.
19:09.05wpsI sure wish my dumb employer would provide IMAP
19:09.09wpsPOP sucks
19:09.16dataw0lfI sure wish I didn't have to use Outlook for work.
19:09.29timinatorOutlook really sucks
19:09.36beandogThe thing that consntatly amazes me is how many email providers *still* dont offer POP3S
19:10.12mindjujuoh yeah!  outlook rox!
19:10.37dataw0lfmacnewbold: hey, is that post I just made to the ML proper MySQL trigger syntax?
19:10.45dataw0lfmindjuju: you sux
19:10.52macnewboldno idea, I don't use triggers
19:11.20dataw0lfstill better than Apple Mail
19:11.28timinatorapple rocks
19:11.43timinator~lart datawolf
19:12.01funguslong live mutt
19:12.02dataw0lfthe only thing that apples have that are similar to rocks is that they break windows fairly easily, and they sink quickly in water.
19:12.07dataw0lfmutt fope lyfe
19:12.41timinatormy mac powerbook just crashed for the first time in A YEAR !!!
19:12.50fungusThunderbird is ok too though.
19:12.51macnewboldwhat did you do to it?
19:12.57dataw0lfthat's funny, because my laptop doesn't ever crash.
19:12.58timinatorand it happened after I launched WINDOWS
19:13.13dataw0lfCrashing is the argument of the weak.
19:13.20dataw0lfand I don't use Windows except for at work.
19:13.39timinatorhaving unix under the hood is nice
19:13.42fungusOSX is better than windows, but is still non-free.
19:13.47dataw0lffungus: so true
19:13.55dataw0lftiminator: yea, except they completely screwed it up.
19:14.07dataw0lfit's about as Unix as Lindows.
19:14.39fungusYeah, NetInfo sucks ass
19:14.47wpsain't that the truth
19:14.48funguserr, bum
19:14.57dataw0lfand their FS directory structure
19:15.02dataw0lfand their shell scripting
19:15.09synicwhy does jaguar require a firewire port?
19:15.23timinatorWindows sucks ass in every way, DW... are you seriously sticking up for windows?
19:15.31fungusBut Apple did do launchd with Tiger, and it is pretty cool.
19:15.32dataw0lftiminator: What are you talking about?
19:15.38wpslaunchd rocks
19:15.49wpsI hope that it catches on outside of Mac OS
19:15.50dataw0lfJust because someone makes fun of Apple, doth not mean they are sticking up for Windows.
19:15.56synicer.. I guess jaguar required USB, and tiger required firewire
19:16.03dataw0lfI'm about as anti Windows as you get
19:16.11synicin either case, it's a ploy to get you to buy more hardware for no reason.
19:16.11wpswhat do you mean synic?
19:16.15fungusWindows < OSX < Linux < BSD
19:16.21dataw0lfWho here has seen me operate a Windows computer for more than 5 minutes?
19:16.24wpsthe OS requiring a certain type of port?
19:16.30synicwps: yes
19:16.39wpsI'm not aware of that
19:16.48synicit won't install if you don't have a firewire port.
19:16.50dataw0lfWindows < OSX < BSD < a variety of commercial Unices < Linux
19:16.59syniceven if you don't ever use firewire.
19:17.06dataw0lfwps: tis true.
19:17.25timinatorI though you were putting windows above MacOS
19:17.33synictiminator: now that's just crazy talk!
19:17.40dataw0lfthey both have their advantages.
19:17.49dataw0lfyou can run Visual Studio on Windows.
19:17.50funguscommercial unix?  ick.  
19:17.56fungusit's still non-free
19:17.58dataw0lffungus: jea, you hippie
19:18.22dataw0lfoh, I forgot an OS to add in there
19:18.40dataw0lfIOS < .. < .. < .. < .. < Windows < BSD < some commercial Unices < Linux
19:19.08beandogtofu is non-free, you hypocrite.
19:19.59fungusWell actually not the pot part in the past 5 years.  :(
19:20.22dataw0lfyou don't have to be a pothead to be a hippie
19:20.30dataw0lfit sure does help with all the illogical stuff though
19:20.49dataw0lfI know you are, that's why I don't mind making fun
19:21.17synicisn't it against some sort of hippie standard to be a programmer?
19:21.40dataw0lfnot if you're an OPEN SOURCE programmer
19:21.41synicall that crazy technologie and whatnot
19:21.46synicer.. gy
19:21.54synicthe snow is making me retarded.
19:21.56synicyeah, that's it.
19:22.26mindjujucomes with a visual cd
19:22.33synicI want one
19:22.37fungusNo, rephrase that.  FREE SOFTWARE programmer.
19:23.03dataw0lfyou're thinking of Luddites, synic.  They're, like, the Nazi form of a hippie.
19:23.05fungusOpen Source is a term for the weak w/ no morals.
19:23.30beandogpublic domain is the only real free software license.
19:23.35dataw0lfsorry, I forgot that you guys love semantics
19:23.46beandogAll the other ones force you to use their license.  Wheres the freedom in that?
19:24.52dataw0lfI open source most of my personal code, and provide it free of charge.  But I could care less about charging money for and/or open sourcing a business's product.
19:24.57dataw0lfIP is where the problems really lie.
19:25.15fungusFreedom to be strip freedom from others is not really a freedom.
19:25.44dataw0lflisten, you're not on the commune anymore, tree hugger.  We're not in a 'Give Away' society.
19:25.56beandoghmm, wasnt expecting that.
19:26.38fungusIP law needs a complete overhaul.
19:26.46dataw0lfsure does.
