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00:15.48*** join/#uphpu macnewbold (
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01:05.02dataw0lfjeez, this fireplace will not get going
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02:40.35mindjujuwhat you doing working macnewbold
02:40.41macnewboldgradefix :)
02:40.50macnewboldand a little bit of catchup on some sysadmin stuff over the break
02:40.52mindjujuyup, i thought so
02:41.16macnewboldfound out yesterday that one of our guys is putting in his notice
02:41.24macnewboldso dealing with that some too
02:41.42mindjujuwe're trying to hire somebody but haven't had any bites lately
02:41.44macnewboldit all started cause he didn't want to sign the employee agreement
02:41.58mindjujuutah's got real low unemployment right now
02:42.02mindjujudidn't want to sign?
02:42.09mindjujuthat's wierd, did they say why not?
02:42.32macnewboldyeah, we had our lawyer draft up something, and made it quite palatable, and most of the guys had no problems with it
02:42.46macnewbold(basically, it was just writing down the verbal understanding we'd hired everyone under)
02:42.52macnewboldbut he freaked out
02:43.09macnewboldat a previous job, he wrote a program that did a bunch of his work for him, sped things up,
02:43.23macnewboldand when the company found out, they said, "oh cool! show us!" and he gave it to them,
02:43.32macnewboldand they fired him since it would do what they needed him for
02:43.36macnewboldso he's a bit bitter about it
02:43.59mindjujuhmmm, that's wierd
02:44.01macnewboldwhen he saw ours, he and his lawyer (I think his dad, who is a real estate guy mostly, but also a lawyer too) drafted up something else
02:44.47macnewboldbut it was practically useless from our point of view, as it eliminated some of the most important clauses we needed to have in there to protect the company and it's employees from a rogue former employee who went nuts
02:45.09macnewboldif you're interested, I'll show you what ours says, and you can give me an honest opinion what you think of it
02:45.12mindjujudrafted something else?  who does he think he is?
02:45.21mindjujuNFL draft pick?
02:45.26macnewboldyeah, he came back and said I won't sign yours, but I'll sign this one
02:45.51macnewboldthen all of a sudden he says he's leaving
02:46.07mindjujuyeah, but the guy sounds fruity from the begining
02:46.09macnewboldhe's been acting a little funny lately, taking certain phone calls in private, etc
02:46.18macnewboldhe's a little strong-willed sometimes
02:46.22mindjujuyeah, i'd pitch him out
02:46.40mindjujuthat would be disruptive to the team / company
02:46.43macnewboldwe're quite certain he lined up something else in the meantime, knowing that he wanted to quit here I guess
02:46.56mindjujuyup, that's what it sounded like
02:47.09mindjujuyeah, IM your job notice
02:47.33macnewboldhe's been a good asset, but if he isn't going to cooperate to further company goals, it's just a matter of time before it becomes a big enough problem
02:47.52mindjujui let my employment test filter out the riff - raft, so it keeps me just meeting qualified semi - intelligent people
02:49.02macnewboldthe funny thing is that the agreement we wanted him to sign isn't bad at all, IMHO.
02:49.38mindjujupretty standard employment boilerplate?
02:49.42macnewboldwe made the lawyers take out the non-compete clause, and reduced it to they won't compete for our customers or employees for a year,
02:49.49macnewboldyeah, pretty standard
02:50.00macnewboldcompany owns the code they write for us on company time,
02:50.43mindjujuthat's fair
02:50.47macnewboldthey'll keep confidential things confidential,
02:51.02macnewboldand that was about it
02:51.18macnewboldall of which they knew about at hiring time,
02:51.18macnewboldand have been doing all this time
02:51.21macnewboldhe's been with us almost a year
02:51.35macnewboldand his doc said mostly similar things, but in his way instead of ours,
02:51.47macnewboldbut his had a ton of holes in it compared to ours
02:52.10macnewboldhe had a wacky understanding of the doc we gave him from the beginning, so that's why he was freaking out
02:52.24macnewboldit was a bit disappointing, for sure
02:52.42macnewboldmakes you wonder if you're doing something wrong when an employee wants to leave over something like this
02:52.46macnewboldor if it is just him
02:52.54mindjujusounds like him
03:00.04macnewboldI hope so
03:39.47dataw0lfyou're on a lil late mac
03:41.02macnewboldyeah, I know
03:41.16macnewboldjust sneaking in some extra time at work
03:41.38macnewboldmostly working on stuff though, not work work
03:42.55macnewboldproject a partner and I have been putting together
03:43.02macnewboldtool for students
03:43.37macnewboldthey put in their assignments and study time they have available, it generates a schedule that gets everything done on time if they stick to it
03:43.39dataw0lfyea, looking at it
03:43.43dataw0lfthat's sweet
03:44.24macnewboldwe were planning on mostly the college market, but we've had lots of high school users too, and some younger
03:44.40dataw0lfyou got reminders?