19:26.50macnewboldBSD doesn't force you to use any license
19:26.55mindjujuand while we're there, orrin needs a kick in the pants
19:27.07macnewboldin fact, what are the differences between BSD and public domain?
19:27.23dataw0lfmacnewbold: I'm thinking about it.
19:27.32beandogBSD just says
19:27.34beandogGive us credit
19:27.40fungusBSD license still keeps the copyright, and requires  you to give credit.
19:27.41beandogI like the BSD license a lot.
19:27.53dataw0lfyar, it's not viral like the GPL.
19:27.55dataw0lfthe BSD license is pretty nice.
19:27.56funguspublic domain give up all copyrights completely.
19:28.01beandogbut personally I prefer public domain, since I dont want anything copyrighted 95 years after Im dead.
19:28.33funguspublic domain is the best, but GPL virally spreads freedom.
19:28.48dataw0lfI just say 'if you don't give me credit, I will track down your family and send them to an agonizingly painful death'
19:28.52_psychic_it forces freedom
19:28.53dataw0lfI call it the Sociopath License.
19:28.53fungusBSD is good, but allows its use for evil purposes.
19:29.22burninand I think the basis of IP law is fine, its merely misused today because of bad judgements.
19:29.29dataw0lf_psychic_: 'forcing freedom' is akin to 'burying someone so they can fly'
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19:30.41funguspublic domain forces freedom too.  
19:30.54fungusyou just give up all rights completely.
19:30.55beandogCheck out these stats:
19:30.57dataw0lfpublic domain 'enables' freedom
19:30.57burninpreventing looting is not an impediment to  freedom.
19:31.28dataw0lfburnin: defining freedom to a certain group's particular idea of freedom isn't freedom at all.
19:32.18dataw0lffrom the GPL: "These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it."
19:32.40dataw0lfOnce a license requires you to be responsible for _whatever_, you've lost the true definition of freedom.
19:33.10fungusThe GPL focuses on the four basic software freedoms, not total complete freedom.
19:33.48burninyea, taken that way there really absolute freedom exists nowhere.
19:34.02_psychic_dataw0lf: The GPL forces software to be free. I think GPL zealots need to rethink the whole idea because stuff like the MIT licensing is much more free.
19:34.12dataw0lfThe inability to close source available open source code that you have modified is not freedom.
19:34.23beandogRight, but then you get stuff like OS X
19:34.42beandogWhere Apple plays the open source card, and everyone thinks they are OSS friendly, but really they are just mining it.
19:34.45dataw0lfI agree, but it doesn't mean that you shouldn't have the right to do it.
19:34.46fungusBSD and MIT licenses have the 4 freedoms, as well as other freedoms, but it doesn't guarantee the software to always be free.  
19:34.50burnindataw0lf, no, but you have the freedom to write your own code. :)
19:34.50dataw0lfbeandog: I've been saying that for years!
19:35.09beandogBSD guys know what they are doing, knew that was an option, so doesnt matter, really. :)
19:35.19dataw0lftrue enough
19:35.24dataw0lfI just hate two things about OS X users
19:35.32dataw0lf1) they all think they're Unix geeks magically
19:35.44dataw0lf2) how many open source developers fell under the spell of Apple's rape of the community
19:36.30dataw0lf'omg it's Apple we are so lucky to have them HELPING us!!'
19:36.31fungusI disagree that Apple is raping the community.  They publish all of their changes to the open source they use, even when they don't have to.
19:36.35dataw0lfhey kids, take a look at Xerox
19:36.44fungusThey have also contributed new projects.
19:37.28mindjujuyeah, looks like this fire is starting to burn itself out
19:37.29fungusAlthough Apple's biggest evil is tempting people to use their non-free software and get them hooked.
19:38.03dataw0lfI've been wholly unimpressed by Apple's 'contributions' to the open source community.
19:38.13beandogWell I dont think they are raping, so much as they are not as pro-FOSS as I would like.
19:38.19fungusApple has successfully hooked in many open source developers into their non-free clutches.
19:38.35dataw0lffungus: yes, they have.
19:38.56timinatorCamino on Mac rocks
19:39.23dataw0lfHey, Safari isn't too bad, although I have crashing issues with it.  It's incredibly standards compliant.
19:39.25_psychic_OS X is a good mid point for some
19:39.26dataw0lfThey did that right.
19:39.35_psychic_commercially supported, but with OS underpinnings
19:40.16mindjujudarn, the fire went out, have to think of something to say
19:40.32dataw0lfnothing about the military plz
19:40.36beandogAnd further more, their default skins are craptastic.
19:40.53beandogand wheres iTunes on Linux?  We *want* DRM.
19:42.05dataw0lfwe can always discuss the OpenSUSE versus Ubuntu thing.
19:42.23dataw0lfor, the more general topic of Novell's new relationship with Microsoft.
19:42.26burnindoes openSuSE have a future? :)
19:42.42dataw0lflet me look into my magic crystal ball
19:42.54dataw0lfohp, all it's saying is KDE SUX
19:43.03mindjujume loves SCO!
19:43.10_psychic_I was just over there
19:43.13mindjujuall linux should bow to SCO
19:43.53burninSCO no longer exists, its The SCO Group, whatever that means.
19:44.28beandogburnin: its kinda like a club
19:44.30mindjujui heard that George Bush uses Firefox
19:44.36dataw0lfNO HE DOESN'T
19:44.42beandoglike, yo, wanna join my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Club?  We'll have paper IDs
19:44.49mindjujui hear Karl Rove installed ubuntu
19:45.09beandogYo momma uses Slackware!
19:45.24mindjujuheard that Chaney likes freebsd
19:45.24dataw0lfbetter than Gentoo
19:45.31dataw0lfmindjuju: figures.
19:45.53burnindataw0lf, no worries, I know Rove uses Windows cause I have his PC in my zombie squad.
19:46.46mindjujuoh, that was too funny, i knew that would get a reaction
19:46.58mindjujubut alas, my lunch time is over, better get back to coding
19:47.09mindjujuthx for the entertainment gents!
19:47.10timinatorcode code code
19:47.13dataw0lfI got another 15 minutes
19:47.27dataw0lfanyone ever used ClickTracks before?
19:51.21dataw0lfthis code looks like a soup sandwich
19:51.49burnindid I drop some of my code? sorry.
19:52.14timinatorsoapy code == clean code ???
19:54.06dataw0lfsoup sandwich, not soapy
19:58.31dataw0lfanyone know of an option for Windows gvim where when you click on a file and you have a gvim instance already, that it'll open it in a tab and not a new window?
19:59.28herlodataw0lf: that'd be nice, let me know what you find out
20:00.48com4mek a script to do that
20:02.54com4you could probably alter that stuff a bit
20:04.54dataw0lfok, but I'm going to charge everyone who uses it ten dollars
20:04.57dataw0lfYOU HEAR THAT FUNGUS?!
20:05.24fungusAs long as it is Free, I don't mind paying.
20:05.43fungusFree <> $0
20:06.35dataw0lfI know, I know
20:07.03mindjujuyeah, that stuff always confused me.  free as in froot loops, not as in lamb chops
20:07.15dataw0lfok, that was easy
20:07.20dataw0lfgvim --remote-tab-silent
20:07.30com4you're easy
20:07.41dataw0lfas pie
20:17.07fungusI don't think pie is all that easy really.  
20:17.10mindjujuwps, you around?
20:17.24mindjujudepends on the pie, btw
20:18.07fungusWell I am not a good example I guess.  I would starve w/o a microwave.
20:18.26mindjujuway cool, for images, remember how you could set the vspace or hspace and it creates a buffer around an object, is there a way to do that in CSS
20:19.38mindjujuhmm... well, the div has a 2px border and i'm using padding to push the text into the middle
20:19.49mindjujuis there something that sits outside the border?
20:20.40mindjujuugh, i'm sorry, that's sleep deprivation speaking
20:20.43mindjujuyour right
20:32.29dataw0lfoh man
20:32.37dataw0lfwho wants to see my new custom snowboard
20:34.19wpsis that the Debian logo?
20:34.25dataw0lfoh yea
20:40.15dataw0lfI was going to use my default avatar :, but I couldn't get ahold of the artist who made it for me to get permission.
20:45.01swbsnowboard design context:
20:45.07swbum, I meant contest
20:46.09dataw0lfoh, that's cool.
20:46.19swbthen I want you to win it!
20:46.53dataw0lfOh, I dunno about that, I got permission to use that Debian Matrix logo from the artist, but I don't know if he'd want me entering it into a contest.  
20:47.54swbwell, maybe he wants to enter the contest?
20:48.00swbor you could make a new design
20:48.14dataw0lfyea.  I'd like to see how my avatar looks on a snowboard
20:48.22dataw0lfsynic: you talked with Lanfear lately?
20:48.34dataw0lfI need her permission to use that avatar she made me.
20:49.02dataw0lfoh, wait, she's in myspace friend list, I'll message her.
20:50.38dataw0lfoonf oonf oonf
20:53.38Black_Chaosso I need to run a long intensive php script at the click of a button through a web interface
20:53.50Black_ChaosIf I just let it run in the browser it times out
20:54.12Black_ChaosIs there any good way to get it to run on the system (linux)?
20:54.12dataw0lfchange the max execution time value
20:54.17dataw0lfin the php.ini
20:54.29fungusDoes the browser time out, or does PHP time out?
20:54.53dataw0lfI think you can call a function, too.
20:54.57dataw0lfset_time_limit() ?
20:54.57Black_Chaosbrowser, I believe its apache thats ending the connection
20:56.17fungusDo you need to see the results of this script in the browser?
20:56.30Black_Chaosno it just need to run
20:56.56dataw0lfthe only other thing I can think of is that your max execution time value is high enough but the Apache timeout setting is < php max exec
20:57.09fungusThen fork off the script from the page that the button loads.
20:57.43Black_Chaosfungus: How would I do that?
20:59.08fungusprobably something like <?php exec("/usr/local/bin/php /path/to/script.php"); ?>
21:00.19dataw0lfdoes the script need to share variables with the parent PID?
21:00.24fungusoh, and add "> /dev/null 2>&1 &" to the end of it too, so it will stay running in the background.
21:00.44dataw0lfI'd use the pcntl_* functions
21:01.36dataw0lfif you need the environment that the process is being forked from, namespace, etc
21:03.00funguspcntl_* functions are great if you need environment, or need to control the process.  but exec() is much simpler.
21:03.24dataw0lfsure it is.  but it's a hack.
21:03.29fungusBe sure to read about how forking works before jumping in to pcntl
21:03.49fungusYes it is a hack, but his needs sound pretty simple right now.
21:04.03dataw0lfobviously, if he doesn't need process control, namespace control or other environmental issues, might as well use exec()
21:04.31fungusExactly my point.  If he does want those things, then exec() would be very bad.
21:04.53Black_Chaoshow would you ensure that somebody doesn't click the button twice and make the script run 2 instances?