03:45.03macnewboldwe were planning on USA, maybe Canada, UK, Australia, but now have users in at least 24 countries (in less than 3 months of being live)
03:45.10macnewboldactually, that's what I'm working on right now :)
03:45.25macnewboldwriting the cron job to send out email reminders each day (or however often they choose) to those that want them
03:45.45macnewboldbefore too long, we'll send TXT/SMS reminders to your cell phone if you want, too
03:46.01dataw0lfyea, that's what I was going to mention (TXT/SMS), it's something I'm working on.
03:46.07dataw0lfbig market for it.
03:46.11macnewboldyeah, totally
03:46.19macnewboldpeople get really excited when you tell them it will be able to do that
03:46.44macnewboldemail is better/as good/almost as good for many people, but it depends how often you check your mail
03:47.04macnewboldTXT/SMS will arrive at the hour you choose with everything right there on your phone that you need to do
03:47.59macnewboldanother thing I've got to add soon is time zones
03:48.00dataw0lfyea, I'm spearheading a project to brainstorm ways to generate leads via TXT/SMS interfacing
03:48.23dataw0lftime zones?  in what capacity?
03:51.13dataw0lfI REALLY like the design of gradefix
03:54.51macnewboldtime zones as in we've got users in the far east that see everything about 16 hours different than local time
03:55.06dataw0lfoh, right.
03:55.11macnewboldit's not as huge as it could be, since the only place time matters so far is when it rolls over to the next day
03:55.27macnewboldbut later, it will matter for the cell phone reminders, since we don't want to page them at 2am probably
03:55.36dataw0lfgood point ;)
03:56.54macnewboldsome of the far east users have complained about the difficulty of seeing yesterday's homework as today's for most of the morning
03:57.56dataw0lfusing PHP 5?
03:58.07macnewboldnope, 4
03:58.25macnewbolddon't have a 5 server handy ATM
03:58.54macnewboldand for now, still need to keep all our work (at work) compatible with the lowest-common-denominator hosting places
03:59.12macnewboldand that's where gradefix is hosted, so it's php4
04:04.44macnewboldthat, and no need for php5 :)
04:10.52dataw0lfmacnewbold: understandable
04:10.56dataw0lf~lart mindjuju
04:11.02macnewbold~dwhit mindjuju
04:11.03jbotACTION and macnewbold demonstrates the Iron Two Killers Hand on mindjuju's forehead
04:11.18dataw0lfhaiiiiii yaaaaah!
04:11.52mindjuju~bdhit datawolf and macnewbold
04:11.53jbotACTION and mindjuju demonstrates the Iron Two Killers Hand on datawolf and macnewbold's forehead
04:12.08macnewboldso that's a bdhit and a dwhit?
04:12.24mindjujuyeah, bigdog_ut hit and dataw0lf hit
04:12.34macnewboldmindjuju, so what are you doing so late on a saturday night?
04:12.40mindjujucomments for the attacks came from a real battle they had
04:12.48mindjujujust wrapping some stuff up actually
04:13.00mindjujuby the way, there even is a mac attack
04:13.05mindjuju~macattack macnewbold
04:13.06jbotACTION uses a paperclip to hotwire macnewbold's car!
04:13.30mindjujuand there is one for timinator
04:13.34mindjuju~timber dataw0lf
04:13.51mindjujuhey jbot, get workin'!
04:14.00jboti guess jbot is only marginally useful at best,  He got a C- on his Turing Test
04:14.11mindjuju~timber dataw0lf
04:14.39mindjujuoh, it's something else
04:14.43mindjuju~timattack dataw0lf
04:14.45jbotACTION uses a 2 handed log saw and starts to chase dataw0lf!
04:19.54dataw0lfI can't figure out how to make this pot pie.  I'm pathetic.
04:20.02dataw0lfmight have to wake up my girlfriend for this complex operation.