21:04.55dataw0lfI just like to know the status of processes without having to write to the filesystem
21:05.56dataw0lfBlack_Chaos: it's probably a bad idea in general to have uninhibited process creation without some sort of trust relationship with the user
21:05.57fungusThat is something you need to handle in your forked script.
21:06.19dataw0lfand if there is a trust relationship, use the model to flag if they're running that particular script
21:07.09fungusIt is pretty simple to check for a lockfile of some kind, create it, run your stuff, then delete the lock file.
21:07.44dataw0lfI guess it depends on what the operation of the script is.
21:10.26fungusIf your script could cause damage if it is run twice, then it is imperative that you do some kind of lockfile checking.  Even "trusted" users can make a mistake and click twice.
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21:13.03fungusA drawback of lockfile methodology:  If your script dies before deleting the lockfile, you have to manually remove the lockfile before the script will run again.
21:14.02dataw0lffungus: Sure, but if they've been flagged as running the script, and you check that before the script is actually executed...
21:14.56dataw0lfcombine that with pcntl*, and you can use that flag to represent all sorts of behavior
21:15.04fungusahh, I see what you mean.  manage state of the running script externally.  
21:15.18dataw0lffor example, if the process dies midway through, you can change the flag to represent that, after getting that info from pcntl
21:15.31fungusThat could work really well.
21:15.37dataw0lfit does.
21:19.15synicI've noticed that rsync can get really out of hand.
21:19.33dataw0lfobviously, that's only important for any operation that you can conceive a multi state tracking / control need for.
21:19.34synicit will pwn if you let it.
21:20.09dataw0lfsynic: you're just not firm with it.  You have to rub it's nose in it if it makes a mistake.
21:20.46dataw0lffor computer applications, I've found that negative reinforcement is really the only way to go
21:22.00fungusrsync has a wonderful switch  -n
21:22.20fungustest it out with that first, then take it out when you are sure it works.
21:23.03synicmeh.  I'm not worried about that.
21:23.12herlofungus: that's a great switch, thanx
21:23.13synicit's that rsync will take over everything it possibly can and then some.
21:23.20synicresource wise
21:23.30herlosynic, run it with nice
21:23.32fungusahh, that's your issue.
21:23.38synicyeah, it's running with nice now
21:23.46synicI'm just fiddling to find the exact right value, hehe
21:23.48herlosynic: there you go
21:23.54herloyeah, probablly 12
21:23.57fungusthere are no fancy switches for that.
21:24.11synichah, yeah, it's running on 12 now :)
21:24.15dataw0lfsynic: yea, rsync builds it's file tree in memory
21:24.25synicand seems to be ok
21:24.48synic4MB/s bwlimit, and a nice of 12
21:24.51synicseems to be ok.
21:24.59herlosynic: I run tons of bittornado instances, and sometimes a few of them like to hog memory, so I renice them to 12, seems to slow down resource hogs quite nicely
21:26.14fungusherlo: a great bt client that handles multiple downloads, rtorrent
21:26.25beandogrtorrent is nice.
21:26.36herlofungus: btlaunchmanycurses
21:26.37fungusCLI of course
21:26.40dataw0lfherlo: I like to run bt instances as a separate user, and limit the user resource consumption itself
21:26.42beandogI like it because it lets you set max upload rate.
21:26.44beandogand download rate.
21:26.46dataw0lfmore finegrained control
21:26.47beandogthe default bt one sucks rocks.
21:27.08herlodataw0lf: good idea, and in fact that's what I am doing, have you heard of torrentflux?
21:27.30funguslaunchmanycurses is good, but isn't as advanced as rtorrent
21:27.38herlothat's what I use, because we have several people connecting and downloading over our wire...
21:27.54herlofungus: I guess I'll have to have a look at rtorrent
21:28.00dataw0lfI just use some personal modified Python scripts.
21:28.02herlofungus: convince me
21:28.22herlodataw0lf: I plan on doing that in the near future, we are going to reimplement torrentflux to fit our needs better
21:28.37fungusYou can start/stop torrents from the CLI, modify bw limits on the fly, etc.
21:28.40herloor rather scrap torrentflux, and write a better multiuser client
21:28.51herlofungus: sounds nice
21:28.52dataw0lflet me know if you need help, I know BT pretty well and can share code
21:28.54herlowhat else?
21:29.13herlodataw0lf: I know it well also, but I'd like to understand the programming better
21:29.27fungusYou can see the list of peers, and more details than you ever want to know w/in the CLI.
21:29.35dataw0lfherlo: I have a very, very good handle on implementation and programming details.
21:29.41herlodataw0lf: cool, tx
21:30.29fungusI personally don't have a system resource issue w/ my BT, just a network bandwidth issue, and that is easily handled w/ packet shaping.
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21:31.18herlofungus: actually network bandwidth isn't your issue, its your upstreams issue, they just won't do anything about it without tons of extr amoney
21:31.37herlos/ am/a m/g
21:32.18herlofungus, it's an apache module for running a bittorrent tracker
21:32.29fungusSince I am in charge of the upstream too, I do have to worry.
21:32.50herlofungus: but you can't be
21:32.57herloyou don't own the backbone
21:33.08herloI know you work at Aros
21:33.19fungusI don't want to flood the Aros backbone.
21:33.26fungusI did once, it was a bad thing.
21:33.32herloyeah, I bet
21:34.17fungusbut now packetshaping has given me even more power over both BT and Tor.  Yay PF.