04:22.13mindjujulike just a regular pot pie, like the kind you get at the store?  chicken or turkey?
04:22.36dataw0lfIt's an Anne's Chicken Curry Pot Pie
04:23.09mindjujulike 350 degrees for 20 minutes
04:23.15dataw0lfI'm following the instructions, but the outside completely burned, and the inside was frozen.  
04:23.36dataw0lfthere's too many buttons on this oven.
04:24.39dataw0lfthe only help I'll get from brit probably, though, is a boot in the a$$ out the the bedroom
04:27.53dataw0lfnot worth the risk.  I'll just go to bed.
04:28.15macnewboldprobably had it on too high
04:28.22macnewboldor was supposed to thaw it first :)
04:29.01mindjujuyeah, sounds like too high
04:31.49oldssucks you lost an employee macnewbold
04:32.04macnewboldyeah, we're not excited about it
04:32.19macnewboldnow we're likely going to be trying to hire two people if we can, rather than 1
04:33.48macnewboldyeah. it looks like we'll be down at least 1 developer (25%-33% reduction depending who you count) for at least the last half of December, maybe longer
04:34.02macnewboldhm... what to do about his christmas bonus...
04:34.16macnewboldand we just gave him a raise a month or so ago, too
04:34.44oldsphp dev?
04:35.35oldsI just took a job down at the company psychic works for
04:36.13oldsdon't think he is
04:36.22macnewboldI've been feeling around for people for a few months now, so I've got a couple of interviews I'm trying to set up with interested people, but definitely looking for more good applicants if we can find them
04:36.32macnewboldolds: remind me the company name?
04:36.40macnewboldI know I know it,
04:36.42macnewboldah, right
04:36.53oldscommute is going to be sucky
04:36.57oldsSLC -> Orem
04:37.04oldsat least it's the opposite way of most people
04:37.16mindjujuwell, at least your going the opposite way of traffic
04:37.43macnewboldyeah, very true
04:38.09macnewboldthe girl we just hired (not a dev) will be coming from down south for the time being
04:38.50macnewboldwe tried to get psychic a while back, but he didn't want to commute up here nor relocate
04:39.02oldsyea, relocating isn't an option for me
04:40.10macnewboldyeah, I won't ever intentionally move to Happy Valley I don't think
04:40.25macnewboldI can't even bring myself to move out of SLCity proper
04:40.41macnewboldthere are a ton of places in SLCounty now that are almost as far from work as Utah Valley :)
04:40.55macnewboldwithout good fast roads like I-15 even
04:41.23oldsyea, I timed the drive when I was coming back from my interview
04:41.31oldsalmost exactly 45 minutes
04:41.39oldslike 44 and change
04:41.58macnewboldthat's 1.5 hrs/day * 5, 7.5 hrs/week?
04:42.07macnewboldget some audio books or something...
04:42.18oldsI'mma buy me summa that satellite radio
04:42.32macnewboldsometimes I wish my 10-15 minute commute from Sugarhouse to Foothill were a little shorter
04:42.44macnewboldbut it isn't bad
04:42.54macnewboldgoes sideways to all the traffic
04:43.02oldsyea, if you can avoid the freeway, that's the way to go
04:43.20oldsI looked into taking the bus, or trax or something
04:43.21macnewboldthe only fast route (I-80) is longer distance for almost the same time
04:43.24oldsif just doesn't work
04:43.29macnewboldso I end up taking 2100 S most of the time
04:43.42macnewboldbut there's a ton of lights, and a significant number of dumb drivers
04:44.02macnewboldyeah, trax would be cool if you could take it all the way
04:44.16macnewboldbut you'd have to transfer at Sandy to a bus, or take an express bus the whole way
04:44.27macnewboldtakes a little longer, but you can do stuff you can't do while you're driving
04:45.45oldsthe money was decent, so I thought I'd give it a go
04:46.18macnewboldreally? decent pay in Utah Valley? That's odd, I'll have to remember mediaRain
04:46.51oldswell, considering my experience
04:47.17oldsand it was the first place I applied to
04:47.34macnewboldthat's always good
04:48.45oldsit seemed like a really good work environment
04:50.05macnewboldwhen did/do you start?
04:50.13oldsDecember 4
04:51.32oldsyup yup
04:51.44oldsI have a really comfy car for the commute
04:53.00oldsand that does make a difference
05:01.49macnewboldwhat's anabasis?
05:02.51mindjujuAnabasis is the most famous work of the Greek writer Xenophon.
05:04.52macnewboldif that's really it, why is olds "working" on it?
05:05.55mindjujumaybe he's got a paper
05:05.56macnewboldthat's got to hurt
05:18.05beandog'the fountain' was really weird.
05:20.52macnewboldbeandog: sup?
05:21.02beandogmacnewbold: that movie was totally pointless
05:21.30macnewboldwe definitely have an opening coming up, beandog - one of our guys gave his notice
05:21.30beandogI still dont have a clue what happened.
05:21.50macnewboldmaybe two openings
05:21.51beandogmacnewbold: did I tell you I found a place?
05:21.59beandogto move
05:22.20mindjujuthe fountain?  haven't heard of it
05:22.30tierraeco has been waiting for that movie to come out for a year, haven't heard from him if he's seen it yet
05:22.38beandogmindjuju: its a 2 hour death scene, I kdi you not.
05:22.51beandogThat or a 2 hour cologne commercial.
05:23.09beandoggo see james bond again
05:23.50macnewboldcongrats on the apartment
05:25.02beandogim moving next monday.
05:31.43macnewboldthat's literally just down the street from Code Greene's office - 1300 South
05:32.20beandogreally?  thats where Im at
05:32.22beandog13th south
05:32.25beandog5th east
05:33.12beandognice little 2 bedroom apt
05:33.51macnewboldnice, that's down the street from my house too (5th east)
05:34.05macnewboldI'm closer to Columbus Library/Nibley Park Golf Course though
05:34.38macnewboldmind if I ask about how much they're going for down that way?
05:35.00macnewboldI've got a good friend and gradefix partner who is at 11 something south on 3rd east
05:35.55beandogI got mine for 675
05:35.59beandogwhich is freaking unbelievable
05:36.03beandogthats less than waht Im paying now.
05:36.09beandogfor a 1 bedroom
05:36.26beandogthere's probably rats.
05:37.31macnewboldno, that's pretty reasonable
05:37.48macnewboldI had a 3-bedroom in my current neighborhood for that much 3 years ago
05:37.57beandogreally?  huh
05:38.15macnewboldbut that was before realestate prices went so far up
05:38.38beandogfrom what I understand all the new construction is driving prices up
05:39.41mindjujuactually real estate prices have been failing for the last 2 months
05:39.48mindjujuwe're looking to buy a house
05:39.54beandogoh really?  I wanna get a house up there too
05:39.59mindjujueverybody says to wait a year and let the market crash
05:40.00beandogtheres a lot of areas up in SLC I really like
05:40.04beandogreally? heh.
05:46.38macnewboldmy sources say it won't "crash" so much as "stop growing" until real life catches up to the inflated prices
05:48.51mindjujubummer, cause i'm hoping for a crash so we can get something decent
05:49.01mindjujuhousing in utah is crazy expensive
05:50.11mindjujudon't remember where the SLC is on this list, but it was way above Houston
05:50.29mindjujuand Houston on average pays significantly more for tech than utah
05:51.18macnewboldit isn't crazy expensive here until it is like California or New York
05:51.21mindjujumy wife hates this chart by the way.  we can buy 2 houses in Houston with identical features for the price of one in ut
05:51.42macnewboldwhere in UT?
05:51.50mindjujuslc and provo are listed
05:52.04macnewboldhm, I'll have to take a look
05:52.21mindjujuhere is what is being looked for
05:52.22mindjujuThe index provides apples-to-apples comparisons of 342 U.S. markets, looking  at the cost of a four-bedroom, two-and-a-half bath, 2,200 square foot house with  a two-car garage in a nice, middle-class neighborhood.
05:52.49mindjujuslc - 341k, pro - 320k , hou - 155k
05:53.40mindjujuoh well, i'd better finish this last part so i can get some sleep
05:56.23macnewboldah, that's a big house
05:56.25macnewboldno wonder :)
05:56.48macnewboldI'd love a house like that
05:57.14mindjujui've got a 3 bd 2 bath at 2100 (townhome) no garage
05:57.24mindjujubut this place is pricey!
05:58.13beandogg'nite all
05:58.20mindjujucya beandog
06:00.21mindjujuk, i'm all done too, bye!
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19:45.16dataw0lfmorning gents
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