21:34.31dataw0lfanyone know what the surface distance between a pair of lat/long degrees separated each by 1 degree is off the top of their head, roundabout?
21:34.32herlofungus: what do you use for packet shaping?
21:34.46fungusw/ altq
21:34.53dataw0lfiptables fope lyfe
21:34.57fungusOn FreeBSD
21:35.04herlofungus: that's what I use too, was hoping you'd've used tc
21:36.21dataw0lfherlo: traffic control?  I use it all the time.
21:36.26fungusnope never used tc.  I have used ipfw w/ dummynet, that ain't no fun at all.
21:36.40fungusalmost as bad as iptables.  ;)
21:37.01dataw0lfjust because you can actually read your packet manipulation rules, jeez
21:37.06herlotc looks pretty cool, but I've not spent the time to figure it all out
21:37.15dataw0lfherlo: it's nifty.
21:37.32herlodataw0lf: can you give me a 5 minute tutorial sometime?
21:38.31dataw0lfherlo: sure, in about 30 minutes, after I finish this PHP function
21:38.42dataw0lfstill trying to think exactly how to do it
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21:42.10herlodataw0lf: no rush, I might be busy by then, but anytime we're both available is great
21:42.17herloif I am not, let's do it
21:42.21dataw0lfherlo: Ok.
21:48.33beandogI like dialogues like that.
21:49.19beandogthat guy has some *really* weird blog posts sometimes.
21:49.58mindjujui went to digg to get some web 2.0 eye candy and saw the post there
21:50.06mindjujuhaven't really looked at anything else the person wrote
21:50.59dataw0lflooks fine to me
21:52.00mindjujuyeah, that's cause your looking at it from your perspective, imagine your meemaw trying to use that app
21:52.00dataw0lfI dunno why you'd want to split it into alot of windows when you can just have one master dialogue
21:52.20dataw0lfI have no idea what a meemaw is
21:53.11dataw0lfbut my mommy wouldn't get that far.
21:53.17dataw0lfthe double click thing gets her every time.
21:54.02fungusGeez, I'd hate to see that app's "Pro Mode".
21:54.04dataw0lf'You mean you can give someone a catheter but you can't summon the dexterity to double click, Mom??'
21:54.16dataw0lfheavy books usually start flying then
21:54.37fungusOh wait, it's Pro Mode is a new shell window.  :)
21:54.47dataw0lfthat's what I'm talkin' bout
21:55.00mindjujumeemaw - is your grandmother
21:55.29dataw0lfmy grandmother is an online poker hustler, from all accounts, so she may be able to handle it.
21:56.17fungusmy "meemaw" couldn't handle any app, she decayed into oblivion years ago.
21:57.21fungusNow my mother, couldn't handle a GUI with a single URL box and a single "GET" button.
21:57.34beandogI know
21:57.40beandogbut wget is a CLI app to begin with.
21:57.49beandoggrannie aint gonna be using it in the first place
21:57.56beandogSo if its a developer app, give them developer-type options.
21:57.58beandogDont dumb it down
21:58.08dataw0lfnonsense, my grannie hax0rz teh Gibson all the time
21:58.28beandogthe interface should cater to the audience
21:58.31beandognot the LCD
21:58.31fungusBut a developer app isn't needed for wget.  It is already done.
21:58.37fungusit is called ... wget
21:58.44beandogRight, but its a GUI for wget
21:58.44dataw0lfwget isn't necessarily a developer's app
21:59.00fungusWhy would a developer need a gui for wget?
21:59.10beandogwhy not?
21:59.15beandogWhy do we need development IDEs?
21:59.24beandogYou should know all the options anyway.
21:59.27dataw0lfI think the idea behind creating the GUI for wget is to make it more accessible
21:59.34dataw0lfto non techies
21:59.46fungusI could run wget much easier at a CLI than locating all those damn checkboxes.
21:59.51dataw0lfbecause I'm pretty sure some non techies could get alot of use out of it.
22:00.21beandogI use GUIs as a shortcut when I dont want to find the CLI arguments
22:00.32beandogdvd::rip, for example
22:00.33dataw0lfI use GUIs when there isn't a valid CLI alternative
22:00.35fungusRight, if it's aim is for non-techies, then it shouldn't have all that garbage, only some of it.
22:00.49beandogwell then its just a question of who its aim is for :)
22:01.15dataw0lfwhich brings us back to
22:01.22fungusMy point is that no matter it's aim, it missed them all.
22:01.24dataw0lfor whatever the hell mindjuju said
22:01.55beandogwell I disagree.  I find the UI refreshing and easy to use.
22:02.06mindjujumeemaw and paapaw
22:02.10dataw0lfalso, development IDE is redundant
22:02.22mindjujumeemaw = grandmother
22:02.52fungusI like my GUI apps simple, clear and to the point.
22:02.54mindjujucourse, i give my son extra money if he calls my mother granny
22:03.15beandogSo do I, but if youre dealing with a program that has a myriad of complex options, how are you going to simplify that?
22:03.35beandogSometimes the approach of "heres all the options" as a shotgun blast to the face works best
22:03.50beandogIt sure beats having to hunt through 853 menus to find "turn off foo bar"
22:05.15beandogI dunno, personally, I dont think there is a good way to write a simple frontend to programs with an incredible amount of options.
22:05.30beandogWhich is why most GUIs dumb it down and remove all the advanced stuff so you cant hurt stuff
22:05.33beandogGNOME comes to mind.
22:05.55dataw0lfsomeone figure out what the average square miles covered by a zipcode is, and what the surface distance between 1 degree of a latitude and 1 degree of a longitude, and I'll give them my .... uh.... respect
22:06.02dataw0lfI'm too lazy to figure it out
22:06.04beandogI dont see a problem with breaking the mold once on a while though, and having complex GUIs, or simple CLI apps.
22:06.52dataw0lftis all about xfce4, brotha
22:12.12dataw0lfha, so the average lat/lon coverage of a zipcode on each side is .031!
22:12.15dataw0lfthanks alot guys!
22:12.43beandogOf course, I think Gentoo is about as simple as it gets, so my opinion should probably be invalidated.
22:13.00wpsI know how to select children and siblings in the DOM
22:13.10wpsis it possible to select a child that is of a certain type?
22:13.19dataw0lfwps: define type
22:13.22wpsie, a child that is an "a" ?
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22:13.29wpsor an "li" ?
22:13.40herlobeandog: really?  with all those options Gentoo provides, you'd think it could be quite difficult if you wanted it to be
22:14.17beandogherlo: the only thing Ive ever found confusing is just running into applications or problems I dont understand
22:14.29beandogthat didn't make any sense.
22:14.43dataw0lfwps: element.getElementsByTagName('li')
22:15.03dataw0lfwhere element is the parent node you're searching through
22:15.40wpsdoes getElmentsByTagName match with <a name="something"> ?
22:16.05dataw0lfno, it matchs the tag name.
22:16.16wpsso, in this example…
22:16.29wps<div id="monkey"><li><a></a></li></div>
22:16.34wpsto select the a…
22:17.08wpshow would I say get the inside of #monkey?
22:17.32dataw0lfdocument.getElementById('monkey').getElementsByTagName('a') will match the a descendants of #monkey
22:17.35wps(funny… that's a channel on freenode :) )
22:17.50wpssweet… that's exactly what I was thinking
22:17.54wpsthanks… I'll try it
22:18.27dataw0lfbeandog: The complexity of the distro isn't really based upon the distro itself
22:18.34dataw0lfIt's based upon what you're doing with said distro
22:18.49dataw0lfYou can be an idiot and get through Gentoo fine
22:18.55dataw0lfespecially with the guides they've made available
22:18.57dataw0lfand not learn much
22:19.12dataw0lfOf course, you can be a genius and use Lindows, and learn quite a bit.
22:20.46wpsis Lindows still doing stuff?
22:20.52wpsI haven't heard about them for a while
22:21.08tierrayeah, only it's Linspire now
22:21.09dataw0lfI think they became Linspire.
22:21.13wpsah… yes
22:21.23wpsstill… haven't heard about Linspire in a while either
22:21.46tierrathey run deals with DeviantArt frequently, so I hear about them on occasion
22:22.16dataw0lfI've found that for a beginner, the 'complexity' of the distro itself is rather useless to consider, granted that the user in question wants to learn something.  
22:22.25dataw0lfA more important consideration is the community behind the distro.
22:22.47dataw0lfand, Gentoo has a pretty damn good community, true.
22:22.53beandoghuzzah :D
22:23.47dataw0lfdon't get your hopes up.  I still think Gentoo is for suckers.
22:24.33dataw0lfalright, I've finished that function, herlo
22:25.02dataw0lflet me know when you want that tc rundown.
22:25.53herlonow is good, how long will it take, I have to leave at 3:45
22:26.14herlookay, well start and lets see how far we get
22:26.22herloor not to pm, that is the question
22:26.29dataw0lfyea, unless anyone else wants to hear about tc?
22:26.45herlowe could do it in here, unless anyone objects
22:27.00dataw0lfanyone have a problem with me giving a technical explanation of 'tc'?
22:27.17dataw0lfalright herlo
22:27.22herlookay dataw0lf
22:27.24dataw0lfdo you understand the four major topics of tc
22:27.41dataw0lfpolicing, scheduling, dropping, and shaping?
22:27.44herlouh, not really.  I think I've read the man pages a couple times...
22:28.01herlothe scheduling, dropping, and shaping seem self-explanatory though
22:28.35dataw0lfdang, I don't know if we have enough time
22:28.54dataw0lfdo you have any outright questions?
22:28.58herlogive me usage, and explain as you go, I think I can pick it up
22:29.08herloa simple example woudl be good.
22:29.39herlomy intentions of using tc were to be able to control individual / multiple streams of traffic by just running it
22:29.57herlobittorrent was my original intent
22:30.01dataw0lfdang this is hard to explain
22:30.14dataw0lfok, you have qdiscs and classes
22:30.22dataw0lftc qdisc <options>
22:30.31dataw0lftc class <options>
22:30.55dataw0lfyou'll usually set up a qdisc as a root
22:30.59dataw0lfand add classes underneath it
22:31.21dataw0lftc qdisc add dev <device> root handle id#
22:31.44herloso something like tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle id 1
22:32.14dataw0lftc class add dev <dev> parent <qdiscnumber> classid  <parentid>:<classid> <options>
22:32.50dataw0lfwith that class, you can use the <options> field to set various rates, max limits, etc
22:32.57dataw0lfso basically your qdisc is your container
22:33.01dataw0lfand your classes are derived from it
22:33.05dataw0lfor you can derive classes from classes
22:34.13dataw0lflet's see
22:34.17dataw0lfyou can delete tc's with
22:34.26dataw0lfqdiscs rather
22:34.43dataw0lftc qdisc del dev <dev> <qdiscname>
22:34.49dataw0lfso to delete the above qdisc
22:34.54dataw0lftc qdisc del dev eth0 root
22:35.04herloso can you explain qdiscs a bit?
22:35.37dataw0lfa qdisc is a queueing discipline
22:35.48dataw0lfeach interface has one egress and one ingress qdisc
22:35.50herloso it's a way of saying this stream has this much bandwidth?
22:36.24dataw0lfum, yea, kinda
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22:36.34dataw0lfit's a way to receiving requests from the kernel
22:36.36herloso why do they have to use such technical terms like egress and ingress
22:36.47herloI know what they mean, but still
22:36.59dataw0lfit's kernel network programmers, don't ask me
22:37.01herlostupid PhD students ;)
22:37.21dataw0lfbasically, to have a bunch of 'rules' (classes), you need a qdisc to talk to the kernel
22:37.26dataw0lfclasses talk to the qdisc
22:37.39herloso I setup a qdisc, then I setup classes based upon the qdisc right?
22:37.59dataw0lfsorry, in the above example tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle id 1
22:38.00herlohow do you create a class based upon the qdisc? did I miss that?
22:38.01dataw0lfit would be
22:38.13dataw0lftc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle id 1:
22:38.21dataw0lfbecause every object needs a major and minor number
22:38.32dataw0lfto create a class inside that qdisc, you'd do
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22:39.05dataw0lftc class add dev eth0 parent 1 classid 1:2 <options>
22:39.18dataw0lfbasically, these classes hold packets
22:39.23dataw0lfthe kernel wants to send out a packet
22:39.28dataw0lfit tells qdisc this
22:39.33herloso what does the 'parent 1' and the 'classid 1:2' represent?
22:39.45dataw0lfand the qdisc passes on a dequeue request
22:39.59dataw0lfboth 1s represent the qdisc container
22:40.06herlodataw0lf: you are right, there's a lot here to understand
22:40.08dataw0lfthe 2 represents the minor number that represents that class
22:40.31dataw0lfyea :\
22:40.31herloahh, so because I did id 1: I can now say 1:2 or 1:3
22:40.31herlofor my classid
22:40.48herlonow I have classes, what's next?
22:41.12oldssup there dw
22:41.15dataw0lfsup olds
22:41.23dataw0lfdang dude, I just don't think I have enough time
22:41.33herloit's okay, we can continue later, if that's okay
22:41.35dataw0lfit's hard to figure out what to tell you in terms that'll help
22:41.44dataw0lfI can write up a couple pages that will help alot more, if you want
22:42.01herloI'd like to spend some more time later and do a real life example if that would be okay
22:42.11herloand yes, a couple more pages would definitely help
22:42.54herlothanx dataw0lf
22:44.38wpscan you load an additional style sheet using onresize in the opening body tag?
22:44.55wpsyou'd probably have to call a javascript function
22:45.10dataw0lfinteresting question, yea, you'd probably have to use javascript
22:45.16wpsso the question should probably be: can you load an additional style sheet with javascript?
22:45.47wpswill you tell me how?
22:45.55mindjujuyeah, i've been to several sites that allow you to change the color schema on a button click without refreshing the page
22:46.10wpsah… yes… duh… hadn't thought of that application
22:46.20wpsnevermind… I'll go do a little source viewing
22:46.35synic... I hope those are supposed to be ellipses
22:46.36dataw0lfwps: just use document.write(<css link code>);
22:47.41wpsis "…" not coming through as an ellipsis for you?
22:48.09dataw0lfbut I'm on probably the worst irc client I've ever used, so..
22:48.11mindjujucomes through fine for me
23:03.35dataw0lfwhoa, new features to Gmail
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23:10.39dataw0lfjeez, synic
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23:21.11dataw0lfI was supposed to hook someone up with a perpendicular hard drive, and I ended up keeping it, basically.
23:23.43mindjuju_psychic_ check this out
23:23.56mindjujuugh, paste malfunction!
23:23.58mindjujuhang on
23:25.49Black_ChaosI love that cartoon
23:27.16mindjujuhas anybody here used dojo?
23:27.16dataw0lfthe PA today is totally mindjuju
23:28.08mindjujubummer, like the functionality, friendly with openlaszlo, i'm thinking of implementing it
23:28.19dataw0lfAJAX sux
23:28.38mindjujuoh come on, you like it
23:28.48_psychic_I'm thinking they don't know their audience
23:28.48dataw0lfI like using sites that implement it.
23:28.57dataw0lfImplementing it myself?  Not so much.
23:29.04mindjujuyeah, true that
23:29.28_psychic_dataw0lf: easy stuff with the JS frameworks out now-a-days
23:29.42dataw0lfI hate every JS framework I've used.
23:29.51_psychic_which are... ?
23:29.57dataw0lfI haven't used JSON yet, I've heard it's easier to wrangle than XML
23:30.25dataw0lf_psychic_: I don't think your screen buffer is large enough to take my response to that
23:32.08mindjujui think dojo looks awesome
23:32.26dataw0lfSpry, Sajax, Clorox, every Python AJAX framework known to man, others I can't remember now
23:32.46mindjujui wondered about spry from adobe
23:32.58dataw0lfyea, a couple teams here use it religiously.
23:32.58mindjujuthe parts i saw were cool when they worked
23:33.30mindjujumaybe i should check out spry one last time, i check it a couple of months ago
23:33.36dataw0lfit sux
23:33.55mindjujumaybe it suxed then but rox now?
23:34.19_psychic_dataw0lf: why exactly does it need to be a python AJAX deal?
23:34.35dataw0lfI dunno, I've been looking at the 1.3 prelease and it still sux
23:34.43dataw0lf_psychic_: what do you mean?
23:34.46dataw0lfIt doesn't have to be.
23:34.55_psychic_um, its JS
23:35.03_psychic_who cares what the backend technology is?
23:35.11dataw0lfPython is just my favorite language, and 70 / 80% of my workload is in it.
23:35.15dataw0lfSo, technically, I care.
23:35.28_psychic_but your AJAX operations shouldn't
23:35.44mindjujuyeah, pound for pound, i think dojo is more developed than spry still
23:35.55dataw0lfMy AJAX operations don't, I just said I don't use any frameworks because they all suck.
23:36.04dataw0lfMany frameworks, my friend, are server side language specific.
23:36.14_psychic_I'm just talking about JS frameworks
23:36.15mindjujuv true on that dataw0lf
23:36.25mindjujuxajax is php
23:36.29_psychic_ajax frameworks
23:36.34mindjujucfcajax is {coldfusion}
23:36.36_psychic_that's all front end
23:36.56dataw0lfwhat's all front end?
23:37.04mindjuju_psychic_, dojo is server side agnostic
23:37.13_psychic_mindjuju: as it should be
23:37.18_psychic_same with prototype
23:37.22mindjujuoh, i see your point
23:37.30dataw0lfshould, would, could,  you're just arguing my point.
23:37.33dataw0lfthey suck
23:37.38_psychic_I don't see why any ajax frameworks *should* be backend language dependent
23:37.44_psychic_dataw0lf: y?
23:38.10dataw0lfbecause there is an inordinate amount of JavaScript developers who don't know what they're doing and publish frameworks.
23:38.41dataw0lfJavaScript is a fairly unique language, and there are few frameworks that utilize that.
23:38.46_psychic_I don't imagine dojo or devs are incompetent.
23:39.11dataw0lfI wouldn't imagine Adobe devs are incompetent either, but the framework sucks.
23:39.34dataw0lfMost JavaScript developers, professionally or personally,  do not use JavaScript as their formal, main language.
23:39.56dataw0lfSo they bring a variety of language specific barriers that JavaScript offers solutions for to the JS code.
23:40.47dataw0lfJavaScript is kinda weird like that, because there aren't many languages like it that there are no real alternatives for.
23:41.13_psychic_ActionScript, oddly enough (Adobe owned, now), is pretty similar.
23:41.38dataw0lfActionScript isn't a mainstay of pretty much every web developer's toolkit.
23:42.18_psychic_true, if you want to do front end scripting, its JS or nothing, almost
23:42.20dataw0lfbut, you're right, both ActionScript and JavaScript are ECMAScript based.
23:42.31_psychic_though Flash does cover some of that ground for some people
23:43.25dataw0lfSure.  But it's not nearly as ubiquitous as JavaScript is.  Especially among developers.
23:43.59mindjujuubiquitous!  now there is a word i see practically everywhere
23:44.12dataw0lfHow ironic.
23:44.16dataw0lfsmart ***
23:44.31_psychic_You hardly ever see "extraneous" anymore, though.
23:44.59mindjujuok, that was a stinker, i admit it
23:45.32_psychic_I couldn't remember why we started this discussion, so it eventually decayed into really bad jokes.
23:45.39dataw0lfaw dude wth, my girlfriend took my car
23:45.53mindjujui said i was downloading dojo toolkit
23:46.08mindjujuwhich finished downloading and i'mlooking over the readme now
23:46.49_psychic_dataw0lf thought all AJAX frameworks sucked, thus the ensuing frameworks discussion
23:47.00dataw0lf'mine has a bigger trunk and she's getting groceries'
23:47.18dataw0lf_psychic_: s/thought/knew
23:48.48dataw0lfby my car having a bigger trunk I think she means she has all her ski equipment and books in the backseat of her car after a fun day of being on the slopes and going to college, so in tribute to my hard work she's going to get groceries to make dinner for <
23:49.23dataw0lfif only it were that easy
23:50.12_psychic_anyone can borrow my car if they make dinner for me.
23:50.39dataw0lfyea, well, if I get anything it's going to be frozen lasagna
23:50.43dataw0lfwhich I guess isn't that bad
23:52.40dataw0lfI better stop complaining, she has a sixth sense to detect whether I've been talking about her within 24 hours of her getting a good look in my eye
23:54.18_psychic_most women folk do
23:54.22_psychic_but they cook for us
23:54.35dataw0lfspeak for yourself.
23:54.40_psychic_will do
23:54.45_psychic_but mine cooks for me
23:55.02dataw0lfI don't think I'd want her to cook for me.
23:55.20_psychic_my girl is an awesome cook
23:55.26_psychic_but she plays this double standard
23:55.38_psychic_1. She cooks great 2. I'm expected to be trim
23:55.40dataw0lfmy girl loves the Bears and the Colts.  That's enough for me.
23:55.59_psychic_yeah mine's a soccer fan
23:56.08dataw0lfwhen you get home and your girlfriend already has the game on and a beer ready, you know you're in good hands.
23:57.28dataw0lfand she can win in arguments against me.  that's about all I look for in a girl.
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23:58.18_psychic_there's more than one way to win an argument, especially when you're female. Some are good, and some are bad, though.
23:58.36dataw0lfoh, no, I'm talking goin toe to toe intellectually
23:59.01_psychic_I figured you were (as that's a good way).
23:59.17_psychic_headed home guys - cya tomorrow
23:59.20dataw0lfseducing me is not a win
23:59.24dataw0lfI've made that clear.
23:59.43_psychic_tis a win for me: I'm married ;)

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